Alf-31‘ in“ if. wt 2. ’ i l g t 3 a il l r i E .3; f is o. o . o i all many ct who- woro toâ€!!! to ho ‘ At that inc-tout u torridc copio- scormthoair. thootot Iona-burnt tron tho build'tn at tho northweot onrnor cl loblo' and Wu l alloyo. a grout tnooo o! briokuboutlo and otouo that woocoudo holoro had oonotitutod u twootory brick building woro flying with torrtllo lorco t tho air. Tho ocono that iollowod woo terrible. The pooplo dad. ahriokiua. in all direction. whllo tho alley woo lnotonil ocvorod with a null 01 dobtit. tron wh tho mount 0! burlod lion count. Pomd. tumbling wotnon toitorod and run onto-o tho ulloy and otroeto. moonlit: or obrlokin . Mon with torohoudo and obouldoro crab od with blood otaggtred from union“ the dobrlu A woman invelopod in u abort of homo. burohoodod and (raided. run ohriokina iron tho houoe aorooo tho all-y. A than dashed 0! hit ovormt and ran to throw it around hot. A ï¬reman who held the noulo 0! a hoot turned “In otrooin on kor. 1t knockod hor down but oavod hor illo. extingnioking tho honor. Bha woo hurriod intou noigh- hcriiig hence. Evory inch hcr clothing had been burned from hor own to ho: wuiot. Her name woo [’ot Karrott. An old man with white hair and board wuo dug lrom the mint and hurried to a place where mrdioul Ihlittlntlé could be vcn him. A tourlcro mother utuugorcd rent the ruino holding light to her heart the teemineg liiolooo form of her 5-month. old lube. Tho explrcion. uo noor on can be clear- tuinod, runlmi from an ucoummulntion of natural .258 in the milur 0! ti t‘ honor orcu led by Mich-til Bowen and Mr. Marrott filo natnrsl gut piper were eyerpniinto that honor. but a natural “as moiu in Nouio alloy looked. '1' he goo has no count and in presence could not be detected. The ox phi-ion Iouitcl‘td bricks. rto.. for a cocnid. erahle (human. The aid, of tho Morrutt houw writ blown out and the root {cll over and hung item the top of this little!) to the ground. ' . Tito CXpiCdi’d vapor. alter domg tin tar. riblo work on tho south silo oi Noblv ulley, [Mimi (Vcr to the north aim» and own- lately (honeyed the hours noiiiipsmi by "iwnrd Giant and Mr, James. Tun in into was similar to tho one opposite. lii rn every thing WII blown to cliipi. The hOLhtt‘ that up and parted like a pull)“ cl hrcwurko 'l'iic work 0! muting out the mad and caring for tho wounded lvns bun :tltnlldrd with gun I xcil' mom. Ru lhu murruo are three belies The killed an: : Chum-ti Brcht. barber; â€"â€"-~ Boymour, a colored boy. and ‘-‘r9 P Marrclt. The Womun'o body woo taken (mm the cellar. The slim: members of her family are bldly iltjlll'l (i. The woumlwl are : Dr. T. K VVipsingrr. Wi'iiam Brady. “imam Neil. William Jamel and willi, Blankingâ€. 'I'l‘tn. Shouting. will" r Lymliuy, (Morin-i Link. lighit-r. Wi-l rim 1H. 3‘. E lll(‘r (lztlv'r‘. Mm. Carr. Ed. wa: r. liiimur Orv-.clit, (Ilturli it Lou/pry, » Wuflnudvr. i‘rtiy Morrolt, Thomas iloyio. Flinn L’JWFTU. and Emma Bowerc, ogmi ll. badly hurnrwi. l-u'. iw't fatally. Aaron lion". lii'nj tmui Morgan. Marthai! Kiibonmo. Dolor Morrolt, and two men named B rry and Wolf. tho Britioh Io. Thlo Britiob coupon country for 11 youro. at throo ottcntoro on tho rotor and luko and a chain cl tad- iz'r-“iz-r...“ " '3" “mm v p t on v t intorooto. m About tho cum tinio u Portunooo lorco undo: tutor Sorpu Yintc uttuokod and dotoutod u nutnbor ct Ioknlolo chieto along tho rlvor who woro d log tho Brltloh dog. and doclarod that i oy woro nndor Ibo jnrloï¬otion of Grout hrituln. Tho dlo uto cvor Moobonulutd loontlroly dlotlnct in tho Bhiro Rivor troubloo. fluthona-lond huo for many youro horn tributary to Motobololand whcoo powcr~ Iul king about a your and u bulfogo loood lilo douiniont. on popor ot louot. char tho protection Grout Britain. About a your a South Airlcun Ootn ny woo crguniood. with u largo oopl . to carry on trudo. and in Novotnbor loot ito oliurtor wao fluull oignod by tho Britiuh Governinont. Th charter givoo it largo powuro o! odmlniotration. ointilor to thooe lormcrl gruntod to tho Britiob ant Indian in any. and Maohonu-lund woo inolndod in t o rogion which woo to bo ito fluid 01 opcratlono. - - ‘. Tho uewoot thooo procoedingo prompted Portngol to oturt on cxhibltiou uonth under Lieutonant Gordon. who ootubiithod hint- celt in Muohorvu land and curabliohod o militorv poot there. Meantime tho Portu~ gum Governmont itouod uprocloination summing the wholo coiintry up to tho Ztmbilfll River, the rogion including about all the country in which the Briti=h South African Company woo to operato. and moot of which had been doclorcd 18 montho ago to be within the Britlkh Dphtâ€"re 01 iiifluonoe. Mathonu-lund particularly tho country that Great Britain covetei. in mail to ho a magniï¬cent liaison with a rich notwnk of streams. a line climttc ' united to Eurnpran colonization nod u wraith of. alluvial gold. Portnuol bitten hair claims to then m- ulono upon a curios of our qncytc and dirt coveriet made by but (more and explorers two or throes ccnturii a tit-,0. Thu recorded 'llvme early events wvc no very littlo irioa of the country, and our prelont knowlitdga 01 it in dcrivrd almost wholly from the discowrico of Brilioh Olpiflfrl'fl. Until olter recent liriiieh activity in thew re- gions Portugal lino not been heard of for ()be bWO centuries. The British contoan it that Portugal long ago forlomd all claims to than l’e- giuis by hot failure to occupy and control them. and that the never thought of IPV1V4 mg ihu ant-innt claims until alter Britlnh g moi-mum in those iiistrictn were dev: laying. and a large part of them had already berm declared to be within the Brim-ii sphere of influence. W JURN I’OI’OFF'B CRIME. [to M nrdoro it Young Woman Brennan 8th Mopuiaoit ulm. A New York deupotch of Thursday says: Tim; kltkf'llUUKl, Mary Prtrcliowky. 5,8»! 19. it Run-nan girl. was that in tho head by John l’upufl. Sim died anon alter. The muruiirer was arrested. He comes of u waaithy family in i igh standing): Moscow, liurtia. Hm puzcuto died two yearn u o. l- tying him was obtains. Bo rquandr n tnnut or liiii lorttmo in lean than two years. He belonged to the Bunion urmy. and cu monilm abo, when a war was imminent bcA twu n Ruauiaami homo other powrr. Pupofl doe-win l and fl‘Jtl to this country. About [our months nuo ho bmamo a courier in tin: iamily oi J. 31.1‘ in lin‘v’tlliy, a brother of this girl he muniuml. Lie met Minn Pctrokct sky irrgucnily at bar brother'o houun, at d lull in love with her. The girl malide him on acmnnt of his uhilticro habits and related in marry him. This nllumoon the “"1 again vii-itid h»: brothir'c house. l'opufl come into the room where the litmin WPFO With a ninc Cllnlubbl'tjl‘i liutomn iivclver in his hand. ill. drove the rent of the lamlty irom tho m cm at the point of the trooper) and thou abut the girl. The nllll'dttl'rl‘, it in belict'id. d mum to kill himotl! also. but locked the . courage. iii», in now in a Ct†at u poiic~ V Mimi-Ion and u pilicomon iu con-tuntly ' watching him. an it in lcarod be null at- tempt anionic. hUnt'Eiii rm t~ our. PLAY. 3:. Mon Funnil Ela'montwd Altar Homing A ppnronily mobbed. ll 'Winliiptg monopole}: airtime, - Bnyn: A strnrga blory in to . Ann“. of Bimiurck. hm. About nix ‘ weeks ago her hnthund “9.24; is. Portage la ‘ Pruiria to ï¬nirb tho rain of dawn land thorn. iin will it for conic M200, and wro’is biz info that he would 1w homo ut Chriclnm. HP did not c. ml, and amru alter tie .322! o.’ lbs yerr tr» hourn he wad insane at 73min†lu Prftille. 5h.- iw. l. titer him and inunvi him Ill a moat pilinblu condition his iouou gone. the incnwy loci, and even his ulmhw had been taken. Mrs. Attreli say» that liar husband nicer-drinks V and does not indulge in dliieipulion of or y kind. She bt‘llvri'yd he wan robbed in a oyttnmatic momâ€. C, but has not yet obtaiurd all the lawn. At tiimn when violently honor a he will beg not to be iii]: (1 and his will cry " Lwt them have it." 1h 5 lo auppoced to relor to his money. At an othcr time. when pnrtiully (lune, he told hit who that ho wal im‘kmi up in a room for four any: without food became he would not do or somebody wanted him. Mr. Attrrll‘c lawyer but ooc~rtaintd thut he tinned citrqnen on the but it, and that the umonnm Wrra afterwards put in and the cheques paid. lint hank bulk for the Portuuw lc ?rnili¢ Bank and also tho one for the Winnipiubmk at which be it in the habit oi doing buo‘nraw. are bhtl‘l miss. ing and have not yet been lound. The coon will be puohud. MW 50 OT“ [.31. 3101‘s. A..â€" Wâ€"uâ€"oâ€"“m ..... EEK.le BLY'II ABï¬iliVAL. ~ The Girl Who Wuhan u moustache-World Trip Record. A Saturday cight'c decpnion lrom New Ycik toys: The ilfliciol time. an announced by tho World't timorn for the arrival oi Ni-lliu Bly, won 3 51 o'clwk. "tlmo making but 00m|i.-te trip around tho world in 72 do): 6 homo and 11 minuieo. Thch was tho: strongest (Illlvl‘lï¬llhm on her arrival, Bho woo driven oiteotly to “it! ll'mld I mm, in frontal which more that 5.000 permmi hurl congregated. The carriages mailed bl‘llkly lrom tho dripot. but diopito this tiny wore accenipanied by a ahontug, seething mob of ptoplo. In ten minntao there wore lull) 10 000 poopla in Park Row cheering and warm: hunukurchielo and ihirty-flvo Arron-to and the Military Bleep- ing on ihplr Arms. An Apluohlcoln. Fl... delpatch oi Thurs- day night coyo: The Eacumbiu Ratio ur- rlvcd loot nimt. 37 strung. Guardo werr poatod thron‘h‘ ut the town. and uw-ry tr'bitcmun not on duty slept with arno within reach Thirty live rtnulrurlero of the Nigro l'l’lk‘fll wero orriaiud today. but thn chiri one. Sancho: V. Thomas. can not!» found. One noun) '5' Bho‘ ’0'“) ltopplnu tho immeneo troflic of that Whll‘! 590le {mm "W"- Th0 ‘Yl'l 0' thoroughfare. ’lho ooonoo at tho l’onnoyl- coma priooncro commonood. this ul'trrnoon “m. 394,0“ mp“. “ ‘1†g. r, “a in Into-nos exommont rovailn among both mu “mâ€. thence m we 31-0,“; 0 “were whitoo and blaciio. ' ho negro woman are violont in donunciutlon oi the nation of tho whltoo. and uro throwing the otrooto. Thi- citluno are worn out with fotitlms. It in ' oily bollme the urn at 0? the ring. inflow will have u curtain: tom, but tcmo think tho mama ‘lll ottnmpi to mnke [nth-or trouble to night Tho whitco uro ï¬ll pr: pond, and this font it to hopcd will rootroin tho maroon. ID’“C-..â€"~>â€"w Cultivating linrluonou nor-till. A Vienna cublo cl Friday tuyo: On a Mot bouillon dict the influenza bacilli uro thriving wondoriolly. Dr Jooloo otutod to your corroopondont thin oftornoon that htu oultnro oolonioo ci’ coolnolvo inducti- u had boon obtained by tho nonul “but! cl ollininatinp ulirn bacteria taught and practiced by Prolzooor Knob. Doctor Jottoo toduy lnocnlutod twtnty It. by raoano ct unboutouoono injoottcna with tho ottocuotod vino. and uwulto with ui like dccoription Very low poroono have rem-inc; lo fluttering a popular woloomo in New T'Tntk uo Nollio Bly thio day. It being a item;.-holiduy. and tho urrivol of tho littlo lady '«olarnbly poi-talc. probably added to the onthuaioorn. good-nutty" and also at tho crowdc. _ W 1T0 Dianna-ago loading. Wuohiiiuton dcoputoh ooyo ; Tho pmpoood now Extradition Trouty bctwoon tho Unitod Stutoo ond Grout Britain to very well reooivod by tho Republican Bonutoro. and tho probability io that it will in rail bod. lt oifloro from tho treaty nogctiotod by Bocntor Bayurd in that it ditto not moko provlo on for tho outruditlou at what on known on politioul criruinolo. It doulo ouoluolvvly with oflonooo opal-at tho common low. and it it inttnilod to intro u oupplotnont to Artlolo lo cl tho thbarton Trooty. Tho tantra-out it not rotrooctivo. on that tho " boodloro " in Canada who on m ivoo trout inotico in tho Unltod Btatoo Wt h Carnation -â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".â€"______ let-lb 0‘ I Putin". ABt. Ootbarlnoo dowputoh ouyt: It to cold that on account of 001'! trcnbto tho Dciuloioa Fortiltoor Octo- bottroouM nay. ' low WI toy. Ir. Editor. 1'! llbt to now-â€" ‘dttorâ€"Wlot would you llko to know? "A “cut dtlloc boo brokui bio not w. Hamilton. and u anchor ct « all: what of it‘d?“ an gloomy... :Jklcb u‘luwoult “I‘ puddtokncwwbotlttrtboltoium ‘V m that "‘1'," m m d t gm Fm. . loo. tho Goran-out booordorod Ir. a... Ioototy Mp ‘ " .0 W ' AMA“ - “at...†toolbar duotor will loot About it alwoyo t on! in 1'! Mbâ€. dugout“.- papcr I . Tho urticlot within Dori-plinth†' roocbolt obaudoot'o wtpdwlthuciooc “.mgud m. mwbfllh anon. tho dim bin: gill.“ h†‘I" uttrlhtttodtotho flaunt-that olotkand not tattered loll W ’5' wm daylight colic. routwaoh-r havoc; output. and tho plowâ€! m ‘° 1" ""5 to can that alto woo Itch Olin b 0 out lrcnrtho wallo and duotod all Oh" "am cl rod call. which had him buoko. Woman who dlollkotoahokoduotoro .uhoud by m .M W. 1. a. from “dildo†""8 W‘""“" "h' ointmou and had bitton through bor till “'4.†"3"" “m ' 1"“ “'w†htohor toh.totliutohocorrtoitthotcoro inhim "a! wink?" hm a um.“ l" ottuowouaootaktruoto. lodoukt tho urn tort. ' " ' ' I ‘ “ “u “Mm: I u_ municpuluwuoonroddnttkoronody. noon; boro flocro mrool clounlinooo and Ill!) ho not Mt or thoy on u torntont. A unit wood floor will not dotcuonncur- pctod; it oplinioro and wouro rough. A vurniohod or pulntod door will not do at all; it to too olippory. it ahowo grain of dual and it “ocrutoboo right up. ’ A buro door tnnot ha of hard wood. It moot cover be wuohod from the day it it nuilod down to tho cod 0! timc. Among tho many plcuont notiono that we hora hold iron our Buihlk once-try in tho no~ tiou that nothing can bo cleaned without water. Our anceotoro probably thrived thin ,“ poor iclko' ntatnooo " iron: tho wutnr- opluohing Holiuudrro and Belmont, from whom thoy narrowed their religion ucrooo the Ohunnol Really the but way to cit-on any tting’ from u pantry-the†to a niche door-atop, in to wring u cloth or bruuh noorly dry and apply it with an littlo wator at putoihlo. Bcrnuhing with a broom and a pull of water is an abomination ui’ apat- tering at d olrooking. The: Ftt'llflh “ dry mooring" it just on cleans-lug at coup and water ldrllbbir g. evmi tor rnomu wnuro nichnous lino tobcn place “ Dry scouring" connieto c! oner- “will: rnhbug and polishing with wax. H a floor it dirty. to btfgi’.) with. it ought to be Acraped and " tilled " by a goal pointer. and north no oaroluiiy no on oak table in done lho “ titling “ should have no otuin and to out in it or this floor Will to ruined. 'l he wood should have its natural tint and groin. A WIXnd floor it not overolippery ; in o tow days u family Will learn to walk llicu’ily and occurer over it. and if irtt in in; natural tint it Hill not show duct. 0! course, tho laboriouu French “dry scour- ing: †has been tupcrocded by on any Amniotic process. Recepticnvroomn mod not be “Bltd oltcnir tlan once in rt: ‘ months, Mayday roomfl nerd tho prone/to :;licricr.â€"-Indianapolis News. .W~MM girl! In tum Ann". Alt Afloorriucmrnt for it Wile Ind Ito Carlotta (intiomuoimoo. Ari udverticrmet app and in the Adam-- tiur't wwle edition not Very long ago Mom at man in 'l‘crnby Boy. Mouilulliln Inland. named lbbctoon, in which he nyolm n! his denim to aeourc a (iiriatiun wants" or winner on houoikecpir or will». 01 course the udvurtimmont woo nod by many pocpie. among whom was a widow in l’arib, mother of two children. who outwar- ed in inquiring for puriicniuro. 'Ih-o gentleman wrotc a reply, according to corrorpondant. in which no deocribod hit; . homo and worldly guodo. urd t-tp'nined that ho dclif€d some one to toko chui'sw of bio honor-hold. The widow took kindly to 'he id‘s-u ol jo ninu hand: with thegmllichor ol=lii adioitimrnrnt. and input rd about it‘ll) on a ticket to go to the diatom inland. She did not ï¬nd thing" quite an the ex- pected. howrvor. The bout. hold congloth of the tumor Ind nine children. tho young eat of whom was 7 yin-rt clogs. The childron'a mother had died intone some time provionr. und the blu‘shlng and charming widow woo loth to com. pill.» the incarnation which rho had begun to hruvoly. Shc woo clapping at Hilton. and tho widower wont thithor to interview her. but the lady at his clinics dcilinod to bo Icon at all. Tl is iwould ho a tad ruling were it not that another chapter yot rcmoino tobo unfolded. A young man reticent on tho island hoard of the lady bring there without a homo and that the had two little obi dren, 5 and 3 yearn old. [In went and had a nice litiln talk on Sunday. propcaod marriage on Monduy. woo once led. and tho wodding tank place on Taco oy. The correspondent who lurnioheo tbcoc particularo alarm that the widow has not made a mitt-kc. won if it woo a hasty action. for tho young man in anotion iI sober. roopt ciod und industriouc. At loot ucconnto Mr. Ibbot- ton. tho party of tho Brat part. woo on No way to Bruce Minna to mrot ono'hur lady who had lake-n preliminary in pa towurro matrimony in reoponto to tho came advnttlacmcnt. For romanoo it! tho Simon pure dotoripticn‘ this Canada of euro ciuu outotrip any country on earth ii a proper aturt la mode. In this noon. at lcuot, one mun'o anxiety and advnrtioornont lnr homo cornlorto huo brought a uni low and ho r hriplmo children to a good homo. huo given a young hing“ man u (until: to ttart with. and no in no can bo Iron: a happy cm at that; and lutt.but notloaut. tho man who otorttd tho intonttinq conglom- oruiion in ion lulr way to attaian tho object of bio “aurora-London 4doorttur. W...â€" flonry ammo nr to Ann-polio. Ir. Henry Gocrao lelt Now York for ion Frunoiooo on Wodnecduy. He will tall from Ron Frunoiocc on Fob. 7th {or Anotrallo. flopping in Now Zcuiood to dclivnr a law leotnru. and than making a opouklnp tour in brholi of {no trodo throughout tho colony c". How flcnth Walter. whore ho “09. or u noon!) at tho libornl and iroo-trudo party in power in thot colony. A dlunor woo iron to Itr. Goorpo at tho Kotropolltao liotol. Now York. on tho ovo ct hlo depor- tnra. Though tho dinnor woo uudor plcoo oi tht; lonhotton Utopia-To: work that r. koo loco arc tho public uttoutta to ooctol .3: tho tubtoct ol taxatth Mr A Moo “not. i I i 5 ill. i i" ii a 5 9 iii. E ti 9% i y honotkoopinp. but thoy hurt to l y p... bu Qua tin-tttgun‘vw toocnuau'vomnumouuon. ’Ilto largo rod arm. doocribod in tho uttuobing a royal Prlucooo. aro nonali with out about n1. A. 5:: on undoratroo in your bow tho phuut bio trunk, at tho bidding at tho putt up ntuhout. to brook on oomo prnjocti branch, and in on inuunt you ï¬nd 0 oovcrod with u ohower 0! rod unto. w boon pioulcking on that particular branch. Tho rapidity with which thoy will attack you on your loco and hando. got down tho book of your nook and up your lumi- inoro uutily imaginod thun- doocribnd. and you will uvo u very nnplooount quarter of an hour until you can pot rid of thorn all. ‘ I had not many uncounioro with tho largo block unto. which alloc- a tumor duo! climate than that or Calcutta. But in a homo when there it a colony of largo black onto uttbiiohod no place: to auto from tbolr ravageo, and thcir into it quito uo oat/ago and poiulul an that ol tho largo rod autu. The white unto probably " tako tho cukc †according to modern Phruoeology, on tho greotcct nuisance» or "kl? kind. A white not hon neural torm’r, but purhlpl hit moot ilongerouo form to that in Vthltzh he to more like u white maggot than an ordinary out. in thin may;th [arm the white, unto work under cowl-oi u tunnelling cl ocit mud. which thuy manulucture tor themselw-s, poi-itiny with the intention of CONCEALINO Till“! [1808111. But the tunnel fortunately bciruyo them. and no timu should be loot in breaking Upon the tuunul and dootroying tho work- ing party that Will bu lonnd inoldo. it an unwary traveler, arriving luto at night. loavw hzo portmanteau on the liver of his room in the vicinity of white antxa, he will probably diuocvcr in the morning that the county have found their wo in and mode havoc or his gurmonto. ’ boy will curry thrir tunnel up tho leg of a toblo or tide- hiurd to got at the oontonto o! udrowvr. Nothing in rooted to them. In the public oiling oi Govcrnment the while out it i ready to make himself rocord. keeper. Ho l not. into a bundle of papers und onto them. If a refr’rcnoo it iii-cum: to tome old pa q, the club who guilt to the bundle limi- t ut it hurt boon reoolwd into a moon 0! muddy pulp. I know a ouao whom they ntc some bunk noteo in a native moro‘hnnt'c chest, but luckily for him. the lrugmonto were ida-niiflnolc.-â€"C. T. Buckiarid t‘rt Longman't Mounting. HI“ Gt DOD-BY. _._â€"_ So... flat Away “tor a Whilo. but lloul- whllo the Town Hock Longhair. Mrs. Gobbler (arising to dopurt alter u call no hint. Wear) lomt)-Woll, really. I mnin go. I'm otaid now latcr than†Mia. Woary EQUIP-0b. no you hu'cn’t. You come to ooldom. und~â€"â€"â€" " Bo loldom '! Why. I call hora oltonrr than ulmout any other place, undâ€"-â€"â€"" 1'! WM. I'm alwuyo delighted to too you. .n m)! “ Ob, thanks. But I jnot moot go now. You’ll come to ten mo real coon. won‘t you. dear? " H Yal, indeed. andâ€"---" " VVril. do now. and-~cb, were you at tho convert loot night?" " You, andâ€"w" , 0 Lovely little niloir. wasn't it '2 How chormingly Mr. Tennoroon oung." " 0h. beautifully i And I liked him Barâ€"ochor. too " “ Oh, to did I ; wary much. But 1 renlly moot. mutt go now. Good-by. door." “ Good by." ' “ Mind that I nap/93A to no you very noon." 1 †Oh. yea; but don’t you wait for ma. You have morn time than I. you know. and †" Whotl I have men time than you My diar (mild. I'm fairly ruthed to death all the limo." " So am I.†H I wally don't am when tho limo gear. Good-by. dour." “’GWd-bv." “ I! you don"t coma and no mo coon I'll ~ch i whore did you got that lovely chair tour-l? [hadn't noticed it bolero. It’o a patient beauty I“ " Ito you really .ilxoii ?" " Like it T In juot owott i Di ombroi'dor it t" 9'. I..." You did? How 10ny K with Iâ€"but yon l‘ll novor go it I otund boro ' cob long-r. and I'vo hvo othor calla to ma thia attor- nccn. Good-by l" " Byo-hy.†“ Lovoly doy. lon't it ! It‘o u ooouro to bo out, oathâ€"Oh, my door. it didn't nearly! to toll you about Iuidu do Va ro'u wo ins. and tboto’ inot what I come for. I moot sit down and toll you all about it." Two honro tutor Ibo do. rto. alter longotton o1 tho good-by baton (or inlnutto on tho atopâ€"mu. Ml“; A Worth. 'tth o Hilton. A man with u romantic coroor boo ran utmost: in Tel-5:. wit: . o goon no r o norao mg. ill-r Yea-o. but thchcdotock Scott "Hinton cuyc tho it u notivo ct that town ond at out tlmo wont undoi- tho nunto of lion 8 loy. It pivoo tho follow. inpbltothor biotoryi "Ioiuooiz tho old 0. ’1'. I. trot-non month-r Qcoon'o Scotch journal at y not huvo . that ’5 ’ w w Mot '1“rmwmy..w Mm. ‘ ' "‘fl(1"fl'â€â€˜Pri'itï¬ï¬‚itwlwmkï¬l‘9'-~-’~â€"" paporo tho Rocco at prooont mh womuydooointbocncroo ottho. Sir Richard Cartwright â€"-'.l‘hio nuttor wuo rolorrodto in tho 8 h trout tho Thrcno. and whon that tho cuoo it to olwa o ouotonoury to lay tho paporo bolero the once. I! my tumor oorvoo no right. thin in tho pructioo in E and. Sir John Muocouuldâ€" ho oubjoct woo not proporly rclorrod to in tho opeoob in tho way mcnttonod. At tho hon. loudor o! the Oppuoi‘ticn nid u low days ago. the ion. putgo woo very vugnr. and 1 .no lay it wuo purport] y vnuuo. Tho onbject "calving uttontion at Wuoblnuton. and co hio Excel- lency oaid. I ixpeot it will coma to u l‘tll factory wncluoion. In tho mouutlmo it would baugoinot public interact to lay tho pa ro onion tho Hon-to. r. Millo (Buthwcll)-â€"A¢dnat Govern- ment. and not public intern-t. itir Richard Cortwrtgbt~Wc huvo been nuiiad to mrot i-arlicr thon nruul thlo your, and I pro-uni GUV!!!)NW‘ huticooo in inu otatc cl lurvrardncto. I mm d like: to ook when we will have the ootimutoo brought down. Mr. Footer-4 « xpoot to lay the ootimulot bolero the House at an early duto, probably about the midnlc of thin wank. Mr. Taylor. in introducing bio Bill to prohibit iha importation of loreignoro to parlorm labor in Canada, unpluinod that the mouonro wao intoudcd to protect the looming clooovl 0! Canada. A Bill on the oubj ct had bean poo-ed by the United {states Cougtcuo in 1885. and thin wait a coy of this Arnvriuun Act. I Mills (H.ithWeâ€)*-â€"l would like to nil-k tho Mini-tor of dilution whethér hit but con- oidercd thio Bill. and whether thin Liuuto but power to initiation! with ooiatruoto cl Shin Ion. Sir John Tbcmrtcn~l bovs not noon the Bill. The Bill wto rend u lint time. Sir John Macdcnuidu-I hoard iolt night, Mr. Speaker, that you had an attack oi in. fluonza. I gave notice yoatcrdu that I would movo ior tho appointment 0 a chair- muri oi the Committee of tho Whole Hon“. With tho content of hon. gontlomon I will muvo it now. Mr. Lanrirr-â€"Wo have no objection. Sir John Mc'idoualdwl move than thut John Either WOM. member for the elec- turul diotnot of Brookviiio, be appoian Chairman of tho Committee. of the Wholo Houoo. Mr. Oboqnetto lnircdncod a Bill to omwd uhopit-r live at the Rovizoi Stotaino cl Gonnriu. entitled. an Act rcopoctlng the electoral franchise. The B.“ was round a ï¬rst limo. Mr. Gauguin introduced a Bill for further [en'fylng the independence cl Purâ€" liumont. our: rnpluined that tho object of tho mt aturo wan to cnoblo mambo" totukc outh that thoy were not ditquclvï¬cd in uny way from rolling their ooulo. It would be ' tokcn in addition to tho ntual oath of allegiance. Mr. Wulluoo protected a petition from the Grand Orange Lodge of Britioh ‘ North Amorlcu. outing for an Act of incor- erotion. Tho following Billo were introduced and roud u flrot inns: ’o inwrpomto the Alberto Railway a Cool ( ompouy. Mr. White (Ourdwol) R‘Ipenllnglhe Port Arthur. Duluth (k Wrotorn Railway Company. Mr. Duwoqn. For tho ratio! of Samuel May, Ir. Doni- con. Mr. Borgoron mcvcd that tho timo for involving potillima for private Bill; be r;- tenueit to February ll. and tho than for introducing ‘Bilis be crowded to February 18. Cirried. Mr. Vanuatu. in uncwcr to Mr. Smull, ouio that the Government woro oonoidoring tho Inland Bmanuc not. with a view to making amendment: in tho interact a! the tobacco trade,“ it could ho dono without prejudicu to reunite. ‘ Mr. Curling. in reply I Hr. Jonoo. laid that the Agricultnrcl partntont hunt rectivod no informatittn no to any opoctol oattlo dioonoo in tho Wooten Gluten. but lho ouruntino o! niuot duyo. to which mitla (torn tho Woomrn tutoo woro cubic-22ml, v. at o Mutant protoction opumat an epidemic. 1? Wood (Wootmonlond) movod for rotnrno chewing tho quantity oi lrooh boot imporiod into Cnnodo from tho Unitod Biatoo dn ' tho flocul your onch Don. Mot. 1909. o pointod out that it woo impooulblo to gntkor iron tho trudo and navigation roturno tho (ml: boot importod. no no diminution woo mado htwcon it and tho othcr kinda. int . ticno oi truth boot into tho Maritimo rovlnmy land. a! into you! burn krona on tho incl-coco. It was tho duty of tho ammonia to coho mo our: to protoot Canadian intonoto, cud ho btl vod that tho tori! thcold bu undo highor.’ In fact tho preterit chat-[o ahould bo doubled Ir. Bowoll sold tho (tantamount had no pour to chain tho biotic-lion uokoo by tho monitor. to no oopuroto notiotla bod boon lcrwnrdod at to tho MW d froth boot'. ' Tho motion “on withdrawn. Intoo 1m cam Icon. aiskth o! in huh thick lu't loo angina.» whon you tr to okato on It. 4 mtmonduaoow onion-amount boron-that'otkowuywlthokuttop. ltlcokoincohbotturwbououtttuohooy Igor-tattoo too to not yourhotruï¬oo It with ' owottkoutt a Inc! m f dot-tor I riv “a “than :ttit who. ‘ lotto outoolrouttootoooopotlotoo olwoyo onto wktthttyou know how» “IMMNM ll mMpwlthu‘tlooltothot you «to-no yoltto to lot - NW tw- «to . mm “H ‘tiï¬l' 'o‘r - t‘lt “L73 V F] I 15“, V .9 .'~ “ V “. 31* ‘. witch‘be v ;i “ï¬ll!†ll: "bani-ll-lmmmo Cour-m. “lit: lid of! F. i ii: to loo trout bio Now I 9“ 3: comic h i utten'eda lung bar at o cw, iron r . . v V l; / gï¬lkawnundm' I.“ I . ruw lboaflqmuububhomr 'y wnto oooiootlcotoltbolow animal Raï¬?†' N‘ L :Pï¬chtnamr gr:!&M gin u nothing loo ’3‘ C a“. 1‘ c“ “w i voo umocn auto 3. c . r. can wal tit .50} a“ and in Philadol bio hlo uoooootuont ct tho tooth and continual tlï¬ï¬‚umt. on: "Mt... child...“ mnwmw hcuooo built at hoaldoo hit a tow ntlnutou ho found bio mun. It woo M humor-d who“ monument- vootthontob binndor which n“ inognlnoont rotldonoo. root u to "00.000. JauntO'Nolllnbl. otro . il -l - Bo wooa ccnilrrnod W. on I n. a. M thaw-on oi midi]. ago. who woo in tho hoo- uov otnilod i know 1": um'tn. ludly vac. ovory-doy hutnoriot. lutporotlvo in hio no u pullout in the flrot at on I noon“! in tonoo into it . " Y ' tohon order- !or buolnooo. [incurring and obrowd phtkioio. Bo didn't look oiok at oilfrxoo 0t h‘ n“ a" q a " mu. no any Yankeo. Ho loom u wilo and con. that ho woo point and had a ollght ooua . “dopizdun‘tmtm how kind tho wordo! ra- n .i'om t bio on - r“ m“. not onto an urination vo But now thcoo' bl duds. Mb m maroon ntlt‘.u 0‘ 1 Adam Foropuugh. join. the olophot trulnor. and on ado tad too. John A. Pompano. who io too y u nopbow at tho grout chow- nton. Ho ouid right 01!. when the dealer uokod himifbo would vooom of ' bl ouvo Lockwood “ . I". m .0 « You. 1 will. and be glad to." Tho rtparoticno were anon gum “a, To no a bony novor boo anoth- ooo but '- u... The lollutggmeï¬zgmnth woto on“ hhy‘ddmn 313' no" "hint “Jana ’ ‘~ up on t at it imrn iatol ud'oxnnd Look. , ' "'“"""'*". ‘ “mud yutfld" ‘ wood'o. The contort-Jihch worn Dru. aunt Int-“Ila u u. m“ m Ooottluiuo (lava Not Moon I. I“! til-co tho Pilgri- DO". Gonnino antique I’eroion embroidnloo oro Worn on cloth and ooohrnoro drooooo. Striped chariot it tho boot and moot untenable atnfl that can bo hud for otroot wour. Brown in u good oblcr. Into h. . ornomontal button no tho only :i tiou requircd. ‘I': Bran wRubert Hamilton Brnoowdumto Ciuunl. Carletonm W. H Berry. Etherâ€"John A. Anld. Biotin-J. J. Stolkor. Frirntonacâ€"J. Woodrufl’. Gmy~~Rnh¢rt Mcfl‘utt. Bolton-«D. d) Scott. Barnum-lotto Eritton. Holdimoud mil Hoover. Cntnrniogo. Honorinoy. ’l‘OWinoton and BOWQlfl-onb of! Lockw now-cloths, to thut ho woo naked ubuvu tho wot-t. Within. mingo and Hucurtnc ut on n t a 7 no 0! oil cloth. and "-3.5 their gonzo £10.! unttaoptic preparation, whllo tho alto-d- unta oiuthc tunic to tho rinbt arm of Larkde and tho loft out: o! O'Not’ll. All the inotrnmonio mod worn wothod in thio way. too. Lockwood broathod on '6: Healinwwu vumuy“. bud m“ “ch “m. 5. dr , Hover moon the Puritan daycltuvo.I p; I ow in v ' my, ' m IKant16.~$o3. R t I . tho oxyxcn hit body ohook llko u y: “m?! a m 1303! â€"- . . In on. uloul Tho count! 0! hit breathing .7" m woo oomotbicg uwiui. intki’ tho dootorl wound bandages: around the flcohy port of vado and Grirnvilleaâ€"J. Hughes. Lennon and Alidington-vlrvlno Parka. Lincolnâ€"John McLean. The Four Hunde put run~ubolto III dcud black with black full ban and volvot Dutch ureoooo. (unto wour all whlto. ‘ the two man'o but. armo. Th n I) . \ 100°.“ N ‘ garnbton~lwo Lulrno. Oummingo modal an n log aboant twb '22.,“°*?;{" hm. chm h m or elk-ml... 9.. Bororoign. inohro long through the tan: in Lc-ikwooit‘o ’ u a " Nozthnmberlnnii and Durham-W. L. P‘V tlt’l. Guardâ€"Joseph Pattigrow. Outflow-Alton Gray. 1’- [til-«John MuMdian. l’rer it and Rcautllwï¬onihior. Perl-‘Wv uiey Wright. Prince Edward-«Win. Froliok. Simoow-John Row. Eminentâ€"Georgy Kerr. Waterloo Jamco Phin. Wollond ~G. L. thoon. Wellingtonâ€"John Motrin. Mid-llamwam. H. l‘aylor. Petcrbcro’-~W. II. Uooomont. Yorkâ€"J. D. Evans Littlo toqnoo or clout-lilting bcunoto uro ulwoyooppropriaio tor tho otroot. Lot's. butt on anon on tho . but tho droou with which thoy urn moot oflcotivo lo unluitcd for u public thorcujltloro. Elnora of real topaopiry oth arc put in long wropa of velvet and brocade. Tho contract it novol. whutovor may ho told about tho tuoto.‘ World. right arm. on the actor part of tho urm. ï¬rst at tho bevel in tho clhow. Bo cut uwuy until he {read tho median cephalic Vein lrcrnthc tux-rounding tioocoo. O'Nattt‘u left arm woo trrutmi in the oumcwuy. uttrr hypodermic injectimio 0t cocainn to docdi n the pain but bran rnado. Thin Dr. Cumming» took up it long rub- ber tube with a bulb in tho contra. und with a thorp pointod otocl tuba on cult and. and connected tho lilo currents of the two min. Ellich tuivo mmprcnoiono pum O‘Neill‘o blood into Lockwood. O’Neill did not flinch. Once Dr. Cummingo uuid oharply to the num. “ Bold tbct candlo on that I can one." " Let can hold tho candlo." cold O‘Neill. and with hio trco baud ho took it and hold it on that the light obono on his blood- inu arm. coo of lintntnro Loni†Sonic of tho mull lumpo doll for writing tabla: on n toot of tho or MINI and inrnnuity required in thin lino o! docuratloo urt. ocyo tho Humid/M Whothor o lody noon otulingmun on out. a pair of candles or n vootui lamp to countd- i-rud uo much at u. necrotitv an a lotto! ruck orun ink cup. )andlo-uticko an Icon in duo porcvlain, old chino, uolid oilvo! uttd curved bronco. with oundloo and ohudou to unit tho funny of tho owner. Thoy may burn boon pnrohaood or hundod down trout on old aunt. but they on turn to bo bounti- lnl. The miniature lamp. with a body at opal or Bohoiniun gluon. mouutod onourvod brooo. providod with humor. wick. globu und loco ahndo, lo nowor and quito tho rottth ornament on tho “No. “that ittlo lompo. l1 tnrnod low. can ho motto it burnthroo or tour honro. You can buy come on low at 80 conto. in author or tub- quoioo tint. but it tho ohudo to roll loco. tho mounting gonï¬no brunt and tho do. puro Bohemian waro. thoro will be notqu lolt of 915 for fragment coins too Whom (or reckoning. What to o Motor-on! We know Kr. Contact. and horn known him lor youro. Wo hll ubilit , admire lilo many orcollant quolltioo. it all tho rolotiono o1 lilo ho in an upright out! clover goutlonton. and to took to ontttlod to lair and honorable trootmont at tho bus“ of bio contotnporurioo â€"-llovtvu Am. Thio only ohowa that ouch no. boo bi- nwn icon oi what constituted an hoooroblo “wont- Mu..- .. . Antiwar nonhuman Houston. I Anothor trainman woo brought in mou- gl-od and binding to the Toronto hoopllnl yutorday. A brokcrmun nomad Matthow Tobin woo engaged on the Northern divioion oi the Grand Trunk Railway you tarduy in chanting. He won in the not :21 * auynatmu tho coupling bar in front o! the ongino. when. on tho onlookvro coy. tho ' engine-dill"! opened the throttle without any worrith whatever, and in ornament Tobin worlundcr tho wheolo. Whun picked up it woo found that Mr right log had been :everad jun above tho krico. Ho woo quito masonry. und'borc up with great fortitndo while being brought to the city on tho uproot duo at the Union nation at .95 urn. Tho ambulance woo in waitin and ho woo curried to tho hoopital. whcro c in doing uo wall uo could be expo . Tobin. who lo about M your; ct up. i vod with bio {lilo and two children at is Motilitwa uoo. Tho dootoro took over {cartoon on blood iron O‘Neill, tho i fact woo unmodi- bbk'i, porcoptibln. Lo :kwood'o pnloo grow utrcnger. and ho ptrtly regained canto cuc- uooo. Tho doctoro withdrew tho taboo. ml the vaint, and tow-id up tho woundo in the cum. 0 Until did not acorn any the wot-co {or hio loco of blood, but tho doctor-a cuid he would scan fool wtukor. They told thoy hopad for the boot for Lockwood. A BURNING “II WILL. lot-oat Pooplo Indqu in u Gar-Ind Pym. techno Dioploy cl TIMI? own. A Foroot dropotch of Tueodu onya: For conic montho punt oovsrol mi onto o0 Forout have boon beatinpund lighting lh& houtoo with natural goo. obtained from who. A law duyo ago Georgia M. Van. vulkanhnrs boron boring lor goo on lilo promioq. When the man quit work loot night tho hula wua down about one hundred fret. Shortly ultor commonality; work thio morning indwutirno cl goo worn upporont. A mutih wuo uiapiiod. and inotantlyu about oi homo bnrat twenty foot into tho uir. Thin motioned lor oomo miuntoo. whom a terrific copier-ion occurred. throwing A Bahama. llllod. A Strutfcrd drop-tab ouyo : Tho lug piece of timbor bu token one bar A victim. Chriotoptior (1 ruor. a brake- man. aged 2‘ youro and I montho. mun led. woo working in the Grand Trunk Railway yurdo on Saturday night. Ho woo ï¬xing a coupling pic when a timber loaded our wao pro cot- ohnniod up A oiiak of the timber that “on... “3th. “a yum . ban. “a “m†“mum?†m†“"0"†x rm proieoï¬n prim him on the bud. dmd in. birth and rodonbllng in. 32:3“ 33:33:; 3;“ ' conning total nyurioo. no than toll and Y minim of ï¬nite. All t‘sttflI to '“ Q. 1â€. mm 0-; m. a"... t. .3 hi. tho our whotlo orna‘iod hio body harricly. .np;..-aoa tho flro worn lutt’io. and “a... my Mm. .m h w. M 0.; An in uoot will be ho d tomorrow evening. m. dam-{ck bum“ du'm A1] a“ E’mirywnwm grad 5" .. m .0 m ,. Ho cu o from Sumo. A projacting ptoco long that eight-ind: holo huo bean pa†'- J alitilo thing lino i at, and roourdo to crimo for which kilo. Contact wuo tb- pnniohod at actively cmoiocout with rightnm Itiucttd that mfl~r on a contact liko thot. but ï¬t) duo.â€" Noio York Herold. Warm Goo-tho Ito-hum “ [lot Giodyt." auto old long... or a my oultlonoouaronoblobyou a lnnkl.bntitonot.lltqot .3!†that .oldotorytkacycowfll’azuyolook upogflooobrctboo." I. f. at but amt“; o! timbor killed Thoniuo Flaming. u Strut. ford brukoman. a your or to ogo. ultcl' ho had boon a low montho tnurrlod. within a our longth of 'hcu Formor loll. Jumoo Caron. u yardâ€"tun, woo killod by u proioot~ mnding tho wall W to lull buck. und tho in. rail. orodapartntout oru rood to out at a 'ltol'! Couwloto uru woo Pu-poroti. v “mmâ€.- wnh “ .éwrbumh‘. A Looioviilo. Iy.. dupatoh o! Souduy _ or. in donut. giro duh! tonight to o otyo: In tho Io'iolatlvo lnvootipation of tho ; “rand one. Xanadu), Hamilton a Prout mtuagtmont it! tho nitouttury by tho toppod on old well put down oomo youra lute-o, two witnooooo. .th convioto whooo one. and obtuincd u oupply at an oumoioot town had oupirod. kfll‘l‘d yootooduy uc ' to drivotho town'o olootricllaht muckinory. to tho troottuout oi convtoto to railroad ‘ Giltor walla no going down, and non compo. Thoy oaid thoir quortoru mood I otrllioo oro oxpoctod. So for nothing to 11?. 1'3“i‘.":i"‘.'..i$,'“ “it: "w": ' “it mâ€â€™l§'.’°""°‘°'i.?.""i1'.‘.“" n t . woro unuan to. v no no known i . beacon whoa unable to porlcrrn tho took: “ “-1. .0 h . plvon. Ono cold ho had boon llod to ' work whon ho woo lick till ho lulntod and full tothamnd. Thou tho M bout hintwlthupolutontukublntrioo. vomiting i'orth with u continual roar milliouo o! "fallout of water and rail- lionc cum . goo. with no rig!!! cl quit- iing. 20min; tho uitornccn tho but booumcto lntmoo that tho ottode out it i 30. 'Mï¬ Wo dooiro to otuto in tho incot oxpllott , Dunno: that rto robato will boallcwod to any of our oubocribort who my bu [evict-din loavo town for tho bobcat of o cont-unity, cwbonuybo bungondkurlodlcothoourno roooou. luoovoral luto inotonooo lrloudood ouch onbocrlbooohovocullodcnuouod utkod uoto oaohop lorthouooxptrudtortu. but wo buvo in Mood. Inb- ocrlpttouo to tho Kicker run for ono your. Wu coutruot to doltvor tbo pupor for that tlno. I! tho tub-critic! lo arr-atoll. drivou an; it louotxl‘tctcuro. Photo I III-1 . I“ IN?" min-dru- Mancini-ow. Clio â€"'l’borolo a cldry uncrlnthloplu . Ithaca-1th won‘t lot bio oomodlmgoootbotwooutkouoto. ortondmowlthgr. BIO-I’ll p.â€"-Noto York I colonic. - "Kowloyoollkotkoto olpnot Ilno. ll. " inqulrod It I _ . $.W-Ir‘ M3 law ' a % on. nua- u too-t Inn to Input-o. “maxmr-u c --oao I wont to cuckoo-y“- you . .1 . ...,‘. V. ‘ I. ,‘ <.. J ,r‘ u. w l t ,. ‘ 5;. t, ‘j‘ , . r ‘ I} f" " u EM†l . you . -‘l. .3,