Lakes and Islands, Times Past

Athens Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18920112), 7 Aug 1894, p. 1

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‘mt "u mama“ “mt-MM ‘ GEO. G. HUTCHESON‘ it COT Ae a WI.‘ i liladucemcnt in thle partmont ind" for a few at of ad’ ’ W terproof Goa. ,, ,,,, ,, 1'1” a ‘wrruwh"%hxnmfi ll 9w id stylish. from one o t ie in ere. Sill? i333”. will: 25:3qu illillniullon. black and dark gay. A epleudld chance tolet a real good watcrprmf in. a bargain, and just when neoded for t e upriul ralne. M and u very pretty lot they arc. We chow a very atoms You will fin Uuriitock of Paranoia and Umbiollim la all in. Tho handles arc new mid tho coloring: very pretty. Parasols Ptklth' m hint-kc, and wo think the bcet- value yct had. run-ca and alylon right. M ' We ' ' ~ ' ‘ llr . (‘nod-i of any sort you cannot do lu-tter than come straight to ml. show‘ gildilkwutinfllfzih of‘ ail)- atom in this auction. and our whole aim in to make your lntureete uure. You nru annurod of proper attention and boat of valuuc. “Telephone 149. am. ii. iiuiciitsoii a to. BROCKVILLE NIBLAUGHLIN'S Great Bargain House Commences Its Summer iiiiiiiii. siii )1‘ TUESDAY, AUG. 7. ~~~--_--‘- ‘v ~_--â€"--»- Q. Tho object oi this fllllt‘ is to convcrt ‘ as". many goods ill; possihlo into road)‘ wish, without any rotoroiicc to tht: cost wh itcvcr. zinc» m: must insist thzit cash or its equivalent accom- pany (-nch piirirhziso. The prices givvn l){'.l(lV\' Prvi'uiliug throughout tho storc. wont lmy you so come: .iiid sci: us. and iiiiott: priccs‘. Road llllS list and St't} it it No troubli: to show goods Japan Tea l Baking Powder l Japan Tea ‘l 2lc. ‘l 250. , -1 5c. ""“W?¢§ULAR 29th‘. tiilllll'y l H,‘ Um lliiif \tl'li‘(‘ . aw. 'l‘\lll\' , _ l ' “orth ‘Jar for llnlt‘ pint-o ESSENCES livgg'iil'lni, Peppermint, l,t’lll()ll. (_.llllldlllt)l’l. Lion .s. “1 iiitt.rgritfli Almond. Pouch. ‘KC. it“; 10C liottlcs hailt prici- §|A€u3=lfiiil ll1.ll’l’ltilif{l l..\lll l'lh" ()X li'tlll l) 'l‘ll'1r'~ \\'orth $131" $1 .00 6°C llnll' prici- Glughtms Nohby Designs LA lllEH’ _ l BUTTUN llttt t'l S ‘lortli fill‘) .75 {Hill ,inlf iii'iHJ. . hints lilo llllllllly llriiirnlili- Patti-t ns ‘WV-qt. Rogular priri- 70 for 51' ‘.lt: vii. '50., only 5t‘. yd. V‘ / r xi. ... . ‘. .____. .' . l I ' it Hm,‘ A largo. ST..'l’.Zl-' o. .. t Lila nill ht- solr. it ha l of tho lztrgienl. rvlatll titori-u in lit MOTH‘, into :i i-lorlc in oni- , ' Ml- Kmm‘ Rn )i-v (looilw ill-g.) t and tho public. Gun Paul, Minn. will have charge of thi- l rely upon being i-jfiiariixpflly served. J .- H» McLaughlin 0. 0. I'ulford. r-ii-iiviinr, won-ow, eta’. Promo: attrin tlou ltlu'ii to i'. Mfm o “noun .Ii_. I’ 1-. Mom-y to loan on lt-vtl Latino. tltiirc; l' ulford l Hint-it. Court, House inn. llrorli ville. l’lt()l*‘l'1HrllthAll FARMS. % DrC. M. B. CORNELL, Bl'El-L RTREIT. lllltt(‘l{\'ll.l.l~1 t'llYMNAN. svwi-u'iti If; ,\f‘.(‘()l‘t'tlllt it. I conforms 7' .Cornell ' "" Mam? - --- :- Wiping?‘ 1°73 ' “"“*"‘l Fai'iuorsvillo Lotion Sritrttm'v. lllr'll'lAHI“ or “'oww . ‘ . .i Ft Office Dolor tho $\Hl‘~f‘l\i\tlfl! of ‘luouoi, .a N0. 17 ‘ Thursdays and Sniordnys. , _ _ A. O. U. W , l . Mo -tn Int. and 3rd Tut-adaye of onch month. in MTCO‘¥“E'L lnmlih Hall. (‘chiral Block. Main fit" Athona. VISIT“ RS \V ELVOM E 'M J, l‘, Harte, M ' Y N. Hillttll-ltthl k ‘ . "‘(lmltia'td Rayal Pollc (Quocn e l uivcrnltyl. M l‘ airtime and 9n cool -- gginbgmogé a n 2:" oripoclteflamhln mm”. Atm ‘ " . ddlen ‘Council No. (‘liberal-l ,lllrlrnda moi-tattle 2nd and 4th Mon- Dr R. J. Bo dayeof mm monthln ole Temple Ball, Addi- ai'rwlf" navrnrr eon. Ont. Motto: Pricudehlp. Ald and Ira MAIN 8T. - - tectton. ' (mo. D. LANIDON, C. C. ho R. HERBERT I'IELU. Recorder. m “mt-ration" “livid “moat MM a M tall . ‘Wan Jmlictcrcd for extractlul. I. o. r- C "M" mom-‘Ti. WWW; Dr. I‘. I. 1:er an‘ re. _ will‘: M (ta 1 ta each noath. n I've Ear. and Throat. 7.”. Vleitevea .lfi». bet-mu. a Rnoll aim. l '. . J. N K. C. ll. ammuvmm. yr" ohm?! . a. a. Telephone ltl. t . mid" __ mam’-.. ..._.-...._.....~.. -*~-~~w~ Million Lodge A. o. U. w. ‘NO- 358 - 0- 0- O- I‘. DO Canadian Onlcrof ATHENS natural truth and the oral cavity n .--......- min-diame- “a and - , "filmmfi Mi... t i l :iri: only an llltlth to thc jtTlCtiS‘ i buying your Dry COUNTY ‘0P3 ‘1.121.555~ A‘ A .~~-.~.-__.._~._..-N.M_~ . . Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, Tuesdav. A r am. WRIGHT & 00. Mid-summer Cheap Sale. . A Tremendous Strike-01d Prices Go Out-New Prices Take Their Place. A nimble nixpence iii better thnn a slow shilling. Jware right Itftfill‘ that cixpence. immense display our show windows. ltcccivod today-n new lot white duck for dresses. 35 ccnts---lnrge new tlflfiOPb' merit patent lunch baskets. Anotln-r nnirk downm-l'llo yd. 25 and 3i) cunt qunlitioi-i wido double fold dross goods ull to go at 121i cents a. yard. l‘:\'("l‘_YWlli'l't‘. you look in t‘Hll\llllhlllllClll popular quit-k selling prices look iit you. tittl‘ l§1"1‘ililltll'_l'l~-llil\’fi a llnrguins in pretty fancy goods for homo dot-oration. 'iihi- t't~lcl:i‘:itt‘d killittiln; 17?. 31; A. (‘Gracia continue to ‘i.i:‘!‘t.‘-‘l.\'t‘ in popularity month. now Wt“l nitnt)i'tt’tl. ROBERT WRIGHT 8t CO. l)unhaiii Block. ()pp. Court House AAQntic n ___.__.,__~ __ A _. _ ._____r_._....______ __.. M.AAAA._‘A-_W_A LEWlS And PATTERSON D A___....()_____-._- And Youi Look Sweet On the Street lu a Blouse that came from Luwin llz Pzittr: Now lincri just rt-ccivI-d from the factory. (.Yool, entiy'fitting and ‘All this wool. and part 0f next. we'll give you bargains in livery lady that comes into our or might buy a parasol, is point: to not a bargainwand a bargain moans ei bargain With PARASOLS and umbrellas. storc. and says shc could, would, us. \Vhy our stock _ the best makers in Great Britain. m. BELL. ltll. i’. 5.~>-A largo lot of fancy Prints, Clizillics, Cambrianfiitablc for Blouses. AMA»... ,vAAOAAA-a ._. .7“ _ no. M. BABcooKs ‘ Mod-Witt. commune w (tori-loci; t ..,,. coinfortiiblu H'lltlflfvtl iityl Stop and look in at. our of goods marked at 5am! 10 cents in Some rum beauties in table covers and chenille curtains are now dt-corat-ing our store, all niarltud at sacrifice prices. look llti'ongli our rt-ninnut piles, you nrc su'ic to lind u. bargain. livery sizr in tho cololn-ntcil l). ill A. kid fitting l i "i. i; is like (l. wholesale: one, and bought from \thn we. knife prices you lgcncrzilly profit by itm-don't you now ? p [EWIS 8t PATTERSIIN Oxfords and P’ Great July ' Clearing Sale Monday Morning, 9 a.m., July 9, 1894. This will ii.» the melon sale 0t first.‘ clam goods of nll kinda the peeple of‘ Bmck'villc and country have ever had a chance of getting ct the prim. Thai-cg ‘mhmm' cvurything will ho no roaorve, and people who‘ do M‘ have money will coo the immense rai All Mnntlee. ductionc in prices, ax all good! have, All Silke. All always been marked in plain figures atl All Sammi- This sale ic made to reduce: All Flannelc, the stock and make room. l ingc. New in the time to make money by Geode from the beet tai celoeted clock of Dry Geode in Ontario. All are invited. Tntsrnour; i97. “It All Wate “LBPHONB 197 . ~._~.m. ~....__“~_ C. M. IIAB(“J()CI(’S CLEARING SALE lof \ll his Dry (loods stock in all de- rcducod away All Dress (loot; ~ ‘l Prinlc and bamm. All Linens, fancy, etc. All ilcnt’: Furnlnh- All Houee Furnishingn All Cur. All Paranoia and Umbrellaa rprooffl, (guaranteed). All Bloom Watch. All'l'rilmuingl. All Indira’ Hate and Boom will C. l . BABCOOK. hmlljmllitpam. BROOKVILLE o in ’cin AA~_-__.._Wma _. _. 0...‘... l. U-m...“ . A“ . l t llPlN’S llllllll lltllllllll FORMAL DECLARATION OF WAR Japan Apologia. to Great Briefl- fer the [nee of the low IUq-lllbe ‘aa- elal Imblpe loll fer the Iaet â€" Ambaeeadele Called Home. Lonnou, Aug. l-Tbe Exc Tele- aph Company declare. that war tween him and Japan bu been formally de- clared by Japan. The admiralty liae ordered Vice'Admtral Fremautle, who commando the Brllilb cquadron oi! the cact- Alletlc coaet, to approach Chlueee and Japanese portc, and while obeervlng strict neutrality, to watob the progrm of operaticne. bee Private deepatcbee lay that Japan ation and recalled her min- cloeed her l later and all or comulc from China Toxic, Aug. ll-The Japaueee govern’ mcnt bu iuetructed itl mlnlcter in Lon- don to a iologize to Great Britain for firing upon an sinking the transport Kow Sbl while she was flying the Britieh flag, an to inform Great Britain that the com- mander of the Japaneee cruiser did not know tho ch Shiug was a Brill-h veeael until after tho fight. Captain Unlowortby, of the Kow Shing, and many’ other pcraonl who were on board the transport, were reecued by the boat! of the Japaneee wax-chip Nuniwa. Sanmnal, Au v. 2.--At 11 o'clock in the morning of Ju v 27, the day after the attack on the Chinese trancportl which resulted in the linking of the ch Shing, the Japaiieee warahipc Takachlo and liiyei madean attack upon the Chinese (:hcn Yuan. After a long and duperate fight the Japancee vesicle were beaten off, the Hlyei being disabled and rendered belpleae. The Chen Yuan, though badly . damaged, succeeded in reaching port in safety in company with two gunboatc, which also took part in the enga cment, and immediately went into dry ock for repair: after bcl' two days’ fighting. Ad- vices from Yalhan stale that the ,hincac are strongly entrenched there and that repeated attempt: have been made by the Japanese troops to dislodge them. In ovary instance, however, the attacking forces, after hard fought engagementl, wore repulled at all polnte by heavy loeaee. A portion of the Chino» soldiers engaged in these battles were the beat troops of the northern army of Viceroy Li Hung Chang. The Chinese loam were smell. The Chine“ minister will leave Tokio to-day. The Japanese flag wu but led down from the conlulato yesterday. be light baa been removed from the mouth of Nlugpo river. Eight Russian warebl e are reported to be about to call from Via i- voatok. Fifteen hundred Japanese were killed at Yulian. forums, Aug. 8.--The Timcl' despatcb from Shanghai cayl that rt-portc hove been received from foreign oflirlale at Seoul, the capital of Corea, that the Chinese, under General Yes, on Sunday hut de- feated the Japanece forcea unlit.‘ Alta-m. It tn added that the Japanese withdraw to Seoul rFuturity thousand Manchurian Chinese troops have crossed the Corean frontier and are marching upon Seoul. The Shanghai correspondent of the Times says; "The inquiry into the Kow Siting affair wM conducted by the coin- mlaii'ionerc of customs in Tleu Tsin in tho premium of the foreign conauls. It was conc'ifid yesterday. Forty-five survivora stated that on the morning of the 25th the Japanese ordered the Kow Shing to anchor off the Island of Shopalonl. The tranc- port remained there until noon, being twice boarded. Without having given any provocation elie was etruck with torpedoes and Junk. The Jopaneee fired with gat- llnge at the ewlmmere long after the Kow Skiing had foundered.” The Daily Chronicle's Tokio correlpond- enLaaya that. the Ja aneee fleet is concen- trating ofi Kan h i a, at the mouth of tla Seoul river, an a great uaval tight ie ex- pected. The Emperor hal divested Li Hung Chang of the Yellow Jacket ln consequence of supposed remittances in prosecuting war. Twenty thcueand Chlneee have croeeed the Yellow River, and 8,000 have left Inuyden for ‘occul- Samoan, Aug. i-Thc action of the Emperor in divesting Viceioy Li flung Chang of the order of the Yellow Jacket hac fallen like a underbolt here, ac it ll feared the inclde will load to his com plete overthrow. e ic regarded here in the only leader ca ble of coping with Japan in the inev table hm: war. Tlu Emperor liac been influenced in his action by memhore of hlc family boatlle to tht Vieemfc preluropean policy. lt in e! pectcd that Sir Robert liart, the British repreuntctlva, will amen his authority and lupport Li Hung Chang. - The coldlare beheaded at Tien Tain fol i dmrtlon pleaded in exhumation of than i offence hunger and exhaustion Beforl the were executed they were stripped oi the r uniforms and their pigtaill cut off. The example ha terrified the “my. An edict hae one forth that the army will re celve doube pay henceforth during the war with Je n and a large bonul hae been oflered to o cere competent to navigate the Chinese naval veceela and tranapcrla Lontxnv, Au‘. 4.--Blr Balliday IleArt~ nev. councillor of the Chiceae legatlou and the new Chiueee mluleter celled at Osborne Home yevtcrday and the mlnleter muted credentiale. While at Osborne t e minte- ter received e Pekln deequoh which announced the degradation of LI Hung Chang. The Central News any: that tha . Japaneeel tlou le cuppoeed to he pre~ paring auot er Itaeemeul of the low Shin. rflair. Al the Cabinet meeting yectetday the war in the eeet wan the chief cub eel of diecueeion. After the meeting the rl of Kimberley not manque to may Irltlch ageule lll the elk The Dal, Chronicle’: Tokio correepood- eat cave ll le that a freeh col lcicw ha taken laeele Ceree. After their de- fect e0 label the 1W bled their whole available mph, ed the level e deeteive victory. ~m t afapropocedllceuaefee. I ' , - f‘ v ‘ Litiiljtu AK'HIHPJ tin t, . I t um mace‘ on Yillik- new'wua Iew'eele "mm The cent! late wee to over. Ierele bed mi.“ bhee Thursday. ~2th not vlefl tho United Harveettu. h in full Btu kilnltebe M week. Crawfoldeoant ,ladlaue, hapleqe efbleekepldere. , lemon. 8.1)., wee elmcetwl eel he Thumdq. P“ ‘7, Winnipeg nllkmeo are 0a strike becaeee Anetta-r revolution le expected to break out shortly in Brazil. ‘ The etrike commicelcu will meet in Chl- ago on August 15 for buelneca. A cooperative colony ll to be eetabliehed on au inland near Vancouver, B. C. Chauncey Bridley Ivee, the veteran American sculptor died Friday in Rome, aged 84. ll. Voldere, the leader of the Belgian Sociallet Labor party, has become a hope- leee lunatic. Caurlo, the murderer of Preeldent Cer- uot of France, wan untonced to death at Lyons Friday. A. kl. McKay of Konctou, N.B., hae been appointed General Secretary of the Hamilton Y. ll. C. A. AFrench spy has been arreetod near Genoa with plum of the Italian Alpine forte in hie possession. At Grate’: Core, Newfoundland, Jacob Snelgrovo and hll con were drowned by their boat upeettlug. Heavy ruina have rxtlngu'uibed the Wic- couciu form tire: and cleared the atmoe- pherc of amok“ and dust. A large portion of the town of Minsk, capital of llio Russian Uon-rnment of that name, has bern dcotn'ed by lire. At Cornwull Thurnda a young Hebrew pcdlar named Brotlonzl made an unenc- ceclful attempt to hung himself. All the packing house-s in South Omaha, Nob, were forced to clot-lo Thursday by a otl'lkts of cattle and hog butchers. Ten lemons were drowned near Bar- mouth, Value, Thursday morning by the upsetting of two boats by a squall. Dr. (foriiolioua Hen-z, the Panama lobby- ist, was sentenced to five yearn’ imprison- ment and to pay a tine of 3,000 franc». ‘ During a row at a mining camp near Pittabiirg, Knit, six men were killed and eevm inon and eight Women were wounded. l'luinnclputiou Day was celebrated at “'tttclluu, lii'nntford, Ullfltllllm, Amherst- burg, Wiinhsor and other points on Aug. 1. The horn fly has made it: appearance in the vicinity of Moocton,, and is spreading among cattle with great rapid- fly. Three men were killed and several other: injured by u dyniinita explosion lit the (l. A. 6k P. S. Railwuy'u works near Barry’! Bay. it. G Dunn & Co. report forty'four fail‘ urea iii Canada the punt week, against ‘hirtyfonr in the corresponding; week inst _ if". 5 James R. Elliott. n farmer, living about three miles from Mnnilln, was killc-J 'l'hnra' day ‘evening by getting entangled in bll bind‘ r. Wininm t'llnaaen and ltennie llahill, two t.welvo_\'eur old hop, were drowned while btltlllllil m the Hudson river at Albany Thuredny. John Mooney, n blacksmith, root-iv. d in‘ jut-m during a soiitilc in Buffalo with Livia Weinholtz from which ho dicd in a frw lit-urn. At Mount-l ‘elation, nour St. John's, New- foundland, .\.lr~4. Edward Nuceworthy. 07 yuan, was struck by n train and instantly kilh-tl. Jami-a HUQNI an old and respected farm er, living mint Teeswutcr, \vnn killrd by being thrown from hie buggy during c runaway. Jltst 11h Alctinvcrn, a laborer, was over- come by thi- heat in New York on Wed iiemlay. lie fell in the street and frac- turod his skull. .lnnmi Parr, aiiex'iirwnsdriver, woe killed by a full fium his “'tlglrtl in Montreal on \‘v tillltfitltly. lle lrnvui a widow and three childrcn. _ A il- hltll'cll from Vancouver, ll. (1,, aaye that tnhririilosla ll! pun tLtHllt in the nelgtr bUl'lltlittl of in .t city. 'i :iirty cit tic in one held were allot. The migngoiimiii. "1' $1,350,000 in gold It tlni New York 3"‘.‘1'liu: iii-y for export. to _ "iil'l ii “RAD”. grilzl l?" l crii'e to $53,525.6'5Xl. An elderly laboring’ int-n. mined George Buckley Cllmmlilcii Siliqlt..'\;tl Wednesday in Toronto by hanging himself from a tree. The Lilau'itolm advisory board 0t educa- tion haa ndoptrd the regulntiona favoring the it'llcillllg of agriculture in the echoule of Manitoba. While riding on a hamlcnr at Tweed Friday ‘.fornieliua Woodcock had his neck broken by being etrnck by a handle. ' He leave» a widow and large family. John Steele, a lllillllttel‘, employed by Uohltn dc Alt-Culloch, llnlt, was thrown beneath a wagon lo that town on Wrdnec- day and rrccived "bolls injuries. llanry Atquettc, an employs of the Montreal Sulckyarilu Company, ‘wae drowned whilu binning near the old nugar house dock at \ankorvillc Wednesday. The arbitration party tn the llrlilah Commone believe the Govrrmnent. will adojn a twenyllveuyear arbitration “gree- maut between the nited Staten and Ureat Britain. Buineta Deeblene. dry good: merch- ants, 1,064 Ontario etrret, Montreal, have mtgned, with liabilities of about 814,000. Several Toronto wholesale houm are in- tomied. Adupatch from Sanford.‘ N. 0., eaye might-l nrt, a white boy. aged 13 yearn, was stabbed to death by Theodore Molrer. colored, age‘? twelve yearn, during a quarrcL John Urmcb , a miildqued Englleh- man, commit euichle with a revolver in a email candy etore near the llouutalu View "1M1, Hamlin», Thuralay. Be wee out of work and denpondent In a epeech at Chicago Wedoeede Arch- “rill w..." ‘3.6.... ealooae. an ace: whoa the uelle of e Cadmium at be even above the of a ealoea. Ire. Carlin of Indoo, motheref Jam- iimiv One-Ralfcfthe mm Village of Harrow Reduced to Albee. m eeelwith a meeklu'emlle apca bicface. Leblanc, the eeldler who wile-fellow rteoaer with Oeeetio at Iereeillve. lenti- that Celerlctoldbhllbotbe intended to kill President Carnot. probably at Lycne :‘hea the cblef male vletled that ty. M. Dabreull, enamel fer the deleuea followed and made an a for the prie- oaer. Al. about noca t e jury retired. and, aft-e: an Mace of about equator of an hour, during which there wee eoualder- able excitemem in court, the jury re- turned and announced a verdict cf guilty, and Santa wee ceatenced to deatlfllv the guillotine. When the death Bantu exclaimed: eoelalel" The prisoner wee immediately eeized by the gendarmec and hurried towardl hi1 cell beneath the court hone, Ac he left the court room he cried: "Courage, com- radon Vivc la Anarchio l" In spite of his defiant attitude, how- ever. hie habitual lmilc had disapprared from hlx face. Hm counsel gave notice of appeal. "When a child,“ the prisoner any. lu hie statement, “l believed in God. Wilt-rid ‘ becameolder l law that it waa not Coil that created man but that it. wan man who created God. Though l have livvll lmt a ehort. time here I have eeeu much injustice. The at rlkers lu the north after three mouthll privntlou were forced to resume work et the same old etarvetlon wage-i. "After tblc act the authorities, not. citla~ fied with punishing these poor wretchm, persecuted tl-nz and domicllcry Vlnltl were made id perilous of our not. Jult an long ac tbi mmurec are employed co long will we reply with the dagger and with dynamite. "The last word: of the Chicago min-tyre were: ‘Loni: live anarchy. Death to loclety.‘ Those words creamed the ocean and the mountain-i will resound with them everywhere until the sect‘: itlon prevail-l. When no longer starving workingim'u are driven to suicide and when no longer the acct ie persecuted, but the rulers and loglu- littorc are extirpatod, then will (‘t-ace the era of exploitation. of the Workingtuoii cud baippineiic will reign. " NINETEEN BUILDINGS BURNED teem-mum» ll. ‘Olmfllufl Ipreadeee the Aflaoeae Balm-Q â€"'!‘be Leeebythe 00am flea Will lle Heavy- Partly W 00mm Out, Aug. d-Reerly our half of Harrow la in uhee. 0n Saturday while the men in A. IL Hues-ck’. roller mill were at dinner fire looted in the e ue room, and in aeborl me the whole bu ldln wee in flames. It than communi- cated w lb Henry Hardware building, uud an a etorehocee next to the mill, and aleo to John Stockor'e grocery elore on the Oppoelte aide of the etreet, coulumlng Jamel A. Ford'a butcher end baker chop. ac well ac Charla Bflellb insurance cflce, William Borrowmanb building, unoccu' pied, and from thence toHurdm-n’! black- lmllb and carriage chop; also Rumbellb hardware ltOl'e. Adwclilng belongin to Jamel Drum- mond, Smith’: choc a op and dwelling combined. A brick homo belongin to Joeoph S. Wright, on the loutli tilde 0% the etreet, broke the progrelc of the fire, other- wllc the whole village would have gone before the fiumee. Sparke from the mill communicated with John Hallntcad'c barn and etable. fully oue~eighth of a mile diltaut, and they were coneuined together with three homes and eevernl huge. On the north aide of the otrcet wuc Gilbert Morin’! shoe shop and dwelling, and a dwelling house belonging to Charles Bolt. In all nine- tcen building: were consumed, including outbuildings. The loss cannot at prccent be obtained but will be heavy, mostly covered. by lnsurancc. The mill had H3500, dintrlhuted bctWecn the wauix, Wellington and Mutual. “centence wu uttered "Vlve la revolution msrmotv 'lthTNDIARISM. A (‘olored Girl and an Infant. Cremated In a lturulng Building. CIlA'HlAM, Unt, Aug. 0.-~Ycaterday the house oi John (.‘urthl, colored, corner of 'l‘ l\\’l'lll30 and the accoutl continuation rout]. (‘hilthuiu toivni-thip, was found to be on fire mid before ln-lp could be secured tho homm wne ri-ducrd to aches. A girl humid Lizzie (hint, turd 13, and the iii- fH'll child of Mrs. 'l'homiiaon, who was rc~ aiding with the (.‘lll'lll'! litinlly, were burned to iii-nth. About 4 o'clock mmuberii of the family got up to iiit cor-‘is Litrny now» out of the Kaltltflll. and i>.#. that time everything Wnn right. A bout ii o'clock Mrs. Muneou, of Detroit, daughter of Mr. Curtis, was lWltlit'llfftl by tho smoke and discovered n large bundle of straw in the room ablaze, an though it lltlLl Neil pushed in through the opcu window. She mimic‘. the alarm and uttem ited to sliv» Lizzie (lam, but the latter fell ack into the flames and perish ed. The other members of the household escaped, some of them more or less scorch- ed. The two bodice wore afterwards found burned to a crlnp. There is no doubt that the flrc was an incendiary one and suspicion falls on a colored man who waa seem by a neighbor loitering near the house before the flames burst out. It in thought he may have rob- bed the house and then fired it. No other motive can be ofiered. The girl Lizzie Unnt'c mother perished in a burning house rinmc yearn ago. The coroner will hold an inquest to-day. No insurance on the pro .arty. WELLMAN'S expeoiriou. The Owner of the Said Compliment: the Explorer on Hie American Pluck. Loanos, Aug. 4.--Mr. Fielden, owner of the yacht Said, which recently curried to Troiuno news of “falter Wellmau'c iolar expedition, has in the Standard it letter concerning the report brought south by Captain Battolfuu. He writes in a friend~ ly l-told-you-no strain. Wellman appears to have behaved, he anyc, exactly ac our. Would expect of a plucky American. llo seemed to have been compellgil to abandon his original scheme and. to be lllfllltlg his cfiurte to reach Gillerland. if be should nuccecd it would be a very interesting achievement and. Would pay Wellniuu for all his trials and anxiety. The Standard, in commenting upon Mr. Fielden'e latter, aayc. "If Mr. \Veilman lucceeds in hie Uillcrland undertaking he will put the world more in his debt than i3 he had persevered in his hopeless original programme. But the chances of success. are doubtful. All credit is due to Woll- tunnii typical American grit, but he failed to profit from Peiiry's experience. lie or rived too late. It is extremely iii-(reentry to send a vessel to his rescue, lll:t.-1:nilt'h an if the aluminum boats full he will run. 1.: lcrloua rick." llicnctrnua Contlcgunllon in Alton. Amos, Out, Aug. 5.~â€"A dixaetroux fire, which at one time threatened to wipe out the business portion of this village, oc- curred reetorilay. The lira originated in the blacksmith chop of Boggc 4k Rowclifi'c, earrings works. The alarm was run and the citizens turned out en mas”, but as tho-re was a strong will. wind blowing, it was impossible to check tho flamec. The whole structure was soon wrapped in flainen and a iread rapidly to the adjacent buildings. ‘he carriage works of Barber 8r Bro. wa: the next to full, and tho bent from tho two largo biiildlnga was so excee- aim that the residence of Mr. Samuel Barber close by was left to its fate. Next in line wac tho otn't'tle buildings of All. Algie which followed cult. The outbuild- lnqn of the brick block known as the Algie block were out. in order. Nothing stood. between a whole street of wooden build‘ ling and the tire but the mid block and three or four hundrutl men and women united cpontanm-nnly to defend it, and succeeded attcr two hours hard fighting in mantorlng tho iliimra. 'i'he total loan will reach about $8,001), only partially covered by lnaurnuco. Thi- tivo carriage chops and Mr. Barber's rt'll'l"lt(@ are inmired in the Waterloo and Wellington lintunls, and Dr. Algie'e properly in the (lore, The (lmunge to the A glv block la not nation-1. but. the general opinion in that the iron- clad nhnttorc ‘of that building not only caved itself bnt. the greater port. of the village from total destruction. I'll-e In “'oodetnrh. H. ll. Wmns'rrwx. N, ll, Aug 6. ~Thn moat dlnaatroul fire here for yearn occurred yeeterilay. l). U. Urnnt Ac. l‘o.‘n big carriage factory was tntnll Jaetroyml, ranelntgn loan of $20,000. "hr insurance in $7,100, which la in th-v Quebec and Key- etono Companies. The oihi-r bullilluga dnntroyeil w~re (l. l". Smith’! barn and home and ilweii Kcllyfi grudfl'y. The carriage factory rmployi-il fit men. -â€"'~ A’. __.__._~.-_-, A TRAlN"S Al)VENTURES-. Held ‘Up by Robbnrn nml Nearly l'oqtroyug by Dynamite. ST. LOUD-t, Aug. 4.---'l‘rilln No. F. on tilt! San Francisco Itmlroml wtie iltlfll'dt'll .lt. Eurcka Springs, lilo, by thrue imm. 'l hey made an .neault on the in .illv. Filtpreu Company's car. The measeug-vr Sllth'ltHlt-tl. in closing the door, but got n piatol bllllt‘b through the fleshy part of the left hand. The robbers escaped in the tlflrkuoon. 'l'lm tra‘n carried a large amount of tremor-c." The train, after proceeding a abort dia- tance from the mane of the shooting, met with another mist-rip. Near Eureka Stu- , “PT! on nyyfljwiniv Mini! ‘yin/val in ernif. hf the engine, cupponed to have been canned by dynamite. The engine wan damaged but nobody was hurt. , An exainluatlon afterward: showed that. the accumplicoc of the follow with whom Express Messenger Ferguson exchanged lhots bad forced open a car of dynamite that stood on the aide truck below the .etatlon at Eureka and atolen two dynamite cartridges intended for heavy blMllUg. it ie remarkable that the cntlrc imiu was not deetroyed, ca the cartridgen ‘EFT-i- piit down within a few feet of a car which contained ~tet'l tone of dyna'nite. Tho (fatholle Total Abatluemio Union. Sr. Pam. Minn. Aug. 4.-â€"'l‘lieNntltmul convention of the Catholic Total Abstinence Union yenterdny chore New York M the place of meeting in Angunt, 189-3. The reeolutlcnl praise the recent- aclion of Monsignor Setolll and Bishop Wuttercon on the saloon uestlon. ‘they continua: "The scandal o a pmpomllratlng number of Catholics in the ealoou hneitiece h; a dic- grace. Whatever the cause of the fact, a new day in at hand. The convention ra joicae that Catholic: arc now arouaed to the great; evil, and the great div-grace of lntempcrance and done of intemperance anion Catholics. Lot saloon keepercbe exclut ed from membership. " A cable manage wne received from the Pope and a telligram from M .. Setolli eudonlng the object: of the soc ety. A Bl‘ ltntlollnl for Montreal. Newman, Aug. 6.-lilnntrenl ie about to have another magnificent building, the French Chamber cf Commerce having dc- oidv-d toerect a eplendhl elmctura The building will be built enmewhat. on the came plan ae the preaeot Engllah Board of Trado with the exception that on the baae~ ment and um flat handmme ctorre will be erected. ‘Tho upper fiata will he and u afleee, halls. tel h and telephone demrtmente. The belldlng will coat over '1 ,M. .Q.....-....-._. A... .. ... laudmd and lobheil la mill-n. lmaon, Aug. 4.â€"â€"Nlcholae Black, n? Glencoe, Out, came to Detroit and during the evening ctruck up an acquaintance with a youn man. When near the corner of Brush an Franklin etreete the etrenglr euddmly hit Black ever the ed with a billy, kuockla him ceneel He then mbbed him Mild’! in money. The police are working on the eeea mm“. . ~_ A (til-anal lardered. Amlv, 81.. A lip-Tm China-an, e u‘, mi; Day la loatreal. Iomeku Aug. l-Grret reparation beta‘ made la labor velee for the ef labor meath. Thle year de will be a lqal one, having been are A in at: oily, on. int‘ \II'IIIIII Ck! Ila. "South Trout. mot. “an: bin ta the hack. mam ell m immune. d eae d 9 met

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