, v. mute-dour IAIN I12. nuns. 1809 1809 “TIMIâ€!!! NORTH BRITISH AN MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY 0" LONDON AND EDINBURG I.“ 0.00 for Oman - mutual Capitnl . . . . . . . . . . $14,500,000 Funds Invested in Canada 4,482,752 Total Am“. . . . . . . . . . . . 55,700,476 Iii-urea all kinds of property: against Incl or Damage by Fire or Lightning at Current Rates. E. A. BUCKMAN, DISTRICT Anus-r - Bsocsvxtu R PORTER T195 . ATHENS. JULY 10, 1894. COUNTY NEWS. INTERESTING LETTERS} 1‘30! 0“ STAFF 01‘ OORBBSPOHDIN'I‘B. A 31161“ of News and (lovely. Pcuouul Intouigouoo.-A Little of Ivory- thiug well Its“ up. T( )LEDO. Snunmv, July 7.-â€"-Miss Mabel Reeve, who has been teaching school near Perth, is home for her holidays. (lur postmaster. Mr. Edgar, is still on the sick list. The football match on the first day of the picnic, between Irish Greek and Toledo, turned out to be an even game. On Sunday morning last Rev. J. J. Gammon preached to the Orangcmon and Young Britons of this place. The mammoth picnic held here on July second and third turned out to be a grand success. The races were Stine and everything passed 06‘ lovely. _.. A.» 7....0. ï¬â€˜~_-,- \VIUHT‘S EORNERS. .â€" Mosnsv, July 9.-â€"-Miss Lianne Hulladay is home spending her hob- days. I ‘ Mr. Ed. \Vight and family are visit- ing his father, Geo. P. Wight, Miss Etta Livingston buss new bicy. cle. Mr. H. )IcQuoid of (loteau Du Lac. Que, spent a few days here last wepk as guest of our school teacher, Miss Hattie Bullis. . Tue Angel of Death has been again visiting our neighborhood, taking away an old resident, Mrs. Birdsell. We extend our sympathy to the sorrowmg friends. Misses Birdsell and Mason left here Saturday morning, for Ottawa. .. o1.»ng A- ELLISVILLE. -.â€"_.. ) FRIDAY, July 6.~â€"Berry picking and hay making are the order of tun day now. . _ Our rccve, II. F. Bracken, is in Brockvillc this week attending the meeting of the counties council. ' Mrs. D. W. Munroe, and. Miss Bennett, of Kingston, are vuutmg friends here. Mr. '1‘. H. Rhodes, our popular young school teacher, intends spending his holidays in New York. Mullen Ellis, who is teaching the» uufnin populace st Gananoque Juno- tion, is home for his summer vacation. The members of the Methodist church at Olivct purpose holding a bee on Saturday to clean up the burying ground in connection with that church. This is a desideratum and will add much to the appearance of the place. The strawberry festival held by the Sons of Temperance on 27th ult, was a decided success, ï¬nancially and socially. Notwithstanding the rain which fell in the early part of the evening, the hall was fled. to the ut- moot seating capacity. The pro- gramme, which was lengthy and in- teresting, was well rendered through- out. ‘..>......~.â€"â€"4- CW1. More", July 9â€"1.. Chamberlain is building an addition to his house. Mrs. 0. Lillie, Newborn, rifled “ sit-2......“ Warsaw * ‘- JNO. MOL- - - "a m D .._...............,.. -_. ......- .._ .4 mum willbotouud 3mm- mtdt. MW weekly In future ulu radon :- El. 178 Sturder Bunk of Corinth . . . . . . is. Moluou's Bank 151 Morehnnu' Bunk of Canada. . .. l Bonk of Hamilton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 Unaudqu Hunt of Commerce .. nu Bank o! l Imperbl Bonk of Canals . . . . . . mm ms uncertain mos m: slum! mun ur. mu as Ice- by Our mu: 0! the venomâ€"«Loco! Anon-uncut. loll“ M! D."- LOCAL SUMMARY. Labor day in September will be the next holiday. Best quality binder twine, only 7&0. lb. at G. W. Beach's. Rev. Mr. Grout, of Lyn, addressed the Addison L. O. L. on the afternoon of Sunday last. Miss Paulina Moore was one of the successful students at the Ottawa normal school exams. Mr. and Mrs. Jmcph Thompson are at Charleston this week, occupying a cottage on Bertha Island. . Crossley &. Hunter will begin bold- ing mcetings in Smith's Falls during the latter part of August. Mr. It. “lobster, of Westpori, visited friends here last Week and favored the Reporter with a call. The Masonic grand lodge will meet in Hamilton on July 18th and 19th. It is expected about 800 delegates will be present. . It is important to keep the liver and kidneys in good condition. Hood's riarsapmilln is the remedy for invigor~ sting these organs. Kingston has decided on the pattern of the statue of Sir John A. lilo Donald. Mr. Wade, of London will model it and on October lst it will be unveiled. At the session of the counties coun- cil last week a by-law was passed creating Delta :1 police village and ï¬xing the date for election of trustees for July 28th. The Athens Auxiliary in connection with Brockville General hospital will meet tomorrow (Wednesday) at 3 p.m. at the residence of Mrs. W. G. Parish. A lull attendunce is mlueswd. If anybody can explsin in a few cool and simple words why thunder- storms, which uscd to be hailed as a blcssul relief on sultry days, now leave the atmosphere more oppressive than they found it, he is at liberty to take the floor. The counties council have signiï¬ed their willingness to grant 8300 to- wards the removal of the cannon on me come boom." luau, ‘ M ' the erection of a fountain, provided the towu contribute a like amount and furnish the water free of charge. rs DI ULA I use, .LA.‘~£ A remarkable feat in long distance telephoning has just been accomplished in the completion by the Bell Tole- phone (lompony of the new metallic circuit between New York city and London, Out. A voice at the latter place could be heard with perfect dis tinotnosc at the other end of the line. The hay crop on the streets of Athens is about ripe, end the citizens not bring posse-sued of suflicient public spiritm harvest what has grown in front of their individual premises, the council have started their "nrmstrong mowers" at work. At present sulï¬- cicnt noxious weeds are ripening to seed down every garden in the village. Westport Mirror : The Rev. J. W. J ones, leaves early on Monday morning for. three months trip to En land. During his absence Mr. J. I). right, of Trinity University will omnith in the Anglican Minion oi Wentport. Mr. Wright took honor! in his recent college examinations. He comes high- ly recommended and its nonof the well Mod and former rector of Newborn. ‘ Rev. J. A. Kennedy with his bride Thursday last was tendered of Hi- {Iconic Hthï¬wglyl,‘Vhit-torlu shoot. m h M unsound with the Am church unmade-d the 0 was '1: them deserving Grenville have decided to amt a home for the poor nod uul’ortunuto of the counties. That such it stop was nocooury had become evident to the most careless observer. Every munici- pality bod its poor end needy, many of l of m treatment than the cold and canted charity ex- tends-l to them by their relatives and the councils to whom they were obliged to look for aid. The result was that the county jail became the home of many an honest indigent, where they were herd. d with the common criminals whose company and example were bad. The counties council, by it vote of 21 to 16, decided that the home should be located on the Dr. Giles farm about l a mile north east from ,Mens. That the location is a good one is evident from the fact that the committee ap pointed for that purpose visited be- tween 40 and 50 farms scattered over the united counties, and we bell-we that, aside from personal motives, the decision was unanimous in favor of the Athens site. Interested parties at the front, who think that no good thing should be given to any place except their own locality, are said to be Wild in their denouncintion of the decision arrived at and have put all sorts of stories in circulation as to the ï¬tness of the location chosen. We believe that the farm selected is admirably situated to meet all the requirements of an in- dustrial home. The track of the B. & W. runs through the front of the farm, ‘tho elevation is good, both for appear- ance and drainage purposes, the soil is deep and capable of being brought to the highest state of cultivation and will require but very little underâ€"draining to make every foot of the form required for tillage firstclass in ovary respect. A thrifty young maple bush and about twenty acres of heavy woodland, capaâ€" ble of furnishing all the lire-wood re- quired for several generations, is a very important addends to this farm. The fact that there are no old buildings to tear down or remodel, and above all the very low price of $36 per acre, render it in every respect the locality to be chosen. Aside from all this, the town» ship of Bear Yonge and Escott and village of Athens have a strong claim for recognition at the hands of the people of these united countics. For years the taxpayers of those m'micipali- ties have. burdened themselves in keepâ€" ing up and maintaining two of the best high and model schools in Canada, to which nearly every township in the united counties has sent its quota of pupils, who have been given all the Nb vantages of city schools at a tiifle more than half the cost of such training and board in the larger towns and cities. These considerations shOuld, and no doubt did, have their proper weight in the minds of the county councillors in making their decision. We understand it is the intention of the committee appointed for that. pur‘ pose to at once call for plans and speci- fications, and if satisfactory tenders are rnmivwl tn have the inundationa laid this fall. That the expenditure of some 812,000 or 815,000 in this locality will be a beneï¬t to the farmers and tradesmen is certain, end to none more than to J. B. Saunders, the popular reeve of Rear Youge dz Escott, is due the location of the Induetilal home here. Always a prominent member of the counties’ council, he was appointed by that body as one of the committee to select the site, and now that the location has been decided upon he has again been placed on the committee to secure plans and supervise the erection of the buildings. --~~â€"â€"â€" ~40» “MEMO-m In the counties council on Thurs lay last the committee on the selection of a a site for the pro house of indus- try mude their report. Forty-sewn tenders had been received, but after due connidmtion only two were brought before the council; the Dr. Giles farm, near Athens, containing [00 acres, at 83,600, and the John :Slngg property,nesr Brockvilla,contain- ingrloo roles, at $7,500. ho relative merits of the two furs were thoroughly dimml. It was admitted that the 8 form was well suited for the pu , t, u ted out by Mr. 00mm the Iv’v‘frtoo high. The amount sllowod for the ol- hblinhmt of milieu..qu “6,000, and after or an“ form then «I’ll? 1:3. .3500 left for building. ' yuruhouiu tboGlluuforl than we d be u but no. of 011,400. Mr. Rich. Green, a member of the r envmml vain-o ï¬lm uluika limrmi tn quested to not crud o bunkl,utho coutu- 5 pororutto get them ed A dollar bill in u wrll sealed envelope is a perfectly safe war to forward subscriptilml. or s p-mt oili o order can be procured fr a few cents. American postige stirrup. tukeu for fractional ports of a d -llar. 1'» lane m Editor .lthrm lfrpm'trr. nucupfl we heard Invert-l urtivl enquiring about furnhhcd rooms for rent st Charleston Luke. We .ould only refer them to the ad. of H. C. Philips in the Reporter. The party had seen the udv't returer '0 and wondered if there ware no in re outth open f~-r vngazument. lf "\VlIOD‘I of cottages will not invest a few crnts in letting the 'poople know they have the same for hire, they have only themselves to blame for not having their rooms tilled. Cool ashes are new" y regarded as anything but a ortilizer of the null, but the experience oi Mr. ll. Arnold While in Brookvillo .lut week DEAR SIR."â€"I havo mucli p'casuro in congratulating you, and the people of your incorporated vi lngu, who liuv.‘ so puticutiv wuiled for the lung pro- tmced decisi u fiom thu counties council as to When the hoin of refuge was t» be leafed, which i~ settled for all-timc to cums. I, for one, um p‘eis d to hear of so many this mm goes to prove the contrary of our county 0 -un«-il men in fun or 0! Over about half a small plm of!it being located concur that little Vil- timothy he sprinkled coal ashes this lugo 0! Athens, which is cullwl the seat spring and the result is that the soil so of *caruing, and which wil. no d-iubt treated produced fully double the hay can e them, by the help of your print- thut grew on the other part. Our sgri- ing olhco, to watch over and give the cultural readers sic invited to express publicu true account of the manage- their opinions regarding this experi- mcut of it from year to year. It must ment. be a great relief and satisfaction to our ofï¬cials to get along so far without any discord or friction on the Wheels of their times as to where the poor house should be placed. It is in no way likely that I shull live- to see much ï¬xtures about it. yet I have many relatives who by chance might be so unfortunate us to have no money, no home, no friends, and might be glad to visit or claim a home within its walls. I think the building committee that have been selected are just the right men in the right place, who will take delight in the management of erecting a convenient house and home for the poor of our county. mt T1!“ MI [s a dangerous condition directly due to depleted or impure blood. It should not be allowed to continue, as in its debility the system in especially liable to yrrious attacks of illness. Hood’s Sumpnrilla is the remedy for such a condition, and also for- that weakness which prevails at the change of season, climate or life. Moon’s PILLS are purely vegetable, carefully prepared from the best in- gredients. 250. * Notes on the Lulu-y. There is a great area of white and alsike clover in this place, Forfai, l‘llgin,&c.,a radius of 3 or 4 mich around Lockwood’s, but in this great waving sea of perfumed pink and white bloom there seems to be little or no flow of nectar up to the present. I remember this occurred 7 years ago-- I ted, stimulated, and by every induceâ€" mcnt I could apply, obtained 40 swarms from 80 colonim-â€"very low swarms were thrown off in thv local- ityâ€"«and it was a surprise to runny how we got them. But when, in addiâ€" tion, September closed with no flow of nectar (a very sharp frost cut the fall flowers off on the 20th of August), we moat sincm‘oiy wished that the been had not cast a swarm and that we only had our 80 old colonies. A nice state of thingsin hungry..young col-f onics on our binds to winter. Well, i managed to double up a numbcr of them~41 somewhat dillicult task with colonies short of stores and therefore hot tempered and irrasciblc. We got them through, but have no wish to repeat the experiment. Bees did not winter well, the flow is light, or there is a good, legitiumtc reason if bees do not swarm. 'l‘he mustard is a shallow flower; bees obtain its nectar easily, as the nectaries are nearly on the surfaco. However valuable it may be, medically, it is not exquisite to the palate. In the words of one the other day, “l can't say i banker artcr it.†My minutes of Ihe past say that for flow suddenly and freely from the 8th to the 10th of June; this is the 9th of July, and still the flow delays in white and alsike clover to any extent. \Vhat shall we do 'l Fruit bloom, mustard and dark honey of rank tests must be whirled out orit will s ii the white honey, if any flows. Johny be the . boos will need all their stores to carry them through. If your bees are working well, curly and late in the evening, the brood chamber a fair weight, honey hives full, certainly rc-~ move it. Bees am not in that con dition in many localities. True, we have the lmsswoml yet. The flow in that may last from 7 to 14 days. 0001 rains may prevent the been partly from working or a scorching heat may shorten the flow to 4.» or 5 days. lhopeI shall be mistaken, but I anticipate there will be a cod many light colonies doubled up - or winter. The IbOVO is wrltun expressly to place the matter properly before the mind of beginners only. I have no doubt advanced boo-keepers know all about those things, and can safely venture further thsn a beginner. Boa seem to work onl from 9 o'clock till 3 or 4. insteady of from dawn of day until dark. Mr. Imkwood'n lle‘] is favorably loutod and the most comfortable one that I over mind in. All um I use hcluckl bone of A. I. W'! Duisy Wheelbarrow- to make his R. Wsssrsu. VVostport, July 9, 1894. torna- Honor non. Names appuu- in order of merit : lV. Arithmetic.-â€"â€"EdWard Barker, John Smith, Vernon Young, Jennie Young, John Barker, Frank Young. IV. Grogmphy.-~-â€"Arts Ivey, J'olin Bu rkcr, Ed ward Barker, J cnn ie Young, Frank. Young, John Smith, Maude Admin. IV. Grammar. -â€" Jennie Young, John Barker, Arts lvey, E. Barker, V. Young, Frank Young, John Smith. IV. Dictationâ€"Arm lvcy, hi. Barker, J. Young, M. Adi-sin, J. Smith, V. Young, Frank Young, J. Barker. lV. \Vritiungcnnio Young, M. Admin, J. L'fiarkcr, Frank Young, Vernon Young. lll. (loography.â€"--lda Beach, Lanna Ivily, Mqu Ackland. Ill. Grammar. ~Maude Adraiu. Ill. I)ictati0n.-.ianios Welsh, Ida Bench, Lanna lvsy. Sr. ll. Aritlmietic.~--Ida Stevens, \Valvlon Myers, Annie Kennedy, Stephen Betch,’ Mary Barker, Elisha Stevens, Muittico. Sr. ill. Googralliy.â€"â€"ldu Walden Myers, Mary Barker, Annie Kennedy, Stephen Beach. Sr. ll. Dictathm.-Mury Barker, Wuldon Myers, Ida Stevens, Annie Kennedy. .Tl- ll Arithmetic w-Edith Min-vs. Estella Young, Ada Rape. Jr. ll. Dictation.â€"â€"Estello Young, Edith Myers, Ada Rape. , Pt. II. Aritlimcticmuliotitin Mywrl, Harry Smith, Ralph Barker. Pt. ll. Reading and Mun ,-__ Letitia Myers, lra Pope, ‘ph L. ker, Harry Smith, James Ben. E. L. MOLII, Thacher. 4 »»-â€"â€"â€"â€"- ltuomint In South Norm SIMUHE, July 0.~A recount of the m cm-l m tlw recent rlomlou in South Nor- lulk took place here on Satin!†before Judge Rubi; on behalf of Mr. tho dr’fr um.‘ modulate. The result was to in croug \ -. Charlton's majority from 17 to 217 Irv-owning st Amherst. 3.3. Aunuusv, N3, July 9.â€"-Colmsn Bouur wnn drowned in the ’I‘unbumut river at Basin in.» yesterday. luau-0d had charge of repairs on the lot and fell in. Owing the rent do t of bank no nation on and-rad. He leaves: wi on? family. 3 Mil“. .10:qu Itrlk .-Thc . J and work Mucus, N.S., July strike was settled on Suturdu was: resumed this morulu . of tho mane-n in dispute or. cu united to orbi- trsuon, the men dismissed to main idle pending u decision. . . W...â€" lbly's law Aloha. AM was. .luly‘| lâ€"‘l‘bc member has proth the 1! moin punt-halo o publication of anarchist doom cud I pclnglu for anarchist «in. and lumen- lug tho severity of the low governing the manufacture and pace-Ion of WWI. nun, m In no“... . “a . #‘d‘flï¬tf‘ QB" has been of; 0 80:12 m to than MILMMtbos-iyflmc "m’ “Mme... - . u I. l ' . “.'"‘““‘â€â€"" ‘ *r‘wwwâ€"w m . n .. w w . .... ".9 ....~â€"».. ...,.,.. ‘..........-. V... ._ m... ... w , “I . was only being the In. Inc has loft for “clinch. ’l‘lu cit Orange bod Eastern othodlot church yesterday. whore Kev. Ir. Monty punched to than. Grand Inter Wallace was noticed in the parade. The Cole Conform. ha! another day‘s discussion of the trade question. No «him: was arrived at and President Bowen said he hul no news for the pun. Tonight a dinner ll to be glun in their honor by Sir John sud Lady Thompson in the Sousa restaurant, to which about 50 guests have been invited. Tomorrow they care on the train for Toronto and Niagara Full-4. In the evening they will attend u banquet given by the Toronto Board 01 Trad». 0n 'l‘hurlduy they will Vi.“ Kin - ton. Taking the boot there on l-‘rii sy morning the potty will visit the Thousand Islands and run the Rapid. on the way to Montreal, reaching there in time for the banquet by the Board of Trade in the even lug. Next Monday they will leave by host for Quebec, 'huro they will stay for two days and bi bouqqu It the Chateau Frontonso. The post-emu employee have not as yet been puld and a great deal of dissatisfac- tion is felt over the fact. - The Postmaster General says that it is unavoidable u ell the moneys appropriated had been spout for unforsoen expenses, and no money could be had until the estimates wor- votod. This is no doubt caused through the promgation of the Home of Commons. The revenue statement for the year end- ln June 30th last shown a total of .85,- 88‘ ,899. compared with $37,183,255 for the year rsvlouc. There was expended on capits account $4,738,156 for the past year, compared with $3,584,804 for the year 1503. The total expenditure on con- solidated fund and capital account for the past year amounts to $35,493,515, which, compared with revenue for the your, shows a deficit of $110,610. There was an increase in ex endituro during the past year of ow-r $100,000. The revenue for the month of June last dropped nearly $500,000 I. compared with the previous year. B. LOVERIN, IDITOI l Pml W PUILOUMID IVIR V TUIODAV .0.†A 7". SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. The Reporter for sumo of 1m 2 5 (to nor subscribers) for Only The publisher of the Reporter is desirous of securing 5,000 readers before the lat of January, 1895, and has decided to offer _the paper for balance of year for only 25 cents. strictly in advance. Read the balance of this notice and if I you think well of our propenition enclose the 25 cents. (either in silver or postage stamps) to the “Reporter,†1* theirs.- 6116:“ r and the paper Will be forwarded the balance ci- the year 1894 THE usronrss, now in its 10th year, has reached a circulation and influence not even dreamed of when ï¬rst issued. It is all printed at home on a large steam-poorer press, and in point of make-up. get-up and typ- ographical appearance is second to none in the eastern dis- tricts. Its staff of correspondents is large and every village and hamlet in the surrounding country is heard from in its columns. The printing for nearly all the fairs in the county is done at the Reporter office. and as the prize lists and other interesting matter concerning the fairs are published in the paper it should be taken by every fair-goer. It is the intention of the publisher to issue the second annual Christmas number of the Reporter about the 15th Dec., 1894. The marked success of last year's venture will be a guarantee that. the second issue will fur surpass anything ever attempted in Central Canada. The proprietor will be pleased to give estimates for cuts and space in the coming edition and is pi'i'psrcd to take views for cuts or portraits for use in the special nuanber, at any time. The ltlclicilcu Nuvnxntion Company. MONTREAL, July 9.â€"-A statement ha. been prepared showing the Richelieu Navagution Company's earnings for eleven weeks. from the opening of navigation to June 20. The gross earnings wore $155,- 442.03 and the total running expenses $76,750.07, leaving the net receipts at '878,69l.90. The total number of passen- gers curried, exclusive of excursions and pilgrimrges, was 242,658. “is increase of gross receipts over last year is $26. 000. Mâ€" TlME-TABLE B. W. & 8. 8. M. ll. Ne w come It H) 0.5 s.m. iliU : ..3 ~35E‘333ï¬35835‘ .33 :1 - llroukrlllc....... Lyn .. ..... medcy's . xlicc's . . . . . . . . . xli‘urlhmn . xEllzc.. . , Athens . xSopm-tcn . . . . . . . xLymlhursi , Do in El 9 27 u 20 ‘ 9 l0 9 (r2 8 1)â€) ll 30 ‘ 8 22 ‘ 815 ‘ in. . x nrfar ,. xCrosby . Nowhere, . . Woetport . . .. (Ilflsg stations are mark o . QuLVCnQV‘flï¬d-éâ€"‘3 BE SURE TO CALL ON “THOS. BERNEY, -- ATHENS FOR ANYTHING lN THE LINE OF Buggies, Road Carts, Democrat Wagons, Fancy Carriages. Mikados, Kensingtons, and Phaetons. I REPRESENT THE (Darriage Company (BF BROCKVILLE And it is u : ,2: fact their work is not excelled for its style, comforter Milt}. and the sect of all v prices to suit tho iiiâ€. , ‘ Myrrh-mt insfuxkcsubcordorodfrmihum million“ Ab for n83 the loading hgriculmfll ' ct lb “1. M and... , replacing“: ordarhrmymwubmollw.“ THOS. BERNIE Y Lost. On the streets of Athens, on Monday evening last arm American gold coin with ring an loop attached. Finder will be rewarded on lcav- lug it at .l'. ll. McLaughlln‘s store. A. I). RUSSELL. . _ ._ ..__ . _ ,._____.._ To Let. Furnished Rooms to rent. at Idle While Cottage. (Ibsrlostm Lake. Use of kitchen, dishes. and cookin were included. Enquire o! H. U. PHILLIP. . Athens. June 12th NIH. ' Canada him for Soil... swmnu£c*~ (not. sou-s :m an. ion. .....-..â€"......__...-.....t...-..--- . MONE TO LoAuJ THE undersle has a large sum of money rates Athens. April 2i. in.» I _._.......-M n. _ Gerzt/e‘z/izezz .' You wmzz‘ a flabby suit of 2%6' [atesz‘ cut and proper 7115/2, fry 0. E. [Jouga/Z - mw._.â€"-_â€". .0... to loan on real estate security at lowest W. S. BUELL. Barri-tor. etc. Ollcoulmnbom mock. Brockville. Ont. House and Lot for Sale. A good frame houuu and horse born on Wiltuc at... Athonu. with i new garden well stocked with apple sad mall fruits: hard and mwstor and other conveniences. Will be at a heroin. Apply to ‘ muse ROBESON, Wilton at. At‘a em. May 37th 19¢. a. Furniture Sale. Our recent buvylom by are rcmlrrc it. im- mtlvely own. In orer to lucut our obllpt that our reocntlu uteri: of fur- niture budspooed Jet once or on H We havotho and. each rod“ tons nflr" 3mm tonilthcpodc. inn ~ any ope mm hfllture. u museum-poo . d‘r'svu s nsoa. Athena. ROOM PAPER. %"'"°.‘:.'.i‘â€~ an... l B“ In t “ onu- uarters in Warbiirtcn. 1 . Parchment-crude; had .54 1" ~ ' b