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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 21 Oct 1886, p. 2

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 ihk ,TH. Patigu^l^IncB^BtieB. ^; %â-  The following Irisa. remaiks are-qnot«d from Htcdth, an V^i^uh v^otAikj devoted 'io scientific hygiene '!*•' "A cause of imperfect digestion b fa- tigue. When we start on a walk it does not matter much whether the road is rough or not any little obstacle is avoided with ease and we thread our way over rough stones, through tangled heath, or over a quaking bog, without difficulty. Our nervous sys- tem is in full 'igor, and preserves perfect co-ordination among the movements of the different parts of the body; so that one helps the other, and all difficulties are surmount ed. But when we are tired a little rough- ness in the road will causjp us to stumble, and an unexpected stone may give us a sud- den fall. The wearied nervous system no longer co-ordinates the movements of. the various parts of the body, that they may work together for a common end. " The same thing occurs with the various parts of the intestinal canal. If the nervous system is exhausted by previous fatigue, or ' debilitated by illness, the requisite co-ordin- ations may not take place, and biliousness or indigestion may be the result. How oft- en do we find the meal taken by a person immediately after a long railway journey disagrees with him, and either causes sick- ness or diarrhoea, or a bilious headache Forty winks after dinner is not always a bad thing but forty winks before dinner is cer- tainly much better. "How often do men who have worked hard all day, with their mental faculties constantly onthe stretch, go home and have dinner forthwith I Exhausted as they are, how can they eat They ought to make a •point of having a little rest at home before .dimie." ' ' There is grave truth in these remarks, and they should be well laid to heart by -those who are compelled to- work at high pressm-e, and thus faU. in that repair of the 'â-  bodily waste which lies at the foundation of health. But mental emotions and the play â-  of mind may in their turn produce disturb- ances of the body's duties in the way of food digestion. Here, again, the views ex- pressed teem with a common sense and philosophy which commend them to the •thorough appreciation of those who find di- gestion to fail from the nervous influences that chase one another and career over the surface of the mental atmosphere. " Effects, somewhat similar to those of fatigue, may be produced by depressing or disturbing mental emotion, or bodily condi- tions. We know how readily excitement of almost any kind will destroy the appetite of some people, and depressing emotions will d it. "From this it would seem to be equally probable that various emotions affect special parts of the digestive system. A strong im- pression of disgust may excite vomiting compassion is said to produce movements of gas in the small intestine worry is know to affect the liver and Dr. Brunton gives some countenance to the popular notion that jaundice may be brouglit on through a men- tal cause, illustrated for example, by anxi- ety. The old adage respecting the wisdom cf maintaining an easy mind if we would grow fat, has therefore a physical basis. It is the surest of inferences that the mind and nervous system Avhich aie allowed to remain placid and iinniffled, are most likely to be found presiding over a botly and processes which respectfully live and act in a healthy and normal fashion. If care really kills us, it seems probable that its method of slaught- er is largely that of destroying the harmony of those functions on which the proper nu- trition of otir bodies depend. " A Wet Sheet Pack This valuable pi'ocess in water treatment may be briefly described as follows Have ready two or three comfortables or thick blankets, one woolen blaidiet and a large linen or cotton sheet. It is important to be certain that the sheet is sufficiently large to extend twice around the patient's body. !More blankets are required in cool weather than in warm, although the pack should be taken in a room at temperate heat. Spread upon a bed or straight, broad lounge the comfortables, one by one, making them even at the top. Over them spread the woolen blanket, allowing its upper edge ' to fall an inch or two belov/ that of the last comfort-^ able. Wet the sheet in water of the proper temperature, wring out so that it will not drip, then gather the ends so that it can be quickly spread out. Xow place its upper end even with the woolen blanket, and spread it out on each side of the middle suf- ticiontlj" to allow the patient to lie down on his back, which he should quickly do, let- ting his ears come just above the upper bor- der of the sheet, and extending his limbs near together. Wrap the patient snugly, carefully first with the sheet and afterward with the blanket, taking care to exclude air from the neck to the toes. After the bath give the patient a cool or tepid sponge bath, or a wet sheet itib, and he svill probably feel ureatly refreshed and invigorated. This JEorm of Imth is particularly useful in dis- ceases of a f erbrile tj-pe. thj^sfartotment sixty recoveries o^tof sixl tkreie cases^ where it ^wm instlMtfd M4 (Uarried outftom tiie l)^iteiin5||^ the '" i' Salt and Digestion. If a piece of salt is taken into the mouth, the flow of saliva is temporarily increased, though it is not certain that the amount se- creted in any given time is any greater than it would have been had no stimulants been used. It has been argued, also, that the effect of salt on the gastric juice in the sto- mach is the same, and that its use promotes digestion. Some recent experiments, how- ever, on a man who had an artifical opening into his stomach to supply food, which he could not take through the mouth, seems to negative this assumption, and that salt hinders the secretion of gastric juice and di- gestion rather than promotes them. If the amount of salt is considerable, digestion almost ceases. Experiments like these have great value, for they help to clear away the superstitions of past ages, which seem to be held bv the educated and the ignorant alike. "W -tit^ CL^ Biphtheiia. M. Delthil, of Paris, haa become famous for his success in the cure of this disease. Large flat dishes, filled with spirits of tur- pentine, are placed in different parts of the room sponges wet with it are placed at each side of the patient's head, and it is even used to swab the throat. M. Delthil claims for " Heah am a petishun to de nex' Legisla- chur' signed by twenty -eight cnll'd men of Battle Creek," said Brother G a r dne r as silence feu npon Paradise Hall. "It am a petishun praj'in' dat body to restore capital punishment. I hope dat ebery member of dis club will add his signatiir' to it. If dar am one fing more dan anoder wanted in de Stait of Michigan to-day it am a hangman who understands his bizaess. De want of sich a man, together with juries who won't permit deir sympathies to run away wid deir common sense, am bein' felt to-day in. almost ebery county in de Stait. De num- ber of cold-blooded murders an' attempts at murder foot up a total to surprise you. We stand among de foremost in de record, an' 1. am evident to all observers dat nuffin am am held mo' cheaply in Michigan dan hu- man life. We hev sent men to prison fur life fur murder, but dey am libin' on in hopes of a new trial an' a verdict in deir favor. " Let de petishun be signed an' returned. If it doan' do any good dis club will stan' ready to jine itself to a vigilance commit- tee. It really doan' make so much differ- ence whether a murderer am hung l^ de Sheriff or a blacksmith. De main pint, ar- ter you am sartin of. his guilt, am to hev him well hung by de neck. We will now take up de miscellaneous bimess an' seek to cl'ar off de Secretary's desk." GIVEADAM IS THREATEXED. Giveadam Jones notified the meeting that he was in receipt of the following let- ter, dated at Halifax and written in blood- red ink It has been decreed, by virtue of the Grand Council, that you shall meet your doom by the hands of our Worthy Grand Assassin. So by faith shall it come to pass as we say it. R. G. S. We are desirous that you should have time to give thoughts to your soul's best wishes. The Grand Deliverer of Orders shall in course notify you of the date fixed for your journey to the mysterious destina- tion of your kind. You will therefore pre- pare for the promised future. G. The Grand Scriptorial Deliver will do duty to your soul's wishes. By order, Lazzie, R. W. G. Fiend Lodge 444. The letter reached his cabin during hi^ temporary absence, and his wife opened and read it. When he came home he found her unconscious, and for three days her life was despaired of. He had been greatly worried himself, sometimes being inclined to flee to the West. " Brudder Jones, you stay right heah,' replied the Presideiit. "Inde fust place, we can't spar' you, an' in de next place, if you am assassinated you shall hev a funeral to be proud of. It; may be dat you am marked as a victim, but I wouldn't worry over it. Jist put a pa'r o' brass knuckles in your pocket an' keep j'our eyes peeled o' nights, de assassin who tackles you will think a brick house has hit him on de neck. " dox't tkcst him. The Secretary annouced the following SissoxviLLE, Kaxawha Co. W. Va. Brother Gardner. Dear SiKâ€" At a meeting of " Whitewash Club" Xo 7'201 I was directed to inquire of your Recommendation Committee whether or no they had given Brother Col. Andy Ray a certificate of moral reputation. He is canvassing our community with a wind- mill. Already he owes Brother Jenks two weeks' board, and Brother Sam Jones, the liarber, has refused to shave him until we hear from yoxi. He claims that the " mill" will blow lime out'n of a whitewasher's eyes, and all seeds cleaned, from a mustard up to a large sized 'tater. As you have been sitting under the dripping of lectures on cyclones and other wind currents, we desire your advice before purchasing. We number sixty-three members, and all be- long to the Baptist Church except fifty- nine. It's time to suspect something when a man weighing 187 pounds lays down his whitewash brush and goes into the wind business. P. Henry Floyd, Sec'y. The Secretarj' was instructed to reply that the club had no knowledge of any such man as Col. Andy Ray, nor did it desire to express an opinion on his invention. While he passed as an individual the club would not go out of its way to whack him, but in case he claimed membership, or pretended that his mill was indorsed by the club, his sorrows and tribulations would begin at once. The thanks of the club are also due to "G. G.," of Alabama, who has forwarded a hair brush said to be 4,500 years old. A XEW POE3I. The receipt of the following touching poem was announced, and Waydown Bebee was authorized to set the same to music HI DAR CHIPMONK. BY S.VLAMAXDER SMIFFIX. A chipmonk sat on .i hick'rj- limb, Hi did a di, hi did a di, A rabbit come 'Ion? an' he sav to him, "Hidi^a di, did a da." " Rabbit " I see jou is sittin' up dar all day, Hi did a di, hi did a di, WTiy for de debil jrm up dar stay Hi did a di, did a da." Chipmonk " Oh dem hiok'jy nuts, day am so sweet. Hi did a di, hi did a di, i An' I sittin' up here dem for to eat, j Hi did a di, did a da." j Samuel Shin was then fined $450 for breaking two lamp-chimneys with his elbow while throwing a paper wad at Elder 'Toots and the meeting adjourned. Ill Temper Is more rapidly improved by relief from physical suffering thsm in any other wayi. Step on your frienifs Com, ana the impul^ to strike is strongest. Patnam's Painle^ Com Extractor, by qwd^y ivnd p^i^Malv removing them,^insm«s good nature, jjxjftt^ imitations prove its vahie. Beware of stib- stitutes. " Patnam's," sore, safe, painless. had rors Ghaige h to WiggiM. r^f j know that there ww«^«»T »?%°y BuflWo-^iot ignorant JOB* super- bat educated and of good who were quite worri^atid^lMm- ggins' prediction of a^»«^ shm*? phmet on that Wednesday It to bdieve it, bat it is none the less t'is told of a hMiy whose reputation fOT' strong-mindedness is rather wide th^ Z actuaay «aied-Bp« her V^ to be prayed with before her ter- could be subdued. More than one clergyman, if report be true, had to rea«n with members of his flock to convince them that the day of wra^ was not actually at hand, and that Wiggins b6uld have no such exclnsire information as to thecoimngol earthquakes as has been chiimed by him. "imere Are Ton Going? If yon have pain in the back, pale and sallow complexion, bilious or sick headache, eruptions on the skin, coated tongue, slug- gish circulation, or a hacking cough, you are going into your grave if you do not take steps to core yours^. H you are wwe you will do this by the use of Dr. Pierce s " Golden Medical Discovery," co-nponnded of thte most efficacious ingredients known to medical science for giving health and strength to the system through the medium of the liver and the blood. Old-fashioned hoopskirts are abready worn by ladies who " have just returned from Europe." Sick and bilious headache, and all de- rangements of stomach and bowels, cured by Dr. Pierce's " Pellets"â€" or anti-bilious granules. 25 cents a vial. No cheap boxes to allow waste of virtues. By druggists. The new style of an-anging the hau- gives a good chance to display ornamental hair- pins. Life seems hardly worth the living to-day to niany a tired, unhappy discouraged wo- man who is suffering from chronic female weaknesses for which she has been able to find no relief But there is a certain cure for all the painful complaints to which the weaker sex is liable. We refer to Dr. Pierce's " Favorite Prescription" to the \-ir- tues of which thousands of women can tes- tify. As a tonic and nervine it is unsur- passed. All druggists. Embroidered crapes, muslins, and batis- tes are in beautiful designs for evening dresses. Don't use any more nauseous purgatives such as Pills, Salts, c., when you can get in -Vr. Carson's Stomach Bitters, a medicine that moves Ihe Bowels gently, cleansing all impurities from the system and rendering the Blood pure and cooL Great Spring Medicine 50 cts. Life is short â€" only four letters in it. Three- quarters of it is a " lie " and half of it is an "if." A Free Fisbt. The great reputation of Briggs' Electric Oil is such that it has induced unprincipled persons to adopt other names as near as possible. The proprietors of Briggs Electric Oil have the name and style of the Electric Oil registered both in Canada and the United States, and no one can use it but themselves. Others hearing of the success of Briggs' Electric Oil have adopted other names similar, such as " Tdec- tric Oil," Electron Oil," c., and are striving to induce the public to buy them instead of the gei nine Electric Oil. In fact so determined were they that they brought a suit at Law, in the High Court of Canada, to deprive Briggs Sons of their right to control the same but the Courts and the Minister of Agriculture at Ottawa fully sustained their registered trade mark. Briggs' Electric Oil cures Rheumatism, Neuralgias Sprains and Bruises, complaints arrising from Cold,, such as Sore Throat, Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis and diificult breathing. A man has invented a sleigh made of pa- per. Nothing new about that. We have used a paper cutter for years. A CFRE FOR DRUNKENNESS, opium, morphine, chloral, tobacco, and kindre t habu-. The medicine may be given in tea or coffee without the knowledge of the person taking it if so dtsir-d Send 6c in stamps, for book and testimonials from those who have been cured. Address M, V. JliUbon, 47 Wellington St. East, Toronto, Ont. Cut this out -for future reference. When writing mention this paper. It sounds like a paradox to say that a man is laying up money when he is salting it down. A. P. 303. MONE^ ProaiiotiWTowiii.Vi ' .-" _if IS! "i ii i r â€" _£ R. PENCE CO. i Consumers will find it to their advantage i to ask the trade for our make of Files and jSaqM. Bc-CattllMC » S^MtaMy. Send for price list and terms. HAMILTON OIMT. THEitKi m i R H Allan Line Royal Mall Steamships. Sailing during winter from Port and eveiy ThorMlay airfMUax everj- Saturday to Liverpool, and in sum- mer from Quebec eveo" Saturday to Liverpool, caUing at Londonderry to land mails Mid pMsengers for Scotland and Ireland. Also from Baltenwre via HaU- tox and St. John's If F., to Uy^rpoA toT^k^y dur- ing summer months. The rteamewflj. the Glasgow lines saU during winter to and fnxu HalAx. Portland Boston and Philadelphia anddnrip; â- iiiBBirrWtween Glasgow and Montreal, weekly, Gtogw^ â„¢ °°r? weekly and Glasgow wid Philaddpfcn, tataisbtly. For Freight, passage, or other inform i^appiy to A. Schumacher Co., Baltimore S. Cmaid* Ca, Halifax Shea Co., St. John's F-. "»- ™™»on 45 Co., St. John, N. B. Allan Co., Chic«r Lo%je Alden, New York H. Bourlier, Toronto AllaM Rae Co., Quebec Wm. Brockie, Philadelphia; H- A. Allan Portland. Boston Montre^L Irjfpilraph.' A Wondertnl luTention for Printing Wlthont the I sc of Type. UsEFtn, for Clbrgtmes, Teachers, Busisess or Pro- fessional ME!C. COJfPIiSTB OrwiT Oklt SIO. ^^Send for full particulars to GEO. BEXeOIIGH, 36 King St. E., Toronto* Jf BEHER The Snow Drift 1 The Third Scholastio v ' age dra«-n frorat^'^^S' '«?i«S«, men and bovs thoroutll" â- Â«Â» f^'*^- work moderate raSn "L*'«WN iiioiim^ Silver Plated |j Artistic Desips,coffii^^, UnequaUed Durability andft HAMILTON, ONT. Ha nng purchased one thousand Kw satisfactory prices, we offer them « ti .*«â- -«-"» â€" â€" ' I â€" .- :•; i"":3, n e oner them a* tk â-  I Agent Remington Type-writer and dealer in Pa] er P"ces, subject to a discount for a ^^C^ .H nfflAP .Sntmlifes. e-' ^.' A* fal-. round barrel, 519.00 wtL, 19..5o! â„¢' and OfBce Supplies. ARMSTRONG'S CUTTER G-EARS. Made from Finest Steel, tempered under the Arm- strong Patent Process, enaumig all parts to stand under actual test 100 to :J00 percent, over Rr.w Steel. The ruimers will outwear the ordinarj- sleij-h shoe steel fully SIX TIMES, and being temijered ss above they do not drag on poor sleighing. Ligl t, GrBceful and Durable. Send for our Uescripti'e circular and ask vour carriage makers for these gears. J. B. ARMSTRONG M'F'O GO. (L'D) GUELPH GANADA. S700 plays, Ij half-price, MENâ€" THREEâ€" and two ladiesâ€" as Canvasser* good pay. H. E. Kbssedt, Toronto. Ont REPRESENTATIVE in each count to sell " Pro- posal and Espousal"â€" a book on Love, Courtship, Matrimony and kindred themes. Write for circulars International Book and Bible House, Toronto, Ont. inn nnn sheets of 5 10c. music; '30,000 â- IuUjUUU Plays,' Brass Insfs, 'Violins,' 'Flutes,' 'Fifes,' and Musical Inst. Trimmings, at reduced prices. R. B. RUTLAND, 37 King-st. W., Toronto. 80 Acre Farmâ€" $300 GO Acre Farm â€"1 mile from Dundalkâ€" 100 000 acting 15 cents 100,000 5 cent music nstruments RUTLAND, 37 King-st. W Toronto. AGENTS FOR NEW PARALLEL FAMILY BIBLESâ€" large tj-pe, splendid maps, beautiful Illustrations contains 4,000 questions and Bible Topics liberal terms, " ' Bible House Toronto, Ont. THIE TeROXto~BIISIESS COHEGE.- The Largest, Leading and Best in Canada- offers special courses in Shorthand, Book-keepin" Penmanship, Modem Languages, Mathematics, Draw- ing, Painting, and all other Commercial, English and 'lif- " Branches. Terms, etc., low. Write ira- "t'tit -ToTon't?' """"^- "' " ""' " "^^'^^-^^ FEHALE YIGOS-WORT. THE "deCOCTION r^.^.t^°T "' I'"' ** »"" °"re for female ir- reguUnties stamp for particulars « ir P. STEVENSON. ___. *5 Mercer Street, Toronto, Caiada The Ijirgest Trainlns Scbool In (;amada Send for Calendar. J.L.JONES WOOD ENGRAVER 10 King S^ East TORONTO. ASK FOR THE GLOBE Washboard KEPT BYALL GROCERS MANUFACTURED BY HAMILTON WaiterWoodsC? tqronto 44 and 45 cal., ColtLightning Rifles 'â-  ,2000 Winchester Rifles, 1866 model, Koo' â- â-  " " ISTSmodeUioo; " " " 1876 model, 1950 « English Double-barreled Breach.l,idi» 0. W lU ship any -una e.o.d., «ith prinUu J upon receipt of sufficient cah to mveCi botn ways, which will be deducted from Z?j W. M. COOPER, Largest Gun K? " Bay St., Toronto. ALL STYLES OF SCALE! OSBORNE COj HAMILTON, ONTAB ABSOLUIELYPli FROMSE'llCTF? SOLD EVERYWHERJ FARMERS AND THREI USE ON YOUR MACHINERY ONLY THE WELL-KNOW Have been awarded it flurin AXLE GREASE, for the last three years. vourWa-onsaadHorrf answers on International Book and C^«i^?l^ BrSIJTESS ITXITERSITT AND Tor«nS"'*J^' Institute, Public Librae "SjtoK loronto. Specialties Book-kpinir..' «!.._._ t-"' Shorthand, l^writing. 1??^ ^^"In/tTmT^?^ for circulars. j « CAVPritt t tt « THOS.BENGOUGH '^%Z%7ltt^^ C.^BROOKS^Seoy, Principal Shoittwid D^). ACESTSr-YOU'cAN-rFINDA BOOK THAT aw Utter «ati8a«eon orthatronoTn mS^ money f asterw^th than " World's WonSS-*SeuIto an daMe»-jChâ„¢tia«i and Infldels. Caffii a^P^ tMtMts old and yopng old agents who haveiSS; «^' â-¼assed for year^are going inSthe field v^ it-cB Jenkins sold fiie-fiirt week-. J «• ra-tl' '^• "The first week with Wo^-' net4 m^^e i!^ ' ' goyed peis^is outfit free to Stad^^i^^^ g! lorten.^ »«*»«« 0««««i Co. B^"ld^ SAUSAGE CASINGS. New wegianl' â- Kcataln ings. Wi T-A' tr est prioea ^_«»e. We are „u,^ Ite for qnotattgT -«*«*^aa»eep Cgi- SIX GOLD MEDALS Manufactured at QUEEN CITY OIL WORKS SAMUEL ROGERS CO., TrvalsoPE TOKO* GURNEY'S^, NEW HARRIS MAMM?! STEEL DOME HOT-AIR Fl S ' e 9 c •s S © I '.t^.l *S !?5?***'»* ChtftdieB, Scfao^ Publie BuHdings, Stores and Pnra^ j^^, ^^^ ^^ le oIjd^Bgmore heat with le« fS" P« Jnd »»5 'fwC*** CasTir-ei ElrM sizes "H«"'5,„eesor'" infoimation ad^reai 'SSS-^l^n^SS^o^Coi^pondenee 'â-  AkD VI fj' *rB» Most CHAPTER IV._(' r-i" fhontedCapts Id«g*»*.^* Wl ^oim^rtinence. \\1 I ben that we may [.ven't ^* 0°^^. " That 8 it. ne fee can." „ itterahoyj r,ay.fflr „ ho are you? ,e Mary Janeâ€"»o and pickaxes went agunfroi Kift tad altered 1 fbannlessly past he ' fleeting moment, ^ge that the posi bl^ through th it you " said Dol; .ou are. I can gei jy two points east, [y, ay, sir " .light canvas whicl the Rift fluttered f and flapped itself iiwe of position c then, at an acceler 7 through the risini the. sea was risms a to have condensed r and to have produ ' iuch as is evokei at equilibrium a are the causes puithe Spray fired Idirection of the Rift I flown off into the m bf the jaece of ordnai nt lit up the spars ner. bf, though, as was Ifh the mist, it sho ard the Spray the rhich floated the st ^ca. Not above a rard the yacht was r as if it had Ijec dangerous proxim I from the Spray t nd the sound came at ship Ahoy " ho are you " shou cht. ts majesty's schoon* reply was prompt jacht Nautilus, Unit kptain Morton, owm ow did you get here el downward " told " cried a clear, )a diflFerent descrip I to this moment ha: I of the government aintry I will see t tion is requested tier Spray that I, C autilus yacht, can ' came you here Ve have made the g: I that boat " les." I luck to you, sir, nk you " Pe are looking for a 1 vessel cutter-rigge kjnst above water â€" lo, sir I shall see n or otherwise ln. " 1 am not abou entary custom-he nic majesty Good hoy Ya^htahoy b Nautilus sped on h on board the Sp etas he said onfdmid the fellow'i »y with these Amer ilways got some am dy that one can I after they have sa n you think nc 1 Simon Royle, th Spray, and who in oner, '^ell, B-a-h Oh, „_ ished, I should hai »-I »hould certainly h l^y. ay, air " f- Green gave himst « he descended to tl ^went f only wish that th« wthe name of the Jtounder, or that so Iwrmhand " ' cabin of the « igently loungin --• of a meerschai ' "ttkiah smokins „*,P* of red mor *«Bfeet, i^^Ife" ies r~T^ «*i*ena|it [^^""01, did you r- lPr«rvtfc5-„;^^_ ol g^ m: «an wauTn l'--"te-5!) i;.. '"^^^.â- ^-. -â-  ?tftâ- ^

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