wuK I i^i^ffmmm^ «W«JBF»B^ I "" ^umifi^K Kyimtmitj^i ' ^1 â- ||J I 9 1- '•i' « ft," 1; HEALTH. Enlightenment Yeisns Ignomnce. Ent^Uetmieiilt ji^auitnii^ "Mi ' tion of health and the removal of disease, is 'ri great btessing to all who becoine pail^ehi vi It, bat ignonmoe in the sluae weetioa'u' a great eviL This truth is self-evident. Every one \t-ill acknowledge that health is the greaft^ blessing of life, and that sickness is an evil from which we ought to flee as soon as pos- siWIe, if it meets ns on our way. Thi^ great truth places ns all on common groond. It hinds us all together with, a common cord it unites us into a natural brotherhood. In many other respects, men are different- ly situated, and are separated from each other by different opinions. By far the greater part of mankind ate heathens and worship many gods, but the Mohtunmedans, Jews, and Christians worsnip only one God who has created all things, ^he last named are again divided into a great many differ- ent sects who entertain a variety of opinions, and oppose each other sharply. That which one calls enlightenment the other condemns as ignorance. But those' who are enlighten- .«Bed by the great truths which nature shows to be tiie foundation of all true treat- ment of disease, and for the preservation of health, are all united in one opinion. We are all made of the elements of the air. A little dust, lime, salt, etc., mixed with three-fourths of water, is all there is of us. AVe all came naked into the world, and even if we all do not depart naked from it, yet we all meet in one cqmmon realm of death, where we are disolved and return again to our dust. The different religions separate us, but the great principles of health unite us, and thus they make us mire kindly affectioned one to the other. By t his we do not mean to say that relig- i '11 IS not good. No doubt there is some- thing good in all religious denominations, aiul some of them evidently have more truth, and practice more virtue than others. Uut considered purely from a natural stand- point, the doctrine of true hygiene is super- ior, because it unites us on a common foun- dation. For this reason we may indeed look unto pure hygiene as a prepaiatory school for all true religion. We have, how- â- cver, not only the same common elements in oar bodies, but also the same commoa or- giat^. The great pump of the heart works in the breast of the poor as well as in the niijhty king, and causes the life-giving stream of the blood to circulate through all the small and great organs of the body. The lungs work night and day, while man is con- scious and uucoiiscious, in the poorest la- borer and the simple mechanic as well as in the highest lord, the millionaire, and the most renowned artist. The innumerable cells of the brain move in the same manner in the most ignorant school boy as in the learned professor who gains the applause of man by his spirited lectures and fine com- 'osilions. Even if the proiucts of these cells differ -ording to their natural quality and the i nount of pratice they have had, yet they â- ^.â- ork according to the same natural laws ;i v\, as far as the tissues of the muscles are -o -iiceined, it is evident that the organs â- *v hereby they are produced, work a great .*!";! better in the poor farmer, who spends most of his time in the fresh air, than in the sa;;e who is mostly occupied in sedentary woi-k in a rich mansion. Ignorance with reference to practical hy- giene whichnotonly represents the theory but but also embraces the practical use of this theory in life, is the rule not only among the heathen but iilso among the civifized nations of the earth, among the working classes as ~well as among the higher classes. The heathen and civilized classes who work prin- cipally with their hands, do indeed develop their muscles, but neglect sadly the nervous system with its great and important center, the brain, which is the seat for all spiritual development. And the higher classes devel- op indeed the mind, or the finer organs of the brain, but, with a few exceptions, they neglect to develop their muscles proportion- ately. Xature demands that all organs of the human body should be developed alike as much as possible, and this is a condition of true happiness in this life. Whoever desires to enjoy the noblest pleasures of life and obtain its highest happiness, will do 'well to give heed to the teaching of hygiene both the theoretical and the practical. Cancer- Cancer is defined to be "an ulcer of the very worst kind, with an uneven surface, and ragged and painful edges, which spreads vapidly. The individual who can relieve this dread disease is the one above all others sought. As to treatment, never use the knife. I have known quite a number -of sufferers who submitted to excision, but have never heard of a single cure. One -man I knew who submitted to Jire operations by knife for scirrhus of cheek, who is now in a dying condition, having, as he says, been made worse by the treatment. He has no confidence in anything now. There are a a great many, remedies in use for cancer that have no doubt proved valuable. The extract of -sheep sorrel is good. So also is chromic acid. The chlorides of zinc and ohromium made into a paste and rpplied locally until the last vestige of the cancer is taken out, sometimes cures. But these rem- edies must be used before the lymphatic sys- tem has become involved, as, after that oc- curs, it is doubtful if any treatment will be ^neficial. It matters not what is done the general health of the patient must, be attended to. The vegetable altqnfKvee with chloride of gold is the best. Wl ite torpentine has an •excellent reputation, and I have known â- cases report^ cured by its use. Bat as I ^ve said, it must be used before the lympha- tics become involved. So yoa see the im- â- portance of early treatment. Cancer is both a local and constitatioiial •disCTise. The cancer germ may remain in the system a whole liretime and not make its local anpearance bat let a cancerooa -patient recieve a Uowapon the face, lip or Bead and the disease will then Reseat a lo- cal aspect. The pipe stem often provokes it. HoTelBemedy Ibr Asthma. A story ocnaea' to us well antbenticated aboata man, livins at Derby Neck, who. haa for yean Ifean â- fflicted with aatiunaao aa at •times t^readeclife vary nrtaftrahle.- Pw the last two or tbNte moirtlis hehaabaeB^apeoijj oi^ afly under tin rod of i^Uction from this cause. One recent day a i*jf'TiB*«» frwn aa ad^umit towntidd of a ^H^^liiidi^. been iiMd tv diiftmi aoifilit a hameA laO* parlation and W^ » a portion of the hair of the head was plngg ed and then eat oB. A few days afterward a Mm of the goitleman referred (o, ' ' there MP tition for i^ dilions ^bf 'Wj tb$con- ip^Slied^ with. T^M^*^4^^S^^' '^}^° is a prbnujicamS member ol the Methodist Church, says that he slept quietly for the first tiine in a long while, and ii^ two. days and to date found nimaelf apjtj^ently cdrea. tlbipnlenoy. Prof. Kisch has recently collected statis- tics on the freqb^^i^ of sadden death amongst extremely stout persons. In nine- teen oases of this occurrence, acute conges- tion of tiie longa was discovered in twelve, cerelval h«iiorrhaae in six, and ruptnre of the heart in one. The apoplectic symptoms were traced in most of the cases, to arterial sclerosis a very frequent concomitant of ex- treme corpulency. Bnptnre of the heart is due to the overworkings of the walls of the left ventricle, which, being involved in the fatty infiltration and d^enei»tion, can no longer increase in size in proportion to the extra work it has to perform. The failure of heart-power appears always to be the im- mediate cause of death, whiq]» generally follows immediately after violent exertion, or excess in drink or diet. Treatment of Diphtheria. Dr. J. M, Harris says From an experi- ence of more than forty years, I venture to give my favorite remedy for diphtheria; the success of which is highly satisfactory, not having failed with it in a single case. Every two hours the patient gargles with a solation of iodide of potash, a drachm to the ounce of distilled water with chloride of sodium Labarraque's solution or bromo- chloralum alternating. Internally I give veratrum or aconite every two hours to arrest fever, and parvules of hydrag. as in- dicated. Kee^ the room at 60 ® well ventilated, and chloride of lime constantly on hand. With this treatment and propemnrsing you need fear no deaths. MM AND WOMEN. Comtek amnu* Good breedia^ like charity, ahoold b^Rin at home. I are past when drildrwi ed'tiie rooin where tE«y w^ejmd stand Bat the mistake is now made osaally in the other^e9^i|ii, «f ^O/fynoffOit and £^4 frarlmifth licensti ' peace" oi te^oUehId. i way td tci^ (wdien in: u6a||Eoky^i|roii^' be td obairve ^kiwm tbtin m sbrli^«ai pol»4^ei^| 1 irot^d ](u«o.|ar 4p (n lijf tiiaft. we dfoaid Jiake it as much t point to listen to children without intermpting them and to answer them sincdrely and respectfully, as if they ,were grown up. And indeed, mainyofnieirwise, qoalut sayings are far betttfr worth listening to than the stereo- typed common-places of the morning caller. Of coiirse, to allow aninterrupted chatter, would be to surroider the repose of the household, but it is very easy, if children are themwlvea xespected, to teach them in turn scropaloosly to respect the ctaivenience of others, and to know when to talk and when to be silent. The best brought up family of children ever knew were educated on the piincipl. of always commencing them when it was possible to do so, and letting silent !0 be th reproof of any wrong-doing which was net really serious. I have heard the cliildren of this household, when their mother nad failed to say any word of oommenlation after some social occasion, ask as anxiously as possible, " What was it mamma. I know something was wrong. Didii t wc treat the other children well, or were w, too noisy ' In that house reproof was never bestowed unsought â€" only commendation, of whatever it was possible to commend, was gratuitous. G' caUcae. CMlpk, OirtM B«aB the lUid Tear Sifi. lat, haying aiiMfljr Tbb and ProTlainti Se the Powers "The most extraordinary demand of an Irish beggar that has come within the range of my experience," writes a correspondent from Kerry, "was that of a woman who begged for a subsidy to replace the funds expended in ' waking' her mother, ' for, if we did, we waked her too soon, for she came to life again.' " Mrs. Gladstone has consented to become "lady President" of the new Liberal Leigue. Sir Sbafford Northcote's first considerable literary production was a pamphlet most ably and brilliantly vindicating Mr. Glad- stone's administration as Colonial Secretary. Frederick Amerling, the celebrated Aus- trian painter, died recently in his eighty- sixth year. Among his greater works are " Dido Abandoned by ^neas" and " Moses in the Desert." Amerling was four times married and his youngest child is but twelve years old. Extensive orders for ladies' clothing have been sent abroad from Tokio, Japan, the maids of honour of the imperial court hav- ing decided to dress in European style. As a sign of the European influence now at work in Japan, it is reported that the Bud- dist priests of the Jodo sect have decided to wear dresses of foregin style. Mr. Labouchere has been telling the Brit- ish public, in high-pitched tones ot economic reform, that it costs the country $2,500 a year to feed the pheasants in the royal park. But he remembered to forget to add that when shot by royal sportsmen the birds are given for the use of poor patients in the London hospitals. Mr. Jefferson Davis says that the letters written to him during the war were all lost or stolen, about or soon after the close of it, and that many of the reports made by army, commanders were captured by the Northern troops. These and others are being publish- ed by the United States government in the o£Scial record of the War of the Rebellion. President Grevy of (France was found the other day reading a book of faii-y tales. " You are relieving your mind from politics, Monsieur le President " observed the visi- tor. " Oh, not at all," was the reply.' "I am obliged to read all these books. My grand- daughter says she has had enough of the ola stories, and so I must^ learn some new ones." A greater than Joseph Cook or Adiron- dack Murray is entertaining the noble|Athen- ians now. A Boston paper says of Sam Jones: "He seems like a man deluged with ideas and is trying to get on top of them by swimming. Words come in floods, following one another so fast the hearer is startled. It is simply a succession of pic- tures, some pretty and idyllic in their sim- ple repose, while others are very grand and almost terrifying. It was a tine, brainy, eloquent discourse." Miss Augusta is one of the hardest work- ing of the young medical assistants in the Paris hospital. She has a thoroughly scien- tific mind. She has passed all her examin- ations before the profes.ors pf the faculty with marked success, and her theses obtain- ed notes of hien and tres b en, which are very rarely given. She is only twenty-eight years old. Many of her male colognes are several years older, but Miss Augusta is quite competent to hold her own with them alL Her example will soon be followed by French women, and in two years we may have twenty female internes. Viceroy li Hong Chang of China dis- carded aU precedent recently and presided at the inspection of the new railway built by the French engineer Decaaville near l^en-Tsin as a model. After the Yicett^ and othte high offidals had ridden on the road, the pei^le lost their fecur of iht straape conveyance, and crowded th^ carriages. The manager was forced to ran excursion trains over the two miles of camjfiieiti track, and he charges'twteigr oents for first, twen- ty cents for second, ten cents for thud. "*^ five centu for f omtb df^ These n,ttm mte made toinelade die^ai^v of the pnr^in^r of a ticket,' boifMoi a' Chiaese staadM|^t were vety |ugii» and the fast that thottir- riages were crowded fw dayb shows tiui^- fluenceof the Viceroy is overcoming e na- tive hostility to the steam euaobi Aha his inspection the Viceroy oired to buy the raiboad, which he derored to give as a N^-y ear's present to the SeyentieT^ixDo. Heart Disease, The symptoms of which are " Faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, hot flashes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with beats, strong, ra- pid and irregular. The second heart beat quicker than the first, pain about the breast bone, c." Can be cured "in many of the first stages. " Send 6c. in stamps for pamphlet and full particulars. Address M. V. Lubon, 47 Wellington St. East, Toronto Canada. The true glory of a nation is in the living temple of a loyal, industrious and upright people. â€" E. F. Whipple. One good act done to- day is worth a thou- sand in contemplation of some future time. People who are subject to bad breath, foul coated tong^ue, or any disorder of the Stomach, can at onoe be relieved by using- Dr. Carson's Ston-ach Bitteis, the old and tried remedy. \sk your Druggist. It is only man-ied men who want but little ear below. Catarrh, Catarrhal Deafness and Hay Fever. Sufferen are not generally aware that these diseases- are contagious, or that they are due to the presence of living parasites in the lining membrane of the nose and eustachian tubes Microscopic research, however, has proved this to be a fact, and the result is that a simple remedy has been formulated whereby catarrh, catarrhal deafness and hay fever are cured in from one to three simple applications made at home. A pamphlet explaining this new treatment is sent free on receipt of stamp by A. H. Dixon JC Son, SOS King Street West Toronto Canada. Canadian authorities object to American sloops and schooners, but Canadian girls are very friendly to United States smacks. TOir?rG MEN suffering from the effects of early evil habits, the result of ignorance and folly, who find themselves w^eak, nervous and exhausted also Mts- DLS-AaBO and Old Mbn who are broken down from the effects of abuse or over-work, and in advanced life fnel the consequences of youthful excess, send for and RBAD H. v. Lubon's Treatise on Diseases of Men. The book will be sent sealed to any address on receipt ot two 8c. stamps. Address H. V. LUBON, 17 Welling, ton St. S. Toronto. Ont. California widows stand no nonesense. An Oakland paper stated that a citizen had gone to a happier home, and the widow has sued the paper for libeL Whenever your Stomach or Bowels get out of or- der, causing Biliousness. Dyspepia, or Indigestion, and their attendant evils, take at once a dose of Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters. B«it family medicine. AU Dnurgists, 60 cents. ' A P 321 WnDlf ^^' '^* $30 A WEEE and expenses llUniX paid. Valuable outfit and particulars free. P. O; VICREKV, Augusta, Maine. 6 pep PCyT MONEYâ€" INTEREST YEARLY â- Ln ULn I • â€" no commission Mortgages purchased. R. H. TEMPLE, 23 Toronto Street. inn nnn sheets of s loa music-, 'scooo lUwUUU Plays. Bnuslnsfs, 'Violins,' 'Hates,' 'Fifes,' and Musical Inst. Trimmings, at reduced prioea E. B. RUTLAND. S7 King-g W., Toronto. DATFUTQ PBdnKEDin Canada, the U.S. and rHItniO til foreign countrifa Engineers, Pa- tent Attorneys, and experts in Patent Causea Estab- lished 1S67. Donald C. Ktdaat Wt Co., T«i«»Ui. SONGS free. P. O. 100 new and p9aliur songs Mat free to au who send 4 cents to paypostam. 100 pieces choice musio 00. Catal^M VICKERT. Augusta. Mains. ILLUSTRATED OIRCULAR8 FREE. CAWADLAN BUSINESS UNTVBRSITY and Shott- hand Imtitute, PaWlc Ubrair Buildinff. To- ronto _3P^;^m: Boc*.ken»hur. PennuSriilp, ShorthMMfj^rpewritiiig. etc. Write for particiilan. OlBcial Reporter York Co. Courts, President Ohaub H. Baoou. Seo'r and Manager. mvr^ Front d^yrariiony and discmnfort, not by great intetpodtioo^'htit W the use of the 5?^^ffiJ?'*^"'%."°'*T*"Mn's $^^msk^ vxmi'snrsetar. Tend«r, paiafid 'fwras are remojod^ ihi aa%JI»4 fe#^iai;srB,^Srithout "^^fW*«*. .llaiV«ditt»iittt tki» make it aecessstK J^onh CLOTHES WRIHCERS, S^lt-iiTwiSi tog Machines. t»o km*. Chunw. Carpet SiAsqwis. Meat CbMmets, Tnidts, and other sundrieaOor Sunlieam pTriiigejr tetaOs for«3.oa HAWMpx L^ouBTRUi. WosKS Ca. Hanulton, Canada. Send for articles wanted, or lUiutrated Catalofnw SAUSAGE CASINGS. ««giaii.» l^lwwt prices toth^ trvle^ Wen atdlj Write for quotatioinL TESTED^ RBLIAB^ tibmmmmmmmmt ^**KSS»€RE£ AsMlDiBa, Jn«ndi aiiar. Owman ipaL ' ""****' *^^Ri2fe^Wwii, ENT SYSTEa^ M. STAUNTON a CO., TlieliiWReserve] Samples on application. TORONTOy ONT is; BETM! Ihefo^trlMttBAkiai; Ptswder Co.. Knat'g ASSESSMENT S Mf I W^-g\ I BHnd, BleMing, and It4iing U I I L Vk I effeotuaUy cared by the III L_lJ â- "I^*«I 'Ue Remedy. I I laiki^^ â- Thousands of sufferers can testify to the permanent relief from these internal and external: Remediea. 9|.0* per parage. Ask yourdru^ist for it, or will be setit hgr Mail postage paid. HUGH MILLER CO, 167 King St East., Totbnto. PILES Seeds! FRESH. AND SURE to growâ€" Of all th Choicest Flowers. Select stock of Fruit Trees, Grapevines, Spruce Hedge Plants, Ornamental Trees, Choicest New Hoses, Bulbs, Decorative Plants, and English Holly. Cut Flowers, Weddiniar Bouquets, of superior HOI IftUT quality, on short notice. .oLIbnl NURSERYMAN, TORONTO. LIFE ASSOCIATIOH The largest and most prospeTous openA*.^ Aaeodatioo.to the world, desires active re^ ' tives to every section of Canada. LibeS^ i meats. It has luU Ooverr.ment depositinr ' the supervision of Insurant e Department ItiiJ t^orrespondenoe solicited. Address General M»nm C3 Klaz Street Hast, til MERIDEN BRITANNIA i MANUFACTURE ONLY tt. SPENCE CO. B H h HAMILTON ONT. Consumers will ftod it to their advantage to ask the trade for our make of Files and Rasps, Re-CnttlBS a Specialty. Send for price list and terms. Unnif ' W^itlro'""s latest and popular " His- DllUIV tory of Canada," from the discovery of America to the late North-West Rebellion, including a snrUTQ full and correct account of the same, AIIlII 10 670 pages, and prices lower than any other book of the same size and quality published in llf SUTrn the States or Canada. Aiiotherremark- II All I CU ably low price book is Sam. P. Jones' "Living Words," with autobiographj' Illustrations, etc., 595 pages also, J. B. Gough's "Platform fk:hoe8," eautifully illustrated, full of anecdotes, etc., and ells at sight. Our Family Bibles are cteap, and su- perior t' ' others. Terms Liberal, circulars on applica- tion. WM BRIGGS, 78 4; 80 King St. E Toronto, Ont. Ajlan Line Royal Hail SteamsMps. SaUtog daring winter from Port and every hursday and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and to Bum- mer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, 6allii^ at Londondenj' to land mails and passengers foi Scotland and Ireland. Also from Baltimore via Hall fax and St. John's N. F., to Liverpool fortnightly dur- ing summer months. The steamers of the Glasgow lines sail during wint«r to and from Halifax, PortLuid Boston and Philadelphia and during summer betwees Glasgow and Montreal, weekly, Glasgow and Boston weekly and Glaszow and Philadelphia, fortnightly For Freight, pe«age, or other information apply tc A. Schumacher Co., Baltimore; S. C^inard Co., Halifax Shea Co.. St. John's N. F., Wm. Thomson Co., St. John, N. B. Allan Co., Chicago Love Alden, New York H. Bourlier, Toronto Allans Ra« Co., Quebec ;WTn. Brockie, Philadelphia; H. A Allan Portland. Boston Montreal Silver Plated Wan Artistic Desi^s. combined «i Uneqnalled Durability and Fio| HAMILTON, ONT. CANADA PERMANENT LOAN SAVINGS COMPHI SEEDS INCORPORATED. A.D.JS56. Subscribed Cnpltal, • rald-np Caplial, Kescrve Fnnd, • • Total Assets, OFFICE: Company's BnUdlngs, Toronto St., To(« SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. Sums of $4 and upwards received at Current i of interest, paid or compounded half-yearly. DEBENTURES. Honey received on deposit for a fixed term oln j for which Debentures are issued, with half-j-eail: terest coupons attached. Executors and Trustes authorized by law to inv'est in the Debentures ol ' Company. The Capital, and Assets of the Comi being pledged for money thus received, deposits at all times assured of perfect safety. Advances made on Real Estate, at current » and on favorable conditions as to re-payment Hi gages and Municipal Debentures purchased. J. HEBBEBT HASOX. Manairing Dine BABY'S Birthday A Beautiful Imjiorted Birthday Card k [aj to any baby whose mother will send nsj S- names of two or more other babies, and tli lurents' addresses Also a handsomtl! rnnnd Dye Sample Card to the motfaeit much valuable iuformr.tion. Wells. Ricbardsoa Co., IHonlrnl minstrated CSatalogne for 188 nta1iiin g description and prices of tha choi FIELD AND GARDEN SEEI I HdJedfiea Every FarmerandGardenershonld " â€" B a copy before orderinsr seeds for the coming oru HandsomestcataloguepublishedinCar ^~ W^RENNIE. TORONTO I CURE FITS Wlicn I Mr can I do not maul merely ta stop them for • tltumnd then have them retnm acain. I mean a radical core. I have made the dlesaae of FI18, EPII.KFST wVALIr mo 8I0KNES8 a lire^lonK «tndy. I warrant my remedj to core the wont caaei. Becanae others have Uled U B» reaaonlbr not now reeelvlnsa cure. Send at once for • breatlie and a Free Bottle of my InfaUlble remedy. Slv* Ixpreaa and Post Offlco. It ooats yoa nothlnr for • trIaL •nd 1 win cure you. AMmr SB. H. Q. BOOT, Brascii Dice, a? Tonge St., Toronto. Jtos 19, 18^5.â€" For two years my wife's health was run down. She was creatl.y emaciated and too weak to do anj-thing for heniolf she was given up by five doctors, they all passed their opinion that she could not live. She commenced using Dr. Jug's Medicine in December, 1884, and after taking six .bottles she was so much improved that 'she could look after her household duties KODDicK. Engineer, C. P. R.. West Toronto J.L.JONES WCOD ENGRAVER 10 KingS^East TORONTO. Hamilton Scale All Styles oflmproved STANDARD SCALES We make a Specialty of Hay, Stock, and Portable Flat form Scales. BEST IN THE MARKET Every one Guaranteed. All Styles of Trucks. BTl inoth( Edit [.Anna g Here^ ti you li [MiUght Eili Tell, cai Ly dear are toe Lam null jg here mothe she an mot] bt's on! lie y mot! moth« Tb le littlt pout. rHay en to n me. the few [Anna nu things. ig a uun ijiore th itlaying d( In son treated « that it smain at answe: Now, d forget a mble y leftt of the pi I wouk ^eU, if I and ge rh." wrapp lifBJA out int( tiJM door. •* Jou're th tarn a mes3a •« Where *^ Ted Fij 11 tre can h Arire it." fWhatf .ff*Oh, f( l^iKir sister f«You va la is goi Yes. J tTpon th " jvance, Jh other, Idy, to â- |;" And p M^ed, not ^hen El •woes. «' Faix," itting int *faat's to J â- M, " Hindei '^•M " I say, â- iae. Ondc boondles a aaple wan Illustrated Send for Price List. OSBORNE CO, vee HAMILTON, Offi 23 ADELAIDE ST. E., TORONTO. An classes of fine work. Mfirs. of Printers' Lead) Slogs and Metal Furniture. Send tor prices. ^i-AC^ THE KING OF BLACKING •SOLD EVERYWHERE- STHE BOSS SIDE-SPRING GEAB Has many advantages over any other sidespis gear, and will undoubtedly be a great favorite. 5 bent tempered atralplate perches allow the bodv i set very lo w, IT TURNS SHORT, rides ver ear and has no SWINGINQ or UNDUE MOTION. SaJ ame for straight or phaeton bodies. PRICES RlGffi Send tor our descrintive circular *. B. JkmmBTmmms, M*r« ro. (u.). GeNSUMPTION. â- BMM* of caaw arttai wont kind ant eflonc Mudlir y ** »» J"?*-. »â- *•«, to stronc U bit Mthln l» Witt a TALPAM.K TBXaTISI oa thk diiuM M UT mmna. •!«• •mtmmmt.t. O. mMnm, 8randiOffiM,3r"£^Si,TonBtt BRICK MACHINES SPRING PRESS ROX. r ^WRH AU THiâ€" I ^g g R O "V B ag B IT p s_ WWTE OAK POSTS. AND IRON BRACES. OTer»» olo.»ll«dtfn,.^to^^^,^^ We«.M KlTten.towftb«ye«. 8.ndforoii«* The ILAC. aiTSNEY CO '"i; .v'o; J UCB W-, ^^^^mmmm^^fosm oplvr the MUcKNOWn out ol «hird| cangi ofiti -that; '-talk « stair J V" inqui ^i •^â- ^Btar .takel ;thei iltayl m ,to«oirro, ow. *^^ i. xaari ity slso PEERl^f HialUH Bone Fowera TORONTft .L: