"\'( )1“ II. l‘rotmlonu and balloon and: of one Inch npuoe and under. put year than dun-rs. Edttorlol notice: In Ion] column the vent- er Hue for fll‘ltluuuttlun and three cents -r mu for own uubwqucnt Inset-nun. A llml ed number of adveruwmvnu inwrlcd at Ipuuiul rules. Advortiwmmns unmet-mu anlt-d by writtvn inï¬rm-Hun will Miuwrw uulll for- Inglqu charge-d cordinxly. 'I‘hc Hummer umue ls .uppllud with atom] vqutpmcm of poster m; well as ï¬lm Job 13;)». In Inuqu every Wednusdny at (he once. V10- Wfll “rook bunnuruvmc. Tel-um. Tin-cm» per year In advance or in» it not puhl within six months. No ï¬nlmrs discontinued umll an rï¬kï¬raré pui'd v VWMVUCVVVQQJVVVU vvvvvvvvv' THE R E PORTER houzw and started towards Lymlhurst. Browu and Arnold «flirted in pursuit, and when near Conwll-‘s Hill, they met Mark returning accompanied by a young man mmwd Freeman; A lively scuffle ensued for u tb€v mu- ments, Mark resisting arrest, and Freeman pitrhing inm Arnuhi. They were, however, mam quieted and brought, on to Farmersvillc. Saturday at l p. m. was ï¬xed for the trial. and when the hour arrived the worn hull was packed by an «mm! crnwd aux ions ,to learn the result; Justices Lovcriu, Wight. and Alguim were the dimes! a .nurder. nmuvm MWEICIN. Publisher and Proprieto r HHS ORIGINAL DOCUMENT IS Inch residing magistrate». Mr. Mulveus eing awmu. deposed to the effect that on Fiiduy hut, M‘u'k (salute into “Ia mom, striking him and kn mking him down and kicking him ubuuu the lumi and body, uhm assaulting and' beating his wife ; that Mark then went into his own pariut‘ the house. when he (Mulvenu) lutede the door by placing a small bur avuinnt it; that shortly niieiwuvds Man broke in the door and again waited Mulvonii and his wife. Dr. Cornell, on heingl sworn, aid that he had oxamined‘ Mr. Mulvcna professionally. and found him badly out about; the taco and head ; did not examine hin body ; did not Consider the injuries on Mniwnn dangerous. At. this stage. Constath Brown served a wai-runt dn Mark, charging him with mmmitting an ug‘ griu'utcd and malicious assault and battery upon the person of Mrs. Hugh Mulveua, with intent in 'do grievous bodily harm. Mark was at once ‘plziccd on trial for this ofl'cuce. Mui- ‘ venu'n testimony was again taken and 1 was substantially the same as in his ‘uwn «use. Dr. Cornell being culled istatcd that he had examined Mrs. l Mnlvmm and found :1 li'act‘c of the ishouldcr lmnv, also that the hip bone 'wua broken ; did not ï¬nd any bruises .ori hei- person, excepting Some on her lint-e; considered her case dangerous, lowing to her advanced age, but ltlmught that with the very best ol'czirc . . . . . . Dflv ,, Flu: might mcoveg, Mark admitted the assault and battery, but claimed Lhutit was under very dggmvming cucumstanues. 'l‘hc magistrates, at (or hearing all the evidence, decided tlmttlrcru Was sufliciunt' to warrant Mark’s r-mmp’ntnl, nud he was accordâ€" mgty s-m m Juli to await his trial. mnlulm HI “I \V' .‘n h'.‘ primn- v.- rur [: “g, I nll‘ 5 [I in. d saiely DEAR Sm,-â€"â€"I was much pleased t6 notice by the lust. is=ue of the ll!!- rum‘xn that )uu' haul Lulu-n up \lw qucauuu "of ï¬re prulcuiuu,‘ and I must. that you will stick to 'yum' text uulll ’_\(m suu'cud .in ilnpr...~.-ing upnn the minds «:1 thou) murestml tlw m-mnxq'y nl' (luing Swim-(lung mmn'd pron-01111;; our beautiful. and t‘iulvin; \Illage 1mm the .rzu'uges of meme, licud. 1 would like to bee-out city x'mlwrs take the matter up, and have an estinmm prepared 01' what it wuuld cost, to 111“th the necessary water supply, and purchase and equip agood haml engine. \Vc do nut realize the risk we run Mr aunt of Home organ- iZed system 0f ï¬re protection;- But shnnld the ï¬re hulls call us out some. night tn witness the uuoumulmion of years,to the extent of several thous- and dollars, go up in smoke, then would daWn on our minds the truth ol the old snying,’thnt we had been penny wise and pound foolish. AL 7’0 Idilor a] The Reportâ€. biucercuding‘your article on the ant-rsville, \Veduvsday: April I, Inn-$5. Ir\\;; ‘| Ill him |. HI Fire Proud ion. Mm) assaulting and that. Mark then went "1‘ the house, when stoned the door by I‘IIH Mr. Mulwua IN VERY POOR CONDITION above subject. I wrde n representa- tive of .soverql of our losdin insur- ance compiï¬el, uking III“ 9 act the purchase ot'n hand engine would have on our (hit? of intent. Hia reply was that Furnwmville wnuld be clawed E imtoud ot I“ an at present. It would him be nun-h copier to get inlumnco place-d, and companies would carry heavier lines. , By referring to the‘ tin-ill, I ï¬nd that to be classed E will‘ reduce the rates f par cont., OI 82.50 (m everyeï¬lfltlfl ot'insurance curried. ‘ To one at our business men carrying 85,000 inunrance, it menus a saving of 812.50 yearly, which I nut Mll‘e would at good deal more than pay his share of the Cost of an engine. Since the new turitl‘ (same in force, 1 haVo found it very diï¬ioult to get insurance plut‘uil, even at the present high rates. The largest amount any company will Curry in the business portion of our village is 82,000, and that. only on ï¬rst-class risk! ; third and fourth Tcluss, not more. than $1,000, and some lnot more than 8.500 ;â€"â€"-and all because we have no tire protection. limping this important matter will receive the attention it merits, I will not intrude further On your valuable space. Libn‘ty is a. line thing. \Vhat 'wovld We be here in Canada if we had not civil, )mlitical, and religious lilr arty ? Folks on the other side of the St. anrmwc make. a great. sprezid on the 4th ol'July and or. like occasions, and their oruLm-s cxlmum the vocabu- lary of the Engliah Inngnagatoï¬nd eulo riutic and melodious epithets with whirl] to decorate the tahriue of their imaginary goddess. Well, I used to think it was all very ï¬ne, and that trlu- political. lilwrly Li llwre only to be found in its purity; but ul‘tel‘a while 1 found out llmt, it. was “ not all gold that glitters," and that there was far less liberty under the Stars and Stripcs llym nndvr the crow of Andrew and St. George ;»â€"â€"that April 2, 1885: 1 Y ' “ ’I m. Andrew a’nd St. George ;-that Hch was Homcjhing mom powm'f‘ul lmn constitutions and Declarations of llidopumirncc ;~â€"â€"lhat there was some- Ihmg which ignored the sublime wuchings of that immortal document, wuchings of that immortal document, and sustained a system Mike a curse m the gnvumcd and the governor» ()m- of its mndamenml principles, and one constmnly heralded from 'lumtings um! pulpit and lerture mom was the “ Equnmy 01' all men and thmr nglh.‘ to certain inalienable privileges," life, lilierty and the pursuit 0f happiness, yet at. the same time over four hun~ 1 (In-«l thousand 01 her children were} living under one the moat mfernal'aml, drgruding systems of slavery the won-H ever saw, and their owners sus» tuinod in‘ its maintenance and sup- purl by a government which pretend- ml tn be the embodiment of true, lmlili 'nl liberty and equality. Thm again, “ the right of free .spccoh." It Liberty. It†["11th ’ v". â€".. om that. it. was " not all ï¬tters,†and that there iberty under the Stars ham unde the cross of JAMES. :u'nwrsvillv. system, 5:13 M arch 3â€. M'RT (T! [R