Lakes and Islands, Times Past

Athens Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18920112), 5 Jun 1894, p. 2

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OUTUAST 0F MILAN “I'll to.“ "lamâ€"TH. DWI Jl‘ CHAPTER I ll’TION ‘N hull; in \I w e u n che. Hri man. No. mm per Ml Valium» hem Hurtburi throu h con-t era I may he we owe c Tl at you t n word 11 m- oounm W"; l a m I donomil mu 1. auxin” my.” 030d 0 50 - '1“ tofhum'l " I n” y‘ .wn. I. than 3' illl' “Va 1 with tel‘u [WWW-mural“. u-ywhuvtrtu am In in 6. WIN. than meddling why-ambit flood!” bound upon mac’- thonto . , h .- you )WQ!‘ »o if I on! Al:- I tell on plan nfluontij friandn r: and if you no Upon my soul, 3 oyou, well it 1: ‘II,who:mVOdm amp m. hyâ€"don’z bin-h. nty non of Mr mambo: nah tad run-ted m- m: was titan" 0‘ vr man a r F" mm. 0! the tug m slain, for they bud ad moved tint they he oi” said Thoiodom of mu plainly tint. who hulbun 1: his shad not air 111 m .3: would In ‘ from my mtivo dtzh m cutout ad . mdcrer, with m It of: sword d)qu a Icingmdu sing uquh in mylgool Tth wu two month! “0. I thou In” Mt. Lomhrgl long 0, but! «pm tar nay-cl! “in .' Somitfidw ‘ n to me that I any yet sea I luv. hard than, the in sick, And that on oooounz of her nickna- her union with Ludovico bu boon poltp onod. "Such, gentleman in my nary. If you think “we been foolish 1 befiyou will upon In. your «mama. t I IV. been very unfortuun no _ono cw duping.” by the outcast sad the tale of mediating A w Theodor. of Hurtng wu {much moved by the cutout}: Itory: for he Wu young, and the tale of love interested him. After modiusin I while, he aid to our hero: “Go can each our horns; and when you awn I my luv. something to uy an!» n. H mVandormo did a he 1 while how gone the SI mum together. We! xemfl "I have been with m compon- u.” aid the boy-wing “ we find M. we malt do Ming for you. But. «1 will undonund tu- as. thing to [nan .th: We do main. {maturityâ€"m t .y ou vb“ in your So “at point no fled. Your story'j , more that in- mted M In: med us in your vor;o.nd we m {M toJulp on» a can. I. thus midtown-mt 0 some ad on the of pppsntpg‘ igw‘ "Ya," replizd om" Into. “Thai. is 01 can. off'm two's-h. or film "Wm ever you in "mot?" “Vury often,” said Ghndo, with t. smil For m, I “mun Inc 01th: luau :amd :mdumfiofthobestowud He Good” I oung m: 3mm goal. m omnao 1'0th finish the ham. ion of mm; up My 9» receive flownth WV“ «Nations noon deed advg CHAPTER II. v ' - it «min u where {no I. no tool that at: her down tom] ch m com - " we grand g for you. But Itlnng' to harityâ€"m t 80 thug poly“ um .9 adult xix-acted, an! I bald clou THE ATHENS REPORTERy JUNE 5, 1894 PART OF THIS PAGE IS MISSING if. EH1 I» u‘ "mm-nos. ho mug hi- turn. he w I If: an [M m arch!» ,uuhourvhu t a; t Indus-val. “[5. “undo: J dOrkm o. dumb: when: hul cut rm: u mic-k I his Mm. .’ "When did ' M?“ , "Hme . .IMOM oun- vohnmho Mun- ht: “Bun-z. macaw-b About»! robhn what it numb». I hulpul was «a wuoomo the who‘mmc‘rm wall ‘hâ€"hlrdl o - began in thin nhzin for year M ayouth clinch honest . «a whinutunfor the to co I d‘d him undmoonumln'ouolwfl." “ on no right. You luv. Mum hot. for somath 0! Mt. But to“ me, whithor m on trading ” “I do not know whothor he went beyond Milan or notzbut I any, from that L. aid, that h. v in Milan in do courts of n few weeks.” “Do you know who were with him?" “You my lord. Thu-e were Gaspar V0391; hodorio Von Brunt; Ludwi Eb! r- huds and John deb Milk, all night. at Saxonyâ€"9‘ “And a! true gentlemen," cried tto this Thooaoro is." “He is s Manda! mine, sir; sud one to whom I ks! bound to Flat my fsvor he my ask. I m deep y indebmd to h'm though his hthor. But, let r curiosity touching the young lord of. srtbnrg w {or now, and listan to the word he has ssnt to me. I will show you what "tum he antes to you for the service you have rem dsrod him." Alfonso turned to his pugs. “Go find the hon-dd." he said, “sud bid him stand me here with {our of my trusty bunt . .. Alter chop-go bu! gone. Alfono uked our hero some questions touching him-elf. md fins.“ lumod thus he had been btniaha ad from 11m by the Duh Manfred. “I know your Marvell." laid the count; “de an ind-bud 90 you though him. Hopvom my flat Imam, h the nu of anal: man. made In In. the mo:- which 3'1 who u Altar this high choir. 17;; And," ulde Orhndt allod 3 who t; to “RI ' Ayo~â€"I knowtho fol! Ital-hm my w ndhtdn-l wl It follow well.” you can tell me vb. th. t. um . he look- I‘hil than than bud his upra- In there was 5 let- .med to be a m I’- wn I Lmty I Bil 177A Fafiher’s- Taiewof Woo. It MW! Imam Ol‘ A n WM”. order who no not new viola the fact thnI‘Dr. Wfllku Pink Pub in Pike «joy A "petulant [or uâ€" colhnm u Ion. and thread, not equullod by. my other proprkhry mldloiuo. Thu thilrepuution inde- mved in amply me out by the evi- denoo of many of the» but new" in this country, which have carefully investigated the most 110th ’of the euro: following the use of ' k Pills, and have given the fact- to their readers, with: clenrneaa and contains-l new) that admits of no doubt as to the truthfulneaa of the reports. metly n W of “lo M w“ in- fntuodb InJohn A. Hawthode knowu- night, thew-unload n can unite in striking a GI“. hm I)?» wished ooon me from Mr. uel Serpent, of Angora town-hip, who hull hem WM“ meet. remarkath by the Pink Pill } mutant. The reporter determined to interview Mr. Sergeant, end «cord- ingly drove to hit: home in Angina, about Ii: mile- from Brochville. " Mr. Surgeons was found busily cugnged in loading logs in the wood: near his home, and although well up in the sixties was working wilh the vigor of a man in the prime of life, exhibiting no one»: of the fact that he had been I. great. sufl'erer. When informed of the reporter's Ifiiflinn Mr. Sergeant said he could not, say too much in favor of Dr. Williama’ Pink Pills, and expressed his willingness to give the loot» in com ‘ nonvion wivh his mwrntion to health. “Two years ago," said Mr. Sargent, I want. ower to Nrw York state to Work in the lumber region for the winter. One day while drawing logs one slipped and rolled on me, injuring my spine. The pain was very sewere sml‘ as I could no longer work I was brought, hock to my home, and was llid up for about. six months. I suffer ad a great deal and seemed to be grow- ing worse. I became badly constipated and as a. result. piles developed which added to my misery. The variom treatments did not appesr to do me any good, and one of my neighbors sdvised me to try Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. My wife went to town and procured a supply, and I had not been taking them long when I found myself grow- ing stronger and the pain leaving me. The I'pilln made my bowels regular main and the piles disappeared, and by the tim» I had when six boxes I found myself as well as I ever was, and able, as you see, to do a. good day’s work." Mr. Sargent further said that he had been troubled with hernia for fourteen years during all which time he was forced to wear a truss. To his aur- prise that trouble left him and in April In“ he threw away his truss and has lied no occasion for it since. Mr. Ser- umnt declares his full belief that. this too was due to the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, but whether this in the cm. or whether his release from no pmlon ll“ mi :eant "é All thin m: mm a. lurch wny of with mud clny of thou we love, but we rumot mu from the I'm that tho ale}. o the It ng ahonld be our lint cont flotation. NW {nuance do“ not imply disrespect to be dead. And surely none of us would whh to be. when dead, the means 0! bruising illne- md death to the living! I luv. laid nothln o! tho alumni male of km you-I in routing individual use. of tmthdhoue-i t.‘hlmmue tthe! ran! row 11 a way 0 proven- glon. The individml mommtbotmt- ed by the hydciw. but the hi her work of raven on cannot bocnri on with. on the hearty (Joâ€"operation of fathers tad mothers-o0! all the people in the community. Every one can do eomething. Every householdercen help by prom u re- mthe not when my ec one broth out in his or her home. by warning his neighbors of it so thet they and their children shall not be ex- posed to the ginger. '__-,- ,, , Mm people hove a foolish objection tab. 11 on infectious (ll-me placard ontheir oases. The objection in not. only foolish, but it Ihown a d d o! the firms of other people. t in o crimetobe the memo direct or ind]- tact, of expoeing others to unnecessary wlizflt‘he abutment of cues of illness cost: money. no the omcient prevention of dim must cost money. Bug pp- of disease must cost money. But pre- vention costs less than treatment in the long run. The efficiency of a health ofilcer is not to be measured by the number of epidemics that he stamps out. but by the absence of e emics. If he keeps his town in she a sanitary healthy condition that infectious diseases do not occur. he is worth ten times the If he keeps his tmvn in such a unit-13 healthy condition that infection: dim do not occur, he is worth ten than the money paid to him. If each a and city were to pay nnnnally for n odth orgnniution as much money as is spent for the fire or police department. the money would ba invested at a high nte of interest. A Negro cuwgng wum. A Phihulelphia doctor but be hiring on a. moot peculiar cue Thoma. Cleveland. a negro. 00! «lied "Uncle Tom.” has evolnto white man. Uncle Tdm Iago“ I year or six Ll ll (1i atin I)‘ IX mm man him [ll tram pupl‘ OHM-d1“ md to! ILTH OF T.“ If”! )‘l‘ [DUKE u‘h lvotl lolp the fave m. ad in n ehiclo. EFI’ui’if'rS/ CommisSion Merchant l BLROCK‘VI LLE LYN AGRICULTURAL WORKS iMoColl‘e Bros. 1%? Co., Toronto USE LARDINE MACHINE OIL McCOLL’S CYLIN DER 01L C( )NerIONIBY ()YflTERS IN SEASON Ask your Dealer for “Lardine” and beware of imitations. \V I HOIJI‘:gAlJ E. t‘NI) RIFJTAIL The Champion Gold Medal Oil. which cannot be Emailed. THRESHERS HAS NO EQUAL. MANUFACTURED BY For sale by all leading lesion in the country . Cossifl: & Bron (luwuur u l. 1.. 0pm} no (a) s . MoNiIh, Lyn, Ont. en Mills ONTARIO Tauruqu 2445 8 $44!: ESTABLISHED 188! {3

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