Such as Teas, Tobaccnes, and Sugars. than i have over offered before, MI want to clvar them all out to make room for another line of goods. ,It will be. to ynur interest to call and get my pI-it'es lwl‘m-e purchasing else- where. All kinds of produce laken in exchange for goods. The highest price in cash paid for all kinns 0t Hides and Felts. Cash paid for eggs. :23" Ten and Tobaccoes a. special- ity. 5 lbs. of tea for 800., and all other goods in proportion. Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, and all kinds of Croékory and Glassware. I can give you betttm- has-gains in all kinds of (}I'()ceries Such as Pai’ls, Pam. &c., and will sell them cheaper than they can be bought elsewhere. [I have also a general assortment of 1 0m now prepared to offer you am kind- of goods cheaper than you have ever bought. them before for cash or ready pay. I hsve j ust. ordered a full supply of f 7 ï¬ENT STORE Change of Business. Intending pnrohneeu can inspect in nrnmemu at the residence of Mr. Ron All inetruments gum-unwed for 5 you» w Agency for the sale of the Gen- uine N. Y. Singer Sewing Macbineu, which will he said at $2. and $3. per month instalments. A guarantee will be given for 10 years, with each mach- ine. Consult your own interests by culling on J:.a. Rosa, beï¬uuwrchasing an you will ï¬nd b'm prices right. Ali Instrument: and Maghiues as reg-ren- ented, end satiufmticm guaranteed. Sold on Easy Installmint Plan ï¬Sevond-hund Pianoa and Organ: A. ï¬m‘clun Orgm for .75. uludly sold for $l25. J AS. ROSS. ‘Itmxarsville, March 81st, 1885. SPECIAL OFFER is agent {or the III? II the belt Am orican and. Camdhn ANNOUNCEMENT. D'Agem for the Canada Permnnem Loan and Savings Company of Tun-onto Taken in Exchange. Having bought out Mr. Rosa' TIN‘VVARI‘I. JAS. ROSS NOTICE. SPECIAL D. Wiltse. HHS ORICIï¬AL DOCUMENT IS 'I‘HE FARMERQ‘VILLE REPORTER. IQ,0rJer Endyâ€˜ï¬ Manuacmred by Gsoflnms, Gunman. Avoid Delays. WILL BB 5311' FOR Unless Ordered. HARBOWS B. LOVERIN as no Implements KAUFMAN’S SPACE â€"-is Agent. forâ€"w om o M m on W AUCTIOI BILLS J mumâ€" CULTIVATOBS. COLLARDB‘ wâ€"and‘r‘ Box 37, Farmersville, Ont. New Boots 4:. Shoes. New lot 280t Tea Bent yet. Farmersville - â€"-- -- "aDelta. A. PARISH & SON. New Cottons. Ducks, Shining: 856 NEW SPRING GOODS, Fir-t Consignment pt DON 'J T FAIL TO SEE THEIR AT STORES OF 3N VERY'PQOR CONDITION ’ LOVERIN. IUOTIOIEEI In: a! You... MC". ID 103 ‘1'.- The county newspsper is the most useful and least oompemted of’all the agencies which stsmp the impress: of progress upon villages’ end inlsmi cities. Without the sid of lode} news- papers loesl towns are, as ‘a rule. thriftless and dead. It is eomxpon for small great men to speak With con. tempt of the local news spars, but the village newspaper me as more grem men out of less materielâ€"duo†brick: without strawnthan any other fwtn in polilics, and it is ,0 one ladder 01, which men climb wise-31 distinc ior as the beginning of wider fame. Tl,- advent of the local newsps er 1m always dated the increesed th ' of th- community. The local newspaper i: the life ol‘the locality, and the meuun of its support, ss 3 rule. measures th: advancement,“ the people. Notwonl‘ subscribe but pay for your loos] new. papers. They are friends and he]; mat-es at all seasons. “ Yes. sub, I does. Elm-y time de bimeu manger kicked me 6:- ouï¬â€˜ed my ears. when he run mad. he felt ash-med ob hie-elf arterw mi gub me a quarter. ‘ I'ao done 1 enough money “ready wid din heat foolish- ness about. hurtin' my feelin'n. . “ EfI got no kicks, I’ce grime: quit.’_’ “ Are you crazy ? Do you wunt to to be kicked and cufl'ed about 1‘" “I ordeted him hot to kick you again. I don't allow nnythin of flint kind in this establishment. intendw that no one shall hurt your feelings, Uncle Mose." “De bixneu manger, Mr. Whitn, hns not kicked me in do last twu muut'a. Not oneohu he kicked me wid his foot." ' “1' se gwinterc’ uit. I huto look up anoder 1309,3110 aid to bu om player, Jon Ingle. I wealthy ‘1Ԡchant. at “What’s the tumor with yOu. Uncle Mose 1’" Some northern people in: 'ne that the southern African in“ l of pH uoual pride none of Fonimoro Coop era Indiana. Uncle Mono, of Auntie.) is not one ofthat kind. “ How did he get, the pcth broken out ?" I allied. “ 0 be used to lay on the lounge and pinch the bsb '.| on with the nippen till the neigh rs came rush â€A- _ .. A-___-A - n..-) H in'g'in and trampea' a loud. I! Putin? [any h “ He wu ve lay, Mr. Partial," aid old Mn. on... “ I "mu-t In} my ï¬rst husband tn 5 very lazy nun." ’ " How lay was he?" I Inked. “ Well, he wu no luv. Eliâ€"Mr. Jones was so In than. he wouldn't shov_e_l a path to t a front gage}: tad-tumble ' numb whet yourundc And u you don't. help no. my lv hum-A nun-nu.- Dov. 0. no. how you chum. Om you unly don" float-n: 'ulumh ny moo-I nut: :00 Sun. luau: Datum-you. you What- hchnlu you. 22...... “32.22.5212?" ma“...- It out} Uncl- Iou’l Icon-0o n. has W ‘l'ho Country Papa--