Lakes and Islands, Times Past

Athens Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18920112), 7 Aug 1894, p. 4

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.._...- _ ...._. ..__- “cw-WW...“ W.‘ "til, ‘M 0m lit. Call diaenecttbeawokbetorepiaeia‘ ‘a more . flegnerentese y'isitisiialiirwork will receive prompt enticem- fnl attention. I 1N 8T" TEENS. 1809 ESTIBLISIIED 15” NORTH Biiiisn AND MERCANTILE WINSURANCE COMPANY 0F LONDON AND EDINBURU mead @fice for Onnnde - neutron! Capitol ................ $14,500,000 Funds invested in (.linnnlr. 4,482,752 "‘otul Assets ........... . 55,706,475 lusurca ull kinda of property against Loss or llunuigi- by Fire or Lightning at ilurrcnt ltutce. E. A. BUCKMAN. Dic'riuc'r Aomxr BltoCKViLLE MONEY TO LOAN. 'i?“."3.i:.:;‘.;'tr.i“::r.zl l“.‘ll.’l$“l‘f§.f}'ll'y' 3i {111333. mu" w. e. “FELL, llorrletcr, cto. Oillco i llunhuiu lllock, llrockrillc, Uni. THE [le P01? T ER ‘"mn Nos. INTERESTING LETTER3 FRO! OUR STA?!‘ 01‘ CORRESPONDENTS. A Budget oi’ News and Gossip. Personal Intelligence. A Little o! Iver-y- thiruz well Mixed up. \\'l(lll'lҤ (‘(llle'les. >4.\'r!'e:n.\r, slug. -l. ~'l'lic int-u nrc wrv lnmily cngugnd inn-writing their gruin, which .m .-. ,fgvtn-rnl thing is u liiill‘ ‘Uritl'. Mr. Kinch llmimoinl and fondly of St. l’:tnl_ "in iii. paw-sent ' his pun-uh. \Vt' 1o. corresp- . still ullil- \l,’ licm' whm in twin-z Miss i. ill Ntlwlntl"). Mrs, {kiwi ‘vying, oi ‘lib-Minot. :llt'wc; “vigil; mg: h lfi'i'a.l_" c) 3-9. \vw l~.'.< iwun tliul tin‘. fion. ilir-l island iq i- :or :aluzrw lilif.\\til to ‘ll .il th island. ;.iliiii‘ii_\: is \‘. ‘.j'i}; lii'ii'lnln was this guru of tin‘ -' volt. flirfi. l'i. Front, :1 t'l-iy :tgcri lolly, ;iL\ poor llt‘1illl. Kline “mind Fruit. is homing t {iv-rs he giftisrsmrl'iox tunic i: blow. i. . Tho Union l'l. 54. excursion was l‘i\'vr_\'l»ody swmv l 1o riijoy thcum-l'wm, I‘\'t"-|>l -\ fi-w l-l' owing lo tln- womb “"llillt'l', 4. 1'1 ti , A L‘. . m‘. Fluid‘; l‘ 1~;\ii,‘i"i*-'il§. Pitt-10:‘ Tom 'A 16-4). J. Olin) l'e V. than“! the Wt“ NM wee- tern' We espeet they ere M'UOJ. sever dues thin’ lykelvel- W excitement was cccw sinned at Forthton lest week when the men engaged in blasting holee for the new ' telephone line snnoumed that they had discovered seversl details of valneble minerals along the line. At Wbeley's bill they found ailverine iu considerable quantities and between the toll gate and J. l". Percivul's house e blue pigment that ie acid by exiwrin to be very valuable. Report says that Richard Rowsoni, the deputy toll taker, is negotiating for the purchase l of the lend in the vicinity. “PM” H. S. hlofl'utt, Addison, in conduct- ing e gloat clearing solo of his general Itock, and all clone buyers in that vicinity should call and got quotations. Sec bills ironed this week. The Dominion Cowrnmcnt hen adopted the new patent bullot. A white circle in placed opposite the uume of each candidate, surrounding being block, on which c. pcucil mark will not show, no that lhc cross can hardly be placed in a doubtful ptniition. "lhc itnentm' gets $2,500 from the government for his patent. ~40» ~»---â€"â€" l'illll VilllEll VlllllS. The Great Strike in Seen From Dif- ferent Stainlpcluts. YOU MAY TAKE YOUR CHOICE. The Investigating Commission no Defined by Chairmen (tor-roll D. Wright~~0hnitn~ cey M. Depew Reviews the Strike~flrnnd Muster Workman Sovereign Bays What Has Been Guined~The Pullman Bide and That of Eugene V. Debbe. The end of the great railroad strike he: net nnm thinking of the remedy for piimol~ ble troubles cf the name kind in the future. Ae. eminent contributions to strike liter!- ture the opinions of leaders and represen- tative men urc vclunble in enabling our renders to form some opinion upon know- ledge of tho conditiouo which made the strike poaeible. The cold fact» opinions arc given, Lind readers will find food for thought if they do not, in consid- ering the vurlod op" mos herewith given, find a fully ssticfeclmry conclusion to the whole mutter. As to the Investigating {.‘ommlselon. By the le-w under which President Cleve- land proposes to appoint a commission to ve or n tti ileatleli e! the k. “Hive 1;me“)? preeeutntlve O'Neill, i It. be“ \bl nether of the hiw, enye: "it wee during the great Southwestern Reilwny strike that l fumed tbe original bill. 'lt woe tlret introduced lls leech 1086. Hester Workman Powderly an Mr. "MOI, of the Knights cf Inbot. heart ily approved of it. lt peeled both houses. but was too lute to receive the President's sigueture. The some bill wee reintroduced in the nest Congrats, and after a debete muinl over the compulsory elenees it wee pa lied, with those clensee left out. 1f 1h neclsusee had been left ll the bill it 'tfi'l'llld have been much more elective in the present ceee. The point made by thee. who opposed the compulsory provision was tho’. While employers might be com lied to take back strikers, it would be a most lutpm-nlllle to compel strikers to go beck to work unleu you marched them between fili'fl of soldiers. in the end it was agreed lllttl’. it would be beet to leave the low as advisory, rather than compulsory, and so intends." Chnuueey M. Depew'e View. The President of the New York Central lbilro'id, Chauncey M. Depew, cabled, on request, his view to the London Times. He loud: “The labor troubles ln the United Ststee are due to the long-continued industrial depreseion, and the strike was caused by the ambitious effort of Mr. Debs, Prceideut ot' the American Railway Union, to ebeorb all organizations cf railway employee into one. [he success cf the disorder and the dv-luy in suppressing it Were owing to the litvrctoiorc undefined boundary between State cud Federal authority. “There is universal unrest end almost frantic desire for anything in place of p‘ Mont conditions. "With these unprecedented industrial conditions end the anomalous political rclntlotni in a few States, the elements were fmorublo for whet in Latin countrlea would be revolution, and with Anglo- S xmtl riots, at first successful; then re .ton 9mm i-eaueerte itself and firmly enforces the law. “Uur railroads have about one hundred mid seventy thousand miles of trnckoge and one million employee. Among em~ ploy-wt the locomotive engineers, tin-men, l tininmen, nthchmon ltllil others have each [in ir orgunizulion or brotherhood. These lulu)!‘ organizations have become con-servo- tlvn with time, and their coutructs with the companies nrc in. ""Jlnblc. The locomotive ‘ engineers nro the Alcott-gent and richent of of their , ' uud cnerce their managers. iiivetitlgute the recent strike Commissioner 1. of Labor Carroll l), Wright will be chal'r- ' man, and he will have the coating vote. llc is regarded us eminently fitted for the responsi lity, having devoted msuy years Ho;i-uicli;'1‘-:._ ‘lit $uinluv out» oi‘ our llwul (‘ling l turn touched on tho grins liltlililfll'il€‘llli ~ of giving :i ecutcnt'uni' ihln' yours to.‘ Ntmiliugu low li'um'lrol dollar-n from thi- P. (l, und only mouths for hundreds of thoueunln on government. coutructe. Quitt- n numbcr took in the.‘ cxcur eion to vaboro uiid others tbc sports nt- Union Pork, so tlmt we may say we lnul u cn'tc twinniy inn-c lo'iluy. 'l'lu- painters lnivc begun work on tho Prcubytnrinn chulch. . ii. it‘ W ~_-_-._<-p_~.__~_. HEELICI ‘P3 ll.\\'. FRIDAY, Aug. .01, m-lluorgh Elton, n rou of Almond Halon. bun di~.ippon'cd and no tum of him run ho found. The young msu in subject to iilq of lll mnity and has been in that stun‘. for some months. A carotid watch lmd l0 be kept on him by his friends but ho file‘ in some ‘Wt, Plltilvil them. .iliti lu-ightieul'out 5 ft. ll incl-PR, hair blur-k nnd vcrv long, rcuching nourlj; to biz-i shoulders, had on .t block cont and :luclt pants. Any information "“"' bin "whz-rcubouta will be grutvfully coivcri by hie distrvs-cd friends The dmdgc Ridvnu arrived Monday from ()ttnwa and commenced opev ntions on Thursday. Mre. (7. Brady is very ill with quinsy. Mrs. ll. Moore has ‘when a decided change for the bcttor. Mrs. Wm. Heeelip left Wmhwuday last for an extended visit to her par- ents and friends at St. Mnrya. Mr. C. (l. Gilbert line gone Peterboro to visit his brother. An old and widely ‘tut-mu rfln'dcut ot'llcode lel awuy hint Sunday in the pernon of Mr. Jacob Dormer, hie s-gc being 86 yearn. llia funeral took place st Olivrt church Tuesday and was attended by e lsrge number of hil friends. o M‘ it‘ ‘to W . rmmoo. H010", Aug. ‘El-Mr. J. White oing lml two hem killed by light- ni in n recent thunder storm. "five Methodist church, which has been u ng a neries of mpain for t” lest three weeks is finieheil. " m. .... M (7 ARlli)LL D. WRIGHT. of his life to the study of the labor ques- ' tlou and of ally. Commissioner Wright w r imi'll in Dun» burton, N. ll, on July 25, l-‘llll. iiewneedti- outed lu the public schools of New Hump- shire and Vermont, and wee studying law when the wok broke out. ed in the Fourteenth - New Hampshire Re- imcnt, of which he beer-‘w Colonel in 13 4. lie nerved as Adj wot-General under Phil. Sheridan, and wuc_onc of that distinguish-“d officers moot trunted eldee. Poor health compelled him to reelgn lo. March, 1805, when he returned t0 the study of low und wse admitted to the bar in the following October. lie practiced his profession for severel years, end then moved to Mmechuuette, where he was elected to the State Senate ln 18M, and 'wee eerving in thst body when appointed l Chief of the State Bureau of Statistics of l Lebcr, an office which he filled for fifteen ears. In 1880 he wee a pointed State i u rvleorpf the National ensue, and in l l he was commissioned by the Gover- nor of Icaeacbneette to investigate the public records of the towns, perisbee, countien end courts of the State. The National Buresn of Labor wee es- ieblinhod under lew passed by Congress in 1884, end in 1 Col. Wright was selec~ ted es its first Commleeicner. For the next three years he filled both the State end national olces, but finally geve up the State omoe. ' Mr. W ht is a big man, full in height, creed shouldered on athletic. lie has leneent blue eyes, dork brown hair an a smooth fece, except for a heavy brown moustache, slightly imaged with grey. in e recent interview he ennedtbe scope and duties of the Commiseion: "The responsibility of thin new 60!!!‘ mission will be very grert, eepreielly in view of the feet that this in the first op- portunity tbet lbe President has had te act under the law of $80. it might be well to any right here that we have nothing to do with the arbitration of the queetiom lo- volved in this diepete. The lew requires“ commissioner! elilply to inveeti to the facta sud report upon them, Ina log u the some tine eeeh matinee in the way of reneilee as may be M nppmprime. With to the possible eelnt en of the wteble one. the ten that raey I In“! inductrlul windmills gener- eix feet but" Then he enliet- - l \un-rlcnu labor unions, and tln'ir nirree» tin-lite, while not entoi'cenble lit law, are .nlherell to with scrupulous honor. "Sir. llelnt Wm; for muny \t'oi'n u high ulnl popular illflltliril of the lir-dllerlnmd (If l,o-.-oi:iotch Firemen (ind tln- n-litor ofu lullor nuiguziue of advanced b'ocluiintic uud somewhat Anarchist'c views. He concciv rd lllt‘ llth of lliettliltig up the ski-dint; or :Jnizutznnu and withering the ruilwuy world into hisorder. His scheme wuo ut- tructive. 'l'lzu initiation fee woo only $1, and the unuuul dues twenty five cents, "The order Wit!‘ to control tho rullways llebu would begin with a million dollars in his treuw ury and have nu income of two luttmred and fifty thousand. "Finding no real or imagin try grievance on any railway, ho cho-ie to inu'hh hm fight upon the trouble b-twceu the ."rllurn tint‘ tionipuny and the mcclimiior. .4 3"» chops over the cousli'uction of coma . t-.l"il't,'ill~i of freight curs for vuriouc ‘taihondt. "Debs ordered o boycott of the l'ullmnn curd, nud on the refusal of the railways to brt-ul-r their contracts with the Pullman Company and inflict onmcicns Cl‘lli'ltlt‘8 upon their pnt-uengcrs he ordered their line-s cloned. Troinn were utnpncd \"‘llt’!‘-‘\‘l\r twill-grams reached them, wuhom recur-d to the health or llPCUt-irlllitH of ll‘tht‘l“rfl' truilic ceased and buoinom trim purul) mil ovoi’ nbout two tlnrda of the mm of the United Stairs, idlulaucu Cullttllillls nuc- thir'l of our population. m.- frivlitirlillp t-l Jitllllill'iili‘6. Could confidently count on the co operiv tiou of rival lncnl politirimu. Thu iinllie“ ll'lill and linuucinl die'rcns gnvo thcm gen- m-ul sympathy, though their action inton- sitied the null-ring, n thousand fold. "More autonomy rmn'hoi :tn perilous condition when the (.iovcrucr of llllnois They "IAl'KPIY M. HIPIW. gave greet moral nupport to the strike by rebut-lug Preeldent (‘leveleud and v'lrtu elly ordering the Uniiul Staten forces out of the territory. it reached lie ridiculouc euro when the Governor of Cellt'ornlu re< quested a permit from the strike lead’ to vielt hie capitol, which was contemptu' ouely refund. "lifter President Cleveland's lama‘ ll-v“ it required a few do e for the general public and the strike ere to grasp the illv-e tlint the Pm‘dent wee in earnest and the army end navy in Illfitloll; then this glganfie rennpirm collepeed ae suddenly ml it had nmnl . "The luaere occasional by the strike we morvocne, bet it is destined to prove of iueelenlable benefit to the country. The nntlmlll idee bee been etrengtbened and widened. Safe eeeliorage has been Med for persons and propertly. "The fer reaching results e tble short rerolelce eon he My stated. Inte'r- _ malhbhwqye which the Wt will beep motley em, sod ‘nether! wll kepev In! tee m ef more wttb their - men, m‘ W e _ . te fie sitter-c of the b ' use. use M, he m , , -, u‘, in the name ‘The n-lmno' of the strikers won upon . tho impotent-e of State; governinonts and. i ' the public. muscular. rt. we» e m f" Elli; be“ Anti" alike e or ‘ "owl-s It‘ that weal! be’ ‘ bee gene the peed ahr ending“:- en e thembh of employee. cotna armed to a lively . the stunner” in whieh the have been downtrodden, and the genera question of rsllroed operators and the system em y- ed must be solved by the people. It net new a more question of running trains, but e breed queetioo of general rights tbet the immediete future must decide. "J. R Bovnasnu “General lhster Workman of the of labor. " The More. Oe.'e Stand. In an interview. George 1L Pnllmln, stated the issue as he saw it time eleerly; The demand mode before quitting work was that the wages should be restored to the ecele of last year, or in elect that the actual cutgoin mono losses then being deity incur by t e company in car building should be deliberately increased to en smount eqnslllng about one-fourth of the wages of the employee. It mutt be clear to every business nsan, end to every thinking workman, that no prudent employer could submit to arbitra- tion the question whether he should com- mit such e piece of business folly. Arbi~ tration alwa s im lies acquiescence in the decision of t e ar itrstor, whether fever- able or adversa Who will den that snob s question in plainly not s sn ject of arbitration? Is it not then unreasonable that the company should be salted to arbitrate whether or not it should submit such e question to arbi- trstlou? The public should not permit the real question which has been before it to be Tan‘? VICIJUIJSIDINT WICKIS. obscured. That question \ves as t0 the possibility or the creation and duration of n dictatorship which could make all the induatrieo of the United States and the dnily comfort of the millionnldepeudent upon them homage! for the grunting of any fantastic whim of such a dictator. Any submission to him would have been along atop in that direction, and in the intercot of every law abiding citizen of the United States was not to be coneidered for e moment. en. Debs on the Situation. “The situation now, so for us we ore concerned, is that every avenue leading to - u eettlciitent has been closed up by the re- jection to the ilencrcl Mnungers' Associa- tion of the proposition submitted to them you!" lay by us," said President Eugene \'. Debs. of the A. R. U. “They not only rejected u fair and square proposition to settle, but they took occasion to show their venom and spleen by attempting to insult not only organized labor, but Mayor Hop- kins and the city authorities of Chicago no well. "We now propose to muster all resources and combine all our forces to glvc the rall~ road coiupnnlcs a light to a finish, regard- less of cunfleqiicnccc. For the past ten days we have been flooded with letters, telcgl'omn and communications of every churnrtcr from every euurcc, appealing to of humnnity, to declare \lc ‘nave done everything We ‘he strike otI. that manly men could to that end. will not. surrender our honor. “We now propone t0 test the ciilcscy 0f public opinion. it the railroad mcnegere nod made us mi fair n ropceltlon es we made to them and we bed) refused to scce t it, public opinion would have risen lb revolt against us and forced ite verdict at the points of the Federal beyonets. What we ask is o fair sud equere deal." “Corporations are no more sacred than flesh rind blood. If they can with im- punity disre srd public conscience, com- t'ort and an cty, then the plain, common people, who... .~o icplcrtcut by multiplied thousnnda, have the some prerogative when array‘?! in e fight against them. " c are in shape financially to make the strike lust six mouths or elx eors. While the American Federation of nebor did not. ortlcr its men out, it did pledge us its sup rt. All hibor will stunt. b us to the out. We can live cheep] . e will stood by this tight to the en , if thst be , till the new century dawns. "The railroads do not want peece. They are foolieh enough to think they can crush orgnaned labor. "How about Pullmeu l" "\Ve will take care of Mr. Pullman be~ fore we get through with him. Pullman has deigued at lent to make e eteternent to lle will submit e statement to his oinployel next lie bee come to the explaining point. end we Will bring him to the settling point before we get through with him.’ Serious .t cement to a Teamster- NIAGARA, Ont, Aug. 4.--Davld Cole- nnm, a teemstcr, while coming from 8t. Cetherimn on s load c; iced, met with a very serious accident yuterdsy. it seems while coming down e hill he clipped from the loud end the wheelc of the waggou which contained over two tone, peeeed ever his ankle, neerly severing it from the limb. Amputation may be necessary. A Iteilreeder Killed at Tweed. Twrnn, Ont, Aug. L-Cornellue Wood- cock was killed here octet-day. He was sitting on the beck en of a baud cer, and bed gone some distance when by some means be got'tus head under the brekes and the eeme down on it. breeking hie neck. e leaves a wife and large femily. ._._....._- .. ._.-._. ‘I'we Colored Ie-ea ‘filed. Futons, Ont. Log. l-JThe lien en Central train struck e carri contains: two colored worsen, .- M dengbter-io-hw, The std. killd intently and the other a’; he been. A‘ In!“ him .»_.- . _. “d._,,,,.__._.“ mn- Atee-pttelwrethem InmAe'.fl.-Wbet noise more .eenttenpt'teberntnellfig: ch \cbreeklkte el the l'ive M It nun‘ no...‘ k-“..._ Y ferasheard was that of a boy from einnsber pile in a river slip apd wee "time... o. rty desire .4 O U ‘I Y up to 10 o'clock agdnlihe estimated leases are as fellows: Siemens t Haleke, electric con , works eempletelyndestroyed; lose ,- 000. Wells k nob. msnnfecturereof car wheels, loos ‘300,000 Perley, Low & 00., lumber dealers, 15 000,000 feet of lumber destroyed; loes ‘W300. Merlin Lumber Company, 80,000,000 feet of lum- ber and tbe emcee consumed; lose 0700,- 000. R. E. Conwar, coder puts and blocks, loss $150,000; Barber Asnhslt 00., asphalt stink, two-storey brick building and me- chinery destroyed; loss $150,000. Chicago stove works, lose ‘250.000. Longley, Lowe A Co., lumber yards, loas ‘100,000. Shoemaker & Hl bee, beav lumber yards; one carter ssv , lose $100,000. Keystone Lurn er Cozgnny, ysrds partly destroyed, ‘150,000, ‘ ward Hines Lumber Com- ny, yards destroyed; loec ‘200,000. skefleld Rattan 00., works destroyed; lnee $70,000. Grlmths Machine 00., loss ‘50,000. Four frame dwellings occupied by em‘ ployoe ot' the burnedout firms were de- stroyed; loss, including contents, $10,000. 'i'he insursuce will probably not exceed half the ainountgf losses. Thievee at Work in Itddieeex- Lennon, Ont, Aug. 2.--Robberiee ln Midlllesex have been more frequent of late than in many years past. Murray Smith, of concession 6, Dorcheeter, reports that during his abuence on Sunday evening his house was broken into. A pocketbook in hlr. Smith‘: pants pocket wee emptied of ‘9 and the wallet left behind. A pocket- book of Mrs. Smith's containing $5 has not been seen since. ‘A young man work- ing in the vicinity is suspected of having committed the theft. Three Men Killed in an Explonlon- Eosuvrtur, Out, Aug. 3. --On Tuesde e sud accident occurred at the works of of the O. A. & P. S. Ry, in the vicinity of Buriyfil Bey. Achiirge of dynamite ex- loded, instantly killing three men and njurzng several others. unfortunate men are as follows; ijecrge Mnruten, from Mutluwu; Keller, from Pul- mer Rapids; the other being no English mun, nnme unknown, and only lately out from the old country. ____._. _..‘A_.. “m. UARSMEN AT HAMILTON;- The Fllnlld in tlu- Annual lil-gnttu of the l n :utlinn Amateur Annotation. Hummus BEACH, Aug. U_--About 4,000 people witnessed the iiuule in the unntml regatta of the C. A. A. U. hero on Saint" day. The weather wns tine, but n. steady wind from tho llUTi-llW'.‘bl nnnlc it ncce Hill'y to row the chnts on the lulio aide oi the bench, where the Witter wn-i in good coutli" tion. 'l'ho first ewut, the fiillll in the ucuior four“, hull tho I.~.-nndcrs, of Ilmulltou, cud the Argonnite, Dons and Torontoc of 'l'orouto. The Argonauts cold t'uvoritee in the bonito at 3 5, and proved worthy of the contldmce placed in tin-m by winning hundo down by a half don-n lengths. The Torontos and Dons rowed uu exciting rucc for second plucc until with 200 yards of the finishing point. when the 'l'orontos made n grand spurt and. got the plucc. The Dons were u good third and the bound- ere uwey ln the rear. ‘Time, 9m. Bilge. The second event, ilnul junior innglcc had live competititors: James (Vijonnor, of lloim, sold prohibitive favorite in the books nt' 2'le and Jury, of Toronto, 32. Jury gave tho favorite u good race for first, but bun not the etuyiug powers mid was completely lagged at the iiuich. O'Connor led from the stuff, but Jury hold on to hie istoru all the way uud for the lust 200 yurds the latter epurted, but O Connor managed to keep his bout hnlfulength ahead. The other three were never in it. Dinoen, of London, was u poor third and ()‘Neil e worse fourth. James O'Connor, Dons of Toronto, l. . A. l". Jury, Torontoc of Tormite, 2; M. lbuccu, Londons of London, 3; 'l'. O'Neil, Looudcra of Humil- ton, 4; Ii. W. A. Dixon, Argonauts of Toronto, l5. Tune, ll minutes 50 necoudc. 'l'hird event, ilunl iunior foui'u, had four starters. 2 to 4, Leander: 4 to ‘2 and Argonauni 6 to 2. The Argonauts kept on cool terms with the favorites for n mile where the letter drew away end won the recs by s good three lengths, \vith the Argonauts ac many len the attend of Leendars, who were thir end Torontoe fourth. Time 0.52. The fourth event, duel senior einglee, was the beet race of the regittn, end m fnct the beet ever seen here. There were four starters, sud in the books F. li. Thompson and Alf Runell, both of To- ronto, sold equal favorites et 0 to 5, Van Damion of Detroit 8to2snd McDowell, Chicago, 25 to 2. It was a beautiful race between the two Toronto men, but Thump non kept the none of his shell ahead of Runnelli until within the lest tlfty yards where the latter made a splendid epurt end won by half e length in the laet dozen strokes. Thomoeon had rowed in the senior fours es well ee in the triel beats of senior singles in the morning l l l The nsmes of the l lilic Done were favorites at ' “It alords ate much pleasure to recommend Hood's sersapelilta. lly son was slileted with greet pain in the joints. accompanied with swelling so bad that be eouid not get up stairs to bed without crawling on bends and knees. I was very anxious sheet him, and heng read Headset" Cures so much shout Hood's Snreaperilla, l deter- mined to try it, and got a half-dozen bottles, four oi which entirely cured him." Kn. G. A. LA“, ()sbawa, Oumrlo. N. B. Be sure to get Hood's Sarsaperllla. Road’. Pill. act easily, yet promptly and. anciently, on the liver anti bowels. fie. inlet-nutter. l s. s. m. it. (some w 3 50 run l w .. l U " l 37 " uonvo it iii 06o.m. 9 40 .. u Brookville ............. L n ............ , ...... x. eloyh .......... 11409.” xForrhtou .. xl'llbe ........ .. Athens ...... .. " xSoperton .. ’ " xllyndhurst Dc to. ll in. . u it u u t. u u n u x rfur ................. xCroeby ................. New boro ................ 6 25 Wontpcrt ............. . . tl 10 RTFM»; motions are ninrke 0H QQNNNRWKGQCQQ 5335;815:3233585 Ull- X Wanted. Second-hood machinery for n. enw mill. Stale price unit whore it run bu fiQt'll. Address BOX ti‘: LYN. ()N'l‘. Found. A Witter-dog. (qucr run llll\l‘ mmc on proving cwncrahip nnd buying ror tlilsutlv't. 3iu. ill'lO. lil l. ‘()ltl), Frunkvillu. __,_ v To Let. Fufninhcd lioonns to rcnt ul Cottage. i'hurlcutm Lotto. i'uc of kitchen, l diahco, umi cooking vmrc included. Enquire lcr n. c. ruinmi's, Alliulw. June l2th 1894. Idle. “'hllc i mo. u-_l__-~ Lime for Sale. Firetrluno ltcufrow white limo the At hone llrick unil Tito Yard. RUSS S EARL. for eulc ut i Athens, Juno 5th, i894. l Lost, . 1.1;"; '21h, bctwoon Sopcrton and llyml» hurni,u wuicr iroot‘ thrown uu-l bluck t'lIUi'hl ulster cot-J. ‘lndcr wall confer n futor by leaving ui the owner's shop. ‘SAMUEL W. STA FFUlti) Honcrlon, .. uly 23rd, "iii 2m Furniture Sale. l l . l i Ourrcocnt hmu'y losnbi ilro rclnlct's it im- l pcrntivcly ucccozeiry. in order to lll\‘l;|. our obligations, that our prcsrut largo atom-it of fur» Inilurl- hotliqumcd of ul once for nun. \t'c lnu'i- tlicrvt'ore mode such rcduz'tione in prion l ftli urc bound to ecll tho good-1. ‘"th in u rurc chum-n for uuy onc rt-quiring ilJ'llll-lTL'. (‘all curly nnd lmpoct the mot-k. H‘l‘l'1\'l~1.\‘>i [Hill-‘K. Allu'ne. l l l i "Y T‘ 3 l ()A \l MONlo .( r l ‘Wt-hun-innlruriionelo tillw- lilillfigt'ulllll of privntc fiimln ul i-urrrn' rutceol inlt'iiwl 1);; n lirvit nmrlugc on iniprovi-d fur-luv: .‘t-rms u: i suit borrower-u. Apply lo ill'l'FIll'Ih'HY r; riii~ilrll~i liurrlett'ru KO. lli‘i;:‘l\\ lllc. . W ___._... ___- - -- Voters’ List, 1894. Kunioipslity of the Village of Athens County of Leeds. (lTltlE is horcby given. that l have. trmw . nilttod or dullvo-rcdl - [NH'HOHH mon- |ilnm l.u flu: third stud fourth ,, w-flnu" of “'l‘h~ l Voier'a Lluta Act," tho contort rcuulrod by said ‘ auctions to ho no transmitted ordcllvcrcd of tho lint. mndo pursuant to euld Art. of all persons npncurlug ,v tho luat rcvhiod Assessment lloil o the mid Municipality tn ho. entitled to vote in the Mild Municipality ut l'llcrtlouo for ‘members ofihe Legislative Assembly n-nd nt Municipal Elections; and that amid list was first posted up in m ' otl'lco ut Athens, on thc 6th duy ofAugust. Billmnl remains them i' r inn ctlou. 1g la t'ctore urn cullcd upon to cxumlnc laid llet,und ll’ any 0|lli~'\lilfih or any other \ri'urs arc found thorointo lake immediate prom-rd intro to huvc tho Hftlil Prrure corrrctml '\r't‘tll'1i' inn lo law. it. lA'.\'l'llll.\. (Ylnrk o!‘ mid Munh mini i. llutcd this 6th dny of Align-u, 189i. _-__-._._w‘ MCLAUGHLINe BARBER FllIOl‘ and wee _ unable to respond when his opponentl sported ewey from him. wnsa poor third and McDowell did not finish. Time 10. 53 8 5. Ven Demme . The fifth event, the final beet in the . jinnior doubler wee e very tame efletr. ‘here were three sterters, ell Toronto crews. 'l'be Dons sold favorites at 2-6, Argonauts 4-2 sod Baysidee 15-2. The favorites led from the start and ccmi nto still water near the shore row leisurely to the finish, winners by twenty lengths. The Beysidee were second and at; Argonauts did not finieh. Tine, l0m. In the lnel beat of the eenlor yingles the A ante and Tor-enter, both of Term“ d not etert The Vee wereprolnibi~ tive favorites et l-lO, t eir only competi- tcsembeg: tbeuldinneeotna n‘The Vesper: wen lee the. The. 101")? b, leng A “in lee It. Anne ae‘ Ieeepre. A \â€"Tbat the faith in It, Anne 0e leetreagin lientreei W. who ettbe Providence ; I - p e \ ‘ ' is“ I‘ ;\_ ‘V soft,“ Armetrong House, Athens’ Armsintsnt hm been cccurml and en extre chair put in. “2m awn Expeditions end first clone work. (live ee a cell. Balers and Sci-ere pct in order on short notice. W. G. Mel-Account ‘WOO’. 280.9800!!!‘ n0 “new M. . “plan, 'r 'I I w\~ J ~ Q.’ MA a “to-twee a. .IQIMQVM“ -'-’< mtgfig “firm entitle! to .. Hm 1..., two we um u clog. ..§'. 'hsletflrflecsslnplek,brewn,hlne er M, (do, . . eedbecyTahleIanp(2.2il).......§........-..i.”em Theseeretho Athens. They are now on view in the window our Me end invited to inspect them and see that the value is juet' ae represented. Ask for one of our Premium Tickets with your first purchase’. l lllctt r5 Robeson - The Grocers ..; rumour‘ . Wt‘\ 'iiivv' t‘ §‘Z‘Qe p BE SURE TO CALL ON biggest, beet sndpoet cemmen-senseJt-suieme eveil M h. 7°" see THOS. BERNEY, - ATHENS FOR ANYTHING IN THE LINE OF Buggies, Rood Carts, Democrat Wagons, Fancy Carriages, Mikados, Kensingtons, and Phaetona. I REPRESENT THE Canada 0F BROCKVILLE Carriage Company - And it is n welLknown fact their work is not excelled for its style. comfort or durability. and the best of nib-prices to suit the times. Any rigs not in stock can be ordered from the factory on short notice. Also Agent for all the loading Agricultural Machinery of the day. Call and see me before placing an order for anything in ‘the above lines. Athens. April 24, 1894. Geld/6171612 .' You wan! a woody $212k‘ of f/ze [after an‘ and proper ours/z, fry G. ‘Zigmrga/Z THUS. BERNEY. Headquarters in "arburton For the manufucturing and sulc of Bee-Hives 8r Beekeepers’ Supplies I give. special attention to the manufacturing of comb-foundation in all ILN munchcn 5 clcnncn by tin- lubi'bl/ process oi liliming' in illildi to tnhc on i \r ull foreign muttcr, which is oesontiul in making first class foundation, made on A. l. ltoot'u latest improved. Orders tilled piomptly. Address, WILLIAM YOUNG, . viinnnun'ron, our; ._.._.____..__M.._,.‘_- m ‘how’ -- Awu 2, 1604. ..n< .1 -., ' . {'Uleeeele.~8nleclone. Nervous nobility, Seminal Weakness, (fleet, Strider-e. Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse. . Kidney end Bladder Diseases Positively Cured by ‘ mun llltllltlllittlllltlll-lllltlliltillllllltttitiu I'Yee can Deposit the lousy In Year Bent or with Veer Postmaster te ls cell es utter yes are 608th sneer s written nemneieel ' b 11M, mum and Blood Mam have wrecked tho lives of thousands of young men ‘ltd In lo men. The farm. the workshop, the tinndny eohcol, the office the fee- clone-ell hove ita victims. Young ma, if on have been lndfecreet, beware of the attire- kftddlee'edmyou sre win‘ mature week and t lri both eexnell nod enll . Oomudtnabefore too n5? no sss use wnnour walnut conceit. owned. VARICOCELB. EMISSIONS AND SYPHILIS CURBD. W. B.i‘.m.i.iN8. W. 8. Coillne, of Saginaw. Bpeake. 71.8. DOLL!“ ~ r‘ g ' “l am Ill. At it l leernerl a had habit which I meetin- ‘ Bed till 19. l then become “one of the bout" and led n nyllfe. Expoeuro produced Militia. l became nerv- one and deepondenti no ambition; memory poor; eyes red, sunken and blur; pimplee on face; bcir looee, bone “022'”; but; ti nild do. ind‘ t h n‘ ll l’ l i ll - MI Ill- dradl of 608:1‘? l wi ontbel . was t suicide when a friend pm ed Dingo?‘ man's New Method tment. Thank ( i, it. intzo montifid weeeered* Thinnest: yearn no, an never aretnrn. man years endsllheppy. Born. trv Dre-fennedrifder": givinw up hope." Selina! Weakness. Impotency and Vsricecele Cored. 'Ihenleoultsdbmlmmrlyhlmlbed mmtimpvmedine the Int week. knit-renewed. nervnhecamesmnninedinpml, hairlrewln spigeyesbeeanebrlebt. Mlieemnpnyaod “mt-Hr. nmummymtm Wmmmmwyhlmasrellebh ‘~*U-‘l'keytrustedroeturner-obi!esidriilfaily.W A NevveneWreck-A Nappy Lle. en. LPJWIlcalewewlesqe. -' hincino wax tukcn in exchange for foundetifl. -

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