Tailor and General Jobber. Fannoraville. May 21. Dry Goods. Ready made (‘10 hing. Hats 6: Caps. Boots & Shoes, Ru bars, and Ewrxtlaing found 111 a. Prices Lower than any house in Town, The subscriber, in returning thanks for the very liberal putmim re extended to him while connected wi h the ï¬rm of Ross & Wiltse, ho gs to infunn his 011 fliends and the public gene will) that he has )ust opened oiit a. nu_w __ _‘ -_‘ where he is prepared to sell all kmds qf Groceries and Provisions at First 01335 Store. THE HIGHEST ('ASI‘I PRICE PAID FOR 60. 000 lbs 01“ Giibdï¬zli i‘" a. "1>'1:i')"\'"i'fs"n'(.);\""'si‘o'iiié J. H. McLaughlin for Cash 01' Ready Pm‘. Look at these 8 IDS Sun?) for ...................... 25 The l)0§"f"l:t'u1uls of Teas from 25 to 40 cents per lb. Tobawcos at a great to (hR'tiun ALL K|N08 0F BANNED 00008. Farmersville. Muv 20th. 188%. prices and then judge f( 16 lbs good Musc'mmlo s 114.}; lbs G11111ul11ted 3113111 12 lbs P1111103 101 ......... 12IbsCu11unts 1'01 ........ 15 lbs Raisins for .......... PROVISION STORE. \Vlwrc he h prepare! m execute ul! Orders t‘lltl'ltsfwl to his care with neatncss aunl dispatch. Satis- faction] and m guaranteed. mShirls cutor made to order. G. \V. B0: Hum. Oatmeal. Commeal, Purk and LG‘d' always on hand. Brahms. Tubs and all kinds of Woodew ware kept in stock and sold at. the lowest prices. Tho highest prtct paid for Eggs. memlwr my {10min an all 1mm? frrsh. The undorï¬gnud bvgs lo nnnTmuoe to the inhabitants ut' Fm-mcuwille and the public. garnet-ally. ‘tlmt he has npmwd a Tuilm' Shup in the mums m‘er New Teas, New Fruits and Spides, New Tailor Shop ! in part of the. premises occupied by WOOL. For :1» Ohio»: Impcrutlonn o! N ew Grocery AN I) ’cople’s Store, 1025 Harsricve Rd.. Unit london, Ontario N61? â€â€™7 C. L. LAMB, Go to the DELORMA WILTSE. Alf. C. PYE. uv-h’s Store, for yourself sugar. .. $1 f6r.... TN 1 '1‘ HE IPA}? L‘IERSVILIJE RE I’OR'I‘EII. 00 00 00 00 0H ORIGINAL DOCUMENT «IS IN THE REPORTER. SELECTEB STOCK F U R N IT U RE Only 75 Cents a year} BLACK WALNUT. lilnn, Ash _& .‘Iaple. We are old experienced Mechanics and we do not make a speciality of any article. but of our whole business. [22? Remember we guarantee satisfac- tion to all; and if goods are not what we x'vprosmt them we. will: refund the money. Goods delivered to all parts of the town. Caskets, Cofï¬ns and Burial Robes : J . T IIOMPS ON Mrs. .108 THOMPSON, TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED HITS We haVe late-1y purchased ï¬n: ï¬nest Hearse in the County mu] having utall times a full stock of Our Prices are Moderate Dealer in Now ï¬nd Cheap ( n‘rli()CE [$1 1*] S &c., Including Sugars, Canned Goods of all kinds, 'l‘ubuccos, and Soaps. 1133011, Uncolored and Basket Fired Japan Teas. Fresh Oranges and Lemons constantly 111 stock. Our Grocexies will be fnund Good and Cheap Millinery, Feathers,~Flowers, & Ribbons, Flour 5; Tea 3 Specialty, m every Department, and we think. it will be to War advantage to 7:111 and see our Stockx We are prepared to attend to all' orders with promptnesa before purchasing elsewhere. In connection with the above Always ban on hand I lam md Subscribe for Has a )arge assortment of MAIN ST. FARMERSVILLE. With the Latest Styles in OF ALL KINDS IN H. H. ARNOLD ‘ Wmhmsday afternoon. while felling a true om the farm 01‘ Mr. Easterbmuk, wear (kmxplwllville, either the wholv «ï¬lm-1 of He tree struck and killed \Vm. Kay instantly. T-u-nly thoumnd copies «of the Svott Ar: minted in Fre’m-h. uml bearin: flxs- vndormamvnt of His Grace ‘he Archbishop, have been prepared um! are now being circulated in Quebec. GENERAL MI'IHUHA)†. MAIN ITRIIT. FAIMEWILLI. 1qu a Large and Carefully selected stock to which be invites The Inspection of lntondlng Pnrchtsors. Bargains in all Lines, His assortment of Scotch, English and Unuudinm 'l‘weeds and worsted Cuntingu are pronounced by â€I 8UPERIOR IN ST“; Mm QUALITY to any shown'iu town. (full and see us. we will be pleased to ahuw our goods and you will be more than pleased with the value we oli'er. . H. E ARNOLD ()im Lngun. a tannw. has dufaulted the Pit luu Bunk of $90 000 with the :Issiutflncu M the cashier of the insti- tulinn. qu per bu Oat-s “ Peas “ Barley “ Buckwheat I’arsnips. . . Apples. Lard ....... Tall0w Beans ...... All the important events of the: week on ding on Tuesday evening. It is foam! that peach and other ~n‘m31fauil truer: in Wusu-rn Ontario lmvo hm n damaged by the frost. IROGKVILLE MARKET REPORT. Butter. Roll per 1b.. Buttm, Tub “ .. Mutton “ .. Beef “ .. do per cwt .......... Pork per cwt ........ Hum per lb .......... Lamb “ .......... Eggs per doz ......... Hwy per ton ..... Pens ., ................ Hides per cwt........ Oninus per bushel.. Cal‘rntb (truffle) per Chickens per pair.. Geese ................ Ducks per pain; ........ Turke) s .................. Potatoes per bushel. Wheat, fall, per bush. as spring. at Rye per bush ..... .‘ ...... VERY POOR (‘OND l '1' I (W Particulmly at this time uu'he iu now ofl‘ering unprecuwutod NEWS OF THE WORLD. Brock: ilh’, Wednesday Frb. 4th, 1885. bush . 0 U7 0 24 12 0t) 0 75 6 00 0 29. 0 18 0 O7 0 10 6 00 6 25 Phgnc: (519) 686. I970 M‘lcr Hourv M70390 Heubcrt Gladstone. uddmsing a meeting at Leeds, said the fact could not. he denied that England was on the eve of a great crhis’. He had no misgivingi in regnrJ to the franchise, which wuuld have agreat effect in the future upon £he compmition hf polit- iml parties. He anticipated a renew- al ot‘the Crimea Act in Ireland, And its vigorous enforcemem. The most daring robbery ever com- mitted happened in H unil'on on Wed- nesday evening. Abom. nine o’clock two men stepped in front of Taylor’s jewellvry store, broke a pama of glass and abstracted about $500 worth of jewellery. Numbers of pa 10 were passing and a dozen saw a «fair, but. no one interfered. On Wedneaday, Wm. McKty, of Georgetown, dropped dud while curl- ing on tho rink. At St. John’s (Nfld.) Richard Hur- per, Michael Cody and seventeen other Catholics, charged wnh flue murder of the Orangemnn, Wm. French, on St. Supineu's Day, wen m-- quived. But they Were immediately â€committed, clmrged with the mur~ der at. the same time of the three others, Bray, Nichols and Calaban. A Kingston telegram uya:â€"â€"-On Thursday but a vault. at Sydenham was broken open and the body of the late John Wright who was 60 para old was stolen. Yesterday morning the body oi‘tha bate Mr: Keeley was missed from the vault. at. Rainton. The Montreal ice carnivd van in- mlgun'ed on Monday. The city is uvcrfluwing with 'Ilnngon. many Americana: being prwut. The grout. ice palace in an imposing structme. There is in the corner"! 1-, ofthe Burticuiuu-ai Gardens at oromo an American aloe flowering. It takes 60 to 70 years to reach maturity ac- cording to climate. The last one heard of at. maturity was in Rochester in 1879, when nearly 50,000 peoplu paid to see it. .i‘hirty-oue million dollars worth of gold was obtained t'mm mines in the Unitocl States last year. The proprietor of . fashionable skating rink in Boater: has been ï¬ned $50 and costs in we units. for refun- ing to allow colored men :0 slate in his establishment. The Licensed viotuallen of Stor- mont, Dundaa, md Glengury will enter a new action to tent in tle Supume Court the constitutionality nt'lhc ScOtt Act. A legal ï¬rm in Cornwall are now working up (Lo vale. ‘ It is intended to erect. a new bail-L ing for a Protestant or mung. in Guam: utncost. ot'$20,00 . There is at present 84.299 to the credit. of \hu building fund in the bank. The (ma! number of inmates in the home in 1884 was 88. Mm. Gram has given her cannon†Vanderbilt's proposition to «euro [8 me Government the perpetunl pone:- aion ofGenerul Grant’s wu relics and wuvsnirs of his journey round the worl . The expense incurred by Hunger- ford townahip. Hasungl, III tuning the Smallpox epidemic touched 89,000... 'l'he tmal number of ones Wua 205, of which 46 proved tau].