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Flesherton Advance, 8 Jun 1949, p. 4

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tsarmsBpeaoBSfm ««i â- n mm T ». * 5\^'dnesday, June 8. 1949 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE X .-i.. • •»»»C>»»»<H;K.<»<.«<>»»<M»<M{.>i.<{.»»»»»»^»» »»»»»<.»»»»»»»»»»»»j t t :; <• <• < I WE TAKE CARE OF YOUR OVERHEAD We have a good sui>py ot Rooffing, Insul-Bric Siding, Rollbrick Siding and Insul-Board Come in and look it over. If we haven't got what you mmt we will try and get it... We apply. No job took large or too small. SEPARATORS Remfrew Hand and Klectric Separators. We still have aome good used Separators at very favourable prioM. Ladders â€" 28 and 32-foot lengtha. RUBBER TIRE WAGONS... STEEL WHBE3LS TO FIT YOUR OWN WAGON FOR RUBBER .j. EDGAR BETTS Phone 46J FLESHERTON | ! Durham Motors wish to announce that they rave a good supply of John Deere Farm Machinery on Hand FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Enquiries invited PHONE 13 DURHAM PRICEVILLE Mr. Innis MlcLean and Colin Mac- iwUne, Toronto, spent the week «Dd with Mr. Colin A. McLean. Vias Ltabel Karatedt and friend of Toronto spent the week end at Ibe former's home. Miss Lena Vaug:han of Toronto WU a week end g-uest with Rev. L. W. and Mrs. Mould. Miates Lyla Parson of Hamilton and Marjorie Meuser of Owen Sound spent the week end with Mr. ami Mrs. Archie MacCuaij:. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Knox and fam- ily, Toronto, were Suaday visitors at the home of Dick Carson. Mr. Kenneth Nichol of Ottawa spent the piwt week with his mother â- Sid nttenili-d the funural of his aunt Miss Rebecca .N'ichol, who died at London. The funeral .vas held on Tuesday of last week -M Duriiain, wiien many old friencl>-, and neigh- bors attended. Mr. and Mrs. .Andrew Uincks cele- brated theii- 25th wedding anniver- sary on Sat«rady evening, nearly 60 raewbers of their immediate families attending. A splendid pro- gram was K'ven and greatly enjoyed, ilr. and Mrs. Hincks received some lovely ;rifts, among them being a chest of flat silverware from the family. Misses Betty Tucker and Emma Meads of the Toronto Normal are li<»me for a few days before Uaving for Muskoka for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tucker and family visited last week with friends at Lisle. Mr. Jack McConkey of Toronto spent the week end at his home. it. John's United Church R«T. A. G. MacpheraoB Uinister "Are you a thief?" This ques- tion will be discussed on Sunday, June 12th, at Flesherton, Inistioge and Eugenia (See Exodus 20:15). St. John's choir practice in the church on Friday, June 10, at 8:15 p.m. A full attendance is requested. A boy's outdoor rally is being held nn Friday, June lObh, in Eugenia I'ark. tJars will leave St. John'." •hurch at 1:30 p.m. IJasket lunch. FLESHERTON AND ROCK MILLS BAPTIST CHURCHES .Minister: Rev. A. J. Fletcher Sunday, June 12th Subject: "THE FACE OF JESUS' Mr. and Mrs. MacFarland of CoU- iiitfwood will provide special music at Rock Mills. A special invitation is extended to all Bible lovers to attend the Wed- nesday evening meeting at Flesher- ton, 8:30 p.m. Come, bring your Bible, and bring a friend. VICTORIA CORNERS Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bannon, To ronto, moved their household effect- to the former Thos. Bannon house and Mrs. Bannon, Tommy and Donna Gail, will reside here during the summer month, with Jim cominj; home on week ends. Mrs. Wan. Ludlow was a rec'int guest of her nephew and nines, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ludlow, near Dundalk. We are sorry to report Mrs. Ed. Stinson suffering from a sciatic nerve in her foot, lollowing an at- tack of 'flu. Pain has been s^ in- tense the past week that she has been forced to have needle injections at intervals by her doctor. Mrs. £}. A.. Stinson has visited two or three days lately at the home of her sister, Mrs. Alton Oldfleld, Corbetton, where a new biby son arrived on May 19th. Two other births of local interest the pest two weeks ar^ those of a baby girl born to Mr. and Mrs. Archie MaciVillan (Rlnora Fmwick^ on Tues., May 24, at Ow?n Sound hospital, i;r,d a ba'^y son born at r, .... :..^^p" „:, Tor-.-'-:, T-df^r-dar, May 31st, to Mr. and Mrs. Kingsley Gallaugher, Toronto. Miss Hazel Bumstead enjoye-l a week's vacation at London and Till- sonburg. Recent guests in the Bun»- stead home were: Mk". and Mrs. Wal- ter Bumstead and family, Meaford, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bumstead of Markdale. Mr. Elwood Stevens has been er- ecting a small home quite close to their own for his mother, Mrs. Alb, Stevens. During the past week the homes have been wired for electric- ity, which they hope to have turned on in the very near future. The many relatives here were shocked to learn of the sudden death at her home at Harkaway Monday evening of Mrs. Chester Rodman (Laura Acheson), due to a heart attack. A large number of relatives r.ttonded th" funersi at AnTi<»«ley United Church, Markdale, on Wed- nesday afternoon, -with interment in Markdale Cemetery. IMr. and Mrs. Kilbourne Magee sponsored a surprise birthday party on Friday evening in honor of Mrs. Wm. Ludlow, Mr. and Mis. K. A. Stinson and Mr. Geo. Ludlow, by in- viting a number of close neighbors in for an evening of cards, orokinole and sooial chat. Ha3>py birtihday greetings were bestowed on the cel- ebrants after lunch, and as a coin- cidence, more of the guests were having birthdays on neart)y dates, includiriig Mrs. Ernie Stewart, Mrs. Albert Stevens, Mrs. Mel Hawes of bright who, with her husband, Mary and Kenneth, arrived during the evening to spend tch week end with her mother, Mrs. Albert Stinscn. A few rounds of dancing was enjoytd, after which Mrs. Geo. Moore thnn'csd .Mr. and Mrs. Magee, on behalf of the neiK-hl>ors present, for the Kala evening. lie-sit wishes, go with them on llieir trip West next Saturday to join the tihree members of the >l:ik'ee family for the next t'^ee or four weeks. .Mr.s. B;lmo Stevens jiecompanied Ml-, and Mrs. Wm. Ciockfcud to Parry Sound on Saturday for a few days' visit. Congratulations to Sheila Forbes on her success in securing aTl her 2nd year high school subjects, ex- cept mathematics, which she will write on Friday. Sheila will then be out of school for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Simpson, Wash- ington, Ont., were 2'lth of May weak end guests at the Sandy Walker home. The Simpsons and Walkers visited with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Campbell, Swinton Park, on Monday when the three men reminisced on days spent in Western Canada wh'.n Sand y«nd Jack worked for Neil on the harvest excursions. Mr. and Mrs. Walt. Arnold, Bobby and Peggy Joan, Buffalo, N.Y., were Decoration Day guests of Mr. and I Mrs. George Moore and Garry. The Neil Winters and Gallaughor families attended the. party at the Wareham school Friday evening in honor of the nowly-tweds, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lockhart (Jean Jackson) who were recipients of a lovely china cabinet. IMr. and Mrs. Wm. Dingwall have returned to their home, after being in Toronto and Owen Sound for the past few months. Md we all use the Telephone more I" Day and night, leven dayi a week the telephone U at your lervice. Quickly and eaiily it keeps you in touch with everything and everybody everywhere. There art 400,000 more telephonei and two million more calls a day than there were three yean ago. And wrvice <• getting better all the time. In three«, however, cosu of important raw ma> terlalt for telephone line» and cables liave risen sharply. Copper price* have doubted, /inc and lead prices tripled. Yet, up to now, despite rising costs on all sides, there hu been no increase in the basic telephone rates established S2 years ago. Few things give you to much real value at such low cost at your telephone. We've broken all records but there are still orders we haven't been able to fill. We will keep right on working and building to make your telephone .lervicc a bigger barg.'iin than ever â€" to (ontinue to provide more and better service at the lowest posMhlc (oji. THI BILL TCLEPHONI COMPANY OF CANADA FEVERSHAM Dr. T. N. and Mrs. Scott, Misses T<ouisa and Ijnvinn Back, all of To- ronto, visited their brother, Mr. John Black, and Mrs. Black. Mr. Harry Tleathcote, Mrs. Lome Ditson of Collintrwoo<l, Mr. and Mrs, Joe Tate and of Toi-^nto sipent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, John Hudson. (Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hill and children o^" Mbrkdale spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. Laurie Sewell, and Mr. Scwell. Mr. and Mrs. Rill Reid and Sharon »f Hamilton spent a few days witAi Mrs. Reid's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. T.^nff. Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. Turner vinited their daughter, Mrs. George Clarke, near fhigemia. (Mir. and Mrs. Willis Pedlar and children oif Toronto visited his fa- ther, Mr. Ed. Pedl;\r, and M"-. and Mr^. Jbhn Sit«fford. iMr. and Mtrs. Howard McKee and Bill, Miss Betty Gryham and Mrs. Henry Alexander visited on Sunday with friends at Midlhurat. Mrs, Henry Alexander Is visiting with her son, Wan, at Creemore. Um Tha Advance l^nmll AcVrta. In btqHng or selliag. A Full Measure of Value For Johnston ^^Approved" Clothes \lvU'^- â- A: ^,... ""1 , 1 , -7 . . 1" . • â- '•"I.- „ r T Most men measure value in clothes by the same standards. They like fine materials, well-tailored to fit perfectly, to give comfort, style and honest service. And that describes Johnston "Approved" Clothes exactly. That is why every year thousands of discriminating men select these famous clothes above all others. Now is the time to see your Johnston dealer. He will show you one of the greatest value-giving line-ups of fabrics, colors, patterns and styles in many years. OoAn^tMv 1 1 APPROVED" CLOTHES Sold by: F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON JD5-S49 SUITS $39.50 $45.50 $52.00 At the polls on June 27 the voter must ask himself, ahead of anything else, who should be head of the government. In Louis St. Laurent, Canada has found a great national leader. That he had high abilities of tlie mind was proved by his career in law. That he had wisdom in cabinet, unique gifts in parliamentary debate and a quick grasp of large affairs became clear as soon as he entered die Governnient. In international affairs, as one of the origi- nal advocates of th« Atlantic Pact, he made himself a world figure who spoke out as no Canadian before him, in the councils of the nations. He also revealed an Understanding of ordinary people, because he is LOUIS ST. LAURENT, ftim* Miniittr of Canada one of them. This warm and essentially simple human being is the real St. Laurent, the product of the small town, of humble beginnings, hard work, a big family and the friendliness of country neighbors. In blood, language and instinct he combines the qualities of- two great races. To the voter it is equally important that St. Laurent is the leader of a truly national party, with proved strength from coast to coast, the only party which can hope to form a stable government after the election. His character, his ability and his achievements have made him the leader of all the Canadian people. ' VOTE LIBERAL! -r t > 7* -I T ,.*» t > -e I jr3» INSERTED BY NATIONAt IIBERAI COAAMITTK r t •> < A

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