Lakes and Islands, Times Past

Farmersville Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18840522), 29 Sep 1886, p. 4

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grounds pmporly without taking up some ot'tln- railing and re-urranging them. Thv new! of an uwnue through the centre nf tlm co‘notory was derid- ml upon an :m ahsnh te noccasity.'in order to allow finmm prmossinnn to page down to the new plot. Now it is necvsssry to wind around and pass over the graves, After a lrn hy dis- cussinn,in which various go mm were mooted to raise the money nmmry to make the novded chasm md imâ€" prowmenu. I c-ommittce m appoim- od consisting of Messrs l. C. Mgum. I). Fisher. Horace Brown. oml B. anorin. to make a onrvl‘nl enlimatv «0 me amount requinrd to put each nlm Oar Cemetery. A mocting ofthe Tmstom of the Methodist church was held in the lt’t‘ttll’fl mum: of the South church on Monday evuning Inst. Among other matters that came up for confident! tion was the need of fitting up the cemetery grounds. A fmling has pre‘ vailcd throughout. the noighborhmd for some time that something should; be done towards placing the grounds: mnmnnonts. nudd‘cnccs in as good a condition an musihlc. As nenrly All the spm‘n t :0 old part of the come- lory is m upiod and as very little rvgnrd wns paid. in the past to the proper arrangement of the graves, them is no ahanno nt‘ laving om 91m. sisted b3 teacher. tor of the On Sunday owning, notwithstand- ing the unfavorable weather. the Methodist Church was Wu" filled with is about 815,006. The mmpnny {will put on workmen at. once at the outlet, ”m, it is Pxpnctl'd that. the Mk will he ”completed this fall. Methodist Church. Judge McDonald nuuln a final order mr \\'uliw.~ulay last, in the case ol'tlio (innanoquc Wuicr Power 00., vs. the owners (1' prupcrt) and others inter- ”fled in the lawn-mg uf Charleston Luke. W. B. Carroll. HPPVUJ'UI] l'm- pills" and '1‘. ll. Mquii-c lbl'dt‘l'lh. ’l‘he litigmion in this case extends over a puriud of nearly four years, and we helix-w: has been settled satis- factorin to all parties. The case has some very peculiar features, and is Ihc first of its kind and importance in Canada. The amount of the award} which the company“ will have to pay j . A4- n The Quarterly Meeting of this (18' nomination was held here last, week, all the sessions of which were well at- tended. On Friday the Official dele- gates met. and transacted the business which came before them, pnd the Saturday sesion was devoted to gen- eral business. On Sunday public worship was‘held in the church, each wet-vice. mnsidoring the inclement “anther, being Vm‘y largely attended. There were several talented communi- catiuns during the services, and {the whqlc series ”2' meetings were pervad- m: by a whit ul'Cln-isiiun fellowship and unity. finally settled. at'this éollege is most thorough and complete and will afl‘ord young per- sons just the preparation necessary «.0 enter upon any business calling. The rates at this ’school for board, books and tuition are cheaper than at any other first-class college. \Vriw for their circulars. 801;!er of friends; Owing tovthc large amount of space required for agricultural matters dub ing the past few Wflt'ki, we have been unable to take our. customary morning strolls. We ' hope to be able to ro~ Hume this (to us at least) pleasant part of our work next. week, and expect to continue it at. intervals during the winter. Sultana nan-non. Brockvillo Business Colioge has gained £310 front rank among the Col~ leges of Canada. Nearly two hundred students have been in attendance dur- v 1-2: the pant year. We were shown a. violin the other «lay on the varnishing of which J. H. Hawkins hml exercised his skill. The instrument was so much improv- ed in tone and appearance, as to lead one to think that Mr. Hawkins has discovered the lax-t art of finishing violins. ‘ Our Morning Ibo“:- l 'l‘ he directors of the Unionville Fair will meet on Monday. Oct. 4th, at l p “3.. instead olon the 30“: int, u wnnounoed in our [an Issue. Call M ll. BfDavison, of Elgiu.. advertise: that he is selling goods at cost. and will continue to do so until his new and well selected flock is disposed of. Mr. Davison also oflers for sale his business stand and dwelling. Central Fair. (Frwkvillo.) Sept. 800:, "Id 001. I“. Htmilton, t. 27. Oct. lat Kingoton ( idlaud), Sept. 28th to Oct. lat. Lombardy. Oct. 2nd. Napanee, Out. 5. and 6th. 010 In).- R, I. Sheldon. of Harlem. being about. to retire from business in that village, is selling off at actual cost price his entire attack of dry goods, groceries, boots and shoeu, hats, etc. Wed-93-“!!- A ”out Piece ofWox-k. An ti. 04mm 3mm a! tsunami. at “unity 0mm, 30me â€"â€".â€"-. Umtm’ Hutu; . ‘ Leon. NEws. The course ofl‘em ll rstlmntv 0' m each plot When I want FRESH and CHEAP GBOCERIEB I’ll go to E'llaving made arrangements with Mr. FRANK CORNELL. for a supply of stone from his quarry (which is well known to be of excellent color and quality) and having also opened a quarry in Westport, I'can fill all ordvrs for any kind of Cuhntone work delivgred from either quarry, to suit the convenience of the purchaser. All my work guaranteed satisfactoy. I‘A AI’MERSVILLE. ' ‘ In returning thanks to my many oh} customers {or their very liberal pat‘ ronuge during the past. Six years, I beg to announce to the public generally that I am now better prepared than ever to fill all orders entrusted to me with pTOIllptniPSS‘alld in a workumnlike and satisfactory manner. Thry all say It .' why ilont you .7 MILLINERY & DRESSMAKING in connection," , - managed by Misses Stevens and Madden. jLILY‘ NICHOLSON Hilllnery and Dress Goods slaughtered regardless of Cost for the next eo days. OOMS TO LET-«Rooms suitabh for students. at maeongbo terms Apply to II. Oateu, REPORTER office. Misu Birdsell and Miss Muon, who have been holding evangelistic meet- ‘ings here for some time. have seen their labors crowned with abundant suucoss. Numbers have been con- verted, and the people generally high? ly appreciate the labors of the ovum] gclists, and have not ‘been'slow in ex- pressing their appreciation in a tangi- ble manner. Your correspondent. in common with numbers of ' others in this neighborhood, wishea' them a God-speed in their labor of love. PHIL. WILTSE, A lecture on the Influence of Brit- ain on India, accompanied by musical and literary selections. will be given in the Baptist Church on Friday evening at eight o’clock. A collection will be taken up on behalf of the Presbyterian mission here. All are invited. J. STEELE, B.A., Missionary Student. Delta 2.1:. Our notes of the Delta. Fair having been mislaid, ve are unfortunately obliged to hold over our report of the doings at this popular fair until next week. We shall probably also com- mence the publication of the prize list of this fair in our next issue. rule Ifrond ind llnnlly decided to unit uut' the result of Mr. Brown’n canvu for enbeori ion- Iu known, when l! sumolenl undo ore forthcoming they will nt once eel about. putting the grounds in on d oh: no goesible. with the fun e: t eir lepoeel.‘ There are, no doubt. qnlw n few per- son who hove friends lying in the Formersville cemetery, who it will be impoeeible for the canmser to reach. 11 any :1th should happon to see this article they ore earnestly requeswd to send their coutribution direct to Mr. Brown or to this ofllce and it will be promptly acknowledged. We earnest- ly press this matter upon all our read- em who have, or are likely to have, friends buried in the cemetery here. hctm. motion no pawl, adsorbing tho commutes w onploy G. W. Brown as I cannula to via; I" pun-ties who would be likely 19 mint, and oolioit aid towards making the cemetery the bountiful hoe it ought to be. On Tau-day toxnoon tho trumoo visited tlm cemotory and ou-elhlly lquod over in}? good a oonditjon Igpogo’gbln. GENERAL MERCHANT, M AIN’ S TREET. FABBIEBSVILLE ’ Just call Moe’s Grocerv. und there you will find A splendid iumnment of goods to your mind. We have Honev, old Jam and fine-flavored Tons. Tho swootvst of Butter, the richest of Cheese; Currants and Ilsiainn. whole Ind ground Spices. Bin-on and Knives to cut. it in slices ; Potatoes und Avplen, canned Fish and knit; Canned Pats for man.‘ hut not for bruit ~ And to many more things we would call your dietitian But find for this notico. “in numerous to Mention. ' Our goods lane «amino when you ore in (Mm, They are c map as the cheapest and Sugun 'my down. J. THOMPSON ’S GROCERY, “ Newton. BE ING about to remove from Farm- ersville, all parties having ac- nounts with we must Call and Bottle. If not settled by the 20th will be place& in Court. A. l. COOK. 0R SALE.~~A 1} story house, 18 x 25, with kitchen and woodslied, also barn and stable (lined up with brick). situated on Mill st., Farmers- vlllo. Good well; buildings new. Ap- ply to Joan Cmcx, Caintown. {" interest of Chas. H. Kincaid. in ‘the brickyurd at Kincaid's Corners, begs to announce that the business will be carried on as usual, in company with A. W. Kelly. Persons requiring brick for solid walls, lining up. veneer- ing or chimneys, should give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. KELLY «E Ross, Farmer-Willa. JAS. ROSS, having 120““; out the n‘nnnn‘ 4" l‘l. .. In order to git-e the public a cheap mode of Advertining, we will hurt Ad» vrrtiummu in (M: 001mm: at QJCtsfln' fire (inns or umlwr, first inse’rtiun, and [Ova/or each subqummt imzertiun. on approwd endorsed notes. [ American Currency Silver and all kinds of Inn-current monies bought Ind sold At Closest Rates. American Drafts and Cheques cashed. fiDrafta issued on New York, cur- rent for payment in all parts of the United States. EXWGE mmmm The old reliable Short line wd only Through Car route to . . mummy, nosvrou, DETROIT, cuwmo; an, ac. ' Isa-Through ticket. sold to in points at rues as low as tho lowest. Brookvulo. new: 49¢ a! Grand Trunk RR. ‘. '1'. 731.7033. BURNER FOR EVERYBODY. MONEY to LOAN NOTICE . T. FUDFORD. ’JXX' I 31’. A'I' F.1NKVILI.E. The prize list has been thoroughly reviiml. and prizes placed as high as the finances will allow. A large list of apt-rial prizes have been arr-cured. 1nd every effort will be made to sus- tain the good n'putation of 3.13080- ciety. S. 8. ”Min. D. Dmvnmr. Timmy a Friday, Sept. 30 1! Oct. 1 Kitley Agfiqufigrg1_ SocivoTy. Jmm Rum. Hem, Lombardy. "Mice money 10 The Director. are doing all in their power to make the Fair 3 grand nuc- cess. The Toledo Brass Band will be in attendance, and will give an enter- tainment in the evening. Entries must be made on or before Sept. 25th, as per Rule 21. Apply to the Secre- tary for prize lists, etc. ”NEARBY, OBTOBEI 2ND, '86. Agricultural Show parties, arrangements for which can be made at the Reporter office, Farmarovillu, or with the Captain. at the Outlet. Ad- dress all lenern lo Warbunon P. 0. Fare fur the Irouml mp, “350 Steamer will leavu the Charleston dock at IO mm. Special rates giVen to GXOIlffli9l_l {and picmc From the Village of Charleston to the Outlet (touching at all the islands that have landings), every Saturday during the season of [$86, cum‘mencinguJuuq 5th. (DIEIAMIESS’IRDN IlaAIKIB HE LILY NICHOLSON will (until . furtlnel nolwc) make regular trips on W'e "VII! Make any Roof Fire and Water Proof at Moderate Cost. DVAN'I‘AGES: I. It is absolutely tire proof. 2. It is absolutely water proof. 3. It in a preservative of wood or metals. 4. lt costs less than cmlinary‘ paint. 5 It contains no oil or acid. 6. It is an ornament to any buildxug. 7. It will stop any ordinary roof from leaking. 8. It Will not wash oil or stain water. 9. It will willustand hot and cold Weather, and null last longer than any other pamt. The MuleKSohool Term will commence on the second Tuesday in September. Smdemn can obtain buard in the village at reasonable rates. Books can also be ob- tained in the village. Fur further imorm- ution address the Secretary of the Joint Board of Trustees, Fire & Water Proof BOO FING PAINT. CTL‘ACHING STAFF: T M. Porter. 1 ,Hewl Master; Miss G. Stafford, 2 B, Eire! Assistant,- Muss K. Kincaad, 2A, Second Assistant. TRSII‘EES: EL Amoldir 1‘. G? Slevem, and Sumac! Bmly. .u Dmun’ruanr In in the wilding fownerlyoccupiod b the High Schnol. This department ul'orda ample lucilities to those who may Wish to qualifyflmmselves for entrance into the liigh‘SchopL ’ l ‘ t 1‘. . . . ‘ The wholé'couroe of Instruction Is thor- ouih and practical. The building is large am commodities. beautifully located, and in its external and internal arrangements is in every way calculated to promote the health and progress of the student. An excellent Library and a Laboratory have been secured. Those wishing to prepare especially for teachingr will find excellent facilities in this school. it is highly ile- sirable that students should commence at the beginning at the term and continue until the close. At the recent examina- tions this school passed 2 tnatriculants in arts, 5 second class and 9 third class. THE PUBLIC AND MODEL SGHODI. Sea. anktillq -: Tuition .- E. T. TEN NANT, Proprietor “If?" Let-An. Farmersvilln. Claus. will be formed in the following comm: F188!” (Fuss Ointment, Bzcoxn Cuss Cannons. Tnmb Cums Cuurmcuz, Matriculation In Tu Ants, Law an Mnmcmz. School opens for the winter term ourthe 7th ol Jauuuy, for the sprung term on the Tuesday after Eaten and for the fall tetm on the int Monday in Augqat. A'miualâ€" fill Exhibition on v. , , wrvv vâ€"vâ€" ' -u, --â€"â€"a Made}. A. E. BORROW. Pint Clan Houon m Chain and Solmluruhip,'l‘orouw Uni. versity. Clmiul Master. Aux. WHERE”, I C, English tnd Math- mlnlical Master. County High School. Au: Pam-h, Esq" Chum“; [one C. A «ire, Seen-any; luau I Bulimia", mu Run. (temp P. Wight, wd Damn Fisher. W1. mansion, M.A. ma 1 A, M3. Ill“, BMYAII A” I'll... SOFT]! ELJISLE l' Terms 6: Vacations: Bond of Trustees: Trials of Speed” '1‘]: e Ste-lunar TI‘IE ACDIE ISAAC C. AEGUIRE, '20 BE HELD AT pot with“; purse. 1). Downing « President r‘ree. Farmersfi'le. Wm. Pres gSCabinetâ€"makmg in all its if! Branches gUNDEflTAKEBS, R. D. Judson & Son, Charges Moderate, Fashionable Tailoring: DESIRABLE GOODS I The public will find it to their advantage to callrand examine my stock before purchasing. Prices Moderate. All kinds of grain and produce taken in exchange. ' Goods delivered to all parts of the Village. Under the Management of from Roller Minis. Choice Flour, Sugars & Teas a Specialty. Also Dealer in MIME“, SHINGLES AND LATH. Ground Feed Bran 5‘ Shorts. Best Grades of Family Floul Groceries & Provisions OF ALL KINDS. senger Agent, Brockville; - ”._â€"V.,â€".- â€". u-uu vl VOIIUI IVHIUDG Pullman car accommodation may be secured at usual rates. For further information: and tickets wrileto or call _on G. T. FULI'ORD, Pas- Tickets good on all regular, express trains on Soft. 24th and 25th, and return up to Oct. 5t I. Parties desirous of seeing the west or visiting western fricmla,should tulle advantage of these low rates, and BEA R IN MJSD That the Grand Trunk is {he Short Line and the only Through Car route to Toron~ to, Port Huron, Chicago. Go. By tnkjmz it passenrreru um: several hours’ time much way, antravoid the numerous and van:- tio‘us gharxgeu of cars of other routes. Cincinnati Miiwuukea Chicago St. Louis Port Huron and return Detroit “ Saginaw N 0 Bay CAI “ Grand pidl “ Cincinmm u GRAND TRUNK Don’t Stay at Home 1, done. My stock of Drugs, Medici s, Pahfls,()fls,¢flcn is ah;y;s complete, and I respectfully sofich a ca“. .1. 1’. LAD. Drum-t. hmonflllo. have published in pam hlet form, and see what the! ave WILD CHERRY AND TAR. “ The great demand for these preparations is convincing proof that they are stander medicines and always give the‘bexst of satisfaction. Read MENT. LAMB'B HORSE POWDER. and HUNT'B COUGH SYRUP OF LAHMB'S LUBRICATING LINI 3 HOUSEHOLD 3 Main st., Farmersville, nearly opposite Armstrong’s Hotel. dealer in GLOSEST LIVING PRICES. FARMERSVILLE. When you canztâ€"raval at the low rates circled by the MR 10 DAYS’ EXCURSIOI, SEPTEMBER24&25. rAmuansvmuz H. Anuows, ' l’S'lDX l I? S, John Baillie. NECEBSITIES : . KINCAID, IN "'5 ANNUAL GO TO FOR A T u $800 i DECORATIVE (I? Don’t be Deceived. Davis is Best! I so" my dwn goodsfl do my own collnvtil purchasing from me it entirely nlwimc-s the m ing two pmfih. Thereby the price ol'tlw DA V \VOBK. 2P3 0132.13 23E The DAVI‘S‘VerticaI Feed SEWING MACHINE To be. found in the back country. trouble to show goods. REMEMBER ! ELIZAZLZEZIB THE GREAT DEMAND" rnn' film GOODS THE GREAT BARGAIN .I'IOUSE To provc'it see befum purchasing. CLOSE PRICES. Pine and Hemlock Building Flaming, Laths, Shingles, Fence LUM 3:ng YARD The subscriber begs to thank his customers for 1 patronage, and at the same time calls altention to of Cooking and Heating Stoves, for wood or m STOVES {Pm (Finished in ()il Promptly attended to. S PHOTOGRAPHS, . In all the I‘utum HI v)..- ”.4 .4: U... 1m a“ Cheese Factory Supplies a Speciality. HAVE TROUGIIING & 11003913 We have been obliged to Raise am- Good: 10 per cent., which will be taken off the momenta ' customer sleps\Â¥nsidc the (low. 8110028503 TO A. C. McINTYBE. PHOTOGRAPHER! M... ~~~M .qu... -~~ . WM -- wNegatives on hand for the past 31 years Fumféhings, Aging Ware, profits. Thereby the brine nl‘tlw DA VlS-i-sfliwnrl) low as the Old Sty/r, or umh-rfiwd mm-hmvs. ‘FARMERSVILLE CARRIAGE: WORKS This Space win he Filled by the Advortisenmnt of' (It? Work done promptly. at Reasonable .‘u Solicited. Karley’s Block, Farmersville FOR YOUR GOODS. U) 5â€"1 4 BOOTS AND SHOES all the Latctst fltyleu Jos. L. GALLAGHER. Farmersville- m 30qu Avenue, Ono-1t. tho .1107 PM baa}. Owing to the Large Sales, agd I“ [XII 311C 1? >3 \'IT We have the LARGEST and the BEST SELECTED Stock 0! Bird Cages; Etc., Etc , PERCIVAL IBRGDWN & (N90 -+ GAMBLE, {Io ply-own c0!!uotin,¢:‘; thcrvfimg I il, Crayon, or India Ink) Satisfaction Guaranteed eve ___â€" u..'\rl‘ as, for wood or coal, House ,Cistcm Pumps, Sinks, - G. PARISH. Come and see us Lumber. Pickets, . H.'GAMBLE. WARE. (1‘83!in uf-my- FARMERSVILLE. UIEQUELLED oummm, ' smucm _and my a! sizes. Rates. Clapboards, " 51“! AT past liberal ) his Stock :ry time. IS No

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