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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 14 Sep 1882, p. 6

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 "JV* â-  l*i« "4l rrttt«B RCIIUtllM of tk» lost of the written rei pt are religions. Many ._ ie gods, and have a pikthoc%_ era are lists of oblations or o^ t war. These haeno morelil lions than an auctioneer's inventory of famitore. 1^ lever, a vivid idea of Egypt, The manitold production icient Egypt are nowhere ae^ 3 detail than in what is knov leat Harris Papyrus," whicV, Irs of these suramariea. It ^f^ ^^ [lib, and measures 133 feet loavS |es broad. Here we read of the hl\ r with vivets of gold-plated br2l Q8 adorned with preciong stoi^] «3 with doors and lintels of aSJ* lided by gardens planted with an*L luit, and tanks of water-fowt aM Ides these are granaries with cotk juries tilled, or temples presen]^? ^prising amount of miscellaneouj^i, baint, spirits of wine, hon^y, oit Fcoats, tmbroidered caps, incense. les and ladles, rings, onions, cedar L lies of writing-reeds, wax, leather turquoises, perfumes, imaces, B, wme, colored bed-clothes, 4^, careful inventory was made of th* items, and in every case that lunc of the articles in store aeetoiy I down. For instance, in one plaokj la record of 825,840 crystal beads! Iher cf 23,008 pots of fraakiaJ le one "cedar rr le" figures by itself s these dead or dry goods we have pg lists of cattle and birds, e^pt_ ons, ducks and geese. Here i^ jk by evidence of much that was a V business-like and prosaic amonc Egyptians. It is true that thei»l In especially, at least so far as the « made by the king represented the ity of the people, was marked by as and abundant devotion the a^ ts of the temples not being brought L Is in some inner shrine, but shown is] ping of sacred obelisks with soUd i [the covering of huge holy walls lout with costly sculpture. But !,„,- [indicates a certain prof useness of] liiture, nothiiig is more striking [minute economy and attention to d( tbited in what may be called the hu. rolls, summaries of obligations, and I The chronicler carefully distint ^cen the " ducks" and the •' duck.^ red to Ra, the sliced, salted, and kd tish, the crowns, nosegays, el I harulsful of flowers, and the u lunts of these several items are set do. Ihe "Great Harris Papyrus," now int lish Museum, and translated in the " ns of the Past," there are many of pes, and in every case the totals of I Is in question are preci;;ely recori re are, e. g., I,975,80i0 nosegays of t«_ les â€" it does not say what proportioni |e were onions â€" as against 11,000 m of corn, and 3,410 of lotus. Thus,] le chronicles we have evidence of bi feme profusion and precise economy] [nicest reckoning and the most lit Indance. â€" Good iVords. EvcminlBcence of Sir Jobn Franl jir John seemed never to be happier Bu speaking of his former voyages, Eucouraged nie to converse Ireely I as we strolled ver the grounds Iher or rode out into the country. â-  a complete and most perfect and late set of charts of the arctic regions, J as they hail then been explored, n| lich his own operations and those of Oi Try and Ross and other arctic eiplc re distinctly marked out and it greatest pleasure of an evening to ly these charts aad point out the 8 [had isited also tracing the courseij [uld endeavor to pursue, J:' it should jhis "good fortune, ' as he expressed T, a^ainto be employed in what was jat hobby of his life. There was ncil lilt he had liiscove ed, nor a spot thatf ll visited res^pccting which he had lie anecdote to tell or some narrow be to relate. And to me it was delight listen to these anecdotes from the hpi [lau who had barely dared and overc perils of which he spoke, and who •aiiy rendered his name famous as ods| boldest and most energetic and pel [iiig of arctic discoverers. Bes'de», Ic i that it was dattering to my pride Ir a post-Captain and a Lieutena kiTiior conversing thus freely wil^ piii: uiidshipinan and encouraging me brcss my own op nions and listening! Iir. kindly aiul attentively. I spent] Lsant visit at the Penns, and was [â- eturn to the ship. While we lay |t an emigrant ship and a Jtaiale com arrivedâ€" the latter one |qifikh« .last,] the last, female convict chip tflt^t shonsof Eiig-land, and Jol |iy Franklin visited thciubothiiifti.i on their arrival. It was hefifdy^-, Lf pleasure, ami slic seemed to regard] t duty, to exert lierselt to the utniott i benetit of younger female convicts I comlueted themselves well during age. at-.d whose otlonces against the " tlieir cuuntry were such as aflbrded '" reiiio. ed from temptations of vice jv^'rty, they inig!.t yet redeem t Lracters and prove useful members jiety. It must be recollected that l.-e days, when there was a sea city liales in the Australian colonies, yo lineu were often transported for off.t [icii would nowadays be punished hf\ Y mouths or even a few v eeks' iropi |iit. â€" t'hambtn s Journal. 'Uld (Old }\'atrr has a curious comi ion from Mr. W. Hearder. of Plymt laLuid '• Mr. Charles Clarke, while 1 in the Plym, hooked a trout aboaii| lues long which had an India rubber St its h-a;l. The band slipped back gill covers and was compressing the [e ho ny part of the hsh, which exl Im the centre of the lower jaw to tbel V\ divides the gills, is deeply inde kere the band has evidently been pr^ kl it has made quite a cavity in the f. I should like to know if anybo4yl krked the fish with the band or wl Uot Its head through it in an attei ^e It for a bait. How the fish liv« rstery. It is in splendid conditW |\e preserved it for my museum.*' T â- rrence v. ill cause many naturalists ie some of tkeir ideas recardinjr the HOUSBBOlJ L^« TnMATOBS.â€" Two onnoM ol aoah. tcKD ToJ^-fO^^ quantity of few savory herbs, a Uttle cayenne /^d Sit. ^P«t aU the ingn^dient. of fcnffine into a saucepan with a lump tier rtirring aU together untU quite " Then «rt away to cool. Umre I ^-ne bread-crumbs, and the yolka of "^%reU beaten. Choose larjip toma- M MAT the sameaiw aspoMiMa, and luce from the stalk end of each. T*ke "refuliy the seeds and Jufce, and fill fthe mixture. Stow them over with [.crumbs and some melted iKitter, and m an oven until they I»t6 a rich Serve with baked ca'f's head or fveal. [kei TcBSiPS.â€" Pare and cook untU tender in salted boiling water drain iV in a baking dish, and pour over a sauce made as follows Two large i ipoonsful of butter, and two heaping spoonsful of flour, stirred together in llet when thoroughly heated and i add a teacnpfnl of milk, stirring it adually, with a little pepper and salt. little bits of broken butter over the If the turnips. When you hare poured be sauce, bake in a brisk oven twenty ites. sPABAors Omelet.â€" Boil two pounds ender, fresh-cut asparagus in a very sat better still, steam the asparagus Itender. Chop it very fine; mix it the yolks of five and whites of three •beaten eggs add two tablespoonsful rcpt cream fry, and serve quite hot. IKK© EiJO Plant.â€" Wash the nlants bake t*." you would potatoes. Wnen Ld tender, remove the skins, and while mash to a paste, and season with er, pepper, and salt. A raw onion pp'ed tine may be added. ^RKOTs AND Cream.â€" Trim a quantity Ihe str.allest new carrots that can be fciied, and boil them in salted water. )n done, drain off the water. Melt an be of butie: in a saiicapan; add to it a ert-spoontul of flour, pepper, salt, -erl nutmeg, a pmch of povrdered sugar, [a small quantity of cream. Put in the [)t8, simmer gently a few minutes, and e. CAS AC SccRE.^Boil the peas and throw cold water then put them in a pan a httle butter, a teaspoonful and a I of suTar, a tablespoonful of broth, one of egg stir fast, and they are done. iKSXiPS SoMTEs.â€" Parsnips are put on ire in water, and they are done at the boil. Skin them and slice them across, set on the tire with a little butter and i till brown. Add a little parsley chop- fine, turn into the dish ana serve, [egktable Porridge.â€" Scrape and peel I following vegetables Six carrots, six liips, six onions, three heads of celery, I three parsnips. Slice up all these very and put them in a two-gallon pot, four ounces of butter, a ^handful of fley, and a good sprig of thyme, and fill iFith water or pot liquor â€" if you happen kave any season with pepper and salt, put tlic whole to boil very gently on ire for two hours. At the end of this the vefijetables will be done to a pulp, the whole must be rubbed through a Lnder with a wooden spoon, and aiter- Id "put back into the pot and stirred the fire, to make it hot lor dinner. fFXiETABLE SorP. â€" Time Foar hours a half. Three onions, six potatoes, carrots, four turnips, half a pound of ter, one head of celery, a spoonful of fcup, a bunch of sweet herbs. Peel, \, and fry the vegetables, etc., in half a nd of butter, and pour over them two rts of boiling water. Let them stew rly for four hours, then strain through barse cloth or sieve. Put the soup into lew-pan, with a, head of celery. Stew lender. [keen- Pea Socp. â€" Take some young lips, carrots, onions, celery, cabbage, ices cut them in slices, and put them [stew-pan, with a little butter and some ham cut in pieces. Cover them closely, let them stew for a short time. Fill rith stock sutficient for the soup required, let it boil until the vearetables are quite adding a few leaves of mint and the It of a roll pound all, and having id a quart of peas as green as you can, in them off and pound them also. Mix with the rest of the ingredients, and through a sieve. Heat it, and season kth salt, 'pepper, and sugar add a few ig boiled peas, and use spinach to :;re it. Changes In the Russian Army. great change has just been decided upon le Russian army. With the exception le Cuirassiers, Life Guards and Cossacks, [whole force of regular cavalry is to be ksformed into Dragoons carrying small ouct rifles for the performance of in- [;ry service The existing regiments of liar?. Lancers, Mounted Grenadiers, and ers will retain their present titles, but jgi'.neuts of Dragoons. The reasons for change are chiefly economical and seem L-e directed towards lessening the enor- ks expense which is entailed in a na- lal army like that of Russia by too great iriety of uniform and equipment. This comical simplification is at the same to bo aceompauitd by a considerable lease ct numbers, the completement of regiment being raised from four |to si:. ilrons of 150 horses strong. The reserve eries of horse artillery are to be put on ctive looting, and each brigade o! field llery is to be reinforced by a division of guns. haing the nianceuvres of the German ^chid sqi.adron in the Baltic last June, a ii^o got mislaid. As soon as the." Gap- of the ironclad Kronprinz, to which it Ingcd, missed it, he offered a reward for liscovery. it is fifteen feet long, weighty proportion, and at present a terror' to Igators. Kventy Meriden men and their wives gone on a trip to California together. y have chartered two hotel cars for a ph, and are privileged to stop as often |ey choose. The Yosemite valley will sited, and other places of iirteiiest on oate. The cost of the trip is estimaiUd oni$500to|800aopupl^. AtKa m Kiag Street Eaat. Toconto, Oat., are the ediArial vooon'ot tlM AoMiay iSMo*^ Manual, edite d by Mr. Withxow, of " recently with them the r eme a eu tatiye of the largest ad- vertisers in the world,â€" Mr. Withrow r^ marked ' As to advertising, I oonsider St. Jacobs Oil the best advertised artiole by far. It is a splendid remedy too. Besides the many cases of rheumatism it has cured right â-  W iOB gB t us, 1% 4M* i^'ii^^^'l »K mostiS|^- cieftt service inomng » severe soreness 4f the chest and a obstiMte headache. It doesks work 1 ' Phdadelphia has an exceptional opinn den. It is a fine house, luxuriously furnish- ed, and the resors of fashi(mable women, wj« I ay roundly. Who Blssald Suflisr T The many who daily suffer agony from corns, bunioais, callous lumps, when the means of remedy can be so eanly procured. Putnam's great remedy for|Coms id the new article, bus it comauLutls the confidence of every druggist in Canada, as all can testify that Putnam's Com Extractor is a sure thing. The man who n^lects this sugges- tion to try Putnam's Extractor ought to suf- fer. Use not ' the crtide jatt as good." Flesh-destroying and dangerous subeututes are offered as a subetitute for Patuam's. Of such beware. The blood is the true essenoe of Tit^Bty, without purs Uood there oan be bo healthy action in the system. BoUs, " blood â€" that needs pvrityiag at head, to render its tributaries doek Blood Bttteu eflBsotnaU. blood from ^t^ksmors, 6bmam* h action of ^VM etc, anA stt«n0kh«si||r^'lSMk it v^nlatos BTOHIIM €HAH aw. [OSISTAirDfLOUB laOi Two-Thirds of n Bottlo Cores. Db. R. PiKRca, BufEsdo, N. Y.: Dear Sirâ€"L have been taking your "Favorite Prescription" tor "leinale weakness." Be- fore 1 had taken it two days I began to feel stronger. I have taken but two-ctiircls of a bottle and believe I am cured. Gratefully, Mrs. H. C. LOVETT, Watseka, HI. â- â-  â-  â€" »^ â-  â€" â-  » Ihroat, Broaohlal, antl l«iias Dlaeasss a specialty. Send two stamps for large trett ise giving self treatment. Address \VoRLDS Dlspehsart Medical Associa- Tiox, Buffalo, N. y. m VN e beg to intiuiate that every well regu- lated household should have a bottle of Scar Cement, as it mends everything as good as new, Bkiggs' Botanic Bitteks are the cheap- est, and we believe the best, tonic in use. Sold in packages at 25 cents and makes one- half gallon of the finest mixture. As simple ts making tea or coffee. Ayer's Ague Cure should be in every household in regions where Fever and Ague prevail. It should be taken as a preventive by fcvery resident and traveller in malarial districts. Sick and bilious headache, and all de- rangements of stomach ahd bowels, curM by Dr. Pierce's "Pellets" â€" or anti- bilious granules. 25 cents a vial. No cheap boxes to allow wasto of vurtues. By druggists. Harassing Dreams.- An unnatural ex- citement of the brain and nervous Sj stem is the direct cause of sleeplessness, as also of harassing nocturnal dreams. Vegetine has a peculiarly soothing effect in all suoh cases, when juat taken before going to bed. Davy Clark, Drnggists, Renlew. writes us June 3rd. " We have sold Fowler's Extracts of Wild Strawberry for » number of years, and find nothing equal *o it, for the purpose for which it is designed." Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry cures all forms ot Bowe complaints incidcuw to Summer and Fall. A Paris thief, in opening the carriage dtors for ladies, invariably managed to take their purses, somrtimes even their brace- lets and then made for the nearest police station, where he deposited them with his name, strictly according to the regulations. He lived on the momentary gratitude gen- erated in the owners recovering their pro- perty but at last a lady caught him, and he was given into custody. "A. P." 90 HOUSEHOLD tCCIDENTS. [/ The J' fol- lowing sugges- tions are not design- ed to induce the public to attempt the du- If â€" ties of the-regu- 11 lar surgeon, but, -fâ€" " merely to place the 1 readers of these pages ' in }X)Ssession of a means of treatment of the minor J, accidents occurring daily in the household, and which, while not dangerous in themselves, are exceedingly annoying. Bums, bruises, scalds, sprains, etc., are prin- cipal among these troublosorae and annoying occurences, and demand immediate treatment with the best nieaiw at hand. In the kitchen, the dining-hall. the niursery and the sitting- room they are liable to Imppen, and. Instead of fear and alarm at the sight of the cut or mashed finger, or bruised or burned arm, or scalded 8urfM», a cool andquiet manner should be as- Bumeo; and after washing away the blood, (if required ), the injureil parts should be dressed with that most valuable remedyâ€" St. Jacobs Oil. Its surprisingly quick relief, its cleansing properties, \ts tendency to quickly remove all inflammation, and its wonderful efficacy in the above as well as in all muscular and otherpains, such as rheumatism, neuralgia, toothache, headache, stiffness of the joints, etc.^these render St. Jacobs Oil pre-eminently the best external remedy now before the people wmch claim is fully substantiated by the strongest kind of testimony from all classes of people. The value of human life is so supremelylmpor- tant that anything that tends to it3 proiooga- tion is entitled to the highest consideration. Charles Nelson. Esq., proprietor Nelson House, Port Huron, Mich., says: "I BufT^red so witti rheumatism that my arm withered, and pnysl- cians could not help me. I was In despair of my life. When some one adrlsM me to try br. Jacobs Oii* I did so, and. as if bvmagic, I was Instantly relieved, and by toe contintrwl use Ot the Oil entirely cured. I thank heavOT for ha\ing used this wonderful remedy, for u •owa iwy /y It also cured. my jrlfe'" of frandnient cor- sets. " CknalinsT their shapo: Wi cefcaetsynwlfe V Ctt ^or^rnt^ "I Corset €«• (Complaints of ^Ive Yeai;s' ^tanitnj^^i^ed Townrro, (Int., Nor. S7, UTSl Mr. H. R. Stcvshb: 8ir,-Uavinf taken oii^t botttes of V««etkie, I most statethat I have derived great bensflt. My complaint is ot Ive yMtfsr standing, aad nothing that I have taken gives me such speedy relief as your Vegetine. Tours respectfnUr, CHA8.HALL. I hereby certify that the above certificate was given me unaf ked for, aad the medicine pur- chased at my stores. JOSHUA OREKN. Pharmaoentical Chemist. CURES DYSPEPSIA! Hhxiatok, Omt., Jan tl, 1880. H. R. Stevkns, Xsq. Sir,â€" I take much pleasure in testifjring to the good effects of your Vegetine on my system. Having been troubled with Dyapepsui for some time, and having tried several remedies with- out any avail, I concluded to try your Blood Purifier, and after using two bottles am entirely cured. Have also used it for Rheumaiism with very good effect. I consider it an excellent remedy for all diseases of the blood. MBS. E. TINDILL, Cor. King and Wentworth tits. I I^vc Neyer Known Such a Vse- ful Femedy Placed Before the Pnblie. Moxtrkal, Jan. 29, 1830. H. R. Stavens, Esq. Dear Sir,â€" I do not like to write testimonials for advertised medicines, but the great benefit that so many of my customers have obtained from the use .of Vegetine, compels me to say that with an experience of over twenty-flve years, both in Great Britain and this country, I h»ve never known such a useful remedy placed before the public. J. D. L. AMBR0S3E, Assistant of the Apothecaries' Company of London, Member of the Pharmaceutical Society of Qre.^t Britain, Licentiate in Pharmacy of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Cor Notre Dame and McGlll Streets. Vegetine is Soli by All BriKgigti- AS SOON AS YOU ARRIVE -IN- TORONTO GO TO AND Buy All Tonr Dry Boofls. IT -WILL PAY. ,VVV MMMMMJ IMMmUM^J The largest and most vartsd stock ever im- MTtad into the DcHniaion, from the highsstto *SJ?r!^ Kr«das, consisting in part as do- seribsd below :- difflbreat kinds of Winchester Rspoatinc RiOss, tromflS up. W threat Uo^ aad saakes ct Single aad Msgasine Rifles, from 18 up. ^Jl dlflkrent kinds aad makes sf Double Bar- TV rel Breeoh-Loadiag Onus, f om tl5 to tITSup. 9K ^f^??!!^ ^^ *^ Bsakesof Qsnniae Twist 2V DeaMeM«aBieO«M,frmn|fiofai. WdiABrent kinds and makes of Single Barrel BreeciiLoa^Bg euas» from |A to taOi Wdiffiuttit kinds and makes of Single Barrel Mnssle-LoadingQnns, from $3 taflO. M*i??!?2!^y!2t»»* makes ot Revolvers, from fl to tJO. PartiM desiring to inspect these goods before purohasingcandosobysendingustL We will expreesehegunCaD. If notsatiafaotorv, you have the priviieare of returning iu If the tl more than corers express charges we will re- mit joo the dUBBrenoe and this rule apidles to all goods in oar oatstofoe. Senddeentstorour 96-page catalogue. oontatnij|g ovei; 600 illustra- tions, of Fire- Arms, Watches. Jewellery. SUver- Ci^BLES STARK, 52 Ohnrchstroa'C Toronto. INDIA RUBBER GOODS OP BTERT DESCUPnOM. The largest and only connplete stock In the Dominion Also a full line of exSra kcavy Amerlean Oak Taased IjeaCher BelttMg, aad Paxes Patent Iiaee Leather. Fire Hose, Fire Department Supplies T. McTlROY, Jr. Warchease !• and 19 KlngHit Bast, Torsato. aar write for Price List stable:goi BALI lir OXFOAI-|0O ACRES QOOD sd; 10 cisaredi fsot'frams kooss and good waters and feaees thilvlag Tonag orchard; supply small fruits: oonvssoen^ sitnated. Apply IDWIN SIBIiGBoyB. Maple- wood P. O. l4MnJtDRT FOR 8 ALB OR RBNT-iilS J? buildings, excellent locality proprlMor will continue to manufacture his oelcbrated smutters nseding castings. Applv to WILLLAM BLUOT, Chesley.Ont. "OOR BAU. BAKlNe AND CONFBOnON- 1? BRY businesB in Chatham established 30 years best stand largest trade in city busi- ness over $17,600 per annum. Address BOX 462. Chatham, Ont. ITBTABLISHBD MAHUFACinRINil BlUSI- JCi NBS8 in Toronto for sale, yielding income of about fl,000 per annum stock and plant about 16,0001 MACKINTOSH f BTBRS, To- ronto. PWRVO BUSIBESS IN A WBSTKRB PORT 1_F village for sale stock and fixtures about U^: terms to suit. MACKINTOSH PSTKRS, Toronto. â- AA ACWLEtk PMt ^â€"i THKBB Hllfft I UU from Trenton, and eight from Belleville, on front of Sidney, oordering on Bay Quinto terms easy. Apply. F. M. VAN LLARICOM. Box 168, Trenton. 35 Colborne Street, Toronto. c .u;i£.iKiMfe.DlCINE.i J^^. fQ c CD ^e^oBtfBRAINitNERYEFOOD.ffJrS'a Is a sure. Prompt and Effectual Remedy for Nenxmaness in ALL it a stages. Weak Memory, Loss of Brair Power, Prostration, Night Stofots, Weakness, and Oeneral Loss of Power. It repairs Nervous Waste, Reju venates the Jaded Intellect, Strengthens Enfeebled Brain, arid Restores Sv-rprisinf, Tone and Vigor to the Exhausted Organs. iSF With each order for twelve packages, accompanied with fiye dollars, we send our Guarantee to refnnd the money if the treat- ment does not eflect a cure. It is the Cheapest and Best Medicine in the marset. Full par- ticulars in pamphlet, which we mail free to any address. Sold oy all dmggrists. one package 50c. 6 for $2.50, or sent by mail on receipt of pricBj by addressing MACK'S IHACiMETlC MEIMCINE CO.. Windsor, Ont., Canada SOL D_B Y A LL DRUCCIS TS AYER'S HAIR VIGOR, For Restoring Gray Hair To its Natural Vitality and Color. Advancing years, sickness, care,di8ap- pointment, and her- ditary predisposit- ion, all turn the hair eray, and either of them incline it to shed permatnrely. Atkr'b Hair vig- OR, by long and ex- tensive use, has proven that it stops e falling of the hair immediately often renewn the growth and always surely restores its color, when faded or gray. It stimulates the nutritive organs to nealthy activity, and preserves both the hair and its beauty, ^us brashy, weak or atcklv hair becomes glossy, pliable and strengthened; lost hair regrows with lively expression, falling hair is checked and stablished; thin hair thick- ens: and faded or gray hairs resume their orig- inal color. Its operation is sure and harmless. It cures dandrun; heals all humors, and keeps thescalp cool, clean and soft â€" under which con- ditions, diseases of the scalp are impoinible. Asadiessing for ladies' hair, the Vigor is praised for its grateful and agreeable perfume, aiid valued for the soft lustre aad richness of tmie it imparts. ' PREPARBD BT 3 Di. J. G. ITER ft 00m IimQi I^M 'ustABalyUcal diemtsisi wA m m J. W. G. WflITNE7 â- STATB ACBNT, Valuator, Arbitrator, c., Money Loaned on city or Farm property. Properties boncht and sold on commission* tSF Special attention given to farmers. 26 TORONTO ST. TORONTO AGENTS WANTED £^L"i^S.="£S FuaAly KmltUng Macklne ever invented. Will knit a pair of stockinsrs with HBEL and TOE eeasplete in 20 minutes. It will also knit agreat variety of fancy-work for which there is always a r«uly market. Send for circulars and terms to the Twoatbly lLmlUls« MacklMe Co.,. 163 Tremont Street. Boston, Mass. OVK cncill.AK S.1W8, manufactured by the SIJIOKD8 PATENTED PBOCBS8, having given such general satisfaction, owing to their imnFORHITY OF TEMPEB, we have at a great expense applied the PKUICIPIiB to the TEHPEVKCi of CKOM-CVT SAWS, having frequently been a^ed to do so a nd he reafter our Cross-Cnt Saws will be BTCBED and KNOWN as such. Those who like a nicely tempered Saw will do well to give them a trial Ask Tomr Hardware nerekasts lor the Blniuias Saw. and see that it is etohed as suoh Rli CiilTU P Pfl St. Catherines /W« JTaav/Vieturers for DorAininn of Canada Wm, ASHAUL, WATCHMABBB ANI» Jeweler, 262 Yonge St, Turonto, has enlarged his premises, and greatly increased his stock of gold and silver jewelry, plated ware, cutlery, clocks, watohes. etc. Fine stock of jet and garnet JeweUr. Goods imported direct. Every kind of jeweIrT- repaired prompt- ly^ neatly, aoa cheaply, Lyon PHOTOGRATHIC GOODS! JUST TO HAND: S. M. ALBUMEN PAPER. MARION'S ALBUMEN PAPER. DRY PLATES. SWAN'S DRY PLATBa FERROTYPE PLATES at reduced prices for a short time only. SCOVILL'S PHOTO DRY PLATE OUTFITS for amateurs. tr Send for quotations. NEW PREMISES t 10. lit. IIA Bay Street* t^^reate. Ontarte GOMMEBGIAL COLLEaE, WOODSTOCK. ONT. A most thorough, complete, and practical course. Fees very reasonable. Send for circular to N. WOLVERTON. B.A., Principal. Woodstock Collie, Woodstock, 27th July, 1882 â- r?i:r:-vt Ti':izyiiKi:^ ZZZ T' TSXlS. Are plcaEcnt to t lie. Contain ^heir own P^rgftll-.e. Is a F "c, Buro, R-ad »i*»ce«A* ^esircr^r rf WAjrca ia C'-il^'.-t u or Adult*. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNtSa, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, 'NOrGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE. OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, And every species of disease arising from disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACH, BOWELS OR BLOOD, T, MILBORN I go., '^^"'^^'ISS'ontq Bepreeents No. 5 20-Horse Power Norman sEUctrieBeU Institution (Est b 1874) 4 OIJEEN 8TBEET EAST. T0B09IT0. ONT. NERVOUS DEBILITY, Rheumatism, Lame Back, Neuralgia, Paralysis and all Liver and Chest Complaints immediately relieved auid permanently cured by usmg these BELTS, BANDS AND INSOLKa _^^ Circulars and Consultetion FREE. FIRE-PBOOF CHAMPION 8AWKII.Ii ENGINE SECTIONAL f SAFE T Y BOIL. IB R. iwer^^|K Build 4 Sizes Fire-Proof Cliainpion E:ngines r.j f 10 H. WITH PLAIN OR SECTIONAL BOILER if so ordered. W« are testing an Engine every day. Intending purchasers are invited to call at our Works and thor- oughly examine the Champion. We use TTRTTPP'g CELEBBATED BOHEB PLATE, Every plate tested- Every boiler tested to IflO pounds, cold water pressure. OVER 600 SOLD in o seasons. The favorite evcry^vhero. It has no eq'jal. Theu^ â€" â€" "North West" trado. Th^ 3 boiler Is so arranged that it is readily takan apart in sections enabling pnrdMseis to An tUOiOiighly mnrt i«rt J| It rJtiRpr«vent bamlng oat and aU tbs ]«Z9S Ook jw^iwymbi I to a^ tlMiighly mnrt isr t J| ltrJi|Rpr«r Biaatloa aad BsneKw OofBpanies^ j ADDRESS WATEKOOS ., nUNTFOftO. CANADA. r ««»'«»• Va Oor^oliOTCIOlOl

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