Last Saturday afi ernoon a young mun named Halef', from near Toledo, drove into the vi lage, leaving a team, (a span of ï¬ne looking" and s irited young horses standing unhitc ed it front of Fin er’s' blacksmith shop while he stepped inside. The horse.» got frightened at something and made a lively run up Mai‘n St. Every- body ran and everybu-ly hollered " whoa.“ \Vhether under the sooth- in}; influence of the “ whous," or from mme other cause, the team Wm; ï¬nally httllt'wd near the hay scales. To Dairymen. We understand that Mmsrs. Anson “ taloman and \V. T. Shark-tun. ul’ld‘ llcilu, have been ï¬tpointcd agents for d‘ a ï¬rm in New England. with uttthority L» purchase all the calf and dcucun s-Jns they can secure. They huVe :wuwl a well-written little circulat- ¢ wing l'uli directions as to taking 011' at I n1 . . . ll ‘ml uttrcmg 0t skms, and agree tut," |~'l\' from 5 to 15 cents eat-ll more furl w wfms taken care of as directed than 1 b1 ‘1‘ these taken off in the old-thshiouetl l \'i ‘ilmhud manner usually practiced by g u; 1-... many duirymcu. They will haw ; w . mirage!“ in nearly (wary school ; \l . ‘L v. I "3110!) m the county. John \\ lltso , , arts the cash to pay for all offered in 'lns section. ’ ( 2H '1‘ :JOLIHHOdflCiOD of the village and sur- rounding cctmtry. Such an institu- Iim would be a boon to this aeolian of the country, and one that would no doubt be of great H‘ncllcal value to the community. e hope the rumor is. 'correct. A Eunvny. Tenders Wantedâ€"B. Laval-in. N ext Waek ~Delormu \Viltw. Notice-Jamés Ross. Special Anuouncemnt «James Bo“. Election of Ofloou. A portion of next Friday eveuin will be devoted by the Literary an Mmical Aasooistion to the election of ofï¬cers. A short program will be presented. . Illicit Whiskey-3011133. Constables Sly and Coon, of Morten. puwcd through town on Monday, hav- lug in charge Mrs. Milton Jones, sen- tenced to3 months at hard labor in it... vommon jail, for the 3d offence of \t-lllng liquor without license. A Private Bunk. There is a rumor" going the rounds nt the town that one ot'our most solid‘ ï¬nancial citizenl intends shamingw a private bank for the bt-neï¬t and ac- Walk- lliol‘s rebellion in the North “'eet usauming alarming lproportional. l Friday last, a (lemclunent of 100 umtod pullce :md abnuL_40 civilliuns alwir Way to Fox-thzu-loton, Wurq ‘L l»y-200;rclu-ls and a ï¬ght annual u lm-h two poliuenmn, 4’10 .vivilliuns l u number 01' rebels were killed, .l 11§pnlice and Civillizms wounded. u' m\.\'.~ ut'the battle created intense Moment, and menï¬nd supplies are in: shipped as rapidly [as possible 'lm wenc of the rebellion FARMERSVILLE IN!) VINIITY. ill:- ‘b‘ut '1' wn. pox-tor av. our! tum Anvnrnnxufl- h t 0 I nu: "02:4- THIS ORIOINAL DOCUMENT IS IN VERY POOR CONDITION East. who invited'him to his room: at the hotel to see some ladies purport- ing to be relatives of the sup ed friend. Here he was di-ugge(,ond remained uueonueious for 24 hours, and it is sup tested that the pug); re- ferred to wished to obtain pita. anion of some Valuable papers. relating to u back pension and soldier‘s claim to which the Captain was entitled for services during the American civil war. It seems that after his recovery from the efl'ects ot' the drugginzz, lu- went to Independence (11 small village about 10 miles from Kansas City). Here his body was found suspended in such a manner as would lead to the supposition that he had committed suicide; but the medical eerflcate which accompanied the remains stated that death was caused by striehenine. In conveisation with parties who viewed the body at Ogdensburg, we learn that the features were very natural, and no abrasion or discolora- tion of the neck was discerttuble. Their theory, audiwe believe 211,3 cm- rect one, is that utter revoverlng from the efl'et-t ot'thedrug administered at Kansas City, the Captain Went to lllr dependence in Et‘itl't‘ll ot' the party above referred to, or else bud been intlm-etl to go there, “hen a further dose was adlllllllSJ‘l't‘tl that produced death, and. the body placed in the. position found in order to make it appear that it was a casemt‘mtiuide. llis store was broken into on the night utter his death, which is another link in the chain that lends tothe ln-liet' that it «lurk and terrible crime was committed. \Ve learn that n brother, Stiinley Johnson, intends visiting lititn‘ttï¬ City with :1 View to unmwlliug the. dark mystery that overhangs the lust days of his brother. \“e lnii'e been pm‘mittt-d to copy tin» loilowing letters \"lllt‘ll throw some additional light on the matter, as well as showing the reepat't and esteem in which Capt. Johnston was held in illissonri :- I Kansas City, Mo., March 2'2, 1885. S. A. Tuplin. Esq , F‘armcrsvitle, Ont. DSAR Sta,-â€"â€"l wirvd you this afternoon nt'thcdeath 0f Capt. Riley Johnson by sutciile. There is no doubt that he met‘ his death by his 0w“ hands, a'il the ('auso,we think. will bear investigatirm. It would seem that them have been {11". Has watching his muvvmunts for aqt‘dn timu. I think it was Ftidziy he met afnau on the street who ’lives earl, uwyb * Ug- densbmg or in your neighborhood. ' "hey, Mn. Thou. Has an die'd on Tammi) cwning. funeral on Thuruduy It 2 p m Sootuneml noros 'lhe Elbe cheese howl-y till mm on April 0th with oVer 660 cows, being over 100 in addition to law year. «Last week We gave in our obituary‘ column n brief account of a few inci- dents in the life ot‘tbe law Capt. Riley Johnson, little thinking that We would be called upon this Week to give‘ some painful revelations eon~ 0.6?“le the calming scenes in his life’s drama. From letters received by his friends it appears that he kept a small confectionery and cigar store at Kan- sas City. Mo. A {cw days before his death he was called upon by a sup- posed forum acquaintance from the 'I‘IIE F'A [IMFERSIVIYJI‘E "'41: u sumac P lw’ Simeon Lovorin's family are :lfliic- (YI‘IUEJJï¬wing dispuspd “f my bed with that much-dreaded disease, Sturv Busing-S t0 Mr. I) Janna ‘cliplhq-ria, “l preeent. l Willsv. 1 ‘lukc this opportunity 08' l We understandjc l“ the intention 011 thankng my pan-0115 for the liln-rul ,lG-N- Yuuug to build '1 “'lUg'Oa-UW'pulmnuge m'cm-(lvd me during the EWest of his blacksmith elmp this gem. past six yvars. I would “1‘0 imimutc l iug summer, to be Used as u gmcer; l mu: all accounts duo the. lulu ï¬rm of E-‘W‘I'O- “C“!‘gt‘ has bad 501Ҡ(‘Xl‘t‘fl’l Russ & \antso. and also due Jan. lions, lmu'u in the, luminess, m a trustworthy; \h‘sr ho settleJ A1- Oxcg or (’qsla at ll-llmv, and no doubt will give goml I court will be added. lsillhfm'liull. He says “ small pwtitsr JAMES RUSS. luml quick returns " will be hismoth. 134.44. â€Death has chap-en one more from our midst in the personot' Oliv‘er Moore, who died 01' cmmumption. The whole neighborhood dwply sym. pnthise with the bcreawd family. The second letter is addressed to Mr. Stanley Johnson, Ogdehebm g. and says :â€" Will you please Inform us in what can- ditiontho retnninsof Capt. Riley John-on reached Ugdenaburg and through what source you learned oi his death. There seems to be a myltety hanging over the cuuseofhisdeath. There is no doubt that his mental faculties were de anged. 'l‘he came I am investigatinr. Should you desire, in the near iuture. i will write you more fully. It would not be Well to: the woundrei (from the East) to put in an appearance at this place. Any man who will entice an old and respectable gentle- man into a room and then drug him deo senses to be shot down on the spot. Mr. Johnson wan in my employ for eighteen months, and one year of the flute made his home at m house. During his four years stay in .C. he made no enemies, made a host of friends and not one of them will admit that Mr. J. has ondvd his the In his ï¬ght mind. ' ' ' We are pjensvd to learn lh'ut Mr. Thomas Smith has recovered frmu his rcwm illness. Richard Stuï¬'old and Chris Young are luumng up homes. The) puwed thmugh here on â€'llIIIIsdIIy with a: mu; line brown home phoy pIIIclIaSId t'Iom Mr. Jnhn Scum. at Kurby, 8 Camera. All who have bonus to sci] would do Well to give them a call, as they are competent, judges and [my good prices. _ H 1.1-- , Mr. Albert Forsythe has a colt ten months vld, which he challenges any- thing in the united countigs tqrbuat. u all evonu; were epqueinted. This utrenger in our city muted old Mr. J. up to hie rdom to meet his wife. Atter reaching the room. Mr J. um introduced to two ladies, gurporting to he the dnugh- ters of Capt. inns. Shortly after thnt some beer wu ordered up and Mr. .I. induced to drink with them. Within 30 minute. he was unconscious. and when, he came tonll of the ring had left. Mr. J. did not awake in ‘24 hon". It II the opinion of many here that the object of the young man was to secure some Valuable papers front Mr. J. relatin to uimetluug’ ol the net. This worried t re old man and no don t he became temporarily deranged. The rerntine are being held until some- thing can be heard from his relatives or friends. Ono, Mr. O’Dell, formerly 8f Farmersville or Brockville, gave me your name and suggested that I write to you-r Mr. J. has been in Kansas City four year: next May. Two years olthietime he has been with my family. We all, and also many others, become warmly attached to him, and MM: do not hear from his relu- tives or friends, We will not allow his re- mnims to go to the potlur’s field. f‘lm body hurl, I believe, been embalmed and could be sent to his old home ii an ordered. Am ‘ obliged to close this hastily to enable mel to mail tovuight. .u. .., l (70 (VJTT l" and olhfl' I TEJIS. Groonbush. I} I6 I’( )n'I‘ICR. W. W. Raulw. Sold on Easy InstallmEnt Plan is qgehz for the salexlfthe best Am cricau and Canadian wsevond-hand Pinnoa and Organs A ï¬rst-class Organ for $75. usually sold fur $l25. Imomlin: purchasers can inspect in strluucmu at the residence 65' Mr. Ross. All luau-alumna guarantoéd for 5 years @Aguncv fur the sale 01 the Gen- }:iflc N. Y. Smger Sewing Muchims, which will beenld at $2. and $3. per month inqnlmvms. A guarantee will be given for 10 yeurs, with each maul» ine Consult your own inlerests by calling on J. 3 Ho»: before purchasing as you will‘ ï¬nd his prices right. All Instruments and Machines as repws- eutecl, and salisl'mninu guaranteed. SPECIAL OFFER Furmersvillo, March 81st, 1885. FOP SHIN. Au Organ, in good re- pail. (Jumpuratiyely new and (heap. I‘ or terms and inspection in quire of J. H Blackburn. 3 w-l‘l. Pianqs & Organs- ( 'Ult. V‘Illl for E I '1313 I'll () D l ‘ 03%“:th for the Canada Permmwm Luau and Savings Company of Toronto ‘ In Farmerwille. Plans sud Spt‘ciflcutious‘vcan be seen at the .ltcwrter Ofï¬ce. 3" The Lowvat or any tender not av- ccptcd unless satiut'austay. . 7 CENT STORE. 011 Holiday April _6th,_ 1886. A PRINTING OFFICE TENDERS lNNOUNcEMENT. JAS. Ross Delorma. Wiltsa Taken in Exchange. his add. will appear in this space will be received up to 7 P. M. NEXT WEEK. having bought out. the for ihe Greatiou of SPECIAL B. LOVERIN. Mrs. I. Al-guire. JAS. ROSS.