Wc.tbe Knights cl Labor (in W Assembly convened). extend our h ‘e greeting to all branches cl honorable toil. welcomrna them to the most trmdly alli- ance in a common work. Ibis organissticn embraces urchin its lolds all branches at honorable to land conditions or ciao. With- out respect to trade. occupation. sex. creed. color or nationality. We seek to raise the level at wages and reduce the hours cl labor, to protect men and women in their occupa tlons. in Nhtll lives and limbs and in their rights as citizens. We reels also to secure such legislation as shall tend to prevent the unjust accumulation ct wealth. to restrict the powers oi monopolies and corporations and to enact snch Wise and benencent legislation as shall promote equity and justice. looking forward to the day when the co-cpcraiive shall supersede the wage system and the castes and classes that new divide men shall be torevsr abolished. We recognise the service rendered to humanity and the cause of labor by trade union organizations. but believe that the time has come. or is fast approaching. when all who earn their bread by the sweat oi their brow shall be enrolled under one general head. as we are controlled by one common lawâ€" the law of our necessity. and we will gladly welcome to our ranks. or to protection un- der our banner. any organiziticn requesting admission. and to each organizations as be- lieve that iheir craftsmen are better pro- tected under their present form of govern- ment we pledge ourselves as members at the great army of labor to co-opcrato with them in every honorable eflort to achieve the success which we are unitedly organized to attain. To this end we have appointed it special committee to center With a like committee of any national or international trades union which shall desire to confer with us on the settlement of' any difï¬cul- ties that may occur between the members of the several organizations. We have received a communication from a comma- tee of the national cfliccrs of some of the national and internatimai trades unions, requesting certain speciï¬c legislation at our hands. but as we believe that the object sought and stated in the preamble to the communication above referred to can best be accomplished by n cenlrrence between a committee 0! this association and a com. mittee of any other organization. and as the propoaiiicns contained therein are inconsistent with our duty to our members, we therefore defer notion upon them untl a conference of such committees can be had. The basis upon which we believe so agree- ment n he reached would newnsarliy include one adaption or some plan by which all labor organizations could be protected from unfair men. men expelhd, suspended. under ï¬ne. or guilty of canine: the places of union men or 0! Knights of Labor while on strike. or while locked out lrom Work. and that as fast as possible a uniform standard of hours of labor and wages should he adopted. so that men of any trade enrolled in our Order and mayhem?“ unions y not come in conflict ULO‘AUBB n. no difference in wages or hours cl la'ccr. We also believe that n system of exchanging working cards should be adopted, so that members of any craft belonging to different organizations could work in hurmouy together. the card of any member of this Order admitting to work in any union shop. and the card of any union man admitting him to work in any K of L shop. We further hcii-ve that upon a demand for increase oi wages or shorter hours of labor. made by either organiza- tion, a conference should be held wnh ~he organizsdlabcr employed in the establish- ment where the demand for increase of wages or reduction of hours is contem- plated. Action upon proposed reduc‘iiu of wages outlier difficulty to be agreed upon in like manner ; and that in the settlement of any difï¬culties between employers and eniplnyeec. the organizations represented in the establishment shill be parties to the terms at settlement. “IO THE GENERAL I‘L'DLIC. Ibo members of the General Assemblv of the K0! L. desire to inform the public that all newspaper reports 01 serious die- sensions among their members are absc- lutely unfounded. The General Assembly is! practically aunlt on all questions that buys been brought belorc the body. The reports that the election of the members of the Auxiliary Executive Board is of any signiï¬cance are also without foundation. as the members were elected without regard to any speciï¬c ends or purposes. but accord- ing to the desires and predictions of indi~ vidual representatives. All charges of intrigues and machinations against General Master Workman Pcwderly or any member of the Executive Board oanJiave originated only With men anxious for personal gain or notoriety. lilo voice has been raised either in the session or privately against the pri- vate character or ofï¬cial action cl Mr. Powderly or any member of the Executive Board, and the only reason for the election at an Auxiliary Board was to relieve the members oi the old Board of the immense amoun of; labor that had accumulated in1 their hands owing to the extraordinary} increase in the membership of the Order. As these auxiliary members have neither voice her vote in the Board proper. but are to be simgly assistants. their selection can by no pceqicility be construed to indicate clash of conï¬dence on the part of this unneral Assembly in the Executive Board. We take great pleasure in expressing our most unbounded conï¬dence in thsinteg- my. patriotism and honesty of prrpose. not only cl General Master Workman Powderly. but of every member of the Executive Board. and ask all present» have been misled into publishing a te- ments to the contraey. emanating from evil disposed and designing men. not representatives to this General Assembly. and. in some oaese.not members of the Order. to publish this contradiction. boa}. Among uh. monumpofllnt ueoln- “om “opted M an autumn Ionian wore tho knowing. the flu! lacing sdduiud to Ill flu Mo: organization. onuido o! the Onlu. And thn second to the public and to serum nunptpun which published lubricated ucoaunu or who: wu trans- pmng : AOhnhud dupltoh an: Int-1m!» morning’s nsbiou o! the Gaunt») humbly 02 1b.} K. of L. WM wouyud in uuuyluiug ï¬ho elation of tho number a! member» required on the Auuliary Bond 0! I‘m; FOR THE PUBLIC‘B BEREE‘XT Thur Overture to tho Mombon of Trad“ Unions. Mn: this put» a o! m nddrm In “ply tome Nniou-l nose Parent of flu.- bwdry. und in winch tho um: um acr- dhlly mm“ to join ma Knight- ol Intact. and the tun-union -ot Iomo maxim basin“: of no public immnnnoo. 1h: Omen! humbly at 5 o'clock “journal line die. An Own“ dnrnch use: 'Ibv juv‘gm ol the Bupnme 0m" wm ungngd dema- In. 5 qumxou nioing [mm In mend Inhibgumu d 9 "mm o! n 0» run rtylr of «not why. Tho n “My lmpresï¬vo chum?" [Ia-um! 3 man man: can Ip- pawn-co. them (n ma c- mun nears 'ed uh our. band» a hunzlo 01 Ohio: Junth Riuhlo‘n duh With all tbologio Inc-emu: o! no" match] mluda, amt Ema-him flounder“! chm u h the iuma-ciea of mm nut-noun "mm or tennis mu». 1! ca 0 {it an no ham-mu nun! to In «in . The «pal II I n. m WWII 0000‘ m. KNIGHTS OF LABOR BIOTRIB! IN THE CM]!!! 0!‘ M30] Cone“ II C ‘onn . A tanner mmcd Patrick Quigley. maid- ing near Tulls. County Claw. was mur- dacd in tin own house on Sunday night. Mny 16th. He was muting to run to: the my» when a then was ï¬red through the badrcom window. with fatal meal. scatter- ncg his brains “out the ngutmem. During a. violent storm on the night of the 17th ult. and next morning in Foynene Huber and vicinity. aoonsiderable portion 0! the Fergus eleb embankment was swept away. and the large tract of waste lead which man reclaimed is now entirely sub- merged. The damage done in estimated at 1:40.000. It is eteted that the works. whieb afford employment to 300 men, wm now be ebendoned. Mr. '1‘. Glen Cease, Chairman 0! the Paisley Schcol Board, has generously offered to purchaso the small schools which have been a source 0! inconvenience to the Boardjor a. oonpidarabla time pasts; . The General Assemblies of the Estab- hahed and Free Churches of Soouand were nponod in Edinburgh on May 20gb. Rav. Dr. Cuuuinghama. of Ctieï¬. was elected Moderator of the Eamblxahed. and Rav. Dr. Sauwtvil‘lo Mbï¬'raw: of LB» Free Church. ‘ . A girl numad Tosh has got a decree for' £200 and contra against John Hall, tau-w grieve. thr. Aber- dcuuahiro, fa: breach of promise. In quunry 1m «t Ball wrote Tosh that “ There wan no more in her than the spoon puaiu,a..,:dthm he would have nothing tun-her to do mm her." It is pwposed to hold a demonstration in Kamamoo‘h ou the â€m; (it August in oolebrabiou o! the centenary of the publi- cation 1.; that town 0! the ï¬rst edition 0! quna‘ pouring. Lulu: tum Heulnud. It is dpeazod than the Queen win pay 3 vim to the Eimburgh Exhlbition at an early date. William Mackintosh. bane: known u tho“Gmde,“na having had charge to: many years of the walks which inflame“ the " Pasa 0t K‘lliecraz‘kio.†is (land. Dr. R. Scott Orr. an eminent Glasgow phym 7m. while reading anewspspor in his home x. Wmohiehau Utceb on SMnrday nightthn mu albugsw a sigh and expired. Deatbia am My heart disease. The (tuunrd Hurnm'r Iii-Illa Unlflde- wlth a Butane anal-e llama. A Bristol. Muan., Respntch ways: The Ouuurd steamer (3391:)». which numbed this port; this morning, two days overdue. met with a. collisicn ut sea. which narrowly escaped bring a terrible oatuscrophp. The atory bf the: Mini: as told by Mr. Eben D. Jordan. jam. 0! this City. who was a pas. Henge]. inpatl‘oqu‘a ; _ _ At the Gnlwa Pony Saiaicns, Oouuoiflu O’Bullivan was and, 10 shillings“. wiihihe opoiou “o! a toreuigm’u imprisonment, to! being drunk and disorderly, and fur cream ing a disturbance in a meeting of the Town Ounncil. The Mngistnies said that it ho continued his conduct a: the Town Council ihny would send him to prison for A month wilhcui a. line. . “’EheGnllie lelt Liverpzcl my 25m} and had a. ï¬ne peeeego until aha reached: the hanka.when think tags and ioehergel were encountered. On Tuesday morning. 1‘ June let. when about 100 miles off New- 1 loundlandmhe was enveloped in a dense tog. Ahonteo‘elook in the morning thx watch discovered coming out of th log on the port how a harm. a! 300 tons and hearing down upon them. The ofï¬cers of the Game new that a colli- sion was inevltuhzo. but did sllthat was poaeihleto avert it. The haane street the steamer in the port side mat tilt the forcrigging, but glanced off without in. juriug the eteemer. The epare of the Gallie caught the human. one ' her foremost short :11“. The G' was headed dne Wlnsf. and won me at full epccd, while the herque was headed north () .pt, Mil/{thy lowered awey the boat» Lu w.) it the stranger had suffered any harm. but found that she was only damaged about her how. end had lost her toreauek. The captain o! the berqoe insisted on having the injury repaired and being towed into port. The. Gsllm towed the harqne tor eixty,mllre. when the passengers. becoming im- patient at the delay. urged the on; min to cut the vernal adrift. There was OMABldSI- able excitement among/he passengers, but the (ulcers. by their coolness and um. quieted their fears [ltd the blow etruek the Gillie 100 feet further Mt nho would have undoubtedly met the some lute he the ‘ Orcgon.†In Ireland Mr. Com. one o! H. M. inspec- ton. ata'ee that the linen trade has been mueh depressed. Filly thcuund spindles are idle one o! a : 3510:874788. 11 in em- isteetorv to he that the acreage under 11:: in It: Fund in 18 to“ new: over the pre- ceding year; and, better mu. thelusmu'a crop was one o! the best ever gathend in Ireland. A Dublin node-mun mum] Damn" I» (aunt! in a dying slate mu m- In. of bulineu on the huh nit. his body a:- ing from 25 to 30 woundl, iufléoicï¬dpvtl- eudy win: 3 him, He exyiud next day. 0n the 1m: all. Tho O'Donoghuo. with Madam O'Donochm. “loaded Into" Jada! Boyd and unntod to In ubmtemom £50 per cent. on tho mm 02 01. flat. any. Mr. Wm. Landon. n undid“. to: 009m Limerick n the hut olutxon, wu mot. tram his holdln a Kituly 0n the 1m all by the sub»! erit’f. Mud Inn Incl-u. Tb: til. 0! Lori June. Bury and In Dublin on um um nu. M on Chub-91.01038 o! the wan 5nd to: County Kilduo. in dud. A Ila-u- flhuurrd uni In Oct-pun" seven†lint-nod. A Detroit. Mich ‘ dmwawh says: Jamel G Dapglma. Aua‘aamu Manger of D. M. Ferry .t 00:: need buainou. nnurned the furniture In his home on Tlird Avenue this running wizh bmzzine tn kill mothl. Th0 work Ind been ï¬nish“! and the her. ï¬n! all put away. when 9 â€mm explcuion coaut- rad. One aide of the house was blown out ‘ and the fragments routerrd over rho yurd. Every window and c‘oaad door in the re~ mainind part of tho hon-o was NONI. out. Tho house was inhuutly enveloped in flnmu. Mr. and Mrs. Douala.“ Ind rho serum: unrrowiy evosprd with their hvan, but all were severely burned. LIL-"Doug- Ions' Mada. which wm oovorod wma hem zine. were nightffly burned mu htir and board were burned off. The explosion tunppmed to hive bun rponnnooua. or probably cam-d by the ï¬n In rho kitchen "070. which. it won “append. hid bun tormycxunguhhod. Tho Illlï¬ï¬ to tho home is About 38 500. The suuul meeting 0! to Ontario M! 'vioal Alaooistiou oonoludod he! high. in ’1.“ mm. Dru. Mudontld 5nd Row- Magma! Hamilton. pnfloipned in we proceeding». The mindâ€! (mic-bunt: ebncd WHO: Prmudom. Dr. J. HA Rich- svd-mh l‘mxn'o; FIN" “we Pruiduno. Dr. {hum n. Sdh wk -. Second \‘nca.l’co:-Idaut. D¢ Brnupo. moo-um; T mt \‘m Pm“. dflnt. 1):. anhom. L ndon; Fourth \‘m President. Dc Aylavtmh. Opan. um. ; hut Usuaoponqu Search". Dr. Fr“ ... 89mm; Gsnnfl ï¬tï¬tfly. Dr J. B W' 129‘ Turnnh‘ ; TfluIrIl'. 9!. W. A Pom-h. Tomato. . . Snmno‘ 1’. lotion, o! Nn-hv .30. having Ind 55 ' {armcaucmded Nun it I'M limo 0) dm. So he put hm banana in "all.“ IMO. uwolnml hi0 Ion nun»! 0! 5|! mm and hand blunt! I. In Inn. 0L0 WORLD NEWI. Ahnosr A 12 i'l‘a Fl I‘RDI’IIIS. CLEANING TIIE CAKI'BTS. uni-7h .Yledlcnl Ann-Ilium As ihe muoluaion Mm. Folsom, showing traces 0: «Lap emotion. was the ï¬re: to tender in: cougrstuiationa no the needy married pair, Sue was foliowed by Mia: Oiuveionu. Rev. Mr. Cieveiaud and Oiher rclutivea {ind triouda in turn. While the oongratuintâ€"iona were in progress the baud poriormtd u bridal ohoxus and march from “ Lahtngriu." and to this music the Prui- dcu‘. and his wiic 1rd tho way into the east T..e bride won: an eanaauling weddmgs drum 0! ivoty satin. mmply gunï¬cfxd on the hzgh unease with ludu muslin crossed in Grecian folds and cacriad in exquisite falls of asmplisity over the yeniocaa. The orange biomom gauiture. cummznoiug upon :bo veil m a superb oaroueb, 15 can: umued throughout the awtume Wm: urtiaaiu 3km. Lie: veil u! tulle. about ï¬ve yards in length. completely enveloped her. tailing to who edge of the penioma In none. unend- iug the entire Ieuguh u! be: tull noun train. She carried no flowera and won no jewel- lery exoepa an engngemem xlng conï¬ning a sgpphug {\ud two diamonds. mam. BGIIMDfl tram the west- ern corridhr on the upper floor. the President est; slowl down the western staircase with the Bri e leening on his am. They were uneceompenied. even the bride's mother swuitlnsg her with the other guests. Passing through the central corridor the bride and groom entered the blue room and took a position nenr its southern ll. which was completely hidden from sigh y'a mess of nodding palms. tropics! grasses. and an endless variety of choice flowers. The Preeident was in full evening dress with random: eollsrywhite luwn necktie and white enamel studs. A brush fell upon the assemblage as Dr. Ben- derlend etepped forward to his position (rowing the wedding couple. With the Rev. Willinm Cleveland (the President's brother) at his lelt hand. In a distinct tone at vorce, nod with a deliberate utterance. the doctor began the eimple and beautiful wed- ding eervrce. After the ceremony Rev. Mr. Cleveland pronounced the lollowiog bene- dictizn: “ God the Father, God the Ben, and God the Holy Ghost hlees. preserve and keep youâ€"the Lord mercifully ï¬ll you with all temporal. all spiritual bless- loge, and grant th you many so live togetherin this worl hat in the world to come you may have lilo everlasting- Amen.†room. Mrs. Fulecm wow a superb draw of viuicu balm, with gnrnimm in white hallo. with cryananizad violen dropuin pendants everywhere. ' Mm Cleveland wore an exquisite dress. a communion at Nile green and cameo pink duoheaee mm. mm nilvc: ornaments. low acreage. garnished wnb pink roses, anon; sleeve» and demi-!ength gloves, grip light tam. She carried a tan or pink our- lew feathers. Remcvmg their wrap: in the Shah) dining room, an the guaura proceeded to me bluu room,whare they were received by Mia: Rise Cleveland. For a few minum the guest» chanted gaily. bur converntion wen quickly auspauded at 7.15 pm. when a column! orcheatrs from the Marine Baud cumioncd in the corridor struck up the familiar strain of the “Widdiug March" tram Mendelaaahu'e " Mid-ummer Nighn‘u Dream.†and all 'eyes were turned to the doorway to catch the ï¬rst. glizgpae or the coming bride and gm {:44 Starting from the west- Mrs. Hoyt. the President's sister. wore t damby ooaaumo m train of china crepe in robina‘ egg biue. most :ï¬cotively garmmred with nae old hoe. Her flowers were la France 1036?. ' umluktim of tho 1mm tho lam hit- on for tho Inn-m. .Aowmï¬h‘aigton (0.0.) dclputeh ny- : About halt-put 6 we weddtn sunl- beam ‘0 strive. unit curing" t0] ing up to the mnin door at the mnnuion through tho great iron gates on Pennlylnnia avenue. The um arrival was Statutory Luau u 6 87. He wants 910-er tollowud by Rev. D:. Bunderlund 3nd um. um! during the am few minutes more cam. in zapxd suuocssion Postmseur-Gunonl VII" and wife, Mr. Wilson 8. Bus-N. Steamy 3nd Mn. Endi- oow. Baotou-sky Bnyud. Secretary and Mrs. Mlnimey sud Beozotsry anivg 5mg wife. Mien Manning‘s drew was of white satin, fl'zuuced 343.053 the iron: with dnohessa lace. garnished with sea pearl». square neck aLd elbow alesves ; diamond ornaman'a. _ V Mra. Endioou wore uatin, with ailvor and white sapphire. draped in black Ohanmly lace. red pomp in her hair ; diamond Orna- mama. Mina Whitney wore a budma of violet velveb.wnh whim satin und mile mm trimmamwuh violet; diamond ornomqma. wraimanï¬dmaa was light bluo with long tram strewn with daisies of nilvex, Icon. of crystal. and point: lace and pearl nim- xniuus. low neoband .elbow alpeves. THE WHITE HOUSE WEDDING. Mrs. Lamont wore an ivor§ tinted main dress, domi train. with a penal o! oust-l and pearl 0n me let. side of the skirt, aqugrp neck. acreage edged yith crystal and ,A1-_I -4- Grover Cleveland’s Mine t0 lino Mun. S::Tflh§5,73ibb§v allows-Inna osmium! cor- sagg boqgucu o! Jacqgemigoyroau. l «‘A ,AA_ ‘n'cm. Rogers. ooanin of tho bride, wu 6:85er in a coamme of delicate cums: pink. with brooadod ham. Mrs. 01-11mm, a relative of aha bride. wore a wink: satin dress: at trait-with black [.99 drngaries and Jscqucmingt. row}. _ . WEE, Bizmon wore {nun dreu ot light ongge.“ - Mm Nelson wore a handsome «Home of com-colored main with overduu o! whim notiquo lace. out pompndour with low oar- nga and elbcw sleeves. Her flowers were Jacqueuï¬inm roam. Mm Huddketon was dressed in pinhilk with blue trimmingn. Miss Bundctlwd’a drestu guy “tin trimmed with km, long train. square mot and elbow sleeves. Fran the am room m company pro- ceadod. am: a “non of woman-ding 3nd conversation. to the family diniumoom of the mansion. when m wedding supp“ wu served. c l» FJ‘OB THI HONIYSIOON. There wen no formal omar observed in the upper-room, but a ccllotion wus roe-Ned. Wmlo the cranes". Mining one of ltd heppiem efleohone and the guests were gathered shone the table. the bride quietly mppcd owey to her mom! and chongcd her we-ddng dress for a bony grey with travelling drtaa. She then returned ‘0 the comp-my. And we] soon oherwarde juimd by the President. who bed in tho mum-me our-Lnd bin drorn wit for s unveiling ooeeumc. This was “out 830 o‘clock.eod the Preriden'. and III! bride raid 3 but) " ocd-hye‘.’ to their friend» or: Id: 9 house through a (rtvoto an born the red room into me road: grounde. A olo-ed our- time “mm! mm. and no em ennui lend the home euncd of! a mover or rice w“ thrown in rho com-go. Ind mm Mend- rend them a om! "an! open!" "m the Plus! pawn fl‘he on“ g wen drneu dim! to the Bela-rote & 0m Raul- ! wsy “won, wlnro n rpeoml tram woe m :0 Deer Rut. Tony m. e-oomd through the ration end into rho one provided to: '. “OI. !§u"“y’w&‘ murmur t ' hi“ Mm President no m undo i , \hun rumor our-won onenneo. on] or ’ z'oo‘u I m min "erred on no he lmsm- ‘ â€Prowl.†sol Me lulu were W mm; either surviving. A -,-_. -a. Ll" Illlncu (II-“El. '1' :3 following euignmeaea were reporied ycst rday: Dunnoâ€"H. R. Blookwocd, boon. Brontlord: A. Oellendcr A- Bra, «\Ieahmiths, ero..0l‘mtou; Alfred Button. butcher. (More; xenon-n .& Richard- son. clothe-‘9. on, It?!) Sound; Gard & 03.. wholesale grocere' rundneo. Toronto. .. â€"-I‘roeidavn Cleveland the nigh. before bio ioooguruiuu mm with a line 0! wed- dtog ooh under mu pillow. which I Indy who vented to get him married surrepu- ticueiy had put more. The. nee-7mm for n. Alanndr r Siam. form scrum, TI“). (our, Boom-ad. met with tie deuh In In A rnreordinuy mower While on his no, home from o «No mullet. he celled M "m hm r! Burton". and mom; alter he hh "In «MM-rm dmoowrnd Minoan: Mod 3 ‘ z} rho neck on the Mug our rho for. ‘ no 1: quire Gold. Tn viral â€I a!) t! or “on In beveht. Md u I- Iuppreod Ihu‘ me autonomous moo. mule leaning over n. that. Ion. and No out we ghIVmauem.hmrhmu. «Lu 4» me. ohm element use 7 under role. ind no on In the “In... ’auulldmonhr lone II. and '. C ‘ A BRILLIANT GATHERING TEE DRESéES. m BCI‘PIB “ Keep only unto him." which was remarked upon as an unintentional pan from no doctor an the l’roeident's name. All at the Whue Home clerks and attaches. to the laundtess. were notiï¬ed than they might witness the ceremony. and they were ï¬lled with gratitude at the privilege. l’rcudena Cleveland and 1m bzlde 81'- rieud at Dub! Path, Mi, Thuxeday morniug and domiciled in one at the out- mgoa o! the hotel. The ,Prcsident and Mrs. Clewlauu are sojourning very quietly. A large influx t vimora is lookou (or at scan as it u kn wn that the newly-wedded couple are here. The place which has been teleotedhr the Presidential lmneymoou it on the arm of the Alleghuniva. The bonus is what": known as the comma at (ax-Benn- toz David, a: West Virginia. Deer Park in 3,000 teat «bow the sea. It was observed mm in the marriage ceremony Dr. Bundarlund told the brace she musn‘wtaavu†“my to her huabsnd. iuvtead 0! using» the epuvemional £05m, Nan-i) 2,000 persons, principally ladioe, annexed the White House grounds yustet- day in the hop: 0t hamg able to maps’oi the floral daoormxona. Au, however. were disappointed, 33 orders were waned to admin nobody oxaopa 01': public bumnasa. Tho decorations‘were dianrihuted among the any hoapitala. A Wuhiumon epeelal today cue: Nearly 8100.000 woreh oi pee-eul- had ruched the Wane Home by 6 o'clock Ian evenin . and more are deubeleu lu Iran-ii. Sever Amerlean linlmre end Con-uh General have unlined Ihe Beau Deport- ment that their precept- have been sent. Ooeily (me were displayed iu‘lhe State dining-room and were inepecled by the guests after supper. Secretary Lamar preeenled a cut glue mulling home etudded wish diamoude. Secret: ‘3! and Mn. Eudicole gave tour aolid silver canal.- ecioh. large and massive; the Puetmaater- General a "breuerpln in the torn: ol a bow-knoll ct euuocau gold, edges bordered winh diamond“ Secretary c! we Navy and Mn. Whuney, brooch in she shape 0! a brunch with leaves and flowers all formed in diamonds ; Collector Hedden, lminuin uh dieh on amid gold legs or lb and pearl shedding for the feel. wilh this was rent 3 pepper other bet-wing engraved norm: 0! a revenue cuner wumug (or we eurveyor to go down the bay to m'aaen the Nuordland; from Surveyor Beanie. at who New York Onenum House. diamond bracelets wioh appropriate ecriplural quotations in Hebruw on claep; from Uungreeaman Campbell. solid gold horse- radi-h dish with garden eceao picked one in diamond that representing the Opening in me third act of “ Faun "; from Governor Hill. of New You. elaborane jewel case with French music box ulunohment‘thae plays delicious sure each tune a jewel in when cuts or returned; from Hubert 0. Thompson. valuable jewelled C'nmwe cloch made in Pekin. and valued an $900, Non tme-bhlzd oi the presence had boon opened. From Mr. Blflbb“ come a large diamond 11 mar, to be worn as a pin or an a pendant. thou From Ilee While llouae “’eddlnn. Tue deemn on the wedding nuke boxes was the Preaidem‘e own. He gave his whole attention to it last Sunday. He mad the: he wanted hie gun“ to have the bexea tut sonveniu. The aueogrnphe on the ends on uop’ o! the wedding cake boxes were all written by the President and bee bade am: ‘ n‘nlnnk in e atceznecu. though there wow 15 0 them. The namee rend Frances Fol am. Grover Cleve- land. Bo: handwm mg is good and clear. but larger uhan his. 0n the boxes beneath mo monogram " O. E." is a linden lent, which is the old time emblem of marriage. Thur Promise: to â€own all In Powerinl Errata-non. A New York deepetoh esye: For years page lnvcutora and engineers have been deeply iusorcniec in the demcnelraeione of the Ttlpia Thermlc Motor Company 0! this may. a. corporation of buflluerls men who have been encceeblnlly ehowing beyond ell dispute that their meoheeice hive solved the old problem at turning slow lemperniurc chemical into a powerful vapor, and by steadily continuing this cpereiiou producing almost a loerlold power lrom u. given quantity of coal or elem. Tneir engines hevebeen privately running [or months in New York. Newark. N.J..and in Lowell, Mose. Many a! the moan eminent engineers and professor- lnvc. with many others, enmined the molar to their anaislaeilon, and declare the new force lo be in veritable miracle. Large and eonetenl power produced will: use and certainly. and by simple appliances, an about one-:hird the con 0! eienm.la who: is chimed. and the enthusiastic men- ngere are delighted in their annual. IOVIINMIIT OFNOIMI “I Ill" DOM". tho!“ 3 week. during which “no any will coon" - and] scum all-elm! to Ibo howl. Whig! bu not _on oping 39g ’13 dopumn. uuon. Tho mut- ioivuï¬'io’ Vluu m an Bonn noon an: Ibo Pro-Mom'- Mugaiflucut us“. to k‘x'wdont and â€to. Olcvoland. . A JIM“: Walnu- Shoul- Illa Sweethenrl and [Illa-en. A Milan cable says : Erobic lova is not the exclusive sin of either pclutm home or humble cottage. The unholy passion flndc m vouriea and its victims in .1! cult: of Me. The pcpsrn to-dcy cm tall 0! cc ex- hibition of man atone jealousy in the lower cunnm ottcocic‘y. Francesco (Jun. 5 WBHOI‘, lctcly {on in love with Onolinc Bream. an unacuve young wcmeu. cud they won bchrothcd. Am: 3 whilc her uric: cookcd, and he dcmcndcd cc uplan- non, but abs but] none to 3:". Sb. had changed her. mind. '1‘th wcc Ml. Ho Ip- pcured to accept his rate quietly, and cbcy ahcok hundn and bsdc can otbc: " unwell fouvor ;“ but Ibo nun in-tcm hc {hand 3 nvclvc: n ma girl's bra-u. cud ï¬nd tbuc times. and than standing by but aide bc dicobcrgcd the sums number of abohinm hm own body. which took eflactln bin bud. 1m lungs cud groin. Whoa discovered by ncigbbor lying side by aids ‘bcy wctc nun bra-thin; but than in no pouibimy of author cunning. Tau following naignmoaï¬a were reporLed ycst rday: Dunnoâ€"H. B. Blukvocd, boon. Brandon]: A. Oanandu & 3m, autumn)“. em. Clinton; Alfred Button. butch". pans; oDounll .t Richard- son. olobhe‘a. on. web Bound; Gard & 00., mum- grocers“ mndmn. Toronto. â€"-I‘:uidavn Cleveland the nigh. beta" big inwguruiuu dept with a [inn 0! wed- dtug can under mu pillow. which I Indy who "an: to an him married “unpu- flcmiy had put than. Thu non-7mm for n. Munch r Bimpoou. tum â€rum, 'huy. (our, Scotland. mat with tie dumb In an unacrdinny tanner While on his In, home [tom . on“. until». he «Hod n "so hm «2' Baum". and â€10:93 am: In Mr THE WIDDIII "mun; A DIABVBLIJOUQ “01‘0“ FICKIJS LOVE. “ 03, I had too many friends among the Gamma. and there we too mtmy Granules in Utah now for the Morm. n prisms to do as may phase. and besides my one mounted so much attention at In tune that it I bud disappeared there would have been a gram many people: who would have wautod to know all about It. and your MUL’ man does non like to have icquisuwa Gan- n‘aea looking into hm a-fhira Wuhhosme iuconb. Do I believe that my 0! the peuzdojes I have «mcufioubd were eve! rn.,._‘ AA; .. mute-m bet-W mun-er Mal-Ibo.“ "Um-DIV. Qeite ensue wee canted ct e recent union oi the once committee on Jndi Italy et Wuhinaton on Made! by th. etetemenre oi Ire. Caroline Itlce. who no (or yenre the «court min at n Hermon. end to the committee detniled her ex rl: Once in ruins through the ccremon oi whetie can: no the endowment hence. Ddtgetc (leinc lining denied her ctctc- menu. the new rte-terns them to the pub- lie in the term cl en interview with e reporter or the cum ro ten the; Chine. like every Mormon who her gone thronxh the endowment hens-c. weeru next to hie skin the relics which ere put on during the ceremony. and which are never tell oil by mole or lemcle nicer. werdc. Bhe seye. however. thet n cheese in ellcwed new end then tor the “he at cleanliness, but emp n Mormon wherever he may he found. end it will be discovered that he hen the endowment robe upon his youth. Mrs. Mute described the onthe tnhen by the cncdldntec to he comething horrible. The ï¬re: unth o! the Anronic or lesser priesthood. wherein the omdidetc Iwenru to uphold the laws 0! the Mormon Church nbove those 0! any p0 wrr on earth, not excepting thoee ol the country in which he or she may live, impoeee the penalty of herring the throat cut from ear to our end the tongue torn out by its roots for n violation of the name. 'I‘ " .u‘h o! the second degrce o! the come order malice ‘ the woman promiee to hnve but one hue- bend. though the husband may have no many when on he pleneee. and the more ‘ when he token the better Murmonhe ie otnsidered to be. The penalty tor breaking 1 this onth ie to have the body enwn asunder i and one: into the see. ' The third cnth 1 mek: n the candidate ewear riveting: for the death of Joann Smith as. his brother Eirnm, and the children and children’s! children are to be instructed in the tame. the penalty for iue violation, whenever no opportunity preeente itself, being disem- bowelment. A third oath in taken when the hmbefl order of Melchinedeh is confer- red. the our didnte swearing obedience eheolu.e tn the Mormon pricethood. There are prelim wipe tor ell the es degrees. To tie to: the Church is comiiered in the Mormon religion not to he a blu. but, on :he contrary, to be his“) commended and dnlv mountain , A ‘ l “ Baa us: have viewed the oaths which you tuck in the eudcwmenn house. and yea none 0! the penalties have bun vxained upoqyoy. glow did ubgtï¬appen ?" 7*; .AL- $ihit~ed upon speciï¬es? Tocreig not a duubï¬ 0! ll‘. When thorn were compara- tively few Gsmiltsiu Umh the ptieum 4.! Monmoutm ocull do puts,» much as :hay plcabad. Them 2mm bacn “Kimbï¬iflUUmJ'r- able cummmedm the Ila-Luz: o! M [two-nixm. I do 120% think whoa any of mo peudms would now be vi ited upon: opossum mm as the latter were whhom the! (1-1 or )nflucnce. Bu! the numket of apnatates is small. Everylhmg is demandzd by the Church. The man 1a contra-died b thr. puss! and the woman i4 subjected. ha y and soul. lo hhe man. In lace nlmcsu everythmg connected with Mormonism has the ethanol Iowan-lug wmlsnand keeping her in new.“ at antin- gatlon. So area! are all lho influences by which «be women are surrounded that very law 0! than: ever mm: of changing Izmir belle! or thoir mode 0! living. The wile who is the moat yielding to the hue- hood and who encourage: him to take to himself addisionol wives, is told that in the lilo heresher she will be queen. and lheleaa obediept apquae_wi_ll be her_aer- um. for you know um ia in port of the Mormon belief that in the other world the increasing and the multiplying o! the hind goes on jqu as n (1093320!qu depthf.‘ In. Ououno mm Gm. Away tho Innis 01th. Endowmont chu. " Are phara any dtfloconoes in Murmon matting" ?" ‘ " Yea. them are three kinds of marriages. One is for life and czmnxiayr one ia for eternity. and one is for Me None. A mar- riage to: 1m and oternhy mm the two for both this and the othu wald. A mar- riage forlife is where one of the psnius baa below bsen married for Me and etunity. while a max-tinge for eternity aloue Ia whats the man mum-gs the wants-n. but does not liva wnh heriu this Wu: .†W 1' Xi! the candidates for matrimony geuudgd at chair clothing in the eudowmeno onan " “ Yes; they are stripped. washed and maimed with oil before tbs endowment when bra pm on. The womw. when un- oiuted, la perfectly made. The different portions 0! the body (tom had to too: are blamed during Phï¬ 'anoiutgngqt." Mn. Mlle- will very probably mnkoWaah- ington her home. Bheil derply interested in ull leuiulnlon lining in: an; object the suppression at polygamy. Sin and Mia Kane Field have been much together during 0h. pr non! nation of Campus. They ua both orhlng with sh: sun: and m view. 3nd hub furnished considotable unlormuion md many inflection: to the Home and Bantu Commune: on the J ndloinry. Idle and Donu- snuggle at a Canadian (Trew I. In, Their Vuul- Alonâ€"A Viol-ï¬lo. at Intern-noun Law. A Chicago despntch uys: The Uaundian atanmbama Nepigon unvod hare yesteriuy in n sinking caudmon, and and» circum- utanocs possessing u pxoulin interns in new of the olnhmg bemoan Amati“ und Cwadian Murlcimo intake-ta. H" crow were completely worn cm by sxoeuivo Man 3: the pump», sud were “most ready to give up the ï¬ght to k» theveuehflou. The Nepigon val load. Vii! Mom n Va" Iolund. Luke Bu riot. While pro~ wading toward the 8am uh. wuonrnkon by a uvm nonhefly gsle, "rm-mu up co h~d|y um aha begun to lcgk. By the ‘imo the mm topohod the Mum uh. em muting wan at the rate of I (co: m hour. md thqucam fl_?Id-b:l.d pumpl had ‘0 ho walked to uni» fullest mpsoicy go hep he: tram doling C» t. thm wish. in: h (at to Chicago will: a. l roasiblc has» did not atop at Malian! or Ohoboyglm u we lnw regains. to rope“ ‘hc autumn of his one] into Amman waster». Whit: ehia nw bu been "ported u ultcgathu formal. "me in 5 severe. penny limohod for viomiou o! it. In many is Imus: ' In: chm the tommm of m Vernal mo «ago. The «pain ha torn-"Sui a sun. mom 0! the he a «3 sh. Tuna†Danu- mtm n Wuhlagm. Until we collector hm from Walling“ nothing will In dorm here. In: "no epiznu 'vul_not b0 mated to hem rm. (hm. Uonlm nyl flan he Inna My: 3nd uubu his nun crow rm nommmd m hbm- 'nomamly to an the van-cl (mm going to the human. ~13 :- P ilodolph . Preu in nulhofl" '0! :h- amt“. “M in a «run. In 0 Jo '- Ihe Iilludfl’ Inn: at avert! Iowa-mp- wou but .u am at Ihnpo." ~Thoro In I twin! 0! lug. nut hr. lhmlllll with amp- up. "lam mipu g! M ml with n; NECESSI'I‘I’ “HOWE! N0 LAW. The grant of repreaentntion in the Home of Commons to the Northwest Territories will, 1! sanctioned by the Imperial Pulle- monu {which then in no xenon to doubt). give the people or thnt vut region on in- terest and voice in the «tram at the Dam- iuim, and ennui, them to lay the vents and requitemeut or their young country wiuh authority before the great council of the nation. You have nt the some time contorted upon them the boom; of en efll- eiemjudioinl system and nepeedy and in- upensivo mode (or the treneler of property when . The measure (or the establishment of a central expurimontal tum. with auxilinry SLB‘iLUH {or the Pruviuoeb. mi? be greatly appreoned py mu 93593le m»: pcpuia‘iiou. ’1 cumgraaulito you'heamly of: ihe oom- plation of the Owudiw Pacino Rummy. and an :ba repayment in money and had at tho advances made in in aid from the pugllo greawry. The future prosperity of «his glen enter- prise, and the consequent ndvnnaago to the bean interests or the Dominion, I now can- aidgr on fully Ignored._ ‘ Thou tho Bonanblo tho 8 okoo at tho Hun-e otOommono odduooo Bio Butl- lonoy tho Gannon-Genera oo fallout) Many 1t plant Yaw Exoollonoy : The Oammono a! Condo hovo votod tho supplies uqulnd to ouohlo the Govern- ment to delay tho oxpontto ol the public union. In tho mum at tho Common- 1 motor to You Euollonoy tho following Bill. u. Act to: gunning to Ho! Molooty oermn onmo of money uqnirod to: doluy- 11.x certain upon-u o! t o pnblla «win for the ï¬nancial vom on lug roapaotlvely Mun 30;!) Juno. 1886, ad the 3041 June. 1887. andlot otbu purposes zeluuug to tan ,puglio toning.“ _ -- The appropriations in aid of various rail. wave will tend largely to increnee the trade and develop the resources of the dietriete trovereed by them. and I am especially pleased to know that by the provision mode tor the construction of a railway through Cape Briton, the historical island wiil at law be brought into connection with the railway hyetem of Omada Al'JOlaKlvba many useful meosnrcs you luv. pwsed may regroiully he noticed the mmcmlmamln ol Mm Franchise Act. render- lag my work'ng urn-2L- nimple and law c:- M zmve ; the omeolidetiou o! the utetutev. the ururgemeut for the organzmtion o! a bet’er and mom a oonnmioel eyecem of par- lisaz=~ntary and departmcmal printing and thu uwendment or the Dominion Lends A35. Gentlemen of the lion's of Commons : . Governor-Golernl'o speech. His Excellency then prorogued Pulit- mem w’nh the following speech: Honorable Gentlemen of the Bonus. Gentlomen of the House of Commonl: ~ I desire to canny to you my bash flunk- tcr the cuneuueaa 3nd uaiduiby with :hiph you have performed your important ONCE. Tue logidation or the session has been 0! an eminently puon‘oal character. and oun- uo: tau (.2 and in ‘he promotion 0! the mgï¬yrinl prong“: of the oqnnfly._ I thank you m Her Majesty's name for empties you have granted for the public aczvmvz. Honorable Gentlemen and Gentlemen In wading you farewell until next year. 1 up)“ lo be able to congratulate you on the general prowemy d! the country and the good promise of is plentiful have“. To this 8an the Royal aunt I†Iignifled in the following wordl: “ In 8'! Mojmy'u name Bu Excellency tho Gov. smut-Genera! thanks but low labia». no: as lam: banevalenos and unm- to this n." Ill- Encmr mole Upon lllm Ind Po ‘ 3‘ ll Into llle Em . z A Baltimore despetoh eeya : Jacob Boannthel «tempted to murder Louie Golla‘eiu, this morning. by pouring vitriol in his ear. The two men. Who heve been enemies for some time, had aflgh: recently. in which Roaeuthnl wee worsted. Be de- clared than he Wazuli have his revenge. Both men, who are Poles. boarded in the same hence, their moms being on the some flml‘. About So‘cionk the inmates of the bones Were alarmed by Galdstbin'e shrinks. They four (1 him rushing up and down the floor with the side 0! hie (no: badlv burned. While he was eeleep. he ilid. Boeenthel crept into his roam and poured the vitriol into hia cur. Roeenthsl denied the mues- tion.bu!, as his ï¬ngers are burned at the ends. there in thought to be little doubt that he hed been handling the decoly eznfl‘. Hie victim is lying in e eritioel condition. unflering the moat excrneieting peln. Roeenthel hes been “rested. ' To which Bill I humbly requu. Your Egdlopoy'a_ugcn_l. _ M hut-puts El- Iucuono In. Gov- mwr’Guunl mound tho anon. to ma Bun“. Chub-r. nun tho Boyd alum wu‘glnn to th. Bl“! puud during the 9088 on. [low the Phantom Appoand to Royal linoâ€"The Spell Wot-lord. In “ The Grain a! Bar Mojsoty’c Ship B:ochsnto,1879 1882," com ilod from tho vPiViie journol. tether! on note-boon o! Prim: Alba" Victor and Prince Goorgc oi Wotan. oro found some odd yornc. In their three yonra‘ roving the Princes but in tho main ioir winds and flowing soon. They encountered low otormo out! no pirotoo. But one night on they coiled ovot tho Southoon Boon noor Bydnoy they tell in with th‘ Flying Dntohmon. "July 11,1381 -â€" At 4 o. m. the Flying Dntchmon crooood our bows. A otrohgc red light oo o! o phontom ship. oil ogiow, in tho midot of which light the mooto. oporo ond coils of tho brig 200 yordo diotont otood out in ouong roltot. As oho oomo up tho loch- oot mon on tho toroooatlc reported hot on oio-o on the port bow. whore onto1 tho omoor ol tho wotoh from tho hridao cloorty low hor. no did oioo tho‘ ‘qoorterdoch mldnhipmon. who won oont ‘ torword ot once to tho torecootlo. But on ‘ orrivtng thoro no vootiao or my oigo whot- ovor of ony motoriol ohip woo tobo ooon. oithor out or right owoy to tho horipn. Tho night being too: on! tho ooo colm. thirtoon poncho touothor now her. but whothor to woo Von Diomon. or tho Flying Dutohmon, or who oloo. moot romotn un- known. The Toormollno and Cleopotro. who w ro rolling on otorhoord how, ï¬osho! to not whothor o hod ooon tho strange mi light ot a com: to ll mm. Tho ordinory oootnon w ohoxl thto morn. ing roportod tho Flying Dotohmon toll from tho torotopmoot oroootrooo out no ontoohol to mono. At o qnortor t pun. oltor qoootoro. wohovo to. with hood onto ohoch. out ho'wol hortod in tho Ito. owoootrnort olyml non ooll ono oi tho loo-t pronto o; coo. hoodo to tho out. out ovoty ooo loo qotto ood ot hto loos. At tho out. port wo coho totho Admiral oloo woo amnion down." It Ito ooctho; proof that loot to "room thou lotion ’ ‘I IHO'IIIOI D. Lil-ff.- Th- “1/: in are at our church chum Ind his equsnimhy somewhat «Ii-curbed mo! Blah) wank-I by . Inge [ï¬nch “I can: In bio mouth will. In mm in us. and“. o! madman u boom-M mu- »! Mama. TI. Ind-vi woodman unpaid cm: gnu v mud In! an annual, Mb. m. Dom. Hm I. In! ion-14ml†may!!! ul- 1900! of II. M haul-pugs El- quoupnol flu Goy- “THE FLYING DUI‘QIILYIAN.†DflMlNWN PARLIAMENTQ MUS HM)! SLEEP BY VITBIOL Among lace importation no elogsnt nah meantime. They «how a "ï¬lled mum. and tbxough the middle of the “brie are 1min "ripen about a ï¬nger wide ond ulna upon each miss. The goods on of exquisite quality, about twenty-tom: inch" wide. and come in 10 yard pieces. They nun he mind as soaks: 3: know, may be imaged at gnotred. or out in flahnxlpoinu. Au “quinine tan and is in! ht. highly polished atiokn inhid with acid. be 1m in at whim gum. hund painted in bird and ï¬nal design. over which is a tick no. cover, the painting through with cunning tï¬c‘“. The top is ornamented with a very odd heading 0! small enrich leathers. over- lapping each other in the mo" unique "MAIN“. College commencement dreeeee will he very gen-ally of lace this your. One model snows the winners Blip of white numb, the but out of! a little helow the weiat line. end lull breedthe of silk gathered in none to hen; greeelully over the tournure. At the foot of the skirt mm are three bin rules about t ï¬nger wide. put on very ream end with e cord M the top. The burly ol the dress in patiently plain. out square neck and wilhout eleevee. A pleating of lens is eat in the neck and Around the Arm-holes. The overdreea ol flan val net has 5 ï¬nance hall a yard deep sat around the bottom, above which are tucks that reach nearly to the weiet line. The lace waist is out without darts or back tonne and gathered into a belt and ï¬nished ch as &‘ ihe ihrcai wrih is standing ruehe. The elbow sleeves of lace are tucked around the arm and ï¬nial ed mtha fall of lane and bows of white metre ribbon. A how at the Rumble set M the ride (I ihn throat. A wi-Je moire aneh in tied in a large how at the bank, fastened to a belt else of moire ribbon. Long white hid gloves will be worn. and white booth with white silk eluchiDgs. The hand bouquet will be 0! English violeee end liliee at the‘wlley‘. A quaint mu. dun worn over I guimpo waist In white in undo of pink chambny, umbroiderod in White. A V13 on. out o! the top of each sleeve and in the from of the waist. and a place of blue ahamhny not in and ovstluoed with nan-ow white braid. The whole commits pretbily Ind product: a very stylieh eï¬ool. Black stocking! oom- ploï¬e the oqugump. Thou no natural objection undo to black any: or [has wining: “ tho mat on the score 0! an becommgnou 5nd Ioil. while crepe line or ï¬ve nurow toldl of whit. can or line. murmtnslod with a mu. bigot. “(may gagshotmy in ovuy wgy. BJWAO! Ilbboua ere um “voted as trimmings for airy waxing gowns. They are made with short (mt. very much fringed, and no arranged in mm: running manually or diagonally across the skin. or not here and there like butterflies smong the buluwa of tulle. has or cups. The ban son 0! :ibboa for the purpose in the glsco nasacnet, with pics! edge. his“ bright an satin. and can easily be hinged out, beeldes being ï¬rm enough to tom graceful lope. Only the but quullty should be chosen, and, though a simple trimming. his double enough to defy u damning-room emrh bane: mun floweu, either realor ntifloinl. u! some noun-nuns Inn-Eh! 5nd In" I raven noun u! what. Thou bodies: no on)! uninbzo tor Ilium flying. Moon or flu indignation â€sin-t him†him to: dooouflon: nun:- w hue pnu by. u more at tho innooonlo no noon on mininory nun should ho tolontod. Ind tho whole mono: depends upon Ibo Indus. who would rem" to won: them. Blouu bodlul to: young 31:]: no puma in from wd DI. bound in Ibo want. They upeu over an ambgoidared plague; _or on. While cotton embroidery in nil-ova: designs is anon anon colored Scotch gins. bums, 5nd also brown. dark blue. and garneiieavaa and damn on pole cram grounds. American nphyn nnd ginghnml are much floor in tenure and more bond- srmely calond than ever baton, ond no ahowa in “ripen. "Mikado" designs. and embroidered puttarna in bone. The gay intan colors on nine brought on! for indiu’ morning gownu ond to: children's dun-u. On oho'nbraya embroidery snags-tin of South Remington is seen. and applique: tffaoia ore niao introduced. Nun-o. nonunion tony inohu dug come in porpoudieulu mum man from an can of th. nouns. upward. u: two- third: at the way sown tho width. The, on in mm can vary huvy. and olluu «93er um sn_d gum... For the cool days at aummerghort. (may wraps of oolcrad velvet will be worn of golden brown, marine blue. Rum“ groan nnd b1aok.tbe backs ad from: out bin, than doing away with darts. while mu “loving me mnntlr to m the torn elm! . Many of there no edged win: he I matching the color or the 9mg mntorm. Some 0! the meal expensive of r our army gurmantl hsve large dolmun Iluvu mud. ot velvet-striped “amino, broohe rm. or ï¬gured gran-dine. wrought with bands. and edged win; lug: slag hegdrd. Embcolduy be. will low I conspicuou- pun at how ton-u. beâ€: 1:: Nut. and um“. Ch- work I. done on In lino or not. and «blind with mull all. in uncut uhndu. to much tho In: which .150 com» in colon. DUNE! DIIIIII A! A DIALL OUTLAY. Ono whim drool for oho summer muy be moda on do the duty of than or tour. an woollen goods. such on nun'a veiling. ouhmera. cups cloth ond fltnnol, u the on: be worn n full drool ooouionl on use for the one“. A young lody [ho In: I» dual of not! vim. nonhuman hu mode a opp»: lit. a dilount gown on «up! coco-lion». ,Thg 35m FABHIONH FOB LADIES. Nun-t Dosin- m laminar-y and Headgear. I Turn b‘uk nun bone“ m looping. i of "flow at! block "In! an “up ‘5“ ram. Ln Von- ol chm pique my in math no bone a . who. upon... A ml d it. Inn-dd win In» Mr. Narrow um- mhhflmflflm Up On! Mon to h womhmomm mm M Tu math nther (all m! in ï¬nish-d shout tho edge with I. nut" planting, Ind than is . phin. spronhont outdrm. banflsnt buck dnpuy 3nd 3 buquo mud. mthavut buttouirg on both udu. In thin tuition aha nun I. on tho strut. com-times with bigot Velvot collâ€, MI. halt and bows. At 3 "cent dmnn- nty sh. removed the mt and allcdlu the tout with 0mm: not. mm! but th. slant 3nd edged than: with hoe; ind for-ball dun aha covered the front with I ynd o! doop Orient“ has 3nd and. I um. poirtod 3nd deoolleto Wit 6! whit. valvatlflb t Rnhbonl than have becom- hdod sud mud mould be plmd in 3 Main 0! wan nonpuudn. und um I» lull-hour or ID am out without wringing. wnppod Inly abonuboulu sud um until dry. My winhnlmon .0 good u now it o! In quglity. _A_I A4--- __- A, L- ' Baku.- o! whit. ouhmou m to ho worn on: a»: skin! um nun-I Md win he lonnd vary useful. Dunn should mm In turned on on. wrong mdo baton hung!“ up. u “an old- tuhioxml onion "in No. tho no boon.†drop-t, now won. Bum should be hut-a on mooning boon. no on. they at and on m“. > Bed-"pawl banana 3nd I». Ibonld In “run; on win and than and to tho MID um: all or strong 09!â€. Tho high orownod mm In†whims!- mw Iflmn an "hand '0', simply M plum, win: . roll of nlm a nun am tho crown. .156 km b1“ u! (mum nr “'19: um nda our the Inâ€. A or (who: pay ha “036. _ MM