Too late to save ller (immanent Bodie- llorrlbly XVI-aunt. An Allentown, Pa . deepateh ssys: A [rightful accident occurred at Brunch 8:.- lien. on the North PeuneylvsuiuB-ulroud. M noon tc-dcy. BeVbrttl hundred per-nae had assembled at lhe depot for the purpom of tithing a trrun for this city. Among the party were Mrs. Mary Wagner, Wife of a wealthy farmer. and her 4 year-old daugh- ter. While wetting on the platform the child wandered away from its mother and got on the tracks. A moment later 3 special tram came in sight. ruumng at a high rate of speed. Mrs. Wagner new the train cam- lng. and, glancing nomad the rmlrond, dis- covered her little daughzer in the middle of the tracks. There was no time to were. as every second brought the terrible train honor. The poor wom m shriekod to the child to get of! the track-a. but, ï¬nding that it leiled to heed the warning. the sprung in from of the train. She succeeded in ranch- in; the child, has: hetcre she could get beck to the platform the train deemed by and both were instantly killed, The child was thrown high in the air and landed on the toothoardmer body being terribly disï¬gured. Mrs. Wagner wan-i thrown under the wheels end mangled in a horricle menher. Bonentlc Yam at Two Boy Murderers- fledts’t the Pluck ro Inlcldc end not l'lltcen Years in Jail. A Perle oeble eeye ; A eeueetionel trial (or murder hes just been concluded at Pee lle Celeie, France. Last April the deed body of it girl of 15 yeere ol ego. nemed Merle Ledont. wee found in e ï¬eld. The victim hed been gegged end atebbed to the heert. For e long time no clue wee ob- teined to the perpetrators of the crime. Attention wee eventually drewn to two eouslne o! the girl. who lived in the seme hemlet. They were youths of 16 end 17 yeere, nemed Muohemhled, end the elder of them wee the girl's sweetheart. These boys Were errssted end handed to the megietrete e manuscript giving en extreordmery end teneitnl ecmunt of e murder of e young girl by e greet serpent end e fleet deer. and log thh the deeth of the murderers. This. seving the lest incident. tallied in generel description with the murder 0! Maria La- dout. To this the young culprits oonleeeed. end edded theo their eourege hed lelled them when it came to the question of sni- eide. Eeoh was sentenced to ï¬fteen veers, and to pey 4000 lrenoe dsheges to the (ether of their Victim. Icon“ ct t InmttsPflgw “one or onto-o to In“ ‘ A 3;»; F t "I; .t' .ull‘fl'u at. Y... “i- p. c- w; : . e Income Communion or u... A .mure L! the hour-ted Oherohoo hol' L '. 948‘)me I)... I‘ll“. no.†u, :u thememdï¬om Cnu‘eh,;n. Fourteenth otroot. In..." ruont Rev. Dr. W m: t. Dr. latthowo. Scatter} macro-hp. Ormloton and moan.“ ow!“ ' Dr. run“. or Chum. e. 0.; Dr. due race. ct Brantlcrd. on. end Dr. Wotan. clue-uh. NJ. Alter thoOcmmloaiec wade! eceetltcted. prom ha been cloud y Dr. OJOIIIIIO. the Olor . Dr. Iotthewt. laid upon tho tohlo oortoln oer rec ndonoe with tho Bdauned Proohy; tor an Church of the United Stotoo. Th breach or the Alliance hod. nt otormer meeting. intimated that it would lithdrew iron: the Alliance unlen the Scripture Pulmt were men: the «relative mottor oi praiee at meeting at the Council. The reply men; by the committee at ito lat meeting was to the cï¬aet “ thot tho Alli- Ilteo had girn no formttl sanction to on] ‘ Ipccial hymnuhsy. and thot oo o matter 93 tact nothing cue tho-Pollml hadevor boon omelally emphyed in praise at tho moot- lnge oi any of the Genetic." Thio explano- tion was deemed eatieloetcry by tho Reformed Church. which will that continue its cinneetion with the Alliance. A letter was read from the United Preehy- terian Church of the United Btotoo Itoting that the General Assembly II itv lost meeting httd resolvled to withdrew from the Alltatca. inasmuch as hymns bed to dome extent been need. and certain chnreheo odmitted. to which they were oppoeed. The clerk wae luntzumod to acknowledge receipt of the communication and uproar regret at the Mop tekzn. Iu the absence of the Tu‘lhkluor. Mr. Jnuhine. o! Pnilodel- phio. who iepow in Europe. the clerk mode I etotemen‘t he to the contributiane oi the diflerent churches composing the Alllonce. Ind etepe were ordered to be taken to hove certain moneys due handed the Treasurer otnneerly date. It wae intimated thot Ieveraloi the churches had already ap- pointed their delegates to the Council. which meets in London in 1888, end that the remaining churches would oppoint in May or June 0! next year. A letter was md from Dr. Breed. Chairman or the Com- mittee on European Churchee. stating the Itepe that hod been taken to obtain fund- for work in Bohemia. Dr. Patterson. oi Philodelphia. was added to this committee. Ind Dr. John Hall. 0! New York, was elected A member at the Commission. The committee appointed to revise the draft urn."- mmn (- .ï¬ 0L 14‘ out n: n v r' “you... wan. by . 'c .... :.-p..:... $832.33 I' o! the Alliance) intended for the Council In London. submitted a r: port. which wee considered cinnec by clause in detail, and ï¬nally adopted with several slight changes. After it has been again sent to the Euro- peon Committee and submitted once more to the Americnn Committee. it Will he ï¬nally adopted. ‘I‘ it Qummieuion edjmrned to meet ngoinin ‘oril.1887,orit necessary M an earlier d 3, when called by the CLalrth‘. U-nulnnn- Tcnllmony ol Marl-u- toll- alu‘cun In Alt-Ivy Bur-n. A Washington dcrpuch says: The Hydrograpbio Ofï¬ce bu received during the Inn month them a dozan Xena-n from Oho owners of alum nud nailing vessels, unsung their “patience In the an of oil In the time of norm- at non for the purpon of Imoouhing 0h. water. Tune II n ling:- In unanimity In the conclusions o! the when thn nhnou n the inatnnt tho ml touched the van it nprud tar over who Imhoa nnd reduced the billowl to long not! bony but banal-u nulls. The mmn dumb. n unety of plnu for npplying the on. Sunni of shun “who“ the noon. 0! mm ships IN! In" Item dnaqmncn to the npplwniou. 0! thn hundred. of limit: loner: twain: tn the put. no instance of hilnn h“ been Menu-d when Oh. on was vegenblo or ï¬sh oil. Ktroneno and m lighter oil: In" nomflimu Mind ‘00 gtoduoe tho efleo! Gotham. Olly Inn-Icon nonm- on 0| Righteo- II-ndnd I'IIIOIII 'I‘nllrd. A Wnnhuggtuu dupmoh lays: Dr. 1125'- bmn. one o! the Inn Prnidenl'auflsld'p hymn-HI. who has tanned from 5 Vi!“ MM", of Pro! Puteur in Putin. “Id . nut told ham um om o! 1 200 nnim tuned (or flu mm o! rum! unlmdl. 0 mm died, Ind o! (.00 tor-lane". w cum from long dint-um. only when and. Thin. up Dr. Rayburn. would b. I I round. u n mu omsin an. Ill w tough. they won bod been him by rally "Md gamut. Boo pooplo m up. to am 5 do. and mu Mm Ohm. ad II um can on at an Oh. M. Im- the. II in man toll jun watch but to at h loooumon. I no: on mm win phylum:- In Paris a» m, am a I lo mm I0. They an no! gain calmed no. In 31mm». to Io. Innate. In on. when to! mu nun-Ila um A {Vlfll'lllilï¬'fl VIIN MAIJHIUIIYK. 0H. 0! ’I‘KOI'HLBD WATERS. nun rus-«rrnuusï¬vhow KILLED 'l‘lllSlB l’0lJSIN. TIE nAflBIBB (1‘88. In compliance with tho low tho rogiotror woo in ottondocoo. but took no active hart. l‘ho hudo wooplooodou tho lolt o! rt. Booth and tho bridegroom’on tho right ol tho “General." Alter oltorooto hymn- ond proyor. which lootod tome timo. the “Control" rood tho xxiil. Poolm. and be t on explained, the nature oi tho ' oriiolee ct marriago." count to which ll orocntlol to a Solution Army wodding. The young people. he raid. were going to vow that they would live for oooh othor. and lurthor. the would onuogo to make tho intorooto of tho oavonly King their own. in connection with the marriage there might hovo heon tome littlo rippling. rocking. and otorming in tho poet. but he hoped the hloroingo of the lowly on Mile Charlooworth'o oido might be given to tho pair. The ooven artioloe of marriage. which require unooaaing taithlulnou to tho Army. having been road. tho “ Genorol.†addroooing the oouplo. invited them to stand forward it they withod to he married “ on there termn." The hrido‘and hrido- groom otoppod to the front. much-tattered "oolorr" being held over thoir hoods. Each in turn hiring oolemuly declared that they know of nor lawful impedi- ment. the "General" said to hit ion: u Will you have this wnman to heyour wedded wile. to live together alter God’s ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love her. comfort her. honor her. and keep her. in sickness and in health. and never seek to prevent her doing anything that is in her power to do. or giving any- thing that la in her power to give. to help the Salvation Army. andwill you prcnieo to use all your influence opromote her constant and eniiro sell-e oriï¬ce for the‘ salvation of the world. and. loreahing all Others, keep you only unto her so long as you both shall live ? †Colonel Ballington Booth (replying in a clearvoice) : “ I will." (Loud cheers) The General: " They nave heard you." (Laughter) A similar maniientntion occurred when the bride responded to a like interrogatory. The “ General " then joined the hands of the couple. and the bridegroom repeated after him the declaration that he took Mend Elixiboth Chorleeworth to be hielawiul wedded wile and "continued comrade in this war.†to have and to hold for hotter lor worae. for richer tor poorer, especially poorer." (Renewed cheering) There was more applause when the bride madethe declaration on her part. and there won a burnt oi merriment when the “ General " exclaimed. “Now lor the ring.†This having been produced by the bridegroom he placed it on the ï¬nger of the bride as “ a continual sign " that they Were mor- ried under the solemn pledges they had lawn to live (or God and ii ht in the ranks oi the Salvation Army- he “General" again joned the hands of the two and declared them to be men and wife. askinga blessing upon them. whilst all the people ehonteu "Amen." Mre. Boom, who, was visibly effected. brufly addressed the gethering. and on the ground that the marriage would, perhaps. “ not be valid unleae there was a collection." the iï¬ertory wee taken. whilst a letter of congratulation WAS read from Miss B .oth. absent in the South of Freuee. The bride and bridegroom were then both prevmlod upon to speak, and the lsdy tuck occasion to solemnly assure her hearers that she regarded her marriage on one more link to bind her to the Army which she Joined ï¬ve years ago on principle. and because she could not keep out of it. It wee not an net of impulse. but heeeuee eh felt in her innermout soul it tree the rigzt step to take. She did not regret it. oh ough it had meant some derhness. some lonely hours end some tears. Ber huebend fol- lowed her end informed the meeting thet it was the breve, wamenly end Christlike stead teken by Miss Cherlesworth during the disturhenem in Bwiizerlend which hed ettreered hie edmlretion end which had led to their engegement. He bed neyer thought 01 her until then. when her true ehereeter eeme out and he found her. to any the large, a very remerkehlï¬_youug women. The prooeodinge oi'ned with prnyer. but! subsequently about 00 people edjourned to it smaller hell, where mmerrtsge est wee served. At the eane of the! etelsdy present suggested thet e collection should he mode in order to provide 3 wedding m for Mr. end Mrs. Bellington Booth; at the “ Genernl," while expressing full sym- pethv with the spirit of the osnl. pro- vided that the gift wne h d to the Army. confessed himsell opposed to toting a collection on and en ooeesibn. he remainder of the any wee spent in ere- well meetings. 38 the “ General " is about to set out on on A loan or. â€r. nd Mrs. Belliogton B lelt ndon 17 out the eeeompenlment'ct showers of rice end '0†slippers-which ere omdemnsd b the Army es "nets of lolly"â€"on e vitt to Norfolk.-â€"London Telegraph A Chicago vacuum-m lxperlonco wool - u no“ " II“. A Ohioogo opoooh ooyo : An unknown ond poorly ol ‘ young non tell oppnonuy dood on tho rldomlh ot Twemb ond Halntood oiroou yonudny A neighbor- lug underflor woo IO!“ for to Ioho ohorgo of tho body. Bo diopmohod o woman to "no ooono on no it oho body on: loodod. Tho drivot II nod for tho ohop. but bod no! gono lo: IMoro Oho " ootpoo †m up In Iho wagon. rubbed no oyoo. ond irrovuonolyloqohod whoto ho on Doing 0 .kon. Tho dnvor ropidly II“! 03 from hio o n ond dnooppoorod down sho "root. 0 Ho one roourteolod body slid on! of mo .u and n! the unison and nude (qully npid Ouch In the appeal“ dinotion. A time†o! tho mama“ toot ohm of m undondn'l wnpgon. No "ding: 0! he oorpu or an»: In" line. Dun «and. Twenty-ï¬n an no L. n. Wubuh. Iud , lnppnud. His broth." sud mun mount him and and divided um: lubn'a «nu among ohomulm without "(noon to that: brother who nppuml m. on"! an Inn: on. In no. god now than!" to no “no I! tho, (0 not (In him In. In. “ ï¬eeerel " Booth entered. oeeern ied by hie wile. whom he Iiiely hi . eqy- inc. “ Thin ie my hri e." The bridegroom next deeoeuded tothe pletlorm. end econ eiterwerd Min Ohnrleeworth nine leaning upon the urn of her hrother-iu-lnw. Rev Mr. Borolny. She nione. oi oil the women present. were no bonnet ; but there woe nothing in her drone of the ordinary bride] urey. Attired in the regulation uniform of blue serge. the only thing rpeeiel wee her white neh eeught up oi the lelt ehonlder with u entin knot. Upon thin Iuh were the words, worked in red eilk. “ United tor the Wer.†A eimple hunch of white bioe- uolne completedpthe eoutume. Four other young lndiee were eleo dietinguiehed by white eneher. out] these, preeumnhl . were the briieemnide. They were Mien mme. Mire Eva end Mien Lnoy Booth. end “ Oepmu " Rees. who in in charge of the Nursery Home at Oleptoug A 8 ». Thoma veterinny “moon no: Mly pulled flu unoouud hub of I dog. The do; run up in 3 um! um! um! «I, hum». oponmg NO mouth rudily. yolll when m donor pull“. in! (ï¬lm 0 way who: to coal an. on. ‘l'lo nun-hue u .l'. Sullivan .0“. , In ut-Huwonbâ€"A 0m ~ Oocllpllol u the ran-0.1. N.'. "y flv; ah u h- ,. p an» -I ‘r’cny .... “assumed in the Uuugrmu [In Lmu Ul- pwu. no wuneu the u. v has of “ Colonel" Baumgson Baotb «cooud son at " Genoa] †Booth. with Mm Mnud Eliubnh Ohurluwonh. the m 0! RN. 8. Ohuluwonh. Ala: numhuot rmnod um won 900:1:odn "burp“?! in; s mung. A! qt unlock Tlll “ UOI‘I’IE †WUI‘B UP. I! corn-cu IULIIW 031‘“. person. I woe to oil intents ond purposi- dumh. I inch with me o three-wheeled push cert. plonned ond hullt entirely by myooll except the wheels. ond thou word mode in Noworh. ‘I‘hie woo. icr ogrootor to! the timoIopcntin Butte. my otol. In it I corried ond ooohod my moolo ond olopt ot n t. My hill o! loro consisted rincipol y ol the notivo clock ryo cod, ond eggs. oi which I could olwoyo prceurc on ohundont supply. oud very good. When I opprooehod o notlvo villogo tor ouch eup- plioo. oud mode known thot I woo on Amorieon. I would immodlotoly ho our- ronndod by o crowd of women ond chil- dren. who would follow me to my cut end otond ohout while I oto my moolo. Noorly oll my moolo woro token whilo ourronnded hy o crowd of from 25 to 100. Sometimes when I went into tho notive houooo otter hot woter to roots too or oeï¬ee. I would he invited to dine with them. It I now ony- thing thot I could cot I would ocecpt the invilotion. but this wos not olten the core. At night I would drow my cort up behind ‘ o born, or o villogo. ond olmoot invorio- hly I we he owohcned in the morning by o murmur of vetoes, ond lilting the enrtoin oi the cort would dud myself surrounded by n crowd 0! bolt curious. hoit superstitious notivee. I would immediotely exploin thot I woo on Amerl. con bound from Archongel to St. Peters- burg. ond then they would become very friendly. Bod I been indiscreet enough to any thot I won English. my reception through this country would hove been (or different ircm whot it woo. But the notivcs oil seem to hove o friendly teelirg \ towords Americons. My eort Woo so cou- struotod thot in nose at stormy wsother I could wolh in the centre of it. ond pro. tected by the convos cover from the storm. could trovel Without greot discomfort It weighed 125 pounds. ond with my hos- gege ond supplies weighed between 160 ond 170 pounds. With it. ond on toot. I could ovcroge thirty miles it day. ond woo perlecily independent, except for whot eup- plies I purchased. I intended bringing it home with me. but It become quite dilopi. dated. and having on opportunity to dis. pose of it to e Woulthy Russion. who wanted it as a curiosity. (or neorly or much as it cost me, Ilet it go. I secured about 100 phctzgrnphs, from wiich I shall melts selections to illustrate my articles. end I collected a large number oi curios, which have not arrived yet. The natives I found very poor and ignorant. They have a few cows and chickens. and raise a little barley, rye, and in some places oats. Upon these they subsist, very seldom having ment to cot. The country is a level. sandy ploin, in some pieces roiling, but never mountain- ous. I Wail very much surprised to ï¬nd it heavily wooded with spruce. pine and white birch, in some place my road lead- ing through wands (or a distance of Went;- livn miles. Anoxhsr source of surprise to me was the summer temperature found in unis high latitude. The eummere are very short, but the average temperature during my trip through that country was seventy- two degrees, and frequently in the middle of the day the thermometer rose to eighty- five. The Chutham Polio: Magisaraee has dc- oided that gmger wine is intoxicating. Mrs. Bummer), a. witness in teas: of violation 0! the Soc“ Am. at Monolon, N B., refused to any whether or not she new Lquor sold as the banal being proceeded against. and she has been sent to jell for oomempt of court. ‘ At the seventeenth mans! meeting :0 Glasgow 0! the 3mm: Gtand Lodge of Good Template there was a procession (cur mules long nhrocgh the pzinmpal atreeu. Under high license the number of «loans in Mxeeou 1 has been reduced from 8.601 in 1882 so 2,800 m 1886, and the ,reveuue in .12.. «amp p nod um been inozeaeod from 8647.000 ha 51 500,000 The ninth annual meeting 0! the Ontario Women’s Christian Temperance Union will be held at Owen Sound on October 12-11. 13th end 14th. A Inge ettendenee of delegnee is anticipated. and Madmen. sister of John Bright. and President of the World‘s Ohrietien Temperance Union. end Mn. J. K. Barney. ere the expected to be preeent. Any eel-ions attempt to orgenlee e third party wool row the prohibizicn mcvo- mont beck hope e qnerter of e century. Maine hen had It pruhlottory low for more then thirty yeere. end nt the lost election the third petty. organized and rupported by Neel Dow, could only muster ebout 4,000 votes in the whole State. The et~ tempt would not be eny more enccceatnl in Oenede. Indeed, it is donbttnl it the ettempt to meke prohibition the tale leene et mnnicipel end echool electlcne wee e wise etep. A dozen lelnee come up in elmoet nny munlclpellty where eendldetee ere being prepoeed. end no convention on keep tree men from coneidbrlng theee leenee. Union in vety exception-l eeeee, it would be impoertble to make 3 municipal contest torn solely on prohibition. A enc~ ceeetol thud petty in out o! the questim. Evan if one were orgeniledJlow long would it he in egxutence nntll echemere began to one the temperenne vote for their ow: selï¬sh purpouec ?â€"C’amda Presbyterian. To be forewarned {a Almost cqanl being well aâ€. Following nu drouc! will b- . long. 00 . "army wintu, with Ivan umonnt of non There will be worn. humifnl washer be tween this sad the middll of December. 5nd “non. for n In†that month. “name cold 3nd anon blochdu. 0! 0mm. tho cold will not In continuous. but during nll this long period than will be no xenon! lhnw. .- w. on": but oh. Inn 0! Juan, or in Fobmny. Such winum nlwnyn man an“ Inflor- n‘cg to In“ sud Dom. Ind uhe who will ptovido plonty 01ml. :0 sir “I“! dwell. Iggugd pron“, good uh! In tarpon. » “We tot-nol'd the are» dumb of this you any month â€on II commenced. had the tom: ohm control tho dromh also con- noI the wink" u to 0m: «verity or mQMnan. There II no Iopouliiion. no guesswork. no uholony than than prodiouoon. hm In. onloolnions on mode from was! It “can of tho Inn of colon. 3nd I! Inla- nkn occur“ in (tom miuuoolouom, .- in on, on"! union-Moo! prawn.â€" Prophet Potter in Huntington Fror Prm. To. lam A: El. Whilo tho ouch-nu wu pinyin; the rum {tom "Blow" In the Loan"!!- mic mu tho 00h“ “Ln vigorous Bully lunch m with u lung no ï¬sh. in one! oh. no» dunno. p-nsg an. Condcom Dunno-oh noppod oh. out..." sud on dowa. When the mm one had hen qmud ho ton-choc «an will. H van good thing â€(in ohildm nun-In! adu- nuon. than Ill nah 3 Ma. I begin“; Doom! 0 1m. Thu human! MI Shanda-myumw lulu!“ Hutu-M VIII-Duh (in! Dunn III Vac-III. Jsmu Bled-on Pump d o! “I. It". 4 Z â€."0110‘11 IL Nu'tflk. N J†“Hr ¢ : Vane; u: \bu think Advertiser how he handled 13,000 an!» dung; Ibo noun vsaadou an u out o: 0200. “ 1 upon. 5!) in Run-15‘ Ind _pmod_|§roggh AN INTIII'BIIIHG 'I'I 10.... Temper-nee Til-bill. The (To-II. WIIICI A Philadelphia deepetoh says : The 00111- mmee 0! Nations! and International Trades Unionmte who have been in con- ennniion wnh Ihe General Executive Board of nghue of Labor in this any hue issued the following circular and memorial m undo automate of the United Bates end Owed: : I Got! meats. ‘ a Dried mm. 1 4 Fresh traits. ‘ I Preserves. 4 BWeetment. 8 Side dishes for each person I. amines: soup. n. Shuk's flu. III. Fungus. 1V Minced bean curd Chinese pie. V. Minced chicken. VI. Bumbuu shooo. VII. Shrimp balls. VIII Fish head‘ Chine-e is. Caron. Apr I 29nd, 1t: ’I‘ne Blending Committee of the National and Iuternstionel Trades Union Cmterenm held in this city Msy 183i: lies performed rte duty end presented to the General Assembly of the Knights of Labor. in spe- cial leeaion et Oleveinnd, the treety pro- posed by the trade nuione. To-dey (Thuredey) eeid committee hen waited upon the General Executive Bond at the Knights 0! Lebor to secure some dtciuve notion et their bonds at the forth- nagging Alnembly at Biehmond. V9. - An Adan-n 10 line [Jul-ulst- ol van-d- am! the [lulled Mata. I append I copy of the bill-024nm an the Viceroy's dinner. given to Minister Danby on April Mail. This is 3 liters! copy of the menu unfurnished in English. There were also menus in Chinese. Tue occasion was made grand by the ï¬ring of artillery salutes, parades ct soldiers and the gamer. ing of man-y Chinese digmunries. There were foreign and native wines, sugar bowls, napkins, knives and forksâ€"chop sticks. The dinner was serged in courses. There was something beewesn uhe couieos. ' We dam to report am we had the moat poniflvo Assurance from T. V Pow- dorly ï¬nd other membora of the Board that ihey will are wary endoavor M Rich- mond '0 eaubllah proper aLd satisfactory relations wnh rho traders unions. It in wish rho utmost annotation that we note um um trades unions of America hue had In unpurnlleled growth in membership ain_oe Inn May. A eelehreted pleee to vlelt it the We Lem Tey. or Temple 0! Five Hundred Genli. It wee founded ln A D. 503. end re- built A.D. 1855. There ere three enormoue gilded Buddha: in the fleet pevulon. In the next there is e merhle peaode. eeven etoriee high, preeented by the Emperor Klan Lung. Behind the pew: ie e qoedrengle. on the norfh etde of which ie me Hello: the Five Hundred Genli. or dieoiplee of Buddha. On either side at the hell are rich gilt images. I notieed one onrioueimege with an imitation of e 2e hat on its head and e moneteohe on its in . I inquired what it represented. I heerd with pleasure thet it was my old friend Marco Polo. He is here enshrined as one of the genii. ’ The trede union movement in by no meene e tenure. The life. strength end perpetuity of e lehor organist men ie tn high dnee. enmeient beneflle end mm die- o‘ipziue. This ie the basis upon which the undo unions ere founded. and they have etood 3110.68. of time end eta designed to heve e more glorious future in Ameriee. At all limos the “mic unions bsva bee.) ready to render moral and (human! main:- unoa to nll branch» of snuggling l-bcr, whoshor Inde nuionlau or Knights of Labor. We hold it 00 be tho dmy 0! every workingmsn to ovum-3 hr his own prono- uon. and we holieva than will of usually be vuiouu form: of lsbor onomnllonu. bu! this by no manna uq .icea lhn then should be my ummonlem between my 0! that. ornmution. Thny should work in Mummy. Thin in tho dell" of all true worklngmou. We look to m. Genonl Ana mbly cf the Knight: climb: up mph Aond lappe- Kuighte 0! Labor n Richmond '0 out- nne e policy whereby ell pheeen of me lebor movement any work together Iéde by eide, end move on w'uh mew-tie, peaceful "rides to uplm the voting pople. Ts. Maren is tuned by Williem‘ Weihe. P. . IcGnire. Chtielopherr Evens end Adolph Sinner. , The depoeiuory o! the deed is an immu- tion pecan: in China. The Oenioneee eapeeielly deeitee the: his bones ehell uel has: hit: on: people. 89 when he diee his body in he I until it can be tuneponed to Canton. here no any rooms, which no divided into two oompuuneme. The ï¬re! in. kind of ehepel. with e no" at elur. immee end ornamente. with joee minke ï¬nd nme. Behind. in enother eompenmene. ie ehe coma. The eome in Deadly eiehor- eee. eomeumee highly ernemented; very heavy. Comm: eomeiimee rennin here ueyen yeete. Don‘t I». sol 2 It ia rumored thn Mt. Sol 8mm: Rm- ull intends 0-: retire from the nuns n “n and o! m- nuon, but wnhom having Ind nnymommunlonlon with Me. Rum! on m labial wo do no! «can the rumor. Abs: wo an no thm wu wt to m. efleoi If mull '3‘ going to qm "it IMO: it «no to noihing. Tho nuohll Ihl. flown» rumunenvin It. Rn-ull any Mn loud tho drums. in h quit. a Impmlblo lcr Mm to Anbnndon u n It would III he may om! young man to an. don I n III-Ho 9:0ch to which In wu pmhu y .0090“. and In slur pun.“ (I hm In wu mum, men-III. A phy-iologm up Oh» " no Inn's body in n "to“ M Ma nppum." Tim uplflnl why mo pm at View.“ 3 bump on m h â€in tho mam In “on". Q m-llm am The etrenge: 1. et am meet ettuek with the river life. It 1- oelenleted thet 250.000 people live In hoete. Theï¬'eu myuede on eempene. on whteh whole lemtllee ere hotlJIVO end die. I eew men, 0! theee propelled by women with hebiee etrepped on their been. There ere “ flower hoete.†fleeting pleeeure hoete with elehoretely oened (route end preinse glldtng. end nomeumee gulended with floweu. Here pewee end benquete ere given. the teen in epreed, the girl: ling end denee. They eey thet wane thtuue then thcee ere some timee done on them. But I dezeriele eimply whet I new. ‘ ‘ ‘ There ere dnue been where duels: ere reieed. They ete ï¬lled with wide ueye projecting trom eeeh nude. end sometime: ï¬tteen hunched ducks ere raised on one boat. Theee dnoke ere driven to the weter end the ï¬elde et stated intervels. ' ' ‘ Ilwoaniuad tho English jut Inipc, tho poetic-a bid .11 an world out. 0! which we and lo kill mtny hundred: nah spring gust: Ohio Bin: DONOUI. It 1| Inn in . n ll- mI-Ilm Polo. I Godâ€"tho Que“ Pluc- ol a. load. . A Penn men-pond." mic-u: I line b' ': p< rm'l' ‘ u) Pkï¬fltl Iu' pubhu-m u. we swim um sud mo mum-nu; Mun from ldlfl)‘ ‘ . Ooh. Oaulu Du: by. Unmd 8m:- mum". on his tour to tho ppgn port-Act Chins : The ordiuuy banana mum: at Caxton :- a blue bank? This I: no cola: in «and 97 dunponing tho Mich while being burned. 'Oaiton in the won amnion" Chino-o any. Thu touï¬gnou [in on u: blundâ€" Bhununâ€"unl Ibo an day In “punctual than. 1th the non Gilliam Ohms- any to: position. would: Md chum... From in go mo“ 0! Ibo China. who only“. to tho Uumd 8m... ' ' IL 0F In AND THIS Imums. 0|} â€0.1113. 0' 0.!!! I BILL OF PARK. 4 Dishes for each porlon l I. niche-demon 2 ll. Ham and groans. III. Boiled pom. IV. Fiuh maw. 5 Boasts. Chinese pie. V. mauled nah. Vl. Busted nun. VII. 1t named pegton. V111. {touted chicken. humane pie. gice. cannon, elc. ‘ I new port, 11.5â€â€œ cu pig. skin In. it mated duck. IV Roasted mutton. "Whet I consider the most interesting period of m y sobooldeys hes now to he re- terred to. It was the twelve monthvmr thereahonts. whxoh, elter leaving Puke'e. I npeut et Bowes Aeedemy,by Greta-Bridge. Durham, immortelized In ‘Nieholen Nicklehy ’ as ‘Dothsboys‘ Hell. Yorkshire. and the headmaster of which was s most worthy end hind-heerted, il somewhet peculier. gentlemen nemed William Bhew, whom Dickens, to suit his own pur see. cause to [Mary es ‘Mr. 8 neers.’ mm on: him now es pleiuly es did then. and em teetily to the truth of the named presentment of the men es desenbed by Dokene. end depicted by his ertien in the pages at his novel-allow- log, of course. tor hdth being greatly ex- aggerated. A sharp. thin. upright: little men, with a slight soele covering the pupil of one of his eyes. Yes, there he stands. with his Wellington booze and short bleck trousers. not originally out too short. but from a habit he bed of sitting with one knee over the other. end the trousers being tight, they would get tucked hell wey up the boots. Then the clean whue vest. swallow-tailed bleak met. white necktie. bilVOf-IHUUD'Gd speeteelee. close-out iron- grey heir. high-crowned bet. worn slightly at the beet of his heedâ€"end there you have the men. “But whet wee th eeheol iteel! like? end how about the poor mikee? it mey he eeked. Well, I on euewec ee to thet. end meintein the truth of every word I write. It wee eï¬ne. lerge eetehliehment. with every eeeommodetion required. It weee lovely eituetion, eurrounded by e beeutilul gerden, the bank running pent et the foot of the hill. end the rumehtie ruin of .Bawee Gentle within e hundred yerde of the honee. juet outeide the gerden well. The interior of the house were kept eeru ulouely eleen. twelve lemele eervema et eeet being employed. The feed wee excellent, endee mueh ee you no ld eet ; the boys well eled ?-ehoemekere no teilore on the premisesâ€"{or belt is en that the hoye were elozhed e9 1 ee hoerded end edueeted. end e! it my memory he eorreet, for eome £2 3 yeer NJ much a: thing ee e Smike we» to he :2 en here. end there wee leee punishment for iuettention then in any other eehool I ever ettended. ' Beve in the wey of kindneee.’ I never, rxeept onee‘ knew Mr. Shaw to lift his head to e boy the whole time I wee 1 there: He would welk eronnd the school ‘ room. look qyer ue while writing. end here. end there pet e boy on the heed. eeying. Good boyâ€"good boy; yeu'll he e greet en eome dey if you pey ettention to your l eeone.’ If e led wee ill he would eit by hie bedside end pley the fluteâ€"on which he wee en edeptâ€"Jor en hour or two together to emuue him And thle wee the men whom Diekene trenelermed into the illiterete. tyrenhieel, hrutel. pedegogne Bqurere." - Mr. Lloyd. tho well-known Glasgow comedian. in a recently published auto- biography. gives some inlet-eating par-mn- lsn ubom DoIheboys' Bull and the minutiae Charles Dickens did the hesdmnstar. And then he ineututed an inqui:y.whieh developed the lam that Billy Smith was the inventor and inuodnaer of the flaw. and he received I. sort of Vicarious terulmg for the whole school. The hoyt he ï¬n to turn pnle Ind some of them to (am le with their knees. One Slipped hit hwdherchiet over hil knees, and it fell down inside his ample nankeen trousers to the floor. while hie hoe tinned very red. and some of the other boys began to eajoker. in epite of their tergor. " On. than 5119 trick. in in?" said the teaocor. "Off with those hundkorohista nogv. gavery onerot you I"_ “ You're lame, eh. und .1: the ulna. way ?" laid the anchor. Then he opened his desk nnd look out his his ruler. “ Now we_'l_l see i! you om wnlk "night 3" “We onn'tâ€"wi're lame!" the boys bang. V , Then the Ienehor “rived. pulling out his watch on he entered the ynrd. II wee ol the nnelent hull'meye variety. nlmort globu- lar in ehepe; not (10“. globular. but so our it the! it in remind the wriler ol nhe deeoriplion the eerih in the geo- graphy. u “ round like u hell. but elighlly thinned oi the polee." Well. no mo no lb. Ioneher hnd leneed nl hie vnieh he went right into t e eehoolhouee end runs the bell vigorously. And then ell lhoue hoye lrooped into the school-room in eolernn prooeeelon. Billy Smith II the heed, end all limping enelly like Booth made up as Richard Ill. ll wee one o! the meet groierque epeoleolee eh» any eohoolmnuer eVer looked upon. hm thie one remained on eolemn no an owl while the boye morehed in. But when they had got to their eenle he called them ell heel: lo hie desk end emit!1 nngrily : " mam 'buok to your son- now. ya boyl_._und wsjk n you should," A piece of Ind wu “Id in the my of Loudnn the ooh" d†n the nu 01810,- (XX) 000p" nofg.‘ . uN uw pu- I0'I II wall con 04. 000 Had “he 6 000 ha! h of with In! Io mid "so gun dome .1 Ram Dame University. Indium. The work In gain: 0!! nay. The popnlntuon of Fauna only 500,000 in Mo 10320,.“ The Pooch. (Nam) Brena up an Insu- an India annoy in “I. ounnuy it loontod in am county. Thou no no men, no yomon. no childnn ad on; gaunt. II. (with a va tom tunic! Io- qnunhnoo um: mot) : " Who! 3 pun Imlo dog! He vouldn'o Mn mo. wool to ?" Blu : " Oh. no. '- glu him â€I! had only." it on III'I Inflation won a good â€hiya WWINIIMMMIO i will... Colando In. 800 mil“ of flat-alu- m-i. 19mm emu-la. 3 500 mil.- ot aeoondury unbl- and 40 000 mile. of Imullor ditches. which ban oou In “no cum-u- nbom 011,- 000.000 sud will Inï¬n- IJOONO nus. The cannon 0! 0M: gnu run mum bu duuopol conflicting alum. o! nuan- dnoh compan- In mud to the an of the van. winch II II m 4mm. co unlo. Before long Tommy dueppeered behind the wood-pine end oeme out with the some 'nd otlimp thet Bully hed. to the greet wonderment of the net of the hoye. ï¬nd pteeently Tommy hed eonflded the secret to enothenhoy to! e pteee of dam. "til the other boy hed told it to: something elee. the nine 0! the eonetderelion dimin- tehtng with eeeh eele in e why to delight the heat at e political eoonouiet. until every boy in the eehool who hed e pocket- uendkerohiet wee ltmptns like the maimed veterm of a hundred outlet. “ Got my hwahnhio! ï¬nd ’I and my lo¢_. updcg nn' get my gun." It! Away. ‘ 311137 in tally air-7:33! the oommuoid mm 0! his limp. but tho upplo com won u an» hallo-mam. So In conndod thn um) to Tommy, him : " 85y. Bill. I'll gm you my two upplo cogs-“i! yon’y Aura In. yqurjimpl †h doesn’t mu. indood. I [not now was “no. But, Smith om. ‘0 uhool one city In]: 3 «mum limp. which noon mom “I. any at .11 II. nu o! the boys. up 5 who I flu Boston Record» They know tho! 8 huh" but ham-nu in my way. on! how a could Iona! no oomph". no local". Io puma-qua. nod to IV", II, no “mu-uh 0 “up In t that: compu- huutoo. Bonn] hon M to halt“. “.39. in van. Final: Tommy Puma. who“ tab» In: puny well 08. nd and to [flu nun no upplu om" morning balm he won- 39 school. took B I, to one dd. 3nd “id to III-LU I.I'l'.'. bllfo A may Ian WM III II Anu- cloud by Thou It. In" In. Ion. The Original 0! Sauce". I'll-re. Ila-21 Lit. conned Guam Balm. of Ann-- any. Io. “tough. uh» I! V. Jon.- lml meal.“ in. 80>]:an nabido whl nod 5 friend. 3nd 'hlll thomm "In! I " Mr. Joan um: I "velvet. Gum. â€om Ml him with on format. 8!. Mount. pd. .10 “I ‘mglgthtnumo. From a far-away o malty town a htx of wild flnwete had come to the Cui'dren'a Hang.“ in the any of G Jun en dark the new nurse “0‘ pad in he! rcunds before one nob where a poor liatle we ï¬ner lay, clan; ing in his thin heads a bunch or the violets. The little fellow wane: and turned from elde to side; ever and non he would eta" np murmuring eomelhiug ub‘ nt “ Little Jack.†than fell back whis- perigg,_“ loo lgie! too late." One of the leteel efloroe at improvement in locomotives is than of a Frenchman nemcd Estrada. who has constructed an engine which he calle’ Le Perinienne. Ln Pemienne. when watered and ï¬led, weight; 42 tons. Ina drivmg wheele, six in nomaer, an 83; feet in diameter. The cylinders are ouueme. with valve boxes on the top. The diameter of each cylinder is 18} inches. and she length of snake is 2 fed and 3} inches. This engine in bail: for high speen. and will carry a pressure of 200 pounds to the equereinoh above ihe nmoepheremr an abnolute pressure of 215 pounds. Eel- rade'e engine is denigned to run at the Meme we of 78 miles on hour.-â€"San Francisco ChronicVe. . "83d one. bud one. name; father a: (1 mother both died of «me few I, baby found dend. 3nd thin boy will go soon." gut] the old goowr‘ahook l_1iu_hemia gravely. o! the test express on the Beneï¬t venle Reilwey is e marked exemple ol the possibilitiee in the way of sueteiutug high retee oi e eed. This roed now rune the latest tn n in. Ameriee. in. httudred end twelve milee. inelodi seven steps. ere eeoomplished in 25} hours. end the everege time is 3680 miles on hour A portion 9! the diet-nee is run net the rate ot 75 milee‘ an hour. At e speed 0! 60 miles an now the driving wheel- oi the locomo- tive oz. thin trein mete 258} revolution-e minute. Wm Venderhllt’e spurt oi 81 miles in 61 minutes on the New York Centre] is deelered to he the highest rote 0! speed ever ottelned in this country. but this speed wee not 3 surprise to good engineers. meny oi whom ere ï¬rm in the belie! thet 100 miles will yet be accomplished on Ametieen reeds. Thirty-one yeere ego Col. Meigge reed e peper before the New York Fermerr’ Club on “ Future Trevel‘ ling.†in whieh he exprersed the belief that railroad travellllug eeu euuld be safely propelled by steam et the rete of 800 miles an hour. He sold: "The Emperor of Bueeie hue token the ï¬rst greet step towerd want I deem the ultimetum oi railroad trevel. Ineteed of cutting whet I oell e mere drill through the country and going around everything in the way for e stretght line. he has out a breed way for 500 miles from St. Peterehurg to Moscow. He hes made it all the way 200 feet wide. as thet the engineer eeee eVerything on the road. This in purl c! the futureâ€"the railroad from point to point with emmhsmetloel line ; the rails ten times stronger then at! now used; the locomotive; on wheels of “greater diameter ; the gauge of 5 rule- live breadth; the signals and times per- fectly settled; the roads on both eidee during the transit of trains having the getes o! the welle all closedâ€"then instead oi travelling 100 mllrm an hour. we shall more eeiely travel 300 miles an hour.†" Poor 1““! teuow ." mmured the nuns. "1‘0 die nl-Huo no othor‘a band Io wipe away the gain -ribg (news 0! death; no moaher' a nrma- , no m "1162' u kiss I ' 8h. bluebod buck the damp gnlden curls from the white forehead ; the blna eye.- Opanad wide and a hunt voice whiwpored, “ Monm- I" Inc our-96 bent. piï¬yinuly over bun. his cybw icwohed her face. thcr aimed wearily. “ 01:. I want my mouher. I want my motbcr!“ no mowed. “ Pour baby," hid the pbya‘oim‘. " he will have Lid mom†gï¬bn †The ohi‘d muted up. “ Rnok me. masher.†he cried. Very tenderly tho doctor lined the lmle ï¬gme sud plaozd it in the nurse's amp; the weuy hand dropped upon her shoulder ; the bonds. mu holding ‘he views. were folded lovinyjy around her neck. To Ind fro aha orndlod him; ï¬lm to )m was growing dork. u bin! "rank of light came in u the «new window not! shpged softly solos: tho‘lgdgo: .. Sing to me." Ibo child whllpcred; vary sweetly on the air rou mm at that old. old hymn: - Hlde Till m Nearer 3nd bum crop: the moonlight ti 1 in touched the Iwuying More ; Sula into tho hnen guide, 0, receive my soul It Int." The song ooued. '- Mom". I'm no lired to haul tonight." murmured the child. Ihon ION] Iddod : “ Nmâ€"I-n --luy mo downâ€"toâ€"Ilupâ€" Iâ€"~â€"." with u long nigh the lulu. oyu aloud tirodly ; the um slipped down; ill wu nill. Tho moon- ligno flioded tho room in!) allnr ; it Ila- aorod About. the Halo whim-robot! child; II loll upon» the goldon curls and bull- oloud lid: ; 3nd in. withered floworl Mlou local, new from “I. tlrud lands. Thor- wu I hm, In“ podium qt yiolul u m rocker ormhed to ad fro ; nothing mrrod in an room uv II. owuylnflgun in Oh. moonllaho. A '7 Th ioo'or touched-tho um um! gontly «Id: " Tho ohnld in with in mother."â€" Damn Fm Pun. â€The "Man of mason RM, I. Amber". N 8.. w" annoyed by 1m on Tue-any nigh. 3nd Hr. Bud patient! in tho hum. Bo Iomuly and“ In Eanï¬lion. ~80 trying to no out 0! ll plunntly) : '_' I'm awfully sorry um I amalgam-mam. Ml-a Bonnie Winn n unable “to weak. m’vc hd 0! ll. I will .0 3nd uh you httuâ€"" (In 3-0 .3ng c_o_ “£130 but; mu m hom.") Sheâ€"0h. Wilma: I know i. would oomo. sad I and p. you. urauy no u to are you It. "oath. Ho'- mm mun willing. When Georg. Stephenson started his abnlny to run pnneugu oomhu at I -pood of "valve to Mann mile: in boat. melamine Ind prumul mm donned bun ï¬n to: n lunuio unylum. bul tuna bu shown Ihn Ininl mny be run at I much gum: "loony wuhuat manually adding to the huge" of runway mwel. T_'e A gm A Ideal o! 0.0 I“ and my Will" not". AM At thn {uhot 0.9", o! Won-troy. to tho Oxhuoy .nluudl. wu toultnw yo-tudu Ho (.0 phoo tron tho Kuhw l Luann-r mavhot. had nothing through the Watt-y th. tho now Gounod a lug. shoal o! who!“ Nixon-tins thtmulvu in tho odd at tho (mt Tho hoot thortonod an on taunt at tho amt tooh tho umu host. and hoth to mod to hoop thou In tow-rd tho Ind. Lug. nonhu- ot hoot- ouno tron tb thou. At tho wholo hut tho am hoot ohm. tot- tohonhotdol. .duplto tho moor-hip. honohod and mum. Ind wary mm woopon II In- Itontly Hound. turn toythu. Inlvu. Ipom. “O. Tho IhOII in unttontly op- prouhed and mmundod. who. tho onwt. oy loud noitu. driw tho wholu «hon. A host oonttlniug sou Bosh-h tourist. who had boon out tool-atoning. ohm. on tho mono. and with the: gun- wonndod tom. of the mounon. who Ian "night uhon. tho whole ob ml lollowng. At this juncturo the noiu o! the dying wtnlu swat - otnugo nonunion to the tonne. Rope. won 930 (hood, and the monster, nearly .11 over twenty test. were dragged \DOVO high water work. The number found to he landed wu lBO.â€"â€"Londmt Standard. 300 mue- I. Ila-r b: In““ A L. VIATULN .UN’I‘. Moment". "I mun just that. Canto I um m thought your cabin rumor Dinkyâ€"u: :‘u M; wine In xnthM"in!â€"Ihd nuw you ‘~ 1.) a; obliged to accept my hospimnn ., :' '2: present. Fa'mmuutcly I have a m. 1-1.: a wile stopping Ii me this mm 's“ . have slepo lound through an m r a mud. They um and to the oouuuy kw I W)“ Wake the mod woman now, "U A b will saacndto you.†‘ Thu next day thunder said W: b: x- : " Since you unbom suï¬ozouuv m ‘n I upon me in such 3:: unceremnnium Demands, before I ha; your [and u: : my old disagreeabla meanuel-e, can‘t _- m; amop null further wd many mo. 1.: W um; I do most humbly save your lurnganun? I a," shay} loved you " “ Came over I" he rammed, Km 1:. v.1 . slough. “In in you who have u w -v r, M189 Donia. and I om very alert to ~. 0 3' even in this unoeumumoun munuex." " Who: do you mean 7 ’ the uakad " Wny. I mun tun you came, br-uw an all. and planted yourself righ: w my (1 .. r. Word with I thunderuul cum I I m a wonder your neck was no! broke; , “.2; dear." “ This must auraly be a blizzard," thgught. Higher and higher rose the wind. LL41 and nilllouder it abrieked. The wave- the house shook. trembled. and rh-u Curio wu ooneoioua of baby Maw 1-: lbs air by some unset-n force, and Whit through the darkness aud than Win, Abe: um all was blank. H II {“5 not y-eoeé'mrf H mm aha quid; "I am non hurl In no .aa "Do you reslly mï¬n, Aé‘xauiw. my. my [male bley oven; into gour yur} ?“ Oaa November duy Curtis was " “chin I comforter." which she had piuxa v gather on! of bill at oa‘joo. The wi .11 y, x. been blowing whh inorenwing tury Ir‘ -m ‘- nort-bweet I“ day. Toward even x: g I. i -‘ «mo terrib'a‘ and a aleety now b- gm 1 L tall. In sumzd to £11ka the t: ~11 i cabin to its foundaticu. Ual‘PiO Fr 1;'- benrt sink with fan. Thin was; sou; . ;' buyca'l any 0! her former Gliieth'ljs g. aha lemnmbend what Uncle Tom 11.21.? a. ; o! n “Wand." She was only stunned, and w1.:.: :: opan'ed he! eyes she fauna hxzreell i; n l', lused man of ruinamw A'cxuum U Imaging by her nalhng he‘ mum Mr. Tonlmaon, Inapeflor o! Caz: B ndaea. sud totm‘urly m p.c DJmidun Laghtiouca, haw been nununed. Rev. Me. Clary. formerly memo - Wuodaluck 0.-llege. who hm i'ez-n Oulo'sdo Owo you". bu returned. gm . boneflued in hullh. Mr. H J. Gnu-an. formerly of B ri . now Hangar 0! the Osuadnan 13‘ k t Commune. Jam. bu tummy ‘ plenum! with aflno gold watch by a ‘ people of the former place. She coon nally saw Altxwder, they nave: 'uognixad â€on b'hul‘; than can a sense of protemun in kugwlaflge “:9. he wagso nan. indeeeeibable hmzizua éxnamcat.. wk a) name women sum to creme by a turn ci thy}; hmd. hp: team: won you-y o_ozy. 7 On Wednesday ‘ night: 80sz v w; V amend Mr. Paga'l primin Lflio: in H 3 Que. Ind douroyod 5 lo: 0 3y†wh c" Iobnnsod In printing a new {a} r . . lumen o! the leonl candidate m 0 h Oonnly. 'OWhn is probably the greatonh w-. in Western Ouiurio Ina «trunk Fa evening on tha fun: of John Mole: - ‘ . oonoenlon of Plympmn. mec an '1 Parnanfwno boring for Inter n l v Gap .5 o! 80 to" '38 "who! a I. u; ,~ . ling noise wu bend in the hm- 1†m Imam the whole top 0! the ear: b um mm to bonphuvod. sud sugar. no u 'u. : Ind In" were flying in the an ;:0r .- . but. Tlu tom 9! uh. am at an at w... ... no are» mm in u low minmm up , x; cal-mod M “to 00]) lo sbwt- 1‘) » v.0 dinmonrJul hour In down the 1- ll ,4. 1mm conï¬ned «no. he noon-um d. wall In null flwmu over M .n u «to. 0nd . unnll that but bean In ovelflm. Alleï¬onn to pln “Madden. on. which were being olmwn to m top Ill. 0 A green: enrprise eweited him in ma knowledge the! Oerrie'e alum end can»; were‘jnn oppome his own. 'Lue wet. eehine were eompleted and furnished, and the ooenpenee moved in. Atalandrr a mu the more pretentious of the two :1: LI“? 2;- Ierior. nnd Oerrie’e the mare sump u _ n wiehin. For eha had brought her h eng ehe bade few plume. nnd wuh tn a. The Deputy Mini..." 0! Mama L.- dmmod :ha “nation or mum-.5, a.†tum-urn o! puaeov gar name." so the A1 , which proud“ ms: no coal on Inn“: in and below tho deck on puaonger alarm". In which hly. or mhu influmwnbn agent-noun. aloud. undo: 3;» -,t -â€"Robon Buohnn h pun a " ho hum: Then no awards of 300 r0 m m: Monilobo. 77 in Anainiooio. 9 I. 1-! htohoun. 21 6:1 Aliens. and 10 Kant-tin. In 1888 "In on y cmo a mug. of Hannah. wore QJ' Appello, Tull! v nun. Btobut. Gannon). Prim A! Guitar, Bmlolcrd. Eimouuo.x.1- Buluohown Md 8! Albert. Yd inn- Alexsndor. She now him «I: tho pout-(moo the non dny nod paw . u iz-m without so much naglnnoo. Ho lanté‘d u it he hud «on on apparition and u oh, u up lorword Ind then stood mi 1. obniui by he: oold glonoo. in which than u u no recognition. After .11. it was bid uvm tun". Ea know In bod conducted [mum like 5 hm" nod to idiot when be M: Smithiown. Ho bod realized u a dam time! aiuu-roolilsd in onus-anti), i» Let â€"wiIhII doll hurt-obs whoueve: he was done with himult. He did to 3nd gun Cutie tho duird inlovmuion the next day. “ II'I Iomo follow unmet! 83H." 'ua um. 0"!“ tell . Inddon hoping 0! her be" u and moment exoiumom n the auuud o.’ the luln’lliu nuno. BuI mm u like!) time: um um Meander. II would be 000 wuu- der'nl IO be "no. “I wand-r who WW In my noighbor a“ quad-d Curio. . “ I an ï¬nd out it ‘ho had (113.13." U.xc!o Tog: (Quad. “In tho momma I will uh you out um; thaw you you claim." continued-bur uncle. “ And 1'" about: “all Ike tor your c J. :2. ma be than. a mile (tom mum--195; a. atop ys|k_tor_ you wl‘n yo_u not 19mm me." A low dsy i In». “of the leg at u. rm.“ flu bud ban “and“! to. Uncle Tom «1.. ’ Curio out '0 look at tho onoiu “m m. prong-I of enough j " I Inn uh. huh; NI nod, for your mu- m.†III II“. u I. drove her I’l‘wu mo Install. Sancho. lb. m u; hur- huwd LL: In ppm “no. the know Ibo van in D ken In: III. ind boon to: months. Sh: k! cw why â€"Iho did not Oh». bone]! 1: wvfl boom“ sh. cu in m lune count: / van: Alon-undo! 8.11 It awe herbue m: of oompungonmipâ€"vhig vog hgowlwgԠ3.; Ian": u abuse at unw "u; l‘ fuund than a Ill 5 "the: '14 “Liz. Wmn. am «no menu“. nu- bu'bu"? nualoln Ducts uozo bu to 0mm 0' ? um! “I. up . alum lb. quickly it" siudvd to doâ€. 8h. wtote to not uncle man we would win within the non 'htee weeks, and uh. I» Ink him in lu- thun awo. Oath Walton and Molar [lull .v ;.:1 bun lawn. but Ihoy bod nhlullxd HAG 8.1) 2nd «no :9 Dutch. 2...- a ï¬ 2 O: oourae barrio oduld no! n (he. van-dun New. Noun 0! ‘l‘o-mu. lei-«Mn. LII"- . Well. (mamm- VISIT. "PLUM! “ L: 9 i!) 81 ," bud 10 Ru {0 n ouzwl, Tony": «mad OJ Ame t, “on. F9" 1111': has ya; we