. Mr. J. Reid is now drilling a well for Mr. Luciano: of Glen Buell. m. 21.41pm went Sunday at home and left Ior Toronto. when: he now res-idea. Mr. Adam Armstrong Mud wit'o spent last week M their. outmge on Uhuleaton Lake. The duughtera of Mr. John Wilma, of Wilmetown, lot! yesterday morn ing for 3 visit among friends at sea- !‘orth, Ontario. The Praying Band ï¬om Farmers- villo hold two very successful meet. ings lust Sabbath st, Glen Bueu. J. P. Lamb left on Monday {‘0‘ Brighton to amend the oxaminutiuu u!‘ the Webbem. These are buys whu gave mun-iuges. but, held on to the aid. Mile Carrie Tuplin was married this morning ut 9 o'clock to Mr. E. Mau- hud, of Brockvillo. They go to Boswn and New Ym-k on their wed- ding tour. Go to A. Pariah & Sun's {or Hay- ing Tools, Peerless Machine Uil. Paints & Oils and all‘kinda bf Build- ingaHardware. Sugar! atrvery low prices. also Fruit J are. a 10 Mr. D. Forth. of Glen Buell. agent for the Noxon m. lufacmriqg com- pany. of Ingeruoll, has just reveived a canal nment of reapers, mowers. etc..an will haves selfâ€"binder on in a few dsya. . We no informed that the big! big}! biï¬!!! wedding which wu‘ to have u on place aeven miles northwest t' he“ On Monday evening. has be deferred from the fact that things did not. “palm out" an anticipatml. Quite . number of our citizens on- teuded the Dominion Day picnic of the Roman Catholic church at. Toledo yesterday. All epeek in high terms 01' the success of the undertaking. Everything passed 06' pleasantly, Two well-known citizens, Philander Wilma and Sula Bluncher, left on Monday morning for Montreal, Que- bec, White Mountains, Boston. New York and Niagra Falls. They ex- pect. to be gone about. three weeks. .and Mrs. T. G. Stevens. Mr. I!) Mrs. James Dugguu, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Buddy, Misses Scevuus and Funnier, and Maatcra Stevens re- turned from their trip to Montreal on Monday evening. Thvy rupmt a pleasant mp. The Oddfellnwh: met on “Wednesday evaning in their lodge rooms and elected their ofï¬cers fur the tbllnwing term as follows: Brother helm-mu Wilma. N. (L; E. McLean, V. (L; T. Berna-y, P. (3.; 0. J. Junifl'e. R. 5.; 11. H. Arnold, I‘. 8.; and W. H. Steven» as representative to the Grand Lodge. which takes‘ plaw in St. Thomas in August._ I Rumemberthe Prmnemuiv Un'mrbrti and Striwberlgv Festival m-niuht an} the grounds of the Wellington Slmet 3 Methndist church. The 'mnmls will‘ be illuminated and mu Bruss- l'mmll will be in mmndnnm. 'l‘he mnmnit- tee promise lute nt‘ s‘tmawlwrries audi you can hm". ,qu the fun yuu “mull ploviding you-:11": with becoming: dwomm. ’ LOCAL ITEMS. INTECH (1984) éSSOCiateS 1025 Hararievc Rd.. Unit 3. lundon. Ontario N6E “’7 THIS ORIGINAL l m-r-_____.-....â€" U .-..A -.._ Our bund boys reached home from} Lanark village this morning shout 7 Io'cluck. completely “tagged out." R D {They report a splendid time and the . o 0 Q 4. g I hcuf, of usage. and in returh they did has on hand one “f the best selected their host to sustain their already ___M___ mmkq of __ high reputation an n ï¬rst class hand, !an1 gnud lot of buys gene: 11y. Re~ N I :port says that Um committee of ab, . l . V mngements were so well pleaurd with; to be ""“M m t 1†“mm†' . ‘ithe band enter-mimeâ€! that tlwy paid 1 Having a SI’LENIHD HEARSE ail their expenses wth more and " ,gave them the full ammml promised“ I At. the church surial ind evening the. Mmmn'uittvu dented $24“) at. 10 centï¬ ' Iadlmsniun, In our next iusm-we will {i ‘ ‘ vRiVH mum mm»; taken by mu‘ Hf tho: h . ‘5’“3’" V buya‘ ut‘ im'identn umm: « m? with the; r . ., . It vmy, which 1m doubt w“! pmva “Her-i waxing. Un Munday “Chief†l’hnlipa was: smut for by a lady on (ix-um. «rum;- ' whnao husband had lwcn to lira Iu'illv :zlnd imbibed a li'llc {.00 from. and tn ' “vth his spleen." uttmnpted tn prac- tice his pugiliutic nhiiities on Mrs. HLW. But, the “(‘him‘" urr’vcd ‘uhuut the time he was smashing thee (“7 , .m _ ).4 tag; 77 u ‘ ,‘ ‘n V: 4 _ «Man ’l‘ l I E l ‘ Several farmers living adjacent to? Fthe. village have commenced haying nd report the crop ae‘ja; below half what it was last year. I? thT‘di‘i’, fweather should continue a few 'days' 3 longer the grain crop will be a failure ’also. The only thing that seems to thrive this dry weather is the‘ Potato Bug. They are far more plentiful than hens teeth and as friskey as an, early spring chicken. l , A meeting of the United Methodist congregation of this village was held on Monday evening to decide among other things which church should be used. After a good deal of conversa- tion back and forth. all in good epiritu; it was decided for the present, to .lv ternate the services and leave the ulti- mate decision to a disciplinary Com-r mittee that will meet for that purpose in August or September. For social: and public services go to the 0. Mn church on Thursday. Saturday and Sabbath evenings, also Sunday morn- inp at 7 o'clock; and to the M. Ell church on Wednesday evening and» ISablmth morning M9130, 10:30 and! i .12 o'clock. ‘l ‘ Our old friend Delo mm W tan is about opening a gallons! 5 I re in pan of the shop occup-od y J. l. McLaughlin. Delorma Is it: of those reliable dualers who has th eptuation of keapmg good goods at. low prices. No paper will be issued fiom thil‘ ofï¬ce next week. We have been so; pressed with work since our removal! to the village that we have been unablei to take a single day for recreation. and ; as we have several invitations to pic- , nica and excurllons {or next week, we; have concluded to “knock 08’" for a ' few days. The paper will be continue-d regularly after next week. } (l~~â€"-â€"--. But the “Chief†urr'vcd about the time he was smashing the dishes and immediately proceeded to urn-st hi 1. whit-h caused rather a werhms conflict. In the meantime a little boy cried out. “He's got. him down." which attract-ed the atteminn ol‘our esteemed Irish friend. Mr. Lnyng, who handled the pugilist wit' the ease of in Sullivan. After pew-r had been declared the “Chief marched him to the “cooler,†When- nl. lard acvuunts he was residing Awaiting his trial. ' FA RM Ens v1 1 .1 m; R E Pt)l{'f‘l§:1{ . DOCUMENT IS IN VERY POOR C'QuDIUQu This Space is Re- served for Dalorma we can ï¬ll orders promptly. THE INT CASKET “III. II THE ODIN"- 15' Picture fx‘mnimg a Specialty. Hur old established Grocery Store is he usual suppled with a. full line of . I ('all Solitllld. GOOD AND CHEAP ,SROGERIES. Wiltse R D. J UDSON. Phone: “I‘M (wk-[970 After Hangs: 657-0390 3. Pariah & 8m. ‘ QEIEIM IEIBHIITS. o ‘rnnum. â€" mum. .DIL‘M. \‘Opgomo Gaul Hotel. To those with whom we havevuot yet. had the pleasure C doing buaims Tailor and Gaunt!) Jobber. Q Farmersville, May 21. I'I‘ \VILL STAY WITH US. 4 ‘\ I V'V‘x4‘NJ" T0 003 riiiznns m CUSTOIERS o “'0 would extend our For all past favors, and assure them of our continued ofl‘orts to merit a con- tinuance of their conï¬dence, "GIVE USA TRIAL†"caromlnoss", “Attontionâ€, mun T «maps at RIGHT PRIL‘ )3 will hold your trade The undersigned begs ‘p onnouuco w the inhabitants of Farina-will. and the public generally. that he has opened a. Tailor Shop in the rooms over We Buy the 3m and 8611 tho Cheapo“. All partiea dasirom nt‘ supplying themselves wiuh Boot‘Wnre of the . was he has theâ€"â€" Best Selected Otoeks In This Town. Where he is prepared to execute I" orders entrusted to his care “ï¬lth neatuosa and dispatch. Satin» faction and ï¬t. guamnteod. QShirta cut or made to order. consisting of all sorts and sizes of GENTS‘. YOUTH’S and BOYS. LADY’S. MISSES, 8: CHILDREN’S G. W. Beachfs Store, FARMERSVILLE 300T & SHOE STORE. ml FAIR BEDUOTIOI FOI 638M. 1. H. McLaughlin. Boots, Shoes & Slippers. J. H. MCLAUGHIN. New Tailor Shop! Hearty Thanks, Latest Styles, can do Well by calling on '03! Good. at Sprdalty. A PABIEH 8: SUN. wwand if- we would uy Alf. O. PYE.