Walk. ‘50“ '1'; Hem! l‘rom. J usc as we go to pres: we lam tlnt Sula Blunclmr and Jerry Wilts: had l‘uuchted Kansas City. on thei: way to the Paciï¬c coast. All well. Bangui. MP. S. Boddy has removed his harness shop, and W1†in future be found one door north of Gamble's Hotel. Entrance Exam. The High School entrance examium utiuns will be held in the High School 1 on the 23rd and 24th inst. A larga‘l number of candidates have made a --l lllli'fllib‘ll. Candidates must provi el tlu-ir own paper and ink. 1 l High School. _ ‘ During this week, three members of the Saved Army from Brockville, have been assisting at special services being llulll in the Methodiet Church. The attendance each night is large, many attending who do not often see the inside of a church. It is to be hoped that the sweet singing and touching earnestness of the appeals made by tlxm; faithful workers will lead many to choose the better par-t. Valuable Discovery. A wry valuable deposit of mice. has been fumul on the farm of Mr. Chas. \Vlllls, about half way between 01 iver‘s Ferry and the village of Port- land. The mice is very white in color eml of excellent quality. Already 5mm- txwlvc or ï¬fteen openings have The December monthly examina- tions at the High School are being lwld this week. The students have lm-u attentive zuul industrious, and will undoubtedly pass creditable exam- “muons. The Saved. bum nude, all showing mica large emuglf’to cut the usual sizes; and it shows to the surface in many other places as well. The prospect is good for a Very large qlmntity, and there should be plenty of money lnit for the fortunate owners, who. are Mr. Wm. Davis and some othel gentlemen of Perth. Annual mum. For a number of years it has been the custom of Mr. Jae. H. Blackburn, ll“: popular Clerk of this municipality, mam, last session of the council for the year, to invite the members to dim: with him. On Monday last, l‘stx‘s. J. B. Saunders, Reeve, and R. B. Alguire, Dep. Reeve, L. N. Phelps, Goo. P.Wight, and Thomas Barney, Councillors, W. G. Parish, 'l‘ruzxs'urer, and the editor of the RE- pnwrnn, received invitations to once more cnrry ouu~ the time-honored cus-l mm. Owing to serious indisposition, Mr. Alguire was unable to be present. With respect to the dinner, it is only Ilcm'r‘szlz’y to say that. the Clerk is of l‘lllflllill duscent, and that. Mrs. Blnuklmrn is a most excellent cook. Pruning business engngemeuts pre- vented 1151"er remaining to hear the allot-dinner speeches, but from our :qumintmmu with the pm-livipzmts in FARMEBSVILLE All) VIBIIITY. .u: Ab c . ‘ -‘ post-tor 8'... ::rd'-:‘ ’0?“- . INTECH (1984) associates 1025 Harsrieve Rd.. Unit London. Ontario NGE |P7 THIS ORIGDNAL DOCUMENT IS IN \ERY “"OR CONBITION THE FARMERS‘YIIJLE REP()RT1<3 I 3 o both the d' nor and the I dhos, we uro Inisï¬e a jolly 300 time was indulged in. a ’g x“ Just why ll’armeraville has hotel max-Refill uot‘ap ’ eat to a stranger.: It is the centre 0 a rich agricultural district with good roads leading to it. It can ofler excellent accommodation to traders. and has stores at which can be obtained. at reasonable prices. all articles of clothing or for consum - tion that farmers may require. it manufactures and repairs what the farmer bu s and breaks, and has agencies tirough which the farmer can obtain his implements. And yet it has no market for the purchase of his products. This condition of affairs retards the growth of the vil- lage, but happily it is not irremedi- able. There is a good market at Brockville and when a farmer hasa load of produce to sell he takes it there. But it costs him considerable to take it there and he would not do so. if a market could he found nearer home. Where he sells there he buys. Then, we say, let our businessmen combinev; ï¬x market days; agree to pay cash ; invite outside buyers ; and in a short time, Farmersville would possess a market that would effect a very beneficial Shange in our com- mercial relation to the farmer. Then, instead of sending our sellers to Brockville. we would attract buyers here. While we must await the ad gvent of a railway before aspiring to offer a market for grain, there is nothing new to prevent the establish- ment of a good market for garden produce, butter. eggs, poultry, etc. lii‘ev» runners raise or manufacture any of these articles in sufï¬cient quantity to pay him to take a special trip to Brockville. and if he could efl'eut a cash sale here it would pay him, and greatly advance the interests of the ltown. Butter, R011 per Butter, Tub “ .. ....... Mutton “ ......... Beef “ ......... do per cwt ................. Pork per cwt..l......' ....... ' Ham. per lb ....... . ......... Lamb “ ................. Eggs per doz ................ Hay per ton ................. Pelts ......................... Hides per Onions per bushe ........ Carrots (table) per bush. Parsnips ..................... Chickens per pair ......... Geese ..... .. ........ Ducks per pair ............. ‘Turkeys ......... lPobatoes per bushel ...... Apples..................fl..»... Lard ......................... Tallow ....................... Beans ....................... Wheat, fall, per bush...‘ “ spring, †.. Rve Der bush .............. BRQOKWLLE MARKET REPORT. Rye per bus}; Outs ' ‘ Pens “ Barley “ Buckwheat... Brockville, Wednesday Dre. 17, 1881 ©OOO¢OIOO 00 00 50 60 40 80 80 50 086.0 2100 0000 0006 0010 43.500 ¢O¢C¢ 3Ha§~©~l “CCU A V 3093 QUASICC‘I*I vOICJ'OC’U'cl CO 00 12 00 0 70 0 20 O 07 O 10 6 00 6 on 50 40 40 60 0.0 00 80 50 0 l 0 0 1 25 COHOOOOO 0 80 0 80 0 50 0 32 ‘22 low Balm Shop. W. Mayan has 9 nod a new Barber 8110f) over Kincai ‘s Tin Shop. Open at. a. 1 hours (Sundays excepted.) Allin“. ('Jorrcspomleuce from Rocknpring, Whitehurst, North Augusta, Ind Glen Buell will appear next week. Whut 'l'hoy no 3am. W e regret to announce that Mr. J. H. McLaughlin (bots and shoes) has been forced to make an assigw ment to his creditors, who are princi-1 pally Montreal men. 1 ‘ Rest Wonk. My leiter mide' "Growler" feel sickâ€"The Chief. We nde many model washes-~â€" The Modelites. Hurry up with the skating rink. ~- Thgyoung peoplg. Fm‘mersville should have a market. «The farmers. It would be of great _beueï¬t to all concerned.â€"~Tlle REPORTER. What kind of suits will we get.â€"-â€" The F. B, Club. W. U. '1‘. U. V There’s no rose-bush at our garden gutevw'l‘he girls, We like to hear the members of the Saved Armyâ€"«The unsaved. The liquor-liccnsing business is “ God-forbidden, Ileaveuwondemned. and hell-begotten."-â€"â€" Mrs. Yeomans The Scott Act is bound to carryâ€"â€" Everybody. Poultq nu». r. I will vote for the railway bonus.â€" Ml enterprising farmers. . The‘poultry fair held here on the" lllln‘ and 12d: inst. was a grand success. Although the quantity was: not. so large as formerly, the quality was better, and the prices paid big}.- er than at, any ofher plï¬ce in this district. About 20 tons were handled here. Report. says that Kholur Wiltse and Newton Kilborn received the highvst price, viz.: 15c. pei lb. CHEAP FOR CASH. Special Bargains in Tweeds and Flannels, llvnm-minu kuh-nq (12nn\s\d(;nn(Ԥl_ (*hԠHt. THU-1 H‘H'i W9 are running this busines's.â€"- J 81. P.A.VJWILTSE. ‘7 Are now selling off their entire stock at Cost Price to make wmm l‘ur Winte Goods. hat-cries, Spicestnnned Goods. etc.. at, COST PRICE Tobaccos at. a great, reduction. ’1‘. 13. ‘V'lflliS'l‘lCIt SK EVENT. Main street. Fau'zms WEBSTER 8r. SON Phone: (SW) 686-1970 After Hours: 957â€"0390 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. China and Crockery Ware in Tea Sm, Cups, Sauce", and all ch: difl‘c'rmt Good: imthat I .iua'. Good! vizk Shaving Mugn, Fancy (‘ups unp Saucers, Teapots and snmll wares 111 gram varie‘y. In Glassware : Water Sets, Tea Sets, Mugs. Jugs, Orn' menu. 'l‘umhlcm, Goblets, Cake lands, Nappies, (‘elery Glasses 810‘... 8w. Fancy Goodu: Jewel Cases. Work Baskets Ludies’ Satchels, Pearl Card (hues, and small wares of Various kinds. Violins, Acordeons, Concertina. Muath Organs, Jewn’ Harps, Metallic l'iayos, 810., &c., &c., 8w. Agency for allthe fist-class makers of Pianos, Organs, and for the N. Y. Slum-r Sewing Machine. I shallofler a' gueutly reduced riceu, I ï¬rst-c lass organ iur $75. Call an examine it before you erL‘haHe any where else. N. B. . . A ï¬ne selection in Candies. ID©ILIL§ ILAIRCBIE ANN) SMAZLL. LAMPS &LIMP FIXTURES. ‘ Knives and Forks, Childrens’ Knives and Furks, Spoons, Butter Knives, PICkIG Forks, Carving Knives and Forks, Jacknives and Scissors. Xmas and New Year’s'Curds, a ï¬rm and cheap assortment, call and “mm them. Prices for everythmg ta duwu! down! Derry, down. ‘ I J as- ROSS. WATCHES, 'cwcxs & JEWELERY. 7 BENT STflRE. -â€"â€"A£\' 0- \ille.