Smash-up on tho l‘ntercolonlalâ€"An Engl- llBI'l’ Killed and Three Men Injured. A Quebec despatchsays : The following particulara‘have just been receivad of a collision on the Intcrcolonial Railway yes- terday between St. Noise station and Little Metis : Tho aceoznmmlation train which left River du Lonp at 7 o’clock yes- terday morning had orders to cross Lebert‘s freight special at Little Metis. The cro=s~ ing orders were overlooked by both driver and conductor. and when three miles cast of Little Metis the accommodation train came into collision with the freight special. Neither of tho {ll‘lVOI‘B saw one another until the-y were but a few fog-t apart. owing to this curve in the road at this point nnd the fact that large snow sheds have been erected. The result was that Engineer L. Duncan was lnstnntly killed. l‘lllglllm‘r Gonm. of the accommodation. jumpul through the window of his ml: and broke a leg. The tirmncn of both trains are severely injured. Both engines and cars are badly smashmi. The loss will amount to smrml thousands of dollars. Tho road is entire-1y blocked and cannot be cleared before Friday night. It is said that thvontiro blame is attached ' 'rr and conductor of tho avconr modation traiiï¬' 'i‘hvro Wine but few pas“ sengora on board the latter. and beyond a severe shaking up none of them were badly injured. The trains were travelling at a spoon of about thirty miles an hour. [gingi- necr Duncan was unmarried. , A Toledo. 0., (lcspatch says: There is great excitement among oil and gas opera- tors in this city over the reports of an in). mOllt-lt' oil contlagrntionm the \Vnod count) oil ï¬elds. The tire was caused by an (-x- ploaion in thv Parker Well No. 1. the groutcst oil wvll in thc world, a wvll that has been uncontrollable for days and which flows 10,000 barrels every twenty-four hours. The oil caught tire from the engine and rapidly sprcml to the other dcrricks and tanks. In the oil ï¬elds are large pools of‘petrolcum and the creeks and rivers are full of oil. This only adds fuel to the flames. The scene is described bx an eye» witness as most thrilling and magniï¬cent. At the time of the explosion, without wnrn‘ ing. a column of blue thuno and smoke shot up into the air at least 1.000 foot and ex- tcndcd over acres of ground. The heat was so intcnuc that it was impossible to up. pronch nearer than half: a mile. It could be plainly felttwo milesawny and the sight of the burning “(-11 is viuiblc in Toledo. thirty nuh'sdistant. Thednmngu willrun up to hundreds» of thousands of dollars. ()no of the drillers, Um. Johnson. was caught in a whirlwind of smoke, oil and tlrnnn. and \ma An Exploslun “'hlch (7 Sensation. Mr. Balfour is recei'lingnumerous meupc- ing letters, which threaten him with per- sonal injury, and many communications which purport to renal tho cxiulenue of plots against his life. Other members of the Government have been the renipicnmuf imilar missiveï¬ in less number. The iolice am taking every precuutionto defend the executive ui‘oiï¬ciuis. Igain bifore'l hue done with y.ou and 1 will get fox you the punishment of a mur- deter. Mr: Harringtonâ€"4 ' call you a. liar in addition to scouudrcl when you make such I stutenn-nt, and I will call you murdoge; Mr. Harrington returted that he should continue to use the same language. The coroner do gnccatcd the rotor». Witnesses were calle who defended Mr. Harrington's Attitude. Sergeant Ryder was then recalled In the course of his testimony he said: “ Mr. Harrington called me a murderer. scoun- dual and ruftian. and said he would kick me of}: my _c_hair. †‘ Mr. Harrington complained mfl' a. Dub- lin rape: had (lcclured mm the police wou d be justiï¬ed In making him ac- quainted with the peculiuitics o! a horse- pond. The language. he aid, was an invitcmcnt to the police to commit violence, and the court. should not p mit uuch Inn- guugc to be used with impun 1y. Mr. Mur- phy, while not juuifyiuu, the course of the paper, considered that Mr. H u'rington, by calling Herman: R} hr 1: nun-Alert? and villain, [n'm'nluwl comment. Such lau- guagn hml mwer been uttered without muuuug rbproof in any court in tho civil~ ized wurld. so badly hurno taiucd of his 1'( min-“ting: and it in the flames. A: a muting of Kilkee curmen to-day it was resolwd to defy .the League's order- not to drive the police. The cannon alter- wuds drove the police to and (tom the Moveen evictions. g A l‘nris cable say-a; In the publishcd ilXuerntiuns of the recent mobiH/Aï¬on expvrimvnts in France. the newly invented Lurigvn lightgnf which a grout deal hum be- u said and Written: lately. takes n wry prominrnt plat'v. (Evncrnl lmulmnuvr was one of thv mm to apprecinn‘ thv import- anvo of Ilmnmy‘n diacmery fornight-wnrk; and tho trml nf thv light undo lust \vm-k m thv ('rysml l‘nlnt‘r- nffordvd amph- evidmue both of tho gem-rah snunvitv and 0! Han- Tho momberaof the Lugucin procltimed locnlitica are uniting for common action. They will hold a number 0! meeting: on Buyxduy in dgmnco olï¬he law. Mr. Kilbride. who nocompmied Wild“. O’Brien to Csnud. on hi! tour mini! Lord Lanfldowuc, was elected without op- ï¬mition torupxesont South Kerry in the ouse o! Commons. lmy‘s n be run! yards! â€10 IN“ Waste 11 The 1"n'eman': Journal any: “to looolitiu in Ire-had proclu'med yuterdcy by the Government no thou in which tba m0“ uweepmg evictions hove mun 1‘ 00. sud argues that than loulitiu bean aelzcwd boctuac thehndlordl s the g t. lccrptod M 3nd will be Oh(‘ L’IHI 0f “sports have hot-n hwviu‘ul from Mahgi stuhng mm ero ha: bovn n gm! mrth- gum“: there. It mused a Inic umong (he nlubiunu. but did lmlo ammo. Mr. M FATA l. “A "AVA" ACCID EST. HI.AII\ (: OIL 1 Hal. â€5. "mounum human. runny. nsily M m Hm I A New lllmnlmuur chub-4 sugnrny and of “an. 'l‘hr' unmllest print could R u distanrc uf two hlmdrud â€an. which is prmlm-ml by vmnprmsml air on n ï¬lm of Olhrl‘ rim] lights worulvory m-lipï¬wi by its superior e Forth Bridge works Me on M night with tho aid of hm! bf‘Q‘ll Rduph'd by Sir nrth and many nthvr grout :1 for purvl)‘ uul-lunr I)!!!" that no lqus are mm'b awry. ()thvr drxllcn arc {cured they have perished wary for night-work; It made last \vm-k at rdml ample ovidmcv mmle and 0! Han- Hmnllest print could amc uf two hundrul which is prmlm'ml by Mimi air on n ï¬lm of ml lights worulvory Al by its sumrior Cause-:4 a G rent. lists A (Jon-k cable says: When the case of O'Brien Was opened several policemen were culled us wimesaes for the Government. ’l‘hey testiï¬ed from memory as to ()‘Brien's language, which they asserted tended to incite his listeners to violence. During the hcaring of this cvidenccn procqssion, armed with stivks and hemléd by u. waggon carry- ing u. hand. nmrchml into town from the country. The Human: stopped the waggun, but allowed the otlu-‘i' part of the precession tn prom-Cd. 'l‘he provesqion took up a posi- tion clO‘sc to the UOlll't~l'0()lll, but order was Observed . ' Constable Foley admitted that the notes he made of what Mr. O’ Brien said in his spuch were made the next anorning and from memory. The head constable told him to write the leport. He was not asked to produce the notrs for many day. afh‘r. He could not swear that O‘Brien spoke m the ordvr in which the worda appeared in the notes. Glulstone lichukou u “ Unloulut"â€"-Evideuco at U'Hrien'n Trial. ‘ A London cable says : Mr. Gladstone has writu- -n in regard to thuasscnion of Robert Batman no t indlay (Liberal Unionistï¬hat 118(Uladht()ll(‘)had apolo-ised for boycot. ting, and that he was under Parnellite suhjt-ction. Gladstone says; “ I am a little surprised at. the inaccuracy of Mr.1"indluy’s statementa, but u '11 must; be allowed for a. disappointed xï¬gion with u. falling cause." Lord Randolph Churchill, speaking at Whitby to-day. said: “ The present Parlia- ment in fairly democratic and is therefore strong. If in Were otherwise it would be tumble to grapple ï¬rmly with the National Lquue. The obstruction encountered (lur- inH the session was 'duc to Mr. Gladstone in tin†as leader of thc' amellilee." It (711qu High and Mr. Hons Did Not “'unt It. A New York rcpmt says: James Brass, a sturdy. although 'aged cit-inn of New I on “ion came to this city to See the sights last Sunday. \\ lulu wundcxiug along ( hurry stu-et late that owning he noticed a. 1: rowd of blithesome girls laughinu am chatting on a corner. While he was passin the 1111 my gluup he was most ustonish by suddenly ï¬nding 11 pair of arms aho t hi~1 neck . At the sumo time n sihery v ce dxclninwd: Dr. Smith. the heelth oflieer. niedo a careful examination of all the passengers and found four who had sec-pad nmioe o! the ship‘s surgeon eleo sick with the disease. Three of these four will probably die before morning. while the four reported by the ship's doctor will probably recover. The eight. sick persona. two women end eix men. ware transferred to the Quarantine Hospital at Swinburne Island. The balance of the passengers as landed at Hoffman Island. They wil be held there until all danger of infection has passed. he. self kiss Mr. Bross had nev (‘1‘ been greeted m that mu in New I.<i.mdon “ (:0 wuuy go ’wny, you bold girlfl‘ cried he. “ You ought to be ashamed of your- “()h. bog pardon," said me girl who had stolm a kiss from the aged New Londoner. “I mistook you for my father.†Finland“. m m WJM‘ erl’orl.‘ ‘ A New York tie-petal! says: The French steamer Ale-is. Dept. Vellist o! the Fshxe ‘ Line. which arrived st « ’ to. ’ Thursdey ht tron lee end Naples. brl three cable and “I s so swlgers. On her srrhsl sl‘ our“: ï¬ne our cue;- o! Asiatic obolereh were found smonu‘ t e pee-engen‘ in t 0 sucrose. Eight ‘persons died during the voysge to this port. On Sept. 12th Luigi Merle. e steersge pennants“ ‘33 yursnvu token sick end died on the 15th. Psul Antonio Balkyorls, soother steer-ego suengcr, aged 38. was taken sick and d ed on the some date. Jan Lenivolni. s sailor, sged 40. died the following ds â€a less then tweny-lour hours from the lame he was taken down with the disuse. 0n the 17th Jenn Somme, s sailor. sged 30, was token sick. He died on the 19th. Sersfln de List, a steerage pessenger, died on the 20th. Anus Nellridge. s steersge passenger. aged 47. died on the 21st. Francisco Msttee, sued 41, was taken sick before coming on board sud died on the 22nd. robubly of bronchitis. Maria Antonio Se 3 Veno, aged 59,wu also ailing M .11.: mum of coming on bosrd and died on the 22ml. though without the symptoms of uholcrs. All of tho shove were buried at sea. The Alesia. is now in the lower bay. llcr sick passengers will be transferred to the Swinburno island hospital. All the re- maining passengers will be transferred to Hoffman Island for observation. The ship will remain in the lower bay until she has been thoroughly fumigeted and cleaned. The passengers of the Alesia. will be kept in quarantine at least eight days. Mr. Bross pnssml (m, laughing over the joke until he slcppul mm a store to buy a cigar, when ho. was astounded to ï¬nd that 51 1. which he haul in his vest pocket. was (im'. Rivhunlson, (‘f b‘oulh Carolina. stoppwl M Wmhinglon on his Way lmnm from l'hilmlvlphia. He hnd m-vcr visited the capital before. He npcnks highly of tho hospiulity of l‘hllmh-lphin. but any: that he was con- stmnly grm-tml with this question; †What did the (lmonmr of North (‘nrolim «y to _\cm just now “' \\ lwrmcr he “out he was nnnmul In this 9i 'ninmnt inquiry, until in dvsmir he sorioush thought of buying I [Alcflnllllr lull. would rmeivt A Mann-menu ï¬lm-Minn l FUl'H’l‘l‘ll‘lN DOLLANW FOR A KISS. Oh, you do r, old “I‘ll. CUULEIA BAVAG I. mnrr ('xporlvncx- or the an Irivo lum out of the bush 1 51.300 for performingthc IBIS" AFFAIRS. wison. (‘f b‘outh Carolina. Wmhingmn on his Way lthilmivlphia. He had the capital before. :My of 1119‘ hospiulity rling. give me a 3 business. He ing the (eat here. lmnnworml YM ‘ than dppopnin. ductor f‘" nskrd While Mrs, Flow-lam] was at the Hotel fonyvflv. l‘hilmli-lphin. she left We build- jug by the luv-k way one morui‘ig in order to avoid the curioul'rowdin (rout ohh hotel. She was obliged to an through the store- romn and kiwhvn. climb ovs-r boxes of soup. barrels of sugar sud packages and bundles of all kinds. She wu very auilemid grace. v In]. lioivcwr, and seemed to enjoy ihc uu~ 1 Wanted oxpvrivnce. Youngstown (Ohio) Trhyrram: "Just think obit! (,Zuler. doughnuts. rambo apples. ciirhreorwveiiup.m1d u rip-roar- ‘im: ï¬ro. nivl wining alongside {our best briuhLvyvd girl! The good uh winter flights nro coming. boys. whl’uallice 0! below iswuflh n cycle of July." owls there nhythinn mor‘. drondlui JI'. “m"- ! lm‘ml. '{Thefg is.“ mtg-fumed Mrs: The Port Arthur. Duluth 8; Western road, upon which work has just been started, was formerly knowu as “The Thunder Bay Colonization road.†The route is from Port Arthur southwesterly through the townships of McIntyre and Oliver, crossing the Canadian l’uciilc about two mileuuast of Murillo. thence to the Kuministiqnia River. crossing that near .the junctiv .‘ .he Whiteï¬shJollowing the valley t" that stream and by way of Beaver, Rabbi‘, Porcupine and Silver Mountain mines to the north of Whiteï¬sh Luke, thenct north of the Arrow Lnko chain to the international boundary at Guntlint llako. on the Pigeon River system of water stretches. The present portion of the line. which it is intended to build from Port Arthur to the boundary. is about Ml miles in length. Rev. 1). M. Cordon. pastor of Knox (Ihurchohaa received a call to the I‘m:- hytcrian Church in Halifax. 'His health has not been good for some time past, and it is thought he may accrpt it. Mn. Unlbert, 90 Years Old, Teuu Down I Rebel Elna. A Detroit despatch says . D troit has a. venerable and worthy patiiot, with the Barbara 1“ rietchie apint in the person of Mrs. Hulbert, of Third avenue, who it nearly 90 years old. Mrs. ilulbert sent {our sons to. the w er. all of whom acquitted theniuelVes With credit, and one laid down 1113 Me on the ï¬eld dt‘ battle. The mother is imbued with strong loyalty to the flag. During the meeting of the Arm) of the Tennessee in Detroit last week a lmnduorne American that, I floated lroui the roof of the ll‘nlbert residence , but onc of the grand children in a spirit of unsciief. tacked a captured tubel Signal lhi I to t o staff above“ the stars and btripee. blurs. Hulbert saw it, and wars inili gnunt. She kept' her own counsel howeVer, and when an opportunity presented she Went to the attic and climbed by a rickety ladder to the roof. and thence reached the rebel signal by niuinu of steps. and tore it from the stuff. She has hidden the flag, and. in reply to all inquiries, says: “ You Will iind that flag when l’m dendâ€" not till then." Mrs. llulbcrt is a sister of the late Henry Schoolcmft, the Indian historian. The ï¬rst shipment of mils arrived here yesterday and went through to Morris. The real hitch has arisen thrbugli the Province not being; able to put up the amount of freight due the (J. 1’. R. on the rails. There is u. large amount due for freight, and until that is paid the rails will not be released by the U. L’. R. -d -7 _V w. The ï¬rst shipment of cattle ever made from tlw Western “lures to the Ranch: Canadian market will 1) sstllrough the city in :1. law days. as it is bciug Icadcd at Cal- gnry now. The shipmcntconsists of forty- Ilvu curd, embracing about 900 head. They will be shipped to Montreal and from that port rc-slnppeg to Liverpool. -1 l u n A J. H. Sproulc. couwaétor, and a. stat} of survuyoru went. to “Brandon today to begin the construction of the Northwest Central. He stated that he was going to put a large force of men to work immedi- ately to work on the ï¬rst ï¬fty miles of the 'l'llc lluduon Bay ligilsmy will extend tlxurliuclivumiles to St. Laurent settlw ment.uudu. weekly main will be run to that. point. It. is thought quite a large bumwss can be done in carrying wood to the city. (2‘1: {tn}. beginning at Brandon, and the w R will be prosecuted vigorously, with a view to ï¬nishing that distanpo this £131}. The injunction anaiust the R R. \. R. ï¬led by the Dominion Government come up in the courts to- marrow. but will pro- bably bu enlarged for a. week. '1‘1)u§}.~urvey0tz9 commenced work at Brim. don"thia morning on the Northwest Cen. tral Railway, and say that ï¬fty miles will be in opt-ration by Christmas. People Ire will dubious, and appear to think the news too good to be true, that Work is at last to be proceeded with. ,, Thé (hat coal miï¬e is n.0w working night and day, and turning out 400 tons of coal evvry twenty-four hours: Italyâ€"unenl- nun-g AI... A London cable aye: The nominal ‘uid'nneertiiinty o! the 12 up“! Mt here or. much our-voted y the un- donmeut oi the proponent mum at the Cu: and Emperor Willi-In u Shula. ‘ The triple nllinneo 13.130. lily dud. end )he Knlnoky Bunion meeting an- noeieeii undone . Thoma winner: eve enbetitut Itnl'y (or. I In British military ufl'ieerl who know the perâ€" !ection ot the ltuliexi nrny record Italy In no menu ally. But Bum iii now phylng I hand entirely her own. The Cut. who meiiqes his owe toreign policy. evidentl wents to keep tree from All entwgling ell - tine-en. 'l‘lie contempt poured upon the French Republic by the Russian pron. netebly by the Moeoow Gazette. linee M. Kutlieti’s death. end the Car‘s well-known dislike ol,the men who now rule French. indicate no present arrangement with the Paris Government; but every dny molten clearer than when when l’riuee htsmerek cells the “ inevitable " war between Front»; and Germany breaks out. the Germans will have to count upon ltussns iiii ii. passive if not es un motive lee. Private letter:: from Berlin diulnre the existence of almost feverish mxiety in high places to be ready to strike, sharp one strong, against any future combination of Russia mid France, and tr; eeenre ltiily its iiii ally for the defence of Austrian territory against Rus- sian aggression. It is the belief of the British Foreign Office that Italy is already Committed to that responsibility, but this is not geriernlly accepted. The Cologne (iazi'ttc professes to deseribe German leel- iiig without friendship and without enmity. l‘d‘llllCU is naturally delighted that the Czar i'elniiiis ironi meeting his lniperiiil rele- Lives. raormxAMbWIn-Il“ “'l'l‘ll BARBARA FBIETCIIIE'S SPIRIT, Mr 0. W. Muhowsnnmf l’o-Ralh. Ill. has .n tame Maltese mhlm “hit'h mil light mm: n.._s Hum: from n nmuvm up man rlophnm. I! h m ntly had a 1mm» Mplc wi‘h‘n hmmd. \Vmiu'ng um†tho lmn M wrnmmd in «lumber. in “manyvp om‘hod. jumped .on the hound‘n‘nc HQ undo the fur fly in I mutual-mm wu it): | caution to a f)" The Canadian Northwest. EUROPEAN ALLIANCES. I! Whnt in it. lhnn 2"" in The man who has it.‘ m» Mi An old shoemaker tells the St. Louis ()1on Drum-rat of a trick or two in shocmnking which he. learned whenhc was a. boy, which appears to be still hidden mysteries to a. lot of the fashionable shomnukcre. One of these concerns not only the appearance of the shoe but the comfort of the Wearcr. How many times do you see men’s big toes rising in high, relief impressions above the surface of the upper ‘2 Naturally you feel that the waarer of such a. shoe must sutfer from the pressure on his big toe, and he docs ; if not immediately. at some time in the future. The whole difli Julty can be obviated by providing a depression in the sole of the shoe into which the too will ï¬t. This depression is obtained by fastening a piece on the last and beating the sole around it until it is moulded into it. â€When the toe is thus cnred- for there will he no ingrowin ' toonnils and no unsightly protrusions o the upper. Another thing that may be in- teresting to shoe wearers and slim-makers is this : A blistcred or sore heel caused by a. new shoe may be relieved by taking a. small piece of common newspaper. crushing it in the hand and placing it under the ailing hecl.’ The bit of paper has the efl‘eot of e “ lift,†and forcing the foot forward in the shoe leaves the heel entirely free from the counter. l). Mel’hersbn. John Edy was commended and awarded a. third prize. The flow Universal Language. The latest appearance of the question of Thou vs. You is in the Volapuk Congress held last month in Munich. In Volapuk all the pronouns begin witho and form the following series : , Siugulur. ., Plural. 1. 0|) 4. l. ()hsâ€"we. ‘J. ()lâ€"thnu. 2. Olaâ€"you. 3. ()m ---- he. 3. Oma 1h , , ()lwullu. Ufa. q' US~ ll. The Education Committee reported that eight canditlatcs, oï¬ve second class and three third class, took the examinations in agriculture, audflw following six certiï¬- cates were granted: Second class. “. J. Sleightholm. Brampton; (3.1L Steve sou, Fingnl; J. Bowman, Mount Forest; M. C.‘ Egan.(.luurtwrigbt, and J. 1". Bridgman, Suzithvillc. John G. Tukster, Capetown, received a. second clusï¬certiï¬cate. The committee upiminted ~to ,nward prizes to essays on the construction of farm buildings reported the ï¬rst prize to Thos. Shaw, of this citv. and the sccoud_t9 The annual meeting of the Agriculture and Arts Association of Ontario was held in Ottawa. yesterday. The report on the prim farm competition in Group No. 1 awarded prizes as follows: Gold medal to John Fothergill. Burlington. County 0! Bolton; ï¬rst silver medal. Jos. K. Mo! Michael. Waterford. Norfolk; second silver modal,U. Barker, Paris Station. Brant; bronze medals to each of the following: J. E. Bretl‘iour, Burford. Brant; R. Trinder. Simcoe; John R. Martin. Cayuga; J. U. Show. Woodburn, Wentworth; D. II. Hor- ton, North I’elhnm. Monk; G. Barre. Waterloo. « Indvï¬nite. Un-â€"mw. uvm‘ybody. Besides these. Father Schleyer gave in his grammar a. form of politeness, †one.†but hoped that \‘olnpukists would address each other by the more brotherly “ 0!." The Germans were the only ones who soémed to think it necessary to have a form of courtesy. and the \‘olupuk periodicsla have had a lively but good natured discus- nion of the matter. But, although the Munich Congress had I larger number of Germans than of any other nationallty resent, yet it was resolved. after u worm (chute, that the word " ons “ no longer exists in Volapnk, and l“ Volapukistu must employ “ 0]" in the singular nud †ols “ in the plural. Thua tho knell of feudalism has sounded !â€"-llomc Journal. You must been good little girl and always mind your mother. Never let your excel- lent mother feel sorry that she is ac~ quuimed with you. If it hadn’t been for her you might hove drowned in o ooup plate long ago. And it you hndn’t ever had any mother you might be 5 Turkey with the Turkeys. In fact, my dear Amelia, so conduct yourself that even on dark and rainy days the bright sun may shine wherever you are, and that the stars (which are next to the sun in brightness) may never flash so brightly but that you can always look steadily and hopefully toward them. Feithfully your friend, A. \VARD. A London mblc says: Lord Randolph Churchill, addressing it meeting of farmers at York, said the present low prices in wheat \vr-re ruinous to the farmvr. Al 3 politician he lindnot a grain of comfort to nilo-r them. The British farmer glowing when. he said. did not seem to know when he was beater}. Lord Churchill said he foresaw nothing tlut was likuly to cause I tine in tho price at wheat sufï¬cient to onus!) You opotho me about a boy who is my rival. 1 should teal very sorry to killjhut boy. but he may drivo me to it. I on: in hopes that he will ttke himlelf into a. pre- mature tombuthat he will choke himself with a large slice of pudding; but i! he does neither I shall (eel forced to load him with chums and read all my lectures to him. That will ï¬nish him. His boots may remain, but. the rest will hue perished wiper-ably long are I get through ! ‘ I like you very much. I 311031“ like you just as well it {on were 12 years older. I auLvery lingun r ubqut some ything». . you. ‘ It seem- “ though I M loot Ill my to- hum, including my grandmother and iho cooking stove. Why didn’t I put you in 3 bottle 3nd bring you down here with me 7 But. I on nlwu 'e targeting something. The other day went oil and (or 0% 111 um: Bush. sud Ihe‘l I good deol bigger I w y ore. Kr. Rummy is also 3 very forget! mu. He lrequauily oil and forget: his wuherwonnn. r. leuy in u very ï¬ne looking nun. He romindu me oi Mr. Green. the Molden murderer. When Mr. Romany goes to the penitentiary, which will be very soon, we mun send him donghnuis, magnum: and other literary documents. Mr. liauney can resd print very yell: a profit to tin: grm'vor. The foreign import. were inimitable. not from America only. but from other sources. The hrmen of England should roalize *thOl‘Ollfllll’ that India is a tremendous granary. and will continue to pour into the English nitrite! incre‘noing quantities of when. This radi- cnlchmge in ihe cohditions of farming should prepare I†venom interested in sg‘riculturc to adapt t nemselvcs to chum. On all]: atoll um:- gum In tho lint fl... ‘; The following letter from Artemu Wud to 5 lim- Elmiu girl. sud wuontly pub- liuhod for the am time. in umm otnn magi}. (N._Y.) â€gluon". __ u SALEM. Mum. June 18.1864.-â€" Dou Amelis: I osnuot wu you how mac I min .»\ Barrie (iv-spatvh any. : Ilatveyfa‘izor, a young man in the employment of the Northern (t Northwestern Rnilwny I: hand brakosmnlt in thé Barrio ‘uud Allandnlo yards. was knm'kut doivn Qnd run over whiln t-onHinu mu n Danie yesterday morning. ‘l‘wu r tn passed over his k»: bvlnw ttw knw. (TIMIhi'IH the bone m badly that mnptttattntt “gs lwtrrgsafy. 119 i! doimf n ‘w'rlrll um «um .lmé-x "l1- Th0 Inna)“ duty ever paid IQ the Boston rpuom-house mu thnt of $974,993, puid on Saturdty by n Bump mot-chant!" I any" any. / MIHIIMMI “‘Mlo Qmupllnx €an The Provincial Prize Takers. Simemukern‘ Secrets. Nu Mum-y In “‘hent. ARTIIUU "AID. ()h5-wo. â€IAâ€"you 0an th‘ Ufa. An American Statesman on Newspaper Men. Hon. Carl Sclmrz, at Pittsburg, P3,. recently spoke about newspeper men in America. as follows: “ You hear of the people, from one end of this country to the other, growling at the nemzpaper reporters, and I want you to publiah what I tell you now. The newspaper re orters of the country should be respects . Throughout my whole public career, and since that time. I have never changed my mind in regard to them. They are the guardians of truth and personal liberty. They protect every citizen. and I have to see the ï¬rst case where n ineWspuper man wilfully at. tempted to’ deprive any man of his rights. I will never be satisï¬ed till. 1 sec newspaper men raised entirely on a level with, if not above, the other professions, for they deserve the greatest consideration.†A Mitchellstown dcspatch states that Dillon and Hurrington have given pledges that no public political meetings shall be held] in Mitclxcllstown during the present tria . ‘ ' Rumor That the Prince of “'ules Will Bepoot m- Trlp of Twenty-anon learn Ago ~flls Interest in the Domtnlou. The London correspondent of the Globe cables: Some journals, commenting on the re orted intention of the Queen to visit Conn. 11, urge that 11. my 11.! visit to the Dominibu would be of great beneï¬t to the Throne and the Empire. Avisit toCanudu. however, would necessitate visits to the otherroloniesmnd this would be impossible for the Queen. It is suggested howuver. that the Prince of \V ales might. with great advantago to the State endeavor to ï¬nd an opportunity to ï¬sh Canada and the other colonies. 1am personally aware that the Prince has long ago taken a keen interest in the progress of the Dominion. Ho has. at his own rcquesl, been supplied with the best available maps of the Dominion. photos of Canadian scenery and other printed information, and did State 121;- igencies permit, would gladly undcuuke on intercolonial tom. Doubt- however, is expu ssed whether it would be possible for him to do so. The Lord Mayor of Dtlblin has issued an appeal for funds to defend and sustain the large number of political prisoners it is expected will soon be in jail under the Coercion Act. The Weekly Nationalist papers through- out Ireland ublish the usual reports of the procee ings of the various local branches of the League, despite the fact that under the terms of the new Crimes Act the editors are liable to imprisonmmit for publishing the reports, which teem with violent denunciations of the Government. He (Qv’ith tender reproach)â€"Do I reï¬nem- ber it, love 1’ As if‘ I could ever fgrgeg it ! Wife (at breakfast) â€"â€"“ I want to do some shopping tofday, dvnr, if the weatheris {av- omble. What ure_the ï¬probabilitios' 1" _ True Love Running Smuothly. Shoâ€"-I)o you remember that lovely moon~ light ride we had at Newport last summer, Charley. behind that cute. little donkey ? Shéâ€"You are nice to any so Ch‘érley ; and do you know, dear. I never seen donkey without thinking of you.-â€"-.\'. 1’. Sun. out lid Vi Quin her station did not puss his suit. and t e result wss that Miss Cbri was married to Ir. Btrsebsn. Mr. s smi- u'sted to this city and started in the knit- business as o clerk. [is soon become smember oi the ï¬rm oi Lodge. Sheldondt Co. Although he still held in remembrance his mly love he deemed her lost to him. and some years ago married Anus Scott. and established himseli in I. hsndsome resi. deuce on Bill Place. Their domestic ha i- ness was unmarred until the death of is wile. two years ago. Meanwhile Mr. and ‘Mrs. Strsob had removed to Ballsrst. Australia. w ere Mr. Strsehsu engagedin . business. He accumuls a large fortune sud died a few years he. Abouta year ago Mrs. Straohsu learned from her brother in Newfoundland where Mr. Lodge was locsted, and that he was alone in the 1 world. The old love had not yet died out in her heart. She wrote to him suggesting that if the recollection of the past still warmed his heart she would like to hear from him. He answered the letter and a correspondence ensued. in the course of which he elicited an expression of her desire to come on and see him and marry him. He wrote buck that if she was ready to accept the old man she could come on and he would meet her at Buffalo. She did not hesitate, but arranging her affairs. started on July let on the journey of 10,000 miles. She came by the way of Auckland, New Zealand. Sydney and the Sandwich Islands to San Francisco by steamer, and thence by rail to Buffalo, where she arrived on Tuesday and found Mr. Lodge in waiting. He {ound her changed. it is true. Thirty-ï¬ve years effect many changes, but it was into a ma’tronly, well-preserved woman, who still retained a. generous proportion of the beaut possessed by her in girlhood. In him she found a still active and vigorous man, with clear brown eyes, an erect ï¬gure, and the flush of health on his check. They Were at once married. wont to Niagara Falls for a day or two, and then came to Albany to reside in Mr. Logie's elegant residence on Hill l’l:iCc.-â€"Albuny Journal. Husband (consulting His paper)-â€"‘ hail. thunder and lightning.â€-â€"Puck -â€"Mrs. Wondworth, the faith cure evan- gelist, says doomsduy is only four years dist-amt. She has dreamed thut the world will come to an end on September lat. IH‘Jl. Ind just before its extinction she will be vnnbled to convert Ingersoll tn Christi- nnity. Mrs. Woodworlh is at presem con. ducting n revival at} Decatur. Ill. Alter the exocution of the murderer I’nnijni at Paris. I certain police ofï¬cial obtsined a portion of the mnrderer’u akin from an Mtendnnt at the medial school Ind hud it converted into n ample d pianos. which lie presented. one each. to MM. Tnylor Ind Goran, other police (Pï¬l('l8lfl. pl Iouvmira. The facts leaking out the latter delivered the pnmes to thb. l'rbcuntor- General. who diumisscd Ill cancerned in the matter. - "To what do you attribute the chative properties of your spring?" asked u visitor at o health resort. " Well." nnswered the proprietor thoughtfully, " I guess the ad- vertising I'm done hn nod Iomething to do with it." . â€"'I‘he Town Council of Nissan Fulll. Ontu voted ru-vntly in favor of wnterwnrks upon the llollv system. It is now dis- mvc-ml tlmt 1h; by-law \ohl upon has no legal valno. owing m the fact tlmt it mu not ndw rtisod a snfllt'it-nt Irnml) pf tinm A new by law in to be submitted. ~“ The «mm at tho (.‘il'rlm not narrower wry gar.“ l'c'mflrkt-d a _\ounu- lady in n aura-w car thu nlhv-l' (t‘fl'lllhg. in the hmrin ' of I lluffnln 1mm: r reporter. '- When wag-'nl’ld whom to nit dawn ihnro I“ not . sign of a mu unywhorv. ally the lnpl of twugomlomen.†" bid on Iic damn?" " Why. of comm." and! r0 um i hue Suites-mm. ~ \VILL THE PRINCE (SOME 2’ A EOIAICI ll Ill]. LIFE. The Troubles In Ireland. Ilmullng "er 0!“. Rain Hon. E. B. Washburne is lying, in a pre- carious condition, suffering from congestion of the brain. at. his son’s home in Chicago. Mr. Washburno was American Ambassa- dor to France at the time of the Franco- l’rnesian war, and was the only foreign diplomat who stayed in Paris during the siege. He was Secretary of State in General Grimm’s ï¬rst. Cabinet. Sir Arthur Blackwood, who returned to Montreal yesterday after a tour over the Canndimi Paciï¬c Railway to the Paciï¬c coast, states that in his opinion the C.l’.R. route for the mail service to Japan and China would save little in point of time over the Suez Canal route, its advantages being national rather than postal. but admitted that it would be of the utmost value as an alternative route in case of war or Em opean complications. In thecourso of the arguuumt of Mr. Hoï¬g, connsï¬ for the Crown in the. cele- brated Ayer customs was», he yesterday made the startling claim that. the Crown might go back twenty years in imposing additional duties and penalties upon the Ayers. The (Illief Justice emphatically denounced such a. course as iniquitous, and said he would immediately adjourn th case if such a right Were asserted for th Crown. but as Mr. How; did not. ress the point the argument proceeded. an was not concluded when the court r039. A farmer named Campbell is missing from Durlmm.’ Grey County. and is sup- posed to have last his life in the ferry collision on Toronto Buy. x. Owing to tho' sclioon'cr Pathï¬nder not returning from Behrinu'ï¬'ï¬ea in time, the expedition to iixvesiigatu the ï¬shing grounds at Vancouver and Charlotte Islands has bct‘n postponed till next year. An addi- tional appropriation for the purpose will be asked for next session. Judgment was given in the Court of Appeal in Montreal yesterday in the cele- brated case of Rev. Father Paradis against Gilmour & 00.. mahmining the decision givau by Judge Wurtelc at Aylmer in favor of Father l’arudia and the settlers in whose behalf the reverend, gentleman was acting. "l‘hu assessed value of the property of New York is a fraction below the assessed values of the twelve States of Alabama. Arkunsus. Florida, Georgia“ Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi. North and South Carolina. 'l‘L-mussee. Tuxna and Virginia. But those Southern States are gaining rapidly. They show at increase in the past seven years of $900,0 7.041. ‘ Brmlstrcet’a reports :1 total of 165 failures throughout the country during the week ending September 23rd, against 168 {or the week previous. Twenty of the number were in Canada, four less than the preceding week. The Imperial Government having re. omtly informed the Dominion Government that it cannot undertake the cost of a special survey for tho proposed trans-Paciï¬c cable between British Columbia and New Zea- land and Australia, it is proposed that Cmmdn should take the initiative in propos- ing the making of a survey to the other colonies interested. her proportion being the loan of a vessel. ‘ Frank News Notes. The lobster ï¬sheries “commission have concluded their inquiries .nd are! preparing a conï¬dential report for the information of tho Government. An Allegra Alum-halo“. Thclutcst absconsion of prominonoe in the \Vpstcrn district is reported by the London It‘m- I’rm: from Strawhro ,in the orson of Mr. L. R. Richardson, tf‘l'o well- nowu cheese dealer. whose absence from his usual business haunts since Thursday Week has occasioned considerable talk in commercial and other cirulen. Mr. Rich- ardson wnn prominem operator on the London, Ingoraoll and Woodstock cheese markets. and in his adopted town was recognized as an energetic. pushing man. He won an unsuccessful opponentnju the “ frolimiri'a drive.“ The town is not yet al awake. ere and there a watchman is found sleep on his wicker bed in ‘the street or en t portion of alien-or bszaar. Farther on groups of early risers are found squatted hetero a tiny charcoal are. where they “pool his: breakfast and discuss a dosen dates or a few pumpkin seeds while the; watch and Wait for the music of the co eo-pot. Even yet it is very uiet. The' doukeyboy follows on be ind. rather whispering his “ oyo-pah" than speaking it‘to his unwilling motor. Occa- stonally he drops a cubslistio word into the long ears which has the eflect of increasing the donkey's speed. “ Geheuna" is said to be that awful word. It always seems to be a surprise to the animal, at least. and sometimes causes him to lowarhis haunches and creep entirely away from his rider. Sorrow and repentance are sure to lollow such an ocwrrence. Now a swirling sound is heard in the air. Your donkeyoboy pushes you with your donkey to one side. A lad clothed ‘ in white comes running toward you shouting to you to “ Get out of the way. Look out for your ears. your eyes, your neck, for my muster is coming." Then a white ass appears bearing the sheik of the town. This dignitary, hearing of your arrival, is hastening to the quay to collect his fee for the privilege of driving a stake into his mud. A return to the dub» her-h reveals a swarm of natives, awaiting al‘. on the some mission as that of the sin .k. The case is n hopeless one. seem- ingly, for there is more business than you can attend to and keep faith with the spirit under which the journey was under- taken. Your only salvation is in rooi. procity. Hut in hand and with heart- rending voice, therefore, bog backsheesh yourself if you would drive the enemy from you long enough to tempo to your dock. Conunrvativé intern“. of Mr: John \Vaucr- Worth for the rupreaentation of West Mid- dlc-scx in the ()utariu Legislature several ytara since. and took an active interest in party politics. "he mm ll-d lleen M Ming 3 Year. A long-snfl‘mvï¬trmsmnflmn his little "minder as follows : " Dear Sir : " Your little account bu been standing now ov'er a year. l’leue send a. chm no Ind oblige." I udenod debtor replica: “ Den Sir: '- I! am little account is tired of standing. let it sit down. . Yuan.†“ Tlm lam. and Short 0' It. “ Do you know." said u digniï¬ed-looking mun. “ {hit I nnvtr Intelwhiskny 7†" No .“ waa‘the ‘l'vply. “ I :nnw lot! of fellas 11 M an p it down quir um n . but no :M'onldnlwnynuet (homozyg- mcnt r. n! it Ivy lMtin‘ n go slow. lie:- “'0 dear lvizc'n.‘ vll'udnuglun Critic. ‘ no Crowd- el luau-h. Ante Ihhh But... the raven-r. A scene on the Nile in than described by I writer in Soribuer'a Headline: Girl. ï¬rm baring upon their heede end erme nil IONI o! ""010. for aleâ€"oar, cnulnlower. onngee. buflel'b milk. iettucefleutiie. living lowle. end whet notâ€"Inch en or. stored in ebundmoe n n the deck. Even water in oflered tor 0. But the crowd which bu subarea i0 is: more interesting then their merchendiee. The gen v-plenk ie pushed out end you ruck the ore. A web in M once made by the donke -boye {or the traveller. end not. until 3 e caetigeiina bemboo of flu ieerned d‘omen bee been applied to their here. brown Arab Ii'uidere can the anxious eeercher tor experience he exertegi _up the guy onndoukey-iyeck {or e All-m4 clvrk (M gnu-s!)- -\'onr bill in me dollar mnln In". sir. My] hhw did ‘nn ï¬nd trad:- in town 1’ (Bu. stâ€"-~Trlrle? 'm no drummer. I‘m a uentlomm. Ind um ._ - l _ . "any ('1. mlc nning. head driver of the Allan»! clvrk (M gun-sly ~Yonr bill in one ‘ (I. P. IL. [.nas- MI I parlridue which wnl dollar mnl a hall. air. And Wm did nu mnum under wry pm nk‘nr cirrumnMnoen. ï¬nd trmlo in town 1’ (lu. Ht~-Trmlu? '11: When nlmu‘ 1:". mllo-l from Oman 1! no drummer. I‘m a uenllvman. nnd um mdcbvond to fly boron the Inc in Iron! travelling for plasma. Hotel clerk (con. - of the engine. hm i1 mu canal 1b th. mzelyl‘l hag your pardon. :lr. Twodd- ’ cow Molnar. flurry. whd m In 0 "[0 Ian. plan." . l _ mgim.mnndflnm. â€I!“ IN A NILE CITY. Dr. ThFOKIOl'C R. Ilornblower, 0! Jersey City heights. and his wife had It desperate encounter early Tuesday morning With a gang of burglars which had broken into their house. The case is a notable one for the luck and determination of Mrs. Horn lower. who felled one of the burglars twice with a cane chair which was in her room, and for the fact that though: perfect volley of shot: was ï¬red at the doctor at short range he was only slightly injured while he succeeded in putting a. bullet through the neck of one of the intruders. The gang, including the wounded man. got away however, leaving only a. pair of spectacles dropped by the one who was shot end a large amount of blood. TWENTY woineu at. the New York Custom House now inspect women’a baggage brought from abroad. These searchers are ladies of characterâ€"euch, for instance, ass. widowed sister of (ax-Senator Roscoe (Donk- ling. she being one of the twenty. Mrs. Martien, in Cincinnati dreasmuker, was put through the needle‘a eye by these in- , speetrcsaes on Wednesday. What ï¬rst seemed amiss was a. packet of †soiled“ clothing." Enwmpped by the clothing aforesaid was it piece of silk that measured 178} yards. Having discovered the silk, the inspectresses charged upon Mrs. M.’a strongholdâ€"her bustle. in that hive they found a great rob of honey, to wit: Twenty- four pieces of wersted binding, ï¬ve piece: of black lace, five point lace collars. ï¬fty- four piece of silk binding, twelve pieces of watered silk‘ribbon, six jet bead ornaments, abox of perfnmery, a silver watch, two pairs of bracelets, a pair of toilet orna. ments, :inzcn packages of French hooks and eyes, one dress pattern embroidered in tinsel on silk, thirty yards of tinseLem. broidered silk crepe, and a. black silk dress‘ skirt. That noble ediï¬ce, the Baptist Church at Jarvis and Gerrard streets. is to a great extent a monument of the generosity of tho lite Senator. It is related that several years ago, when Lord lloughton visited I‘oronto. he was 11 guest of Senator McMaster. The Senator took My Lord out for a drive about the city,and among other places of interest [minted out the church. which Lord Iloughton duly admired. Upon learning. however, that it was a Baptist church My Lord exclaimedin-nreat wrath: .. The assurance of those dissenters !†and refused to look longer. Benator McMa'bter used to tell the story with great gusto.» Torontb World. FOOTWEAR is cheap. Never were boots and shoes were easily prOeurable than at the present moment. The improvements in shoe-building material 0! late years ex- plain the cheapness. A proprietor of a Portland, Me... shoe house said to a reporter a few days ago: “ It doesn‘t take long to make a pair of ladies’ shoes. Some time ago a gentleman and his wife walked into our factory. and in just one hour and thirty-thrcepninutes the lady left the house wearing a pair of ï¬ne shoes which were made for her from the stock while she was in the factory. l‘hese shoes were made on a single set of machinery and passed through the hands of the different opera- tiyes at their machines. By running a double set of machinery and crowding the machines our crew of 100 men make 600 pairs of shoes in a day, or one pair of shoes per minute. This is six pairs of shoes to a man.†.__.a Illa Only Property. The Chathnm Banner reportl the followâ€" ing Police Court incident: Alex. Young, l-‘nrgo, was charged with ï¬ghting on the grounds. H0 guegseri they put a “ stick" in the liquor for him. He got 011' with “IT is one of the essential: of literary succeu in England that a writer should never go into political lilo,†writes Max Eliot in the BoaOn Ilerald. “ I was in- formed that Justin McCarthy had made so many noble sacriï¬ces for the country so ne‘lr his heart that his partizanship has already cost him dearly in cutting off the solo of his purely literary works. says my well-informed friend, and it has also de- prived him of some of his journalistic income. All of which demonstrntes the fact that he is not politic, although he is a. politician.†His Worshipâ€"~" Have you ary property?" °‘ No. sir: only a wonmn.’ (Laughton) “ Then in default eleven dnyl in jnll a hull lnbor.†" Well. I don’t know what I cm do but take the hard lnbor. Who‘ll keep my womm ?" A 9 the int union of the ,Germen Re cheteg there' wum ourionn inntenoe of abeent-mindedneel. Herr Wichmenn wu ceiling the roll of membere. when. upon tending out his own nume. he neturelly received no response. He celled the nnme the second time in e louder tone. end ï¬nally rented it out like a healthy-lunged bull. At this juncture his collenguee broke out into such hearty laughter thnt the truth dawned upon him and he joined in the general hilarity. " You «h'mxld hawthought of that before. I think a woman who h“ I mun who let. liquou Would be well of! to hIVO you lent to the Central for six month.†Warn Chmg Yen noon. the Chinese Minister, reached Philodelphio Irom Wuh- ington s tow days ago ho was greeted by I crowd or sight-seen It the ototion. no in o mm of medium size and portly ï¬gure. He was dressed in a rich silken robe and wore Chinese shoel. 0n the front of his turban gleamed a great dinmond pin. He smoked u cigarette 0:1me and guzod in . digniï¬ed 3nd rother dilduzilul Why on the usembled crowd. Mrs. (irnhs is In estimsbk- lsdy whose hobby is home decoration. One day lust spring Mrs. Qrshsm was careless enough to drink a glass 0! red ink. believing it to be clorct. She was A nod desl scared when she discovered h r mutanzut no harm mum to her. Tho doctor wh wss summoned. upon hearing whst hsdhsp- period. dri‘ly remarked to her: "Mrs. Urnhsm.t n-rth such s thing ss pushing this rage for «lvcorpted interiors too In." In Boston 1"- tell. it til. chop- hln 0! e Mela- mine who. when the body “Sound. rope-ted that lines. with [rent emphula on the and one: Blow yo the trumpet. bl The gladly selenium: . Lot All the utloue know. To outll'e remolut bound. 'l'lw you 0! jubilee bu some ; Return. yo unnamed more. home. Sour weeks ego Dr. Ralph St. John Entry, 3 medlcnl missionary in “rice. returned home to Indianapolis, bringing with him I 10-year-old rince, with the intention o! educeting in. The little fellow has shown Inch en evereion to mhool and developed ouch e violent one of homo- uickneu that he will be returned ha ut the ï¬rst opportunity. He ctnnot be ted to useocieto with colored youths, re â€ding them with even more ever-ion than 0 don the whites. A Lady's Fight with a Burglar. Carrying Decontlon Too Far. The Senator and the Lord. O U BEEN T. 'BOPJ