Lakes and Islands, Times Past

Athens Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18920112), 10 Apr 1894, p. 3

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I, a Every Style & .. Every W"? you see my stock and get my TllE flilllfllll III Next lorrison's Hotel BROCKVILLI "ROCK VILLE Business College snamssnT snoum flout-steroid! Course Thorosuuo TERI. BIASON ABL I Send for Illustrated Catalogue be- fore it riding where you will go. GAY it MCCORI). Principols The goods in this line must be it cluCed be‘t‘ re taking stock, and in order to do at» the prices have be. u Jlarked away Down . if you want a cheap (.‘np, hlufl'. Collar or C-pc, duti't full to tak- ndvuutuge of this genuine Cheap Fun Sull'-â€"IIOW going mu m. tin- F U R LT AIRT -nr... CRAIG, The F urrier Brockvillc. Kingt st.. “and the triccn nnd you'll wtmdrr what‘s up. But so long. no the prices arc down. you need feel no concern. LnAlics' kid buliuno-l boots liple or plain for . , . .31 (I) l‘ODKOlfl bulloncd wnlltmg boots. fair HKIH'ii .. . . "1m Oxford 'l‘ie Show! .. . . iiutf lawn shoes. solid lcuthcr and 1 Ill) 7 5 -’ it'miu-i‘ lined. . . . ti") l.<-ntlior clippers, unwed colt-q Iii) l'urpln'. " " “ 35> ’l'wi-t-d milled bottome . 2‘1 M: n's 5‘qu lt-ullicr lure bouts ,., 85 lloslun (nil litre “mile. grain lufi . I ll“ Finl' lure lilniifl. whnlt- {until i 2"! Buy it “IJ‘tllIil t‘i. lune bouts, “rum top for . Il-"I 3: we”; Hmin l-u'lou lmmu, ‘(liili lunilwr for 75! Hue lnuk «ill t'nnx linolhrr. null lit-forge you know it. 30H Will find )ourm'll’ in ‘ovu‘ with our Vilioli:.<tm~k. 'd/ulm'xrso umn)‘ iii-w lines in i.ml1ru‘{.u‘\tt-nr. vui'tvvu- Ion-ll you all about “mm, you would swirl-m". lil'il\'\'(‘ we. 'l‘lu'rt» for». W“ lill Hr \ou tn t‘lillli‘iillfi are (in olylrn. You Will be null pnui llir your trouble whmht'r you buy or not. and w- Will. lu‘t‘llum‘ you run not “this: toiling ibur {lilillllfl about hut-h but u. \v. DOWNEY rho One «rice lnrloin Shoo Eon-o Broom lillll)’ umur ARE FRIENDSTO Till: Farmer and Builder l‘hey have the best Assorttnen oi ilat'th/U'fi. Tinwnrr. i'umttz ()ils, Vsrnishus, (lulcimines, (lists, flilvrr wore, Fishing Tackle, M2, in town. sud prices to suit tiwtimmt. Tho Daisy Chumsâ€"best in the msritet~ slwsys in stock dud at lowest prices Guns snd ammunition of best quality See them. 0 O A L O I L Low Price Best Quality. '{{AR.IJEY 131:0(31‘ ATHENS -..â€"-w- V . w . m” m" Dont buy your csrrtage till mum - ‘nwn and l "m , thsnuiobsr m M' vssoot tho-o wh- tho ' Wuhs employees moved to Brushle s then on very few Ions-s vocsnt now, end then is s doused for houses to sent st from seven to ten dollslo s month. A pisno ishir is plying his trsdd in the surrounding counties just now. His niethcd of procedure is to odrr s "ism on stonineg libvrsl terms. The instrument is placed in the house on tn'sl, snd the victim induced to sign whst he bo'ievas is on insurance policy on it, but afterwards proves to be u promissory note for o large amount. A-lvertising is not so selfish as it at first glance appears : Your ailv't henc- iits your neighbor and his udv't, in turn, benefits you. An adieitiser draws trade to ls viduge, and what the purchaser does not buy from him he met-urea from bin neighbor Adver- tising is mutually beneficial. Taken .ilioge'her, it benefits the town. A local paper filled with live local adv r- tisement-t will draw trade just assurvly iii the sun draws water. It COliVlnuPR the public that n healthy conipvtitiou o-xistsntuong the uwrchnlih and that fancy prices are not being asked for the goods. When the enterprising uusiness men of it small pin-e desire to noon: their t0wn one of their first acts is to induce n newspn. er man to com~ mence business in their village, in rder that they nmv have gl't'utt‘l‘ scope for their enterprise and by ex- ._____,.___.___ __ A meeting of ti; committee, con- sisting of R G. u y, of E . Willism Edgar of until Edwsrd Kidd. of North 00", who were nppointed by the Esotern Dsiry. man’s Mocintion for the ongs 'ment of instructors for Brochville ' ‘ t. touk place but Tucodiy. Messrs. G. G Publow, of Perth, and A P. Pur- vis, of Msxviiic, were rr-nppoiuted, and snother instructor will be put upon the read under the supervision of in- spector Piiblcw. All applicants for the services at any of the instructors may ln' made to either R. G. Murphy. Elgin, Wil lam Eager, Morrisburg. Edward Kidd, North (lower, or to the inspectors persixmlly win-suner On the 6th inst , .\Ir. Albert Morris. in era-sing the creek that connects Wile Luke with served a partially disabled large fi~h lying in a net in mid stream, which. upon remoml. provml tn he s pike measuring '3 it , 8 in. in length, 5 in. in depth, and 3 in. in width of back. Benle's Cut-ck. 0b-. not i, so tho rsys son were s wly fsding orn tron-tops, in; his wsy towards Addison. An observer st s distsnce would hit vs bun It s loss lossoertsin whether the sp- pronching accommoustion was s modern street car or s country brood wsgon, only the driver at too far behind. We born the onus:- of this is that the quodruped's ambition was to rend the air asunder, and that becsuso- oil the stars on Slab st. bod been kickel out of the their III! f- 't] element and the coachmnn o nsti vo of depended on the security of the little which doys of careful study and nights of estleso slntnbers Thus: desiring ob- servation or information concerning this turnout, the proprietor Will be pleased tn meet at his residence any time, after hours, and will kindly in- struct. to the best of his ubility, on ropes, upon had been spent. payment of it much rate sum to defray Evidently the fish, hal it not hn-eu in-l BXWMBH connected thrrrWiiiI- tmmiH' sdvurtising make their Village“ ired, Would hale pursued his «uv lll’t“i‘llti“i'ilt union; its rivals \thut is true nl‘n ut'wspuper in. its its inner "ion is equally true t‘cspccti'ig i-w~ry wear of its existence. “ficli‘p wUl-k [up i'u llll thplztce, a l L-t‘ Luke. I . twutpllpt‘l‘ must he mirturvd by libvrni l favorable condith of advertising Cord o! Thnnks. ['Idlfnr Athens Ii‘rportrr. SIR, mThi'ough thv columns of your \nlunble paper I he.l to express to the r'itizens of Atlu-us :md to many olhrr tytnpntliizing friends my sincere and .eurtfvit thanks for their lots of kindness und nitvnttnn to my» wll'nnd illillll)’ during our Wet’ks of bitter trial and nfiliction. lim ing sullct'ml Inc him by dwuth of uv Wli't‘, who luv! for it long 3illl|>l)i'l' of years been to “‘1' u loving cmnpzmiou llJl Wise counoellur. 1, Mel this loss so kv-t'uly tint i am not lllli’ to say may.» to tlit'st‘ kind i'ii- lids, who so tt-mlvi‘ly nntl nnrumittingiv tiird to nill'Vlllit‘ lwr suffering; iiud to it'll‘St' htt-r buck to health, thim that l llnllli lylicin. l do thunk lhcvn from ‘lu- bottom of my lit-art, and .ilwnys it-nwmlwr their kindness as long as l shrill litre. \\'.\t. LAYNG, Afhcns, April 9, 181% X no Good Old boys. People who lirP complaining of the hard linhu should take courugr, as lituvn are as had in; they were some fifty six yv-m'u ago, when Jonas Abbott, vH-ll it"u result-tit of l‘llimlmth- Brncltviiic. first ciune to England. lllllil“ll L'ntuulii from with :t mutt of Cullll'lt', yet, ’mll, and thence to Undou'tmlly umnv OVPI‘ Beulah; dam, Charlesto‘i Luke. I MONDAY. Apr. 9 â€"-One of our gavth peace-kn. who succeeded in saving all his feathers when lllill'lV of the same of Charles ous' lame-s: pike littVU been . “'0‘” '03“ their“. enraged 1‘ Charmmg low which no rt‘lhllllh r~~sp inds to the van. M her Midt‘HC”, she had flown, and he becomes mucible with mud and the i do iris of" dwraying thus, 51.0., such exâ€" l illiinmuilsl l l l ! crih-nt fish us pike sh nl l titluiu large ' h'th}, is explainel upon the supposition. that thv uniny marshes that exist out side the channel of the lake afford litvtirub‘t‘ breeding and ' nursing git undu for the fly. (‘ thin it. is that this is not the first large pike taken from VVi'tse i.;il:<'-. Mr Bcuj. litrilt' recall a the pmiotl during which hie. inill4lam was. null-priming rt-cotistrtiction, and hiutefl that at til it time mun-J it, and 15 pound pig».- vuere token from the cmek whone Hource is Vv'iitse Lak». we think we know a flicnd who, five iioftvfl u 13 l'iotu illl' t'lmnnvl of this lake. yours tutu. Ni‘m‘ the, \lllztgt' of Toledo 0xi~tH a' indeed, i pound pike I utiou~ of atmospheric temperature, and dellal'md muttering, “a bird in hand is worth hWU in the hush. One was but it her Went." l l severe Wound. mock turtle dove; .... .WHâ€"m. MCI NTOSK MILLS. b‘ntmou, March 3l.â€"â€"-We expect H: tuli'y pill in Columbus Hall in the “Mir future. Charley mgr-z our town needs it liva_ John Moore and bin fainmis dog While get: mud i'clkt' presenting the same t-hsrnr- l {or “saver ,; hours . it'lti us \Viltw Luke: it lira lo-V, is ' pt‘rvndcl with marshes. and p0 senses a i l 2 albums clumps, are drt cted huge pike lying straight. and motionch neur the hot in the channel u 9 will 'l‘hrcv' ferocious doze broke into Mr. Towc'n coop the other morning. killing (‘z’llll‘ztl t‘iltllilltrl vurying in (li'phi'i from fuur gllmip and wounding several m we. 1' ' . .) to lo lw't. \V'nilc splitting wood Mr. . i i catch bull-punts. nun fish, and rock-1 [minim-‘5 "x0 glanced, culing four mm shallow mutually ; WllilH in pa sun: inlxh the very betwe. n tom. it. has oltcn occurred that tile mun-«int upon this. lake, necking iii-tn "9 “Mitt-1rd , support. lor his pmidlfi, has eu'lcuvortxl “0’8"”, “’ll“ l to pr-lpl'l his rril't by shining 1mm :1 workml n furin belonging to Hunt-y lug ; lying ,, pm” under wm’pr. when“ ‘lurkc, ulmlll half way between Add} , to his untonmuwul, «on and ankrilltr, The first day llt‘ worked for Morgan he was sent ubou' littlfii lillll: from the hth to plough. He was told win-u starting? that lu- would be (:lill‘ll t \ dinner. and wuited for tho \vrlviuuu summom, .ut. no (mo ('zllnt‘ to call him, and he. cm on ploughing until «lurk. when in- ltihitt-hr‘d and wr-ut to the house, ()tt u-tng qucd why he did not come to litmvr when tlw horn hh-w, he rt» died that lit’ bud heurd a number oi home but suptmned it Wllfl huutvm who were culling in their hounds, us they did in England. Abbott put in six w-nths on that. turn), und in the fall moo-iw-d $7 in mmwv, two or threw cunt. offdrwnses be‘onging to the bend ii the l'mutly, a few yards of lhiuucl for l~luiikt-le, sin old 0 )w (which du-d dint ml: the mart winter), mid the pit-unint- d‘thv index“ in unions, win-n tlwv were lit to pull. Janus newt f not his limt tr-nr's experience in (iltllllvifl. and mites (ll-light in rm-nlliug the hard «hips thnl, lw palm-d l.lil‘nll';ii. 0.2m Criminoi Low em. , be H. l u full-grown pile would Build. nlv (Lin fir a deeper bed. Betting Ont Boos. Th0 time'- diuws lil‘fll‘ to act been nut, “I, “.mde of Willow quartets, 1(ltu to 12th use! to be t: c avr‘l‘ugt: date. High laud soft unaple arc in bloom ; thv‘ will ~w is only in t m velvet and is n -t. blooming. 'l‘h re is nothin: for beer; to do i-xcrmt to rt"lllCli around and west» thvir liiex’ strength. Thane neur swumps muv buw noun gutting un “erosional load of pullml, but 65\'r‘l')' loud costs it (low-n . 'l‘m-y muy Itppflul‘ to be working .wo-lv. but it in usuu'ly on the residue of murcd muplt- Hap Put sweetened water out withu = little hunt-v or grit-muted nugnr syrup in .i ltlrttt‘. of comb in the trike of the WillN' to imluau the been to use the water. This will prrvent many of illl'm going so far nwuv in the cold. it “NV ""01! feeding and you have no h um, Illltkt‘ granulated sugar syrup-«â€" 2 unps of sugar to one of “Intel‘~«lieut Wt'll, cool t'i about milk hcut, put in a little pit- her, ther- lillf‘. 0 comb in the lrupm list on the table. hold the liquid Section 179. ~l‘lvm'yout‘ is guilty of him lc-o-t above the mud) to pour and it in indictable trill-non, and lilhl’lt‘ to two will 20 to the b ttotn of every cell. mm imprisonment, who knowingly, 1 Do this at running, it there are when without laiwf'tl jll‘tlii‘ll'l'lilll or c-xr‘uml, (a) l’uhliriy sells or «expo-vs for Rule or to publit.~ \'lt‘\\', :my obscene book, or other printed matter, or any picture. photograph, moth-l or other obit-ct truth no to corrupt. morals; or , (IL) Publicly exhibit! any diwuxtiuu object, or any indment show. No one shall be (-mricu-d of the offences above mentioned, if he proves that the public good was served by the acts alleged to have been don». It shall be r. (premier: of law whether the emulsion of the sole, publishing or exhibition is such as might be for the public good, sud whether there is evi- dence of excess beyond wh it the audio good requires, in the manner, extent or circumstsnm in, to or under which the '1'9' publishin or exhibi- tion is made, soon to and s jn-tiflco- : den or excuse thmfor ; but it shsll be t question for the jury whether there I will remain, notwithstsoding. Loos satin”... WM gufffl'fd-E is. cr is not such excess. The motives of the seller, publisher or exhibitor dash in sllmses be irrelevsnt. Section 180 ~ulrery one is guilty I on lndiotoblo shoes. sndbl'lsblo to tr rs its wit-oi». w puts or {1: or' delivery by or thrush tho psst l other notohlss moy I'Uliiltli‘l on the yurd. it is a nice way to not out the colonies that must be fed promptlvnd-y before the rest. Take 2 or 3 empty combs frorn the colony you wiwh to fee-l «that gives More room to (uremicâ€"thin put the feeding -- l"\i| ms near the lweit as you mm and repeat. until the bows are out of «longer. Thrre nmn great many good feeders but this is the limplvnt. Many leave their been in until the willows and side" are in bloom ind it is quite worm. That is better, provided the bees are contented and quie This must rest with the judgment. A few did not get their been --ut ls-t ueoson until the 90th of this month. I think Mr. O. L. Gibson hI-I'I 3 or 3 in unfil lot of Dirty sud they wore cm entod st thst dste. Mr. PM. Dr. Tinker ond not he sblo to see just how this mid bo.but thefsct (krtslnly. not your boss not when they doinan it; the “annals new Iy in tits purity snd tsmpuotsrs they Collllilntrly off, it. Fortune (ll'th'S the fastest M r Warn in town. John llixuy pitiu our town it flying visit on Tum lay lust. Barrens Mallory has his new mill complete mail is ding u rushing busu- "Bill-l. Jim Btilgnr hits alren'lv plowv d fiur acres this spring and reports the not! in go id order. Our sports urn beginning to look Ont tor the wild duck in Newluu's pond, which is all open. Misti Luum llur’t-ison. of this plat-u, Vcrv little hopes ttt‘t‘ in seriously ill. (\llfsil‘tltllltld of her recovery. .._. ._. -b 7. “Frauâ€".â€" L AXE STREET. of tho behind the wont; those who showed to how been on Slob street night here man the proprietor of the Exocrine» tsl Form slowly and csutiously wood. R. To do a full, hum and lm-d in the muddy waters ofl turtle dove, whose core is situated on ‘ Why, under the tin-’Flllib “tract, to accompany him to an wager assemblcv ; but alas, when he alighted the That - let i capturi-l (i very large wolf north of; to~tn on Fiidm' Inst. i (.‘lnts. Burch met with a. very severe accident. on 'l‘uvsdny last. i ting N. load of buy lcr '1‘. West, one of . the aeuf’liihl poles gave way, striking, lhim on the head and leaving a veryl ' He was unconsciousl l Finn/w, Apr 6 ~~l answer to Yong-o l Front correspondwnt that we are sorry I to any both Mr and Mrs. “'nshburn last years died two Wrtfihhurn Wushhum are (lr'ltll. Mr. June and Mrs. ngo. The tlou‘. of front. street Mrs. ()rnw c -mpuny. The day punt-ed The print, the print, the. publict print. Above all things I despise; l cure not for the people‘s tongues, But i don’t like to be advertised. Julio-,3 has mplenial‘ed his stock of" truling hon“. and invites nlldenlers to Anyone Wlfililnsz a first ohms horse will consult tho-ir inhires‘n by cal i. ml l i u: M r. Armstrmug home. vnred hnv d at. the business and should give sittisfuction. William Schufield has homestead and will drow route to Knnpp's foetal-y. the milk fin be it light load. Mrs. Annie Carson will llnflinfkfiio‘ti widower. We "O'icod one of Plum Hollow's young men on our street Sunday. Rumor says he was received by Miss with min-ttetchod srms sud by Mentor with mints-d home; but it is s positiro font that he did not linger our the old man rend the riot oct. Mus Nellie Baht-field bss gone to Toledo where she is running s tnillim oryin connection with Mr. Hschsy's stem. M in Mill . W. .hstillen No. ii and iotsnfi hb :- 11; db did not fetch along iwr best fellow Easter, as would not accept of his quietly away but Mrs. (how was heard to my : .lut‘k Sclitrfieid llM moved to Athens snd resumed his trade st the so)» m uvrr and "V" 08““ Jock is an experi- mnted the it. promises run the much this yvsr. with the help of our the Chino Boston is It Athens working st Ir. Mcbughlin's st tho ys. thsdshMbm . :ir‘fl‘ad'i'iflhu oldsr tlisu nns's ss;f.‘,_'l'hst only objection. , "wins was good MC MD.” Ir. ufl in talking of tho olopousot. ’ ho nughtu't tn hsro dons ll.‘ It is the "lid ti.m~ thot ininnbos done it. thst lsto my. «duped. «In! it is h third Wills! fX'irI Gilli“. mm- in“ stalled upon etc. 1!! the put two yours; "His boo "Fool! Fortune," nn‘ ex of gambling III brought him in more than .500 s month in addition. he hits been furtuuoto in insulting luresttnt-uts in Chic-so. Ills uvsnmistin work. too, hosbec-n successful. About vtghtrsn mouths sac Job H. Joe!- son, ut‘ the JuchoonlShorp 00., of want inxinu. placed st his dl lo bsoutlfnl private cor named the Roanoke, otter Quinn's native plseo. Ho woo tops for this in he chose. 'l'ho svsngsiist hss been going; shunt the country in luxurious otylo (-tilitllli ti .2 revivals. The Rev. lfr. Pslmsr hits born sun «dotted with bill during iii. pro itrr part of tho time. It 'l‘. 008, s Buffalo lswyor, who hos been connected with rsvlvsl work for t-Pvfrfll ; curs, become interested in Quinn. Lust DM‘OIH‘MI‘ he purchased shslf interest ll: lilo t'nr .nul entered upon the work with l‘tuiuu. ll.- limit his family on bcsrd the out .i him -â€".\lrn. 00!. s hondsomo W0 nmn; .\!.md, who will be seventeen in four mnmi: . nnd Word, a boy of eloven. 1‘ «y held their lost meeting of. Bethle- li :u. l ~I. A week sgo they srrivod in Jor- n y t‘: .- to prepare it big rcvivol the“. The .a.; w it run on n side~trock next to tlir l’rr - ' V min ltnilroonl shed. Five of 00th.! I.” ' t qt l , 5v ‘.N(lEi4lb'l‘, lX-GAIBLIIL the ll'JI‘ 21;: t'hlu'chel of Jersey City sgroed 3.. 3,.- n In this revival. The Rev. John L. St_'ll(lli"l‘, of the 'i‘obrrnscle, is prnrtlcsily ut tin- bend of it. The ministers Were to conduct the members until Quinn snd Golf hunk «burg-h Nv-w. the love mnkina between the old- vrly Quinn and the youthful Maud want on witlmlit any one but themselves being the wiser. To 1- sure. tho jeolons parent. i.ll:‘w that Quinn admired their dainty (lut‘giiit‘l'. (love they spoke to him. about it, Tilewnirl helmml both the children. All the Ntiliifi. Mrs. Huff gusrdod her dnughv or will! jealous cure, not because ‘nho wally feared anything, but becsues she .u n tnntht-r It never occurred to 3x. r that the child could fall in i v.‘ Willi ohm». who looks old he a .1: ,‘.;r, t'wlf in whose glossy black hair .uul Hidi- \\ liln‘tti'rl there is no trace of gray. .Ilié‘t {ttl‘t‘lilit l‘e‘liiolllbt‘f now that Quinn w” llil sovuetiunw loughingly dirplny n lilfl' r-.‘.3 it mum-y and any his wife should bsvo «wwyiluug mm wnute l. Lint the crntle Maud turned her eyes to‘ Zl‘li‘d“ tho grey-haired ox-gomblcr, Pur- EH it was [lid skill and grace with which ,.- wp'tlmml his gnmhl‘tng apparatus before ‘ .' ilh’srlflblé‘il maltlludes in order to con- them they had no culture in trying to Mt) “inner. May be the dexterity with Much he denit " int ilaflzln," "full houses" .uul “straight ushrs” interested her. {build it wnn his e‘mpietice as o speaker. i lllrt I): sdstnonn, sh - inuy have loved him tor the dangers h“ luul plufiud Quinn did not purmlt love to interfere witn linsines ', ti .t is to any, the evangelis- [(2 \surk nut tli-i sale of his book. llo .wnml to be tun Hume on ever. The tiny .u li1-~ olopnno-ut he and Mr. Wolf attended .. n19":ng ni‘ uuniutrrs in the Bible “on”, LI New You Just before 1 pm. the ex gambit-r told his fldfi’lCilhi“ that he had at. t- gimmzwnt null be deported. lliul. eimr Muml told her mother that sbs “do Quin-,1 to tbs: Paulznylvsnls ststion for .t Lttlo while. become who was tired of Eiilt'lllfl in th» «11‘. Alt ilist nflrrllnt'lh imxmnsiy ’fur' her drummer. Hui! mine hr. mo, nus anxious. A tele- gram “cached hnn. it rend: “We on nmrrmd. letter ruining explaining. don't win r." it was sight-d. ‘ John 1'. Quinn." Tait. iii-fl emu‘lude-u that the wisest thing nouhl be to wait tur'ihe lilttrr. it csmo. ‘t nu letter was. that. Quinn ond Msnd ore in any in love “illi esch other. Eoch And they L2,: plit‘rnlal inrgiveness llho lsttsrs in norms. (4.1mm M)! be wss com lied to nwe', -. .1; .‘Jsud beauties be new ho the mother wsltsd When Mr. v- Nix! Mint; “(1.) the pnrsnts' consent, sod am really couldn‘t live without ssch .: h .‘ l‘. .3; 5:91» the address of lrhnn tt-i'lm Apartltwntl which they hove tohso lip-low" in Nov! York, and not “I. our! sins. Unit to entire sud see them. in (mi! uys no mpg-vs they will for- but it's pretty hard to fill! to lb“ )iuth now. He was nine Mn! 1' :‘u about the riftâ€"t1 0‘ the Olaf!th “\Nivl .ii' .l‘t‘l‘dl in" illlp in lilt' i‘.u s.r annular not hit: mind ot root 'A "II Ni ii. ' ‘iltq mm done nothing wrong," h and. "it is a mu- munch {roe at my s3: mention of srnudnl it I‘i l ow [to interest in Q1!!!“ and thot will Mound . his \vnrlt." so Quinn «so! nos :1.“ «aim the re V'rsi. our! ro.‘ iihoiy IM will sll ’ ’20.; to the pink cor sod live st s to”, family. Quwn was one of the famous llnrx-oy. two daughter of Dr. W. 0. ~« (l. .. of the West lilo llrst wife on “ . of mm, lo. She no 23.. bonus “Denim bin. Mania-his" Ho ‘ V M w aim-r“. " ' {rt .. - . s o roves who he no on“ in of“. whtsl lava-sum At about 5 l d dosed. s to the roll sad the poop . “I: shildroh. lssvs the church so click- ss possible," he cried. “Bosh solos othsr church. where insss son he sdnitnls- yon. Esther lcnonsld unnot But the people nsvss going on Isthor Hobos- sld turned to tho sltor sud picked n the cbsllcs with which to commence the nod. Fothor Hill's chosh bleached. Ho sprsng towsllds Fsthsr HcDonsld to wrest the syn- bol of folth from him. McDonsld turned ogsln. his ht sun shot out, lsnded full in Fsther Kl 's fscs. snd once more the vsnersblo )riost wss sent to the floor. Thou. stll holding the chalice. Father McDonsld ponnc ed on his prostrate pastor snd struck him sgoln ond agnln on the hand out! fscs. The sight of the two priests strngg ling on the floor of the sscrlsty, tbs sscred choline being fought for by one ond held by the other, their vesttnents torn snd crushod and the sounds of the blows roused the congregation to s ststs of fren- zied ion. The spell wns brcksn, sud with s mighty rneh hundreds of people mode for the altar. Women sci-coined sud fsinted. The men jumped from pew to pew. ln s While this wss vummt v. n‘nonsw. few seconds a dozen men had cleared the sscristy rail sud closed in on the strugg- REV. lint: fighting men. Father McDonslds bonds were now closed on his pastor’s throat, and ho was drsgglng him slong the carpet, dustian his hood against the iron roll. The men seized McDonsld, tore him from his victim sud forced him, s’trng- cling, shrieking maniac to the vostry. Tondoriy Father Hill was rslsod sud lsld on the soft cushion» of n front pow. He revived in s moment and woo conducted to the rectory opposite the church. A doctor we; sent for, who gave s rector.- live. Father Hill had o contusion on tho left side of the head the nine of on egg. llis furs vus slightly swollen snd his neck pained lilll‘. There \Vt‘X‘K etirring ccenes in the: church all this“ blip. Sonn- of tho congrsgsticn mm ml. to ll'fllui. summary punishment on ll‘c pugilistic priest. At this jillll'l‘h': Wilt-ennui teynolds rushed into 92:. alum-h llllll stood gum-d over hunt-r I21. Donald, who was raving I.“ cum: by turns. lie '4 it big msn snd Wtrlgml over fiih) pounds. \'.cnt‘ Gent-m! lianumrn, noting under illflll'llt‘lli)‘.i {ruin Bishop McDonnell, hos Father .‘lwllouald removed to St. l'eto-r's lit-:‘pliiti for trsstmsnt. A FUNNY SUlT. A Judge om! Jury Soy Kothertne Over mnino's Figure is Not “to n Barrel. it has been legslly decided. in a Syrscuss. N.Y. court, first the shops of Miss Ksth- erius (lermolne. the slnger, is not thst of s hurl, and nhe has secured judgment for $i.ll25 against H. W. Roseborn, who dis- charged her from the “Rninmshcr of Syria" rotrpnny upon the ground that she ran no limped. There is indeed o sort of hnlnuf personal Krnuvlcur surrounding it grost slnger~grent ' in any «vim». A scene inset ; small people, win-Lilo? slsrs or nobodles, seem but a part of the muslcsl picture, but if the grout shun-r be indeed shsped like It barrel it certainly detrscts from the lnipresslvsnoss of her tzrmftuess. Hod Miss Germslne real» ly been slisped like s bsrrsl Mr. Roseborn would have been justified in dispensing with her seniccs, but she is not. The issue in the triad of Miss (lermslus's suit woe o sltnnle one-o question of foot use or no oocnsorsrrsss' onion. In. .500 of tits "quest" in s west. But the New York Secret Service scent has nipped tho “piont” snd Enrico Solomon sud Jonnlo Jsoouls to boot. Solomon snd his wits end six children. end the women sire-ted so his «compiler, porfortnod the workln s tsnotnsnt house. On tho table were found s smelting-pot snd crucibles. pioces of tin. sntimony, copper. bottles oontslnln; vsrlons ehelnlrols snil one hundred oonntorfelt dollars. Tho moulds wsrs csptnred. ton. The moulds s- so odntlrsbs sntl the composition of the nets! used so skillful thst the coins re duced were, nnnsuall clever and deer tfnl oonntsrfolts. They sd tho color of silver sud its ring. but were scout weight The metal need in their msnnfscture was s. com pound of tin sud antimony. Of course the detectives would not M1 the propmtio'i of there metals. Solomon put out fully ‘500 s week of the bsd coin snd ho bits been reducing it st this rsts for ssvorsl months. no good money ws-i found st his flat. As [not on it came in he must have hidden it. Jennie Jsconis. it it supposed, bought the materials out of which the coins Were made, and sctod its go between for Solomon and the rest who passed them. Jucnnln's bus» band is in prison. The New York oflicvrs ore eluted at thelr rupture. Anslan to Pose os Corpses. The principal Keeper of the Paris mot- gun is retiring flfh‘r fit’ieon yonrs’ ssrvlcs snd has given some account of his un- usual experiences. The sutborities, M. Pierre says. are besieged by people who ask to bo allowed to pose on corpses, but the applicants do not persevere when they lost-n the conditions under which they would have to spend twolve hours. Tho bodies srs now sopsrsted from the public by thlck gloss snd nre kept in o tempers- tnre of savers! degrees below sore. No- thing, M. Plans says, bron ht such crowds to the morgue on the ex lbitlon of tho bsuliess corpse of o womsn which ro- ruslued nnldrntified for three yesrs, snd the trunk in which the murdered K. 0038. bod been found. \ iilr- iuruliill Itml linillllini“ 'l'he hog is no easy mmnul l0 cultivate. lie tusz root in any soil. The United States is preeminent] 'tlie hind of divorce; it lends sll civilized communities both in the numbers of di vorcea granted and in the numbers of the reasons for which they can be ob tained. In the year of grace M36. in Great Britain there worl- ~lT-Stibsolntr divorces; in Gernmnv, 6.078: in France. 6,211: in the model republic of the world, 25.535! The rensons why vnrv till the way down the list from A to W. from Alabama to \Vyomlnq “There is an abominable lnxity of the laws on this subject. l' Taking the pcriod of twenty yours from 1867 to lNNll. and on the basin of the census of 1823i, Mr. Genunlll tells us the rntio of divorce to population in Canada was one to 87,283; while in the republic. on the basis of their census of 1mm, the ratio was its one in 150, In those two decades “3,622 couples were divorced one your after inert-intro: 2|.- 525 after two years. 27,370 after three years, while 25.371 were separated after twenty one yours or more of married life. As 328,716 were granted during these twang yeah. it is safe to say them were 43-4,” applications. Doubtless there isn spirit of nuptial-r.- tlon nhruud in these lnttcr days. The number of those who refuse to be bound till death them do pnrt n pears to be in- creasing evnrywherc. In erlin, between 1880 and IRES, the number of divorces rose from 412 to 7:54, and of the 15.10? asses in the five years only one-third were for influlelitv. In France in the forties there was one divorce for every 47,82! of the people: in the inter noveli- tics, one forever ‘ 15,610; in the same period in Helium the ratio rose from one in 83,000 to one in 25,660. From the (in s of Bluff old Hal to (857 the Eng- llsi Parliament had granted but 817 div’orces; in the all years following [857. the Divorce Courts had issued 6.3m nb- solute divorces end 914 decrees for jndi. ralsl separations. In the United States in 1867 there were only 9.987, while in 1886 the number hitd risen to 93,525. in Vermont. lit were grinned in 1862), and “3‘?in W7“; in Connecticut, in Mill), tht-ro Wi‘t't‘ niun cums. whilt- in the l.) yearn sift“: l‘tll they M‘w'n ‘el fill; and so in many n” .it' “we alihll‘fl. in l.‘ln mum-7'10 3 - . . w t- lilfi~ii.t'l‘li m 1875. llt‘lll‘l} (u - o'ut .u womb-or in lN‘aJ, i'hus cpl: ‘\ . .l L: ml in l‘ltl'.’ to ii: iii liv'; .l51 ‘ -"‘i\ \.i|i’~l -1 “up, I. ,5‘.’ lam. m. 3’i|.l.- .. . t1; ' ll) Inn .n [1,1' -_ A..._...m._._..._...- .. -- .. Like wlrscle, Consumptlotzllow “audits Um em m T.“ loo Slillll 'l. lllllll “POEM AID ensues ll Miscellsneous Books, ‘ Blsnk Books. Woll Pspers, Purses, Albums. Bibles, Prsyar Books, Hymn Boobs, Rewsrd Cords, Rowsrd Books All) Every Article Usually Kept in s First- Clsss Book snd Stationery Store. Corner King & Buell St, Brockville. cos. LANE, Msln 8t... opposite Msley's Boot s». Shoo more. B R 0 C K V I L L B (lorries tho llilflEST STOBK 0F WITOi'lEO of sny house in town His stock of Clocks. Jewelry. Dismonds, Spoo- momma” is complete in svsry dopsrtmeot on W'ILL BE SOLD RIGHT Iopolfln; by Chilled Work!"- or Ipocisly. ' _lee us it coll when wanting snythln; in our line. Vt e can suit you. 7 . .._.............~m Less then $1 is the cost per week to use tho MICfiofiE ~>l KILLEil The one great cause of its pop- ularity is, that it makes no unfounded pretensxons, but PERFORM8 ALL THAT IS GLIIMED FOR IT Thos. Lannin, Toronto. Ont. Woe smlcted with a severe case of Fistulo and terrible pains in his back. Hod no flith in M.K.. but used it and got radically cured. J. 8. Allen. Goderlch. Ont. For twent years suffered from Stomoch. Liver sud lduoy troubles; bod tried rnnny gmedlos. but it remslsed for ILK. to core m John ‘3. Murray. Halifax. As an army ofliccr. contracted Chronic Rheumatism of the nerves ; was compelled to use morphine altogether to ohtsin relief. until he tried M.K. It cored him. 120 an Sr. W. Tonox‘m. oxr. Wu. nodes- 1!! orobe Killer Co Lttnllesl. REMEMB “32h... ' s It you on Duns-s sothsosro on b with Its-sco- RAY' ‘riush ancy Goods and Albums» sod holowccstl‘or

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