I BEALTH. A^HiaToper. " The cup that dieers ba( iiot inebriateB" has been the soiig^ of poets sQid the acAAcepi millions for more ibia an hmndred yeats, and its innocence lias been almost anchitl- lenged during a greater portion of tiiis tiihe; but. within the last quarter of a century there has been a growing suspicionthat the steaming decoction has something besides comfort in it, and now there are hundreds of scientific physicians who are speaking out plainly against the use of both tea anil coffee, on the ground that they" are stimu- lants which are capable of producing effects upon the nei-vous system different only in degiee from those which arise from the use of alcohol, opium, tobacco, and other nar- cotics and stimulants. Startling as the fact may be to those who have never had their eyes opened to the real charecter of these common but by no means harmless drugs, it is e%'en asserted that there are persons to be found who are veri- table tea-drunkards. Dr. Arlidge, an em- inent English physician, states that there are thousands of tea-dmnkards among the lower classes in England, and he very for- cibly remarks as follows â€" ' ' A portion of the reforming zeal which keeps up such a fierce and bitter agitation against intoxicating drinks, might advan- tageously be diverted to the repression of the very serious evil of tea-tippling among the poorer classes. Tea, in anything be- yond moderate quantities, is as distinctly a narcotic poison as is opium or alcohol. It is capable of ruining the digestion, of en- â- feebling and disordering the heart's action, and of shattering the nerves generally. And it must be remembered that it is not a ques- tion of narcotic excess merely,? but tlie en- ormous quantity of hot water' which tea- bibbers necessarily take is' exceedingly pre- judical to both digestion and nuti'ition. Our teatotal reformers have overlooked, and «ven to no small extent encouraged, a form .of animal indulgence which is as distinctly sesual, extravagant and pernicious as any Leer-swilling or gin drinking in the world. " The term " tea-drunkard " is well known .throughout Russia, where tea is used much stronger than is common in this country. A dozen cups of strong tea taken after the Ruusian fashion, without cream or sugar, simply flavored with a little lemon juice, in the course of a couple of hours, will produce effects as distinctly intoxicating as an equal quantity of light wine or lager beer. The leaves of the cocoa tree are used in South America in the same way that tea leaves are used in this country, and are found to possess the same properties for whicli tea is used. Many of the natives ac- quire the habit of chewing the leaves and s.vall jw.ng the juice, instead of steeping the leaves and drinking the decoction. The cocoa-chewer asserts that his habit is a harm- less one, and affirms that by means of it he is able to work and to travel long distances with little food,- which he could not do with- out it. However, Dr. Hartwig, an emi- nent writer and distinguished traveler, as- serts that the cocoa-chewer is affected by his practice not less injuriously than the opium-eater. In his interesting work, "The Tropical World," we find the following de- scription of a cocoa-chewer â€" "He is known at once by his uncertain step, his sallow complexion, his hollow, lus- terless, black rimmed eyes, deeply sunk into .hij head, his trembling lips, his incoherent speojh, and his stolid apathy. His char- acter is irresolute, suspicious, and false In the prime of life he has all the appearance of senility, and in later years sinks into com- plete idiocy. Avoiding the society of man, he seeks the dark forest, or some soilitary ruin, and there for days together indulges his pernicious habit. While under the in- fluence of cocoa, his excited fancy indulges in the strangest visions, now reveling in pictures of ideal beauty, and then haunted by dreadful apparitions." Theine, the active principle of tea and coffee, when taken in any but the smallest tloses, produces all the symptoms of intoxi- cation. The eminent Dr. Edward Smith, of Lon- don, in making some expei'iments with tea and coffee some years ago, took, with his as- sistant, an infusion of two ounces of coffee,' containing so small a quantity of theine as oidy seven and one-half grains. Both fell to the floor unconscious, and remained in this state for several hours. A prominent otiicial in the British army, when doing service in Africa, lost his favorite horse in a manner which was both singular and instructive. The cook left a few pounds of tea in the sack which had contained it which was filled with corn by a Kafir groom who knew nothing of the presence of the tea. Upon serving out the corn to a troop of horses, of course the last one received the larger share of the tea, which was eaten greedily by the hungry animal along with the corn. The result is thus describ- eil:â€" " The animal plunged and kicked and ran backward, at intervals galloping madly amund, finally falling into a donga, where it lay dashing its head on the rocks, and was dispatched by an a-t-'^enai thrust through the heart. The post-morteom appearances in- dicated extreme cerebral congestion. " In view of these facts is it not evident that the poetic eulogy of tea should be mod- ified by the change of one little word, so that it will read, " The cup that cheers and y- 1 inebriates?" -and is it not apparent that thorough going temperance reformer will wish to abstain from the use of these bever- ages when he becomes aware of their real character stomach, spasms in the throat, difficulty of breathing, and constipation, but on resum- ' in^Klie (Uiig, all these symptom* will cease. ^kHx nausea, vomiting, diarrhoaa, mental depressioot^'^d genenu yaostrstion follow tKe' witblHilSfaig of ^um ^hat ffae aoan rf the,^4)tToq|pist will is often unable^ break tixe ^ainp that bind him without rttedical There is a difference, however, in a case of different persons, as there is a difference in the effects of the tobacco on them. These effects are greatly worse in brain-workers, the highly cultivated, and men of nervous temperament, and it is in just these classes that we find most of those who seek deliver- ance from the noxions habit. To Canadians and Americans ,with their highly developed nervous organization, tobaccois more harm- fulthan to any nation. What answer, then, shall we give our suf- fering correspondent Simply this, that probably his wisest, surest and cheapest course would be to put himself for the time into the hands of a good physician, just as if his symptoms had no connection with tobacco. He needs medical aid, and he needs aid just suited to his indi- vidual peculiarity. We add, however, that for something to take the place of the accustomed quid, and also to act as a tonic on the stomach and sy- ' stem generally, we know of notning better J than simple chamomile. Let him get a I quantity of the dried flowers and take a few from time to time through the day. HEEE AITD THEEE. bnrial ground Martyr, cpni))|i% bom to the purple. " " tW Anglophobic French aewspapera, conS«rtin£ on the result of the Lower CmSSu elections, draw the c»eIu»on that Lower Canada is preparing to secede in order to be better able to Uve m accord- ance wiia its French instincts and to prove that it wUl no longer be dominated by Anglo-Saxon masters. The U. S. Snperweing Inspector-General of Steam Vessels in his annual report says there were forty accidents to vessels result- ing in loss of life during the year, made up as foUows :â€" Collisions, 16 explosions 12 snags, wrecks and sinking, 11 fire, 1. The livM lost number 182, 57 of whom were pas- sengers and 125 officers or persons employed on the steamers. Harrison H. Oliver of Bolton, is noted for having 101 bullet wounds on his body. When he was a boy a friend thought he was a deer and fired thirty-seven buck-shot into him he was shot all to pieces in the war and in 1873 a Bolton dentist took him for an enemy and put fifty -one duck shot into his back, perforating his liver and kidneys. buUets, raneine in size from a Mum the words now- with the floi^taâ€" Chryaanthemums. The buzz saw has an off-hand way with new acqnaintaaces. The emaade i^ainst pool-selling is said to be a " race" prejudice. A colicky baby causes a man^to learn a great deal about nights of labour. The Romai^ Empire declined and fell. In this respect if differs from a man. If he de- clines, he won't faU. A Burlington girl, who is a great talker^ says it is better to be engaged in conversa- tion than not all. A woman has written a sixteen stanza poem and dedicated it to her husband. The latter is thankful that she has contri- buted this much towards kindling the morning fire. Friendâ€" " Well, what are the chances?" Candidateâ€" " Excellent I am painting •my canvass a brilliant red." Friend â€" " Yes but the other fellow is making it blue for you, I.understand." Candidateâ€" " Well, the mixture will give me the purple, my boy." Sixty buUets, rwinng in size trom aaucs .. Landseer, Mr. Crcesus " asked shot to an ounce ball, remain in his body. ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ {^^^^^ ^j^^ ^^^^ A doctor has been deploring before the ««No," replied the host, "reckon irs a Dur- Don't use any mnn â€" tsromach Bittew, « «. gwitly, cleaMins.li toinJSl"'** nov«"V^^' »iid«rinir the Blood mP^"fwn: th! **"'*^' MedJolne a?^'°** P»» «««1 cool *^^f m EIF' 810.000. Price only go-^/^-^v^fe;:!*"" :^:=râ€" --â€" â€" ^^T, London. „. â- ThK P. STEVEfc. « M^re^Xferx^^- -«^'u^^^^ 100,000 «a^s?i^i,%ivSr?:7-, 'Fifes.' and Musical ^^t 3 '^â- '°"«V"Ph^1 prices. R. B. BUTLA^T37l";fJ!»»^At ^]^ ^, .lectors, in all parte of C^n ^^" mc L-nion of British North i,^ "' '»' theiL 7S3inceinconMr-,« duck Breaking Away From Tobacco. A correspondent writes a^foUows "I have chewed tobacco for about twelve years, .and would like very much to stop using it. But it has taken such a hold on me that when I cease using it for two or three days, I break down, and am unfit for work. I am affected like one broken down with ma- laria, chills and fever. Now is there any- thing that such a one could chew which would keep the throat and mouth moist, and in time destroy all taste for the weed " This difficulty in leaving off the use of to- bacco is natural. The drag effects such a change in the whole working machinery of the system that the sudden withdrawal of the narcotic arrests its proper action, or throws it into a very peculiar morlnd condi- tion. It is the same with opium and arsenic. If one leaves off his wonted use of arsenic, there will be loss of apj^tite, buroiog ia the Montreal wants a new graving dock. Grave-robbers are at work in Sidney, Ont. Mrs. Langtry is a very clever pistol shot. The Queen will open the next session of Parliament in person. Eleven inches of snow fell at Glen Sum- mit near Wilkesbarre, Pa., on Sunday. Two female students of the State College, Maine, have been suspended for hazing. Captain Nabokoff, the Russian who led the revolt at Bourgas, has been arrested. Sir Donald Smith has consented to run for the Hoifte of Commons for Winnipeg. Pleuro-pneumonia of an epidemic type has made its appearance in Clinton County, Indiana. Heavy snow storn^ are reported from Great Britain with loss of shipping on the coasts. Arrangements are being made for a more- strict eniorcement of the cattle quarantine' regulations. Two passengers were fatally injured on Saturday night in a collision on the C. P. R. in British Columbia. The Legislative Council of Jamacia has adopted a resolution in favor of reciprocity with the United States or Canada. I Arthur Orton,the Tichbome claimant, has been arrested in New York for an attempt to defraud the Pension Department. The monument over the volunteers' graves at Winnipeg will not be unveiled till the anniversary of the Fish Creek fight. " If photography did justice to everyone who has his picture taken," says a photogra- pher, " art would soon grow unpopular." Five members of the Mounted Police de- serted from Regina on Sunday night, taking with them the pay of one troop, amounting to §2,000. A Winnipeg man, who did not want to be bothered taking his wife and family to the Old Country with him, sold them to a neigh- bor for 870. The C. P. R. has secured the carriage of the fourth of the world's tea trade this year, and expects to carry a much larger share next year. The U. S. revenue cutter Manhattan foundered oft" New Haven, Conn., on Sunday with twenty-five hands. All are supposed to have been lost. Charles W. Banks, one of the cashiers of the Wells Fargo Express Company, has disappeared, leaving §20,000 unaccounted for on his books. A two-pound nugget oi virgin gold was found in Transylvania County, North Caro- lina. Other lucky finds there have given a new unpetus to mining. An indignation meeting has been held at Brisbane to protest against England's apathy in failing to punish the natives of New Guinea for the murder of whites. i A fire broke out in Parish Son's grocery and pro%-ision store, Calgary, on Sunday last j which spread to neighboring buildings, damaging property to the extent of §100,- 000. I A nugget of gold, recently found by some i Chinese miners in Sierra County, Cal., weighed 158 ounces and sold for $36,000, and is said to be tl e third largest ever j found. A Presbyterian Church built from petrifi- ed wood found in Allen's Creek, is one of the cui-iosities of Mumford, N. Y. Leaf and moss fossils are to be plainly seen in the stone. I Manitoba millers h:vve been given such ' favorable rates by the Canadian Pacific Rail- way that it is confidently believed they will be able to secure the British Columbia mar- ket for their flour. I The steamers plying the Nile have, ac- cording to Prof essor Sayce, driven the cro- codile from that river, as it is practically ex- tinct. So is the faith which forever con- sidered the crocodile sacred. j A ring with four pearls and three ruby stones was found lately in the back of a Scotch herring. The fish was cooked and being eaten at breakfast by a woman in Edinburgh when the discovery was made. According to the New York Graphic there are three Methodist preachers in Canada who are millionaires, viz., W. E* Sanford, Hamilton John Macdonald, Tor- onto and G. A. Cox, Peterboro. The biggest story yet on electricity comes from Caluomia, of a boy who set fire to buildings or other combustible material by simply putting his hands mi them, so fully charged is his system with electricity. In- surance agents have refused to take risks on property in the neighborhood where the boy lives. 'Ihe body of Anna Cromwell, daoofater of Rimard emwell, and granddaughter of the famous Protector, lies buried in an al- most unrecognizable grave, in 4]ia disused French Academy of Medicine that young France will not take to outdoor recreations. He wants to see a strong and healthy man- hood and not flabby, weak -kneedyeuMC* grew*. Bicycling has recently been introduced, but has not ma^e much progress. Pierre and Paul prefer to spend their time in a cafe or a brasserie, with their coffee, their fepunes, their cards and dominoes. j There are 100,000 farmers in the farming district of Texas, lying between the cotton ' district of the coast and the grazing lands â- â- of Northwestern Texas, who need 100,000 j bushels of wheat for planting this month, j They will need as much more oats and com for wintering their stock until spring. They j have lost three crops from the drouth which has prevailed for the past year, and most of j them have nothing except their farms. Stalef Auglepjwr, a Russian, was arrested ' at Port Moody, B. C, the other day by one i of the Dominion detectives. He bawl been j in town only ten days, but had made J sketches of the harbor and fortifications' here which he had inclosed to the private j secretary of the Czar. They were found in an envelope on his person. The belief is that he intended to make a plan of the harbor in case of war between England and Rnssia over Bulgaria. Fnrs and Fur Hunting. To the north and west of us â€" all over that vast country of which so little is even now known, the Hudson Bay Co. and its faithful servants, the Indians, are engaged in the fur business. From the shores of Lake Superior up to Hudson's Bay and away to the, Arctic Circle, through lonely Labrador and the untrodden wa^s that lie under the shadow of the Rocky Mountains, the trading posts of the Hudson Bay Co. are to be found, and to these posts the Indians repair after the long winter's hunt, and barter their furs for what- ever the Company likes to give them. The march of civilization has driven the fur hunters further north and west. Still an immense trade is done in the far north and will continue until civilization can make some use of the barren rocks and stunted vegetation of that inhospitable country. Just now the prices paid for raw furs are by no means steady. "This is, no doubt, due to the unsettled state of Europe where the great bulk goes. A war in Europe would spoil the trade for a time, and prices M-ould faU. Self-Sacrifice. If we analyse the acts w^e instinctively approve in ourselves and applaud in others, we shall find that many of them Jnvolve a certain degree of self-sacrifice, while those which we deplore in ourselves and criticise in others involve some kind of self-indul- gence. The man who risks his own life to save another from the sinking vessel or the burning building, he M^ho devotes his youth and energies to a philanthropic enterprise, he who habitually sacrifices his ease and comfort to soothe the declining jrears of an aged parent or to cheer the sicV-bed of a wife or friend, awakens sympathy and ap- proval from all. This instinct of our nature sufficiently proves the praiseworthiness of sacrifice and its value as a means of human progress. ham; see how broad it is between the horns, and see the color and the curl on its forehead: That's a genuine Durham, sure. That aint no Landseer." " What pretty children you have," said the new minister to the proud inother of three little ones. " Ah my little dear," he said, as he took a girl five on his lap, " are you the oldest of the family " " No, ma'am," responded the little miss, with the usual accuracy of childhood, " my pa's old- er'n me." Friend (to young author) " How is your book of poems selling, Charlie " Young Writer (gloomily): "Slow." Friend.: " What's the matter Don't people waat Eoetry any more " Young Writers " Yes ut they won't pay a dollar for my poetry when they can get a paper edition of Shako spear's for half the money. There is too much difference in the price." It was a very ragged but an exceedingly polite beggar, who took off his greasy cap to a gentleman, and said " Pardon me, sir, will you please grant me the favor of a gratuity of five cents I have not yet din- ed." "Neither have I," said the gentle- man, more to himself than to the begger, because he was hurrying home for that pur- Eose. "Then male it ten cents," said the eggar, "and we'll dine toirether." Somebody's ChUd. Somebody's chUd is dying â€" dying with the flush of hope on his young face, and some- body's mother thinking of the time when that dear face wUl be hidden where no ray of hope can brighten itâ€" because there was no cure for consumption. Reader, if the child be your neighbor's, take this comfort- ing word to the mother's heart before it is too late. Tell her that consumption is cur- able that men are living to-day whom the physicians pronounced incurable, because one lung had been almost destroyed by the disease. Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery" has cured hundreds surpas- ses cod liver oil, hypophosphites, and other medicines in curing this disease. Sold by druggists. Bead and reed portieres andscreens grew in popular favor. *^ Dr. Pierce's "Pellets" â€" the orginal "Little Liver Pills" (sugar-coated)â€" cure sick and bilious headache, sour stomach, and bilious attacks. By druggists. Pale pink veils prove to be more becom- ing than red ones. Beautiful Women iixoeilent Speech. All the qualities which are attributed to excellent speech will be found to have their roots in excellent character. Men admire its clearness and accuracy ;4lhey come from ' a love of the truth and a desire to convey it exactly. They value its vigour and raci- â- ness, which flow from the active and vigor- t ous mind. They delight in its intensity I and tenderness, which are the natural out- I pouringof intense and tender feelings. The cheap imitations of these excellences, even j when aided by proficiency in the study of language and expertness in its use, can never communicate the same impressions or convey the same ideas. Like counterfeit coin, they lack the ring of the true metaL Wouldn't Adopt the Han. Mrs. Winksâ€"" Oh, dear I don't see why I can't keep good girls when I get them. I do my best to pet them up." Mr. Winksâ€"" Has the new one left " " Y'es left this morning." " Well, get a new one and I'll try." " How thoughtful you^Iâ€" I guess I'll do the work myself." Honest and True. This is eminently the case with Poison's Nerviline, the great pain cure. It is an honest remedy, for it contains the mostpow- erfnl, the purest, and most certain pain^ub- duing remedies known to medical science. It is honest, for it does all it daimkito do! It is honest, because it is the best in the world. It only costs 10 w 25 cents to try It, and yon can buy a bottle at any drug store. Nerviline ctnee ttMdiache, neutaliria paih in the back mo^ aide. All' Mioiiare Itromptfy relieved Igr PelMA^ Kerv^ iing. coNsmifrioN. I b«^^itlranaMd]rlor tbv •!â- « iiau« b' tta OM geoiMj».of.;Myof;h»;wi»i»».kln.t«i. ori6u«ti»Biii 2CL?*?-5'"*. •»*•«, lo (traaic to ny blthin Id ||V^ve7«.^00;5.;^7aHTcl^^^l^^=^â- VI»e;*^^ Address_WM. JOXe's, 't^^^'^^'^r^Z » Toronto SONGS """"-^"^-^^ir--*^ •_"-J_ii-ft.tK\, Augusta, Maine. "'" GrElPH Basiness CoUe^irT.-^^--- Began the Thiid Year Seo" Nt v",*^**' «! receired patronace from r.r. izl^^'^^'^^iiW receired patronage from Ten stato,\ rS.»^" \oung men and boys thoroughlv ur.m'l^'""" ness pursuits; graduates eUne,!£t- '" ^•- sim-ialcoui^es m Shorthand, Fren "h ".J'"^*"' ladies admitted. For terms, etc.^dU " M.MACC0HM1CK. Principe BIG PAY. Pitman" Sh„S"r?"t MARVELOrsLY SIMPLB AND THOROlaVl i1 thn' ^^\?' IS complete^in kutees lessons, and ve*,^ °'"' be thoroughly mastered bv oui^ oour^l ir""' Don't fail to send at once for ciivuU,^ tT" '*«-, £*"»â- =?,«â- A^B-iMT, Mail Lesson D«3t41fâ„¢" btreet East, Toronto. ' â- • "•' ^^Aikl YOUNG WIVES Tnii.M.wauoiio,':: ._. "'^K'n^n-iM;, marry, including evervthij,.^ reiatht ff^'^f ophy of generation and the mutual 'relat Lk „?"" and woman--400 pages copioi;slv i Wa H " griTmgs and colored plate8-odst-.aid £^ '•' ' GRAM. Box 355. Toronto "^°' "•"' '»fW. jj The Mosi CHAPTE ,^ SHOT THAT MADE ' gome portion of the s I «jogue that was takinj IStfie I^" could not fai: |^r»ld»ni of Captain probably, it was not vo [utter. From the tones of the I high, artificial voice in i IGwald felt certain that I »rere on foot that were course, and he maile jiatch to its covering, I placed his ear in oitlcr t l^hat was passing. Gerald was a pri:;ouer I his inveterate foe, so I Justified in learning all h lover, felt a degi-ee of inti lof- Marie which he woiil Ihaps. difiicult to deline ti He could not coniprehc Iffhenever he thought of I (iJer and artless c;i;esses lapon him, the image of lap business^ollegeI CORXEa KIXO AXD .l.UlKS KlErKT^ nA.1IILTO\, OXTABIO A Thorough Practical Business Sihioi T.â„¢ ' erate. ^Seud for circular. KATTKAv"".^ uKUiffi ^SAUSAGEJlASINGl New shipment from England, Ev-Stean'^hifJ wegian." Lowest prices to tht trade. We S» J" •vgenta m Canada forMcBride's Ceieb rated S'i^.ri ings. Write for quotations. " " JAMES PARK .t SOX. Tomm*. a R. SPENCE 00 Q Consumers will find it to their advantage L n to ask the trade for our make of Files and ' H Rasps. Ke-tattins a Specialtf. SendJ y tor price list and terms. ' u E HAMILTON ONTri lua; aaiiBBB Qaaaaaa'a! 9aa " 5»b3!" "11 BU'S am. Qm â€" "flaaa'saaa!" 9m "Baiia!! Qaaaa.O'aaaa; â€" Ss?" "Sa aQaa,Q]aB3 Saaaasaaaa aaux9n.9sMl)-' •aaiBiia fi flaaaa; Qfttnaa.QaaaaaaMi'.! Su â€" "Ba â€" Anaaaa Qaaa ?. ' '"Baaaaam 5n'.! Baa .Qanmicui '...QaanaBBOSBir Sssasaaai Stii are made pallid and unattractive by func- tional irregularities, which Dr. Pierce's " Favorite Prescription" will infallibly cure. Thousands of testimonials. By druggists. American silks are becoming fashionable in London. Catarrh, Catarrhal Deafness and flay Fever. Sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagious, or that they are due to the presence of living parasites in the lining membrane of the nose and eustachian tubes. Microscopic research, however, has proved this to be a fact, and the result is that a simple remedy has been formulated whereby catarrh, catarrhal deafness and hay fever are cured in from one to three simple applications made at home. A pamphlet explaining this new treatme^it is sent free on receipt of stamp by A. H. Dixon js sjon, 308 King Street West, Toronto, Canada. Red and brown is the favorite color com- bination for children. A CURE FOR DRUNKENNESS, opium, morphine, chloral, tobacco, and kindre « hahn-. The medicine may be given in tea or coffee without the knowledge of the person taking it if so d*a!r'd Send 6c in stamps, for book and testimonials from those who have been cured. Address M. V. Lubon, 47 Wellington St. East, Toronto, Ont. Cut this out for future reference. When writine mention this paper. Coral brooche*?, necklaces, and bracelets are revived for full dress. TOIJSrO MKS suSering from the effects of early evil habits, the result of ignorance and folly, who find themselves weak, nervous and exhausted also Mu DLB-AOBD and Old Mks who are broken down from the effects of abuse or over-work, and fai advanced life feel the consequences of youtMul excess, send for and RKAD M. V. Lubon's Treatise on Diseases of Men. The book will be sent sealed to any address on receipt of two 3o. stamps. Address M. V. LUBOX, 47 WeUii ton St. E. Toronto^ Ont. Hairpins of shell have handsome heads set with imitation jewels. POPVLAR SCIENCE. Aostmllan Ilidlaii Asthma Care.â€" We hare the Skins discovered by the Australian Indians- -a sure CURB for Asthma, or we will refund the rrioe ol 93.00. Full directions g^iven how to use. Address AUSTRALIAN CUKE CO., Acton. Out.. Box 1(86. A Chinaman has purchased for $16,000 the exclusive privilege of selling opium in Panama. The money is devoted partly to reducing the Government debt. SAFETY OIL PACKAGES. FOR FAMILY. HOTEL. AND STORE USL These packages are made of Wood, jomM W-- and grooved, and covered with a pa!er.^t.""S'â„¢; all being thoroughlv coated nith ^^n'""ri.j Composition, the whole being oi -jreat ^f^'Pritted I perfectlv impervious to kerosene or other oiis. ' with ni"ekel-plat«d compression faucet au' I fillers. Manufactured by the W.1I. :4\E A SOXS MFC. *• XEAniARKET, ONT. OHARLES BOECEfl Sfl|8. Toronto, Wliolesalc .lis-n«- When I »«y cure I â- !•. not me«n mer-l 1' «'"P ^„,|t,i «me«nd then have thTi re:urn «i:»ln- ' "l^y yiUr mre. 1 h»Te made t!if iJiKass p; ?n ""'l „, mr rtmiV INO SICKKESS A lif»-loue «lu.!.v. ^°' Sjiai U »• lo cure th« worst cawi BecuM »""'" °' ,, „„« !« • rrannlbr not now rsCTtviasa ""â- ..""lea,, ai« trntln .nd Free BottU ol my i°"^f"^ftoU trA Brandi Dice, 37 longest., Having purchased one thousjjd^K^"^- toUowin? aatisfactoo- P"**'j"J„Mnt for » number :-,-,» 5a 1 if between him ami gul He looked upon (.1 be began to cherish ;i hoj Grace, too, would love y'l My, ^y soiiie r;m and if circwiiistar.ces, thoy in ily together as ;i united n Moctiiiet. (jierald's ideas o;i su ,ther crude and iinmatui But wiiatever might li; icierofthe day-dreams t 'Ssession tif his iniaghui uce and Marie, they \v the present tlanger that If. Tlie shots from the Spr? i A\ itli painfiil anxiety b ptain Mocqaet, and tl le time somewhat surpri not fired in return h lupled with wiiat he )i ve, Gerald now. felt t ion why. One shot from the Rift onverted the smuggler ii ras never foi-givcn, as Drpses of some ten or twt ig on ai gib1)etl)y the Noi jie year 1822, sufficiently "I will not fire the gu 8 he hastily descended ti "What sh: U you go to Pecquet. " They w ant me to fire Captain Mociuet put or 1(1 e\-idently did not erald meant. "Quoi?" " They want me to comn 1(1 their evil life by firin; id I will not do it."" "Ah; bah: no! AVha overb^-one say of En ing de cbeval^the hors id made him drunk. A] " You mean, sir, our fliat you may bring a ho it you cannot make him "Oui, certainement. It It was at this moment t as opened and a conf liees came upon the ea me half dozen of the or img him up. Gerald held forcibly by "Hilloa! Hilloa there it for the old 'un to cra( IB. "Ckme up tumbl bargain? We want on deck, that's all. -that's all â€" ha ha T "It is false It is all Id. "The letter is fals did mt write to the po: " Now there " said Do way down the hatch you hear that, my m ' I do not confess it, I " and I know you pe. I deny it with all f strength â€" I deny it ' I deny it " 'Deny what?" r'Tliat I wrote to tlie ^ying the Rift and its ' "Now, look you here ' ' Out of his o\ I hini. Has any of i 'wve accused him o I a word about the po _^f the Rift, or the .Not any of us," said I And yet, you see, h l^ifoan of rage came f Mlteardit," said Ge joiemner side of the pOn. what a come-c ^no; that won't l"' no," was the cry /J^him! Now, yo •ww^what you ca iMocquet, as he (or the release of '55***»»*you shouh •lawless crew liked iference of the I •• tt Rave one or ' V of dealing to p ittraiehtforward totMionof the *• always so utt« aatisfactoo- P"**'.,"JLMnrfor » number :-,-,» 5a prices, subject to ^^ discount oct barrel, ^J-g 32, S8. 42 cal.. round barrel, ^w^^- .1-^ 40and46cal., „ .jjoo, r.jj ColtLjarhtningBifles,^^, 1^.00. jg^J Winchester B.aes,18Wmoa^,|jg^^^ Hf English I)o"We-barrded^«^h^ riee*Ii»^^ "action, 10-bore, packed "Jjth priv-iTege W e^^ Wm shipjny S"Swentcirti* W "SS oU«^ upon leoefptof rt'JrdXcted*'"' ^r^ » W M. COOPEB, Laiyesi wu" .-••â€" Bay St, Toronto. and 1 out Mocquet, in ' â- •Ml ritting in I box." ;^Geraldl 'two of the intl old Ml