' Wham-I i‘ la the Leading House is Wvllle for ' . s FASHIO N ABLE TAILORIN G, 1.1.]. xenon‘. .mmw. m VOL. V111. N0 17. “._ ...__"..._ raw .- _.-_.-_--_.-...~. n. Athens. Leeds .Oonnty, _ ,_ bums...“ .. . ~ ~~m>.....’_-. “mm-“l Show Romeo! _E(). G. HUTCHESONdE 00. eadquarlBPS ton STYLISH MILLINERY .mflw Ontario, Tuesday. spin as tees. W“... A. Mu-__~____.¢.._.... coom maws. trusses!" tar-rm M m II“? OI WWIDIIII. We want to engage your attention shunt our Dress Goods Stock. If you ROBERT WRIGHT b 90., at rear end of store Always 0n “billabl- l elaagever Iewe moody-lessen“ have any thought of buying a dress you ought to see it. We are told edly that there is nothing like them in Brockville for style and value. are good judges, and when they pass judgment it is generally have all the new makes and styles in Dress Goods. and some lovely new pet- terns in Challies. We will show the stock with pleasure. Our stock of Spring Carpets has all arrived. As usual it is the largest asleetion you will lee in this section, probably twice as large as any other stock. It comprises all grades of Brussels, Tapestry, Wool, Union end Hem Carpets, also Velvul. Carpets, Mattingfl. Carpet Squares with border ell aroun , end Floor ()ilcloths. Tapestry Carpets range from 800. to ‘1.00 per yard. Brussel Carpets at 85c., 9%., $.00. $1.10 to ‘1.25. Borders to match a great many patterns. Also Stair Carpets. Prices guaranteed as low or lower than the same quality o! goods con be bought for, either in Brockville or in the cit es.†We toll no fables about our goods ; we guarantee them as repre~ sented or money refunded. We solicit the favor of a call of inspection. Carpetl nying and llitilflilg attended to when desired. Telephoneslw- -ï¬ifl-l." “MA . .44. PROFitsr-iiortnt. canoe. l we 3P6. Convinced that ____.-_._A.A- . . . A. 1...... A- Em... MllFFATT a. soon BOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER. kl)" GENE]! MERCHANTS err-ton ovsn li- i'Aiusu aNr) Sox's srona. AL J IAIN 8mm. mm Addison and Rocksprings Dr. C. M. B. CORNELL, IUILL STREET, BROCKVKLLR PHYSICIAN’. sunuaos a aucoucunua. PAY HIOI'III‘ "1(7- I'OI su'r'rsn zoos. usacos sums, narts évnur nu) suoan. Em. AND IILL A1‘ ml IMO" Our Spring Goods Have just arrived and for Quality. Quantity and Prlooe we defy competi- t on. Our Prints. Ginghams.8hirtin|rs. Cattoaades, Gray (Yottone. and Tw are very attractive and chee . while. our Well Pa r. Beets an Shoes. Ready Mixed alnla. Loads Oils,(.llase. Crockery, EM" are far Superior in Quality than ever before shown. Dr- Stanley S. Cornell Mam s'rmcic'r, 'm_ a'msss Srscut-rv DISEASES or Womw. .loe Daysz-inc sitcrnmns of Tuoedeyl. hursdnys and Saturdays. J. I‘. Harte, M.D.,C.M., PHYSICIAN. SURGEON“& ACCOUCHER. Graduate Ilwyul (‘oilcgo iQum-n'q l‘|\ivnrsltv.li Memberol‘ (‘ville'4l- -., :‘l ._ . ~ anti "illlfl'ï¬wll'f OM. (111)"; ‘1M1. .‘1..\-j‘t.~\lh l. Ill, ll Ilium»? Athens, fog,’ J. P. Latub- L.D.S., 37 . \l' t- Tun 20;: x rl‘ Bl- \ l ml‘ l :m ire inn uni-s n a" lune Mr. irunh l»: piw-pnrl-d lo remit-r the “vices ll both mechanical and surgical dosh f- , _. ‘w. a". . -k ,__.._.__..-s_--- <. m arm, “"il'RlvalESPliidi B- J. alflndll'l me a ' ate. Gents our Hate, ll’! 0" ‘I'IAI at Ile., ‘be.’ lle, and ‘Go. per lb- are unequalled for lever and fer atrea sh. lease-abet‘ we alvreve give as sunny lbs. of "6“ for l1 as any “ Sense †in the Itirade. owls. and Kid Gloves whet CIVIL ENGINEER. Domimon and M- ole nd Burvcycr. Illa neer for Leeds 0e. washivs of Rear on" a. Eecmt and Augusta. ï¬lllvo rnnmvod to Fulford block. cor. Mai" ‘l’. oml i‘ i'tr' lluu'n: Aioriuc, llrolrkvllis. The Gamble House, Q ATH ENS. THIS FINE NEW lllll(‘K' HOTEL HAS been ole-wuntly furthr-d throughout in the latest stylus. l-lvt'ry nttc-ntlnn given to the Vents of guests. flood yards and stables. 82.11 FRED. PIERCE. Prop'r. t . ~~--'="' western cannon MONEY T0 LOAN was m sivmas no. We have instructions to place n. large sum! TORONTO If private funds at current rates of interest on ï¬rst mortgage on impru's'vd farms. Tcrmsto .. _ A l'll ‘m mm“ m Hli,f“il‘llP‘;Si'ir-' at FISHER llnrristcrs. kc“ llrocltvillo. you went. Scrre Hans-r0 Onnss am) Fm Guuus'rssn Highest Market Price for PM OUR MOTTO~dnoez 6 per cent oti' for Cneh ; small profits and quick returns MOFFATT 8: SCOTT --_¢-â€"-- THE THE RON. GEORGE W. ALLAN, PRIIIDINT GEORG R G OODERHAM. VICI'PRDSIDINT Garden, Field and FIoweqManQY £9 Land A full stock just received-All og____... 71'th 8" Reliable Farm or City Property >â€"-----ALSO LINSEED MEAL AND ‘ GROUND OIL CAKE For Feeding purposes, at the Lowest Market Price. YAVOIABLI I'll" I'OB BUAYIINT, For Managing Director, or to rtlculars a l lo “Falter S. Lee, Esq. D91‘ Chumh St" Toronto, SAXON ‘VASHBURN, nurse, our Parties requiring quantities of Seeds will . M- Ind our prices itlmrr, and wc lnrile enquiry. ALLAN TURNER & co. THE MOLSONS BANK Chemists and Drugglsls KING STREET, BROCKVILLE lsoonreiursn as Ac'r cs- Psauanarrr 1&5“ 'y aver $1 ,O7B,OOO CAHTIL $2 000,00Q IllllOKVlllE Billllllll A general Banking business transected. [our Per Gent interest allowed on deposits of ll and upwards. Drafts on Montreal and Toron- to, New York and fond“. Inland. bought and sold at lowest rates. Bavnlos Ban de- partment in mnection. A. I. BRODRICK ' Manager. BANK OF MONTREAL II'AILIOIID lb“ .-â€" We!!!“ ............. W leess've ............................. W Savings Bank Depart- ment pays Four per Cent Interest, AND our stuns IIGHBST CASH PRICE A‘! m BROOKVILLI ’ TANIIBY. A. o. McORADY sous. 0......“ ... m- do». a. n... December in oeeh year. Sterling sad other lschanges on ell parts of the world mill end Did. BROCKVILLE BRANCH. oousr noose scone “we Isrrill Block. Joe. nan, n...“ MM apposite “anaesthesia SIOUI'IIIIII, . w u mun um Olllftlll repeht- ' Ladies i correct. We large variet of Ready Trimmed Hats and Bonnets end an immense of General X’ linery Geode. Orders receive prompt attention. We are ally receiving novelties by express. Saturday nights open up to 10 o'clock. BOYS’ AGES READYâ€"MADB b ‘1'0 14 TWEED SUITS YEARS LARGE, NEW asson'msu'r JUST OPENED UP, m 'rwo AND mass PIECE surrs, TELEPHONE 138. Absolutely LACE CURTAINS Stainless Fast Black ‘Alarimmenisglrmm Cotton Hose g p y’ retailing at _ _ wholesale prices. For Ladies and Girls Every pair guaranteed not to ART MUSLINB stain or crock a particle, or! a Beautiful new designs money refunded. at very low prices. We begin l The very latest novelties them at talc per pair. c- l in Spot Curtain Muslim, member, warranted not to fadciCm'W" Plume‘. or crock. lCrctonnes, &.c., as. i in endless variety. Women's full fashioned at} CURWN POLES 200 per pair, with linen hecls' and toes. We show an anon; [M8, “mama, ‘mi mous range of absolutely stain,- cheaper than ever. less fast black Cotton Hose. Cum“ Fï¬f's“. ICurteli Chains and Pulls, Boys’ heavy-ribbed knickcr- 1 Bprinc Curtain Rollers bocker Cotton Hose, all sizesland Dado - - . ei ‘W' l and different qualities. Extra gm“ gm" value. gbargains. ‘ Buy the celebrated D 8r A*Dressn1a.king Corsets. Every Pair guaraï¬" Mantlcmaking teed satisfactory in every parun'Mmde Cloths ticular, or money checrfullyiou‘ md at,“ t'QfUUClCCl. l Free of charge. ROBERT WRIGHT 8t C0.EROBERT WRIGHT 8t CO. mi" *0‘ ._. .__ .mm... _....._.._. MM GLOVE We have it on very impartial authority that our Gloves are the best in Brockville. Every pair is guaranteed to be perfect in every re- spect and ladies who have been wearing our Gloves have told us time and again that they never had betterï¬tting or better wearing gloves. \Ve ourselves arc almost led to believe this report. and so we say to those who have not bought from us in the past, you'd better cmsidcr. Do you need a pair? If you do perhaps you'd better make a roll at 205 King ‘it. LEWIS 8t PATTERSON P. S.~-- The several departments arc all supplying goods that meet with ready sale. That's what makes this more and more your store.‘ It. supplies your daily wants-'Mcheap. KID GLOVES. KID GLOVES Tele hone st KID GLOVES BUSINESS DIRECTORY GO TO C. M. Babcock, - ‘ Brookville FOR YOUR ' Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Mantles and Millinery The largest and ï¬nest stock cf Dress Goods, light sodderkgrou Cballiea, to be found in Central Canada. Always e large stock of llillinery on hand, and a Int-cla- Iilliner to Greenbush to work in . do your work. A eboiee lot of Ready-made Mantles, Jackets and Wraps. A lretelaee L lactic-maker on the premises. Sole lelh. Try them. Hoses, Prints and Hassle great variety. lsebwhmiatewn. Ycuareiavited. THEY ARE, comm l apt for the sale of the ever-fast, skinle- blaeh Hod-‘yin De aetlalltesssthe c. m. assoocx yea lama me es Iver!- lull well lined up. IBANKVW. Morton, April 25.--We extend congratulations to Mr. John Loucks. It's a boy. Mrs. Stone, of Athens, was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Richards, last week. Our cheese factory started on the 19th with Mr. Joe Jones, manager, and Mr. Fred Ireland, assistant. Mrs. Israel Munroe is uite poorly. Mrs. Henry Pierce, of lnith Falls, was home for a few days last week onl account of the illness of her father, who, we are glad to learn, is improv- mg. Mrs. (Reva) Radley friends in Ottawa. Miss Annie Cross, of Jasper, is spending a few days with friends here. A few of our young people gathered on Friday evening, 22nd, at the resi- dence of Mr. Chas. Holden to bid farewell to his son Byron who leaves for Chaplcau accompanied by his sister, Mrsflll. Bowman, who resides at that place. __..._ n n... is visiting OAK LEAF. Meson, April 18.--Mr. Wm. God kin shipped a our load of limo, over the B. & W. R. B. to Newboro last week. M. Aaron Green went. to U. S. last week but happily not to stay. Messrs. R. J. and Orrnond Green are erecting buildings on their respec- tive farms to be used for milling, dtc. They will be run by windmills. There is a rumor of u new cheese factory to be erected near the Corner next summer. A great deal of the milk from here goes to Delta this sea- son. The attendance at our school is in- creasing rapidly. Mr. Jno. Murphy is erecting a boat house at Full Buy. We hope that .lohnic may pull the trigger and transfer the load to the We would warn that corres~ 1 game. pendent to “beware†angr . Mr. I). I. Johnson met with a serious accident recently. lie was engaged in cutting sugar wood. and as he started to cut a smel' tree. the axe slipped and grazing do bark of the true entered his foot, inflicting an ugly wound. He was conveyed home and Dr. Harte summoned. At last] reports he was doing well. ! We notice Willie Earl, who cut his foot Inst wmtcr, is around again. -but somewhat lame. __ .nAï¬Mn, A-.. _._.. (JIIANTRY. Morton, April lS.--Mr. ll. Eyre was made the happy possessor of a pair of twins this spring, being pre- sented by one of his Ayrshire’s cows. Mr. H. C. Smith is moving into Mr. Seaman's house, near tile cheese factory. Cheese factories started running - last week. l The ladies of the Methodist Mission Circle paid a farewell visit to Mrs. T. Shook, who is about leaving to make a new home in British Columbia. We wish them prosperity in their not’: homo, They will be greatly mines)! from their old one in Plum Hollow; and by the Chantry church, of which l we believe they were members. Sugar melting about. done, mull Chantry can't be beat for pure, clean, i maple sugar. Chantry takes the who, very time. Mr. John liulh's died on the flth. lie was a great sufferer from that dread foe consum ticn. Ilia family have the sympat y of their many friends. We are glad to hear Miss Lucy Chamberlain is on the gain ; also Mr. Derbyshirc‘s child. Miss Tenna Elliott spent the Easter hollidays with friends here ; also Miss Jessie Copeland and Misses Laura and Lily Alford, Miss Maude Eyre, and Master Ernie Chant. Wild flowers are blooming here now. The roads are dry and good. Mr. Uriah Lawson is visiting at his brother‘s S. Lawson. Mr. David E. Johnson has bought the Heggerty lace of Mr. ll. Derby- shire. Mr. . J. Kennedy will work it this year. We suppose the nest thing D. E. J. will be getting a for Jolinie is , wee wifle, as he has got the cage for the bird. Mr. Fred Gray had a baby buried at Harlem on the 10th. Mr. Percy Alford expects to g: to c eeee frotory next week. was is mt The sermon of Rev. D. C. Sander- son, laet Gouda , treads closely on the borderiend o heresy, according to Ietbodiet'ie doctrine. ‘He evidentlJ simply believes with Rev. A. . Phlll pa. Toronto, that Olm'at did not die merzl! as a sacriï¬ce for the vies the world, but eadae to reveal the of salmieehaad ills‘; irete easm way men to'llva hearted“ trash is relnsnse to let's death gqulï¬ mes as Mildew-a ' l guessed with a tastefully mmassvstsssvul. aura-seesdaeeaisssaseaa mnmwï¬lw “mm 0n Sunday last the members of the Athens lodge of Oddfellovs, with brethren from Delta and other places, erecmbled in the lodge room at 2 pm. for the purpoee of attending’ divine worship. mmedlately after cpeuin lodge an adjournment was moved an the members were marshsllerl for church parade by Conductor W. If. Stevens. Nearly seventy members were in the procession. Service was to be conducted at Christ church by the rector, Bov. Wm. Wright, and the Oddfellows were soon comicrtabl sealed in that nest edifice. Aftert e opening part of the beautiful evening service of the church had been said and sung, the rector delivered s fins sermon from Gnllations 2:6--“Bear ye one an- other‘s burdens and so fulfil the law of Christ." The discourse was suited alike to the occasion and to the Easter season. After speaking for some time of the risen Christ, the rev. gentleman by an easy and natural transition devoted his address to ee~ tublishing the fatherhood of God and the brothei'hood of mun, which con- stitute the cornerstone of Oddfellow- ship. The sermon was one of‘ the ï¬nest ever preached to Athens lodge and met with the favorable appreci- ation oi the very large congregation present. At the close of his address he made ahighly commendstory reference to the I. O. O. F. Quoting from the annual report of the grand lodge of Ontario, to said that the total sum expended for relief by the order dur- ing 1891 was 71,374.00. This large amount was expended where and when it was most needed and, he said, it would be hard indeed to calculate the amount of good done and relief afforded by the wise expenditure of this largesum. Then, loo, those in sorrow and distress hsd the comfort of knowing that there was in their own town a. company of men banded to- goihcr for mutua counsel. mutual aid, and that relatives of c. sick or deceased brother were the objects of‘ their fra- ternal regard. Such fraternal soci- eties owed their existence not so much to education as to that Uhristliks principle thatis cvkywhere ovin‘, in some oases inreesibly, the h rte of men to perform deeds of charity and benevolence, ameliorating the condi tion of their fellow men. Oddfellow- ship in (ilntaric since 1856 had made rapid progress. In that your the i0- tal membership was 605 members who paid beneï¬ts amounting to $299.00. n 1890 the mombet'shi had in- creased to 17,707, paying lint-fits to members in that year totalling 871,» 374,90. Since 1856 the Order has paid for Relief the sum of £694,850.- 96. Membership on June "0, 1801. “5.213. The rector closed bis address with a warm eulogy of such societies sl bod for their primary objeet the better- ment of the condition of mankihd, and exhorted the brethren present to con- tinue in well-doing, not forgetting to acknowledge and honor the source . of their inspiration to worthy acts. The choir had prepared a special service of song for the day, in which the congregatioo joined heartily. The church was beautifully decor- uted with flowers. From the roof of the chancel the three links, wrought in geranium leaves, were suspended. The centre of the chancel was em- arranged pyramid of‘ flowers and the reading desk was also decorated. At the close of the service the brethren reformed in procession and marched to the lodge where the cue‘ iomhary formalities were gone through \Vlf Resolutions were made expressing npprrcmtion of and conveying thanks to Mr. Wright for his excellent ser- mon, to the choir for their services, and to those who so artistically dc- corsled the church. uorns. The Otldfellows listened with pleasure ton brief address from Mr. Chan-my Blancher, a brother from Minneapolis, and have the promise of his resence at the regular meeting on ednesday evening. Mr. R. Stevens, I). D. G. M., of Delta was present and responded to the welcome tendered the visiting brethren. Mallorytown lodge had been in’ vited to attend service here. and a letter was reed from their secretary espreeeing regret that their service having been arran for the line hour they would neabld to st~ tend. Service at Delia will be held on second Sunday in lay at l so p.m., and the members of Athens lodge are invited to attend. The Oddfellows than} the ladi. for their ‘seer-em gin cf bouquets. M Itbaeeow bendednltsly enae'ed that the Travail? 02x to be seat tothiesestloe 0n will com- a. .. H... “MM. MA._,._*.WM_~_.A. _ _ . 1...‘. '1 - MUM-MW .... {Mil-"ad . .H.-.-._. “w- resaueeaiaelssnm' Iv. W. H. MM 0f I son lime, Presents. who. "19'"; the old country, writing let the Gel» segue Journal. II-r ea my arriï¬ln England l have gained afew lets that will probably interest the “manufacturers of Canada. You will therefore kindly call their attention to the following. Oolor. The larger pert of our June and July makels consumed in the Scotch and north of England markets where the color required ll straw to deep straw. For ‘this I would suggest as a standard one and a quarter ounces of Brct's or l} os. of Hansen's annsto per .1000 lbs. milk. Our fall made cheese are lar ly eon- sumed in the ‘Liverpool an‘ London districts which take about half white and half colored, and in the west of England where no colored is used. The larger part of the fall make therefore should be white the re~ mainder being n little higher in color than mentioned above, say one uartcr ounce more annnto lo the .000 lbs. Those who were present at the Broclwille Cheese board, where the propriety of coloring October (1891)cbscee was discussed, will re- member my advice not to color too many. White Cheese hpvo brought from l/- to 2/- r cwt more than colored during t o winter. A fur- ther objection to the making oi too many high colored cheese is that it is liable to fads and become irregular in color, so causing a deterioration in value as compared with white of‘ several shillings per cwt. She es. ‘There is a limited de- mand or 1000 lb. Cheese for Christ- mas trade. but the standard size is made in about l5 inch hoops and weighs 70 to 80 lbs. Cheese 50 to BOIba. called throc uarter shapes, are disliked by the tra o hore. Quebec cheese are very faulty in shape and are consequently less preferred. Boxes. These are in many cast-s very faulty. Many do not ï¬t the cheese cleanly and almost all are made of too light timber. I examined a parcel of 600 boxes fine French cheese today of which 90 per cent of the boxes were broken and tied with ropes. Brockvllle cheese are rather in advance of Bollerillo as to boxes but there is room m- improvement there also. Many bcsessro too low, bores should be at he": lshoiï¬dhl: insidemeasurrm. l" u the BM instep“ l9 lillhll as is new used. Cracked surfaces are also detriment lnl and l advise using head cloths during July and August or even later and “followers†should fit the hoops exactly so as to make a neat i'ucc on the choose. Brands should be small and neatly put on. ‘Tho English law requires that all imported articles must be branded with the name of the country of manufacture. It is More shen- lntely necessar. y that the ,worde “Qatusdirf' Produce" be branded on every bolt White sod colored cheese should not under any clrcbm» slant-es be shipped under the sells shipping mark or leltrr. t Selling should be done while goods are fresh and all cheese should be ship t-d before damaged by heat in the flotation. As Agtnts for tho Im- perial Produce Co. during the past seasonlwc shipped about 20000 boxes under the Imperial brand and I am pleased lo ï¬nd that most. of them gave great satisfaction. The com- pany has materially improved their arrangements in Britain and I nntici pate a good demand for the same goods doling the coming season. Butter iinds most ready snlc during the winter and should be made when cheese making ceases during the last three months of the year, to permit shipping while fresh. I expect some oi‘ my Liverpool friends will visit Canada during the spring and l would like as many of our factory men as possible to meet him and bear his views on the mportnnce of winter dairying, he having given much thought to this matter. I will ud- rise you on this point later. -.__.__-...4.-e-~~ w“...- The Kingston people are not very sanguinrabout the construction. of the railway between that city and Smith's Falls. The Whig of Tuesday says: -â€"Tbere is no definite information re- specting the construction of the King- ston and Smith's Falls raihoed. A oltisen remarhellto-day that the bon~ us granted to this road should be transferred to the G. T. R. compan‘ , provided the worksb in Bellevil e and Brookville are moved to the city. Ammklmf'lm It has long been known that ' 'llowe would alleviate pine nppcrtefthefactaefoilows: Der- ingavleiitoihehomeof a most ee- tiaiable lady llvl en Indian River, itisedltorwee dadieeoveryihat hadbeen made'whleh may prove e beentoeslerenfl'o- healer brou- ircebles. This lad bevlelm e . ; . t, ‘:7’ ~ . Made to Go Togethd' MIPlETE “Ilium For’ side walls and ceiling with corners and centres to match. "flu Golds, Flocks, I ngrains, Valours, Bronzes, Silver, Lustres, Satins Everything to Match. Also we keep a large stock of CHEAP PAPERS --â€"xuâ€"--- Nice Patterns From 3c. per Roll to inc. No trouble to show goods or send samples. idols Book ‘Store BROCKVILLB e m Money to 1mm Oh reel este' at A . - " We‘-“¥e%~°"" n scam vars. ll . ' chattel‘ mortgages, wills. lessen. be“ . , t ' reasonable m1 es. [also mpresolit thl s. shire Fire Insurance (‘o. J. 13W: Office ln connection with If. Veterinary Surgeon, in the Athens. LOOK - amt , A Valuable Watch M ' only $7.00 Elgin movement, fully warranted la e 3 oa. Nickel Silver case. Cell and examine and be convinced tbet yea get extra value for your money. My stock cf Roll Plate Jewelry h new and well selected. Bee my assortment of Breeds“ Chains, and Necblrte. The geek are of the latest design and will be log right.K Bi e“ Gem rigs, Wedding Binge imid 0:: “h kept in stock. Silverware nauowuos' ATHENS CAUTION _ sacs" race ee r. ears-neme- vsa use “as “'- .rsmemmaewadlaasslvfla