Lakes and Islands, Times Past

Farmersville Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18840522), 18 Feb 1885, p. 1

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V014. 'I'l. Iowa over Wodnudny at the once. Vic- tor“ Itmt. amen-wine. Term 76 cent; per you In “value or two it not pal within six months. No you alumntluuod until all mantra d. Professional gm! bunineu card. at one inch ‘ um sud under. per year three doiium. Editorisl notice. in 1000.1 column live cents rliue for antimrtion und three oeuta [an no fur each subsequent insertion. A limi d number of advertuemeuu iuwrwd in. upeciul um. Advertlwmanul unucoom unicd by writwn instruction. will be low unul for-- bid and charged local-dimly. The Reporter (mice in suppllpd withasood equipment. of poowr us well In line Job type. BETHUEL LOVERIN. Publisher and Proprietor. THE REPORTER We regret to say that recent dis- patches from the Soudau confl‘m the truth of our paragru h Inst Week, which announced tbtt lmrtonm had been mutured by tho' Mahdi, and General ordon killed by u truitorous techs. . - . Under date of February 12, Wol- eeley telegraphe from Korti as follows; After the British had completely eur-a rounded the ememy‘s position. about seventy miles above Mernwi, on Tues- day morning, Earle commanded the Black \Vnteh Regingent to carry the works at ,the point of the bayonet. The _Regiment responded gallantly. The pipers struck up and with cheers: the men moved forward with a eteadi-l ness and valor wlp'eh the enemy were unable to withstand, and which called forth expressions of "(imitation from Earle. From loopholes in the enemy's works ritle pnth shut out con» tinnonnly, but the lilo k ‘.‘.~'utrl: Le-pt bravely ttdvaneing. They sealed the ditiieult rocks in their path, and drove the l'Ll|t‘l.\‘ from their po-ition at the point of the luyonet. Unhappily, ‘ztrle fell at this point as he was lead- ing the ti-Oops to victory. Meanwhile the cavalry pushed beyond the scene of conflict and enttured the enemy's camp three miles below this. The manoeuVre was accomplished before the Black \Vatch carried the main position. \Vhile the main attack was. being conducted tWo companies of the Staffordshire Regiment were di reeted to seize a high rocky hill which Ambriflemen Were stoutly defending. The B i ile sprang boldly to Work, but the enemy ' clun desperater to the posilim, and isputed the ground "It'll by inch. The Stafl'ordsiiire men drove the enemy from the hill. This brought the battle of Eli Krlieknm to at clot-«3. 600 Aruba were killed in this battle. The Rebels luy dead in heaps. The number who escaped from the field was very small. A copy of an ofiicial document. atl- dreseed to “ the faithful ” by the Mah- di, has been them! in a deserted Arab camp near Dulku ls‘nnd. The (loco. mth states that the Prophet- took Klartonm by storm on the 261i: of January, that he had killed the traitor Gordon and eaptured his steamers. The B'itish war omcc still ht'liOVe Co'dott to he safe at Khartoum. THE REPORTER; THE EGYPTIAN WAR. THIS ORIGINAL DOCUMENT IS IN VERY POOR CONDITION 1i Knliekymlo were killed in "inane-ravine, VVednea-sday. F‘ebruary 18, 11585. The high school entrance regu‘a- tioun htve recently been revised by the education department with I View to secque increpsed efficiency on the gun of both public and high' schools. be following is a synopsis of the changes: I The subjects ofoxamination remain as before, but the detnils under some of the heads have been altered. In Writing, a special paper will be set of a practical nature, and marks will be assigned on most of the other papers for writing and neatnesa. In draw- 3 ing, half the marks assigned to the subject may be awarded as the result of the examiners inspection of the candidate’s drawing book. Next ‘Jnly- the examination on history will be confined, n8 hitherto, tn the out- lines of English history. In subse- quent examinations the mltlinos of Canadian history are r('§(‘rib“d, in addition to those of Eng i‘h history g and candidates are expeclud to have a‘ general knowledge of how England, Canada and Ontario are governed. Tl, literature selections from the and Canadian wricsof renders these hitherto prescrihrd ; hut new ctions have been made from the old Ontario series. Alter December, 1885, the mlectiuna rvill he t‘rmn the fourth. ‘ ‘uk of the serie.~. of‘ readers new Lem“ prepared by the education- al department; some of‘ which selen- tinns will he chanced Cllt‘h half year. In reading, a general knowledge will he required of vocal txpt-t-ssion, with special reference it mnplmsis, inflec- tiymund pause. Tw- [mssnges for (Hu'll examination in tl.l-‘ suhjuct will hcselectml by tlw department, and thet-nndidntv will in addition he ex- pected in satiety tln,‘ vxmninoru thit he reads intelligently as m-il as intel- ligihly. ()l' the mar-ks “saigned for compasition, a maximum of :ilmnt one-third may he nwnnh-d on the papers in history and Englidh litera- ture. One feature nl'the regulations in regmd to the whim-ts nt‘examina- llflll i». that full details hm'chcen givm ol'the course to he. followed by the teacher. The values of the dif- {Front subjects are now as follows:- Reading:................................ 50 3Writing:................................. 30 OrthOgraphy and ()I'thm‘py......... 50 iLiterature...”............... . . . . . . . . . 100 Al'itlin1«_iti(-................... . . . . . . . 100 l l iGrammar....... ...... 100 orthography and uthdepy; but. thc papers will he an rrvustrugtwl that a As in the case of the fourth book and spelling paper {hr December. 1884, the value of ‘the correct answer to the quvstinns set (m each paper wil! exceed the maximum prescribed above, except in writing, rom’ling, and As beforv, one‘lhird mum of the marks on also required. Composition History...... Drawing Intrunco Examination. of the maxi vzwh paper is 100 100 100 '1 (N) well prepared dundidete mly obtain «be prescribed maximum within the given time. The objectot' the pre- ceding re ulation in to allow the de~ purtmenta examiner: to present a. greater variety of questions, Ind thereby to enable the candidate to show more readily than heretofore whether he is in a. condition to bene- fit b) a high ncbool course.â€"~NeWS. The Municipal Council of the town- ship of Rear of Yongc 3nd Eseott met in Hue town hell. Fermenville. on Saturday last. All the members prewnt. Applications from a number at persons for the oflicea of assessor null collector were read by the reeve.‘ Un“motion. A. W, Kelley was ap- pninted assessor at a salary of $45, and Henry Rowson c llector, at a salary of'$40. Amoti was carried onlming that the names of the town‘- ellipufiiocrs be published in the RE- mm'nm, and that the proprietor send a copy 'ot' the paper t?) (inch person named therein, in lieu of a. formal noun} by the clerk. A By-luw opening up a road allow- ance between lots 24 and 25in the 6th COncession, was passed. A Board of Health, comisting of R. E. Cor- nell, I. C. Al uire and Jas. Boss, to- gether with t o reeve and Clerk, were appnintcd for the township. T1108. Barney and A. Kincaid wene appuint- ed commissioners to superintend the road work done on road division No. 10. The sumof‘ $1.51) paid as POHd illx by Jun. Singulnu, h-‘o‘fi, u“ overseer of N that divxsion. The pointed motion . Ordered NU. RJ). EGEH‘P}»Siéi-‘+ 1!). Frederick Sikn‘Ill 0w.) "curl-on m. John K Redmond Kbnlor Wiltse l7. Madden Hewitt * Wellington Earl 13. Murine! Brown * G00. F. Uslmruu ‘ 19. Humor. Knvunugh F‘Ft‘FF‘f‘E Juhn Curse 21. lrwinM'iluic to. George anh :32. 134-111. Livingstone ll Alluorun Rnlwsnn :53. lidw'd Kuyc-s Funcm’mwmm. - .luhn Caren. Wm. Claw. Wm. Unborn *. UPIH‘KT' Slack, ‘Wm. H. Moul- Lon. H'ug‘ll S. Hulnu-s. ‘ ansnmcwvnns. [may Smith. A. C. Brown. .135. K. Redmond. Luis kink. Wm. (flow, Wm. Finlay '0'. Frank l'jm'mr. Edward Hult’ord. John Chamberlain. ROAD Sm“.'l~:w)na.â€" Horatio N. Hawks. Thomas Mmmon, Hiram llnlmcs. Smnnarisod accounts of township (-0 :nvil and Uniom‘ille Fair Associa~ (inn meetings always appear in the mlumusohh: Reporter. 4‘ “a. + Chm-loam" P. 0. FN‘IHL‘FSVHW P. U Extrmw I'mm By-law No. 807. passâ€" ed Feb. 14, 1885â€"~“ That. each ot‘the said nflir m-s hereby appointed shall on or hohm- the first, an.) of'Apnl nexn nitor tm- passing ol'thiu By-law make and ~hlmvrihe the necessary declara- tion ni'nflice." Wm. J. Earle John Dohm James Spence John Foster + ()wm lleilfron Klmlcr Wiltm: Wellington Burl Gm». F. Ushm'uu J AS (WERSEIRS or HIGHWAYS. 1U). lulcipal 'Oouncun following oflioors were ap- II. BLACK m‘RN, Tp. Clerk ‘l '2 DickaJ’. U. All (slut-m a, to be expended in TH 1:5 James Moultun icl‘a Hrolllnusw‘qflh w handed {0 «tin: F'mnk Pierce 8. The members of the county or ganization shall consist of the p‘rt-si dents of the tuwpship asaqcnagioxns. _ I - 4. That on asieociattou be formed in each and every municipality in “165w united counties, with officers COllslHl ing of chairman. Secretary and tron: urer; the membership of which may consist of all parties favorable to n Strict currying‘ out of The present license law. even though not totul abstainers. Members: to be olectul after the first meeting by ballot. 6. The funds of the township 0:" ganizatiou shall he mised by volui. tury contributions, (me half ot'whiv‘i slutll‘be paid over to the county or gmiizatiou to meet current expense. 6. There film he a= consultation committee 01' each appointed by t1”- couuty and township orgm1ization~: who shall with tho nfiicers havequ .cohtrol ol‘ull matters relating totlu- working of the usmwintion. ' On motion of" A. lV. Mallory. eeo‘xi bans. Bissell, the Following war.- nnmedus oilioere 01' the general a:- by Jns. . numodm socialion Pres., G. M. Cussctt,..... ..... Bruckvillu Viva-Pros“ Wm. Bennett, Spuncervilh- chr'y. Belhm-l lumen-in; Fannersvillé '1‘rcus.. Gm. R. Welntcr,”.Brockvillu Cnnsulmfion Cnmmittoe, John Rhoda» Hemun Sin-when}, John B. Mt-Ix - tnsln,‘ V. R. ‘ lurslmll,.(‘. II. ancl‘-. (in mmion, the secretary was in- structed to notify all vi,c(-.-p1‘eaidenta of the existing Scott. Act organiza- tions in the difl'm'ent. munici alitiex in in those united countien of! no action of this moming. and‘ank their 'vnrdml (-0 operationin thyming tnwymhip us- ('0 Operation .iil fivyrfiing 50018121011“. Econ dc! Won... BETHVFL anrnm, ny'qyu'i 111; . . N() 7 .v

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