which prcsmits n ï¬ath in which wt may all head, It‘d by proper llloliVus in satisfying pluastirce and guodl. actiuns. Let each and away ("160' uistart upon the journey of this yum with h part: and hunt-st cudbuvtiut‘ to bought. the wtn'ld by our presume With regard to ourselves, We wouli 3‘ that we feel grateful to our friends am patrons for the amount ot'swu. parity and suppoi-t accorded the Rt.- Pou'i‘icn since it ï¬rst circulated union;~ the homes of'this section. \Vhile Wt,‘ have made bit imperfect efforts in edit‘y and interwst our readers, t5 ill, Wv feel that our efforts have ï¬n a me mute been apprcttiaul, and Wu ShJ†t-u dun-or by me y mentisin our power It) merit and l'L'CCiVC a communion. of that appreciation. Duriu; the short mm the “Emu-rm hJS bean in 'ex idtcuce, We hun- writtun “many things that. Were. no dvtuln, not pltezimnt :iiitl palatable “to some of mu" reJdcl'ï¬. but we can honestly any that thiutighout our 6mm ‘jt)lltnilil!tlc curt-er, we luv ‘ endeavored tn dual justly by all mutt, and that no flu-ling ut'ill will t-r ett'ntttt huts actuated th in plat'itti't; he c utmr We did. And white We may dtlf‘l' nmterially Irom smile at our vaults on many leading and important qu 5- timis, hii l, we have always I'vï¬pmiud in the past. and will t‘cspcct in the Hun“: the npinimi of them WHO hon- cstl) diï¬'cr from “S. If-by fair criti- Chill) t and discussion We may induce II Issued ever Wednesdhy gt the once. Vio- torle streets. srmersvllle. Tar 75 cents per your ln ulvunoe or “.00 l! not pal wlthlu slx months. N pers dlseontlnued until all We are p . Pro can! md business curds of one lnch Ipsee d under. per your three dollars. Edltorlsl notloes ln local column flve cents rune. (or ï¬rstlnsertlou and three uents er Inc for each subsequent lusertlon. A llml ed number of udvertleemenu lnserted It epeclul rates. The Reporter ollue ls supplled with It 800d equlpment of poster as well is Mo Jan t . we BETHIIEL was!!!“ culling jays fell or spoken, while lu other» It. has been a yeuroi'biue- trials and sad. hcm'lbrenking epi~ode mm 0111ch still may look wnh mgrc on the pan: on Inuglecwdupinrtun flies for doing 200:! its Wu†ad fur getting good. Huwcvm; we may all look wilh bright hope 'to the future Another year with its joy-I and sor- rows, its pleasures and its cares. has been numbered wilh the past. aml we, in common with others, wish t, all our friends a happy new year. As thr new year comes upoan us, acmwd of old associations guhcr on the. mem- ory, connectlng the prrsenl wbh [lac shadows of the past. It is :1 strange weird mystery-q: mystery no loss Khan the truth «that. the chlcl' sweets of memory are drawn from the regret» of the past. During Ill.) pasr. year many things painful and umuy thing», pleasant have fallen lo the lot. nt‘ever} mm ot'om' renders. 'l‘o rome, the you: lm-l been one of pleasant; mummies, re~ VOL. II. THE REPORTER .1 Happy Jrcw rear to an. THE REPORTER. IOZS Hargrievo Rd.. Unit 3. London. Ontario NbE IP7 INTECH (1984) associates Ft; 5133113; 3716 Pi‘oprtemr. THIS OR'IGINAL DOCUMENT IS IN VERY POOR CONDITION Faxmersville, ‘Vednesday. January 7', 1885. As per notice in another column, the annual meeting ol'this ntzrieultnr- :tl society, will be held at Unionville oq the 21% inst. ' It is hoped that not only members of the society, but all interested in Agricultural pur- euits well make it a point to be pres. cut. its several matters of importance will come up for consideration. For the information of those of our rend- erl who have no intimate knowlulge of the business-of the enemy. we would say that during the past year 'ulztrgu amount of money he» been expended in moving the bmhhn, 3, putting up extensmns, addition, it; ; LllUl'W'lde improving the aeemmnodn ion, for Visitors as Well as exlnhimn. The cost of the unprovements mle .s somewhere in the nt-ighlmrlmoul of $600, llUtl We feel safe in saying that no urn-e spieious, better arranged, in more popular linr is to helound in lt‘esteru Ontario. Tbnï¬kn to the llltL’l’t’SL taken by the farmer» and :neehnuies ol'thig eeriion, the wooiety nzts thus far been able to bonntul'n large number of members, a. long and vomprehensive llel. ot' Clltl‘wd. and the largest and bunt show in the East. But owing to the large amount ex- peuulel in improvement?! this your, Jud also to the feet that while the expenditures were so heavy the prize list was not reduced but in 301110 tl‘el'ntrtmente was actually in creased. the society find that they will be unable to 111 :et nll their ohli ‘w-rwm's 11m; w mu they canmei aucum .1: making urmngcmcum to ï¬x he lasLuf'pa-lzcs the saan former \U-H's. AL a meeting of directors, hV'IJ on the 15m Doc'r. the whole question of the standing ol'thc Society was discussed, and the advisability 01 at once getting the ufl'uirs ut' the society iuu pmpm- shape concurred its]: all. our friends and p-IU'ODS to aa- sist. us by speaking 3 good word for the REPUBTIB to all their friends, and induce them to become orilwrs. We aspire to the position 0 be best local pa r in the county, and can only reach v. w god of our aspirations by having the hearty co-upe.wi«m of all our friends. We aim to m ike the Ru. your“ a welcome Visitor to every family in tho dis'riot, as Well as to many in distant parts of this county, and to this end shall direct, all our energies. one person to think Might, We shall fuel amply oepaid for till our toll and labor. And now, in closing this short article, we have a. few Words to say as [0 our hopes, aspirations, and aims. We hope to receive a fair share of the pulrlic patronage, and to this end we guniona and [map thu prize list up u» Lhe same ï¬gures us‘last year, witth receiving additional assistance fmm Lhe members .und visitors. Tnc} mm lhuretln'e concluded to ask lhu :um'ube’rs present at the, annual Ineeb mg m a mutmu the mining of the mi lliï¬n‘iUH I‘m: at the guns, Ibrnux; The Unlouvuu Fair. LL the guns, mrnum so nut they canfeel mg armngcmcuw to tix :3 the aameas former meeting of directors, in. It may not be generally known that nearly hull' of the old main building was built by Mr. John Forth and made ready for use with- out one cent expense to the society. At the meeting above referred to. Mr. Forth~ generously donated all right, title. and interest in all build~ lugs erected by him to tho society, and the secretary won instructed to prepare a new lease of the grounds and buildings as now constituted, so as to provule for the full control which the society will in future ox- oroiw over tho property. It is thereâ€" fore hoped that at large turnout of the members will take» place at the m- nuztl mooting. so that all may be fully aware of the pOsitimt and in- tentions ot' the aociety. Samoa-We \flSh it distinctly understood that we do not hold ourselves responsible for the opnlons expressed by our correspondents. '1!) Editor 0/ The Reporter. leat, we speutv$2 towards, keeping the cattle from the streetsLâ€"mozluy wvll spent, my I, This in all amuuuts to 15H. ï¬esldes, the board granted me $20,. for my services, thus, the um tutul used is $34. This. from the $05 grmited, would leave $34 still in the hands of the township treasurer, to be used. If requxred, for the present year. I‘ am sutlsï¬ed that unless something unforeseen should Occur, the exenses, of this year will be much he 8 than last,and1ts the pcoplé‘of the village'have been tumd on the whale amount of the grant, VAL: 3‘ Correspondence. $65, I consider it but right that Phone: (519) 086-1970 After Hours: 657â€"0390 Furmerraville would be on" the 15} (lay'ot May, with lilacs just ready . burst. into full leaf and the tlxermon eier ranging 50 in the shade. Cattl and hogs are roaming over the mall. seeking their own living. and mo quitoes present their little billsi tiire, but I try to send them to mosquitoe's grave, from which the“ is no resurrection. The healih. of'm friend Wiltse and myself is 0.1 The fruit grown on Mr. Joshua Wil ï¬e’s lot consists of almonds, grape figs, nect.nrines, raisin grapes, ï¬end as, apples, apricots, prunes, plum The olive is also grown here. " 'W'igiltiixérsl-l a. pleasint and i’msP‘ ous yang, from the In Wat. Elliott, Sun J ouquin County. Culil'oruio, Dec'r 27. 188 Friend Repm°ter.-- When last 1 wrote you at Yuma, I was writii; while seated in the car, surroundi- by many children who thought. tin-- kqu more than their grandpa 'l‘hisI write as an excuse for Ill disconnected remarks that. I eel you. We departed from Yuri- about 9 p. m., arousing the Column River into California, making oH wuythrough s desert-looking com - try, but not without interest to u the snow-capped mountains beii -. beautiful in the extreme. The ne: day about noon, We arrived at Callmv a. place of much note fox" its growe‘, of oranges and grapes. Riversii where Mr. Shepherd. oi'Brockvi1l~ has located, is also a ï¬ne place. Li . Augelos, of worldwide fame for i .~ ubundanc of fruit, is a very beau! i'ul place. Upon leaving L03 ’1‘. gelling, we travelled for the most pa hides, and found him and Joahtl \Viltsc ready to greet. us with brother’s hand. We found this cam my in appearance much the same i regard to growth of vegetation : Dismissed. The suit recently entered in t1 High Court by Nels’son Parker again Mrs. Green and G. W. Brown. f‘ illegal distress and sale. has been di missed with costs amounting to abo. $150 which Parker had to pay. they should have the use of the $8 free from tax, for the present} your. ury I ever saw was that of the 00“ Range and Sierra Mountains. C Sabbath last, about noon, 9 a. rived at Lodi. where Jo lie rc Now, I will close by Wishing yo the compliments of thes‘eabon. Yours am, ‘t'hrmz’gh' it wheatâ€"growing coun'tr. We passed through some twenty-s tunnels. and some of the ï¬nest scev Notice. Look out for J. 61. P. Wiltse’d gre clearing sale announcement m 110‘ week’s Issue. ‘ ‘ ' I remain, to†H. C. Pmuus, Police Inspectc Sim BLANan ‘Lo