Lakes and Islands, Times Past

Farmersville Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18840522), 28 Jan 1885, p. 1

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‘ THE REPORTER. In Insuod our Wednesday at the once. Vlc- mm street. mar-ville. Teruuajn cent. per year In advance or “.00 n! not put within 1‘ month“. No paper: duoouflnuod um.“ :11 Ira-earl are we. "17's;szon sud business of one Inch spsoo snd under. par you t dons". Edison-kl notices In loos! column flve can" :- uno for first mwrdon u-l lumc cents per m: for “eh subsequent i ueruon. .\ tuned number at advertisement; .uwnvd :I. special rams. ’Phe_ Reporter ounce ls Eut‘i’livu with ggoqd equupment of pater as we“ as fine VOL. 11. In our issueol' lwu Weeks ago. we dealt at 5mm: leuglli with tho projel-l of establishing a mudel farm in East on Ontario. At the annual nu-eting ol'the Brackvillo E. D. Agl'. SOCieLy, held at Unionville on the 215m ([151... the sully-ct wus taken up and di.» cussed at length, and Messrs. Wm. Nollim, J. B. Saunders, B. Loverm, N. H. Beewllei' and R. J. Jle Wer.‘ uppyinted a .committee to take steps to enlist. the Interest, of other agricul- tural societies in the movement. The cnmmitlec will meet shunly, when We hope to be able to report progress. , While all farmers agree in favoring the pxojwt, llwre are amine who are nut, disposed to attach to it all [he impm'umoe tliac it deserch It. is un just, to judzv the advantages lhat will accrue to the farmers uf the East by the effect that the much farm would have on the dairy interest, though lhe benefits conferred in (his rexpeut W-lllld he much greater than is gener- ally supposed. [he farmer who is cunlent to keep scrubs that will 'n’Cltllt‘t all kinds of storms. stand t‘X-I pusure, requiring c nnpumlivuly little care, and giving in return compni-a lively liblle iii'ilk, the model farm is prugrcéssiw ideas on the subject 0‘! ugh-yin: and Muckmising, and rcu‘ug‘ mixing the vMuu and necex'bity nt'im- pmvefilent in their stock, will hm with delight. th: pmspvct of bring abfe tn procure thomughbreds u'a I'€;|30f\flblc figure. It is [Immense tn snyfimt scrubs are as good as (hur- oughbreds or grades for dairy pur panes. It has been pruved heyund qmwtiou that a. good milking strain will full Well repay the additxonsl carer mt 'designml so benefit, so far as rhirying is concerned. But this class offal-mom is happily sum”. By fin‘ the greater mumher ug'n powers;st ni THE REPORTER I'm a wrt or s poet. Thungh tvw people know R. 1‘11 endeavor to shqw u, ' " By patience and mu. ch, I've Ion tried to write up Hy name an take flight up. Buplnk will not "up: pp V ine cuuou an?! on. An chances to get up I, publishers shut. up, For they 0- uelly cut up‘ _ “AM my poétry updxl. Not one moment I'd falter To nouse In a halter Who my vene- would alter N)’ endeavors to fun. “'D Tho Poet’s Lamontaticn. By Emaâ€"A Farmerlvllle Boy. The .710ch Farm. INTECH (1984) associates 102$ Harsrieve Rd:. Unit London, Ontario N62 1P7 BETH L; m. animus. PlibJahm‘ and Pr”: projert in Hunt nit-etng fioqiety, THIS ORIGINAL DOCUMENT IS IN VERY POOR CONDITION I (‘V tor. Farmersville, V‘Vedneflday. January 28, 1885. n which it will require. We mention duh-yin: end Itoekruieing together be- cause we believe it is generally cm ~ ceded that they can be Very profitably conducted simultaneously. Ewery farmer who curries on dulryiug ex- tensiver he: at the close of each season one or more animals that it would‘be more profitable for him to “beef” than w keep. And this in where the pure breed will particularl) manifest lie superiority over the scrub, as in half the time and consequently with hult' the cure and feed it can be got ready lor. mmket, and will bring a higher price than the Scrub, us in fattenian it “ putsmi " beef where the buyer likes to see it. But, apart from duiryinu. if some ofour thrillers should feel (liepOCUd to engage almost ex- ulusively in etuekruieing, then lllc model farm will be a necessary ud- jum-t to their prosperity. r 'r‘ Thinking :1 RM [it's from this hilly country might, be ucceplabié’ to ybu. I now address you.’ It has been said that, the roughest, nuggets contain Hie pumst gold: an it is in this rough ‘uml rugged cnuntry. As lbecmue acquainted with the ptmph', I find many Wal‘lu hem-ts filled with kind hosP‘imliiy 1nd friendly greetings. Although the country is ruugh and rucky, most of the farmers haVe um Indy a competency but nnlmclbing laid by for a rainy day. got tugc-lhur byuarnest toil and mommy. Like other pin-nous ut' our Dominion. the people are agiuued over the Sum: Act. Quite a number of meetings have been held throughout. the county (Lunark), at which bath sides oi‘lhe question have been discussedâ€"the opponents nfthe Ant evidently huVing a poor fumuhiinn on whivh :0 ha e their arguments. 0n the evening of Lhe 7th, I meeting held in this village The English people had about re- covered from their excitement c‘onse- (illcllt upon the unsucccssl'ul attempt on the part of the Dynamiters to de- stroy London Bridge, and were begin- ning to breathe freely, relying on the police to protect public men and buildings, when sell London was startled on Saturday last by three ter- rilic explosions. The explosions were caused by dynamite which was placed in London Tower. Westminster Hall and House of Commons. Damage to buildings. very great ; 16' persons in- jured and 1 killed. .No arrests. Wu hope duly tai'mers of our Ea»:- vrn couuucs will recognize wherein their interests he in this matter, and that they will unite in uecouding the cfl'uns of the committee no bring it to u anust‘uutory consummation. Notice.â€"-â€"Wo wish it distinctly understood that we do not hold ourselves responsible for the opnlous expressed by our correspondent». "l'o Edilor 0/ The Reporter. Kaborly. Correspondence. 1 shoe shop, 1 cooper shop. There are two religions denominations. the EpisI-opnlian and Methodist. The Methodist congregation is building a large church. which. when completed, will be a credit, to the pl-vco an m-ll as tothe oontractor, Mr. Knowlton,of’ Newborn. There appuars to be a good opening lu-re for a tinsmith and hamlets-maker, and no "douht some other hram-hea of huginesa might, he sneevgd‘ully carried on. The farmers in the vicinity are quite anximm for a clmwe factory, and no doubt an oner- getic man Wouch finl it, a desirable inns-lion. There is one «how hack at present, which it is hoped will be spemlily removed. that. is mail ac- commodatioh. Although the trains of the O. and Q railway pass within a mile of the vullagv. the "mile 1* only semi-weekly, and then ‘t is brought t'~om 050, a station on the K. and Pu Wishing you much success, I now‘ close. in the interest of the Scott Act. Mr. Bowie. cx-mayor of Bockville, end Mr. Leek. M. P. P., spoke against the Act. and J. Juniennn, M. P.. in furor. It was somewhat smuuing to I00 how hard it wa- for the first. speakers. Messrs. Bowie and Lees, to uphold the cause they were ~matiug. The ext-mayor told us he we: abrewer because at the time he embarked in the business he had nothing else to do; that he had hitherto been a Re- furmer and thought no much of the Globe that he cauld nntgoto bed without reading it. But (if l'nte he had found out that the Globe had hem throwing dust in his eyes, and that thinfiwtt Act excitement. was raised Mp‘poeition to Sir John. Iu striv- im: thus to upeec the Dominion Gov- ernment, they were ruining his (Bow- ie’s) business, and consequently he had turned his back on that paper audits supporters. Itil pus-ithe Mr. Bowie was trying to throw duet into the eyes of his audience, as he must luwe been aware that he was speaking to a Conservative audience. Mr. ‘Lee's remarks were broken, lacking both energy and pith of argument. For about one hour. Mr. Jamieson, in hie gomthumon-d and clevvr atylet addressed the meeting, denying most positively the inainuulion thrown out by the eat-mayor as to the political churneter of the Scott, Act. agitation. He earnestly urged upun all prenem to cmne out in support ofthe Act. and lhus cause this county to send an- other voiee to parliament for prohi- bition. The 12th is looked forward to with‘ much anxiety, and many hearls go up to the Great Ruler that vh-tory may turn on the side of right. Bd'ute closing, I wilkgive you a short sketch of our village. It. is Hitlmwd on the banks of Fa“ River and at preeent contains the following business places, besides quite a num- ber ut'private residences :--2 stun-ea, 1 hotel, 4 blacksmith shops, 2 carriage Slurps, l grist. mill, new Ba“! and shingle mill, 1 carding mi!l,1 grggery, Phone: (SW) 686-1970 After Huurs: 657-0390 People are being gravely ulnred by Anti-Scott Act oracles and now:- {up re that if the Dominion Licen aw, recently declared by the Sn- pt'emt- Court to be in the greater part ultra circa, cannot stand, then the Scott Act must fail as well, become it stands on precisely the same foot- ing. The logic of such of the nrgu‘ manta in this direction at we'hat'e had opportunity to examine will not hear clone criticism. The arguments proceed from false promises and naturally reach false conclusions; but that is about the case with all the m-gumo‘i’ite used by the Antie. There are three good reasons why temper- ance people should not allow their efinrts on behalf of the Scott Act to relax because at this new cry that has been gotten up. obviously to frighten them, and they are these: First, the deci~iou given is not con. clusive as to the oonstitutionnlity of the license low; second, the eonetim. ‘tionelity of the Scott Act hes been establi‘hed beyond all possible que- tiun by the highest court in the Btiti~h Empire. and it is law an it stands until repealed or emenfled by the Parliament of Canada; third, the constitutionality of the Scott Actil atfirmed in the judgmcnt shout which the Antis are making so much fuse, the Concluding sentence of which dis- tinctly declares so much of the license not as relates to “the carrying into t-fi'c-tet of the Canada Temperance Act. 1878 " to be quite constitutional. In the effort to frighten the friende of the Scott Act into inactivity the Antit drop this dentencc out at night. but it will not stay out of sight but file! up. in judgment agiinet them at every turn they make Io extract caution for themselves or courage for their follow- ers from the ruling of tho comm-â€" dasket. Quebec city in being scanned for siguntures to Scott Act titiono with good success. a The R. .Archbishop and Anglican“ Clergy no aid to be endeavoring to have the Act submit. ted to the people. Francis Sidoy. who m "rested at. Lindsay some day. after returning from the States, charged with setting fire to the bums of supporter. of Ihe Scott Act. [flGeorgemwm tended guilty befove Judge Mlller of 3mm, and got five years in the penit tiny. The following nre dun: fixed by the Secretary 0! State for taking vote. on gemiuuu for the adoption of the oott Act zâ€"Carleton, (Jun, Jun. 29; Northumbethnd sud urban. Feb. 26; Bedford. Qua. Fe . 26. Lnunox and Add'ington gavb smu- iority 0“? in favor oftbe Act. The liquor men confidantly expected a majority 'of 500 against. the Act. The ma'ozity in favor of the Scott Act. m romo county was Lanark county 414. in Kent couniy g.029, and [he (3in of Guelph 169. econ do! Join. N0 4-

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