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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 29 Apr 1886, p. 2

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 m •â-  .1 M4 â- fii i :?!â-  'm m HBAXiTH. Cautions for the ktfii. Age work. gra«tphyd»loha^«-. m«v to bSW'e. the one h""*. «^"5 ud brlttV, or, en the other hand, «»^mJ ;^. Nature .eek. to gu»rd »Rjdn« the oraatausnt d»tgerby Tendeilag older per- ^Knolhi^*o;ff.rt^ But. Uttle ex- taTexertion put forth anddenly, m.y oaue the weakened venele to give way, fro ji the ^oreaaed forotwhh whioh the heart throw, the blood fnt^*em. Hencs may retnlt ap- oplexy or fatal anturUm- the latter belrg a .udden bdgtag out of arterlei. Se too, thehe»rtltMlf (or it. aortaâ€" the great onryed trunk which flnt receives the blood from the heart) may be in a dmilar oendltien, and BuddenlyfaUbeoauM of un- due exertion, when it might have betn equal to the ordinary work of yean. Sucu no doubt wa« the last caee, when an elderly gentleman hurried to reach a railroad tr^n, and fell dead on entering it. The aged should firmly refuse to hurry. A like caution applies to whatever quick- ens the action of the heart. Every one knows the power of violent emotion, in this respect. No one wishes to fall dead in a fit •f anger. Undue eatirg, eapeoially of .tim- niatipg focd, is almost as d»?gtrou8. All the appatite. need to be ke^t under con- trol. A .pec:al cmtion is needed in deaoendiog the stairs. In our normal voluntary move- ments there are certain nice adjuBtments in- fected by unconscious mental acts, iiut age tffeot. such a change in the biain acb- itance that mental aocivity is leuened. An old man can no more tbink as quictdy as a young than he can run as last, er jump as high. Hence the missteps of the aged in des- cendiDg stairs. Aged persons, theretore, ahould form the habit of taking their bearing, 90 totpeak, at the t ^p of the ssalrs, and keep their mind on each step down by a consciona voluntary effort, Tbe aged should also most carefully guard against a chill. It is mote dangerous for an old man to catch cold ttau for a young man to catch a fever. Pack the Limes ^ith Aii. Daep breathing ana holding of the breath la an item of importance. Pe. son. of weak vitality find an uninteimpted sncceasion of deep and rapid aspiration to distresElng that they are ditconiaged from perserving in the exercise. Liet sacn persona take into the Innga aa much air as they can at a breath and hold it as long aa tley can, and they will find a grateful Eenae of relief in the whole abdomnial region. Practice will in- crease ability to hold the breath and tbe capasity ef the lusga. ^fter a time tbe art may be learned o! packitg the lungs. This lactone by taking and noldisg the long breath acd then forcing more air down the treact se by swallows oi air. The operation may be cesctibed by that of a fishe s mouth in wats^r. To those who have never learned i% will be Burpriafng to what extent the lungs may be pachtd. Caution at fiiat ia neeuful but after practice will warrant large uae ef the treatment. The whole thoracic and abdominal cavities will receive imme- diate benefit and oontmuance and temper- ance in eating, geod air and light exercise, will bring welcome improvement. Palatable and Fnie. Distilled water ia not easential to good health.' It ia " fl»t, atala and nnpmfifeable." Unless well erated it ia unpalatable. The nrocesa oi diatiUing aeparatea the mineral matter, but not the volatile robatance. The oonpounda ef idtrogth and aulphnr may re- appMr in the distilled water, and the pe- o^ar odor ao repulsive to delicate taitea. If clean .oil-water oannot be ebtalned, make a large, deep and clean oistem, and keep it olean. Take a wmnd oak or arii barrel, put' a f alee bottom (perforated) 3 inoheafiom the bettemof tlte barrel plaoe three Inohet ef okai waahed gravel en the top of the per- forated bottom on tlib twelve inohea of granulated oharceal, made from liard maple; Ml thia 4 inohea of clean waahed aand, ' and ften place a perforated falw top over the sand, ao that water poured into the barrel wHl not disturb the filtering materiid. be- neath. InKrt a wooden faucet in tlie dde of the barrel, dose to the bottom, and yon will have a fflter which will make geod rainwa- ter filtered through it a. olean and palatable aa oanbe desired. Eating Lemons A good deal ha. been wid through the papera about the healthfnlneu of lemon.. The latest advice i. how to use them .o that they will do the mo.t good, a. follows: Most people know the benefit of lemonade before breakfaat, but few know that it U more than doubled by taking another at nijtht also. The way to get the better of the biUous .yatem without the blue pUl or quinine i. to take the juice of one, two, et three lemon., a. appetite oia^ea, in a. much ioe-water a. pleasant to drink with- out Bugar, before geing te bed. I" *^e morning, on rlring, at leaat a half-hour be- fore breakfart, ta»e the joice of one lemon in a goblet of water, l^ia wUl c^r the avatonof humor and bUe with efficiency, without the weakening efifaot. of calomel or congreaa water. People ahould not irritate the atomach by eating lemona dear. Bad Effact of Fickles The inflowoe of acid in retarding or ar- MMins »livary digestion to further if im- nertanoe in the dietectfc um of piokle., vln- Inr B «'*^' and add fruit.. In the case rf vinegar it wa. found that one part in ROOO senalbly retarded thu prooeaa, a pro- SiSicn of one In 1.000 rendered very sfow, SdS m 600 anest^ It oompleteiy » Slat^Itâ€" add BJad. are taken together 3Ih tat** *^ *^J!^ Ti 'i.tL5"' «!« t anv »Kvary digeett-^n of the bread, a I^Tttar ef Uttto moment to a peiven with a SSSTdlgeetton, but to a f edrie^q^ptio TISrSMniolmpertanoe. There to a very BbUMl aneffioadoiui •adtlitopeV^ MmetlBMaa tiMkt drinldDg vlBegar to of «TeUli« getting fat, kf woold appMrfram to bewail Iw taken at the ieoditwillgnstir HEBE AID THESE. Esther Dow, of Deeifield, N. H who re- oently died, aged 88 year., bar never in her life seen a rsUway train, and for yean had not been off her farm. Dnnld Arnold, of Maoen, Ga., hid hto Mving. (1700) in a hole near hto hooae, tnt the reoeat flsod fanadated the hoto utd car- ried away Dan'a wtalth. A remarlcaUa bedrtead, made te arder by a Mihraokee fnaitam firm, is S4 feet wide and lia. nine oempartmenta, eaoh intended to hold ne of the pnrohaaer'a oliildrao. One of the barber, who waa arreeted ia Wadiingtoo the other day for keeping lib shop eptn on.Sunday had employed a part ef the day ef reat in shaving Prwident Cleveland. Mr, Elijah lane, of Keene, wetgUag2l0 potmd. and .tending .ix f«et eight inche. high,'l3 Ilia tallest man in New Hsmpihire, and describe, himeelf a. " one of the lane, that kai no turn." An Ecglidi dean, at the cIom of a .ermon in which he warned hto hearer, ef the .peedy end of all thinga, aeked for a liberal contribution to rebuild the tower of the ohntch in which he was preaching. PhUlipa Brock., of Bostcn, when rector of a church in Philadelphia some year, ago, received to many pair, of alippera from hia devoted young lady paiuhionefa that he waa popularly called the clerical centipede. Sam Small haa given $140 for the benefit of an Atlanta, 6a., mtosion Sunday-school. He writes â€" ** I hope it will do away with the neceaaity of an entertainment, for I do not believe theae means of gettinyr money fer the Lord'a work, are to either Hi. hon- our er glory. Try to avoid all rach .chemes. Letpaople give what they will, but please don't tarter them anything for the Lord' mke." A Texaa jeweller hung a watch in hto window and labelled it " Look at thia watch for $10," and the unaophtoticated gentleman from a neighboring county who atared at the article and then went in and wanted the $10 liad to get down on the floor with the jeweller and roll over and under him a number of times before he could be made to understand that he couldn't have any $10. Thunder from a dear sky could hardly have more aurpriaed the paaaeogera in a itreet car recently than the sudden exclama- tion made by a 3-yearoId child, of remarka- bly beautiful face and form. It had been lying half asleep in its mother's arma, and had been awakened, when it atiaightened np and cried, loud enough to be heard from one end cf the car to the other, " Ma, if you don't let me alone I'll break your noae." Sealing-wax was quite the rage with faahionable letter-writera six montha and even three montha ago, but ultra- faahion- able women uae it no longer. The rage for decorating tbe backaof envelopes with huge biota of red, blue, black, or green wax, in which waa impreased a monogram or Initial, spread among women generally. So faahion has now tabooed it and has returned to the habit cf using ready-gummed envelopes. An Alabama newspaper seriously teUaita readera that 4-year- eld Dillie Welsh and a small Jersey calf are great frknda. One day Dillie went to an nouted well and peep- ed over the low curb. The calf aaw her, and sdz-:d her dresa in its month. The lit- tle girl lost her bdanoe and fell over the curb, but the calf hang on, and fer half an hour held her thua auapended until the child waa reacued. Then the calf waa very happy, A Maine fiaherman, who uaed to aaH the Southern aeaa, reporta that he aaw. a aea aerpent the other day ofi Wells. It waa like one he enoe aaw in the Caribbean Sea, exoept tlxat It ha. crown craaiderably. It held ita head, the ai» of a barrel, high in tiie air ita eye., aa big a. nnoera, gleamed with a marvdons light, and ito huge open month waa armed with triple rowa of teeth, Tiie paper that reperta thia aay. the eld aalt ia not addicted to drink. Mra, Pmdenoe Oraadall Fhlllog, now liv- ing in a " tliree-room pioneer box honae" at Euc Falto, Kan., whe ha. just been oempen- aated by the Connectioat Aaaembly irith an annuity of ^$400 for ontragca natalned 63 yeara ago when ahe waa driven ent ef « Cen- neoticnt town for Iceeplhg a aoheol for nergb girla, ha* written a gratmnl letter 9i thanks for the relief at laat afforded. She to under especial obligatiena te the preaa and to pre- greaaive peraoha who petitioned in her be- half aa wdl a. to the Legidatore, and note, the change In Connecticut Mntiment aa fol- low. ** In 1833, when the law wa. pa.8ed by whioh my life prespsots were destroyed it was celebrated by ringing the bell hung in the steeple of the church, into which we were not allowed to enter, and by firing a cannon thirteen timea, placed upon an eou- nence a few roda from my door and today when your telegram arrived, the only jubi- lant dtoplay I ^dehed to make ws a to have a private nook where my teara of joy and gratitude could flow unobserved fer the chance that haa been wrought in the viewa and fedinga of the mass of the people. The foUowirg atery to told of an enter- priaing Toronto jebtier, the event, having taken place aome time age The merchant in question, naving heard of the arrival af a country traider who waa know to be a large purchaaer and ef imqneatienable credit, wa. reaelved to get him to viait Ida establish- ment, and onCe there, he felt sure he. could secure him as a oustomer. He accordingly sent out one of hia dinmmera, of whom he had quite a number, adapted to every taste and dtopsdtion. ]iie ene aent, however, returned without mocen. No, 2 wa. dto- patched, with no better reeidt, and again No, 3, and m en until all had gone and oome back without their man. Tbe merchant now determined to go himwilf, and finding that brandy and water and faree ticket, to the theater ware ef no avail, for the oeonfa^ trader did net take one er ge to the otlier, he wa. reduced to tiie ceoeedty of employ- ing a nue, wliidi, a. the Mqud diow., wa. dmple as well a. effectnaL On taking hto departure after a pleannt Intervkw the merohant teak oare to oenunit the "aototake" •t taking tha trader's hat Instead of hto ewe Next niMning, as was axpeoted, the me^. dtantreodved a nompt visit at hto store frbaa tte trader, who eame «» look up tha •xohaMd. Ihto was what fta meioha^ wanted, and throngh thb â€" nns he sold a goodbOl of goods aad seeorad a ragolar THE LIME KILH OLUB. Just previous to tbe opening of the maet- ing Elder Junoberry Davto and Judge Hdd- baok Johnson get into -a diipnte a" to whether tha orow-barbdonged to the 61a- del Epeoh or tiie Drift PorioJ, and after â- sow hot ward, had paiaed the Elder ponoh- sd tiia Judge on th« nosa and reoetved a anA. on the jaw inretom. Brother Gard- ner earns in a. ^ey were palled apart, bnt lia aeamed to take no aatica of tha affair and nothing wa. said nntU the meeting epaned. Thep he looked around the haU and ob- served *flf Elder Jonebarry Davto an' Judge Heldbaek Johnson am fade hall te-idght I should like to spoke' a few remarks to em. Bjth gentlemen walked forward to the platfoim with aaztoty delated on their faces, and the Preddent continued • Elder Davis, when diddat6laoidEpMb take plaoe ' " I dunno, «ib." "Judge Holdbaok, what do yon know 'bout do Drift Period T" ' I reckon dar' was a good deal o' driftin aroun' Mh." '•Yer,I.'po.e dar'wae. Didn't happen to drift any 'tater. an' meat your way, did it?" "No,.ab." " Elder Davto, did dat Glacial Epoch py np any of your liaok rent or git new shoes furdeahlUenr' ••No, sah. ' " Dat' 'nufi yon kin boaf sot down. While I blame two old members like you for Bottin' a bad example befo' de club, I must at de mme time awno wledge dat It am only de weaknei. of human natur' Moaa' of us would sooner fight over de aige of de world dan to remnt a straight insult. " We would argy longer to convince a man about de .iae of Meah' ark dan to conveit him to our religun of de preaent day. ' We let our chll'en go bar'fut while we hunt fur evidence to convict de 6auto of .hiftleaaneia. " We spend houra aaaertin' an' denyin dat de moon am Inhabited, while fifteen min- nteauaedto fix de iiottom hinge en de front gait am looked upon a. time frown away. " While we .ot an' wonder why Sodom and Gome rrah didn't behave ddrselve. an' escape destruckahuo, de ole woman .orape. de bottom of de flour-bar'J, an' de fiah goes out in de kitchen stave. ' Jtot what aige de crow-bar belong, to, or who invented it, cr why it was invented, am queahun. which needn't trouble any mem- ber of dto club. T)e faok dat de crow bar am heah wid ua ahould aatisfy all. Let us now purceed to attack do bizaeaa whioh haa called na together. THANKS The Secretary anneunced the receipt of a Japanese newapspsr called the Rom ji Zm- shi, published at Tokio. The [r.ceedlogs of the Lime- Kiln Club at one of its Janu»ry meetings waa aa followa "Brother 6ardn°r konniohi no arisama taru kakn no gotoku ni gaikeku koasi no ahigekl wo ukete, bummei no sfaimpo wa hi wo ote anmiyalca nsru ni, ahin-ilbutau no maaumaan waga ni yunyn aht altar u wa ikiol no ablkuaahimurn tokoro nari tosa 6iveadam Jonea ni waga kokumin ga aono aliih-j.bntau ni meiaho wo kndacu ni atari, onoeno katte ahldal nam mc j t we moohiite, onoone tekito no Imi wo arawasu koto ata wazuntoki wa md-jitan no aida ni aoi wo ahozuru mono zokuzoku idete, shorai ni ikanaru keka wo she z 'nka bakwi-aliiruliek- arsztfu nari. Omon ni, ahorai wa masn- maan bnnji jo ne haazatan wo zaka, taui nl keaei no gaknaha wo Plcklea Smith wa Stm- ud Shin kono kotoba wa nani to iu Imi wo alilmeaa mono narn ka, kono kotoba nl wa auahn am ga bare ni beki ka nado to ichi ji ikkn no tame nl aono Imi wo aensaku ram ni hijo on kuhin wo yeeuru naran Shika nomi narasn moji no nan-l wa ikkoku no kdzfti ni oite tasho no kaakei vA to .n. WaydowB Babee eyoso ga gaknmon wo .hng- yo aono diiahiki wo battatau aura ni atar- Ite, daiioliiniaonoahnayohattatsn no na- kadaohl tarn bnhji ni dte tadachi ni aono mi we jnbiu nl akiralta ni sura koto wo ezamteki wa. On motion of Judge Bddy Oabiffthe Seo rotary was inatraoted to return the thanks of thednbtoSekoNaohiko, Tani^a Toyo tara and Remaji Elai. the editora and pro- prietora of the Bomajl Zaaahi. don't know him. jf^cemmnntoatlon from Talbot, Miih,, atatedthat: " About four weeks ago a colored man struck thu town who gave hto name aa Geo Montgomery Sistt, and oUtmed to ba a member of the Llme-KllD Club aad a ooa- ainofthe King of Dahomey. Tha G^mr^iV waa aellingwhat he termedj' Soatt'a Death to Cam.,' together with a cream tooth patte. With every box or bottle .old for twenty- five oeat. he gaTa a photograph af Brother Gardner. He was here about two week., aad then suddenly skpped. Among the thi if or 'orty colored people wno puohas- cd hto eoin-salve every single man lia. been rendered a cripBJa; those iriie nsed the tooth-pasta find thair teetii ready ta fall out. Ton wHl toM raoelTo a vid* from a Talbot lawyer, wlw will be antiHwIsed te aetk'e thto ease With y nr dub f«r the anm •f $40 000. ^e ar« good natnred aad leng- anfferiag, but w«prapiMa to pat ja atop to tbIsacrtolbniiniM. TWO BDNDBID IirOIIONAHT CTIZENB." The Seoietary said that ha had oaretnlly oensnlted the relto, bnt had failed to find the name of Gen. Soott thereon. It waa likely that he was one of the dozen impoa- tors travelmg amand tbe oonntry and usihg the name of the' dab to farther their ends. OH iBTBB OBANTBD A petition aignad by alxcy-four colored reaidents of Limenbaig, N S., set forth the following facta 1. Tney sighed fer intellectual progres- sion. 2. They had no plaoa to hang cut o nichta. 3 They felt that they could do tha whole continent good. 4. Thefar watchword waa " Dj Taller Candl* Nebber Explodea " And they would hnmblv petition that au- thori y be granted them to arcanizs a Lime- Kiln Oub, aod a charter grant .d tliem to work to the thirty- firat degree. Toe petition wai recoommend«'d by the Warden and Counsellora of Lunenburg County, togetbnr witb Capt. A. J Wolf, S. Watson Oroer, F B Wade, Dr. C. C. Ait- ken and James Dawling. Un motion of Ju-^ge Chewao the petition waa granted and the Secretary Insti noted to forward the charter. FOT CASBIBD. Way down Bebee then offered the following preamble and resolution ** Whereas, Medical science has demon- atrated de lack dat de habit of drinkin' ice- water haa a tendency to bring on heart di- aeaae, lumbago, liver complaint, inaemnia and Mr. Brighr.'a diaease now darfore "i;e8o2ve(2, Dit dis Lime Kiln Club not only abstaina trom ice-«ater doorin' deoom- in' aummer, bat it advfaea de cuil'd people of dto kentry to do de same thing." Prof. Ambidexter Smith, Giveadam Jones, Samuel Shin and Sir John Skinner opposed the resolution, while Elder Xoota, Whalebone Howker, Cseiar Johnaton and othera favored it, and upon a vote being tskea a tia waa the reault. Brother Gard- ner said he did not care to take the respon- sibility of a decision on bis shoulders, and fuggetted as a compromtoe that Sundown Davis be submitted to a aeriea of experi- ments from May to Ootober to determine the malt r. The suggeatlon waa accepted and the reeolutlcn withdiawn. MILITABT BEPOBT Col. Erastua Wplte, d tne Committee on Military Aff^i'S, reporte'dtiiathtooommittee bad cirefully investigated the subject of defenses, aa reqnired by a late readution and had reacbed the following conclusion 1 Tn case of v,»r tbe enemy's fleet could eaily bombard any city on the coaat. We would tnerefcre suggest that all these oitiea be moved back fourteen mile. 2. The enemy would have no trouble in landing troopa on our ahorea. The only trouble woutd be in getting ^y off them alive again. The only anggoition we have to offer Is that Ban Butler oe notified to be on hand early in the morning. 3 If a new Paradise Hall be erected It should te placed at least twelve milea from any spot acceaaible to the gun beata. 4. We don't want a war, bnt if one hap- pena to fall out of a tree and hit us we shan't rUQ away. 5. It to better to apologize than to get licked. Tato advice to for. such nationa as may feel like km eking the chip cff our ahouldir. The report was aocepted and adopted, and all uiifiniahed bnaineas being placed on a shelf to dry, the meeting adjeomed, TIm Good Die Tonng. The Tigbt kind oCafellow ia modest and mellow and generona and br«ve and banicn Hia nature's apparent and clear and transpar- ent Ifce ycu'-a, gentle reader, and mise He haa no verbostrr, no tongue totttioedty, and be rever la boastful and loud He la geotle and quiet and plain inhto d'et and never geo m«d in a crowd He'a grand and mrjenic. yet m^ek avd doroee- tio.acd »i«idabis8parervenibgBathome; He'sa titelesR nparcber tor all kinds of virtue likn tbe author and proprietor of Ihia poOie He don't play toe fl.dje. part his hair in the ml die, nor i're8 like an Anglican dude. When he ^oes ro a p rty with Mrlga or McUai- ty he never is noisy *nd rude; He lieain fiugaUty «nd swert conjugality, and waptb pie but two tf mes a day He nev* r eatp onioas nor treads on your bun- ions ii^ilzrdwU when you get in hia way He'.. wise f nd ha'a witty, pe severing and gilt ty, »*ndiui8ama nlflcienthfadr; He'a all Ugbtan- eWeetne88,:be'8th(xtti8h'00m- p^u-ntsv be'B periecUon in ahwt'-^mt be^s'deafl!"' Mark Twain li ZiT I Hartford. ^•*'J!»w I Henry Ward Ue«,k M ••laat"l,cturianS?"'««»tJ ThobdleofBaSJ' ' fturteenbohsifiJ^^.T.. ttaeoaptdncyaf.i ««teu.ebj«„.t»o;th,t.. who uaually drink tS'*J^« fa whom, when fanX_2??H «on,it-"o;;„T,r,^S21 tien ot the heart ^•*«»^ Baron Tennyson h*, k_ overtheaickaesscfltSi who contracted the SriiT??* â-  recent vUit to Earl Di***^ acoomiUtheyouBg^'^S.^; to recovery. *•• im It is admitted that tk. by Secretary and M«te^ tag" of the season thg^T^^ Cieveland's luncheon, S.fti ing merit cforlginaUty"***! brIghtwomanwhowriteilriJ and" from whom 0«,arSy- erary ability, has coapSl?tt*' tionofwhati«coa,ide«di.r»' lection of Irish legend," â- *? Physiobgista who hoU %j,. detenoratiDg ghonld tenJ.i:*" Kitty AustL walked ttt'** CUrKsburg. Md.. i, tSt^ miles, and expreBsed here JJl aaacncket. Mis. Kitty ^^"85*5 Ktti the largest and most valuiK' autographs in this cotmtr, w I" • "t^^"' );«* he pride, hlnadf »* ly on Wswlls of original m»:;;^ij faidude Payne's manuwrlpt j"!. Sweet Heme," and muy „» apecimena. Lampasas Jake, the oovW who is doing susoasaful work In „» wJ" S' !f ""'»•"' tachneh lue. Me is described u a hir io«. 1 fellow, with a full beard coyetb cheeks, a hig month, a WghforZ,, voice that might bo heard a vM^ wss right. Frank R. Stockton iniirtithtttliei characters in his stotie. are dnn real life, and that the odd Pomm •• Kudder Grange" waj actuslly 1 servant drl in hia family, while w " Mrs. Null," was a Virginia whose husband killed hlnsKli 1 live with her. Tlte 6rand Duke of SaieWeinr trusted several of the meit dii grammarians and phUologiiti of .. mar and Eisenach with tbe work ol ing the German vocabolaiy, itoi necessity of introdncing into tlie foreign words and decidug i liete words should ba Germanized. Queen Victoria haa decided to riiltll pool some time daring Miy h ciiii with the Inteinationil Eihibitial opened in that city. Her Uajnt;'ii| visic to Liverpool toolrpUoeOitoliaU when she was accompanied liy tin" Consort, the Prince of Walea, tiie I Royal, and the Princeoei AliotudE The Prince of Waletiiitidtobet with chronic dyepepeia, leomocliii Ing will bring a prince m wdi is 11 to grief. The stomaohof reyiltrd' no way from the stoirach ef eveiy A. the Prince seta the fcsliitD ii 1 dyq^pato shodd be veiypotnlu I new. In fact,^no real ".veil" cue bewitimutit. Dr. Mary Putnam Jioobl told tlie I teenth Century Club thatwomukili " dtocur.lve tM snperfioUl" i« 1« » of mind, because shek»i»lw»|itw" te think of, the pot ontiiefir^ and the expected haibud otinigr astaw. Whereupon one of tin a ladies of whom the asdiaw f oompoaed, whispered to her "Neitiier the pot, theb»yBertlie» ever trouble me. Do they y«« The number of niloid«atlf«*»1, te be increadng at aa »^n*«.Ti, of the nobleet famiUeB of AmW" thrown fntomoumiagliyti***" J at Monte Carlo, who, »{««»*« S3 000 at the gaming table, W«™ " in the doorway of Mon«ie« K» liahmeat on the 20tli F«to»^f^| announced on cood »uthen«y •» J fan Conaul of Monaco h«]«"» " at Romfefoi: fatotfyhW. *^J^Z totally »i»PP'«ViM.*«j;H*ffi by auiddo. at Monte Ca» «' '^^ ^fipfaiiats^LeaziuKg tolillllll' anmiBBM AMomt Prince Ludwig.-tB^-'j; J the Ruaaian pricoo. »" ^^ Itandichrfti waaWely"«»J, tnyttertes of P****. lohii «*] the bnaineas he t»o8""i^Mt tM tiie prtaoely pair tavolj*"' and printed a book of ^„P^» "My Journey to Bog* i„W- thU Uttle volume, tUon " jj, for private clronUa«»t " p^J^j Mar£a, of Eriach, 8d«*»gS„ i^ ander'.sfatar. »«,gg«d" would hardly approve "J/^^, Ludwig'a oompetitif. J"L; Uttle fault with their P**«' LaUtiiattoneededtoPj;* pd. ramedy in tiie ^^Jv^^ *1 ooat. 10 cants for » "SLfjinel tridbottilewiUF"»^.rl« IV efficacious as » f*^ dn*t i edy. and for pda of "^Jj pg^" SoldV dmggtoti. Avoid subsfltnt»^^^^^ •.The pay «»? • jSjsOP*'^! Staioh amy to D0 j hto sword knot ooeW' ^^^^ Tbarala â- on»?*lS^'^«

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