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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 22 Jul 1886, p. 2

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 â- .â-  â-  i I n if' 1 -M^ ' tn r«.* m V li t )â- * '1:2. ilil " " is'Stl ' i .Ml "GCODIiaHTlCYBOI- Maaf bMta aad cutomfl, the daktarlou of wfai^ an tacogBlied, wauld be* I tUagi ef the put If a pnMtlcal and daxgU remedy oen be dertted. I have ne- Ter net with aDj plainly written adviiocy aitlulei an the tramifaig ef ohOdxaiin peeper aleep babMi exoapt aa te time. A reoant •xpavieneehai taajght bm te " atady up," on the mbjeot, in the meet pr^loal way, by aaklng qneatieBa at methere and nnraea â€" My UctlB patirait, whoae hablta and oendi- Haaa led te thia inTeatigatian ia ten ycara eld. A aerioai and ohnuk affietlen m tite Udaaya has reaalted frem exoaaaiTe oae ef â- weete and oonei qoently leak ef appetite fer, and aaahnnlatien al nntrMena teed. She paniatentiy ileepe preoe en the badi'witt Iha ama flazed abeve her head watohfol- â- aea reaalti in her taming en ene aide from d{ght te ten Mmea every night, bat, ef flMnae, a farther raaah ia dimlnlahed deep, â- Ithong^ It i» B0fe morereatlaaa than oaaal. Whether the habit oan be penuaantly broken np ia dlffionlt to aay. From her bbtt ahe exlilbited a pnferanoefer that pe- illieB, and had been Indolged in it, with the Inevltablareaalta of oatarrhal affaotiena, dry threat, enorrating, raa tl aaa aleep and Mgravatlen ef the kldnw diffioalty, aa the â- (Be waa ondnly heated by oenatant oen- tM« witii the bed. From the hear of Urth a babe ahenld be laid down, te aleep, witti Boat eare, never ahoold it be permMed to lla en the book whUe aleeping, attar It be- fina te play, the reetleaalimba are very ben- eflelaliy exerciaad while lytog ae, bat ao ae^n aa aleep oemea the little oim riioald be MBlly lifted and plaoed on the aide with wb» head raiaed only aoffioiently to inaore MMapiaefrom any otirvatare, aeeingthat there are no felda in the clothing to tertare flie tender fleali, eapeolal oaro befaig taken to lay the ear ameothly back. Alternate the aidea or there will be an nnaeoeeaary â- aevenncai ef^oentoar when the ohild ii grown do not permit the kneea to bta ao lazed aa to orowd the viaoera. Lying on the atomaoh ocoaaionally ianot bjorienaif Uie arma lie at the aide and the face if free te the air. Frequently that provea to be a TOfy raatfal poaitien to a play, weary obild. Itia not a dlffianlt matter to teaoha ohild la Bleep with the month doaed and witheat â- nering or "grltHBg the teeth." A lady of tbirty-lTewhehadhabltoally gritted her teeth frem their firat peaaeaaion waa cored of the habit In a fortnight by peraiatent waking at the firat indioatien of the aennd, the habit haa net been reanmed daring the fivo yean ainoe paaaed. If methen oeald realize hew many people anffer from bad ileep habita contracted in ehildhoed, they would pay a little attention to their children at night-time, beyond the " hnatUng off te bod, oat ef tiie way," and the "keeping oovend " which ia a aort ef " dim nligloaa daty " kept eight ef eat ef fear of the doc- tor'a bill, rather than ef any ether cenaidor- aMan. â€" A Lttdy Phyaieian, Borne Fallaoies in Beeard to Diet. 1. That then b any natriment in beef- taa made from extraota. Then ia none whatever. 2. That gelafjie ia natritiotia. It will net keep a cait alive. Beef-tea and l^tine, however, peaaeaa a certain npan- tive power, we know not what. 3. That an egg ia equal te a poimd ef meat, and that every aiok peraen can eat them. Many, ea- peoially theae of nervoua or billleiu temper- BMut, cannot eat them, and to auoh egga MolDJurieua. 4, Thatbeoanae milk lean frnportant artide ef food It moat be forced 190a a patient Food that a peraen oannot •â- dan will not cure. 5. That arrowroot la natrltieua. Itiaaimpl7atarchand wattr, tMod aa a natontive, quickly prepared. 6. That eheeae ii b joriona in aU oaaaa. It ia aa a rule, centra-indicated, being aaually in- digeetible bat It ia concentrated nutriment, awaate-rqpairer, and often craved. 7. Tliat .tte onvinga of a Patient ar« whima aad dwald be daniad. The atoauwh often aeeda, eravea far, and digeata artidea not laid down in aw dietary. Snob aro, for exam- ^o, fruit, ploklet, jam, cake, ham or baooa, with fat oheeoe batter aad mUk. That aa laflezlble diet may bo marked eat whioh wDl apply te every oaae. Ohdoe ef a Klven IM of artlolee aUowable in a given oaee malt bo decided by the opinion ef the atom- jMk. The atomaoh la right and theory wrong,' and the judgment admlta no appeal. A diet whioh would keep a healthy man liealthyinlghtiU a aiok man; and a diet aof- fiolent to auatidn a tick man would not keep • well man alive. Incnaaed quantity of food, eepeolally of liqaida, doea hot mean in- ereaaed natriment; rather deeteaae, ainae tho.digeation ie overtaxed aad weakamed. Strive to give the food in aa oonoentrated a form aa poadble. The SicKest Ombob Esgland Evez Had. The ateamahip Elder haa arrived at Wool- wloh fro^ Elawlck with the firat ef the 110-ten gnna ordered ef Sit William Arm- â- Iroog for the Britiah Government. It ia to be pnved at the batta bdew the Royal i^raaaal. aad after aome axperlmenta have boon made te teat vdodty and otiior quall- tioa, it will probably bo taken to Shoobury- aeaa for tiie onatemary range triala. The gna oaaaot bo landed for alow daya, aad oannot at pr aeent bo eean, being biulod In the dJp'e held andei;l60 tena of pnjeotilaa, aad even after it la en ahon will net be Im- mediatdy taken to OobutlB, aa It wffl bo aeoeaaary firat to teat the oaaal bridge aad •aoertaia If It b atroag eaoo^ to bear It. A great earrbfo w ueigh of toaa haa bean built b the Beyal oaniafa Departmeat to hold the weapon widb bang fired, aad thii^ whioh wel^ abont 90 teaa, will bo weight- ad with 110 teaa men, aad p a a aed over the teUgobefecoOn gaa ta veatandnpoa it. Iha gna oanriaMi iritiek b eaotmooi b wUha ylhim elttakbd, haa wbatitwm PMaaa'a NsBTiun» I h a gaat nab oarob faib to giva iKMBpi laiM la the f al, lowiagoei ' â-  • tb doalonreaz. B» to-day «t aay drag rton « 10 oaai aam- Bbbottbaad taaitt baay«f the abovo. rLotaiab. ItaovertaltarferlfarvillBob I7 ef ttoaeafe'-powarfal pabaab- tathowvid. Got a aaT ttog wmn. Yen will bo WwdSioairtiAbettb, Ceavlct Claik'a fntcrcaainc A«ventarc wltka Traatins Far obvioaa reaeena the keepen ef juk aodprieene make It a pebt «e anppraae all partbalanof aecapeeeo faraa Ueeb their power, and aa oeoai^g prlaoneie acldem beaatof thebdeeda, tiie pabUoremynb Ignonnoe ef maiA that b do^ly- btereet- bg regMdbg oeaviota and theee em^yed te gnard ti i e wi Xbo oicapo of Obarlea Clark, alba Oharlaa Stetaon, alba Red Charley, and aliaa aover- al other titlee, from the OUe State prbon aome yean age, wee a fab aample of the genina and oeapontion ef a prefeadenal crook who had been ' aettled " fer aoven or eight yean for robbery. Fnm the mo- ment Clark entered the priaon he began aukbg mental notea fw fatunuaa. The number ef ^ooia, the looatba 9i the goarda, tiie defenoee ef varit ua windowa, the by of theaewera, the thloknoaa ef the waUaâ€" every pobt waa noted and atored np in hb memory. Ho waa aarignod to a cdl on the ground tier. In three daya ha had eatiinat- edtho dbtanoe to the ontaido wall to a frac- tlonofanboh. Hb Idea waa to remove ene ef the fiagatonoa from the fleer of hb eell aad tuaael Out, aad whhb tlzty hoon after bebg reodved b the pilaon ho waa at work. Wnh an eld ohiael whioh he manag- ed to aeoreto and bring m from the ahm, ho iped out the ' cement from arooad the ONI or THX COBBIBOB SINTIiriLg paaaed hb door every half hour during tiie night, and It waa two weeka beforo Clark had the atone ready to lift out. He found a foot of oonoreto uader the atone, and he went, through that and hid the dirt b hb bed. He calonbtod that the aewer for that wbg ran withb four feet of hb cell, and he wae right. Ho wanted to make uao of It aimply to carry off the dirt from hb tun- neL Far many weeka he dug away at nif ht unauapeoted by the aentbela, but aa he had to carry tiie airt out b hb pooketa each morning he made but dew pregreaa. It waa nine weeka before he rtmok the aewer, wUch waa of brick. When he had made an epenbg, the aewer gaa poured out m auch qoantitiee ai to almeet anff 9oato him. Indeed, It poured tfareugh the tunnel and filled the corridor until the priaon cfSoiab wen.alarined and began to aoarch for the oauae, Clark had to go down and atop up the hole, and he waa liiade ill fer a wc^ At the end of that time he tried it agdn, but the gaa waa wone than beforo, and he found himaelf obliged to give np the under- taking. He could eaaily have run the tun- nel, but thero wae no ether way to diapoae ef the dirt. He npboed the flagatone, cem- ented it with dough, and hb efforta wero nn- auapectad. Clark had been b priaon about five mentha when he oonoooted another plan. From aome local oonvbta ho got the name of a mmiator of the Goapd b tiie county who aemewhat reeembled him b genenJ appear- ance. He alao aaoertalned that the man waa very timid and kbd hearted. Pntty aeon Clark waa aaised with an "bdiapoBi- tien," uid, while not aiok enough te be aent to the heapital, be waa excued from work b the ahop and permitted to nmain b hb cell. The priaon ohapldn feimd him an eager liatener to hia ezhortattona, and mattan were aoen ae ahaped that he waa led to believe that Clark had aomethbg en hb mind. When proaaed to admit that auch waa the ' hehadgreatiy •»»««*.*»^.^ti?.^S: Mrata man. Olark'a " mdiapaaltlen m- SSSi aomewtat, jut »»«h 5l--P^'» bhta oeU fead to pnveat him li«ir being too deady watched. ThodiapbiBoamoln «d pnyid witi. him. Mm doctor aent hba rfOTTdWa of quinino, -d whenever aay peeked Into hia oeU tiieaian waa lying "At 4 o'dook on tiir aftabioon of the^y dedgnated the Bov. ToblMGwea po* «â-  » appoaranoe. it waa qidwbtor, and the daywM â- â€¢ o*W tiiat tin Ipraaoior t*" ^^ bundled np. havfa«en a heavy ovorooat and a fur cap and moffler. The day wao w dark tiiat aome of the halb wen Uidbted. One of ttte haH maaton odaAwtod the proachw to Olark'a ooU aad left him. aad the good maa took tho ooaviofc by the )»w4 oad awt- ieudy bqnired after the Ototo of hb healtik Netmor^ thaa twa ubalM l»^^?"rt beforo the preaoher war lybg on hb back ea the bed, wan A oAe nr Hn moitth aad hb thonghta terribly mbadapfroma rapea the head. Wbea ba had got mat- tan Btrabhtaaad oat bo waa atripped to hb ahirtaaddnwora, aad hb baadaaad foot wen aeonnly tied. Clark had pepared himaelf fer tiio job, aad It waa doae fa a prempt aad thorough maaaor. Inalda of tea mbntaa ha war draaaad fa the pieaoh- or'a obtiilag, whfla the lattw waa ooverod ap wftii the bbaketa. Theathoooavlotaat down wtthhb back to the daor aad kapt vco ft mnmbiiag oenvanatbn for half an hear. Daring thta time, aa be himaelf re- lated, ho ponnd fato tho praaohor'aear all he atorba ho had ever hoard to tiio detn- mont of tho ** doth." He finaUy ended by abging a hymn, aad when he paaaed eataida the cell door ho taraad aad laid, b a vobe meant to bo heard by the haU watohmaa "OoodalghtiByaoa. I truly hope that thbvldt haa been the moaaaof dobgyoa good. I will come agab to-merrow, if pea- aible." With that he atarted for the hall, and the watcbiaaa paaaed him to the wicket. ThIa waa oaboked witiioat qaeation. aa abo wan all other obatroetleaa to liberty, and he reached the atreet without tiio alighteat hbdranoe. He had rebtivoa m theauburbaof the dtyt dthough tho fast waa notkaowB to the priaoa oflBdida, and ha walked atralght to tho honae aad waa taken fa. The Rev. Tobiae Greea remafaed paa- aiva imtii tbe hour came for tho men to be locked up, when he waa diaoovered. An alarm waa at onoo aent oat, but Clark waa 8fe. He renuuned aeonted b the honee for about a month and waa then ahipped away, and hia ncaptun waa never effected. In rebting hb atoty he aald that tho five or ab mfautee neoeeaary fer him to paae out ef the priaon aged him mon than any two yean of hb life. liM a TH PBISOKXB lasnATMD juat long enough to put the ohapbm'a cur- ioaity en edge. Yea, he had aomethbg on hb mmd. It waa aomething the Rev. Tobiae Green ought to knew. If he weald call at the prieen aome day he dienld hear a oenfeaabn whbh wouU dear up a groat myatny and aet cortdn thinga right. For three or four daya Clark beat about the buah, pbybg the ohaplam for all he waa worth, and the reanlt waa that the Rev. ToUaa Green viaited the priaon with hia mbd made up to Uaten to aome atrange and wonderful oenfeeaion. It waa not Ctark'a day fer oonfeaalen. He realiaed that he waa a badfâ€" b a-d man, widwaa qnlto will- ing to talk about hb aoul and hu futara, bat he would toll hb atory lomo other day â€"the day after to-merrow. An appobt- ment waa made fer that day with the Rev. Tebiaa Green, and he departeid feelbg that PALLED BACK. Beacne of a gnppeae4 Corpse bona Beins Vreaemtoseath, A Readbg, MIoh.j diapatoh aaya Mra. Luobda Faate, ef Woodbridge townahlp, while on her way to the Fourth of Jaly celebration, fell unoonacbaa from her aeat b tho oarrbge, aad waa to all mdioationa dead. Mediod aaabtaaoe waa called, but all efferto to reatoro her proved f /utile and ahe waa given up, dthoiigh not havbgevery tHniMnmoo of being dead. Tho body waa laid eat wad taken baok homo fer barial. Arrivbg there, ice waa procured fa whioh to pack the remains, and they wero ae pack- ed for mero than 30 mbntaa, when an eld phydclan, Dr, Neolbh, oallod on tho be- reaved family. He waa ao atruok with the life-like look of the " oorpae " that he ex- preeeed doubto ef her death. The body waa quickly taken from the loo, aad the doctor weattoworkto eatoblldi tiio faot of her living. He dpened a vefa fa Mn. Faato'a arm next morning and the blood ' fiowad f nely. In a abort time tho Innga b^gan to work, and the fnnam! proparatbna wen abandoned. The patient now Ilea apparent- ly adeep. Her honae b filled with onrieua ndghbora, and the local phyablana are mnoh puziled over the oaaa. It la aald by the ae^hbon that Mra. Faato'a mother once had a aunUar cxpeibnoe that ahe by fa a tranoe for many daya, and when ahe oame to evfacod a fall knowledge ef everything which had gene ea arenad her. S JD OF THE ABOmB AIG. Amether Omttow â- ecto BeaSfe at the Haas. naaa'aHaada. SamAnlwrwaa hanged at ShoaJa,Ittd., the etiier afternoon. He waa.ooavbted bit January of cojnplidty fa die »^» of Samud A. Bunch on Joly ".1882. He eaoaped arroat nntfl betnyod by John D. LvnohToBo of tiio gMg. I« J«ll. 18te, Sam Marley end Mart Archer qoanw^, uid Arahar waa wonndod by Marby. old«r Anhen detanhined to puniah Marloy, and tiiey organised a gang of aixNaaoa, bduding Toin. Mart John, and SamT tie^oher, John D. Lynch, and Dave Crane. Mart waa ohoaen Oaptdn. The work of f oneting out the hidfag pboe of Marley begHi. Buaoh'a house waa watohed oonataatty, aa it waa belbved ho waa ddfag Marley to esoape. tin Arehonthially reodved to kill Boaoh If ho refused to roveal Marley'a hid- fag plaoo. They met en Joly 11, near the hraM of thob vbttaa, and aent Dave Crane lo dooey lilm fato tiio weoda. Boaoh ao- oompaaled Giaaa to the spot dedgaated, when he was jotiod, booad, aad anbac qoent- ly taken to SdtpetN Cave fa Orange oonnly. Bafen entering tiie oave they told the captlan If ha weald tpveal the hidiag plaoe of Marley he ahoold go free. He aaawered, ** I do not know when he b." They thoa deaonded fato the oave with the priaoaer. Theyaaatedhlmmia largo redt wMi the laatera'a light ahiaing en hb f aoe. He waa ordered totell all he knew oeaoerafag Mar- ley, and It waa datormfaed Ifhb anawen did not prove aatbfaotarv ho dieolddb enthe apet. Ho anawered agdn tiiat he did not know when Marley waa. Each man waa ordered to iln at Bunoh or anffdr death UmMlf. Tho word waa given, and afatoen aheto won fired fato Bnnoh'a body. The viotim ottered a pierofag ory and bU. Mart Aroher then pbood hia pb • tol near Biudi'a head and fired tho aeven- teonthehot. Tho aaarah that Banoh'a frienda made for him alarmed tho gang, and on July 18 they vidtod the cave and put the body fato a box whioh they plaoed on a brnah hMig aame dbtanoe fnm the cave. Tho whole waa thoroughly aaturated with oil and tho toroh api^ed. Tho fin waa kept up for â- everaldaya and nlghta, each one fa torn â- landing goard and Mdi^anffiolent fad to keep the In biasing. Alter thb work waa ended a tree waa felled over the apot to farther hide tho orime. Little faformation oonoeridng the foto of the mlaabg man could beleamed until the deaertod wtfe of John Ardier, who had tak- en refnge fa the oeunty poor aaylum, gave anffioient evidonde oonoeiiiiDg the deed to oauflo the arreet of tho older Anhon fer murder. A mob threatened them, and they wero taken to Davbe county for aafe- ty. Tho priaenen eoon ezpreaaed a doairo to rotum to Shoala, and theb nqoaat waa granted. " A party of lynohen made a anooeasful at- tack on tho jail on Maroh 9. 18S6. They maraheaqoleuy tothe j-:U, faittend down the doon, marched the three priaonen fate the cenrtyard, and left them awbgbg from the llmbe ef maple treee. Thna ended the career of Mart, Thomas, and John Aroher, father, aon, and brother. A week Uter the laat of the gang. Sun Aroher, was arreeted fa Fountain oeunty and kept fa the Stato priaon until the Jan- nary term of tho ooort, when he waa brought to Shoala under inllltary eaoort of forty, who guarded htm until the aontonoo ef death waa paaaed upon him, A Sootoh dwgyman nmarked to oae ef hb fleok that he heard he waa about te be married for the third time. The reverend gentieman added *• They say, John, yoo'n getting money with her. Yoa did ae on the laat too oooaaionaa. You'll get qolto rfoh by tbo wivee." *• 'Deed, ab," napond- ed John, ' what wl' bringfa' them fa aad pnttin' them out thwe's nae muokle made o' them, ab." At a dinner party laat Wfater the cool weather had dene oenddenble duty m aop- plyfag oonversatieB, iHiea aplomp happy- loekfag married UAf made a nmark about cold feet r* Andd aa awfal paoae ahe oaive- ly anawered: "Yea, lada^ I am very maoh tnublodâ€" but, then, they are not my own." Her husband Unshed scarlet. Tomg Lmdf (gnimg fat fkt Jint tmt ea n X* ba aoinnl A tACi; tie »«y tot ntobl rti!!*'*««ariNi '"»»*fcM«» boeke tor It^^fejjjft •aya t " nie int wMk^l?.S'**i? lor OBSBplwMi pSS?- l2SfL*N year; six months'andaJ?lii.,u» â€" months and 10 pie?«X7»'«^jâ„¢ BOW. Agents wanted eviJniv.'3.'S3 Weexlt. 28 Cg bornggfe^ Prodnotive Town, wlaee F111D ». HRCHKU â- cNlAia. iL • V^n Bleelt- IttwBlottilli^ 1^ 8PBICB 4e\ Oonsomen wU flnd htolwliij BaepiL Be-CattlatalKdatortal Hamilton, 9ttMik i m WeslcjaiTSiii^ HAMILTON, CAKADA." Tin muT or THBiiMig(wu, hM ednosted ovei 2.000. FnUltolttali: UBCiugee, music nd tn fte hatm bnUdlBK Id the ProTlnoe. WDUiwoiSil Addiew the Pilnolpid. A. BUBBJ, Dllluil t AKBUCE ft WA COIi Manntkotann of IIm OiMmW ^^trUELFHAXLIW T, PEPFIR ft CO., OndAi Onr Dnplez AzIh in illtobckidail| prinolpal Batdwure Stom Id Uie DonUa, Few OrlesBsM Dull iV om Winters Patent BiigglM, Cwrriaiei. tU^t lead let OaMocao. 1. WIHTBBi. Mum\ Allan Line Royal laOl JS^iSS^^wjIiMTdu'toli^^ SSdmr to land maOi wdpMMopnto W Sf »! to W»erpool lort}W3j **WSwi Xha iteasun of the Oluiov iu"»'rr[u phla; aad dnitnc "u""" â- ?*!£ ^Z^a^l fS* 5 H. ^^'^ii«:lsS^S^ Quebec: Wm. Broclae. rBuj2»^ LINTON, LlKB***"^^ '"ill I lolatet, oheese box, '^S.\rf«K" bcbkiSS.moBJdiy.j-aisSiw's kalToa P* bort ,^ Gait llaAiBO Kalle IM aonJdli«.««»3W'»'Si BiiggyandCarrW«"^l wo6p/,ft;

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