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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 9 Apr 1885, p. 5

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 ,or»«r* TernMcr) Orant i« re ported of » cancer lotbe mou"*. .ympatby i« every wher« Mac ;iv expressed with the br*v» aa en't sufferer. For some w«ek* a cveii from leral is the paift be hasendurei has teen 'luiHa terrible. It is reported 'll In- tcetb has been drawn oat hop« of giving some relief, that has not helped the r to any great extent. In con- nee of the terribk condition of ^utb no kmd of food can be taken ^nietbing iu a liquid form, and niQcb of even that without great Very little sleep can be obtau- i ueryous prostration is inevit* ihese causes. The braTb reported to be eudoring agony with true fortitude but list be evident that the time will arrive, if it *»«» not come already, he will weteime death as an end- aauflSelting ;, u. u here peenas to be no aoubt vtaat^ tbatGen. Grant's present eon- lon has been brought about in sequence of many years' excessive ^eco smoking. Daciitg all the e that he was promiivekitly ui public it was well known that he was an ^ost constant smoker, but as he was maD of bplendid constitution no irious effects appeared to come it. The paniJty is now being ly paid, however. jome time ago, when it became ideut that the General's month was wiog unmistakable evidences tf ieaie because of the amount of otine absorbed from the cigars oked. He quit smoking, but fortunately it seems to baye too late, and now the adful disease is slowly and surely ug its deadly work. Surely a terrible lesson like this ght not to be lost sight of. E yery bitual tobacco smoker is exposed Biinilar dangers, and every one of m would do well to sit down an e a few minutes' cartful consider- lion to the importaut question betber all the pleasures of tobiicco iag are suiBcient compensation for â- e terrible lisks it is necessary to In iu Older io continue the habit, to uothiug of the loss of time and bs of money in connection with the â- me uunecessary habit. ISurely the jiole subject is well woi'thy of careful lougui. iGeu. Grant's unlortunate case is pt by auy nienKS aii isolated one. iic toba-jco habit has far more liKiUi victims every year than most iis'iiis iire aware ot. It is a well Don 11 fact that a very large propor- 11 of the Ciises ol that dreadful |S'!it;e (if cancer in tlie mouth or lii^'ue come from tohacco using. It Iw.ll known, too, tbai a large number other disease? â€" nervous prostr- li'i), paralysis, dyspepKia aad the â-  â€" are either produceu, or greatly Ttiieil by tlie free use of tobacco. [midrcds of men die in Canada alone pii'ie tbcir time each year from |fe,isps induced by tobacco using. vitw of their undoiibreii liicts surely I wiiruiug voice should bo raised by pulpit, by the pres«, and by the leaitiil profession. The wonder is liiit so important a matter is so little ' keu of. Hundreds of young men umld avoid tobacco using were they well itware as they should be of the "lis they run of indulging in tie iibit. Unfortunately it too often occurs hi the from whosp mouths lainiug should come are too full of |)bacco smoke, or possibly tobacco lids, to say anything on the subject. -Tnith. rather «lMtliBg UiMi a fMte-'-»i»|te 1t;ief anathe^^tttfit oat '«»'-~^ doing all that is reqa if theiunga ooulA ap^ tfees^^^^gl A GOOD GUARANTEE. H. B. Cochran, druggist, Lancaster, la., writes that he has guaranteed ^er 300 bottles of Burdock Blood [liters for dyspepsia, billions attacks Tid hver and kidney troubles. In no ise has it disappinted those who |sed it. In Canada, it gives the same Bueral satisfaction. lonthly Report of S. S. So. Glcnelgr t»r jHurch. ft. saw^j^^^*^!^*^^ tell their oi»Mni that ^Jbaf .MM not half perConmog their diitr. Tfaso aKain, people wfll bre at h thiMgh ttie mouth itistead of the iibae. 1^ is wrODi^for tiie passage A the ooid a|r theoagh the Tanoos remifijBama aloi^ which its course wooU lie when t^n in through tbi noetole, becomes warmed before it reaches the Iwigs, whereas thai drawn in lbioag^ the mouth passes directly inio'tbem, along with whiitever dust, and imparities may be floatinJK abfout and ie very injurious to weak chested people, that is to say poople whose pnlmmai7 axe not in a perfectly sound state. As breathing is aboat' die first ti^g a pefkin does when he enters tiiis world and the Ikst before he leaTCs it,it is avi- dentljf a ^ery important act. imd as such should meet with more attention than it does. in the first place people doea«ot»a8 a rulot take half de^ enoogh m- spiratioa the air oelis at the bottom of the Ittngs do not receive a suffieieut amoaai of air, in many cases scarcely any i and in tiie next place they per* sist in ignwiog the nostrils as the ru;ht cbannels through which the outer air should be drawn in its passage to the hmgs. AHhoagh it does not follow that a large ohested m»n is necessarily more sound as to his pulmonary organs than one with a small chest, still his chances ot being so are surely greater if his lungs have free room in which to work and by paying attention to a few simple rules iu respecc to their breathing people may so materially increase the size of their chests that they will be astonished. These rules are very short, very simpie and very few in number. Tiiey are, first, breath tbrousjli your nose second, fill your lungs to their fall extent, if you can, at every breath, and third breathe as much pure air as you can. An ex- celletit plan to strengthen the lungs and to increase the size of the chest at the same time, is to devote fifteen minutes or so daily to breathing as follows Go out into the open air stand perfectly erect, and then fill the lungs to their fullest extent through the nose, retain the air till you begin to feel UDComfor table, then expel it »nd repeat the dose. In six months we will gnaranteo that you will be able to "hold your breath," as it is commonly termed, for fully two minutes, if yuur lungs are sound to begin with. Athletes habitually breathe through their noses, and lo this is attributed the fact of their remarkable freedom from colds and such C3mplaint8. People will soon become accustomed to keeping their mouths shut, though the difficulty of doing so will of course be greater with some than with others, especially females But perseverance will do much, and the habit of breath- ing through the nose will soon become a fixed one. The receipt for strengthning the lungs by supplying them with warm air, and plenty of it, and by giving them room in which to perform their proper functions is so simple and so effectiye that those who fail to profit by it are yerj fooUsh and when one reflects how great must be the effect of a Wright or a wrong mode of breath- ing pn the general health, and how all importaut it is that people should breathe properly instead of improperly, it will seem strange that those can be found who will go to work the wrong ipy when they are told the Wright. 9^9siMtMS§S00^^'iit'ilm^ Uy'e «iririrife)M»iit««ood hceaUbet Jpn't dei^ in a room without ventil- fitiosi of soaie' kuMk Bioi't eoldle«f benetA^«Bg(ld to a f^ver. Don't try to getldoi^ jriA- ont flimnel pM^^hjSHx^ in^ wlnt^.' Don't nse jomc Toicie^ Ibad'epaking f« singing when hoane. ,Do«*t try to gel ak»ttg wiih oMwe than eight ^mi nine hour's sleep. IkmH deepen the same under garment yon wear daring the day. D6n*t toast year fsait by tiiie fire, bat try sunlight fnotion instead. Don't try to keep ng bn oq^e and alcohol when yon ought te go to bed. Don't eat sn^ te qaeneh thirst: it brings on inflammation of tiie throat. I)oB't*8trun yoar ^res by reading i^ ^rorkmg^tn insoffirient jor dickering light.' Don't nse thieyef for reading pr fine work in the twiUght v eremng â- or (M|rly morn. Don't wear elose, heavy fur ot rubber eapa or hats !if Toar hair is ttaa or Cslte oat easily. Don't eat anything between meads excepting frnite or a gUws of hot milk if yon feel famt. Don't take some otheir persons medicine beeaose you are ttanbled some what as they were. WHISBE 1*0 KEEP IT. Keep it in your family. The best remedy for accidents and emergencies, for Burns, Scalds, Bruises, Soreness, Sore Throat, Croup, Bheomatism, Chilblains and Pain or Soreness of all kinds, is the marvellous healing remedy. Hagyard's Yellow Oil. If^::^!]?^ jS .veK kpowBit^ jNi|la is ttoeectsiB iMnrimtf V «sp u. Ie SMrt that want, MeOnaor* Piidtb's CsiboSe ChnM is^prepsnOt sad mar 1m nsai wiHi^ euiMMe. Doisstbe mUedr Tidke ho^ Mb|Qrt8MrAFSike*s (kiboUs OMrikte. 8oM •Itb Classâ€" Asa Itobson, 295 Hugh Ic.Nab. 279 Samuel Edwards, 281 pter McNab, 231. ^Srd Classâ€" Tbouas Nelson, 279; 'Jibe Nelson, 259; Charlie Noble. 2tnl Classâ€" May Robson, 199 Ella J K,m; Willie Jack, 187. ,„ ^\^J^^sâ€" Tomnie Glencross, 89 [osepl. Firth, 86 Bertie Cook, 80. AsNETs J. â- White, Teacher. â-  « SURE TO CONQUER. â- ^^. » viwS?* troublesome cough is sure Wf^rt^- ^^^tto b*e «« •We for young or old. A Popular medical JWotion. Among the modern medical whimsies is thit of medication by pads. Some external applications are of use, and because they are, quacks find people ready to believe their assertions that their particular pad will perform wonderful cures. This circular of one of these pads shows it to be a recipro- cating, back-action affair, as it both draws disease from the body and sends curative influence into th^ system. Much to the belief in medication by pads, rests upon the fact that a pad which is not medicated is ofteu the real service. Let one apply to auy partofthe body s, jiece. of rubber cloth, or oiled silk, or other watei -proof material and bind it in place. Ac the end of a fcW hours he will be surpiis-id to find the material drippiug wet, from the. confining of the insensible perspiration. The surface thus covered will be in a soft, parboiled condition, while any neuralgic or rhumatic pain that may have been located iu tlie stop thus covered, will be likely uo disappear. It is not necessary for a pad, in order to be useful, to contain "liver medicines" or even horseradish. Let those who are tempted to pay a high price for medicated pads, first see what yirtue there is in an unmedi cated piece of rubber or similar mat- erial. â€" American 4gricult»ristfor April. Mrs. Robert Hooper, of Einloss, coontj of Brace, in a letter, says 'I have been tronbled with Dyspepsia and Livcr Complaints for a number of years, and ara glad to say to the public as well as friendn that McGregor's Speedy due brought me aroand, and I am now all right, thanks to McGregor's Speedy Cure. Hnndreds of like testimonials are frequently receiyed, and are daily proving that this is truly a wonderful remedy, curing Sluggish Liver, Bilious Headache and Gostiveness, where all else fails. Sold at Hill Bro's. Trial bottles given h:ee. 4 Rlontlily Fairs. Mediciaai Taine •! Ijemoav- The way to get the better of the hi lions system without blue pills or qninine is to take the jxnce of one, two, or three lemons, as. appitite craves, in as mnch water a^~ mtukes it pleasant to drink without sugar, before^ going to bed. In.the ^noming on rising, at least lii^'an hour before brakst, take the inice-of one.- lerooU in.a «oblet oi wistec^ ^rj^iasiWUl ^t the system of .hamor and hile' with efficiency without any rf tbe wea^ni ing vSeab 61 oeiiaaxei, Pepplw AaaXi not irritate the «t6h««fli;-hy *a*»^g lemon* clear thepcWeHtd sciftoftBa* ff^i^ Ttie 4»nghter of a Hew York mfllumsuehaa a^ftied for a divoroe en the grooBd that her husbuid feeeivedher; Heassmed her that be was n-iboiidnnaa, bat stnee ie maiViM hiin she has discorer^ that he is only ah editor. We didn't sop* {tose there wac snob a band of heartlese i^ai^ysihroadin the lfuid.--Keani* town Herald. th;b cheapest and best. Oa aeeoont of ike poBty and eon* oenhnMbd etrength and great pawer over dis ea se s, Bnrdbok Bkiod Btttsrs is the cheapest aud best blood clean- sing tonio known for all disorderly oonditioDS of the blood. ytaivbvt HUpMrlv* MAliKDALE. Fall Wheat tO 78 Spring Wheat........ 78 Buley 00 Pess 64 Oata 4 81 BvAsm 15 Eggs U Apples 60 Jr OtfttOOB •••••••••••9 Xo Hay 00 Pork 6 00 FJour 3 75 fooo 00 67 f« 00 00 76 20 to 14 00 to 5 00 to i 25 to to to to to to to to to Hsw goejb anrJTing evwy week, esniistiag rf WATCHES, CLOCXS, CfiAp(S». CHiBMS, SPZlAtLES, PUSS,. FUBCES, VIOLIN 8nUN08,ete.~ /• 4; WMMAif ir/sfs .aAvm« Is stoe*.- Waitk99, Cheh mod JBw/hfyr lUpsbsi by aijsslf aai sstfaheWon gnar-^ •atssd. 19" MO TBOUBLB TO SHOW GOODS. CS-ive me a. Oali*. James C. Russell, Wstdmiskar. Jewensr, fll7-M9 FlMhsttoB. Hacyarqq YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM Fine Farm for Sale. ME. EDWAED DAVIS offers his farm for sale, being lot N. J 21, con. 13, Artemesia, better known as the "Meaford Bead." This is a choice clay loam fsrm of 80 acres, 7? of which is cleared and fit for any machicery to work on, and well fenced with cedar rails has a fine bearing orchard of three acres a good lar:;e frame bam and out -buildings, and comfortable frame house the place is well watered with running stream; also a saw-mill m good running order and doing a good trade â€" run by water-power. This is a verv desirable farm, J mile from school, one mile from church, 5 miles from Idarkilale and 6 from Flesherton, good road either ways is situated in an excellent lo- cality, and is a g' od site for cheese factory. For ti-rms and farther particulars, apply to EDWARD DAVIS. 239-41 Markdale, Ont. juice, itowjdtw^Pf^J^ ihTs^utbly ptbdtices infiao^tfp after a ^WiB. v*)'!** -?I??^^. -^W" Markdale â€" Saturday before Flesh- erton. Chatswcnh â€" ^Monday before Dur- ham. Dohdalkâ€" ^Tuesday before Orange* yille. Flesherton â€" Monday before Orange- ville. v=-j â- â- :: iki -•' Orangevitleâ€" ^^e second Thnrsday in eaich month. • ' M^imi Borest-^$h^d /^.edhesday in eaiob month, c.-* ao-^o-jd; 'i'-li 3-. .-.i.' PriaeviUe^iroridi^jifbM^rfeDtiriiam* Banever-^^fcti^a^ b^bre!i)orh*»itt. eri :;$i^« 8d jhat it'^haSi^ tiro"w:j4^ throai^ j^ 4o6s iM ^ssmm^'^^^ »sieffd«Bt^amfcimn(»^t««t^9^jRihich Aiie w^hentiiniaMnB4tfieAnnthfc st iWi i»» f^ ^5?"^^ "^2*^ thofungbly. wli The subscriber has much pleasure in intimating to the Ladies of Mark- dale aud vicinity tiiat she has commenced the Dress-Making Business In all its branches. Having gradua- ted i*i the ranks of the best seam- Btress in the Dominion, she fee!s nssnred nf giving satis- faction to all who may favor her with acaU. The latest best styles of London, Paris New York Fashions Strictly adhered to.. She has on hand a supply of FANCT GOODS And a choice selection of the latest styles of T r-im: MIIS G^S, Which for beanty and rare design, cannot be surpassed, if even equalled in Markdale. Bespectfnlly yours, M. E. BENSON- Markdale. April 7, 1885. WORK POWDJSHS; AnplcMBBttotake. Contain tiielr own Pnrativa. is a safe. snra. and e/tectaai ' ot w«rms ia CUlilreaocAdnlta Farm for Sale. 160 acr's, being lots 42 and 43 second range West of Toronto and Sydenham read,- Holland, about 100 acres cleared and in good- state of cultivd,tiou, ballance well timbered with Maple, Beech aiid Hemlock, and about 10 acres cedar swamp- Good roughcas*; house 22x33 with stone cellar, frame bant 40x60 and good out houses, all with stone foundations. Good .young orchard bearing. The farm is well watered, two good wells, one at the house, a fine spring creek croses the farm near the rear. Only two miles from the thriving village of Williamsfcrd, a station on the T. G. B. branch of the C. P. K. This is a rare chance, and terms wiU be made very easy. For futher particulars apply on the premises to FEANCIS McCANN, 230-44 Williamsford P. O. Farm to Sell or Rent North J. 16 con. 11. Holland, 100 acres, 70 acres cieared. 4^ miles from Williamsford Station and 3 from" Berkeley,' only 60 rods from School and post office. On tne premises there are a good with frame kitchen anj a woU near the house, and log barn. Will be sold on easy terms, small payment down, and good time|Riven fpr the balance, or will be rented for five years, and improve ment taken for part rent. Apply to JAMES BBUCE, 136-39 pd. LUy Oak P. 0. Ont. FARM FOR SALE. ViQfiM, Da Page Co.% Illinois, ' HAS IMPOATEO FROM FRAHCE rMdwrwK H «r gey»liMj.a» 93.000.000^ 75 m CMtllF Ml HORSES tTEI XO AMEBiOA. 5 MILES from Markdale station, on the C. P. B., Lot 9, Con. 11, Glenelg, con- taining 100 acres, 60 cleared, balance good, timber well watered stone house and frame bams soil clay loam well fenced and in a good stato of cultivation. Apply on tho {tremises to GEO. STODDAET, 23T-39* Travsiston P. 0. A RARE CHANCE CHOICE VILLAGE LOT in Markdale for sale, opptosite the Stanpabd office. Has a comjortable dwelling A Mill Street house, shop and stable and good well. A small pajioent will be taken down srd bal- ance to saH pnrehwer at a low rate of inter- est., For further partiaula^ apply at thi:i tffioe, or to WM. WALKEB, 232-39* Maikdsle P. 0. IJIPOBTAWT, When you visit or leave New Yori City, â- ave Btgcgage E^re|B and Carrii^e hire snd j^lfxf the 'GxMid" Union Hotel, optppaitt; ^the: Qiwnd Ceab-sl Zepot. l!lei;ant rooms fittedup St a(H^ otbne imlfion doMaM; re- dncird/at ft.O(]^"and tto«sir4s day. ^ba^dpata i^laoi ^tetatwv Uwapa at aop^isd ^tte^liMt. Mows lawiit sngtiis siwl riwrat ea twIMUttb titAkfttm* Wumfimn tir« MsRisiiJeis aun^ sit ltMil|p|f^mm 'HaUfc4lis«M^nythspr l^ffii|ii[^»etsi::m tlMflitr. -iA-i ..^^.^^'»^- ..j^^^.,..,^...^..^.....^.^^..^^-.^..,.^^s^ie^^ aMU^Ssi^dlsdiitrf ' ^) tlf^^---^-:-^^

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