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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 24 Aug 1882, p. 4

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 Mkitfh.. I I Lands, Town or Village Property, j, D FOR Catalogue nd to Let. I'lisnlt me. Sure Sale or .PI'LICATION. Ho [otl, .Harkdale, \%horf^| be prepared to execute Deeds, Advice on Ipgal points rtmente of my busio* «. I motto i j Tliorougl Milts, Ac, Vollecte^i and lAVIS. ite. Loan it Ins irance Agent 1882, â-ºrful Attractions. OUSE, ow in every y and other m BROWN. SI TOOLS extensive Stock, Scythes, ey Forks, adie. 'ks, Rakes, BS, c. 'St figures, 'f best g Sugar 'rise you- hs, or an other paid. ?j.2 .--No. 50 MARKDALE, ONT., AUGUST 31, 1882. trtttttt 'i-VtaMKaoH ^B" '111 'I fjotfl$» FRIDAY MORNING It 'ju I lacv: tho rarly iiuiil' It lins f.rtif^n a'ld Pcovinoial Provin- Lji:al liiiellif(i-nce, Coantv jt.U'j!»:ial M.ittersaud an Instructive adviiiice, Sl.'jO in three months, 52 l til! V.i-i end of the year. No pa- loatiiiuod until all iirrears aro paid )t at tiie optionof the publiher, and l\'fusin(? papers without payinjc up icid ro-pousible for the years sub- lo until th.^y comply with tJie rules. Kl'.MS OF ADVERTISING: i/a J(i" (do. REVERE HOTEL, T. SPBOUIjE,- Proprietor. ri"^lII.S popular xlotel has had a larj^e ad- L. dition added to it, thoroughly retitted. aud is now second to none in the county. CJood stabling and attentive o-jtler. FirHt- clasd accommodation for commercial travel ers. $1 per day. Barber's shop in connec- tton^. 17-ly Markdale Hotel. «ae year §-"0 00 do. do. do. do. 27 UO 15 00 8 00 4 00 â- o 111 u:id;r, first insertion .. '-• iju lit insertion 15 ii I: II lines, first insertion. 7o ' .;u,..t insertion 25 li 1 s, first in-iertion per line f -Kiucnt insertion 3 iiiiibtj of lines to bo reckoned by the |(- i;'i'"d measured by a scale of solid A ]\\rtienients without specific will bo ju.blished till forbid and ;u-fordin^ly. All trantiitorv advor- i;iii-l be in the oilice of j'ublication ick in the Wednesday preceediuu .ii:iti.!i. J0]3 rKINTlNG hv.uvM-riptioii executed with E-.;;ij(l i^i'spatcli at tbe Office of IM tr ^j;|lk(l!lle. V,. 'MTT.Knci:, ri:oâ„¢iKToR. Directory, :..-':-:,-â- :: uri^oon^.Accouclicur Sec. 'â- â- ' ^.^'dir.iil HpU; residence ac i:. ;-•. "seron Knight, lN lists, OUIIN S0UN1», lu ML's a speiiaity, and 11 opera- 11 ••« mouth thoronglily and coax- j'l'VrijiU'd. [.i;,'!it will make regular trips to |e III' inst Tuesday in every month, T. F. Brown, iLuOEON Dentist, IstcLk. Ont., will be at MAllKDALE li filled with (lold and Amalgam. I'd Teeth inserted on liubber Base. iii:i iij.pearance â€" Perfect Fit. â- th Kxtrncted Without Pain. ie$aL Frost A Fro«t, UISIKUS, AND ATTORNEYS- AT iw, Solicitors in Chancery. Convey ivw, Uwon Sound, have resumed at ten, Oflice open every Thursday, as lua? ' J. W. Frost, LL. B. ;ntv Crown Attorney. 1 J. .IIASSOIM, rJSTKll, MASTER ANDDEP. REG Ciiancery, Notary Pubhc, Conveyan â- .Y TO LEND AT SIX PER CENT. -Owen Sound, in Vicker's Block St.; aud in Markdale, over MeFar More, on Friday and Saturday every srton. 'i'ea«soi'dc ITlorriKon, aISTERS,SOLICITORS. CONVEY- •es, ,iC. itc, s in Owen Sound, Dufferiu Block, F. Wolf's Store and in, MARKDALE; â- ^. Me Garland's Store on Thursday â- .: oi each week. ;:ids to lend on reasonable terms. i:»si)r.. Q. G, DiNCAN Moblson ale, Miirehjo, 1882^ 79-lv A!o\siBi*lcr Bro\*'ii. -ii if Marriage Licenses, Fire and In ;;uance Agent. Commissionei iV' Conveyancer and Licensed • r for the County of Grey. Farmers, t-. and Laud Sales, Punctually at- • .iiid char;:;es made very moderate. ;ile. Sept, 17. 1880. *_ 1-V_ .»OH:V B. I!I«.Tlll,i^AN, l«'i::%EY AND SOLICITOR, IS NOW^ ly for attending to all kinds of law Oiliceâ€" at Kav's Hotel. ^dale. Dec. 2nd, 1S81. CA. liuffiNGlNDlHAVING ox very Working Day, Orde-s tilled for Tomb Stones. ^10 July 21, 1881. 4o.3ni» oity cents will ]iay for the NiARD till the end of the Good Accommodation for Travellers. 'Bus to and from all trains. Charges moderate. Markdale. A. Rctlkdoe. Puop. COMMERCIAL HOTEL. PRICEVILiLiE. Ont. Large and commodious Sample Rooms Good Bed Rooms, c. The Bar aud larde well supplied with the best the market af fords good Stablinc; i.nd attentive Hostler's THOS. ATKINSON, Proprietor John McDonald, CHATS WORTH, DIVISION Court Clerk, Issuer of Mar- riage J^icenses, Commissioner in B.R., Conveyance]-, tc. Deed.^, Mortgages, Wills, c. attended to promptly, accurately, neat- ly, and cheaply. Private funds to lend in small sums ou easy terms. Notes discounted Bl. Nl, Gnlbraith UCTIONEER AND GENERAL LAND .Ta. Agent, Wiiliam-iford Station, .\uciion Salt's attended in all parts of the County (foods 8old on Commission. Rates moderate. Pianos, Organs, and Sewing Macliines; also Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Vines, Agricul- tural Impleniennts, and Machijiery of ail kinds on sale. Wil.iamsford, Jan. 27, 18S1. B T. E. SAVIS UlLDER ct CONTR.-vCTOR, (Stone and Jjrick). After completing 13 buildings his seascn'"is still on the track and is still prepared to do all kinds of stone and brick work, plasttuing aud tuck pointing. Those who contemplate building will dnd it tc their advantage to give him a call. Residence corner of Brown and Sproule Stetes, MA.KnAL.E. 16-y Wm. Brown, JSSTTER OF MARRIAGE LICTINSES, Ac Commissioner in B. 11. c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptly attended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se cunty. Wm. Lucas Co., BA NKE RS, ^loTiGy I--oanecl IN large or small amounts, at all times, on good indorsed notes, or on collateral secnriiy. INTEREST AT 6 PER CENT. Allowed on Savings Deposits. tS*Draft.s issued and Collections made ou all points, at lowest rates. W.M. LUCAS, Manager. Spteember 23, 1880. 2-ly GEORGE NOBLE, INSURANCE AND LAND AGENT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. Agent for tbe follownig reliabls Companies CITIZENS' of Montreal, AGRICULTURAL, of Watertown, and TRADE COM'vrL'.RCE, (Mutual) of Toronto. A'number of Choice Farms for sole, also Village Lots Auction Sales conducted in Town or Coun- try on Shortest Notice. Charges moderate. Bills, Blank Notes, and Stamps provided. GEO. NOBLE. Markdale. Mav 20th. 1881. 3C-1y Joseph Gibson, plain" A Ornamental X* r^ ^^ H T It: Ft K 1^, WHITEWASHINGâ€" CALSOMINING in Shades aud Colors. All work gufcranteed. Charges moderate. ]\la.i'lgclale I^.O, IV O TICE. FOUR HEAD of Young Cattle have been brought to Pomid on lot ^3, eon. 11, Eu- phrasia, namely Steer, 2 years old, dark red.stag head. Heifer, 2 years old, dark red. 4 white fcefc, white star on forehead. '^- Grey Steer, 2 yeais old. Spotted Heifer. THOMAS BBADT. ROBT. ASKIIn. Has opened out a First-Class Furniture UNDERTKING ESTABLISHMENT. And therelore has supplied a want long felt, especially in the Undertaking Line. COFFINS, C/fSKETS, SHROUDS, and all FUNERAL FURNISHINGS, supplied ou the shortes notice. j\. ^i:lei:icl Hearse lur hire at nuderate rates. FURKITUBE! From the Common to the Bast and Latest Styles, in everything in the line. Cal 1 and see for yourselves ROBT. ASKIN. EUGENIA Grist, Saw and Lath Mills Having made eqtensive improvements in my Grist Mill I feel ccmfident I can give good satisfactioK. GOOD FLOUR ALvVAYS ON HAND. Chopping Done Every Day. Custom Sawing and Bills Filled on the shortest notice. LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Cherry, Butternut, White Ash, 'Black Ash, Basswood, Pine and Hemlock Logs wanted. 091y. M. AKITT, Eugenia. WARNING! There is great danger of tak- ing cold from wet feet. If you want to Guard Against Sickness Keep your feet dry and warm by procuring your ^OOT â€" FROlt â€" T KAY THOMAS. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Med- icated Cork Soles, all sizes, kept on hand. Remember the place opposite the new Sta'i)abi) Office. 49 Kendall's valuable Horse- Book. Full of useful infor- mation. 15 cents at this of- fice. CiOWEN MSM. RHEMATISM, H/eura/g/a, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soranest of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell' ings and Sprains, Burnt and Sea/o's, General Bodily Pclnf, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Ko PrtparAti'n on earth eqiiali St. Jaoom Oh, a* a t/ie, ture, si^nple and efieap Extmial Brnjody. A trial cotaila Init the comparaUTely Uifling ontlay of 50 Centa, and «v«ry on* mntring «ltb pain eaa Lare aheap and poaitlTe proof of ita dainia. Dtrectlona la Blarmi lAogaa; as. SOLB BY ALL DEUGQI8TS AKD DEALEES m MEDIOIHE. A. VGGEI^R A CO., lEisiwi is the way Photos are taken by J. L. Browne, MARKDALE. $3 00 "f:r Fine Finished Cabinets $4 oOpa^;,, For One Month. Fine L9t of Photo Frames m hand. Over Standard office Tailor, k mmm, MARKDALE. Special atteDtion to Catting. Union Carriage Iorl(s. All work maiivifactiired from First Class Material In tlie Lateat and Best Improved Style, and finished with â-  â€" â-  Painting Trimming Rigs will receive prompt attention. All Eepairs executed in the shortest poffcib'.a time consistent with goold workmanship. Good Work a Speciality. Remember the Shep, opposite the Cheapside T 3. SHANAIIAN, No. 103. If you want a Perfect Fit leav« yo'xr Order with C. A. OWEN. MARKDALE. $? WMTMa. mMBwMMtaflfC W'lNat M. ImlUlkMsoldK. 8«IMcM-|l for fBMt ow» â- â- â€¢ ar nia^»»«»««» â€" .- Markdale. Dec. 2nd, 1881. Proprietor. C4. The distance from Montreal to Cal- andar is giren as 355 miles, Callandar to Thunder Bay 450, Timnder Bay to Winnipeg 435, Winnipeg to Cal^mrry 800 and Calgarry to Port Moody 610 2,850 miles. A comparative table of distances shows that while it is 2,850 miles from Montreal to PDrt Moody by the C. P. R., it is 8,831 from New York to Sao Francisco by the shortest possible route, a difference of 481 miles in favor of the Canadian line, and from Liverpool to Yokohama, in Jaoan, the route by the Canadian Pa- cio is over 1,010 miles shorter than that by New York and San Francisco* Facts and Fancies. A typographical error caused the Chicago Tribune to tell the truth lor once. It stated that a certain Chic:igo physician felt the patient's put so. There is nothing new about the state- ment however doctors do it eve»y- where. •r R. McKnight, Esq., registrar. Nth. Gruv, late of firm of McKnight au.l Brown, Coruabttss, gave us a call last, week. Wilcox is making $55 per month on C.P.R. Notes concerning him in next issue. A Reward â€" Of one dozen 'Te.^brr- «y' to any one sending the best four lino rhyme on'TEASFiiRY,' theremark- able little gem for the Teeth and Breath. Ask year druggist for a.l- dress. Mr. Wm. Ransou, of South Nor- wick, says; For sixteen years I suffer- ed from Billiousuess, never had any inediciue do me any permanent goo until recommauded by our dru^-'gists. (J, Wesley Fish Co., OttervilJe.) t.- try Dr. Carson's Stomach aud Consti- pation Bitters, which have done mo more good than siny medicine 1 have over taken. I would, with the utmost confidence, recommend them to all sufiering from Billiousuess, ^cc. Sold by all druggists. Turner, ^Xarkdale Par-sous, Duudalk. Mr. Bellamy, Flesherton. gave u' a call on Monday. He has bouuiit Mr. Davis out, and will now run tlio insui-i^nce business himself. The Wiarton Echo is now in i\w hands of Messrs. Campbell Cross. Just now thoy are having a two weeks holiday. Artcuicisia. This council met in the town hall, Flesherton, ou Monday Aug. 2ud. Communication from Haney laivl over un*i! next meeting.. Messrs Oliver and Brodie waited on council re grant to Artemesia agricn i- tural society. Messrs Munshaw and Damude waited upon council re drain- ing swamp near Flesherton cemetery. Mr. Duncan Campbell waited upon council re grant to repair valley road. Mr. Sloan waited upon council re grant to complete drain on 10th col. swamp. A petition from John Teeter and others was presented aud read.' Treasurer'8 monthly statement pre- sented and read, showing a balance oi' cash on hand $280.00. Reports of Messrs. Wright and Webster re gravel road grants presen- ted and read. By-laws 842; 343, 844, 345, to levy rates, school ra tee, police trustees rates, and to permit T. G. B. R. to place cattle guard on road allowance, weie passed. $20 granted to Artemesia agricul- tural society. (Yeas, Cinistoe, Webs- ter, Elli-tt, Nays, Wright, Pedlar). $20 was grauted to draiu the swamp petitioned by police trustees of Flesh- erton. Orders in fayour of G. Duncan for $7,40 aud W. Parks for $4 were is- sued and charge to ward 8. The following accounts for repairing Boyne water bridge were paid, â€" A. Mallov, $2, G. McKeiizie $1, 25, W. Tucker $1. 25 J. T. Wright $1, 2.5, and Thorp Wright $2, .$20 granted to comi)lct9 ditching "on 10th cou. swamp road. A sum not to exceed $20 w is gran- ted as an equivalent to amuut ai propriated by (Uenelg to iiup:ove]town line between Glenelg and Artemesia from base ime at Welsh's to gravel road. The reeve issue orders for road jobs in ward 3, as follows Wm. Tucker $2,25, D. Mckenzie, $3, and George McKenzie, $1,25. The reeve issued orders m road job^ in Ward 4, as follows So'omou Tur- ner $15,00, G. Fisher $14,70. The pc'titiou cf John Teeter a:.J others coula not be entertained. The following accounts were paid: â€" A.R. Fawcett, priuting k ad. $55.25, M. Richardson, stationery, etc., 6.90, R. J. Sproalo, postage to date 2.9'J W. J- Bklt.amt, Clerk.

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