“ That sniï¬ deheutttrea shall be de- livered tn the truswcs uâ€) be appointed in manner directed by the Act incur- pora ing said l'niiWny company and . shall be held by them in trust in m in net directed by said Act, but neither the said dehfnturos nor any of them nor any of t 1e proceeds then-of «hull b0 paid over or trnnntbrred by said trusteus until the mid railway is~cmtr plotted through to the village of Wmt- port, nnd equipped and put in running t rdet' and attempted by the engineer, not unless work on the said ruilwa; be cmmnenced within twelve months after the passing of this By-inw, un-t Sot'tmlpleled to the village ot‘West. port within one year after the date of such connnencezqent, and if the said work is not commenced and comple- ted Within the said periods. than the said trustees shall hand back the szlid‘ debentures and all the coupons ther - t On to the said municipality. l “ A clause to the same effect. will be’ inserted in the bond required by the By law to be given by the railway company to the town of Ricekvillu ’ Voting on the Bonus By-ltm‘ will take place in B-ISHlYti and Burgess on Febr’y the 13th, and tit: By-iitw will be submitted in the near {inure to the mnnii'ipnlities of South Ct'nsiiy' Rear ot'heeds and Lnnsdowne, EilZAI-i bethtown, and Newlmm. We hope these municipalities will do their duty in this matter, and not, ~phiCe them- selves in at position antagonistic to the the progress and material presperity of the county. , The same questions will be asked and the some interest.» mins'dcmi in tlwse inunivituli insueli ith' imt'tl .‘tllliwi' ("l and tit-("i iwi ‘i: t-u ; l Snmc- «Ioubp having lu-en ex rem-ed as. to the rsiIWuy company satin.- fnith with glue municipalities with re- gard to the cunuuvncmnent, comple- tion, and (equipment of the mad, the solicitors of the company, Messing. Frnzvr amDReynuids, write as fol- IUWS‘.â€"â€" “In order to show the determina- tion of the Brnckville, Weslport and Sank Sie. Marie Railway Co. to [flu- ceed with the cansu-uction of the railway after the voting ot'the bonus- es, and the good faith of the promo- ters ot'the mummy, it has been decid- ed to inmrpornte in the Bylaws to he submitted to the other municiphlitius the following (gauges :- II III-nod ova? Wednesday at the all“. Vic- flaltmt. umeuville. ’l‘ur 75 manta per Lear In udvbn‘moo or 3| Wit nut pai within six «mm. No pupal-s dlwumluued until all mm no putt. Pram-Iona! and buuinoss cards of one Inch m and under. per )ear three dollars. Editorial notice. In lucal column ï¬ve cents (or “martian “and "two cents “mama-nu A um number rt onto Inserted m I M1 “The“ Reporter 0mm ls Iupplh with A-.. l- ._A_.- --V w.“ no guy..- 0"" ’0‘ good équlpment of 90¢er us well type. "1)!“ I l. THE R E [’0 RTE R INTECH (1934) associates THE REPORTER. I025 Harsrievc Rd.. Unit 3. london, Ontario N6it 1P7 The Railway gunman LOV ERIN. Pubudger und Proprietor In line l"ur1nvruville, Weanesduy. IS ORIGINAL DOCUMENT IS On motion, thé instructed to sen l :m gar iw w m :w- r \nsir and that in the opinion ot'this meet. mg it is extremely desirable that it should. be strictly enthrt-ed prepmn tot-y to the coming into fmce'ot'tht Scott Act, and that this can mom cï¬'outunliy he done by the formatiot ot'locul committees in ench munioi phlity, with a centml exwutive com tuilleu composed of the chiiirmen isnch local Committut's, it is hereh I I‘OJUIVt'd that. steps he at once take by the Executive Scott Act Co mittve to have such low] commitm- ltxppotuted for the purpose of reein # the license laws strictly enforced.“ ‘ ’tnc present ltcwisc law is not enforced It was also resolved : " That the Secretary communion , with the Vitre-I’t'esidt-nts of the di '- t'en-m Scott Act, Associations throng - out the united counties, infurmm r them ol'the action taken, and us tor their ten-operation fur the form. tion ot'a society for the entbrucm -n of the prvsent licvnse laws.†On motion, John M. Grill, Rev. T G. Willinma, mid Joseph Deacon l’uliCc Magistrate, were appointed committee to prepare and dqaft a con stitution and B)ithS for the goven mg ot'snch at. so cinty. in Bruoltville and‘Reur of Yougo and Eucutt. The whole question, in its every aspect. was carefully and iutel- .igcutly considered by the rata‘puyuru ul'tlto latter municipalities. and the Verdmt given by them wu such as leaves no doubt that when lhor0,u)_'hl.\‘ investigated the arguments to thvur of the By law outweigh all other cont-ill- oration. Scott dd Wot“. 0 Secretary wa: an invitation to a! llsian-ml (Eu’ \"va SMdh-lmy: ' L Dlmlv: Frank “11le †:hvod)’ \\' 1! \l m \V :1 (SC Between three and four hundred perennn mmbted nt Canon City on Tuesdey evening. on the invitation ol‘the genial Mayor, to pnrticipnte in another of those innocent and amine- ing entertninmente that have nude larenn City so enjoyeble n plnoe‘of recreation during the peat two win- tere. At 7.30 the crowd began to gather and by 8 o'eloi-lt the whole Ithllltblu' spac» we~ tilled ; in fact, the number was too large tbr th conve't ienre of the 4:2th e, :t- the azuctntora fouml it lllllilrnlbvc to ttm-p «if the ice. The \v‘lll‘gt‘ html was on hand an umml. lmt owi- g to the eXlI'UI-llttl)" cold Weather tht-y Wore euuhlel to‘ play but one short piece at it tune. uni their m~truments would ’i‘t'ut‘ze up in a very few minutes. “Masks ntl'! " was culled at 8.30, when the wanuger ‘ announced that the Sen-ed Wuite . Elephant. would again make his ap- pearance and he put through a variety . of performances. The “minute" shortly afterwards appeured in charge ol‘hiu trainer, who was dressed ina complete suit of buckskin. AL“ Con. t'ucius " entered the gate, the “ Musicâ€" al Trump " struck up u. polka, and for twenty minutes the monster W118 kept in motion to the innnen~e delight of" the “small boy†as Well as to the older portion of the awemhlage. Scurcely luul Confucius left the ice when an entirely new and novel ex hihition Was given. The trainer again appeared with a rare and now :ihnom extinct species ot'the Roeky Mountain Bear. Th-ut the evolutions oi tliisnnimul were natural and life- like were acknowledged by all, and to thou: not pom-«l the “ Bur from the Rockies" would h-tve passed for n hue uni il\i‘lg representative It is , lm-tllt' net'Pnsal‘y to say that the Bear - ‘wue Mr. W. J. Mnyou. our village ‘hurber. The order observed wits of the hest, and nothing objectionable was allowed. MnyorCureon is to be congratulated upon the grand success that attended his efl'nn-ts to give hi Patrons an evening of mirth and en Joyment. The iblluwing is only a per tial list of the names ot‘thoee who masked for the occasion, the crowded ututeof the ice rendering it almost impossihlu for our Reporter to get the names of“ all the participants :~â€"- FintmnsvtLLE.â€"â€"Sidney llill, Boot- Mack; Geo. Si:l(‘k, Runner; “’11). Kerr. Continental Soldier; J. Muir- ln-nl, Fwotbull l lnyer; J. M. Smith, Shiitlit‘llilvl L. Brown. Americin Thumday. Febr‘y 12 h at 10 a. m at French's Hall. Brockvillo, w selected as the time furthe meetin to organize the association. . / to the formation of an unocimion tin" the thaw unmet p upon», and wkin t'm' their con-did communion and distance. ERY POOR CONDITION li‘vbruury 4 . 1 1-585, WM Carm‘ DELTA.-- “7. McCarthy. Texas Ranger; Israel JOIIHHIUIL Stri ed. \Lbuzt; B. Hmvhyx (,‘apt. Jings; AMX. StCVuna. Humbbacki J. W. Russell, “’hatois-it ? yer; J. M. Smith, Hrnwu, Americm 9"". "r 1, Ln.- PS"; but“: and Shun-s, Jhinamau; Lxlli ‘MI 11,- kin M and Phone: (519) 686-!«870 After Hours: 657-0390 Knows-:17!“ "Wort, Sailor Girl Mattie llowari , Nun; Annie Maghie, Quakereas; Sireuw Sued, Nun; Lam Hulladay. Red, White and Blua; Maggie Davis, Red, White and Blue ; Sterl Pennock, Sims and Stripes; G. ennnck, R. W. 3.; Jns. Sexton, wo-lkce; N. H. Hnwnrd, (laptain inks; Lew Brown, Colored Masher : ‘. Wing. Capt: 'l‘hundurbolt; Lilly 3rown,‘ Flower Girl. co Times; Lottie Johnson, Red, White and Blue; Miss Merrick, Sister of Charity; '1‘. S. Webster, King of Diamonds; N. Sherman. General ‘Jnckson; Misses Lell Wiltse and Macey Johnson, POchahoritus and Minnie Ilaâ€"ha; Many Ennis, R. W. 13.; Mrs. R. B. Alguire, Minnie Haâ€"hn, Mrs. Alex. Stevens. Spanish Lady; John Ireland, Stars and Stripes; E. De Wolfe, Musical Tramp; Maud Hill, Red Riding Hood ; Lou Buiford, Milkmaid; Miss Byres, Evangeline; Ada Yates, Grandma; Chas. Yates, FIUWer Boy, Misses Avis Smith (UrockVillv), May Barney, and Mann Addisonâ€"the little~t, the prettiest and the bat skaters on the rinkâ€"Were REPORTER representatives. [We think, perhnps, these adji-ctives may get us into trauma. but being a married man. we run the risk.-â€"Eu.] I *l« Gout-tier; Mm [. Bum. Mouhev Hubbud; Gil-II. Worthington, Run- nvr Ray. E. Robeson 8m Girlr MN J. . Yankee Girl; 0. Will- se, Night; 8. Yum. Tau Cowboy; Delormn Wiltno. Chinese I 'l; W. D. Wight, Highland Lhddio' . Worthington, Lacrosse Boy; M. kel- lg, Clown; Al Robeson, Gen. Wolfe; . Compo. Starlight; E. Wight‘ H. M. 8. Camila; Miss M. Tu :lin. Nun ; J. 3. Alabama, Hiulilan Lmldie; Mrs. E. DeWnlfe, Oildl'ellow;..ll. B. Alguire, Great Mouul ; B. W. Loverin, ‘Arlium Bucmlaurc-us- Wm. Brown, ’Iiish Dude; Mi-s berthu Loverin. G‘psy Queen ; Mm. C. C. Slack, 0M AM le Woman; (I. Nash. Nu-Wabuy; “rs. W. Rowson. “Nun ; Mrs. C. G. Alguire. Nap-lure B anr; Geo Sher- man, Crazy Tramp; Elm Rowwmc, Diamond Queen; Mm G. A. Mr- Clar», randmu; J. P. R id. Soo‘y nt‘ h‘oombal Club; Miss Stafford Good- luck; M. Wing, Nun; L. Winnie, Mliiv\“aid; Agatha Sienna. Soup ‘ hex-dens; G. F. Dunnollov. NW; ‘ E Taplin, Indian Chief; W. Gm, Busaian; Florence M â€and Stripes; Minnie Slack, Build: of the Bull; Geo. Smiih. Cowboy; Abel ‘ Stevens, Diamond King; Frank Judv gin, Recorder; Hattie Rowsomr. 'Blnckbnrn.8ilvvr B lln; “in F. A“ Knapp. Spanish Lal ; Lonh Addison’ Imliun Princeu; rs. J. Tlmmpuon' Cuambermuid; J3». Judson. Skater; Paulina Moore, Sï¬nmer; M Living- utune. Sample Girl; Fred 'Williuma NO 5.