Lakes and Islands, Times Past

Athens Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18920112), 1 Mar 1892, p. 3

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unit-IQ .3“... a.» "In Them-eye; The tie- wletss enumtieulssveslillnustssel situethusstersethemlsr"fitete from Ste committee, eseueke hi muster. Butulmsallsl‘nefsil the en - Kill movement ' y ‘ andhssslreul because euonqbk to beophlledsuhfiélon. “they foresthe ghtv sen - maximum destroy nepresidentlsl ty.,Letitbe undentoodthattwo legstiensnn to ep- peerst Chicago from this State, end where Willfiillbcl ltmyoouurtohim on re‘ Section that themidwmter convention use too smsrt e trick by hell. WIOIED II. IAIII. qubbed by Lilian. lo lends flowers te lee lull. A New York despatoh ss s : There dwellein this city s var wick young msn Old his mime is Alfred sync. He lives in spsrtrnente with other wicked oun men, end belongs to the senior clue 0 Co unable Gellege. He has n smooth face, unlike the usnel type of villein, end the content study of metsphyeios et the college hes tilled him with oleer ldees on such subjects es love, beta, revenge, how to inspire them; how to meke them velued. The curriculum of Columbie College, however, contains no course by which s young men they learn how not to siege his wing: in the finale of n :1. 13’: beauty This Wicked succumbed. until new Lillien Russell sud oiled loomed that by villa is the fire of sion frequently kindled. He sent Lillian toware. b'he, it u said, a.» cepted them corelenel y. The wicked youth was snubbed, and "atomic to thc :‘(rllcgo he looked n his old (lrcc authorities and itudied the theory of revengn. ills idea wan to humiliate Lillian by elevating a lovely He won cruel. He knew the sex too aim}. well. On the one hundredth pcrfornmncc of " Lu Uigele” the Armorial: faced .l nan got together sumo, gum it to John Scullcn (who may on Well be lulvorlixczl with tho othore) and told him to convert it LA: llowere end send flu: . ilowore to Althlio {lieiro right under lire Russell’e nose. It wee is pathetic moment. There was poor little inoffensive Allelic groaning heath u. floral dv logo, while the. bloc gut. f.W-.1 lu‘ulnl iiii’lu [inauguyl The . yoth war not anticlird. Again he wont to M r. Hi'ullull, gum 'mm unotlnrr $1,0U0, and melted him to make. u rornucnpiu to semi to Mien L‘lmrn m llndmn. ’l'ilc trngw (lemma rm-ni. in known. Lillian Ilwzlinwl to allow the flowers to go upon the otnpc ; ehe was furious ; Muss ( was clutor . 'l‘hcw woe gnuhingnf tr-vlli, nml pol-mlny tearing of hair, and the ciquisxtc cruelty of united Mr. Kayne was ls complete saucers. Mnuegcr French, llowevrr, wouldnl mind in few more (.‘olumhiu students lic- hnving in the Mill!) way, and Floriet Scullin in not pcrccptlhly grieved. As for (Joinimbio (ltillé‘ui‘, it rocvivm it most liuzlt-licenl. mivcr- tiamncm, for tho affect oi its curriculum is distinctly seen. . "'1' (""9 0w“ Tosfilll‘] (H‘T. Terrlhlr Art 0 ‘ittlllhh‘l’ Mala: to flun- Bm-n Prompted by Remover, A Lora Angelou, (Jul. _ deepntrh Ir .3: {inc (.f the glenffiut myetoxuw‘of this city lute Men flmt of the tongueleu hum“ which has inst boon oolvud. Lint- November is prit‘sily‘ l .ookmg mun hired is room at the One morning blood leaning From lllli mou th, and at 19.11. :7 razor in his hand. Uzi cmmmnlzon 3L. found that he had cut, out hie tongue .1 1h ., the razor. Bloody tracing tr; the door, out in the hall and the l‘iutlrroom inalicutcd thm he had been there, Hoarch showed that ho had thrown his ton e down a drum pipe. Afterhie wound hots ted he «iiwppearod. Ha Wu: thought. to haw been 3 (.lotliolic priest. It now turn: out that his! name in floor 0 yMillion. He goes gurhed M a lricet, but e is e. profusisionel gambler. file familv is woelthy and live in New York. has just died and left. on mum of $301M), $50,000 of which won loft to him. The «tote cannot hr; nailed up until George has been found, und detectives from New York lire now in the city looking for him. The ' stew that George. has boon the black sheep of the family. This statement suggeste that the men's not of cutting out his tongue wee prompted by remorse. line father ruinâ€"cwiiiow t'nltlalfift‘. Caused by the Explosion of n lump el u llulc lantern Rotor-immanent. A London celv’c unye; Jinx-mg a mnqin lenient pcrforn'innce for children on Frills; evening in a building lccctcd on Gray’s Inn mud, XV. (3.. a lump need in the entertainment. was etcidcntclly upxetnnd broken. The oil ignited at once, and in on instant the plocn much; fire. A nic enened among the large numlxcr of chi dren prmnt, and a med rush was made for the door. The greatest. r-xcitemcnt prevailed end the screening and ehonle of the terrified children, «.3 ilmy dcapcmtvly fmlglll. 1n M‘Jlllfl from Ilm place, wcm lmartromlmg. A number wcm how'de down and trampled 'npon, but with the aid. of the fowruiulie who worn preevnt at this wrfm'mnnsro, and. n numlwr of persona who lied been attracted to the epot by the shouting of ‘he children, ellwerc gotcut of the boil-ling. 'f'wonty little ones were more or lcee injured, and feet: are cntmrteinod that two of them will die from the twrihlc bruising and (trunking ' '5’"? raccivml. ml); - 900! ARNOLD 3 amounts. Ibreve llus to Insanity end Suicide. A London ceble on e : .At en inquest held yuterday on the y of Dr. Howsrd tmold, a nephew of the lste Matthew Arnold, the jury returned}: verdict of eui‘ wide while under temporery den-en ement. The following letter from the recamd men to his Wife wee reed: " My ulsrling, how l love you. in m doe ir lifter these three months of iueomnia en terrible depression, I feel t'nst deeth ls preferele to insanity. Ask Robert to look after All no ; he wi l, I know. It is better for yout st 1 go now then to remain e :lruln upon you. How happy life hes been with you ; whet en angel you hsve been to me, yet this curse hes killed me. My lest thought moi you. my dsrling. Forgive .ne, sweetheert; forgive me it is for the bent. Deer love, dear love, flowerd." 'i'e DI’IOOIM (I. fill“- "'A Port Huron despetch ssyI : The St. Cleft Tunnel Uompen hes perch-sod com sldenhle lend lmmed etely adjacent to the site of the t internetlonnl tunnel, sad, it i said, will hmin operation: for the con- struetiounp: one er Itiniest guide old-ixty (In contemp ted no ergronn - ytwill he stroller to the pneeut 0!»,le- ell the deep exeuvstioue st either of the It is plelnly evident thet the con he more rupldly encompth “ "" unsung hunched tun-shrill needles the Monthlth old will be utilieed bullpen. It is in new wig“, house at the corner of Filth and llrouo in: 3 ho was found in. but me». . n J i l I l w immnmm s seensiuprehsbla, were it not thst it"; vouched for by good enthorlty. About ehtlnileeout from this eisthe v‘ of Loretta. Imetto. like most noun villsges, is eituated at oroes~rceds sndlsoompceed iergely of e tevern and The tavern is run by Mrs. tevern odjoins a store, sud doeeethrivin trode for eosmelle piece. The surroun ing country is givnn u to farming, but anumber of undeeirehlec - actere infest the section. Lew lsen un- qusntity to many of the letter, and might is ri lit with them. Rows end brutel ueuu is are not uncommon, end murders hove been committed in the locality on severel ooceeiom. WHIBKKY AND SONGS. About e week 330 I die: errived st the villa-".1, and put up or the night at the hotot Mr. Lyon, inspector of weights end meuurcs. was also stopping there. A crowd of villsge loefcrs ethered together in the piece end indulges in consideruhle drinking and genernl h' rity. Cells were made for songs, and several were sung. At length some one demnnded a. song from the idler, who, knowing that his heererswerc Elmen Catholics, replied thet he could not grant the request, es the uni soughe could ting WA! on Orange song. 1 e was informed that he must Sing A song of some kind, even if it were an Orange song, and on being told thin hc consented, and did us they asked. Shortly sftcr this, the hour being ruther lute, Mr. Lyon withdrew and went upstairs to his bedroom for the night. Mean» while the noise downstairs increeeed, end Mr. Lyon heard the peddler coming up to his room, followml by e noisy err-Wilttvho followed him into hie chembcr. Fmrin‘g su invsuion, Mr. Lyon eroeo from hie lied, wheeled it across the door, and then lay down again, notto ulccpJor that was im on- aiblcdmt elmply to await developments. he lirnwl became worse in tho pcddlcr's room, and it. was quite evident that the poor [can u an lwing roughlylmmllod. Curses uu-l oith broke the. etlllucas of the night, and the peddlcr could be heard uttcring licence appenle for mercy. Ono of the crowd, 'npparcmlv more lcudenhenrted than his fellows, «bum in: hoard advising them not Tl) hll‘ltlll-llt Tm: MAN, but tho othcm received this With [cull cries of diam-ill, and u horrible sound of blown could ln‘ dintinctiy honnl from within. 'l‘lu-n comparative allelicc fullovwd, and Mr. Lyon thought that. the debauched gang Wm; bong overcomo by drowninere caused‘ by the liquor. The night seemed an if it never would end, but finally rimming downed, and tho mapoctor role and dressed. The noise, the ecu-rims for mercy, the falling blows, tho, ruliacquent silence, all combined to l)l"itl‘ll in has mind an awful suspicion that a foul (lilirti hurl boon done during that awful night. When at lrngth he dressed, l'tllfl, uhmlmt; lam-k the liar-noodle, ho opeurd the door and went into the hell, the night lint mut his gun: was almost enough to turn l|l3 blond told in his veins. Going to the door leading into the unfortunate peddlcr'u apart- ment, he found the floor and WALLS Sl‘A‘l‘TLRliD \V'l'f‘ll “LOUD, Along tlm hull and dim/n the chairs the. loova path led, and following it Mr. Lyon downwind to the grown] thaw-d, wt. trotted b a. horrible stench he walked along the hull and into the bar-room, over to tho largo more. This was one of the oldâ€" fnnhmmul box etovcn, with a top which could be filled off for the purpose of ad mxttmg large blocks of wood. Swmging back this top a horrible sight was before. him, for there, behin on the coals, luv the charrcd remains o the peddler. Ml. Lyon Wthfi neturnlly appalled at the sight, but well knowing the «longer which might follow if he made any outcry, wisely lit'lJl. his counml until he got safely away. The story leaked out, and in now current throughout the surrounding district. Null)- lug else is talked about, our}. the authorilee are taking steps to invoctlgmtr ".llrt melts-r. Ax on) mum-Jr. This in only one C? ccvcml murders which have occurred in this neighborhoml. It in not many yearn ago (time u lmliil' WM foully murdered in ‘Lhir village. He was struck on the hch with I. r. 9.2:», and though a mam was tried for the. Crimfl the jury acquitted him. The news: is creating a great sensation in and Mound 'l'ottonlmm, and considerable indignation in mprmacd at the innctivity ot the authorities. it "is flawed that the result of this will be that. some of the perpetrate“ of the crimo may leave the country. 'l‘lll: HORSE KILLED III]. A (inn Men l‘ntnlly lurked In the fires“ by u lion-ac. A Unit cleepatlth My: . \Vllliem Hun”.â€" lqucr, aged about. "JT ycere, employed on the farm of Mr. J. C. Dietrich, on the llluir mad m‘er Halt, wee found about llnlf~[)‘t.§l- I3 o’clock this evening lyin ' on the floor of the nimble in M! appnrt'ntly dying cnndition. James John, Another of Mr. Dietrich’e our iloyeen, wee the first to discovm‘ them:- fbrtunatc man, mull at once went for us- eistencc. Doctor! Vzmlcn end Sylvester were noon on the spot. but death but come prior to their arriul. Upon examination it woe found thet linutzlmrger’s ribs were crushed in over the heart by s. kick from o horse. Huutzhergcr had been Working; its: home. during the dsy, end wee elom un- geged in fixin them in the stshle for She night when t e accident took piece. The (incensed wen u married mum of very steady hehitn. A widow emf. two children survive him. run WA! 'l’lse Shipper-r l‘edevetlou te Fight the omelet! labor lluleus. A London cehle rays : A committm of the Shippin‘ Fedefetion, which sims to brook up e seemen's and other ellied unions, ill on the point of com leting e gigsntio ion projected scheme or the eh- lnrptinn of the indnetrice mnnected with the uhipplng. The committee's overturn hsve met with msrked success. The have found thst numerous employers of is in different breaches of the shipping industry ere envious to he rid of the precept isksome conditions, owing to which they find Unem- selves tl under the men’s thumbs. It is tacit y no rstood thet whm the detells of the desired coâ€"opeeetlon are finallysettled the Shipping Fedentlsm will throw ad the declnreewel' which will decide tOlllC. v chi-uldcr, {tat I‘lln robbery in l. ntrsl udson Reilwey. end w nests in the shade, es en exhibition at nets and nerve, the m‘ exploits Jesse James bend or other outlets! e on fsme. Thin Ho. Seethe gem #33 ll" ' mm a: h pun t runs 0 the year between New \ork end Bake, end carries only goods and property shl bi tbet corn any. The train lesves orksth'c movable-disdain this city st 7.06 o'clock in the Nearly ell the ears ere run Chicsgo and eontein the most v ueble express mstter. One cu- ls known es the "money" osr, sud in it is sent the specie from the United Bates Treesnry fer Westem bsnks ss well as money in of exchen between the bunks 0 New York end! e West l'l‘he iced of weeth sent out from New York on this trslnis usuelly greater on Beturdsy evenings then on other days, end often smountl 70 non: rum $1,000,000 in sddition to jewelry and other vslueblee. One of the most trusted meessn ers of the company, end sometimes severe , ere pleced in charge of this oer, and so reeth the secrecy observed in re rd to its contents thet c ten the crew oft e truin do not know in which car the money is carried. Daniel T. Molnerncy, of thin city, wss in chsrge of the mono ' u-u' on this trip on Saturday night. '1‘ e train was made up of eight ex- press care end one any;th tor the accom- modstion of tho rogu 1' train crow. Only one meeeongcr was assigned to the money cur, u the work of billing ms li ht. The other care had two messengers. ‘he train loft Syrm'usc 37.5 o'clock thle morning in char '0 of 0'. minute? Emil Laue, of this city, and 3mm. by engine 692 with Celeb Cherry engineer. She coach was in the rcer of the train, and the money csr just aheud, When zho train was near \Vcedeport, the conductor, u ho was in tho coach with hie two truhimnn, thought he heerd the eirv whistle sound very faintly. It wee enough to amuse him lo the lli‘lll’f that. comet-hing wua wrong in tin express cur. Going out on lllr‘ platform if tho couch, ho cliched on the Hill, and looking through lhc holc when: the bell cord comes tlirou in he new the upper putt of a now, whose lute lK‘luW tho rym unis cum'uu'n-vl by n rod filthflb’l meek. Thu nmsmngcr he could not err-c. llc wont latch, no: the Itlf‘ broken nnd called his two trninml‘n. The three stood loaning out from tho platform looking forward «ion the sidre of the cxprcm cur. Sudl only A man‘s furrn uppmrcd at tho tide door of tho uxprcea car Revolver [H'lel'l‘hl “ills'l'LED l".\'~.'l‘ THEIR EAR“ and u find! wna heard commanding them to signal the origincer to go nhcnrl or tnhu the Cl\l\5(“l‘.‘.< from. Tim truinmcn Worn unarmed. The. i-on‘luclor told one. of his men to jump all”, run hark to .lor-ltn Mill tclcgm ah Along the 15m: in ltochiahr that they he is train iolduar on board. This wue done, and the (‘Hflllutlltlf‘ rignulic- the engineer to go ghoul full epcrd, ti "king that the robber would not Ilflf’l‘. to jump sml would be on; tured at. tho n-ut stop. The train went in Port firmn. Here the brake! Wch eat again, end the. conductor girl the treiumen ch‘ {:3 tho cxprcue in: {he our chewed signs of a. ilcrpclntc :Lruggle. Money pick egos and jmn-lr wcr-‘e lying scattered about. Ei f‘thiog in t c car neomcd stained with l. lied, and hit'Hnlger McInerncy we: lying lliJ‘Jl'Zlilh‘U Fill)” SEVERAL “'Ol'NDS, and almost unconscious. The robber was nowhere to be seen, and was supposed to have jumped and made good his escape. McInt-mev Won’cd to be brought on to Rocheater. A telegram for an nmholence woe sent to Rochester, end the 1min wont . on to Lyons, the next atop. The news hula epreud sll Mung the line by this time, and tm‘ station at Lynne was alive. Among other: in the crowd Wis u Well-dressed young man Wearing gold eyeglasses and carrying a mtcl-el slung by n etrn ovr-r hie Now, it so linppcue that the ti‘aimnon had uolicml this some young an at tho Motion ot Syracuse before tho sin pulled out, and they had not own him since, and the question of what he was doing at Lyons end how he got there at once rug. greeted iteelt'. An attempt was mode to seize him, but he pulled out two revolvers, held the crowd bark and backed heroes the yard until he reached a coal train, the on- gine with steam up ready to nll out- for tho west. He pulled the tin holi ing the tender to the first cur,climhct over the coal into the ceh, drove the engineer and firemen out with his revolvers, end STARTED Till." KN'HNE {‘5‘. Conductor Loss: and one of the switchmcn prmurcd o sholgim, freed the engine of tho rxprcu, and with the firemen end engineer etartud in pursuit of the fugitive. it will he rr‘memhcrcd that thc Central Hudson is n four-trm‘kml [01.4], and the two engines, though both wing wr-et, were not on the lame mick. 'Flio rxprcu engine econ over- look ihc robin-7., xvi-o suddenly reverued hie engine and let hie pursue” pull him, pour- ing a perferthyi: n? pistol :ullcts into the canoe hi» pummel-s went by. Then the pureuere stopped and the pursued went ahead. .ANI'ITJUIM AnTlLLIRY l’l'll. ENSl‘lD, the shotgun inking art thin time. No one we: hurt in either hettlo. About tvm miles beyond tho robber found hie engine's steam was giving out, so he jumped off at e oroee roed end started across the country, going south. He managed to terrorize s fermer into letting him hove e horse, and rode on shout two miles further south. “are he procured s hone end cutter, percueding the owner, eGermen 'fermer, to entrust him with them by firing on him. The perty on the expires engine llI-(l re‘ turned to i.ycnu,where the sheriff-of Wayne county had nrgnnieerl e e, which, under commend of Deputy Sheriff Collin, had started in pursuit. Meantime the fennun slung the rcbbcr's line of retreat hsd else turned out lull ermed in pursuit. The runamy we: si ted shout five miles south of Nowerk. 0 male ms very bad end he lied mule poor moi. nu ABANDONED me no end no ecron lo Benton’s swsmp, but this ewem proved too full of weth to be pene- trs end the f ine took it his position behind t am will and faced ls Cress, Mulco,smlhedhesnhoerdiegln8 so for some time. He ell-Merl thet in; A is. .h f E! is r‘i‘ f ,l ’31:, 93' of hi 5} , Oliver Curtis the whole thi , been since the bed been in is. it” t on s Oansdlen stomp. id not the direction indicated in the letter. 0 says thst he hes aims gone under his own name. and wss ignent st the stub- inent thst he took my other neme. He told me he knew when they were after him in only piece end evolded arrest by clinging his voice sud putting on gold specteeles. I'll DIVOIOI "I131. light tee-lee Wilt PIP-Isl I‘uu hr the “mutual Granules. An Ottews deepstch says : The followin ere the eight app icetions for divorce whic will come before the Dominion Senete this session : Juries Albert Aiklne, of “'innlpeg. Mun, eeke for divorce from his wife, Meiths Bertha Aikinl, now said to be in the State of Now York. Both are well known in Oltswe. Mrs. Aikine is sdnugbter of the late Mr. McLelsn, who use for several yours a member of the Dominion (.leblnet, cod no: slterwsrds Lieut~t‘ov. of Nova Scorie. The ground for the application is decor-lion. {.obert Bennett, of Georgetown, Ont, hotel-herper, up lice for diioroe from his wife, Matilde nut-rt, on the ground of ndulu-ry end desertinu. Jnmca Doyle, berristrr, Toronto, for the sum” reasons, epplzeu for divorce from his wife, Auguste L Dwyle'. Ads llonignn, Compton, Que}, on the grounds of cruelty and doaertion seek. divoncfrom her husbend, Joseph Albert Dnnignn. Hattie Adela llsrrieou sell- for divorce from her hultlmnd, llcmy Holley Harrison, lehgrupli operator in the House of Com- mons, who married 3 ycuuu lady in Ottawa during the last session of l‘el‘liiment. Hie lint wife in etill alive in Western Ontario. llarrieon, who belongs to 'l‘ileonburg, is believed to be now somewhere in the States. Mood Herbert ltcmninglon, Pint-her Creek, N. W. 'l'., s plies for divorcn for the reason.» that his who Louise bleed, has do- enrlcd him, and is now mid to be living It Waterbury, Conn. Valentino Sitter, Ruinlmm, Iluldimun-l, churgcn his wife, Aloieda Sitter, with edul ter , end seeks divorcr, .lliimca Wright, of Donald, B C , on the rounds: " "fi- “fiend donerlion, necks e ivorce t..... M... ‘ in, Sarah Ann Wright. ON THE (085598 COAST. A Spanish fit mm: [walked and All lurid! Its-muted. A London cable says: What it likely to prove the gravest maritime disaster which an occurred since the learn-amour wuther of the past week not in is reported from the Cornish coast. A lnrge veescl, whose name is unknown. but which is suppose! to be e Spmiuh atcumcr. he: been “racked off Pen- zencc, end it is fesred all hand: who were aboard of her are lost. Alrcsll brief de- epntchu tolling of the trngic en horrifying scenes which attended the (lieueterlxevebocn received. It is learned that e host contain-v mg eix men, which had not out from the vessel for the shore, wee cupeirod elmoet immediately in the blinding gale. The beet was next econ lfl‘fil upward, but none of her crew could bunch, cxcbpt two men. The first of these. was clinging to the boet in deeperntion. He wee seen to be twice wasth off. The second was swimming in am effort to rcsch safety. The efforts made by the coast guard to help the twin men rovcd loo into, and both were drowned. l'wo boats from the wreck and is quantity of wreckage have come ushcre. 5K0" I’Lllfllts Pitt. 0... Greet talents heeuuters Another leuvy anew menu. In London two incheu of snow fell. In North Wales ten thouseml qnorrymen have been thrown out of work by the new that hue fallen to of tho country. All outdoor work in the chi yards at Hertlcpool 1mg been stopped, ren criug idle I 7,000 men. The snowstorm continues in “’eetmore- len'l end traffic on the various railway lines in acriouely impeded. Further tlcepetchee from Ireland ere to the effect that the enow is still felling heavil ' in that countr , end thet in. Cork and w joinin v plucu the made are covered to e depth 0 four feet, end in consequence traffic hes been elmost entirol suspended. The dc» tches ee thst the roads in Lielowel district, err County, ere also badly blocked by huged fte. elm fwe Women end sole-Med. A New York delpntch ssys : Mrs. Annie Stevens, eged 25 years, wee shot in the shoulder end in the neck st her home, No. ")7 Allen street, this tuning h her hus- bend, Henry Stevens. The woun I see very serious, Hmvens Alla shot snd seriously injured Nellie Smith, eged 23 yeera, who wee in hie wife’sonm ny at the limo. Two shots were flrod st Smith, one tskin effect in the month end the other in the le t arm. The would-be murder, thinkin he. lied elein the two women, then turn the into! on himself, end wilh fetel effect, the ullet lodging in his brain. a A We. Matte- Attacked. A Sin pore ceblo ssys : F ort Sedan, in Upper nrmsh, which is gerflsonedehly a forceof British troo , is surround iy m Ksohnne. The etter have mule re- p?th st-tseks en the stronghold, but so fer ve been repulsed. Nineteen men elthe Britt-:1 diet-erehhsve beer; elxthe; killed or; worn e . m 0 one w thy the enemy,” who hsve e'iiuipletely oeked themed lesding tethe hut. Ten Iii gr‘t depths in thnt pelt . «l inlutntlon of Justice. . bile Instituth melntenenoe Bundryopnurposes. inoludingpublle """ - lugs. ........ . ................. v . . . . . Mr. Remain-t moved the House into-Corn- n|iiittee of Supply, and Mr. Speaker left the c sir. Mr. Awrey took the choir, end the ln- terim luppliee were penal in form. ' _ Mr. Awrey presented the report of the Conlmittee of the Whole House on Supplies, which wee received, the House concurring. Mr. Mowet moved the House into Com- mittee on Weys snd Menus in the interim supply. r. Ame? took the cbsir, end the amounts uked by the Limit-Governor, end the committee House. Mr. Devil resented n petition sent in 'b Meters. Devi I Blein, II. . C(mk, John . Fitch, flu h Blein, Joseph Blakeley, of l‘orcnto: l.. Ccrthcll, of the city of Uhicego, en meet ; Merk ll. Irish, broker, md Kins 'lgully, ranking for permission to oheogo the neme. of the Huronlario Reilway Uou‘puny to “the Ontsrlo Ship Reilwny (‘um bony ” ; else to enable the compeny to build port freight end angers between the upper lakes end [A e Ontario, operated by ntenn or electricity ; to establish telephone and tclrgmph liucn, and tobuild or con- ntructutcum and soiling vwacls; to build And nuintain Wlmrves, docks, warehouses.» end elevators, and also to poseeee ell the usual power: and privileges appertaining to the working of rnilwsys end shippin . Mr. Bronsonâ€"From the town of orntion to grunt s retiring annuity to W. Jott. Mr. Gibsonwl’mying for an Act to incor- firte the Hamilton 82'. Grimshy Electric ilway. Mr. Caldwell-«From the Kingston Light, Heat 8: Power Company, preying for an Act to enable the company to apply bonds to the redemption of the utoclt of the company. A number of petitions ukin for smend- mcnts to the Liquor License nw end the Assessment few were eleo presented. Mr. Rorko introduced a Bill to emcnd the M unicipul Act, which was reed a first time. . M r. Harcourt eluted tint the gross amount paid into the license fund for the your audio 30th April, 1890, won $682,- 56055, on for the year ending April 30th 18m, $680,298.68. The gross smount paid to municipalities for the first cut named we: 3297.353. 45, and to? the fol owing year, 3294.968 '26. The gross smount pill to the Province for the first year nsmed wee $307,- 281.02, end for the next your, 3308.20017. l‘he amount imposed by by~lews for the first year wan $62,008, sad for the lat year $156,400.75. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Mr. Gibeen presented it copy of en order- 1n~Council respecting the commutation of fees payable under the Surro ie Courts Act ; nleo 3 copy of en order-in- ‘ouncil rc- epecting the commutation of fees under the Surrogste Courts Act paysble to His Honor Jud Mscdoneld, of the united Counties of Lee send Grenville: copy of en order-in- (3mu-cll, nndrr dete the 10th of February, ‘ 1892, respecting; the commutation of (can payable to Hit Honor Judge Muir, of the County of Woolworth ;copy of en order-in.- . Council authorizing the commotion of the ’ County of lleetings to invest Sl,600 smud- ing to the credit of their sinking fund ; copy of en order iii-(Jonncil approving of hy-lew 40 of the Count of Heldimend, establishing ad litionel Hig School ecoommodetion ; copy of an orderâ€"in-Ccuncil spprovipp of en inilcuture agreement between the blister of Education sud the Oeuudel‘uhliohing Co, for the publication of cortsin Public behool ‘ dmwlng booke. Mr. Mowat sefd thst he only become ewero half en hour before thet they would not he ehle. to brin down the cstimetcs u surly 5.: anticipstci. The horn. Treasurer stated that they would he in poeeeeeion of lhc House before the opening to marrow. Two course: were therefore open to them. The ,‘icencinl stoic-moot could be made to marrow before the statement wee in the hands of tho mambo”, or the stetement could be made on Friday. Mr. Meredith thought it would be more convenient to have the stetement mede on Fridsy. They would like to see the esti- mates before the discussion. He desired to take the resent opportunity of esking whether s c ericel error had been mule on page a of the Public Accounts, saying thet minion bonds bed been sold emanating to 0500.000. Mr. Hui-court said it was not s clerical error. The Government Md received .500,- 000 in bonds from the Dominion Govern- ment on swount of Ontirlo moneys in the hands of the Dominion Govmmont. The House srljourned st t“ p. m. The PIN“ Am The public sonnets chow that the finunooe of the Provinces are is e heelthy condition, so there it e of “9,8”. The helunee 9. during the linsamtiiiuorw it‘lch‘hflzuns “in d .l , . , w yepresen r reoei tell-om ell source.» The ex dltun of sl descriptionssmounts to tumour. Thefollewln tshlessbew the reselpte and expenditure Athepsetyeer: salutes-nee lee-eleven. passed the "port on *9 the ’ w ........... . .................... _ Cal-mu. Gaylord a Vick, on contract double lines of rsilwsy so is: to trunk» ' ttews, : prey-lug for an Act cmpovvcriug the cor- es for the yesr ‘ 0O” ,nq‘ee was“ ’u‘. ‘ wee-a ".0. esele "yen-sun. 'd‘seeeesssv.a ' eesvaep' Vl‘leeule.‘ nee. Q‘Ol'seeeeeee sees-unus- no.1..s‘s Miscellaneous... ..... Whistler: ............. . . Ito end msinteneuorâ€" vornlnent house . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' .. 15 ” Mplu)bnililln¢ (Peruenent bulld- m" I! - ~, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l . . . . . - , . . . . . . . Soho Practice! Sci ce . . . . . . . . . . . Mundrâ€"Mlscellenggns ............. . 3 ll Total overdretts or eppmpdeuommm 76 The totel expenditure to 31st M331. 1391, with respect to the new Puliement buildings, wus es follows : L. Yorke. on contract (or masonry, 0 mm 71 311.8“ 99 8.706 53 64.9“ 18 89,57.) 92 15.5% 90 24.724 06 0.81.5 03 1.538 M 12137 0') KM“) 00 24,000 00 311.0000!) for memory, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L. Yorke on contrect for carpentry end rouvvork L. Yorke, estate of, for re‘rpentz’y and ironwork. . . . , . . . . . St. Lawrence Foundry (:2... on 900- tmut for lwnwork.............. Purdy, Mnnucll 5r. Meahlntor on con- tract for olcnm heating. otc . . . . . Douglas lit-09., on coilth for state rooting. cto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. 1:1,]: undlc, on contract for pine- c ng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . ’W nor, Zcirllor 6: Co.. on contract. or interior woiidwork . . . . . . . . . . . L. \‘orko. o-tnte of. bricks l'urniahcd Central l’rimn bricks furnished. . Payments to hf r. White, M architect: Toronto Uuircnlly, re old [asylum property . Sundry other cxpclidituree. «5 com. no {the plane, watcr mains, drums, advertising tenders, etc.. etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . h. 23,622 73 _ I _ 9332.261 m Mr. Reysixle~Petltion or the Municipel , Council or the united counties of Stormont : and Blinded, asking for on secondment to the Municipal Act to ropes] that sec ' 3) Which plmea bridges over l00 feet. in aha. of the County Councils. Mr. Gibson (Hemilton)«Potition or" ’t ' corporation of the town of Brockville, uk- ' ing for nn'Act to permit of the consolidation of the town debt. Mr. Fieldâ€"“Petition of the Town Council of Cohour . ssking for en Act to consolldste the town ebt. Mr. Charlton presented e number of fictitious prsying for en amendment to the nine Lew. A number of church petitions,petitions on single tax, personelty tex and tho essenc- ment law Were also resented. The following if: were reed s first time : A Mr. Hardy-4‘0 consolidete the Municipsl ct. Mr. Mowstw'l'o amend the few misting to mortmain for charitable one. Mr. Gibson presented to the House the eetlmltel of the province for the yeer ending Dec. 3‘ 1895!. Mr. euker kept the choir for toms time uniting the arrive! of e. memgc from the LieuL- ovcrnor. Mr. White, speaking in French, uked the Attorney/{looms} if he had. any business to bring before the House. if not, inu much no he hed not but occasion to disease political union fully the other dey, ee the mutter hsd been sprung upon him, he thought he would bring torwerd s mot-ion of thst kind, as this wee the proper oppor- tunity. There would be en a portunlty for Mr. Speaker to in: his op ions on the subject The , ouse wee ell the time ed- droning him. He might now sddrene the House. He would jcet odd thst when he brought in his motion A condition would he thet it would he voted on b necrot bellot, so thst the members cool! express their opininioue freely without. fees: of the con- uenoes. r. Miniature} (in English) aid that he remembered the orceelon when the feeder of the Opposition glen-ind in the feet that he had a. French-Genuine behind him, but his fecliu I had changed. He lived wide sport from is honorehw friend from Essex, and he wee sorry that no for he had been unebie. to mske his ncqneintsnce. He wss slso sort that although he spoke French he con d not. understand the lenguege of the honoreble member from Essex, end he wee sure that his constituents in the out would be eon nlso. (Laughter). Mr. owst then presented the nteesege from the Lioanovernor, being the esti- rnstee for the coming your. I The House adjourned M; 6.05 p. In. THE “HAT”. The estlmetes of 1892 show A tote! esti- nssted expenditure of 83,472,287. Tm ' emounteere Wee follows ~. For current expenditure. Civil Government . . IA?hhnilniotrstie/nofJustlo . . . . . . . . . . . . nestles .......................... “6. Michal-Ilth maintenance .. M, meshing:- ................. . ...... lo. . {noted from the surplus the notes! lnrp ‘ would be found to beflZQJSO, with theeum ii iii D ate the future, with its rephlly lminishing burden, is certainly reeesurin . The lest item of our receipu, to whlohl I refer, nemely. 8600,“ received from the Dominion Government, cells fersome special remsrk. Our e lture fer the your in- cluded, es 1 hsve ssid, some very lei-gs itemr, specisl sud exocptionel in their character. We peld, for exemple, $100,000 in "Toronto University, being pert of the “($0,000 unsnimously voted to it b the Home toussist in restoring the buildin , which was perils“ destroyed by are. 0 else psid $47,115 the municipslities on eccouut of the lend improvement fund. end $32,750 to county houses of refu e. We loenrd 863.000 to different municips itioe on drainage debentures. The gum given to the university lmight cell en emergency ex- penditure the first, end we Iinoerel hope the hat 0 the kind over to be made hy the Province. The payments to the munici» politics on account of the lend improve~ mcnt fundis sn edi'enoe mede for their benefit and relief, for which the Province willbe recouped when the o n eocounte between the Dominion end e irovinces ere luljustod. The payment to th county houses of roluge in also new end excep- tionsl. Our expenditure on cupitul soccunt, on the now asylum: st Orilli‘ end Mimico, gpdmn the new “lenient buildings, was one exceptionally. or e, reaching in ell $368,937. Because 0ft. 1 this extraordinsry ontlsy we asked the,Dominion Government tomake to the Province a. payment on account. of the debt due us. [he matters in dispute between the PrOVince end the Dominion hsve been narrowed from time to time, and there in edmittedly a. large sum due us. - Our request was meat in e friend bus'neee-like way, no we mm 1.! Noelvod from the Dominion ém,0%0yiu 4 per cent. bonds, which we dispoeed 00‘ st per. We disposed of them nt per without paying a single dollsr by wey of brokerege or com~ mission. Our receipts for the year from liquor license fees smonnted to $298,184. Our estimste wesfliOOfiOO, end not O3l0,000 as it We: tinted, owln to s clericel error. 1 man, r. Spesker, t etyou do new leeve the chsir. (Appleum) Mr. Cisncy, in reply, said he excecdiocly regretted thet owing to the ill heelth of his hon. friend from Toronto the link of mek- ing some observations on very ehort notice had devolsed upon him. He wished, in the short time at his dispoesl, merely to enter his prptect, and reiterate the protest made from in side of the House, at the men- ner in which hon. gentlemen hed conducted the stl'nirs of the Province. The House wee oerteinly not to be congretuleted on the statement the hon. entelemsn mode here . te-dey, but he (the ressurer) was to be conâ€" tuleted, not on fining followed in the inc: end footste of his predeceseors, but on the cheerful en light-hearted wsy in which he bed underukcu the task of presenting the dreery old bill of fsre. They Were to-dsy ss usuel confronted with the usuel deficit, and no epology whatever wee made for it. They took the ususl fsflun on the be that they were uneble to meet the obli- tions which the Province kfld been ob. ifed to mske from yeer to year. They find e so the usual bormwing of money to meet hell the anal old r surplus presented to them to-dey. rel-Inrcourtnâ€"The bonds mature'in 1893. A your ego the would be sold at t2l0,000, but es the to of their maturity ap- prosches they count nently depreciete in value. We say thet i sold now they would bring #205,000. Mr. Clemy then contended ‘thst inane bonds were in reelit only worth their sr nine. Continuing. he erl that some ow n by the Dominion should not be cupileli to show e surplus eny more then the Crown lends end the timber limits end other In sources should he oepitslised. If the imagin< My emount held by the Dominion were sub- the obligations, end they P’ toe of $19,030 the snrplusof the year, which was the smilest ennui surplus in the history of the Province. Mr. Mowet moved that thedehete be ed- jonrned till Tutedsy. Curried. The House uijourned st 0.01 p. m. "I flOflflGll I‘m]. “nettle: About the Pete-ls e! the Deed 0 cure. , A Belfsst eablees s : Th excitement in Ulster over the on y is ln~ crossing. The husband . lire. ontsgnis s so send! the Duke of Hencheeter sod is omerefleertutheuavy. Ill-s. llan, to: who is of Scotch estrectieu, is the of s wealthy lav-don tee “reheat. noted for is her dot-leg her-smash"; in lie- is one of the pert of the Province, it might be of his hon. friend. to ‘ boys rs plug on his ii 8-8 if E? i 3 3 3 Eli 88 even if any one had The llsmeahsdrunu themtsu‘ end bed obtsined sue a bold thet could sto them till the ship wee the wete s edge. 3ig whee of oil floated round sud sh' , the storm bed not eluted. The fives, gleaming with the golden reflection from the Esme», drove the helpless vesvol ewsy from us. The rii es of the mounteinone hillows were ting with e lurid glow. As we cut through them we seemed to be all log in e see of tin, which leaped up angrily sronnd Ill. “ Wegnt in nest to the Loodiene us poe- eible. The two survivors sew us. That egon. iziug cry for help which escaped them et that moment chilled the blood in my veins. magma utride the boom win thick snd heavy set. He olun to e tape with one hnnd, olesping with t e other the web 1: of e hell-looking women. Men end wife, u was afterwards leerned, they stayed together until death. “ Above the roar oi the flu-ice and the howling of the winds me hesrd Ce t. Irvin’s voice ceiling for volunteers. {lie had picked up I. ecth crew at Grevescnd before ceiling for New York, and we were compelled to return with them. To the csll of the captain. only three of them ree cried. First Officer Binghem, Third O oer Kay end myself else vol tcered, then in none of us Hievdf‘t‘fi'st t e best word live in sochegele. In not, for the tint time in its history the Egyptisn Non- ercli hut to throw oil overboerd to eelm the fury of the waves. ”‘ llut before we could lsunch the boat the fire had forestslled on. We shonteiio the couple to be of 3 cheer. Their suswer was a pitooue cry or help where no help could come, as it proved. The burning ship wun lying with its heed to the wind. The flame were creeping elowl' towerds the boom. Occezionslly the I lp’e stern Wes Wed high in the air on the wove ; the times were blown slung the be!" until it. seemed so ii ".15; clothes of the couple Were scorched by the intense heat. 4‘ The stays supporting the iihboom lied been turnedswey. A fewmimiteesfti-rmrde the ehip swung eround. The flame: lceped towsrda the keel of the bow: rit. An ewful cry of sgony went up from oso r tor- tured ones. Down the} fell into t 0 fire lit wsves. We sew them for one nhort moment. The men wss holding on to the stump of is spot end the worn wee clingin to him. A heuvy wove lifted em up sud them sgainst the side of the burning vessel. We never sew them again. " We steamed around the hissing hulk in the hope of seeing e boot contaian the crew. Then we steemed to leewerd or 12 miles, but new of host or rsft could he discovered. e laid around M long es pop sible, but no host could live in such e no as wss running st thst time. “ When we reached Grevceerld the scretch crew wns immedistelat diecherged. Capt. Irwin went- to the Lon on 3 outs of the owners of the Loodinne, which was then reported to be missing. The burning veuael we! of Americen build, and the deactiption of our cptein seemed to lesve no doubt thst it we: the Loodlene which ,we hsd seen. He lesrned thet the ceptnin hsd his wife on bnerd. We new the was! in int. 48, ion. 42, shout l 200 miles west- south-weet of Queenstown. ’ I The [nodisnswes built in New Beetle end her! curried on of trolenn for some yeers. She wss fun at Window, N. 8., for $40,000. Oapt. Boyd -wse in command. Being s nailing reese the [oodiene had been delsyed on the A tie coast by ths severe gain of Jenner-y. End of an Old "Id. A Frsnkfort, Mich, despatch seys: Chen, Sutherland, of tin. place, known better smong .zmrine men se."0ept. Cheri-urn” ms shot through the breiuon Betti y night by E. B. Btranble, on old fund being the direct muse. There ere now and. srrest ss being impliouted Mn. Btrsuhle, wife of the slleged mania-er. Clues. Wow, leIL, end A. A. Smith. Btrsnble, who he sloee keeper. wse be tenth by some ow, all out so encountering Sutherland. hlm, thinkhi he was doing the Sutherland s spped his (see in let received the fetal shot. "l can Church end the step see r tepstherellthe . little“ to mine money for ohn pupae-h divldtn llsehbelng glee-slip Wonk Bets lrtdencestsehurekm issnmethln worth nests m.‘ is. mm. lmm wee «5' tom of t I N

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