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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 23 Aug 1883, p. 4

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 The Standard. MAEKDAL^, AUGUST 23beJ888. •SERIOUS FIEE IN AETEMESIA, M. bullivan's fabm buildings and con- tents CONSUMED. About 3 o'clock Tuesday morning, while the family were all sleeping soundly, they were awakened by the crackmg of fire which by this time had gained considerable headway in the kitchen. Mr. Sullivan was not at home, having gone the day prfiwous to Duiham to attend the cattle fair, Mrs. Sullivan and family, the young- est being but three weebj oid, with the servant girl, narrowly escaped with their lives, nothing -being saved. The wind blew towards the barn which atood about 15 rbod distant. and a spark from the burning house fired it, which was speediiy -cnnsumed with 'the contents consi'sting of about 45 •tons of hay Eeaper, Moxver, Sulky rake, cutter, cutting box, wagon and various other implements and machi- nery. His loss will amount to at least $2,000. We did not learn the amount of the insurance, but it is light com- pared with the heavy loss. Prfee iljist iof .jGHenel^ Agri- vcsttteal Society. for 1883. Class 1.â€" Horses. 'â- . 1st. 2nd. 8rd. 'fttan Gsaeral {^ftipose 1st SeeialbyJas. Bryan 2.00 1.50 1.00 ^pan Carriage Horses. Ist S|i*ial M. Byrnes 2.00 1.50 1.00 Bngsgr Horse, Ist Special hy A. McDougall, whip 4.00 1.00 Saddle Horse, 2Bd Special M. Bymea 1.50 1.00 Mare, foal by her side, 2nd Speoial Jas. Bryan 2.00 Bprini? Colt General Purpose 1.0ft " Eoadster 1.00 Colt,orFilly,2yrs,G. Purpose 1.00 " 1 " " 1.00 " 2 " Eodster 1.60 " " 1 " " 1.00 l.OO 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 â-  BEHEADED ON THE TRACK. Between 12 and 1 o'clock on Sun- day morning a mau named Henry Moss, met a terrible fate on the To- ronto Grey Bruce Ey., near Mark- dale. He and a young mau named Jesse lies, who lives at lOG York street, were ou tbeir way to Toronto from Owen Sound, having been work- ing on the Algoma Mills psction of the Canada Pacific, before getting on board Moss laid iu a quantity of liquor and when near the above village be- came almost unmanageable under its influence, getting up and stamping about the car like a madman. He was then seen to go out and cross the platforms to enter the baggage car, a move unnoticed by Conductor Thomp sou. No more of him was seen un- til his remains were found on the trick a few hours later crushed and mutilated in a horrible manner. The head was literally torn away from the trunk and mashe'l to fragments. A Mr. Lawlor, of Woodbridge, saw him fall from the train. It is supposed m attempting to pass from one car to another he fell between. The body was brought to the city ou the G o'clock train, and by direction of superintendent Wilson, taken to the morgue. Mr. Wilson Stated at police headquarters yesterday that lies holds a cheque on the railroad for the wages of the deceased. lies, however, de- nies this flatly, declaring that all he knows about the cheque is that when the conductor asked Moss for his fare, the latter pulled out the cheque instead of his ticket. lies told him that he had best keep his cheque, uj)- on which he put it in his pocket again The dec-,ased ws 35 years of age, and has been about a year out from Eng- land. Class 3.â€" Cattle. Bull over 2 yrs, 2nd special Jas. Bryan 2.00 BuU under 2 yrs 2.00 Durham Cow with pedigiee 1.50 Ayrshire Cow .. 1.50 Cow, giving milk, grade 1.50 Heifer, 2 years 1.00 1 year 1.00 Spring Calf 1.00 Yoke Oxen .. 1.00 Pair Steers 2 yrs. old 1.00 " " 1 " " 1.00 Class 3.â€" Sbeep. Aged Bam, thoroughbred 1.00 Shearling Earn 1.00 Eamb Lamb 1.00 Pair Ewes raised lambs '83 1.00 Pair Ewe Lambs 1.00 Class 4.â€" Sw^ine. Berkshire Boar, aged 1.00 " Spring Boar 1.00 " Sow, aged 1.00 Spring Sow 1,00 Suffolk Boar, aged 1.00 " Spring 1.00 Sprii.g Boar any other idnd 1.00 Suffolk Sow, aged 1.00 " Spring 1.00 Class 5.â€" Poultry. Best collection baryard fowls 75 Pair Geese .. SO " Purkeys .. 50 " Ducks, large .. 60 " smill 50 " PJymoth Bock fowls 50 " Leghorn fowls .. 50 " Brahma " .. 5i) " Spanish " 50 " Hamburg " .. 50 Class 6.â€" Oraia. 1.00 1.00 1.00 l.OO l.OO 50 50 50 5Q 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 1st 2nd A GEA.TIFYING ASSUEANCE. A lady was walking along one of our streets one day last week. Pass- ing a friend's house she observed two or three of the little children playing on the lawn. ^yell, my dears, I see you are en- joying yuurselves. Yes, they replied. And you've just got a httle sister. Yes, How is your ma usked the lady. She is still in bed, they replied. I think then 1 shall go in and see her. Do, said the children, it is not cati'liiu" Personals. Mr. Langley, book-keeper for the firm cf Tate, ij'urch Co, Toronto, prssed through this place last Tuesday n his way to Owen Sound, he having travelled all tue way on his bisycle. ° Mr. Edgar af Lefroy is spendinga low days with friends iu this vicinity.. Miss. Sophia Kowe returned from Winnipeg last week. iMrs. W.J. Eoweis visiling friends at Streeusville. Louis N. Thibaudeau is home on a visit from Manitoulin. Mr. and Mrs. Young of Lakelet are spending a few days in Markdale. Cliar]. Biggar was in town ov«r Sunday. Mr. -J. Hewetson of Toronto is speo- f'in-i; a few days with his friend J. Ciesor. Mrs. Boyd and family moved from Huskpku to this vil agetljjis weelc^. Bushel Fall Wheat Seneca or Clawaon 1.30 1.00 Bushel any other kind 2nd spe- cial by M. Byrnes 1.50 Bushel Spring Wheat Wh. Euss. 1.50 " " any other kind spe. cial by W. J. McFarland 2.50 1.50 Bushel Barley, 1st special b Mof- fdtt Bros., sugar kettle Bushel Peas large Peas small white White Oats " Black " Half bushel Timothy feed S.x Ears Indian Corn Peck white Beans Class 7.â€" Roots. Best coll. Potatoes, 6 varieties 6 of each variety Bushel Potatoes, early rose " any other kind 6 Sweed T ..rnips 6 Turnips, any other kind 6 Mangold Wurtzels 6 Blood, Beets 6 Field Carrots 6 Early Horn Carrots, 1st special M. 5.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 50 50 1.00 1»00 3.0,0 50 50 50 5D 50, 1.00 LOO 50 50 50 50 50 50 25 25 Burns 6 Parsnips 3. Boots celery ., 2 Hflads Cauliflowers 2 Csiibages, Early York " any other kind 6. Tomatoes Gallon seed onions •' Onions, any other kind 2. squashes 2. Pumpkins 6 Cucuinbers. Pickling 3 Citrons 3. Water Melons Class 8.â€" FiTiit. 6 Winter Apples 6 Fall Apples 3 Tar. Apples 3 of each var. 12 Crab Apples 4 var. Crab Apples, 3 of each 6 Pears 3 Bunches Girapes 6 Blue Plums 6 Green Gages 6 Plums, any other kind Class 9.â€" Daiay. 1st Best tub butter, 50 lb 2nd special HiUEcQs. 3.00 5 lb butter, rolls 1.50 Cheese, factory made, 401b l.OO " home " 101b 1.00 100 lb best Ttteat Floor l.OQ 1.00 50 50 50 50 50 oO 50, 50, 50 50 50 50 50 50 5J 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 35 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 26 25 26 25 26 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 2nd 3rd 2.00 1.00 50 60 50 1^ 50 8Ii0CTM0(Biead.lM]nn 1.00 60 " home-iBsdt A^ £ lb Maide Sngtf 1-00 50 6 lb Hon^, In Comb l.OO 50 Half Ral. M^ile Symp \M 60 Class la.â€" JnattBtectnres. lat 3.00 a.oo 2.00 1.00 1^ IjOO ».oo 1.00 IJX) 1.00 1.00 2,00 50 60 1.00 lilO IjOO 50 1.00 1.00 IJOO 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Work.. 50 Snd 1.00 1.00 1.00 60 50 76 1.00 60 50 50 60 1.00 85 25 50 50 50 25 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 50 50 Farmers' Wagon Democrat " Buggy Sleigfa Single Cotter Did. Set Team Harness. 18dS Candage Hameea " Pair Mens boois, cosrse " •' " fine- Set Horse Shoes, unfiled Pump Specimen Cabinet 'Work 188S Punel Door, 1883 Window Sash, 1883 l^ecimen Cooper Ware, 18 8S " Tin ware, '• " Marble Work " " Drawing " Penmanship " " under 15 Collection Photographs 5 yds Full Cloth, home-made 5 yds Satinet, home-made Fancy Flannel Plain Pair Blankets " " Horse Class 11.â€" I^adies^ Piir Woollen Hits " Socks, Ist special Dell Brown, pair Bobs Specs Patch Quilt Fancy •' Log Cabin Embroidery m Cotton '• Wool Berlin Wool raised " " not raised Fancy Kmtting, Cotton Wool Braiding in Cotton Knitted Lace Collection BcrUn Work Hair Work Gent's Fine Shirt hand made 1st special M. Byrjws. Bag Mat Ary otlier variety Mat 5 yds rag Carpet Collection Flowers Special prize by J. E. Trimble, for spring colts sired by his stallion Clear Grit, jr., 1st $10.00 2nd ?6.00. A. TUBNER, Secretary It Will PAY To get your Groceries I II A Â¥â- â€¢ i • *W wife of Mrfift"*!- son. tliewifeofMt.fe..OMl Wta, jyiARRlAG FBAomsoyâ€" Ta l^^'^GES. ?e-Joh„^!ti;«Uhei, James F.r.u,,, f*V Francis H^mot/dth?:^ ii.sq.. i;oiiiir.;ii„.. ., „ "':r I ouijcillor of Osprcj, lot, I U ^STRAYED. A yearold lieifer. rej -*^^ '^^'^e to the premie,? smbn^lotEUliT'?« about the 18ta May last IS requested to prove,, J peuces aud take lier. ' "' "^g- I8t!i, \^aiidelo'ir (•!«â-  1.00 75 75 76 50 60 50 50 50 50 50. 50. 50 60 1.60 60 50 50 1.00 25 35 50 50 60 25 25 25 25 25 25 25-. 25 25, 25 50 25. 25 25 50 To Puroiiase Dry Goods FBOW TRIMBLE WRIDHT MAliKDiLE MAP.£f; ^0.00 to J0.92; Fall \V]i,.;i; to SO 'j.S: Li To Procure; your CIlotlLing FROM, IRi.MBLt WRIGHT To Buy Boots a^d Shoes AT TRIMBLE WR.|.GHT'8. Butter, 14., E.,s, 15c; ptt^i' 90 00; \\ooi 17 to 20. FLESIIEEmllAPi Fall Wicat, ?0.90to?093-t;„ to 60.97; BarJoy, ,^7c: Pca. f^L Butter, ]4c; Egtrs. I4c; Potatoti«| .$C;.00 Pork, 57.45 to ?7,60 TOKOXIoliuEEnsl Fainviieat. 5.0.97 toSrt.avSini to 81. (IM; Barlev. o.^etoTic; On Peas, 7Jc to 7t-c; Hogs, ?s.i«)t(.S toes, pi-r ba-, 7(ic 10 75c; Lau.-i to 20c; e;rri 2Uc to -ilc. m District ami other Splinters from •«w £xi;ta»p£:es ajid otberwiSse- i The Dundalk, ©Bass- Band; purpose excurtjji? to the Forks of the CJredit, Wiu. Jelly, of Shelburne, is pre- paring to re-huild his recently burned huildiags in that place.. Mr: Jas Noble, of the Boyal' Hotel ou niai:dy morning received a tele- gram from his brother, who was a baker in Shelburne,.tbat he h^d been burned out. Mr. Noble replied that ha could sympathize with him as he had been burned out too.â€" .Vea/orrf Monitor. Mr. Wm. Morrow has a remarkable calf. Although not fat, it is of enor- mous size, Its l^ind quarters are as large as those of many beasts of 12 month of age. It weighs 820 lbs and IS 3 months old. He sold it for $25 Had It been thorough-bred he would doubtless haye r«alized a much lareer price.â€" DundaZA; Hernld. Mr. 0. W. Smith, of Mount Forest nas disposed of his celebrated trotting stallion "Eoyal Leopard," to Mr. Jno Lmch, of Clifford, for $822. Painful AcciDENT.-While feeding a Gordon press, Tuesday, James Cut! tie, son of John B. of the OrangeviUe Gazare, had his right hand crushed in a frightful manner. The type be came so imbedded in the fllesh and smews that It required the strength of two men to free the hand. Mr: Joseph Derby, a Farmer, living in th9 township, of Normanby, while going home from Hanover last Pridav rh \?w «f ^T^«^^asthrown?rom tlie ^^aggon and instantly Killed. TT'â- ^'^^^T" °^^^« of the Western Union Telegraph Company atChiei? «f ^,^^V°° W^'«« run. Se: stroyed by Fire on Tuesday. Reports of thMshing returns an far Bhow that «ie Wheat Crop in £ a fMlnre. Between six and eleven Bushespe^acreseemtobe age, while fifteen and twenty You wiJl Find Fafin for Sal ;-r\ ACit!-S.Ui-l,: 0\J eV S. li, H..llsn.i. ti;. Markd:ik' S'l acre.s cleared, ntL watci'e.l, halancH troo.i Iwrdw.lln snfiici'jut i-r.lur ftu^'iiig. For leiuis auu i.tLer jart'i-jT; WM. Iwl Berkeley P. 0. Or;'Jlfj| Juh- 3r(i, is;: ^V CARD. To all who ai'ti RuSfrm;; from ii and indiscretions ct youth, ner'cj ness, early decay, loss of massoo will se;!d a receipftlist will curit OF CH.-^RGE. This greit EmtI coyered by a inissiouary iu Scmhr Send a s-elf-a.Mress. d ivn'm Joseph T. Inma.v, ::Mm II H chij. T. C. The cheapest, ]^e.?s Goods AT TRFMBLE WRIGHT'S B. Cliaii! RAILV )t Til On and af,.r, trains will run as follow= GOING N in. The best Yalue in Cottons AT TRIMBLE WRIGHT'S The best variety of Tweeds AT TRIMBLE WRIGHT'S That famous 30 cent TEA AT TRIMBLE WRIGHT'S Read Dmvn. A.M. ' V. M. 7 30 4 -J .J •J 0.3 i; 00 9 5.3 f. 4.3 12 20 S 4t •2 2.3 LO L3 11 50 l: 'O 12 (KV S 43 1 30 y .33 P.M. I r. M. A Mixed '1 raiu will onto and uweii Suuud. i). McNioi.i.. Gen. I'ii^ii.Atjt. Tdrixto 'ARPWELL-h'N- (Ii:anc.eville... .M.irM i'OBESI. Ti:K.s\VATEr..... Fi KSHKKTON.... Ma;.k1'ALE 0«£N sous?....;n.e:' ScfliEtM Ei.mi-n;' ^«| OWEN SOU NDSTE m.BTESTEOl-K-J an ayer- are rare. The s:uage of the Toronto and Nm -iDg Kailway north of the CIS? issmg Jun( last. Junction was changed on Wednesday under branch, -iw:"' -J^^v^^E}*^^ sattan .. The, whole system is now under THE MOST GOODS THE BEST GOODS The Cheapest GOODS The best BAKGAINS Laies Huron andSuJ ' Manitoba and TIieG ' North V/est. S. SrAFRiCA Leaves Ow. n Sound e^en 10 r. m on r.r.ival of the r« trai'A,forS,»"«^ iate Porb. ;. MACNE| s. s Every Sutniday ^i* " Steiu'ushiii AlRorna -Mili.s, t-aiiit Arthur direct, on'ici'"" of the Canadian IVu'iiic hai-"., l'ortiii,-e I.ii 1 â- â- 'â- '• lia'iU'i. 'â- ' f..r V^^ witf" Pfg. Time a* Fares voi .v ACCd.MMOUATWN D. McNICOLJ.. ^^ Gen'i. Frei-lit and Passenger Aj,'eut. makes and 1 American TV ate lies t^ed to ssixi tsstyle ai Markdaleâ€" Saturday Chats'wortliâ€" Monday Dundalk â€" Tuesday b Fiesherton â€" Monday Shelburne â€" Wedne.^d Orangeville â€" The sec mouth. Mount Forest â€" Thii month. Priceville â€" Monday I Durhamâ€" Third Tue Hanover â€" Mondav be I Sinc:l( o D-\RD 5 cents â-  1^ .. Notices in tlie.e oc any individual or iii cenU a line for tin' cents a line each siili For a stray he issue. Paris Cre at the Medical H; The telegraph s a long aud detern: full effort to force The hrick Liyor Mr. Benson'.s do will be a comfoita dwelling wheu co ACCTDEN-T.â€" \V1 pbell wa.s (Iriying field, on Tuosdi teaiu, the horsps throwing Mr. Cpi was cous'clcriibly ,J.JampqeU e6C;iped ^r. T. J. Patt A. Nelsou bor Montreal, was ii with an immense pies of Fancy i "as unable to pre at the Hotels ai goods in Dufferin •.. • jkasure of a rm some and varieil is very attractive AaiEME.'^iA, An sey Mnnufactuiin tbe underpiirnci the trial c.f the Binder," puich: â-  Beaty, from M ' Agent FlBshertoi â-  said binder did h ley which was qu aUhoiigh new, \\ '•flight team, an; ,;; Rood satisfaction '^%.i "O all who can u }} v*ha6e a "Massoy l^iA^, Vim. Bv 'f£j Wto. "ialbraitli, .^Bjc^^teou, Geo. Ci ' -.^Q]^ Grahfim, ,^^«*5rno, W. H. El

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