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Tractor Discs â€" Cultivators â€" Fertflizer DriBs Side Rakes â€" Power Take-off Mowers Scotch Danumd Harrows COMPLETE LINE OF FARM MACHINERY INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER SALES and SERVICE Phone 51 - - H. M. Sayers .â- ' SWINTON PARK Mr. and Mrs. John Carson of Oril- lia, ;Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sturrock of Priceville spent Mother's Day with the latter'3 mother, Mrs. Archie Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Clark and Garry of Proton, also Mts. Clark and Allan, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ian Clark, Dromore. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ferris visite-i On Sunday with the tatter's mother and hrother in iDund'alk. Other Mother's Day visitors in the con»mun(ity were: Miss Agnes Heard, Toronto, ait lEd. Heard's; Muss Reta Porter and friend at Geo. Por'rer's; Mj; and Mrs. Gordon Campbell a.id Pam at Neil Cam/pbeirs; Mr, and Mrs. H. D. Tresadder, Misses Jessie and" Dorothy, Toronto, at R. Hardy home. A nunnber were at Salem church on Sunday and heard Mrs. Moiild de - liver the messaige. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Fowler at- fn.T.Jo'l t.;^a o.inda? ri-omine "hnreh servitb dn Fiesherton. Mr. Fred Knox lis attending Grand Lodge 'T St. Thomas -t us week. VANDELEUR Dr. and Mrs. Bye of Owen Sound spent the week end wiSi the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Buchanan. Mr. and Mrs. Will Ratcliffe, Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Graham, Mrs. Car'. Wilson, Mrs. Ethel Hutchinson and Misses Doreen Alcox, Marilyn Fitz- srnmions, Frances Brodie and Ruth Graham attended the Farm Jorum Rally at Fiesherton. Mrs. H. I. Graham, Centre Grey W I. representative on the Hospital Board, attended Jneetings of the New England and Swinton Park Instituites recently. A fine program of sound moving pictures was presented by the Feder- ation of Agriculture fieldman in the Vaudeleur Ccunmuaiity Hall F^Ky evening. May I2th, under auspices of the Farm Forum. Some of the pic- tures were of the St. John River Val- ley, propogation and harvesting of oysters, how to care for .various pets and w^iat to do and what not to do, to prevent motoo- accidents. It was decided to have the next program on Jxine 16th, when the feature film will be on reforestation. A beautifud Mother's Day service was conducted in Vandeleur diurch on Sunday afternoon, with the pas- tor. Rev. WI. M. Lee, acting as leader. He also baptized the infant daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Mel Buchanan, Mr. and Mrs. .A.nsru3 Bowles and Mr. and jii_. (j..a. I \-v>v...^-, iii.ie .-.uo . large congregation present and the order of service was provided by the Ontario Couincil of Christian Chur- ches, which was followed closely. Marilyn Fitzsimmons read the story of Timothy. The junior choir, under the leadership otf Mrs. Geo. Bttohan- an, assisted in the service of song. Miss Sheiila Fonbes of Victoria Corners visited with Miss Lorna Bcwles over the week end and they attended an inspection tour and tea party held at the Owen Sound Hos- pital on Saturday afternoon. SEED TIME We have a good supply of all kinds of Seieds â€" Alfalfa, Alsike, Timothy, Permanent Pasture, etc, Hjrfarid Com, G(Jd«i Glow and X^ompton's Early, Mangle and Turnip Seed, Beans, Peas, and all kinds of Garden Seeds CO-OP. FEEDS FOR HEALTHY CHICKS AND LAYING HENS Hog Feeds, Pig Starter and Hog Gro for ^Growing Pigs Are ]f)Ou interested in iiaving your floors look nioe? Enquire for our {vices on san^ng and finishing floors. v^oi-'iiOrl^vi-'O 3u-iw. li Masonite, Arborite, Plywood of all kinds in good suiq>ly, also Asi^udt Sfainglek Cedar Shingles No. 1 and Insul Brick Sidi^ 0. & A. Co-operative Phone 24w FLESHERTON 8TH LINE OSPREY Mr. sfld Mrs. Frank Brown of Col- lingwood were SaiiJay visitors vrfth the latter's mother, Mrs. M. Murphy, and family. iMrs. Jas. Ottewell and Mrs. Lloyd Stephens, Mary and Jimmie, visited the former's mother, Mrs. Frances Pester, ait Vandeleur on Sunday. [Sunday visitors witJi Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Somers were: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Somers an famiily at Britt, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Somers and Mx. Frank Sinnet of Banks, Messrs. Mervin Somers and Everette Nelson, Brant- ford; Misses Helen and Naomi Som- ers of Tillsonburg. (Intended for Last Week) Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fenwick were: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osborne of Dundalk, Mr, and Mrs. John Beatty of Owen Sound. Mr. Mervin Davidson held quite a successful auction sale Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ottewell, Mrs. Lloyd Stephens, Mary and Jimmie, attended the wedding of the latter's girl friend. Miss Loreen Tempest, to Mr. Roy Weir, held in Nottawa Unit- ed church on Saturday. Billy and Marjorde Davidson are spending some time with their aunt, Mrs. J. Buckingham, at ColMngwood. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stephens and family of Dundalk were Sunday visi- tors writh Mr. and Mi-s. L. Stephens. ROCK MILLS The fine dry weather is aiding the farmei-s in making good progress with the seeding, and much has been sown the past few days. Some of the farmers -will finish this week. Mr. John ,Hargrave is spendring a few days this week in London attend- ing the Anglican ehutxih Synod. He ccompanied Rev. Mr. Newell, who motored j;o London on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Melville MeMaster of Toronto, Mrs. ,S. McMullen of Fiesh- erton and Miss Helen Betts of Owen Sound sipent Mother's Day with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Betts. Mr. Thos. Whitmore of Durham was a visitor at the Newell home on Saturday. Mrs. Ted Croft visited at the week end vviith her mother, Mi-s. Elsie Shaw, at Ceylon. .\ nunitoer from this line attended the aiiction saJe of farm stock and implements held by Mr. Fred Pedlar at Eugenia on Friday. iMv. and Mrs. Lewis Pedlar, Fiesh- erton, were callers at the Newell home On Sunday. A GENERAL MOTORS VAIUS THE /Performance Xeaders with 3 More Powerful Truck Engines STEPHEN'S CORNERS Miss Isobel Croft of Toronto spent the weok end with her I>art>nt3. Mr. a"d Mrs. Earl Croft. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Saigt-on and family aiul Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Tuttle of Hanover visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous. Mr. Lloyd .Mien and friend of To- ronto visited duning the wei'k end with Mr. ami Mrs. Marvin Londry and family. Our sympathy troes out to Mr. H. Jackson and family in the death of a w^ife and mother, who pas»?d away on Tuesday of last week. A number ' /roin hcM-o attemied the funeral nu TXiuiSvlay at VVaroh;iin. Canada's fastest selling trucks offer stepped-up power and performance with three great valve-in-head engines. On the hill.s or on the straightaway, they deliver the goods surely, swiftly, at low cost. Every new Chevrolet P*L truck gives you high pulling power to eat up hills and rough roads â€" and on the straightaway, high acceleration to cut down total trip time. Come in and see these great performance leaders today! MORE HORSEPOWER . . . GREATER PERFORMANCE! Chevrolet's three great truck engines now made even finer! New Power-Jet Carburetor and larger exhaust va[ves mean greater power-per-gallon â€" real mile-eating power that hauls the heavy loads on the roughest roads. Faster warm-up, faster pick-up, better low-speed operation, better hill- ciimbing ore further features of new Chevrolet Valve-in-Head enginesl JPficeXeaders J%yIoad Xeaders /^pularityXeaders P£us Features :i' rrom low selling price to high resale value, you're money ahead with Chev- rolet trucks. Chevrolet's rock-bottom initial cost - outstandingly low cost of operotion and upkeep â€" and high trade-in value- oil add up to tho lowest prfc* for you. Far ahead with lower operoting costs per ton per mile. The rugged con- struction and all-around economy of Chevrolot P*L trucks cut running and repair cObts â€" let you deliver tho goods with real reductions in cost per ton per mile. Chevrolc; trucks, for the last 12-nionth period, have outsold the next two makes combined â€" convincing proof of the owner satisfaction they have tforried through the years - proof that Chev- rolet is far and away the most wanted truck. • THREE GREAT VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINES: Load-Master, Torque-Master ond Thrift-Master • THE NEW POWER-JET CARBURETOR • DIA- PHRAGM SPRING CLUTCH • SYNCHRO-MESH TRANSMISSIONS • HYPOID REAR AXLES • DOUBLE -ARTICULATED BRAKES • ADVANCE- DESIGN STYLING • BAU-TYPE STEERING • UNIT-DESIGN BODIES • WIDE-BASE WHEELS. McTovish's Garage, Fiesherton