The schooner MJB. Millen, from Savannah, reports that on June 20th, in latitude 84.50, longitud 74.14, while in a dead calm in a smooth sea, she was surrounded by a school of whales am far as the eye could reach. Several came within a few feet of the VEHSBI, spin-Ling water against the side, and lying perfectly still for several min. ules, at a. time. They Would then rnll'over and sink down tail tm-cmont until theywould stand pm-pcmlicular in the water. The) swam around the Vimsol three hours, and Were not in the least shy. . They averaged frnm thirty-ï¬ve to ï¬lm} feet in length. it fails to ï¬nd employment at 1 and I} per cent, wherefore many wonder at the recent disasters and panics on this side of the water. imagining that they indicate a scarcity of mane; . This is a mistake. There is no scarcity of money, rather an ex- cess of it; and the disasters arise from reckless efforts to make more than a normal proï¬t from it, rx’flier than from any other‘cunse. A New York dentist worked three days repa‘iring the teeth of the wife and daughters of President Blanco, of Venezuela, and put in a bill for $7,000. The president thought $13000 should pay very well for the work done, and otfered that sum. But the dentist Would not take it and talked about sne- ing, whereupon the president referred the matter to his lawyer and turned upon his heel and left the dentist’s oiï¬ce and also the United States. The chances are- now that the dentist will have to be satisï¬ed with a good deal less than the $1,000 offered him. pat-1mm. The ï¬rst bag of flour ever made of California wheat and exhibited at a public, fair was the one made by John Al. Homer, of Homer’s mills, at Union City. Alvardo, in 1850., and shown at a fair in the Musk Hull, San Francisco, in that your, and t‘u which was awarded the highest prem- mm of $50. That bag of flour is now on exhibition at the rooms of the California 1"urmrr in San Francisco. Klan/«Y, 17 .7 7 ,1‘1‘ ‘,' 'Z The ï¬rst church erected on Ameri- can soil is still used as lace ofdivine Worlhip. It is situate just outside of the City of Mexico. and wan built by Cortex during his éeoond visit to that coast. Mr. N. G. Sherman, of Iroquois, Wu» relieved of 860 by a. pick-pocket umhe Brookville Oddfellows’ demon- stration. We would advise Mr. N. G. to take less money with him or else walk with his hands in his to defend u éui? against a [narrow‘g'h‘hé railroad. and who took the road as his foe. A Kingston young man named Murphy, on Sun hut, threw a paint brush ,ut a you ‘man named Martin. The handle M the brush atruck Martin in the left hand, going completely through. Autury is tbld of I. lawyer m Athens, Geprgiu, .who wan employed A Northern Tam editor complain- Lhat the number of marriage. in rid- iculolml)‘ sum“ when commred with the time sq uundyred in buggy riding. [02$ Hargricvé Rd.. Unit 3. London. Ontario N61". "’7 INTECH (1984) associates BRIEFLL‘TS. 150110051 mat HIS ORIGINAL DOCUMENT IS IN VERY POOR CONDITION TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED HATS. ERemember we guarantee satisï¬u:.â€" tion to all; and if goods are nnt what, we represent them we will refund the money. Goods delivered to all pm'ts of the town. Millinery, Feathers, Flowers, & Ribbons, Our Groceries will be found Gnml mm (mean Mrs. J. Thompson, prices and then judge for yourself : 16 lbs good Muscavado sugar... $1 00 114} lbs Granulated sugar for ..... 1 00 12 lbs Prunes for .................. 1 00 12 lbs Currants for ............. '.... 1 00 15 Tbs Raisins for ................... l 00 8 Tbs Soda for ...................... 25 The best brands of Teas from 25 to 40 cents‘ per 11:. Tobaccos at a great re- ducti'ou All. KINDS OF BANNED GOODS, J . 'l‘ 1‘] 0M 1’ S O N. The subscriber, in returning thanks for the very liberal patronage extended to him while connected with the ï¬rm of Ross & Wiltse. begs to inform his old friends and the public generally that he has just opened out. a new Including Sugars, (Junnml Goods of all GROCERY & PROVISION STORE in part of the premises occupied by for Cash or Ready Pay. Look at these where he is prepared to sell all kinds of Groceries and Provisions at Prices Lower than any house in Town, Flour 6: Tea 3 Specialty, The highest price paid Ibr Eggs. lfc'nu'mln'r my goods are a†new d‘fl'r'xh. 'l‘ll IC 1*‘Al’l 1‘1 1‘] IlSVI l 4 l 4 1‘3 RIEI’( )1? '1‘ [‘3 I} . PROVISION STORE. Flour, Oatmeal, Cormueal. Pork and Lard always on hand. Brooms, rl‘ubw and all kinds of Wooden- ware kept in stock and sold at. the lowest prices. Hyson, U'ncolored and lig'xskct Fired Japan Teas. Fresh ()raun-s and Lemons constantly in sun-k. Doalor in New andcheap (il?()(31§ R l PIS & . H. McLaughlin New Grocery AN] ) In connection with the above kinds, Tobaccos. mnl‘ Soups. Has a. large assortment of MAIN ST. FARMERSVILLE. With the Latest Styylns In DELORMA WILTSE. 00 00 ()0 00 00 .Vly businms will be found in rmnnrtflcn with .Vlclmughltn’s "001' and SI.1)E STORE. l“:u‘nl('.t‘SViHO, May 20th. 1884 We mukv the best. W1.- ul way.» make u m. THE lll(ilH".S'I‘ ‘ (‘ASH PRICE PAID FOR 50, (MM) lbs; 01“ Men: sewed work in the Latest. Style SHDES AND BOOTS A 8PEO|ALTY. THE REPORTER First Class Stare. Mother in troubled with the rheu- mutiqm and it always helps her and the only thing she ever got to give her re- lief. We would not be without it for a good (ll'ill mul llupe It may lmmnv widely klmwn that it. may glw relief to mum sufl'vrors. Dry Goods. Bondy-made (Nothing, Ilnts' & (Taps. Bouts & Shoes. Rubbers, and Everything: feund in a The fol wing is a mnple of th many'lotte we remive for our Lamb‘s Lubricating Liniment. and shows to" the public its fame ' fast becoming‘ known abroad as wel as home.‘ Ono‘ bottle will convince the most inn-redu- lows of its wonderful curative powersti Luann-En. June 20th 1884. Mr. J. 1‘. Lamb, ‘ DEAR Slurâ€"«Please send me one‘ dozen of your L. L. Liniment as soon‘ as possible, as I intend going away: soon and I wont to take some with me, ‘ it in such it good medicine to keep in the house {or almost every complaint or accidunt. We think it will vary almost anything, and have. do you know, used it a. long time, always giv- i in;r the, best Hattlï¬iut‘tll)ll. Only m'rmlariun and is PEOPLE’S STORE, using Malina?â€| in New Tgas, New Fruits and Spices, "Repairing nvutly pxm-mud fur the (lush. The Hepm‘tw‘ is ruï¬dly im-Iwm‘m/ in A. C. BARNETT, WOOL. For the Chcicest Importation: of BOOT MANUFACTURER Subs aribe for C. L. LAIVIB, Yours truly, Amâ€: J. NICHOLSUN. Go um' (If My hm! mlrrr- tlw (bratty. to the We usmht- best mum-rial We» wurram our work (l H1321 V m1: Phone: [519) 686-1970 After Hours: 657-0390 His assortment of Scotch, English, and Canadian Twceds and worsted Coatings are pronounced by all to any uhuwn in town. lull and see us, we will be pleased Lo sh. w our gands and you will be more than pleased with the value we H". 1'. e H- H. ARNOLD. SUPERIOR IN STYLE AND QUALITY The Inspection of Intending Purchasers, Bargains in all Lines, H. H. ARNOLD, Hus Call and see our Stock before purchasing elsewhere. . t. We are old expenenced Mechanics and we do not make a speciality of any article. but of our whole businvss. . Caskets, Cpfï¬ns fl Burial Robes Our Prices are Moderate: T. G. STEVENS& Bro, Salaoted Stock F U R NIT U R E HEARSE m The COUNTY. lClln, xxsh & ,‘Iuplv. in every Department, and We thin! it will be to your advantage to V \Ve have lately purchased the ï¬nest and having at. all times a. full stock " VICTORIA STREET. FAICMERSVILLE. HAVE ON HAND A LARGE AND Particularly at this time as ho is now oï¬ecing unprecedented we are prepared to attend to ail orders with promptness I} I'LYI‘IIL l I, MIC/fl 'II‘ 1 NT, MAIN STREET; FARMERSVILLE. OF ALL KINDS, IN 8U Large and Carefully selected dark to which “‘9 in’vitxeu