IMPORTED MANTLES We put into stock this morning tortykfour Imported Capes, Jackets, Tweed Coats. etc. which for style and value we think you will say are the but you have seen yet. Every one a novelty and nearly all difl'erent. It in tnprmible to describe them in these columns; the only way to appreciate them is to come and see them. The ï¬ts are perfection, and if you have any thought of buying you cannot miss this lot. \Ve show with pleasure. Five per cent [ ash discount ofl'all prices. Call and see them. SHAWLS . The best lot. of Shawls wv haw- had i.) years-~Soolch Shawls, (llcncoe Shawls, Ilnl-ris \\'r;lp~., (,‘lan ribawls, Blaqu Wool Shawls, Reversible Shawls ~â€"every kind of shawl you can ask for, and at reasonable prices. Telephone 149. are. a Huicuisos a H... - »â€"~__._....., . . ".7... Pun:«â€:l;.l.-ulw \l. (manna. 12:15:: I ‘ . Dr. C. M. B. CORNELL. IUBLL S‘l'lllï¬lï¬â€™l‘. mum; vomit l Hummus. Stiltonâ€); 5; .lm oi l‘lllil‘ll. m_n_... . Dr- starlings. emu “Am STm‘m‘ . “MAS! lhc Little Giant Root~Cut- Brucuixrv plaidsâ€"“Ila or \\ (max. _ you Ofloo Du. 3."\ll0 llilI‘illHlx-la of Tuesdays. - "hulsduynoml :lunxlllus. J. Findlainnqcmq PRYsu‘nx‘ Hlfltlll-Ill‘Jk \l‘l‘lll‘l‘lll‘jli.1 torâ€"much improvct.l .. J fccd roots, #9 Graduate Mo} ill l‘ulllilgu ikillt'l‘lt ‘ l‘.ll\1‘l‘-ly.i Hon-bur of L'wlluge of l’lzyslv‘lulwuw Sui-cl mm, 7 v _- Ont. Ofï¬ce: .Vlnin 8L. olllmnllc Ultlllllll‘: llonsc and §OU Vi lli m... deg-2'. -, l , I} Buy It Jo Pl L:D.s.g Sugar Arch Castings, imâ€" DINTIST. Alli-r more I l:.iii :20 yl‘tnrn Il'xlil'lll- l ‘ l. l (i l ll rr l.l(’ )I'h. v . q I 7 once Mr. Imiibls llrll IT I l r: l ivy“). (l(_.S;lgnâ€"â€"-tll(: lJCbt 51le in 3:. services in both lnt‘l‘llilllll :vf.’ mill mn'ghml dunL luty. Farmcrsx‘illc lodge No. 77 G. P. MCNISH l 00.; ._..._.......â€"M-W-.__ .W»-..._._.V.- . m...“ -_._ W...“ _. Lee County, 011 .f..... .._.._.. - v. ._ m- ..A 7., Robt, Wright & Co. Store BROCKVILLE'B BAlitlf‘br ONE PRICE DRY-GOODS HOUSE About Boys’ Clothing. Owing to the lateness of arrival of our Winter assortment of ons’ Clothing, we ï¬nd ourselves too heavily loaded, at this date, and have, therefore, do» vidod upon a speedy reduction of this stock. Commencing Thursday Morning, Dec. lst. We Will give a straight cash discount of TEN PER CENT (10%) from our already low prices, On all Boys Two and Three‘l’icce Suits, Boys' Pea Jackets and Boys’ 0 vercoats. llEMEMBEIt~-This assortment is all this sea- son's goods, are well and stylishly made up, and per feet ï¬tting, in sizes from 5 to 13 years. Make your oelcctiom while the assortment is good. Prel’amti‘m for the HOHd’W Immense bargains in Jap- Season is now in order- nurse hand (‘llllJl‘UlLlCl'Cd Silk \Ve invite you to call and Handkerchiefs. . ,» 4- i O . ' 100k though our r‘mL-y Enormous variety initialed Goods for Home Decoration . _ Heantltchcd Silk Handker- on exhibition in Show Rooms I ‘ ‘ _ 1 (tllll'lri tor Ladies and (lcntlc- l‘lvcry requisite for Ar? (on, Tuesday- Dec. kt“.W r «.1»... ,ON I’WU“ l com um. " IITIIIBTIIG LEVI!!! 280! 0173 “A†01' OO3IEBPONDEIIS. Amid.“ a! New. and 00qu Personal Haven-me,- 1ft int-nuance"; Little 0! Ivory- thlu well lined up. \VAHIIBUHN’S CORNERS. Mommy, Nov. 28.â€"~Iu October last a son of a prominent farmer in this section was fined 820 for sending skim milk to Joseph Knapp's cheese factory. On Monday last John Churchill, wife and child, returned home after a stay of eight months in (lrand Forks County. Dakota. lle reports all well with fair crops. W. H. Monlteu eaection and near completed a spa- cious frame structure especially dc- signod for a pork producing establish- ment. not beat anything in the township. Well done, William Henry. l u .‘w‘ H liA'l‘U‘fl' N . .0. l Meson, Dec. 5.“ Ms. l". Cohcy lwhilo returning fro... l'kylleile‘, quite irccently, mot With a “very Serious accident. When turning at l‘nrllinc's Col'nl'rs his horse hvcume frightened and run away, lhrowins Mr. Cobcy out. lllr rl'l'I li‘cvl many bruises abonll the lit-ad. ill. ilolso was Stopped by] (l. Davis, who went buck and found i’elcr in an llil(;llll‘-iCl.'ll!S condilinn where he was thrown out. He brought him helm and Dr. llarle was summoned to dress his wounds. We lihlnk till: mishap was. caused by no overdow, of l’ady‘s rye-water. David (Ins has rl-turnod to the par cntul {in-side :ll'lcr sprnlling the sum- [not in Unvlv Sam‘s domains. Mr. and Mrs. P. llio‘ivy entertained in llll'll' usual good way a number ol friends and acquaintances Sunday last. Mr. John Doukrill purposes taking another calamari of horses to Maui- toba. in the spring. Miss Mary Lappin, our teacher for When ï¬nished it will equal. if , M .. M‘m...“ 4.....m.“ . 1892. C mired lorlm ï¬rm principles and do- cided manner. After an illness of In month-1,5110 recigned to God't will and trustin ly, calmly, and triumph- nmly fell in one last long sleep on The funeral services were conducted in the Methodist churi-h here by llov. J. V. Mac. Dowell, assisted by Rev. Wm. Knox. Pull Boaters were. R. Johnston. E. Kendrick, \V. Bolton, N. llorton. R. Bolton and J. Horton. __ .... ’†.._.._...aâ€"-< ELISE MILLS _. . - .9..." Mr. and Mrs Jas. Weaver returned lei-wily floin making cheese near Smith’s Falls. Messrs. White and Son have put a cornâ€"crusher in their mill. 'l‘hisl Mr. Ira Mallory terminated his year‘s work in the sawmill here on Saturday last. He now goes to Lyn sawycr “or N. R: Gardiner. The proprietors of the cheese and butler factories hero settled with their patrons lately. Both factories rcal'scd $15 per too for milk for the season, after deducting expenses of making. Q « wwâ€" roomâ€"rvâ€"m-w FORFA It. Mr. Ed. Bishop has started revival sl'mccs hero and is meeting with fairly good chcrss. Mr. C. '1‘. Holes has sold 50 acres of [his farm to \V. T. “all-s. Mr. Ed. Myers, of lhis place, has been engaged as chief pedugoguehn the New lloyuo school. What about the Sunday school get- ting up 'X inns mllr‘rtnillmr'nt. _ (lur enterprising merchant, Mr. Lumber. has a large stock of fancy goods for 'Xmas and is doing a large tl'ude. \Vhilo building a there last week C. 'l‘. Hales was struck with a rail and rccciwd a severe cut in the side of his head. * . , u. . -¢â€"~v~<r no. ' Drift“. " i ‘43 ~ ,3 ' ‘«‘-â€"o~-- . . MONDAY. Doe h.‘-4I’he times are . I , . ‘u ‘ ‘ lkLir - .. ewe cue-no new: . .. mic-"ran. naval The an'boro Standard says: On Saturday, 15th inst" while ï¬shery overseer Jamie and party were gup- ling our the ghouls In Lower Ride“. near lhe bad of Long Island or Har- vey's Island. a rather thin gentleman stepped out from a nice linen the shore into his bOIl, which was built- very much the shape ofa canoe, and asked them it llzey would kindly lull“ him to raise his note, which wr-re over at the other island. They consented. and at once laid hold ol some nets on lboshoal. They wore so loag that lhntit look some time to get them all out. To the party’s rurv prise the duo gentleman had disap- peared without giving them any assis- tance whatever, which they thought was very unkind. As it was getting J will: { w... -__,_..- .. ......,... -. has in course of mmlllm‘ Cl'lfll'OS the 00m in the ear. ‘ late they think perhaps he had to at- teud choir practice, or, as the next day Was Sabbath, it would not do to dese- crale the Lord's day in working at the tinny tribe, so be left. The salt deposit opened near Wind- sor by the Canadian Paciï¬c Railway Company seems likely to prove the richest ever found on this continent. Already the drillers'have pierced forty feel. of clear salt, and the end is not yet, Similar salt beds in New York State are only about one third as Much, and are gcilcriflly intermixed with shale. llccause of the extraordinary purity of the Windsor rock salt, Mr. lllue, of Ontario Bureau of mince. res commends mulling it available by min- ing instead of pumping. The usual proccsn is to sink two pipes, and let water descend through one. which after [mnetrating the salt and dissolv- ing it is pumped up again through the other. The brine thus obtained is boiled till the water evaporates. and pure salt remains. No better method than this could be devised for the treatment of "all. and Shale combined ; but where pure rock salt exists, clear as crystal, in unlimited quantities. 1*. . ight as well he brought to the ï¬rmer†it is. The sinking of a, may COst more then the drilling on than. Budd-4 such circumstances it mï¬be more «no minor in tile long an ll llllls WISH to take this opportunity" 0" thanking the readers of the Be- porter who have patronized my store of late. You have made a wonderful increase in my business and I appreciate it. 1 have given you furniture at do. that you never bt‘fule heard 0 , and yet I am satisï¬ed with my returns. [am trying by closer buying for cash, and in larger quantities, to still further reduce in prices for the Christmas trade. 'Vlmtcver saving I make, you shall have the beneï¬t of, or at least a share of it. I pack every purchase in canvas and ship it Fun: to your nearest station. F. VV. IAORD, Next Morrison's llotcl. BROCKVILLI D New Paint Shop ! The underslgncd having lemmd the any over )1. (‘. Willlnnls' lllvrry Mama. and put in a stock of ill-enclose paint.» and varnishes. is now prupxul-d to do all kinlh or l'urringo painting on shan notlcc and very reasonable prions. A le-l-lnlry inn-lo of I'll'llllilllln portly worn carriages and \flllll‘l'h‘. lluv ln b‘hnd colisldero uqu (-xiwrlenru ulillur Some 0 the bull pulnb ore in this suction. hu- lvu-le conlldcnl that he can give l-nllro allllslmrllon lo those favoring hiin wllh Lln-irordcm. WM. BROWN. Athens. Juno let, 1892. on liberally * men. Noodle “'ork. A. (, ). \V. , Meets let [Hill 22rd 'l‘llv l l A' â€" 112' v-uv ll mold}. in I“ ' ll. ("lilrll ll'fllli-x, TL, .‘ailll'll‘w. b. u“ Vls‘l'rons w anion l-.. ill‘lulllunl‘lt‘l'S for Stylish .‘vl‘W’u '1. 77’... j .':‘::, ,." ,2‘ S Gamble House, l A“ m 'A ; mum-i norm. is x», ml llll‘nllflluul a: inn! attention given h the ml‘. mow-- M illinc: _' The A» 'flfll Fans: new to“ chaï¬nlly fin-n. latent nig'le‘n. Ever}- ' wanteof :ruusi‘s mum l we. ‘ “IV lv'illzll l‘llilfl l". l‘iuir r. ENDm heGlObe , IroRONTo, ‘ For: AUKV’I‘F' ruf'rr‘l'“ EUR 1.8. \' ‘ ln‘cnl‘nlxu VA . ‘E A . PRIZE LIST. v'lll The largest and best asso l)lll21lti(3V(:l‘ shown in Br Vlllii in now on View a THOMAS MILLS & I’ T1113 11.1TTERS )lcn's still‘ hats from 75C. up. u I It i. llmlil“; :llnl lil‘lltls' 'Illll 'l‘iwr. Mail ‘V'alwrs l‘c‘m-iw' llronll‘t and our li'l Minotlml. ..............-â€", lill'y's lloyn’ 43an from 150.1.ip lili).‘$‘ soil, huts; from 400. up. our stock of town. “'4: haw ll\‘lli‘lll“vi\ul~' of Drives“! illlI-l-l ul 4. w 1‘ “Til. mortgum- (Ill lin,.j'. ‘ ~ :l". \l".*»"‘ U _ Iultbonou. any“ ““""-\ k IVKV‘H 'Il‘ “.Ul’l‘ill‘l", 81.. NH llu'\“ " goods when The i‘igtfl A full Mnrk )nsl rm rlvl-r, 2! Trash 8c Reliable1 _ --’ â€"-‘â€"- court has become n ()ur ll'llfl : Department be m...â€" Thc (plosiiou arises, who will oui‘ 'Olwv :nnl oouncilors for ‘93 ‘? We want Young People to work the White tor us. Write early. It Will Pay You. THI WEEKLY GLOBE, balance l892 FREE. \Vl,‘ begin this work with special inducements in our “M M 1m hwmm‘ Month: suction. \X’c have hurt 1" vcry‘lergc 'StOCh 0i (jimmy 01 “whoâ€, R:::~.dy-ln:nll- garments, both Lalluu; andthldren 5. Our “IMO... Wedding bulls tlmn slmglly success in sclling those garments has been fully up to our bills 5†furl. ‘3 “ 1M†film“ ‘†“WW . ' . u 7 . , , .“x 'l‘, ‘ {lUWlL . --â€"- {'12‘ A a; r q ) 1:; that cvcrv '_'<'i‘lll(‘.(lt me be sr‘d WW.“ 7 ‘ ““ .. ,xpcc Ill-)ll‘y, but In ( l‘k r l.‘ a ’ 1 w“ 1" w y b J. illuh turns recall the many petmous AIONDAY. Dec. 5.â€"-Mrs. John .m: are. pit-partitl to ma c noun/u .u Lit-ions on w at we "hm, hm“ UN mum!" “at summer. I‘m-ham. who mm, in UM awn“ have left. lluycrs, note lhlS-~-â€"LUIllC ants. Mitt. lf we will have low taxes we must neighborhood, died very suddenly on - . dispi-nsc with political! altogether Friday hat. She. had been ill {or Sealettes next ve-lr. some days but wan considered better. Sealettes \V'c carry :1 special good n'lzikr; m’ Thil non: [L I?“ Malian is rivaling Tho doctor had called and she lold completion and l‘l‘r‘rlllbllh‘! the old grit )2}... she lclt lmtu-l', but died a few } Vt-l'y inm'h. 1 .;..1t.l\Sli.l'l:.-:', while he was preparing . l , 1 H A but null-s more 0! Know and lhl‘l-zggi-n: medium: Funeral today at buyers can get better value, nutter scrvmc and mum goods for loss monry than (2v 1:: below. A iirst-«tldSS Mantle h‘lrllcln' Will glvc your order ill?!" prompt attention. Cloths bought lrom us cut and lllttKl sh-ighiug ll'lll in' IllMllillCU-ht- tor o'clock in the Melliodist church; irate. W“ + liner LE IS 85 PAH l. l. l ll. lrnyl z.hippl-ll the last of his than: to Bloch-idle cemetery whch slump hm Wl‘Ph’. He Will ~llip a loud the m :ly was. deposited ill the vault. BBWKWLSAI LINBEED MEAL AND GROUND OIL CAKE For Feeding l‘llll‘pnhufl. M the Lowest Market Price. ____â€"â€"-â€"-â€"..- ' ‘ CAUTION. Hamil!) on 4 Myrtle Navy 18 MARKED T&B 'IJ‘ BROJ'ZE LETTERS Genuine , _.__ _.....7 .- ~--.. LYN. i‘ RAH-«l4 will 'llijrllqllil‘). w»? NEXT! ALLAN lllRlllmi 8L CO. Chomlsls and Drugglsls KING S'l‘llEli'l‘, lllllll‘li‘. 11.1.}; W requiring |lilllll_‘l:l ~ ï¬nd our prices mom. .u w linear goods. and A) “.17,†“or, A l “('0 ilfl; Mr. A. liOilL has: secured a. contract for alarm quantily oi" hubs for the and has ar- con CU. of fat ralllu to the Mouth-{ll market he be a great canVcni this \Vl-(li. ' The members of the Mn lllUlllSl Telephone p m 1 None W“ . _..__-.â€"â€"â€"- TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Brockvillel f‘ i i .7 Has established a Bargain Lonnie: 1" i for all kinds of Dry Goods. The Inlnrrlhrr has not settled in km: new Hlm‘lln and “stunning rooms ’3 the Arm- strong cum. and is now on hand n! all row-um able hours In attend In all work In his lino. A'Jl'lhuoru and Holes-urn around. honvdnnd sharpened at flammable prlrcn. w. G. McLAUGHLIN G. M9 Babcock “.._.â€" ....â€"~ _........ _. AND CALF SKINS - M . menu (SEE rum}: AT 91: naocxerLn irannnsr. r A; o. ucoiiADY sons. FOR THE HOLIDAYSl .. c Right row I am ready with a Slllt ndid assortment of a. lll lllll ll ll - Word About Stogas‘ We make. laliy of Fine \ l Menominee. wllh span-n! laced boon Ol’k. It w maroon long boo . m that will mm ' "1.... 1kg. c «a... me In minus. hrs mum-cl. then: u. w l lat. more a co. " swim Tailors. .l .‘Nl. . fl m. vi the but new mglv 'on t n «no limit. ., M m “of. an is m “an we untrue-see for n ‘ . ll m was or ‘ï¬ï¬'ï¬ U aâ€. 7 a co. ' U at». «mom. I. W. l.. . a u okM". the past two years, will return ‘lo her very active in mm aging f“, "w m V. “- the Cm) Paciï¬c 0 l8 ll(l]l{ll in L;‘.,l;~:rl«)‘.\‘llt£ Ill. till) ‘JIUSIE Ol‘ nll'lllljcl'fl {01' the Tom a“ w ' ‘ ‘i . . ' pg p (lvnlu‘ ('n'dnm'w and Vi“! ‘ llll~l ll‘l‘lll. “'0 Wm.“ m Chnmli‘tliemt‘ï¬: “I will tulle Tlvallttngelof fight}, they l JUllll illihlli‘. llilH llll'l‘li i‘lV'llllll"l( “Ira. ii()l)l‘!lr'g;‘l Sheikvrhg thy fruct “’1†be u ‘ e 0“ (O’BI‘PAe. e ' 5“: \lullll-m. v A u - . , ’. ' ‘ ‘ ‘ , market, or atleast to icnucr usclc» ‘ to cut llll) (‘lll‘ll~ ol wool. John says ‘oi the llllv‘. \\ ll). ltolwrtslm, who died a“ aucm t to comer it thig- work \\ ill soon bo ill'fgl,llllllllSllCl ,llll‘co )"cul‘s llgo.‘ Her dangliyor and y p I 7‘ ‘1‘ u “*7 “MW‘W l“ it llllrullfl’t" 2.10 son John attended the funeral, cm'†"‘ 3mm“ M r. l‘. ('olwy has Cl‘gllgwl the am l lhc nthr-r Mill. l‘ltcphcn, arriving too A “lea-let 3“ butter allajflu’ose “‘55 \ n-us of Mr. llmnett liavunngh and l lull'. in a few years there \Vli'l no no butter . run to ervrt. :l l‘l'g pl n. Mr. (,‘oboyl “'0. learn llzlli. illâ€. school trustees made in this. district. it Will be {zu- ._,__._ may expect l~'.ll~‘lll‘LiLll:, as both uni-{have i‘llgilg-‘ul lhl- elm-um of Miss plulllrd by the cheese industry, Willi'll ’ in ‘cxpert cal'pmlll rs. ! Nora Slow-m ml] Mr_ WNW,“ of ‘ proved, (timing the SCflSlJll!,1lt‘.i'l'l;\l l ‘ V ' ‘ l . l - Dame Honor has it that “adding 'l‘orllnt mm it'llclllrl'slll‘lllll' school lor ’00†0 ilrl'lll'l"; ' “‘y “’0‘†“W†11“ i IA co. l hells will l'r lliiilll in illl' int-211' fulurc.l lHtlii, a l m: win-ct the departure o? lel‘lfl-llllly hue†m “‘lo‘r'P “Mm†1â€!“ V ‘7‘- WM‘ -' ‘4â€17' l What do Villl my l-l-r - - -i’ er. ll. Eaton {or llrocki‘ille. My, they been forced to depend upon lllilll‘ in. iii’xl14i.‘zili~ m I .ll iii! llzl. lillll is nnn ll .‘zllnlllcd l'ol'l, “ril‘ml Will ul‘lffr'ct-ll him. ‘3“‘1’3' Farms ham“ been , "mrmugml‘ “ " ‘ ‘ l H ‘ ‘ V) ‘ ‘ ‘ v“ ‘1 ‘ his 1:(‘l»l .l immune; Mi~s lilrhin'ds is the assistant pOSt- l’m Flâ€: O‘mclï¬ 0f mm‘y‘fvnn b†“blâ€, '1 J II‘I‘I'J “01“ l“ “'5†M l‘. Tlll'l .‘lllw. lillln‘oll. limonagh llll~ll‘(‘.;‘r% at our plm “mm. to punk the mortgaged“; by means oi i 3 ‘ y '1“ -‘ .i‘l l:.l- thin-nu. durum {he holly lino. Morris. lingo-mod his new farm Um (1110050 lama“ “ml†the WW?" DUH‘t fail r.) 5.13 lWWWMflMâ€"Mflflfm“~ 7 M ' ~ ~ ' ‘ * ’ r ‘ 1': la fl 54'» in ill-:1. :‘il‘y'. by putting up u Shelli}, (mag, remain at 9c and lilo wholesale, illrn’r ‘ I 7 V blossoms. humor, and :5“.an Sun. ors will not be sinuous to make butler HA \ l.\\'l%()il() man Ici‘t lure last Friday for Indiana. ill 200 per lb, 'i‘hc importance of the ' " †f. 1.7! H . it is understood that they are visiting cheese trade 19 becoming more appur- Money no Loan. 0‘4“ m 10 i ' lIurrv lhlnuui at Misllawaku. out all the time. and the Canadian 0" wuhyllu“ a, MWâ€, mer m,†of l‘.'\V.Su-nng was heâ€; lust Week article is asking; the lead. England illllrllhlulnllllnllzrpl‘ablpiling:Elbagï¬ymexg looking.r after his rlmaaso factory. wants all that is made. nd the deal 3:12.,[53‘9‘;,.‘W(,L|“;},,Lilli]:dblliuqdlzmls.mortï¬uflu. The lady claims in he married but CTB pay the highest prices for the best ("WW I‘vllnil'lrr'ls'rhaw;:_;l;';::~uffg'~£h%r?;:c“ the low-r denies it. goods. The farmers of Canada are :ii'i§:3'i‘i,lll lllvlldllxllil‘l"l‘l).v I J h I Swain: buys dressed hugs from the becoming: alch to this matter, and ‘.:,"'f,l“,'-i'l“ui"_‘y"gjlglgwl‘l’." i‘nâ€,!',,§ {drifhnm {aruer and will mud than; in Mm). wherever there in (in opening,' a choosv linen» JOHN CAWLI' and; [his work. factory, is erected. in consequence of the groatfpnilltity of chow-c manu- factured in this district, butter cannot be got in quantities, except at far- away points. Last vent dealers were able to get plenty oi bow)»: in the Prescott section, but in view of tho lll'lll'llli‘l‘ of choral.» factories that have been erected they have to go elsewhere now ,‘t is believed that in a. few years the, supply will have to be got in the nortliwwt. This will be the result of the cheese business. Tobotï¬nnmx. "A queer lnnlcln-z contrivancc. with a snub nose and almo-t as flal. as you are, is plalwrl in position. It. is a [oboggnn and it. bath a devil. In Sunday srhorl urn prvp'lring for u obedience lo directions yousqimtllown ldllbllm' Pnll'l'llllllll‘lPllh to be bold hcrv Gannnmpm \thel (In, on its long fllli cushion and luck in on the 2m}: inst. We l'xpcct some rungi'li to m'nml'avturo them in your tor-l. ’ Others got on 'llolu'ml ; u thing hnyond tllr common. "will," will. the lay-m Mfg, vown oxclmms, “Hold on tight, and Gen. llollon is ginilnally recovering works my, you are a dead .manl You give one from llislnng illm-w. It is mmm-ul umt a change ig mighty cOnVlllHlVf‘ carp and Contract A slrong mowmcllt will shortly be Mmm. m 1..- mnllu in the laypfucmrb iinn ol' the lllllï¬t’ltEQ, lllm a man shock- pnt in motion to abolish his old by ï¬rm’ My, Bulloch dropping out and ml by electricity; some evul-nnndrd lm‘ r""l““"l"h’ mm“ r“"‘â€â€œ% "l 11".?" Mr. Cumming assuming control of the 0mm hill 5"" “"‘31‘ “‘0 hemh “'“l' “. in tho villaKP- H l‘4 lllflll lime “"3 business. club and Inndv-‘you rice ri‘uhl’lflliï¬ of bylaw was not wide to keep the Mr_ Nelson Forrester, who I,“ stars and you hell offtm; collobogmm stl'colï¬ clear of cutth- which have be- been very ill of rongoslinfl of lungs, and are I wlnzzxug dowr- lrom that come an almost llnlwnrnhle nuisance. iq town-19.1 hum...- gmll in a “it w†of dizzy height . ‘ It is impossible to hale the shoots rncnwlry. '11-.†way you lunch a Make wllutn wear a rnnprcmble aspect and allow a Mina Hallie Mchdy left 0,, pierced your chest ano drove lifl plum herd of ‘26 or 30 head of cattle rlm- Thursday last to join the Lyn colony up in the roof of your mouth ; nome- ning loose from mornithr till night. W Chicago. polity :Tlfltl tn liar; you and to?» away ' l v ' 'l " . ‘m l ; . M. 0 _our wn- crs. an on “‘0 our mm" WW“ I .OHR'STMIS “098 . :22}? "' “"‘m °“""â€Â° “f “5Ҡ3 “ .l. li‘.‘ $31.35."?'3?.'°L.‘;"..Tl§i;w loll «ml mom-«ml run-mg I)†“mm-"m kind“ “"1 °°l°nél?f ‘" it""l'barf’d “or 'i;knnfnd. emf: Billon's hail-"sing corn and Wart in {in his pulpit hero yaslerclny. Tlm'siéll, ï¬lling to n shattering doom. A ‘0‘ 0‘ Baa“ 010%" A. lot 0 l}? 3" "a. go'terï¬oo; {mm 1 antidote is all 1. a rage afbund bore. morning service mu; conducted by That's all right; the imaginary stake Regdy‘m‘d. “mu†{odiom'aï¬ndl iii. tartame naile Man. 8"“ by R" drusgisls. Miss Monk, the evening by Mr. '8 01“! .l'om‘l‘ca“ “WWII ‘0 g“ 0‘“ Chudmn' A k," 0‘ ‘ 1 “mm.†y e n†O 0‘. “h )1 H 1 The "Old Bacllelor'rSOcioty Build- Mgumy. of your mouth ; you have lost your A )0" 0‘ uudgmo" for W‘Mltl“ "Pd MAM!" "let s'lnm‘ "l; lugs" Midi-ma will in the future be Tho, ruin] “nice. Roi" on n. tile and oncear mull temporarily. and Gents. and Children. A lot of y etï¬u unblnw-rsdnlalxniifo “0:03;; N6. 2 Dublin Avon“. A" intending "Numb who", home I". “i to bu the m by" mush “ bi, (“Mg through w'“ h“ H“. ‘l' 25‘“ “chi “"d “‘1‘ do" a m" a" M†k‘ . bachelors are cordially inviled to at- quite mom-urn]. your nranln appendages, ut' tho-c “MKMH' . I 'to 0rd“: by the but Am e n at m tend. Mei-tings are held nightly. My†“‘“mum Cmuok savages don't want to lull you “tum. plme for End 010v" .ndinrwkvme' The air around here wears the Ip- ~n “.h 3 Vin “Mmeâ€, "mm," and are only laughing cheerfully. l Hmry' cannon of number religions cyclone. I g m 4 You have fallen “1.000 feet now and l . , K pl . M, , _ _, g Y ‘ . all hard. soft or calloulod Lumps and u “ mm, “My. mm“ be oh†I“ hm“, * - ' m WW «was mood This in the place in buy I Goods. (’mnn early and get the choice. M" 1“;th "fly ‘vimo. awkww m be Sï¬lrï¬hitinggonmdï¬gmnï¬av. “mainâ€; of m nmfling. bmmike ,m, ready to inert the 0mm army at a L l. ' .w ' ’ m "0 m ward flight; me. npnrks pale from a! “I moment's warning, 3 oï¬guflgz‘atc. ‘S::r:n::lo gm" frighmnefg wigâ€; our halmll ‘ ‘ m °-° ' . ’ 00! In um i l mu 1 our Veins“ TELEPHONE 197. I,".OCI{VI.‘JIJL 3E“, tummy.‘“ l H“, you eel .myno' 831030". exuhv -‘----~ ---- M-M “*‘Mw . v.“ Tm VI 0 won)!“ “06 I canvas hti . You In". 2 Your h,“ Sumâ€; De“ . sigma“? . “:5 covered ham from agrocer's door. but in gourd My“. wit your lo~t ear “'5'†“PM 00:" m" '“m d° "Tm the r found out it was his exhibi- mull', younuus e to close your monlh “2 ‘h'i'r not: “ tion lam ï¬lled with sawdust. mun; mm. , uh .im 0,. mm. The Pros ants you'want “k 8““ “a of “mm†y _. 1"" in Ram wukinm'o‘ BN'M'M‘QY‘ of It. led. yoiidsgwasgmf y. "Full- Al. the Fflet 8 you G we bloom of youth. : a m m Ind..uv-:-'Imabeonlnnam~md ‘g'fl-i‘,“ “g, - - W“ 0W“ aieall included no my stock of future before her. she we khan wilth condition tor three yam Iron Ner- " “M†"- . watches. Clocks. Jewelry ‘nd hemorrhngl chili lungs with attend- masons. Wuhlfll of tho Stomach. ' S.‘ “ware I Rho have “fl mg the Mhonthgh uhoc'. the no Dyspepsia and hile until my Its-cum Conan in ll Du.†'vc ' 1 l . H l mu of which pond can in I W mkotth South Am..." mm“. a... go, anal-imam .of Bib cs. yum radial-HIM , amino, which nmuism and Keir-I'D. radically Books, Chllstmas Cards. Toy, M“ W'"'“ W ’- W «min 1 to l Joye. “Motion awn Book, Gmwï¬n . .. . v ' lat-MM km! 0! 0i y no l0th M'W. h, .10 ~ unasham- ylouo. Itmmumu‘mml as, rev W7 are cordially ‘l MM may ‘ 75 ~ "