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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 14 Dec 1882, p. 5

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 ?5«5ig^^|?!!ST55!fP!f« â- ^ '^~.J* feet Fit lew )PBIETOB. ^TTER! I0DPT STOCKS. 500 SALE •" CLOCKS, f£LECTRO-PLArED WARE, r«, Setts, Cruets Cake Bask- ^atter Coolers. Fmit Dwhes, 'etc., etc., etc., !!\\:ertinas, XMAS TOYS, c.. c.. c. i ijpj to leave J[arkdale about the Jai'Jury ' 6° 'i^'° *^® wholesale r tai.ness in Toronto, and will com- iDg Sale ofllst Dec. FOR 30 DAYS. ^.^ Goods will be sold at and nndcr 1^5 is a Keruine sale as I am obliged to reduce mr stock. L ent-awJ the services of a praclical Lijerwtake cliarge of the busmesg fist o! January. W. F. DOLL. ,acal l\m\% Kui;,'lit, dentist surgeon, will ,larkJaI« the last Tuesday in iiy will uot be here in Decem- kkdale Presbyterian Sabdath [l Auciversary will take flace in La HiJI. ou Weduesd.'^y, the ^reijanabundanc-e of snow now. I)ar[ies who proiaised to bring lod iJ payment of their eubscrip- Lsooa aa their was sleigbing, La=e put in an appearance. L=HiKE 3o.\R. â€" Mr. C. Little- living two 'nilee soutli of Mark- ibas a iitw bred Berkshire boar nice on his farm this season. 75 ,%\i,5lifuotsopaU. 118-122 kerou a fiieud in some distant ifhovou know would like to see Ioll Xmaa Cards ate selling fast Bargains in Tweeds at 'r Sproule's. Plesherton. Markdale Methodist tea-meeting ,n tbe church on (Ihristmas Day. A ^e stock of Pelt OvershoeH jnst arrived at R. J. Sprwiie's, Flesberton. R. J. Sproule, Fleshertdn. has a fine display of Holiday Goods. See tnem. Mr. James Lauder, of Glenelg, has purchased a valuable thoroughbred Christ Church S. S. Christmas tree m Duflferin Hall, on Wednesday, the Fresh arrivals of nuts and candies, of the best quality and great variety, at Montgomery's bakery. A Tea-meeting will be held in the Methodist church, Williamsford, Friday eyeniag, the 15th. Presbyterian Church openi^ig Sunday, the Slst Tea-meeting Monday,(New Year's Day.) A Great Tbeat.â€" To see W. F. Doll's immense stock of silyer and electro-plated ware in tea sets, cake baskets.just arrived Anniversary sermons in the Wal- ter's Falls Methodist Church, on Sun- day the 24th, and tta-meeting the fol- lowing da Christmas. Loyal Markdale Lodge of C.O.O.F. No. 78. will meet in their hall on Tuesday evening. Dec. 26th, at eight o'clock, when business of importance will be transacted. A lull attenuauce of members is requested. â€" Wm. L. Y'^ouNG, Sec. Died ix Maxitoba. â€" We regret to announce the death of Samuel Allen, son of Mr. James Allen, of Glenelg. The deceased in Brandon and his father has telegraphed to have the body sent home for iuterment. â€" Dur- ham Chronicle. •jTipwsifflFmK: The advertiser, having beea Deniian«ntiv a ample remedy, is anxious to mAk^ knowk to h^ felJow .nffeverK the me«.8 of \^^o aU who desire it, he wiU send a couy of tba prescnption used, (free of charge.)'Iith he Which they will find a suke Cuke for Con- 8U«PXIOK. A«Tn«. BB0NCHm8,C. I'arties wishing the l-regnription, wiU please address. Rev. E. A. Wii,an. 149 P^ 8t..Wilhamsburgh,N. Y. 75-127 AC^ElsiTb WAJSlTJfiD. -Big payâ€" Licht W«rk sifoo^, Emplo^ent. L. BYKN. 46 Samples free. Naussau stree Address, M. New York. BYKN, 20 on on on We have lost a good citizen in the person of Mr. Hall, he having remov- ed last week to Duudalk. He will be very greatly missied in the various de- partments of church work, being a valuable and consistent member of the Methodist Church. We sincerely wish he may abundantly succeed in his new enterprise â€" editor and pro- prietor of the Dunkalk HEKALf. There is as yet little said in regard to municipal affairs in Glenelj,. Our respected Iteeve will no doubt be re- elected bv acclamation. Our esteera- al paper weekly " If so send ed and highly respected citizen Mr. Mullaikriy wil likely hi. .-e opposition, but the chauces of defeating him are (we think) exceedingly slim he de- feat«d the strongest man in tUe Town- ship last year, and is even more popu- lar now. Many names are mentioned as candidates for councillor. Mr. Neil will uo doubt be one of the Tic- tors. FREE OF CHARGE. l^.-kSkuiD as a "Christmas box." [forward it to tli9 end of 1883 |v address for %\, free of postage. i what maoy are now doing. Efit AND Uename.vtal. â€" Our es- eii townsman Mr. ^Vm. Lucas ibeaatifal wire railing erected ou ouater in his bank here last week. [two feet liigh and of a handsome aud adds very- much to the ftiance of tbe nitenorof the bank. ^smanufiictured by E. T. Bar- iDciioit, Mich. â- f. L. Brown, our Artist, has ilynecuted some fine specimens |mtiLjii] scenery, which may be i Ijis gallery over the Standard â-  He has als) purchased a new 'at a cost ot $150 and is now in to take photographs life ^e liespeak for Mr. Brown the H^ wuicu his energy and skill de- f-^'An Hutchinson, of the 7th ^hrasii, had three head of •arie vears old, which strayed iboat the 1st September â€" a steer I'^^i'^r, dark grey, and a white â- ^iiv party harbouring them f'^t giving tl.e necessary notice "l^ PfJSecuted according to law. 113 advertisement in another col- ' ^^ ' paper. •j-cc.u, P*PKR FOR Children. â€" " iiutricts wliere literature is â- '•""re IS perliaps nothin' that '^^«ilie youth a taste for reading ""' as the local newspaper. /^^ ^ay that children who have â-  F'ip'jriit thf'ir homes are more "'• aul make advaneemeut ftadily than those who are de- "I^HH-h help. Mr. Thibaudeau '^jii"re than ordinary common and clear uitelect) says that the "jP^r IS wf.rth half as much to ""'â- y fis the public school. He ^f I'ave his family without '^liuuldeost $20.00 "per year, VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE IN TH2 TOWN OF DURHAM, IN TH« COUNTY OF GRET. THE followinj; valuable town properties will bt sold on reasonable terms or will be rented for a term of years, or exchange lor farm propeoty. 1st, Lot No. 1 on the west side of Gwafraxa street and south of Hunter street, opposite Mr J. H. Hunter's store house, well fenced and first class frame buildings, good cel'ars, hard and soft water, a most conveniant resi- dence and would make a good businesa stand. 2n.l, That moat desirable propertv being park lots Nos 2 and 3 ou the north side of George St., 8 acres uiore or less, well fenced, front fenced with pickets, one and a half acres of a thriving yc'ung orchard and very conven- ient to the railway station. The east half of the west half on lot 18 on the west side of countess street with a new frame house and kitchen, good stable and wood shed, well frneed. front fence paint- ed white, hard and soft waier on the prem- ises. 4th. Park Lot No. 8, Wm. Hunter'i, Survey. 6th Lots I and 2, Presbyterian Survey. 6th, ' Loi No 15 on the North side of Mill street in the village of Markdale close to tbe rail- way station, with good frame house thereon. If tbe above propenies are sold the very best title will be given free from all encum- brances. Also the Following Farming Properties. will be sold on reasonable ttkrois of payment. 7th, Lot No. 22, Con. 9 Glenelg, 100 acres more or less, 3^ miles from the T. G. St B. R. at Markdale, 75 acres cleared, a new frame house and two log bams. 8th Lot No. 93 in the 3rd Con. W. T, 4 S. R., Glenelg. 50 acres, about 45 acres cleared aad good log buUdiugs, about 2J miles from Markdale station T. G. B. B. 9ih, The west half lot 17, Con. 4. N. D. R Gleneig. 50 aces 4o acren cleared, good roTigh cast house and orchard on the pre- mises. The hou-e and one acre will be re. served during the life of the occupants who art. now between 80 and 85 years ol age. 10th East part lot No. 1 con 3 Normanby, 63 acres, about 50 acres cleared, situation aliout 2 miles from the town of lurham. For further particulars apply to FINLEY MicRAE. Durham. Dated 15th August. 1882. tf 104, '"fre are families who do not Jet a local IBIT paper. ^SLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. ^^' salve in the world for Cuts. le,.!',, "" • S'llt Rheum. Fever 'I'lKlal' l".^PP«"i Hands, ChUblains. filfs "t '" Ernptins, and Positivelv 'sion o " «"arante«d to give perfect «fW r""' ""efundcd. Price 25 or sale by A, Turner Co. All persons suffering from Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis Loss of Voice or any af- fection of the Throat and Lungs, are re- quested to call at A. Turner Go's Drug Store and get a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, /r« of cJuirge, which will convince thiian of its won- derful Merits and show what a regular dol- lar-size bottle will do. Call early. The a. O. U. W. Concert. â€" Where there is a will there is a way. Not- withstanding the blizzard which raged on Thursday and Friday blocking up streets and roads and making it al most impossible to move out, there was A good attendence at the concei t on Friday evening. The Scottish Concert troup, (whogavean entertain- ment the evening previous and which was a partial failure owing to the storm) joined the Workmen's conce/t and rendered valuable assistnuce. Several of the parties from a distance whose names appeared on the li-t were unable to attend; however a rich and well sustained programme wa« gone through with. Mr. Sawers is a beriutiful singer, and his efforts were highly appreciated. W. J. Speevsar rived late in the evening and his very appearance an-oused the mirthful pro- peusities of the entire audience ueiil er were they disappointed in their ex- pectations, as he brought down the house every time he appeared on tbe platform in Irish and Dutch charac- ters. The various performors acqui- ted themselves creditably, and all ap peared highly pleased with the enter- tainment. DO NOT BE DECEIVED. In these times of quack medicine «»dver- tisements everywhere, it is truly gratifying to find one remedy that U worthy of prui^^t and which really does as recommended. Electric Bitters we will do as recommended They invariablv cure Stomach and Liver 6omplainta. Dishes of the Kidney, an^t Uriilry difficulties. We know whereof we sp«ik, ind can readily "7; P^?*»»f S, "â- 'â-  at fifty s a bottle, by- A Turner joHirsToirs ' lSARSi\PARILLA urn cnruoT, nTsrsrsu,^ And tor PurHyins the Blood. Itbatbeentniuefor90Tean.uidhM proved to be the beet prepamtion 1 n the market for SICK HEAT)ACBgLPAW IN THE 8IDB OB BACtlJmi COM- PLAINT, PIMPLES ON THB^FACE, DYSPEPSIA, PILES, and aU Diwaaea that arise from a Disordered Lhrer or aa impure blood. Thousands of oar beet people take it and give it to their chil- dren. Physiciana preecribe it dai^. Those who uae it once reoommend it to others. „ «..-,« It is made from Teflon Dodc. Hmtdn- other wel ^., â€" -, Herbs. It i« strictly vegetable, and can- not hurt tbe most delicate constitution. It is one ot the beet m e d i cl n e e in uae tor BeguUtIng the Bowels^^ a^^^ .* one dollar for a quart bottle, or aixbotUea "â- niole ir°ho cmnot obtntn B bo^^L^L^ medldnef rom their drwgswt may iena »• on* I dollar, aad wa will send it to tlwin. W. nTSffKS k 80., MiaArtoMT^ I Aahenttaifc Oit. Bitwlt, ICek. Re-gresh-ing In tbe cool assertion of some peqde that they can sell below eost, Sm it may not be amiss to let the public ot Markdale and but- i-ounding ooontiy know that A^'ilson Benson, of the "BELFAST HOUSE." MARKDALE, can sell " cheaper than the cheapest," and "better than the bett," all kinds of Groceries, Liquors, c. Consisting of, TEAS, TOBACCOS, SPICES, CANNED FISH, ETC., And for those wishing pure Wine for Sac- ramental purposes, will find a brand that will equal «nytluiig on this side the Atlantic. Other Liqnors equally pure. Spicial Pure Holland Gm. Cheese from the best manufactories. Our WhiskieE are from the firm of Good- erham Worts, Toronto, aad the public may rely on receiving them as they are sent. FLOUR, POTATOES, and everything in the household hue kept constantly on hand. â-  Henceforth my Store will be supplied with Fruits of all kinds, such as APPLES. PEARS, PLUMS, Ac. FRUIT CAKES of all kinds always kept on hand. Essences, Hair Oils, and Perfumery of the choicest nectars. TOILET FANCY SOAPS, better than the best. CANADIAN WESTERN PORK, of first quality. Everything in the Grocery Line kept on a fuller tind more complete Kcale than at any other place in Markdale. WILSON BENSON. Gold PIMPLES. I will mail (Free) the recipe for a simple Vkoxtablk Balm that wUl remove Tan- FREGKLliS, PIMPLES and Blotches, leave ing the skin soft, clear and beautiful also instructions for producing a Inx'.iriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth face. Ad- dress, enclosing a 3c. stamp, Ben. Vandelf fc Co., 5 Beekman st.. N. Y. 76-127 ERRORS OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from NERVOUS DEBILITY, PKEM.V TUBE DECAY, and all the effects of youth- ful indiscretion will, for the sake of suJCfering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe Pud directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing tc profit by the advertiser's experi- ence can do so by addressing in perfect confi- dence. JOHN B. OGDEN. 75-127 42 Cedar St.. New York. Great cnance to make money. Those who B always take advantage of ti e good chances for making money that are offered, generally become wealthy, while those who dd not improve such chances re- main in poverty. We want many men, wo men, boys and girls to work for us right in their own locahties. Any one can do the work properly from the first start. The bus- iness will pav more than ten times ordinary wages. Expensive outfit furnished free. No one who engages fails to make money rapidly You can devote your whole time in the work, or only your spare moments. Full informa- tion and all that is needed sent free. Addres. Stimsok Co., Portland Maine. 71-126 MANHOOD HOW LOST, HIW RESTORED z^"^^^â€" -X We have recently published a new SB All jedition of Dr. Cdlvebwkll's Czlb- ^^nr^^BBATEn EsHAY OU the radical and permanent cure (without medicine) of Ner- vous Debility, Mental and Physical incapaci- ty. Impediments to Marriage, fec.. resulting from excesses. ISr* Price, in sealed envelope, only 6 cents, or two ostage stamps. The celebrated author, in this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from thirty years' succftssful practice, that alarming con- sequences may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicines or the use of the knife pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his conditidn may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. IS'This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Address Tbe Ciilverwell Medical Go,. P O- box 450 41 Ann St., Wew Fork MABKDAT.E' Meat Market A constant supply of Fresh Meats! tm hand, aX the Lcwewt Living Prices. Orders solicited, and deliv- ered free to all parts of the Town. Farmers having fat stcck to dispose of, will please leave their addresses. TERMS, STRICTLY CASH. FRED. SARJEANT, Markdale, March 23, 1882. 80-^ iEMISMMM GENTLEMEN.â€" If you want a first-class Buggie or Wagon call at MGKENNA MASON'S CARRIAGE WORKS MARKDALE. They can supply you with anything from a Lumber Wagon up to Extension Too Phaeton. To buy from them is to SAVJE MOIVEYI: They are both practical workmen, and employ none but PRACTICAL WORKMEN. They guarantee their work Second to nrine for Lightness of Draught and Superiority of Finish. They use nothing but First-class White Oak for Wagons, and thrice Extra Second Growth Hickory for light work. The immense amount of work turned out of McKenna Mason's shop is snfficiea ' proof of the wide repntation they enjoy for doing good work. Thb BEST IS THB CHEAPEST in thx EKD Poor cheap work we positively will not take. Special attention given to Re-Trimming and Repainting all classes of Carriage Work. Satisfaction guaranteed (or No Pay) in HORSESHOEING SHOPâ€" On Mill Street opposite ta. Sproule's hotel. McKEN NA MASO N. Mothers! Mothers! Mothers! Are yon disturbed a; ni^ht and broken J jur rest by a sick child suffering and cry with the excruciatiuff pain of cutting of S500 Reward We will pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dys-pepsia, Sick Head- ache, Indigestion. Constipation or Costive- ness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give satiisfaction. Sui^ar Coated, Ijarge Boxes, containing 30 Pills, 25 cts. For sale by all Drnggistn. Beware of counterfeits and immitatioi's. The genu- ine manufactured onlv by JOHN C. WEST CO., "The Pill Makers," 81 83 King St. East, Toronto. Ont. Free trial package sent by mail prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent stamp. For sale at Turner ACo. Drug Store. THOS. MATHEWS, lanesS EstaiUsM! MARKDALE. EVERYTHING IN OtB LINE KEPT ON HAND OR MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT- NOTICE. LIVERY! IN CONNECTION. GEORGE WILSON. Wholesale and Retail BUTCHEKll If so go at once and get a bottle of MBS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYBUP. It will relieve tbe poor little sufferer immediatelyâ€" depend upon it; there is no nusteke about it. There i.s uot a mother upon earth who has ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rebt to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operating like magic. It is perfw^ly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the ol- dest and best female physicians and nnrsea ipthe United SUtcs. Sfld «very»liere at "85 pentsft^ bottle,^ STRAYED IpBOf THE PREMISES OF THE UN- ' dersigned Lot 3, Con. 7, Enphra-sia, about the last of August, one Steer and one Heifer, dark grey, and one Heifer white, all rising two years old. Any perara giving such information as will lead to their recovery will be suitably rewarded. JOHN HUTCHINSON, 118-3W* Vandeleur P. O. BEEF, PORK OR MUTTON SUPPLIED, from a single pound to a whole carcass, at the lowest market prices. FISH FOWL IN THEIR SEASON Farmers having 'Fat Cattle, Sheep, or Pigs to dispose of will do well tOviCall at Ni^. 3 Burns' Block, opposite the new Union Block. Markdale, Oct. 2.'ith^ 1881 Nothing Like Leather.. M. NOT M. M'LEOD, MABKDALE. TO BE BEATEN I! 75 237 Teacher Wanted FOR S. S. No. 8, HoUand and Euphrasia. Duties to commence the 2nd'day^of Japnary. 183 Apply, stating saUrv^ to ALEX^,MUBI50CK, Sec'y, lje-4w. Haiiway_l\0. All those who may have had the misfor- tune to have been bom barefooted will bear in mind that we have just receiveil the larg- est and bett stock of leatiier ever before brought into Markdale, consisting of Spanish Sole, French Kip and Calf, «nd are now pre- pared to manufacture Ladioi*, Gents, /oaths d Misses boots and shoes^ifrum thes staga lo the finest k'd and prunella. Sewed Work a S^SM^ialty.- All work warranted. Invisible patchmg;alsoo done here. M. M. SltibEiDDb. • i \^ i 'â-  t -1 Vil I I I â- \-\ â- % •1 ' 1 ;;â- ! .1 1^ •I I *F1' " u

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