.Farmersville is getting to be a noted place and last week was a black letter day in ite history. We question if ever there was a more drunken lot of men seen in the village within the same length of time for many years. On Friday Constable Berna was under the necessity of taking a lum Hollow chap to the “cooler,†and on Saturday afternoon and evening a lot of resi- dents and non-residents imbided too freely and made things liVely around town for a short time. One individual with a black moustache kicked up quite a row in the 7 cent store, smash- ing show cases, etc. After a lot of tunneling and eathaulini‘r he was ï¬nally run in, only to be liberated in a short time and allowed to again a pear on Main street and abuse severe. parties who assisted to place him in the lock- up. Seurcely had this scene been in- acted when another row occurred on Perth street, an old woman (we can~ not say lady ) made such adisturbnnCe by loud cursing and swearing that the services of the constable had again to be called into requisition and once more the cells were occupied. In all the above cases the parties were liber- ated alter a short incarceration with» out even the formality ot‘a trial.which leads us to ex nose the - onviction that there is something rotien in the ad- ministration ofjustice in this village. if this system is continued we shall refer to the matter in a far different manner than at present. As a climax in the week's doings, our chief, who had a warrant placed in bi; hands are i m o for the arrest 0 a party ibfliitgigggg and desertion, started for the countrij make the arrest or try and oli'net'an; amicable settlement of th'e’dhflicuity."lle was accompanied by the hrm her and wife of the accused, who seemed anxious to have the mat- ter quietly arranged without recourse to the law, On arrivmg at the place or meeting the chief, who being some- what tori-owns l‘ud brought alan a large Bind, flulf-w‘vtflidlo Cilia .ewl- For some time put the friends and acquaintances of 0 hard working end inoflensch resident of the villnge named lm-eal Krepp, hove noticed his strange actions and sayings and feared that his mantel on nhilitnee Were be- coming im pared. n Mondey evening as Mr. Joe. Thompson. grocer, who lives in the vicinity, wee returnin hume from his shop he obeerv Knapp at on up 1' window of hie hum-)0, engnged in eetroyin the fur- niture and furnishing. of t e room. I’mcurin the assistance of Iome of the neigh ore and Constable Barney. Knapp was induced to ï¬lm I walk which brought up at the villege look- up where he was ï¬nally secured. This morning he wee taken to Brockville by Constable Berny 1nd lodged in the county jail. 'l'hlt Occur in 7.1-1.“ '3 Duh. ti. '“ko ’. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Arnold have the sincore sympathy of the commun- ity in the loan of an inwmï¬ug little boy of 15 month. Vacation over, Mn. Rev. W. Bldr is prepared to resume her class- in all branches of painting md drawing. For further informtion apply .t. the plrsouage. L 00.11. HAPPIJ‘IJ‘OS INTECH ("1984) 'aésociates 1025 Hargrievc Rd.. Unit 3, londun, Ontario Nél; 1P7 THIS ORIGINAL DOCUMENT TIIE E‘A‘RMIE RS \’ll.l 41‘} lllfll’()ll'l‘l¢l'l. Summer Miillnery consisting of S'I‘BAW llA'l'S. BUN- NETS, FANCY GOODS, M... at, “HATS-Y “DUO†PRICE. _ to makg room for in gupgly of The subscriber will sell during the next thirty days, the whole of her stock of FALL GOODS, and of the beat material to be % procured in the market. l While thanking my customers for! the very liberal patronage 1 have re- r ceived during the past twelve years, I ‘ respectfully solicit a continuance of j» the same from them and also from the 3 public generally. I LATEST S'I‘YIAI‘J S Mrs. S. A. Teplin, eldest daughter of the late Harmonious Alguire, wee born December 4th. 1831. married to her beloved husband December 19th, 1850. and died September 2nd, 1884. As a wife. mother and church member she ï¬lled the duties of her station with ï¬delity, and man when worn with long siekneel and wrapped in the very ehadOWe of the tomb still planned and prayed for the those she loved so well. Her work done, her family grown, her euï¬'eringe over,she now rents from her labors. May huebend and children meet her in the better lend. The undersigned begs to announce to the inhabitants of Farmeraville and the public generally, that he has opened : Tailor Shop ' in the rooms over . Where he 'is prepared to exacute all orders entrusted to his care with neatness and dispatch. Satis- faction and ï¬t. guaranteed. ‘Shiru out or made to order, G. W. Beach’s Store, Tailor and General Jubber. Farmersville, May 21. ver, in getting out of the buggy the wecpon unfortunately struck shut the wheel causing it to expl e end the contents strut: the woman pcesing through one leg and lodging in the other. All was confusion,and dire die- my reigned supreme for It few mo- ments. he vomcn wee quickly placed in the buggy cud removed to her home. ile the warrant was forgot- ton an the accused still roams ct large, end the chief in terribly worried over the cï¬air. which has assumed a very serious aspect. The doctors re- port the woman as likely to recover. Millmery & Fancy Goods. New Tailor Shop! CLEARING SALE Mrs. Wm. MOTT. which will be of the F‘ Alf. 0. PYE. IN VERY POUR CONDITION J. H. McLAUGHLIN. The following is a. sample of the man y letters We rel-eive for our Lamb’s Lubricating Liuiment, and shows to the public its fame is fast. becoming known abroad as well as home. One bottle will convince the most. incredu- lous of its wonderful curative powers: We Buy the But and 8011 the Ohnput. b â€"â€"-as he has £1erâ€" Iut Ioloctod Itoéks in This Town consisting of all sorts and sizes of GENTS'. LADY‘S. 18.] FAIR REDUCTION FOR 0A8". Dun Siklâ€"-Pl0&80 send me one dozen of' your L. L. Liniment as soon as possible. as I intend going away soon and I wont to take some with me, it is such a. good medicine to keep in the house for almost every complaint or accident. We think it will cure almost anything, and nave, as‘ you know, used it a long time, always giv- ing the begt satisfaction. Eliemember we guarantee satisfac- tion to all; and if goods are not what we represent them we will refund the money. Goods delivered to all parts of the town. All parties desirous of supplying themselves wiuh Boot-Ware of he LANCASTER. June 20th 1884. 1â€". J. 1â€. Lamb, TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED HATS. Mother'is troubled with the rheu- matism and it always helps her and the only thing she ever got to give her re~ lief. We would not be without it for a, good deal and hope it may become widely known that it may give relief to many sufferers. H son, Uncolored and Baskét Fired apan Teas. .Fresh Orange and Lemons constantly in stock. Our Groceries will be found Good and Cheap lllllnery, Feathers, Flowers, & Ribbons, J. THOMPSON Mrg. J._ Thompson, FARMERSVILLE 300T & SHOE STORE. Boots, mun st. rmnsvmu. not)» In low and on... (irIl()CERIES &c.. Including Sugars, Canned Goods of all kinds, Tobaccos, and Soaps. Flour Sz‘ Tea a Speqialty, Latest Styles, In connection with the above >ts, Shoes 6: Slippers. l‘lne Goods a Specialty. Has a large assortmth of can do well by calling (511 With the Latest Styles in J .7711. McLaughlin. YOU'I‘H’H and BOYS, MISSES, & CHILDREN'S Yours truly, ‘ . Axwu: J. Nunumox. Phone: (519) 686-!970 Mm Hburs: 657-0390 prices and then' judge for yourself: 10 lbs good Muscavudo augur...$l ,0†111} Tbs Granulated sugar for ..... 1, 00 12 lbs Prunes for .................. Y «m 12 lbs Currants for ................. l on 16 lbs Raisins for ......... . ......... l 00 8 lbs Soda. for. .......... . ........... 93 The best brunils of Tea: from 25 to 40 cents per Tobacoos at a great. re. duction All. KlNDS OF MINE!) 80008, FURNITURE .1 Call Solidhd. R. D. JUD SON. to be lound in the county. Hmiug a SPLENDID HEARSE LBJ a full supply of COFFINS, we can till orders promptly. THE IEST IAIIET llllll II "I! 6 III" KS“ Picture framimg 8. Specialty ‘8 The subscriber, in retuming thanks for the very liberal patronage extended to him while connected with the ï¬rm of Rose a; Wiltse. begs to inform his old friends and the public generally that he has just opened out a new GROCERY PROVISION STORE in part of e premises occupied by Our old established Grocery Store is as usual_s_1_1pplq1 with a full line of Prlqos Lower than any house In Tovn' for Cash or_’R_eady_ng. kLook at. these where he is prepared to sell all kinds of Groceries and Provisions at usqu an pied WIN: a full lmo 0 1 8000 AN CHEAP GROOERIES. Flour. Oatmeal. Commeal, Pork and Lard always on hand. Brooms. Tubs and all kinds of Wooden- wme kept. in stock and sold at the lowest prices. The highest price paid M 12990. Remember 7153} goods are all mw «I IN. J. H. McLaughlin PROVISION STORE. has on hand one of the best selected stocks oi New Grocery ANl) SKETS and SHROUDb‘, DELORMA WILT8 R1 D. JUDSON.