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Flesherton Advance, 9 Aug 1950, p. 4

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â- -::f^. ?p 5'i^ednesday, Aufifust 9, 1950 THS FLESHERTON ADVANCE flesiiertoii Advonce I I L •a CoUiagwood Wwlnitpii, WadoMday of •wk. Circalaboa 1400 Prio* f8iM> a yaar ia CaaaJa, paid ia •^â- act; fZJO par yaM ia tb<> Uaitad Statak ^ F. J. THURSTON. EJiior ITEPHEN'S COR ERS : Sve extend our sympathy to Mr. OEris Lougheed and fatnily in tbo -Ipith of a dear wife and n ler. BTiBJtora during the week end with tfx. and Mrs. Majnvin Lon r were; libs Ewnice Allen oi Tc ito, Mr. «d Mrs. Gordon Besse and Sharyn rit Qsha'vtra. iSfir- Reg. Allison has ct turned to â- fi^to after spending a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs, Delbeit Fisher, arid olJher relaitJves. iMiss Donna Little of Proton spent a few days with M/r. "and Mrs. Joe Porteous. MKss Isabel Croft ©f Dundalk spent the holiday week end with Jtr. and Mrs. Earl Croft. Master Rit'hard Londry is spend- ing a few days with his grandipar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mien, at Proton Station. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Allison of To- ronto spent a couple of days la^t week with Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Fisher. Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous were: Mr. and Mrs. Allan Cameron, Mr. ind Mrs. Don Cameron, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Magee and George of E>ugenia. |Mlr. and Mirs. E!brl Croft and daiugh- ters attended the Boyce reunion near Thomibiiry on Monday. FEVERSHAM Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mclntyre and son, Neil, of Harriaton and Miss Tillio Mclntyre of Toronto visited on Sun- day wfth Mr. and Mrs. John Kdgar. Mrs. Lorne Ditson of Colling wood visited with her uncles, Messrs. J>lin and James Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. E)mer3on Osborne, MIrs. Will Guy of Hanulton and Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Douglas of New Lia- keard were holiday visitors with Mr. Chris. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. WjU Fadden of To i-onto visited witli her g'ater, Mrs. Jack Smith, the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Armstrong of Thornlbury visited on FrWay with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ottewell. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Forsytih of Owen Sounfl visited with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Eby. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Davidson and children of Toronto visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard McKce. Mt. Chapman of Markdale is re- lieving Mr. Randall, manager of the Bank of Toronto branch here, who is on holidays. Dr. Thos. and Mrs. Scott, Missea Louise and Lavina Black of Toronto visited their brother, Mr. John Bl'ack, and Mrs. Black. Mrs. Harry Patton, 4th line, were; Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ed. Howard and Caroline, Morley Tome, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Phillips and son, Robert, all of Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hessel, Keith and Ted, Bme»t Bosi, Mr. and Mrs. John Soott, John and Ann, all of London; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hotward, Toronto; Mir. and Mrs. Chas. Sensabaugh Evelyn, Liois and Joy, TMstletown, Elvelyn and Lois remained for a few holidays. Mr. W. J. Magee has been in the Centre Grey Hospital with a heart condition, and expects to return to hU home this Wednesday. EUGENIA ROCK MILLS Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hoiward of To- ronto were holiday visitors with rel- atives here. Visitors at the home of Russell Phmips were: Mr. and Mrs. L'one) Tui-ner of Guelph and Mrs. Lee and two children of London. Mr. and Mrs. Tom WDiitouxre, Dur- ham visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell, after spend- ing a week's holiday with relatives at Port Arthur. Week end visitors with Mr. and Miss Ruth Graham of Toronto h visiting Eleanor Proctor this week. Master Dean Magee of the 8th line holidayed with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet M^gee. iMhr. and Mrs. T. Anderson and Mrs. E. Kirt)y of lUinods, UjSjA., visited at the home of E. Proctor. Mrs. R«Jiill and Mrs. Huechert lelft with them on their rebaxn to Wlnnip^. Miss Alice Bradley of Toronto » the guest of Miss M. McMullen. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Musselman and family of Wlhithry vdsited witii Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Boetbger. Mr. Burton OamipbeU of Seaforth, Mr. and MIrs. Dennis Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Garth Orchard and throe children, Shirley, Brian _and G«rry :f Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and MIrs. Stanley canapbell. (Holiday visitors w^bh Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Magee were: Delbert Magee and Ruth Phillips, Hamilton; Mir. and Mrs. EJmerson Simmons, Drayton; Mr. Wililard Gilbert. Burlington; Mrs. Florence Lyons, Warebam, Ernie and Viola Stoddart, Pasley. To say the least the cold war has been taken out of the deep freeze. Otaco Farm Implements SALES and SERVICE Tandem Puc*, 24 and 32-pUte Manure SfMreaders, tractor and liorse^drawn Spring-tooth Cultivaton, 3 and 4 Sectiona '^Long" Traotora 30 horse-power JOS. STAUBLE Phone ie7w3 CEYLON, OnL I Â¥â-  T 4i i 1 » 4 < 9 VICTORIA CORNERS (Mrs. Jas. Linton was a guest at the vtreddin^ of her niece. Miss Ruth Rus>- sell, to Mr. Alex. Carmichael, in the Flesherton United Church on July 29. Mrs. Linton also spent a week le cently with her broUier and sister-in. Ia<w, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Russell, 'd Fiesiherton. Wild raapiberry piokine has be'M the hoUby of the ladies recently After a week's deluge of rain, the sun shone brigihtly during tile week end and again tihis Mbnday a.m., and K You're l/ptoilate or with a ..l,H"l'M ,.....> .-â- ^»&; :^. \H.v;/; 'in^ ' "•'.''â- ". :i\ â-  â- â- <' 'Jk Yes, sir â€" you're 'way ahead â€" when you become the proud and envied owner of a sleek and silent, long and lovely Oldsmobile! Your car tells the world that you know a winner . . . that you choose the best! For this new Oldsmobile is far and away the finest Oldsmobile ever â€" and that is saying plenty! New Futuramic Styling . . . new, more beautiful interiors " . . . new, sparkling colors . . . new, more rigid Bodies by Fisher! New Whirlaway Hydra-Matic Drive* in the action-packed "88" . . . And a Big Six Engine that's a marvel of quiet efficiency. See your Oldsmobile Dealer. *HYDRA-MATIC DRIVE ... The tritly autumutic drive that uutmudes the clutch pedal entirely! Proved by billions of miles of driving since Olds pioneered it more than 10 years ago. So simple, . su relaxing . . . such a thrill! Standard equipment un Rocket- Powered Olds "88", optional at extra ' cost on "76" models. OLDSMOBILE Â¥ A GENERAl MOTOtS Â¥ALUI D. lilkTavlsh & Sons, Flesherton stepped op the haying opnations again. Consideraible bogr is yet tk> be broufpbt in, and those w4o itdve wlM*t ETe urged to hitch to Uieir binder for the cutting of same. Mrs. Geo. Moore visited her dtom of higih school days, Mrs. Ralplh Hale, the former Isobel Mcdntyre, at her parental home, Dundalk, on Fndagr. Mr. Geo. Qloore recetired wont <m Monday ti»t his father. Qua. &. Moore, Toronto, h^ figured in an accident w4tile at work with the Oaa- ada Wire & GaUe, Leaside, Monday attorning. Mr. Bfoore had gone back to work on Mo'>day morning, foltow- a two^week vacation. His joib was to g\> up on a scaffold, where he sliippad on some steel, tihro^Kipg him off h«l- ance and he fell eight feet to the concrete below. CbapUe is believed to have come tbrou^ Isoeky, as x- rays revealed no cracked nor broken bones, despite his many bmibes, hut until Friday he yns in a very stiff- ened and sore condition. He will be forced to remain off work for another - week at least. We iiope for\lr. Moore a contplete recovery. ,>]!r. Hugh BuTOStead has been bed- last the past week and we hope of a quick restoration to good health. Mrs. Gordon Batohelox and baby son, Larry Gortlon, returned home on Tuesday evening from the Dudgeon Nursing Home, Shelburne. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Batchelor suffered coniplications on Saturday, and tni^t that she may soon be fina again. Mr. Kiugsley Gallagher, Anne and Brian, Toronto, arriived on Saturday at the home of the former's parents >Ir. and Mrs. Wilfred Oallst'her, for .'» week's vacation. Mt. and Mts. John A. McTagigart, Wayne and Lou-Anne, of Brampton spent the week end with their cous- ins, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Batchelor, and other relatives. i .1 T T > r > It's the weaker people who have to be sick beifore they'll stand up acd take their medicine. -r ' " Three midwest weather stations are eiiuipped with radar to help tra:k tornadoes. t When people get full credit foff what they do, they don't need credit for what they buy. T -4 Vw Sale •! TBB ADTANCB OFItCB

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