Lakes and Islands, Times Past

Athens Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18920112), 16 Jun 1891, p. 1

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‘IASIIIONABLE TAILORING, [vs .1 M. 1. 1031105; 01/01.. 711. N0. 2,... . a 7. ohm» «we... Vi‘ngrwmg” .r M so i -wâ€"W». ‘4 as... -»............__... w...â€" - ._ MM". W- L‘â€" r.‘ ~M~M .. i! l»: ' i~ l‘1;‘wuimlu,M£-;smtflum HUTC [11380le Prints and Satoens floors sud see our stock before deciding on your dress. Our Cotton Dress Goods "5 sour bettor volue. We have paid particular attention to Black and White was sad other cotton goods sud csn show a stock second to none. Do not be too selecting your goods. PARASOLS Luge assortment of as stylish, useful Punch and Lsdies Umbrollns us over sew. We import direct from the monulsctnrers and our Parnsols and hull-s have improved in tho monultwtnro which are our own ideas, and which you will not find inordinsry stocks. Not too soon to make your choice. ‘ 1' r V r 1 ‘1 JACIiE Pb A I LOST ‘ We hues {ow Spring Jackets left which we are offering at cost price to cleir. Suitable for evening Wrap» for the warmer. Ask to we then). Letter orders prompt- ly sttended to. V AGENTS FOR ALEXANDER MD GLOVLS. OU . flUILL STREET. .‘AXN' STREET. “Cuber of Iollo c of 'hysicmnsnnd Su pm. Glace: Mu n st. 1-» ' ' h rulal'lrnml "- Telephone 149. also. a nu IBROCIK‘VI Lilli}. PROFESSIONAL (JAR DS . Wm” ... . hi»- 1..--» -7“ m... .._._.,..,s NV”... _. _., Myron A. Evertts, , SOLICITDR. t‘ONVE‘t'ANCER. &t‘.. onto: ovn‘u A. l‘sruou ,wo Sox's rt'l‘omc. Jun! STREET. .u‘urzxs. .._......_._. _..._ ._.... “MW --..._---... Dr. 0. M. B. CORNELL, . BHUCKVILLE. PII‘IOIOIAN. sorrows & ACCOl‘t'llEUH. Dr- Stonlgy Cornell ATHENR firmumv luscious 1t:r ‘vl’oum. 40.00 Dayn-mtnc afternoons of Tuesdays. hursdays and tom units) s. W_-‘.__._ ___.â€".â€"u I. 1'. Harte. M.D.,C.M.,. PHYSICIAN, stiiiliit’ox s: Accounttnn. “to It!) ll t‘ullc o it in:an l itlvoraity.) (sons, 5 , opposito Gamble. louse Athens. ciao w._...â€"... .._..._. 7... J. 1*. Lamb. 1.6151. . A (tor more than ‘20 yours oxncri I) ll prepared to ronqlcr tlw lJI‘Ml. m mochaninnltnd sui-tru tti (tr-no . B. 3. «fictitious, _. - . 0W“. KNGENlflERTDomEmon nnd l‘rm'ln- ' toy-m: l”:ll,‘lll‘lt"‘v :a r tmfdr to . - if l" H mm.“ l‘ «will a. . r . In ,' um.- mm, ' l ' ll rind 't'im‘ hguulvz M-gm n T 2w Gamble tic-rm, \i ls= 'l‘lil‘ l' ..“. i‘.‘ it Ia"‘lr i, ll \‘4 "noon I‘ll’dllltli‘t lllllllalh'il llll"'”ll‘l||'t‘.l In “W .ntmt Ml‘t'lus, Hurt uttt-ntinn glint in thrl wants of xtitrsts tlowl ynrtls :mvl Mullins. , 22.1v Fill“). l’ll‘lltl,‘l“.. l’l'np‘r. 1' _" W « -WA‘VAA "A u.“ t r .. MoNE M'v‘ hn‘m twitriirtiow w. pint-u n lumiwnm ’ of urivntc (under ul mun-n1 E'ltll‘w of llt'l't‘t‘t‘ll on ‘ first mortgage on lint-run I! farms. Irmm to, wcrs. Amvlr in ‘ | ‘ ‘ "in mm ‘llli’l‘t'lllih’tlfi Sr Haunt. llal't'inlt'rs. km. ‘ltrm in “to. n-.. _.._.__....__'â€"..... .nâ€"m A, T ERA I! X I undrrt-rlti- to hilt-fly- Inch-n] X's-rt; nm-Ilign-ut pvt-on uflilhsr us. who can run! end wrltr_ Am! who. Int-rhinth tinn.wtll Work lmtuntn'nuuly. how to corn Tim Thou-ad Boll-re s ‘wh thlrow- mlfllvfi.“ hum-"hey It" I win It” mml.‘ fie “motto-i allmpluyn NV,“ m til. I. {mu 1 no - am it.“ amount ls mu hr snout". um. sums i... Abou- I »Ill$‘ om] .mm. if leonml. lav-tn tun on. wars-a inn. mt- .ttmu r. m t numy. naive-d .- M And muttlleit Wltll (‘Hl'il rumpus true hum Mia 'Mlllnk are: "000 s vrlreus- n n a 3 It.“ “I f hull srtirulsrsffl 2",. Adilrmssl wiva 830. Ah. his. is ox ‘30, Augusta. Maine. I ALLAN TURNERELWCO, L ‘ coinsurancuus ‘ OFFER ,Garden and Field Seeds ‘ "II‘ AND BIL‘IMLI AT LOWEST TRADE PRICES usual W w; clubs and Large naysrs 5 , .. 2......“ O ,Orders and Enquirir‘s by ill-iii: iwill receive prompt attention more srnnm‘. aw W‘4‘â€"‘M . v... BROC'K VILLE. w A N T E D ' 40,000 DEACON’ "AND CALF SKINS lions“ 0:135 mum u m ssocmms noggin. A. a. MeditADY SONS. J“. m, if ---*I'hqci;:6s.os.. .*'-." ,3 .r ' It 1% or s ,4. . Ah... I [Lllulhessdzd’on TOHE80N &. (ill. .4. r n. «W... 9â€"7«. winâ€">wâ€" fly“. Wemare convincetl‘tliéit” MOFFATT & 800'" G EN ERAL MERCHANTS Addison and Rocksprings PAY HIGHER? PRICES FOR IIL‘TTEIL HUGS, BEACON SKINS. MAPLE SYlll'l‘ A‘Nh SUGAR, Huh, AND stem. .t'l‘ BOTTOM muons Our Spring Goods llnvc just arrived and for Quality. \Tltlllllly mid Priors wu defy com;th- t on. tmr Prints, Uiuglmmst‘hlrtlnga, Cuttnniulcs. tirny t‘uttons. and vauls oro thl'y nttrocttw and Chen . whilst. our “'nll l'uior. Hoots tlll Shoes, Ready Mixed l'uluts. Lctuln.olls,tllass. Crockery. Etta. art! for Superior in uunllty than over bcforc shown. OUR Tfi‘l at 36m, 30m, 36:, and 10:. per lb. arc unequalled {or flavor and for otter: th. Remember we elwavs give us many lbs. of SUGAR {or .1 as any "‘ Rouse ” in the Trade. Litth a you should rxztminc our stooknf Fine Show, h‘llttymrfl. Allwiml (insh- nu-rws um: l'rlntrl. (trots our llntu, l~‘nrr.r-ihimm. Twit-its. and Kid “loves tllt‘ t".t;‘\3l.iy “but you want «111's .t: ,‘ in re. Ummu .trvt: Fun-t (lt'AItss‘rm-m _ l i.’,’l:"1l ‘erIu-l l‘rim- for l’m i-t? "or l'mdi -n t with it I‘t‘llll'lw y. i‘ () T'l‘ ... A-...__._-WW .lvtil r»r1unnhan Mm mode It nu, tu- Anal Pt. 1., Austin, mt Juli. Hum, To mtv. f'hh'r. s is" .1 Hat‘s-w!“ Why “a :n-n mu flirt-.0“ s . ., in» war). on.) llrs \ mil on. View he- . t kllI‘is it... ~- V .1111 um anti 1." u. r ' man u... um», rm; 1... m- l-d'nrr uuh i .nm-nr ‘h'rsl. Kl.\\‘ and w. nilev w llrll'll'I-Ins" Hun HMO Portland, Mat-id JOB PRINTING i'catly Executed at. THE REPORTER OFFICE Athons. l The Leading Â¥ stint: HOUSE ‘ E'i'ILXXLM Eliiii Geo. 5.. Young THE ,MOL’SONS BANK- l.‘~"('!)‘-‘«"!l('i'l‘14:D mt Ara- or X’A’It't.7.lMIN‘l' l H 7):} I] .- “‘07 its .013 .000 aspirin 32 000,000 IBOBKVILLE Bllllllll A (choral Ranking business trouser-red. Ms- Per cat tutor-out. stlmmt on depoetts of" sod upwnnll. Damon thml snd‘l'orou- to. New \‘ork rind London. Inmnd. Wt and Hall! at. taunt rote». Bnmos But do pertinent in connection. A. B. BRODRICK. Honour. BANK OF MONTREAL .Thm I“ aâ€"uâ€"m . m sump hut: nopm- nont pays Pour pu- ’ (lent burnt, W as mans-yum mm _ iv“. .A BIG SALE s made on short notice F03 mus“ , Fit and finish (tumours ' ‘ WY 0 CM“ “Mam Show Rooms st Resi- End of Store. R. w . 85 00. ROBERT WRIGHT a co. . ’ . _ . ' BUST llECEIVED ‘ Ask to see our assortment ol Lsdtes and __Lu88 Mums“- Children’s Under Vests. l LADIES’ WHITE MUSL‘IN BLOUSES in {our different utilities snd three dif- feront sizes, with stunted Sheaves Ind l Back and Front Pleated. Ask to see them “A. 2 FOR 25c, LADIES" STAINLESS ‘BLACK COTTON HOSE With Linen Soles, sod High Splicod Linen Heels. Ask to sec them. PLAIN 'sumui SILKS Blsck and all Leading Shades PRINTED PONGEE SILKS Pretty l‘uttcms. l -.- M_. a... ...._..._ W” MÂ¥~W~ Ask to see our immense range of Ladies and Girls Absclutel Stsinless Black Cot- ton Hose. Remem er thoy will not fade with acid. Largo Assortment LADIES' LEATAER BELTS _....._---___.s .0..-» ,.. “Md.” .M.“ , . FAST SELLERS -_._...~. w--~_>r-...m. r. .., ., s...w-.__.__. -. . WM...â€" Some of the Reqltisites for River Cottages, Dodo Painted Window Shades, l Seamless Carpet Squares i ‘ 0m Pretty Patterns FRINTED SATEENS and all Wool N 10 each upwards l Art Muslins, 10c yard upwards Feather Pillows Turkish Bath Towels, 156 yard up Mosqucto Nets all Shades ‘ l ctc., PRINTED CHALLIES .....___...._. A...» .An .. ._...._4......-.__ SUMMER GLOVES Loco Nets four qualities Lisle Gloves ltlc pair upwards Tallow. Silk Glows £00 pr upwards Pure Silk (limes ull quztlities etc. ._..-..,_.. REM EMBER -w. \Ve are now Selling Out the Balance of Spring Cotton Jackets, at about half prico. To urrivo this week another complete assortment of tho Celebrated [4 [lorsets WV) Every pair guarantor-(l satisfactory in t-i'cry particular or mo: F‘,",:\"ll('it"ll ltflt'l‘ ti-n days, Kltl Fitting, wtufortitblc null clut‘t‘hlc. . NOTICE 4 clicerfully :‘ill dub. due [lu- \Vrtst End llry (inmls Home lllllal now in: willed at store (if RUB ER'I‘ \\ lllL-ll‘l‘ (fl), wlwto ll. Y. Farr. lmslio luckily atml Miss Avery will now [we llllllltl- FOR SALE mi“ TO LET . Stony only, or Store and Dwelling Cor. Main and Perth streets. Apply at store of ROBT. WRIGHT 85 C . Main St. utmostth littoll .st. Brtlt‘k\ illo “Limo” “33 A. [EWISti PATTERSON ' ‘ ' i’ '"r r ‘ ' *1 13.1%0013V II...le Still the: Curpct problem We want to Clear them out 3 We want you to sec them - i The prices on; so low that it' you think of 2 l buying will buy from ll‘S. ; mi ,1 l , . ~ . ., 55 it a) ton 333.4 \Vocl Carpets Tapestry Carpets " Stair Carpets Table Linens Bleached Table: Linens llousclrccpcrs an: invited to soc our stock. liordcrcd all around and look worth dumb, l the: money we ask for them. ; This statcmtmt is capable of easy timof l Iitrcry yard dcpcndnblcâ€"wcvery thread hon ' l’.S.-â€"-â€"On<; good way of saving money is by buying your Lace Curtains n: ‘205 King Street. Brockvdlc. mnm" LEWIS &. PATTERSON’S. Eight quarter Cloths $L75 Bleached Damask table: Cloths Right by ten 332,00 tori n _....._â€"__.......__. W A~ BIG SALE OF THE FOLLOWle GOODS AT C. 51. lfiAIICOCIi’S In'y (floods fitnro BROCIiVILLIQ .«........â€".n-.... . ¢-.... A. ‘4..â€" W...“ A lot of Drum Goods tobesold at .. . Another lot at . . . ...10 It A lot of Henrietta C oths sud Berger, double fold, st ...25 A lot of chy Drrss Goods wry cheep. - .. coats per yard [t “wt-$11.. 20 por cent discount on all Rudy Mods Hsntlcs. Cloth Shoulder Cspes, Deeded “th sud Cops. Ind sll Potters Trimmed liltinery. ~..- .. .- ‘-«..W .r_...-. - .Ak.... .. A choice lot of pattern Dresdss, Dress Goods. Fish Nets. Loos l'looncings. Bottoms. Prints. Ginghems snd Linens, Shirtings, Tickiogs sud Towcllings. Kid Ind Bill Gloves, Hosiery end Embroiders, 0 big variety. COME EARLY ANI') GET NICE GOODS G. M Babcock .. o.» awnâ€"nu.“ . _._ .. Hm ... Merrill Block m~â€"... When you me to Brockvillo it will/pd] you. to go to w.n.nnr.':vrss «~â€" '08 YOURâ€"uâ€" I’orse‘elstlsrmotttssttyseoer‘lod. Kite. ' OIrOIJOIstsostettss ' r- Yum” “one. Men-4n, 1, m ‘ “000m NEWS. "I'll! "use-sens "I"- t Ill}! our. listing good success to school work. visiting at Mr. Smith‘s. . The Faresters sttendud tbs Hotho- umoy.1us."i;.+.ntu tiara:- Ur. and Mrs. Hort of Montrsel, are V 0 than!” , - The following' are no bolus of thoee dust-ting ‘ot spools! ovation sr. ranged in order at Merit: , _. 4th ’ Clsss.â€"-lld. libs,- Unit- _Broclrvillbfs" cautions“ to tho cum-sum, rut-scoot Empire-"Jokes and ‘ fill! first “- t" l 1 7 crud. ADDISON. Saturdsy, June lamâ€"The smiling countenance of Mr. John O‘Connor is sgoin seen on our streets, ho hsving secured s coutmot on the Victoria teed. _ Again death has entered our midst dist church in s body on Bondsy.. Rev. Mr. Stowsrt s very sp- propriets sermon. . Mr M. llsllsdsy of Athens. is buy- wwl around here st present. Herbie Jocqueth is grilling in health ,Merchsets sod trsdssmen report business vary dull st present. _ Mr. Morris and hit: assistant ore uniting it good quality of cheese. *- WESTPOBT. ‘ inns. ‘ _ Shoes. Slippers, Trunks, and . ' _ ,~ , ‘YSsturday, June. l3.-Tho hurried clenging of the church bells, the shrill scresms of tho locomotive and tho ex~ cited yells of tire l fire! at two o’clock Friday morning June 12th awakened the rosidents of our busy burg to the fact that the fire fiend had st lust mode a. break in the history of our village and that the latest addition to the business of the town, tho building of the W cstport Stove Foundry, was in flames. Soon willing hands were busily engaged in fighting the hungry minister but in vain, and in a short 51106 of time the structure was a, ' m .33 of smoking ruins, while the fire had already commenced havoc with the tinshop of Mr. John McGuire which soon too fell a prey to the llamas. .By strenuous ctl'orts and untiring willing- ness the residence of Mr. Motlnim was sawed and the progress“ of the flames checked, The origin of the tire is unknown, but circumstances point strongly to incendiuriSm. No fim had been used in the port of the building where the fire commenced, for two days previous thus giving no possible chance of tire front that qunr~ tor nnd the fact that; some articles of Mr. McKco's lmd during the night .of the tire boon stolen from the otfice . clearly indicate that some one had at least been through the premises. The loss of tho Stow (20., borders cloncly on 356000 with an incur-none of 31500 but beyond this all is total loss as not even a. hammcr was sawed. Mr. Motiuii‘o’s loss is estimated at; r$l500 with $500, insurance and tho saving of some of the stock. Now whilo thognuorous arc kindly aiding Mr. McGuire in tho matter would it. not be well for the council, or the: business men of the towu to otfcr n, bonus to the company to rchuild their works stud thus ind an industry which will beyond rloubt prove a honclit that well its an addition to our town buoi ness. . {One thing that Grit mid Tory are like minded in at presont .is' that n tow goodshowero of ruin would prtwc it; i and taken away one of our oldest resi- dents in the person of Mrs. Thornhilt. relic of tho iota William Thornhill. Diseased was an invalid for same time but bore her sicknets with christian patience longing to be re- lievod irom this world of sorrow and to be with Christ which is {or better. She leaves s'lorgo family ct grown up sons and daughters. Mr. Frsnlr Hayes of Boynurd Valley who has been very sick for some time is slowly recovering. -m sunâ€"«w e hm _.._.. LYN. Monday. June 15.~â€"Tlto sale of the (3. T. C.‘Eyer come under chattel mortgage came cfi” today in the pres- ence of a number at men who had worked for months without pay and quite an audience of tensors who had worked hard last winter getting out logs and bolts for which they have not yet been paid. Tho comments of some on the injustice of a law that would allow such a. transaction to hold good was not very complimentary to our law makers. The plant and stock in trade brought between $3,000 and 34.000. i Earl-y one morning last week s young man from Athens, backed by a few of his triends, came out to Lyn. and carried of our best girls. __ _ s“. y...“ . .ham, QUAle Monday. June 15.~Early last week Toni Donors met With rather a seri- ous sic dent. Whilst drawing milk to tho 'l‘tllcy factory his horses tool; tright, throwing him to tho ground, tho i‘cnult bt‘lll v n serious inwardly bruising. 1):". finite was callcd in and gave him his usual skillful attention, and ho is now on the rapid road to recovery. Our connty constable, Mr. T. Wes- ton. has tumult back to his old stand. lie was on. duty home last week looking after a crooked horse: transaction. Mr. T. Gavin’s twelve year old boy Lawrenco, got hiclcl by a vicious horse lust Toccday The nutortunntc little.- fcl ow Mr." Merl uncoucious for st-Vcral hours: but under Dr. Lane‘s care he is gutting around nicely. The (it-ally barbed wire fence has been ngnin getting in its cruel work in thin neighborhood. Lust week, Pat Unscgrow‘s blooded colt. got badly cut on itst‘ront leg, but. with cum may come out o, lright. ‘ 7 We am pit-coed to see Bob Leader port attended the funeral of Council's running his mom Wagon again. This low Premier at Kingston On Thursday in a grant (to‘nvet‘lcnce to the public, The remains of a gciitlcm-iu nnrncd t and We hope to has; him well patron. Henley, who was killed by lightening ized accordingly, ' on Thursday were brought to West- It seems haird in: a good looking port for burial today, )"J‘WS 3‘ “‘90 Who has 3 nice hOUBG Mus-rs. Jns. McGuire ,ond George and “W” l" “mill” “"810, I” “limb!” Uorrel, students of Athcnsltigh school 33’ “'hf‘“ We ham M3011 fl 110mb“? 0f arrived homo on lc'riduy owning. charming young laser‘s llt our nogigh "they report great progress in edu. btillrtIOLi. li‘t'll)’ not 3501129 GlV ‘Lllt‘ifle 213?)- cammml (“alters and the teaching of fill Chalmers “"9 lll‘lll‘ Pum‘UE’Sl-V: 910' tho motlrm Atlicninus and MO almost (WWW ‘9 we “"99 W037 Will Calla 'iillfi confident of BllthtSH at the coming ex: tip, and Charlie Will also receive this amiuauons it: July, as n good-natured point. Besides it would save tum that one mils trip to . , , _ his dad's which is really labor lost. A diallngmalfml l’udge 0”“ Ml- A youug “wig of a boy fro-m :33“? dressed the prtomrcr ss 'lolliws E canon (but. nho as. unit-s the airs of n “Enamel lg“ “13 W", 30*“ 00mm?! mun) has. hid the nutlncity and check mmk“ 3‘0" ‘W‘mm’l‘: “39 900.9391 50’ to pay his raids-asses here to n young 0“" Pr‘mecmf‘m mm?” 30“ ‘fimo‘b‘nl girl of the tender age of thirteen. . A l’l‘mk yo“ '“nocem' _B“t “ Jury 0‘ few evening ago he mule his nppocr. your own countrymen, ,m the 0329(0er Mm and WM received by he, a with of such common some or they possess, opt-n arms. and a big hickor stick. mm“ [300“ “'9‘ gem.“ ‘0 be Emmi" and it. bulldog in the rear. "43 may lmvc mund X03 Bulky: "‘6 ll' ’9' State that the yam.“ kid flew over mmns that! would pass upon you the the garden wall, jumped into his stnteuce of the law. I 'lllisl. surname. buggy, and at“.th “my M ,fl Maud is that youbo kept to imprisonment 3. W08, we pmwmc he won“ km for one do)“. and, as that dny use yes thin neighborhood a widc'lmrtit tn ‘s'h-c g affix. 3'9” "‘“l’ 8”."‘lm'll' 3m" hm" future. It will be who tor him to do "“W' 30. “’5 are pleased to see that our school teacher Miss L. Thompson is having good success in her school, snd the stteudsnce is above the orange. Mrs. Charles Monroe of Athens no» compsniod by her little son was on a visit here lsst weak to her {other Mr. A. H. MoDonold. We on pleased to my thst Miss Agnes Bottle who» recently underwent u very delicste operation in the Brock- ville hang-l, is now st home Mid to perfectly convalescent. greater blessing than. either Nlititf‘e'll Poicy or lime Trude. Tho rm'ivnl services conducted 3;} Misscs (Silos and Knowltou at Salon;- were closed on Ertduy evening. Thu evangelists tnkc with them the well wishes of the good people, of Sodom who have been greatly niclml. sq,>?.;*i.ti,i-l ally by tho efforts of the ladies, l A 11-mier nt tho residents of, “first-l -_.i...o....-_.. z.’.o_ “Hus- An sdvcntnro was raided over s soldiers' cemp fire at San Carlos, "Peg, that is worth [trust-wing. Tho csptsin fluid that hs had been fishing in one of tlic smaller canons near Fort Apache shortly before, 3nd hooked on humans trout. Ho plsysil him up snd down strum. become in- tensely excited, and wes just “out to land him when he heard s Homegrowl sod, looking up, perceived s. tremem dons beer on the oppoeite side or the narrow «rock. The csptsin wss not unions to lose his life, end tho but wss rushing for him. Keith" did he core to lose his tlsh, So hs quickly transferred the fish pole to his left seems Msrtin stsnegh our mod master in this division ha been doing some good work in gruelling the mods. Anrh" “min it t ’m‘l" “4 3"“ ma 0 w his revolver witkhisri in first "ten , mm t bound um landed in. One of 00“ {omtfl “d O "‘30'" trout. There no It lull It the end of 01‘5"“ M! “ MM“! ‘0' * Wt“- tl.e story. The hum-s wsited to Will hot lows of 70‘" “W on “'0 hesr wtmt the sonnet would ss . He shelf" widens cometh ssststoncs. uked, Whot did you do m’th the It is too bed but it. seems rim“ {01' Instr, sis 2 Gen trim to some Irv him to has? a? hired girl. M Mm chasm the reply. And the Ish ! tiy quilt flit-kiln; till MMMI “'5 ueotinesdtlie Conant. ' tress-eh pun-tattoo mmuuwtuumoutmmmum . I don't 1min ' ' Council, Addie Howe. ' Sr. ‘ maneâ€"Ed. .Isylorr Burden] . mm. Georgina: Moles. ‘ J r. 3rd.â€"~Ardell Brown, Arden Trickey. E'vs “9.1101”. ' 2nd Clawâ€"Lotti“ Ghent. Council. Charlie Co‘nnell. ‘ . 8r. Pt. Annie Mnohmore. Willie Bullet]. . Jr. Pt. ILâ€"Stclh Joy-at, Mabel Brown, Georgo Joynt. lat Class.-Fred Lathsm, Lids Muclimore, Rose Chsnt. _ " Macon: BsLumr. Teacher «a. Newsme and their It!» Anewâ€"insper, if it. hss any brsios, conscience ind muscle brick of it, must cantinuolly decide between- doiog its duty and injuring its pocket. In any million but that of so editor the pubic is able to saturate the in dividuol home from the collective citizen. plosao them, it's his pooltet they aim at. Thus it is that newspapers team who their friends are. The man who re.ds a newspaper and admires it all the your around, yet gives his busi- ness support to some othcr cancet'n, whose principles hi‘flostcsts, is, not a friend of the {or-me..:”3inpcr. Admirstion alone will not run a ncwupapel‘. Sooner or later such admirers will find that [the object. oi their alibi-liens lute become Wedded to other wayslthut they do not admireâ€"- in other words, a. ucwspopcr in min» pctlcd,in order to live, to seek, the friendship of those who are not so platonic in their love, but units that practical esteem wrlh sentiment that binds mutual admiration in other professions. There are too many men who expect an editor to lvluvc in defence ot’tl-cir pct notions and bob bios, udvocntc their views against the strongest Opposition and cooly with- hold the busmcss support by which ulonc a rtuull mwwspcr can live. Toll: about a newspaper having .19. public duty to pvrlcrm, uud nu editor , having to labor for his principles, is chqu when others stand buck and, while extending a hurt-Warm neutral» ivy with one ltultd, are filling tlicir pockets with the other hand as a result, of tho editor’s labor for his yrinciphs. which they admire but. do not Suimcrt. ' ._......._..-â€"~ooo«.- . -W ‘Wtunxo Council. The regular monthly meeting of the .lltltlllt‘lpill council was held on Wednesday lust 10th inst. The macro, clerk, and councillors Barney and (lreeuo, present. Minutes of regular meeting read and adopted. ‘ Leave was granted” to introduce a hy-lnw to appoint a pound keeper for the village of Athens. which passed through its several rendings and was linolle passed. The provisions of the hymn lining that ll. t3. Phillips was appointed pound keeper for the year 189th) act. under the provisions of? liy-lnw No 286, pustwtl by the muni- C'pul coum ll of old towriship of Item. Yongc and Ewell, which byler is to remain in force in the villsgo. ‘ot Athens until t-i-pealod. copy of this by~lnwis Imogen ‘intho all. rk's oilicv for tho iii-spation ’ the public. ’ ‘ Mr. Barney moved, wounded by M r. Greene, that this council is of the opinion that the practice of bull playing on the sitcom of this villngc to it public nuisance nod that the clerk bc instructed to print 25 copies of n motile warning all poi-sons that grazing or allowing horses, csttlc 49cc , to run at large. Roving or furious driving, rowdy conduct, sun-tiring. hiring drunk or dloorllci-ly, and dis- orderly condurt mt. :r In tiny public meeting are strictly prohibited within the corpoMo limits and that. all (illiccrsot the law are instructed to set: that the law in res-poet thereto is enforced. The council then adjourned until the next regular meeting unless soouor csllcd by tw rears. B. chnm, Village Clerk. o .7 â€"7 QM..-" mroekvme‘ Ms M Nat-un- tit-sch.) to 'ltmom [alli Hall, Jnns lltlt.--To all parties connected with the Board of Trade, with the possible exception perhaps of the few Opposed to the suction system, the meetin in one ot‘ the most sotisfsctory hol for yeers. 1", ms planing to the salmon who were out in force, pleasing to the “smell fry" gentlemen, (the cord by which some 0! the buyers who {not the open bid for the goods have come to be known). pleasing to the ofllcors, md slso the “swaps r men who rs- ‘ ice to record business dons in s usiness my. - After business was opened by the President. Mr. Webster spin brought up the question of isles made oil the hard. I. K. Evertts toolr objections Lulu V lipâ€"Walton swam, . But it the cditor docs hot ' hurrah . Lube-'1!th Dad-moss V: F' ‘ ‘ Night‘Gown (9o. ' X. - " cosmos . ,1 r Corset-00ml. We uroshowma s large W 1 Mine” linorlllmlqr «our in single ‘ or in sou. wall mode, bsootifull‘ i-trtmmd .snd lull sins. The best voice in ,thtll‘l- . V 7 .t. ,v. MtLLll’lt sco. uniâ€"un- 'Chlldrsn’s Dresses “ ' For riverside wear ‘ » in Gingham. . in (Hunting in lawn ‘ Just received Children’s Dresses in washing Materials in three sizes: Just tho thing tor camping or river side was: Very Week. ' , J. V. MILLER & CO. ‘ Dress Goods . “ ‘ Twill Beige Su‘itinp 8‘0 - " Diagonal Beige Sailings 80 Check Beige Suitings 8t! 40 inch Beige Sailings 180 Plsitl Beige Suitin I Ho “’0 are showing lines 0 Dress Good! ‘ not 9 milled in Brockville‘. Very stylish new a tidbit sud remsrlmbly cheap. Sell- ing'out lost. ‘ V J. V. MILLER CO, W Prints Prints Amcricsn Indigo 94¢ ‘ Canadian Indigo 106 English Indigo 10:30 ,Fortho large-st n‘swrtrrient, the newest patterns, .1. V. Miller 8r Co’s. is the place. About 800 pieces to select from 5; to 1210' Every piece this year’s int irtntions. ‘ I .l. V.M LLER it C0. ‘ M The leading Glove Hausa Selling very fast 4 Button Embroidered Backs 45c 4 Button l'luin Backs 65c 4 Stud Fancy Back 78c 4 Stud Real Josephine $1.90 Our “ilk Kid Gloves tiro chiral to glove! sold in other stores tor $1. l’et‘fect‘fitting‘ ancl \i'utrantetl not to split. ‘ It in wally the best voluc glow in the trade. J. v, MILLER New New NGW' N W , ' New ow . Wu hare no old shopworn goods; Entire hltlt‘k new nnd ire-sh. Can confidently ‘ rcccommcl‘td cvcr y nrticlc to ourcustom-or'e knowing we give this best value in Brock- ville. Bradford Warehouse [ligg’s Block Opposite Confirm}. illotol BROCKVILLE M~‘_a. _.. +g-i_~u~.s_¢._u._~.~ 1v: I. beg learn to nnnounce to the peo- ple of Athens and vicinity that hsving been in Toronto for the past nine months w ltct'c l received the but; fu- structionc that money could procure, I r am now in n ‘orttcr position than our to give my customers satiatth in the REPAIRH OF WATCHES, CLOCKS Jewelry, etc. I will also carry as heretofore e soled stack of the above mentionml goodsm'ith prions to suit the times. You will slwsys‘ find nil! pleased to show you my stock in the ma. “also not: Thanking my old customers for this past lovers. H. a. KNOWL'hON mum's. __,-..l R-.. .__ .7“. ....................-â€"«--â€".-- to Mr. Wobstsr’s insinustiont rospsct- ' in mh ntss. Hr. Winter in reply UM tie could me the mwlio land this trough-sud, he manhole-Hieth and tho

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