SVednesday, May 24, 1950 Announcing Our Pre-Summer SAL£ Commencing Tuesday, May 30th Ending Sat., June 10th Substantial Reductions on' Seasonable Merchandise that you €an*t afford to miss F. H. W. Hickling General Merchant FLESHERTON AIL you'll ever want in a car ,' ^^ THE tXESHERTOK ADVANCE Fleshertoii Advonce ea CoUiaswooil Sc, Viakmttavkt WadiiMciay of Mcfa •wL Circulaiion l,10a Prica fSjOO â- yaar in C«H««i«, paid ia â- <wnwt ^.90 par ywur in di* Uaitad Statw. P. J. THURSTON, Editor CEYLON Mrs. €â- lAjxhittald of Owen Sound visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. J. iS. McDennid. (Miss Nancy Mc William of Onven Soi^nd, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John {McWilliam. IMtss Barbara Smithson and Oar- man Plester of Toronto «pent the week end 'Wrtih Mr. and Mrs. A. Kitchen. Arthur Whittaker of Toronto spent the wedc end with his brother, An^us. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. £k>peland and family of Salem were Sunday guests '..icn uir. <irrj .j;:^. ^as. ininolaiir. iMr. and iMrs. Ken Ferguson and babe of Hopeville were iSunday viadt- ors with Mr. and Mrs. A. McLean. The Ladies' Aid wrill meet at the home of Mrs. Joe iCopeland on Wed., May 81st, at 2 o'clock. Week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McMuJlen were: Misses Mary and J«an McMuIlen and iMiss Beth Harris of Toronto. Miss Dorothy Snell and Miss Nellie Hill of Toronto spent the week end with iMirs. IGeo. Snell and Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Snell. Week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bd. Dingwall were: Mr. and Mrs. Bert Watson and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Lidell of Toronto. The Late Levi Coutts ^ (By Oyilon Reporter) Levi Coutts, a well known and highly respected resident of this vill- age for the past thirty-liive years, diied on Monday of last rweek at Lord Duflferin Hospital, lOrangeville. De- ceased, who was 70 years of age, had been in ipoor health all winter and had been a patient in the hospital for the past month. The late Mr. Ooutts was a bachelor aid was raised south of Maxwell, coming to Ceylon in il916 with his mother, the late Mrs. Annie Bolton, who predeceased him in 1934. For many years the late Mr. Coutts ^as employed with the Durham Furniture Company j t Rock Mills. The funeral was held on Wednes- day afternoon. May ii7th, with serv- ice being conducted at the iBJcihards Funeral Home by Rev. A. G. (Miac- pherson of iSt. John's United Church, Flesherton. Interment was made in Maxwell iPresbyterian Cemetery. _ The pallbearers were Messrs. J. 0. Dargavel, Jas. Winters, Robt. Hill, F. R. Miller, Archie Fisher The Late Silas UdeU "^ iSilas Udell, a resident of Maxwell district for over fifty years, died at his home in Maxwell on Monday, May 16th, in his 88th year. Born at Uxbridge, a member jrf an early famrily, he moved to bis present farm at Maxwell as a young man. He married the former Susan Brown of Oaprey, a daughter of the latt George and Annie IMcAuley Brown', more than fifty years ago; Mrs. Udell survives to mourn his loss. The late 'Mr. Udelll was prominent in the work of the Orange Lodire and wao a memlber of Maxiwell United Ohurcii. Besides his wife, he is survived, by one daughter, ILydia. jMith. ICIifford Hewson of Toronto, and fooir sonsj George and iGoldie UdeU of CoHing- wood, 'Henry of Feversham and R. J.' of Maxwell. A ihalf-siter, Mrs. Bow- en, liives in Toronto, and a Ibro'^l^ and sister predeiceased him. The funeral wag held on Wednes- day, May 17th, when a service waa held in Maxwell United Church, con ducted by Rev. A. E. Millan. Inter- ment took place in Mount Ziion ceme- tery under tbe auspices of L.O'X. No. 66G. VICTORIA CORNERS Quoth the Brandon Ob»: *^^* hardest debt to pay is an old one, and you should pay yours while ^^"S are young." A few simple extra precautions when breaking: borses into <4ie flw* spring woA, -will be aanply repaid by the good conditions dozing the re»t of the season. An oVMdfmer ean itnicoiber -wImb a penon would look at an apartmsBt for rent iwith a chip on his ahouldev' instead of bis hat in his band. r Most of us thank our lucky ftus that we can't see into 1^ fatank It's about all we can take these days to look at the present. "Last night," said the wife, -'I dreamed I was in a large department store whei-e they sold husbands. Some were in glass cases and mark- ed art, exipensive prices, and others sold at lass. Women were paying out fortunes and getting the most good-looking men I ever saw." "Did you see any like me?" asked her husband. "Yes; ju»t as I was leaving, I saw a whole bunch like you lying on the remnant counter.'' Miss Helen Moore, Toronto, was a week end guest of her t>rother, George, and family. jMr. and Mis. Howard Graham of Vandeleur visited Sunday with the latcer's brother, Mr. Ernie Stewart. Mr. and Ms. Bill Coon, Bobby and Billy, of Acton were week enr^ visit- ors with Mrs. Coon's mother, Mrs. Albert Stinson. The ladies of Inistioge W-A, met in the church Thursday afternoon, with 13 ladies present. Highight plans were made known about hold- ing a booth at D»indalk on.J'uly 12th and also regarding the HiUsburg quartette, and Mrs. Eagle of Mt. Dennis, -wife of a former minister, as Riuest speaker .'n the evening of Sunday, July 23rd. Plans were also made to houseelean the church early in June. The program, under the leadership of Mrs. <Oscar Patterson, wa8_ shared by Mrs. Jphn Dancan and Christena. Rev. West^of Heathcote was guest s^eaker at Inistioge on Sunday, while Rpv A. G. Macpherson took anniver- sary services at Mono Milh. Mr. and Mrs Christie Johnston, Shelburne. j('rpd the Sunday con,{i*tfat: :<n and cai.ed on relatives tn the community. Inistioge service on June '4 will be cancelled, in favor of Proton Station United Church anniversary. About twenty from Inistioge at- tended the community youi»sr people's rally at Holland Centre and heard a very interesting speaker. Rev. Halii- day, a padre of the Canadian Army of World Wlar II. The "Porward- aires" of the Forward Baptist Miss- ion, Toronto, at which church Mrs. Wm. Cantrel, the former Violet Stev- ens attends regularly, were high- light musical features. The Priceville play "Lena Rivers," was presented in Proton hall Friday evening, in the interests of Proton Station W.I. There iwas a good at- tendance and the play was greatly enjoyed. Mrs. C. Betts, Russell and Doug. Linton gave instrumentals dur- ing intermission and Georgiina White rendered solos. The proceeds am- ounted to $24.00. Rev. and Mrs. Gordon Prosser of Perobroke visited with the latter's sisters, Mrs. Elmo Stevens and iMts- Oscar Patterson, the early part of last week. We are very glad to list Mrs. Neil Winters is continutinp her duties as our local teacher for the coming year, Others from this community ara: John Talbot rehired as principal of Tottenham puiblic school; Mrs. John MlcKechnie, the former Marjorie Ste- vens, rehired as primary grade teach- Ier at Durham public school and her husband, who Ihas had been retired from teaching for six years, was chosen as principal of the Durham school out of a field of 29 apipliica- tions. Best of luck to these four teachers and their pupils in harmon- ious school days togetiher. We are also interested to learn of the birth of a fourth daughfer to Mr. and Mrs. John Talbot, the former Vclma Alcox, on Wed., May 17th. Little Janette Lockhart, Proton Stat/ion, visited for a few days last week (With Mi-, and Mrs. Tas. Gall- agher, while recuperating from the m'umps. Mr. and Mrs. Art Jackson enjoyed the comtpany of their son. Glen, and wilfe of Brantifojxi, daugRter Marjorie and husband, Howard Gillies, infant dauglhtcr, Brenda, of Toronto during the week end. SBE-DRlVEthe. A ROOTIS GROUP PRODUCT (HifiCiiUiiu^^/^ P O R T L A W ^oull fiud everything yo„ need for .afo. *â- "'"'*"'"'"•â- "^'^'"^ i" .. Hi:»n,an. Uhv pour extra K«-li.u. in,,„ cxtn. .,vlu„,er.s Jus, ,„;„,,, „,„„,., unnere««Hry weigh. - and .s â- ,. you .seldom u»e? t-ON.SIDKit v Ai II, II. ii-ii i.iv VAl.l », â€" ,he Hillman has a hos» of Wk car features. I, handles ,.,„, s.eers hean.i- "•n.v. I,s easier „r p,„ k, „nd i. has the « and .safety «f heavv-n.age. ,.||.«,ee| .,„i, ,„„. strui-tion. MW 'PLUS-POWER" ENGINE â€" provides a smooth Rcl-away. dimhs hills smartly and give* „,, ,„ .1.5 miles to the gallon. 1'ou save «" "'I and tires, two." WHY PAY FOU EXTRAS YOU DON'T NEED? See the "ew lUUman today'. Drive it! t'«niparo it ! You'll be glad >«»« did! Littlejohns* Garage HILLMAN DEALER 1 Phone 28J, FLESHERTON j Visitors recently with Mr. and Mrs- .T. iBadgerow were: Mr. and iMrs. R. Osborne (vf Dundalk, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Osborne and Sharon of Uur- liiiU'lon, .Mr. and .Airs. Fred Crnhnni of Walkorton. Miss Isabel Croift .spent last week onil at hor linnio hero. Mr. and Mrs. .John Grummett and Oiaiine i>f Hamilton visited roccnlly with Mr. and Mrs. Harry FishcV and n. A. A number fion) hero attended trie funeral of the lato Silas Udell of Maxwell, interment taking place in Mount Zion Ceniotery. The Udell family lived for years at Po.rtla\v before moving to Maxwell district. Mr. niid Mrs. J. Bade^erow, Inf., Mrs. Enrl Talbot and Lynda have all been ill with tbe 'fin. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. .XHison, ac;'om- linnied by Mr. nnd Mrs. Wiggins, -il! nf Tnroiito, wore week end guests of Mr. anfl Mrs. Wilbert Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Hoy (Irumniett and (lauR:htei- called on friends here at Ih week end. Rev. Mill?n and Mrs. Millen called on several here Thur.sday afternoon. Mr. ancf Mr*. Geo. Fisber of Hol- stein visited reeentlv with Mr. Ja«. I'cdler and Mr. and Mr.s. K, Talbot. \ T r r 7- ^ A mf HIGH-OaANE RATING mf SMOOTH ANTI-KNOCK POWER 4^ FLASHING GET-A-WAY 4ffiy ROCKET PCRTORMANa 1^ HIGH VALUE... REGULAR PRICES ^msHPN POWER n All csm YOU CAN J?£ir ON RELIANCE r MJVE IN ro irout HUUXI MUANa etAin tot A tANKfui Of rm$ UNSAIfOHM NIW CASOUNC rooAri : % > .•A i : I r \« ...AND THAT'S HOW Mbuitt-feScW/" It's the biggest contract I ever went after, so I lost no time in getting over to my ScMul ill Your Renewal. bank manager, "George," I said, "I'll need some help to handle a job this size." We went over the whole thing, discussed how much I would need. When I landed the contract he gave me a line of credit and I was able to go right ahead. Now the school's as good as built. * * # # It is an everyday part of your local bank manager's job to [|r provide short-term credit- so that payrolls can be met, material bought, goods produced and marketed. SPONSORED BY YOUR BANK r ^ f .« â- 3».'W<5J««»ii«M»i»i«»