“it! passed ' also. new lines of heats ssgl Shoes arriving 0“? “has, complete in every 60 WM. and we ask the Nieto «Be-dispense diilerent inssand stylm. We aim to keep the bad " very low“ M priest. , , ‘ We are in the front rank and if good goods, fair dealing and popular prices will keep us in front wears there to stay. MOWAT & JOHNSTON Tn: Pause: Snos Smas tsmusuen , NORTH Baiiisa AND MERCANTILE lNSURANCE COMPANY 01“ LONDON AND EDXNBURG 1809 1809 Iead Oflcs for Canada - loan-eel a Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14,500,000 Funds Invested in Canada 4,482,752 Total Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . 55,706,476 lnsures all kinds of property against Loss or Damage by 1Fire or Lightning at Current Rates. E. A. BUCKMAN. Disrmcr Aussr Buocavmss T I! E ATHENS, Manon 20, 1894. COUNTY NEWS.“ INTERESTING LETTERS PRO! 00! STAFF OF COBBESPONDSNTB. A Budget 0! News and Gossip. l’ersonal IB‘OUl‘OIOQr A Little of Ivory- tning well lined up. “2.12.051. 7‘5}? ADDISON. .‘li'rl‘imav, March lT.~â€"-Mrs. A.- (3bui‘eh, of Mt. Pleasant, spent Satur- day and Sunday very pleasantly with her parents here. (lur prominent. agricultural imple- ment. agent, of this village, recently purchased the billions roadster, “\Vauldlcr," from his son. The-P. l'a, of (llossvillc, are pros- pering. Several ladies of our village luvr remntly joined. The eldest one of them was appoint." on the sick eonimittlmg, and will no doubt be kept unit:- buay for this term. discharging the duties of her olliee. . so». & H HAT“ ‘NN. '. Shea lbs of Faith“, March l‘lâ€"i‘vlt'. r’. . has shipped in Montreal 3.0:) sugar and 7.3 gallons of molw Miss Martha ll'h'hoa in sister, Mrs. lthluran, ("liantif Mr. Ed. Reyes, of Frt'mte-lar, will giu- a grand sugar pally on lair. birtlr day. April lut. Miss Mannie U'Sbeu leaves vvu Normal school in a few days. \Vlm is the young man that taker. a walk down street nearly every evening and stops short on the cm‘nl‘i'l ' .‘i'isc X. l'm. leaves for Montreal to resume her daily labor Mr. and Mm l). J. Judge will leave for Michigan in a few days and will be neemiipuniel luv her sister, Miss Hannah (J‘Sllou. 7:1 <7 ~~~~ <0»~â€"~ AA- PHILII’HVIIJJE. ill:).\‘l;.~\‘.'. March 19.. The painters .ue done with Mr. Myles lmkwood's liml‘w .lllll be is moving in this week. \Veli'ulni‘, Myles. The patrons of l‘lvcrlrue lodge are rushing things They have purcth ,Eiwil‘ gt‘tinnȤt‘i'll and the moat of their égroceries through the P. of l. since it Was nrgpmirml. llziskins' saw mill is turning out the lumber these days with Reuben at. the lever, \Vallacc as tail sawyer, and Joe cutting slabs Mrs. William lainhlcy, visiting at her father's for some time, returned to her home in Powrboro on the seven- teenth inst. The funeral of Southmcnt Elliott takes place today at l0 o'clock at his old home. Chantry. ~ 4o»â€"â€"â€"-r SEELEY‘.‘ HAY. lt‘nmn'. March ili.-â€"Mr. Alex. lhmohue,of South Lake. has bought the stock and tools of the late W. N. Johnson, harness maker, and will open up shop in a few days in the building owned by Mrs. E. F. Gilbert, on the corner oi Main and Bay directs. “7011s on thenew cheese factory is being 'v'igorously pushed. Thr new stow nos-r being built by Hawkins & Randall is rapidly nearing completion. The boys hale startal a boxing school and are nightly cmctising the manly art of selfdefencc. The site of the new ball of the Select Knights still remains undecided. Owing to the bad state of the roads, the S. of T. delegates here did not. attend the meetin of the District. Division hold at Wgestport last Tues day (Mar. 13). ._.- â€". do“.-- TULE D0. Snusmr. March l7.--8ugsr mak- ing is in full blast. Mrs. Jennie Hutton, of Smith's Falls, is the goat of In. C. Marshall. Mr M. D‘yslï¬re. 0000f our men chants.»hss engaged Wm. Stu-otter! as Mr. Kart, with a large family, has moved into a house near the village. 1:; Min 's tailor, lvk‘mmhss no to the villqs. I fatally with him. last for {litre-- . L. N. Phelps has started a lob print- iugprs- inhisoilce iorprintingcarth, circulars, envsl etc. M. A. Ivortts, barrister, of Athens. was in town last week. 8. B. Davis, the distn'ot avail. of Brockville, was in awn last. week can- vassing fur the Norwich Fire and Ac- cident Insurance Co. Herbert Sinclair and his sister. of Carleton Place, are at present visiting their friends. They used to live here a few years ago. i . aâ€. IJUMEMAIN. Fsioav, March illâ€"The sugar mak- ing season has not been very productive as yet in this part. Quite a number from here attended the oyster supper at Woodvalo recently (the proceeds of which went to Mr. Cowsn who preaches there), and report a very enjoyable evening. Miss Chattie Sliter spent some days in Kingston. the guest of Mrs. W. A. \Nebstor. Chloe, the youngest daughter of David Haskins, has had an attack of bronchitis, but is better again. Miss Billings returned to her home at Kilboum's Springs on Monday of this week. Miss Cowan, of Charleston, is visitâ€" ing her many friends here. Miss Kelsey, of Escott, spent Friday and Saturday with Miss Chattie Sliter. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cross and daughter spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Howe at Hard Island. Miss Chatt-ie Sliter was the guest of Mm. S. Taplin, of Athens, on Thursday last. The roads are getting very soft and sloppy these few days back. Some of the farmers say they would a great deal rather haw seen March come in with a little more of the lion than so much of the lamb, as they would rather lace the lion now than later. Nearly all of the farmers that got in ice have their ice houses tilled. A. E. Sliter was away this wet k oanvassingfor his hay fork, Daisy churns, etc. ..-or SOPERTON . SATURDAY, March 17.-â€"N. VAfford has counnenced to move on Mrs. Brown's plut‘e. J. blood is said to have place in Athens races. Old Nimrod is happy once more. llohashad to stay in the hoase all winter, but since the snow has gone he has shouldered his gun and is follow- ing the buying of his hound. The one hope of his life is that he may get a black fox. the track of one. and is following it up both early and late. l \V. T. has commenced keeping bachelor's hull again, which seems to suit his idea of happiness. it is about time for the three young g ladies to make. another trip across the. field to have their fortunes told. \Vo have not heard whether their fancies wore. lully satisï¬ed or not, but actions oftentimes speak plainer than words. Brigham has been over to see the Claravoysnt to know it he is going to get another wife, or if he will have to keep the two he has. The clairvoyant has got an oppw sition in a silver agent who claims to be a spiritualist, but has been caught nicely a few times at his little game in reading the character of pcrmns whom he claimed he had never seen, but, Come to ï¬nd out, he was well acquaint- ed with them. There is a new mailAcarrier between Lake at. and Front st. The devn is making daily trips to the crew’s nest. l \VAF‘IIBIVRN‘“ TURNER“. MONDAY, March iii-«Our schoul in dustry in a healthy condition, the menr taken ti rsl l l l 5 run†smooth one pleasant under the ma‘xhement of Miss Allie Lamb, of Athens. Houses are plentiful and cheap. From Richard Kelly's to \Vashburn‘a factory, a distance of four miles, com talus 108 horses, old and young, being 27 t0 the mile. We have a lodge of Patrons of In- bers being well satisï¬ed with their goods and prices and are determined to stand together for the elevation of the farmers, independent. of party or creed. Sickness is very light since la gi'wpo wave pissed over. After a good winter of 83 days sloighing, sugar-making began on Mar. the 8th and is new in full blast with the proinects of a long season. Building has already mmmeucod in our district. with Mr. Preston (a large sugar house) and E. C. Bulfoï¬ (a fowl house and pig sty combined). Mr. William Churchill and f returned home to Dakota on the inst. [noticed in your last week's paper an item respecting the pardon of Me- Green-y and Connolly. You said trial it was clearly established that the peopleof Canada had been plunderd out of i‘l00,000, then on the recom- mendation of the. Dominion cabinet Lord Aberdeen signed their . Well and truly, you said the whole trial, conviction in went and pardon has been s farce and s failure of Justice ; yes, and within the bmnds of truth you might say, a burning shame to all honest, law shidi Canadians So mach ily 5th lie claims he has got on I executive. Apostotl onto sf, slushy. Atprsssatyouesa or plscssior makln‘u dinnersstsatlottt‘flshsscu Let there be a lugs turn out of the ratepayers at the meeting in Ruth's hall nest Friday evening at 8 o’clook, to discuss better ï¬re protection. Farmers are now busy sugar Thus far the season hss been above the average and everything points to an ex- ceptional yield of the maplo's product. 8. S. Davis, of Brockville, Inspector in Standard Life, was in our town for two days of this Week. Rumor says he did a?†quite a business while here. 2185 ONIDOLLAR I UPWARDS mmumwas rissm' sips samsm A? mm RATIO. oliesnotthtshakarc I not to the mime! any ’dwm- on. 1N0. PR mo 1.! Diana." In: lush Below vim be found quotations“ the Isadi Bank Blocks which the Reporter will pub weekly in future for the information of realest:â€" lasan Mdecrouto...,......,l 546‘ BankofMontreal........ ....l em impel-nu x of Canada ...... l :19 Standard all at Canada . . . . . . L 168 Moleon’sflank...... , m Merchants' Bank of Canada ‘ 155 Bank of Hamilton . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . 153 I Canadian Bank of Commerce .1 l!) . Ontario Bank lli Union Bank of Canada . . . . . . . . . I l0! BID Mr. Thomas Barney left this'morn- ing for Ottawa to attend th amnion of the Provincial (.lrsnd Black Chapter of Ui-niigemein. Miss Byers, the popular dress‘iaker h IS returned from her winter vséltï¬n and is now ready to attend toall orders in dress or mantle making. The marvelous success of Hood's Samipnrills is based upon the corner stone of absolute merit. Take Hood's throughout. the spring months. We have to thank Jus. It. McNish, Brookfleld, Missouri, and F. W. Hicks, Tacoma, Washington territory, U. 8., for a bundle of late papers from their respective towns. M unfunny. .._.._â€" ATE!!! AND NEIGHBOMRG LOCAL! NIB 3mm! WBI’M'EN UP. Ivants as Icons by Onr nun 01th. PsnelLâ€"Looal “IOEIIMUMI. lei led liht Down Holiday next Friday. D. dz. A. Corsets atvf}. W. Beach's. There are seven applications for divorce at this session of Parliament. Exain's were conducted in the high school last Week. Under the new rog- ulationa these preparatory tests'. are of unusual importance, as they have s dir- out. beating on the result of the mid- summer ï¬nal. There will be servicl hold in the Methodth Church on the evening of The. high school closes on Thursday (loud Friday, M arch 23rd, at 7.30 pm. next for an Easter vacation of ten days All the members of the church and congregation are cordially and earnest- ly invited] to be present at this Good I Friday service. l‘laxter sermon Sabbath ' morning: and an Easter song service in the evening. New syrup sold for 80c per gallon in Brock ville last week. Farmers in Western Ontario cour menmd ploughing last week. Our tinsmiths are rushed with orders these days for buckets, pans and syrup cans. Gentlemen of reï¬ned taste chew l Beaver tobacco, exclusively. For S‘ile by all dealers. The reorganization of Athvns’ brass band is procee‘ling very slowly, the liuancial stringency barring the way. A brass band is of unquestionable lucnctit to a village. During the sum- cnn mer evenings that our old band used to 1’50 per I play on the street large crowds were mounted to the. Village, not all of whom Were pleasure seekers. The band might receive aid from the coun- .eil and that with the assistance that ,Could lii'olutbly be obtained from ‘Athcna' numerous friendly societies Would place it. on '1 good tinancial basis. The project is worth testing. It is said that the Patrons are going into the cheese business in the King- ston district. Tomorrow and bm‘mlltel' get oranges and lemons for dozen mMott dz Robeson. The. mild weather last eluded the possibility of the liorue-riwus taking place at VViltse Lake, a»; advexu lined. yilll wet-l: pie Mt. John \Vright, who has been at : tending Trinity college, 'l‘oiontn. is: spending Easter vacation at his home here. ‘ Election of onloers. W. I (In \Vedncsdny, March 1-1, the foot n the mil†Who 3"“ "mil “t “TM “'9 : ball club of the Athens high school met I newspapers say about him “lllml‘l ““ j and elected Ollieera as follows 2 i turn thanks three times a day for what ‘ p,.,.sid,.,,t‘ ML (A): J. muck princian i the newspapers know about him Imd Viccpresidont, Mr. Blackwell. don't say. Secretary, M. t". Arnold. 'l'reasurer, Mr. Motloi'lilack Captain, it}. A. Lechy. Field captain, Ernest Gibson. Committee: 5 “yum, A.- Crawford, Ste-soy, Drmht‘ï¬oud. Curator, Get). J. Slim-man. The Athens Auxiliary of the. \N. M. 5‘. of ‘.he Methodist church will. hold their Easter tliankâ€"cll'erinz St‘!‘Vl(‘0 : iu the vestry of the Methodist church on Good Friday at 35 o'clock. All; ladies interested in tiiiasiouary work are cordidly invited. it Ii. ii. i I ‘ ,.... .0... l hlr. H. Hawkins, who lives on the] Th. ruin 5"" “uh outskirts of Athens, Was considerably‘ The L. C. l". 5. sugar social held in surprised on Saturday morning hint, to z the Presbyterian church on \Vednesduy see a line. big deer pass his, place at a . 9"‘311l'18 "(l3 “"11 fltl‘fllllf‘lb considering leisurely cantor and enter the adjacent l the l’l'lef notice given. and the evening woods. it. is highly creditable to our “as passed very pleasantly. The sugar local aportmwn that no alibi-t was 1 was unquestimmbly “new†.and ex« made to km it, I ports pronounced it cooked, just right. ‘ _ it was served in liberal quantities by Mr. I reaton Hsskin, formerly a a Hmfl‘ "f willing waiters. Wm, an no clerk in the store of, M r. Jos Thomp- cunnmnimpm of mm,†and cold nu,“ son, now of Boston, is hero on a Visit to . . ‘ Mr. U. J. Finch presided over the relatives and friends. Thougn but. g socum] Pam 0f “1,, ,wcningia wrfonn. ll\'0‘_y“t\l’“ WW“ l’lfll"“‘"l 5““9“ M“ lance and the following program was Hassm left A theme for ill)“ Stat-ea. b0 creditably rendered ; Piano solo, Mien sees many Changâ€. ï¬ll“ 1““ l"" the Ross, recitation, Miss Hartwell , vocal “0"â€, m 0"“ hm" WW"- ,swlo, Mrs. ll. J. Flach; quot-lotto, l Messrs. hit-Corinne, Kincaid, Wood and f'low. The song given by the quar- As a result. of the Crosslcy do Hunter | services in Brockvills. which cloned on l I , , ‘vadnefldnv hm, 1,)“, "Hum were ; te.te was a partn-ulm'ly pleasing num- handed in, divideu among the different be,“ M r‘. Md “Tm†images?†an gx' denominations an follows: Methodists, NI lent, "mm Winch hi: "m wn’h tr’l‘n' 5l5 ; Presbvserians, 340 . Episcoh- “1 “kmâ€! ""‘| 8"“! J‘“lg""emt and I“ ‘3 alians. 138; liaptista, 68 ; Roman Catlr W‘lklnne “ammo†m AWN“, vowing“ "lice, 7; (longt‘l‘gstional, l ; sin-mm l “""W “W ""‘â€â€â€œâ€™l “'° W“ ‘l“"' Army, 1 ; denomination unknown, 48. l LEM“ lmdlir um "irpdion or Mr' H' - ,‘W, Kiucai-l, gave a number of good Mr. R. l). Judson, who is a lover ; selections, which were. admirably toned of the line ï¬shing and boating at insult thrroom. (.lliarloston Lake, last week purchased. Cam ) Lookout, the island home of the “fl-9 - 8- {3‘51"er 1" i“ convenienlly The quueney of incipient ï¬res in "‘lâ€â€œmlv_wâ€'l‘ " we" “hellï¬reâ€! harbor i the village during the past week or two ’"ld l'm‘lmfb “"‘b “31â€â€ “Rogetth is has started several of nurcitizons talk one of the pleasants-st spots on the lake. , ing about [he mtm. “hence of any .ys 1 tom for successfully eombatting even - the smallest and most insigniï¬cant pastorate of the Baptist church at Ath» . . . , _ ens, l’lum Hollow and Toledo, and will : mnm' l “Him. 1“ hm.“ smng mo.- hwk' l preach his farewell sermon here on l “T lio (‘8 m Plum“ “mm burning Sabbath evening next. This nunount‘i“ 1 building" .not " single axe‘ 9.“ or “"13 ment will be received with regret by n l thLï¬mï¬ Wrist; 23; large Circle of friends and acquaintances, Gael“ at 8 ml. ' Thin mle u l“ to whom he has endeared himselfby . ' . . h“ 'rnk- P'â€â€œâ€œâ€œâ€˜ "3"“.'““ '9- "" " ‘ ::°:.‘:.“:;‘.:‘."l.‘:';:::.“ 33.3%.?“ 3.3.": by his consistent christian hie. Mr. con .n when the w"m Wm ‘ ml. . Murduck will continue to reside in n g ' so Ame,“ '0‘, “weâ€, '00“. lacorching that every ratepayor will regret that the matter of ï¬ne ion We are pleased to announce that Dr. was not better attended to. It is true 3. J. Road, who has spent the group.» we have 25 or 30 chemical ï¬re extin - part of the lost two years in this village uishers scattered over the town, wh' as sinistan to J. P. lamb in the We believe Will do good usch if dental olï¬oe. has returned to Athens kept in proper condition, but sit with his lamin and will become a per. l a res-in. call was and! through no manual resident. flince les‘lng have l umns of the Re a couple weeks ago for all numb be M“, last as Dr. Road has attended at; Royal Dental College at. Toronto, w but a comparatively small “twins: have 0‘ he graduated with honors, and now followed the W. wears the tit q.... ll'irs Protection. Rev. T. J: Murduck has maligned the slT,"C. W.Cslsll, L (basil, 8. Inwsoa, J. Henderson. . Third Olsenâ€"0. lawsoa. D. flows, 1. King, W. Mold. 1'. Cohen, R Buses, (is Joyut. W. Poolah, 8. Joyat, M. Brown. Second Clamâ€"M. Triokey, M. Con- ell, D. sums, A. Joynt, H. Kay- don, R. Chant A. MoLaren. L. Carry, J. Rankine, P. Covey, A. Sines. Pt. II. Classâ€"Mary Triokey, Claud Mott. Gso. Hooas, teacher lh' “COMM flli- Angin Greene. formerly tele- graph Operu'or at the B. t W. station bore. died, a victim of consumption, at her home, Lyndhurst, on Thursday evening. She was well known and belovvd by a large circle of friends in Athens, who watched with sorrowful hearts t progress of the dread disease tJi caused her death. The funeral services, which were conducted at 11 u.m. on Sunday, were largely attended by relatives and sym- pathisin‘g friends from Athens, Lynd- hurst. and vicinity. Deceased was thirty years of age, wuss daughter of the he Henry Greene and sister of Mrs. C 1. Lamb, 1f Athens. chum. Death, the grim reaper, has again entered our midst and removed another of the old landmarks of this section. At. one o’clock this (Tuesday) morning the spirit. of Mrs. Eliza Chamberlain rclict of the late Dr. Asher A. Cham- berlain, tool: its departure from earth. The dimmed lady was in her {list year and has been a resident of Athens forever 38 yeais, moving with her husband to the village of Formersville from the. vicinity of Harlem in this county. Mrs. Chamberlsin Was a very active and devoted worker in every good cause, and, with her late husband, may be said to be the pioneer of the temperance cause in this county. Her charity was broad, and many a poor family has cause to be grateful for her gifts dials-used with no stint.ng hand. She leaves 3 son, Dr. Theo. G. Chan)» bcrlain, Inspector of Prisons and Asylums, Ontario, and a daughter, Mrs. Miller, wi-low of the late J. C. Miller, M. P. P. The funeral will take. place. on Friday next at 11 a.m. from her late residence to the Baptist chapel where serviCes will be conducted by Rev. '1‘. J. Murduck. Should be in Ivory family. The Globe, Toronto, is giving Cami dians an opportunity of swearing “Pic turesque Canada" upon very reason- able terms. This work, Which is thor oughly descriptive of (brands, was written by Principal G. M. Uri-ant, I).D., of Queen's University, Kingston, andis profusely illustrated by Wood engravings from the brushes of some of the most eminent artists of the day. It. is being produced in parts of 24 pages each, one ‘part appearing each week, and can be secured by cutting cut one coupon, which will be found in all editions, and forwarding it to their Art. Department, along with 12 cents in stamps or coin, to pay mailing and [mstagel The opportunity of possess- ing so valuable an edition to our literature is one that should be taken advantage of by every Canadian who wants to know about his own country, and We hope The Globe’s generous other will most with the. approval that their enterprise deserves. Cl Ira. Wm. Layne-Badly Burned. On Tuesday evening last the alarm of ï¬re again su'mmoned forth our fire- ï¬ghting citizen, this time 'to the resi- dence of Mr. Wm. Layng, Main street, west, where it was found that a most lamentable accident had occurred. Mrs. Layng was alone in the house and Was engaged in quilting in an upper chamber when by some mishap the lamp was overturned. The escap- ing oil ignited, threatening the destruc- tion of the, building, and in her bravo efforts to extinguish the blaze the clothing of the unfortunate woman took lire. Her screams brought the assistance of a neighbor and she was speedily rescued from her perilous con« dition, but not before she was fright- hilly burned about her body and arms. . As the house was full of smoke. Mrs. Layng was home to the home of a neighbor, and later, when all danger from ï¬re was passed, was conveyed back to her own home where she now lies in a very precarious condition. Deep sympathy is felt throughout the village. for the unfortunate woman, and all that medical skill and willing hearts and hands can do is being done to relic": her terrible sufferings. lam Concert. The musical and literary entertain- ment. held in the high school hall here last Friday evening was a. decided suc- cess in every respect. The audience d highly appreciative, being conu of the elite of the town. The programme was choice and varied, an. performers being some of the very best from Montreal, Brockville, ahd other neighboring towns and cities, while the proceeds of the concert were fying indeed. Rev. Father J. J. Iy, pastor of the mimion of Athens and surrounding country, is indeed to to seal ‘, “‘ . w. i '. ~ ‘ I I’m .. ti ' i? i I v 0.- sad “am -â€" . . . ' ', .. ‘D P a M" you will would in: In my a r" woods- M {h N’DMM your in ï¬ *0 Ancient Usdsrof, ml V flu been a sssutsivs to the Grand lac. whie met at Toronto " l WWm_n 12:... a we: y mutual gatherings The! wars som~thina over 400 represents? .F‘. . t . O l s s tivss, huh! I ulliuers; also had reple- ~ "Motives from Supme L Idge, tbgntlp‘ or with a iHltlh‘itl'llI runsiatilu of Dr. Cronvatek ha and others ‘ b'luuging to the Iudppeu-b'nt Order ol FUrI'“£‘". They all spoke very highly of the A. 0. U. W. as u s oiety. - I will now give you a few liaur: s as regards the membership report. On Dec. lat, M593. thew wer ~ 324.276 numbers in good standing, and on Jun. '1, l894, t ere were 325.576 members being an lll"l't'.a86 of membership of .1,l'l39 in our mouth. Now, Mr. Editor, I think that those ï¬gu'es go to show that. the A, i). U .\V. is in u very prosperous to di ion and will rank Woth am, if not outstrip any, of the fraternal societirs in existed-é ill-(lav. There are a good many other subjects in con Odie and Eva Clouthier, Prsséott’s most accomplished and talented young pianists and singers, who rendorol several beautiful songs in a manner well worthy of the high reputation hold by them for the mat two rears; Mr. James E. M , of Brockvillo, whose scientiï¬c and artistic exhibition~ of club swinging was certainly the ï¬nest ever witnased in this part of the ravines, and who was accompanied by is sister Miss Alice Mofllade, the charming young favorite pianist of Brockvills, who won fresh laurvla for herself; Masters Willie Kohoo and Leonard Shields, whose exhibition of. club-swinging was both srti-tio and beautiful; Muster Tsncred Bungalow, who, in company "with the two last "Wm," wt], up,“ I, which Iwoum named young gentlemen, took 00 their m“, to "mu-,0â€. hâ€, mm, and “WW respwtivs parts in three comedies of w,†uutpwudt ï¬rstclass merit; and Mr. J. T. Noonun, the well apd favorably known elocutionist and comic singer, whose selections ware relished with all the order of former times. Mr. M. A. Evertts, of Athens, oc- copied the chair, and with eloquent and appropriate remarks, gave point and ï¬nish to the whole entertainment. At the close of the concert Rev. Father Kelly addressed the audience in one of the tiniest patriotic and christian addresses ever heard in Athens. lie dwelt eloquently on the good feeling and harmony which has ever existed between all classes of the community in Athens, and he nobly and fearlessly pointcd‘out the duties of all classes in regard to their fellow citizens. We may, indeed, hope that in the near future We may have another such eu- tertuinincnt.-v~Coii. l lswm WILTSE. . a. l-‘llASKVllJJL SATURDAY. Match 7,â€"Fsrruers have commenced sugar tasking. Mr. A. Rabb is on the sick list. Mr. M. booby, of Kingston, is home for a few weeks. 0. L Munroe has purchased a new evaporator. Byron Leavitt, jr., of Brockville, paid as a flying visit here last work. Mrs. Curtis, who has been spending .the winter lmt'o, has returned to her home in Delta. Rev. T. G. Stiles, who has been a. pastor in St. 'l'hvunas' church for tlm past six years, will preach his farewell sermon on Sunday morning the 20th unit. A. M. Parker, agent for M. W'ilson, Smith's Falls, is selling quite a number of harm as in this viriliity. Miss lialpb, oi Gutiaiimpie, was the guests of Miss Maggie. Hantou, last week. A Word to Our friends. It will be. ton years on the 22nd of May next since the ï¬rst number of the Reporter was issued from a little. office on the corner of Mill and Church sis. of this village. In coming to the. vil- lago of Athens and investing in the plant necessary to run the business and cessfully, the present editor and propri- etor im'estod what little of this world's goods he possesed. It is said by old newspaper men that the. first ten years 1 the life of a country newspaper are the most. critical ones, and almost. daily during that time the query is liable to present itself to the proprietor as to whether it will live and flourish like a green bay tree, or die. for want of pro per nourishment. Our experience has not varied much from others similarly situated. We have had our ups and downs, our bright days and our blue. days. We have worked hard and do nied ourselves many hours of pleasure and recreation that we might give our patron“ a STUd’ nuwxydmlmr’ iind {rum 0/ It’IIL‘I’I'I/IN (I711 I'fJ'lnur-ll'lm‘rs' for (In the many kind cxpresuons received, are ' led to believe that we have. not failed entirely in that respect Outsiders my Vâ€"l that. Athens has a newapaper of which l many a larger town may well feel proud. And right here. we wish to acknowledge the kindly assistance we. have rcccivwl from the CiblZMll-l of Athens and Sill†rounding towns, villages, and country places, who have. so liberally patronized the Reporter and assisted us in making the paper as good as it is. And now to touch another phase of the subject Newspaper men. as a rule are not rich, and most emphatically we would say that we me no exception to the rule. Every dollar receivnd for the Reporter during those ten years has been absorb ed by the business. On the first. of Jan. last, we took stock of our sass-ta and liabilities and among other things found that. there was nearly 81,200 our due on subscriptionii alone, which amount we shall endeavor to Collect. during the next month or tsvo. Very much of the amount due. as is from par ties who have merely neglected the. matter, and who, if they stop to mu sider, will rinlize that (nu: or two dol- lars from each means considerable in the aggregate. where the number of (lelili quests is so large. We haw- also on ‘ our list dozens of people who haw.- not. ' one cent on subscril lion since r was started. To those, we 38V tllllb tilt? label Ull lll'i addmu' .ru'llnt‘ ‘2‘.’ Kelly \Vill:'.A-., repairs 'iper denotes how many years tbch “9" .ll 36(Eli‘flrl‘lj‘l'xfl“"23,g"““"“r are in arrears. We will commute this ltgyz m Per-m c at 81.0†per year, if paid Within the itxx'hrnti,Mm.) next month. if not. no paid, the flil\'l‘l‘- UH?- 3‘ 1W- "lm-‘m “n him“ tised price of 5.51.25 will be collected by due process of law. It is not fair for one man to pay for hia paper promptly, year after year in mlvauee, and his next door neighbor rmeivc it frre, and . . . . from this time forth we do not inâ€" Ammo†Sliv‘iliii'Tiii“ tend it shall be so. (lur finances will not allow us to carry them along from year to year, at the low price of one dollar. The. Reporter is now a lixtme in Athens. It. will always be ftmnd in . the vanguard of live weekly iieWspapers. l over working for the best interests of the village and surrounding country, and as the years roll by, each laleu with ‘ its attendant quota of progresn and im- provement, we Lipc to make the Re orter better and better. Will you ‘ help us to make it such l s A cooâ€""why “BRIAGI. MADILI.~‘v‘.’.\siwl'us. Man-h ‘21), NM, at the Methodist parsonage. Athens, link. b' the Rev. John (ireul’ell, Mr. Waller hladili son of John .\lndill, Ham, of Inikelleld. (‘ounty of l‘ulerburo, Ontario, to Alisa Florence \‘v'a-‘hburn. daughter of Saxon “'ashhurn, Esq., of the Township of Lum- downe. (‘0.0! Leeds, Ontario. Wanted-«at Once. .\ good general servant. Brown 8". ltuas' meat market. An ll) Box 70 or at lt‘urtkvllli'. ‘J in Auditors’ Report ,‘UI'II‘HS I‘ll/l/I't' .Vr'lum/ fur I/u' Yrur form. It Ef‘l‘ll l"l‘.~'. 1.903, Jan‘y Feb. ‘2 llalaneo of cash on hand . ll (‘ounly grant. llllltlt'l ache-.- t'ur le‘tl‘.’ . L'- M. (Tobey, for non res. pupil, ’- monlli. . fl ll. ll. Arnold, municipal gram: 7 .inrrnwed from it. it. Judson, Ii ‘5 5-2.1 ifa’) m 2.} Mar. l5 ll; 10 months MI 00 ‘2‘} Narrowed from It. ti months .. . . . ll Borrowed l'rom it. ll. .ludmn. (lino , . . " J. Sheldon. non res. pupils 31 Treasurer Athena vi‘luge gm. g‘lmul to Athens pub. school Ill .lodel m‘html pupils , lll‘l‘ Jun». Jud-um. Hi 00 July Illll llfl I'. (It lllu (ll Aug. 10‘. (ll rlept. {i ll. ll. Arnold, trczu. Yonge & Escort Model aelmol grant (50v. grant to model 'lt'ilt'ql H. ll..\rnuld, lr‘le. of {tin-aw S'illliï¬t‘, being public In; for fear lb‘Jii . . . l . ll. Arnold. lreas. of lleur nf Ynngu k I‘Lm'oll 'I‘mvnnliip. levy for h't’hmil 5. No.6. . . . l? flu loll no LO ll! 13M. fl! Dec. L". ill ‘12 2.33 all) __ . , sum as lifd’l‘ihlll‘l‘l MES. “93. Jan‘y S If!) 00 Ill ll} ‘2 Note A. l'uriahh‘ Son 2] Vv'm. .‘llolt. salary. Janitor ‘Jl (lee. ï¬lial-man. on salary for Eli! and bnl. ‘lt‘.’ " Miss P'lnl'rltï¬. teacher . . . " (‘. ‘\'. L‘low, assist-mt model " Miss Alliee 'l'enan'. lem be: †Mien May i‘aasidr Vt’m. Molt, regurirn and um- tcrial . Feb. l5 Homer Kelsey, l’e. " " A. Kincaid 45.: Ho l7 Norbert llull, for . ‘17 (‘. \V. Franriaea.'., b. board-s .‘ilnr. l it. i). .lllilrlml, for l’t‘p. 'm tablr‘ April .luhn l-‘rm'umn. mm ing . 7": :30 on salary. 17.3 II) I!!! lit) 2.].3 ll! 1“) lll Ii ill :ll‘l til ‘ .VIU fl: 3“ H m :l m .M till Ill W I II) ltiil I“ ‘ lit (I) , Illl‘l ill 8:57! Ni 1 “'0 the municipal auditan of the Villain- u! l Athens have m amined the bunks and \'0|i1‘hvr,-4 .‘ at run Athens public Mf'lllkll and have found them correct with the ahme halanee of l'A‘ll on hand for the year ending MW. Athens. lilth l'oh.. will. ‘ W. O. ‘l'. II. In... The W. (11‘ U will meet. at the home of Miss Stone on Wednesday (in- stead of Friday) at 3 o'clock. I l . . l The liquor traï¬ic mate the national year 845,000,000900 or more than 83 for every man woman and XTENSIVE XIIIBI'I‘ 01" X UISI'I‘E M ROIDERIES I every child on Mrâ€). It. cuts Ireland, with its poverty, $10,000,000 a y".- mm l than for rent ; Russia, with her “h. (ion on the verge. of starvation, 3 00,. l 000,000 every year ; the United States, nearly one hundred and «My “,0 times as much as for religion, d‘m.f clan and charity ;snd Wu“! no". of every hoses and farm. 1 The liqncr‘tmflo costs Csnaï¬ every Bourdon, from 5 cents to $3.00 yard. Have Every desired. New line French Vienna (fouls. 42 z If, 'T""'"' . newest sheik-s only 43 cents yard. ' gant new Curtains, Mic pr. 3- [o- tc make an These goods sod bra-h '0 m Winnie-t M'- ycu seen our shade suitable for ncbby tmv attractivsvshcw. _r.lll1.~ «lull mu ml The sales in this department. are phenomena‘. lavel Dsdoed and [patrimnzod Window Hhsdss from 5.3.; up Carpets in every quality and price. Curtain Poles, 254'! u , [m Muslin and Art Draperies, Cretonnss, sud svrryt lug "m ‘i . . tax: “319'? , Pains in _3_ho Joints. » caused by inflammatory Owollln. A w Gun by Hood's Coul- - “m.s “it steals a! mini: punts to M Hood’s wasp-fills. liy you was amused with post pain in the joints. accompanied, with swellluso bad that he could not (at up stairs to bed without crawling on hands and knees. I was very union: about him, and having read Hood’s?» Cures so much about Hood's Sussparllla. I dstsh mined to try it, did got. a hall-dozen bottles. {our 01 which entirely cured him.†Line. 0. A. W. Oshawa. (IMO. N. 8. Be sure to get Hood’s Barssparilla. Hood's Pills wt eully. yet promptly and casually, on the liver and bowels. 5c. .._â€" B.W.&8.8.M.R Homo. it) 45 mm 10 I) " “I u Tm E-TIBLE GOING W 3 l0 p,iu I ll) " ‘10 " .27 .. 37 ' ll †5:3 ‘ If; “ . 21' †.I 30 " C) is ‘ .4! .35 " a Ul Bruckvillo. xLyn ,, .. ,,. , xaecley's .. xllce's .. . xlforlhlon .. ,, xl‘llbo ‘â€" ca 83 n u‘ n , u‘ U u Athens xflipcrlmi thmllim-c: lll‘ ill . . Eigln xl-‘orlar xl‘rusb) Newborn . ti If. “ “'4Nlllfli'l ll 30 †ureaâ€; ital ium are murked thus Myraâ€".3.-- n 8822882838 .â€" GGSI®¢Cc¢¢® ‘ 3‘ 8 X “H- . 7 Dress Making. Mrs. .\. F‘ll'tlll‘e ll§l41t‘-l]Il'lli‘d dress makin at her l‘t'~illt uvr. ‘lI‘Jll ~ti‘eet. .-\ shun: o patronage «inï¬rm \l I m. For Sale or Rent. 'l‘bree lll'~'. clay. lmuws in Athens. Price in suit hardlimea Enquire of If. t‘. l’llll.|.ll'.‘.l. Athens Jun. 5'! b. lstll. If. Wanted. Silllll‘l )'(llllil.: lii‘ln. will. 1|[)(’ \mn‘R' expel" ienec. in work in v‘lu-l-wa- Melon ll4'.|l‘ l’olhdluil, \'. Y. Appl ' lu ‘ ,.l, M \ltSll.\l.l., Potsdam, or I. M. K it'lJA'. Athens. Dressmakiné. Misses ,\Illll(‘ \llll'l'i" an" Jungle haw- oprnml .1 drewmul‘llw all in over gnu-I‘M «lure ul' \li. \‘fn: inn-‘5, ltuppell‘a. l‘lluin 1.1.. and of (be l‘t‘llt“ of All“ ll\ :: JERSEYS FOR; SALE. Tun lll ill I ltunnimt lhn opposite mull! HM Iln- patronage n-l ileum, 'Jin. I .ml dull in months old. choice ~l Lambert urgi- .'.'.l-. Registered .\. Ii. 1‘. l'. mum u- or. Win“ at once for Drives. .lt'l‘iv') Heel. Ill-rm UKâ€. M. Il.\l:ili"i<.'it. Lyn 0m. .. . . I ,c.n-,,4.~-4.*.,, For Sale. .\ Ne“ Mluq- r ‘vuim: Rim-him; nulv n t'eu' til-rim, u ill in sold very l lv-up. {I} li~l('(f Apply I \l'."ll .l.\ hll‘b, Man in .ulli. l‘llKllt PH ..\ll|('llu. isill. Notice. The und- "‘lllll'll bus .nldul to her .‘ll‘l’b of Valley ilmtlt. .l :n u lim- ul l’i-JA, Tinsel. Flnmelle, ,\v‘r. N.»- l'lti-li .itnl lil"l~~4 Urtm. menlazulni ‘ - ~ \ -I]lll lilllllll‘l'l Linen. Stutnpmu dun: luill gixe‘ l- lll .m nwdl ~ '.\<lllx. Agent. rt)!‘ll)l'i||g_l . ",;.’lll1llll.ll~lll.1<|\I'l' l'nlllrm'n lll llu'lult'xl «I , \ {4 '\\ 1m! lmH .iml mil. liner). trlnmiing< .il low plil'l" ll†nun. .1',“ vii, ‘l‘un dot-Is I‘ll" nl lit'llllrlor Nlllrx‘. \\'M. MU’I'T. l)lli"l'_ EXECUTHRS' NOTICE TO CREDlTORS. Ill 1/!" I‘ir/Illt‘ If] 71" I’ll/INNS l numn' INN Hf [111‘ H", [’9'- [I'll'zlh/H)’ n/i lvmnlr- Ill than!!! 1.: I lift, l'mmrut, e, rim 4!. Notice i< innâ€"Mn guru. put-«until to lf(‘\’l~«ul Siuluinsnt “warm, 1V] lst ill) see ‘lli_ that all : rmliinlw and will“): {fl;.\l)3‘*l lut‘i'll’l V eimnmuuiiufl lln- mill-v ur‘ the above unmet llinina-s l‘unnni', Hill) dim: on or about the mil. .Iuj, of April, Hui, nrv ru-lluir'w'. in 2 Ill bl xmwl lunpuil or ind-:liH-r 'u M. .‘.. Kinetic (ii .\lllt‘lH. tllil., Frvln-itur mr ." *b .HUIM‘W [p.nnnziml l'nlrvt-l. Hiekt‘i. .‘LVJ' '. ill lht‘ ln-.l ml! and imminent hi" the .l new-used Imul’ lwtul‘l' llll' l‘llll till} H'.‘ ... ll, I’ll“ fill lurih-ulura .Illll nrunl'nl‘ luv- "Minis. and the llrtllll'l'hl llll‘ sen-milleull’ lt‘ :wlli ln' ihl'lll .md I'm! lm- mini l'.\l‘l'llll’l'l "ill Tifll‘l' the said Ilttli «in; n! \prli new M‘m" ‘w. distribute. the l'itllzllv uy‘ ll... mill llll'l, :' , .xlllllili.’ the par: lies 1 lllilll'tl llll'l'l'ltl, hr. in c'l'll on!) to the t‘lainm hf wlvir b Ibe Ewen: .. ‘ clniil flien lilli't‘. unlim- unollliul they Will not bu liable for Hm said m4wa ->i‘.'\l|_\ ptll Iben-ul’. in any pnraon nr perwuisof \\ mm- 1 l.lllll‘l they shall not then ha\e hml imlite. lbllt d at linen-v tlnia‘lu-l «lay of March W94. M. .r\. l‘ll’l‘jlt'l'TS, l in. K\‘ullt'ilnl‘ for tho FRCCHIOI‘! O’Donahoe Bros. BROC K V l LLl‘}. ONT. O LACE SHOW Every Kind, Make and Price'Represented. if not, don't neglect, taking a look at. them next. time you're in. M lo: cum and Stanley Twas-ls. Point .l'Alonccr, Irish Point, Brussels, (luirmw: (‘lmnhlh' pamrm’ Insertions to match in different width, 80 are the qualities. ï¬ling units will! capes to match if inches wide, satin finish, all wool; '3he‘s are made more attractive still by the 1| "r c ‘t db... ,/ \1