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Flesherton Advance, 12 Jan 1949, p. 8

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n-* Wednesday, January 12, 1949 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads FOK SALE â€" Cow to freshen May 1st â€" J. Brackfiibury, Flesherton. Â¥A:\ :KD â€" AJiun»;n suitable foi mi:.k. and fox feed. â€" Bert Mclntou FOR SALE â€" Pair of lady's white .^katiiigoutfitc esizc 7. Phone Fle- shi-.'Uin 5"w. 30cl POK £ALE â€" S' bat tciy laclio, ixmI y^jj \v«iking order. â€" iianald I'.iriOtw, Kugeiiia, phone Ftvi'isham 30rl3. SOpt iXJR SALE â€" 9 Yoikshire pigs, 8 weeks old, just weaned. Phone Flesherton 32J1. 32«1 FOK S-VLE â€" 50 cords 14-in. body- wood, dry, also quantity 14 inch 9to^•e wuod. â€" Alex. Duncan, Cey- lon, phone 4OJ4 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" «-tube Wcsunghous-; .•adio, tonsol model, in good work- ing- Older. â€" Wilf. Best, phone 23M Flesherton. 33p2 FOK SALE â€" Yorkshire boar, 10 months old, good bacon type. Ap- ply to Russell Brocklebank, Lot 28, Con. 14, Eugenia P.O. 31c2 St. John's United Church Kev. A. G. .Macphersoh Minister "Aw the Ten Commandments Out ol L>ate'.'"' A series of sernion.s on The Ten Commandments will begin oil Su)ulay, Jan. Uith. Services a- follows: H a.m. at Eugenia; 3 p.m. at Proton Station (Communion); 7:30 p.m. at Flesherton. Bverybod.v welcome. The Young People's meeting oii Tue.sday eveninj--, and the choir practice on Wednesday eveninRs are beiiiij lield al 7:-'i" for Ihe wintei- mnnlhs. .AH iiitercfted are ui^cd to co-operate. •.Members and adherents of tha con<rregation will be glad to leaiti that a grand total of S932.00 wa^ rai.'sed for the Missionary and Main- tenance Fund durin})- 1048. A ful! acknowledgement of livings will be published later. The star in a burlesque neve i- forgets her lines, says a ihow pr;> duccr. Those in the baldheaded row remember them, too. For better ways to add insult to in.Kiry, consider the bandits who hebl up a jail and i-obl^cd the prisoners. FOR S. ^LB - Lad> 's bla-ck skating outlit size 7, in good condition. May ue seen at E. J Fisher's store, Fie .sheiton. 32c2 FOR SALE â€" Quantity of wood, elm and inaple mixed, 4-foot lengths, cut any length desired. â€" Wallace Hamilton, phone 79 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Ski outfit,, 7 foot frki-is, poJes, lady's ski boots, size 5, ~e;l cheap, hardly used. â€" Mrs. J. O. Dargavel, phone 7oJ3. FOR SALE â€" VJ35 Chevrolet '2 -ton truck in good condition, radio and heater. Prestone Johnston, phone A writer says a politician is at a disa Ivantage in talking into a "mike" i instead of directly to an audieiic- , Still, microphones can't throw. I Tenders Wanted I Tenders for Delienture No. 8 of ]!)4<8 of the Village of Flesherton lor S5,00().(l(i. payable in lO years ;,t .'jVi percent, will be received by till' Clerk up to li o'clock p.m. on Mcnday, .January 17th. li'-l'.i. â€" C. J. liKLLAMY, t'leik Villaiie or Flesherton LOcal and Personal Mr. Ken Kaitting, son of Mr. and .Mrs. \V. ivaittiriK, is ill in the Kit- i-luiier Hosiiital with pneumonia. Messrs. Geo. .-\ ''mstrong and Hai- iild Fawcelt we-i- ."isitors at Hamil- ton on the \-eek erd. Mrs. Glen Stuukey and daughter, Heather, left Salurdiiy to join 'her husband at Espanola. Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Fisher and thvee childern of Dundalk spent che ,veik end willi Mr. and Mis. R. J. F'isher. The inaugural meeting of Village ! I'iesheilon (Council for 1948 will lie lield in tbe town hall this Wed- nesday evening January 2th. Ma-ler .Ar'thur Menzies of ChU-j- \\:;h is visiting- his gi'andparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Kaitting, while his mother is ill at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Brown, Dorothy and Shan-on, Miss Marjory Browp and Mr. Gerald Fields, all of Guelph, vi-ited with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hamilton on the week end. â- >'•â- â- . KMi'i Fisi ei .jpeiit .. c'Uiple of days in 'loi'rto last weev Eld in ha:- taken over the supplying of farmers witli gas, oil and grease and oil for spaces heaters fr jin L. I.i- .'<;las al .Markdale. The mild weather recently brought out a couple of robins that failed to i hear the call of the south and a warmer climate for the winter. -I in Stewart saw. one -in his yard, singing merrily, as did Fred Taylor earlier 11 th;- week. V.v. and Mis. Wm. McMillan spent the week end in Toronto. They re- cently had the pleasure of having their entire family at home. It was the first time they had all been home K-gethei- in seven year.s '" BOWL HV»M> butter. Place in buttered pan (8x8) . 'Sprinfkle top with the following in gredients blended together: 2 tablespoons flour" 1 tablespoon cjnnamon '3 tablespoons sugar '2 teaspoon mace Bake in oven at 400 degrrees for ;55 or 40 minutes CrRRIED TOMATO RICE 3 cu/ps cooked rice 3 tablespoons butter '/4 cup liced onion 2 teaspoons curry powder teaspoon salt 2 taiblespoons butter I'j cups tomato juice '•! teaspoon Worcestershire sauce Prepare rice. Melt butter, add onion and saute until brown. Add curry powder, salt and flour. Blend into a paste. Add toixjato juice and saulce, cook until thick. Add the rice. Serve hot. Serves' 6. in radiator. â€" .las. 12R Flesherton. WCATE-S â€" Seiveral pairs ©f goodU w skating and beot outfits, sizes 4,!| 5, 7. fr and a new pair eof size 11.1 See tliom at The .Advance office. NOTICE â€" Now is the time to or- der your Tractor Disc Harrows for Spring, Fleury-Bissell. on the way now. See your dealer â€" W. : E. Betts, phone 44>J Flesherton. , FARM FOR SALE â€" 170 acres in | Artemesia, lots 131-133, 2nd range | W.T.&S.R. About UK) acres lear- ed; 30 acres good bush, 20 acres j ' swarwp; balance pasture. Running! trout .stream. 9-room hrick house j small barn. Applv to W. L. Uoug-j laf , Babcaygeon. :f0c2 1 FARM FOR SALE â€" lOO acre farm Lots 1C6-167, 1 S.W., Artemesia, 2 miles south yf Flesherttm on No. 10 Highway.â€" L. R. Thistlethwaite 38 Roosevelt Rd., Toronto. 6t.f. NOTICE â€" Would the kind fnends who oroughf food to our home during uur sorrow, kindly "o mo us so that we can return the various dishes to their generous owners. â€"Mildred McMullen, Fergusovi System TRACTOR: Now Available for Your Spring Requirements Shipments iirriviiifj^ week Jan. 17 to 11 . Deliveries ti))i)n ;irri\al in order ot' sale, directlv to tann fl t»« 0oso;g \ FOR SALE â€" House with '4 -acre of land, 5 niin. walk from .school, VamleJeur corner, Pt. Lot 20, Con. 13, Artemesia. -Apply to T. Skin- ner, Beaver Fishing Club, Ku- ^ genia. Ont. :i-''2 R. E. PRINGLE ' REAL ESTATE BROKER 1 have secured a license as real estate brokei' and can now ipresonally transact ' your real estate sales. List your property with me at any time. Phone: Fle»iherton HlHwl P. O. Address: R. R. 3, Proton HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRrSTERS. SOLICITORS, Eu Phone 38 MARKDALP: Mr. Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:30 p.m DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN & SIROKON Gtailuate of Toronto Univer»itv Office; Kennedv Block 77 Fle«h«rtoB CHARLES J. BELLAMY MUNIOPAL CLERK Issuer of Marriage Licenses CONVlfiTYANCER Wills . Mortgages, etc. Deeds Agreements A coromissiomer for taking affidavits Office, Toronto Street, Flesherton TelepkMM Itw USL ut...o'ir-.t FERCiUS-ON IMPLEMENTS i'' !•â- . K'' i I M K\ i .\1 1 ' I ,!•". .\1 1'.NTS are de.sij'-ned and en- --•ir.iiivd ^â- ^,l).â- ciall\ ior nse witli tiie l-Vr.nnsoii Systems. Thev h;ive heen Vested hy 1"1'.!<(U'S().\ iCnKi"^'^'!'^ ''I'^d lie!d-i)niven on llidiisaiid- ot' farms. :mu1 nnder al) conditions. friendly sn!j;ftestion. do not v'vait until begins, to order the im|)lements you'll need ;ni(l summer work. X'isit our show .\nd here is held wov for votu' sijnn^ room and order now for inimmediate delivery. 1. l-"KR<iUS()\ SYSTEMâ€" l>i''ti^h-"i5«'<-' Tractms. I. l-"ER(".l'S()\ SVSTl'.M â€" lO". 2-furo\v Plows. ,v l-'KK^U'SOX SYS'P1'",Mâ€" Spring- Tine Coltivators 4. I"]-".Rf irS(.).\ S'VSTKM"- iTaiulem Disc llarrow> I, 'â-  ,,i 1(> Inch 1 )ise .=.. IT-ir-rs.OX SV-^'I-j-.M-CI^nIX DRII.T. with i'erlilizer and T.rain Seeder \ttachments (optioii •tl). iMir'tiie first time in many years, a basic â- niorovenienl for nioie accurate seefl drilliuir has •>..-. ;i (lexe'oped, il is adjustable, internal down feed • f <he Xew 'luMivn^on System" 13x7" Sins^Ie Disc r.niin Drill. (\ I-lvRfil'SOX SVSTIvM â€" I'ower Mowers. 6' - T Cutter. Rar. 7. \ I.-niitcd Suoi'ib- of all Implements in Stock Order (â- ;ir]\. to ;i\oid disappointment later in Sprint.;-. Beaver Valley Motors CLARKSBURG Hello HomemakersI Moi~t of us consider using a spice in as standard cake or bread mixture for variety ol flavor. We frequently uj^e ciiia- iiioii, cassia, nutmeg, cloves and allspice for their fragrance. Many years ago these .-apices were conid- eied .suitaible gifts for kings. They were used as perfumes, bath oils and medicines for the most part. When they were used in food the people knew spices was added to camouflage the tainted flavor. Atcording- to histoi-y, merchaaiits set sail around the world to obtain spices. It was said that Christopher Columbus was lured to the west to find a new route for the spice mer- chants. We, also read of the English gradually gaining possession of the Indian Ennpire as the spice trade increased. The various spices are derived from different parts of different plants. For instance, cloves are the dried flower bud of the tropical clove tiec of Zanzibar, off the east coast OF Africa. Cinnamon is a fragrant spice known since Biblical times and is the pulverized inner bark of the under branches of the laurel tree. It (ji-ow.s about 30 feet in height and flourishes from Ceylon to Arabia. Ciis.^ia is similar in flavor to cinna- miin a!ul is snmetimes substituted for it but it comes from the bark ot a diU'erent laurel plant. The leaves, the fruit and the root of the laurel al! yield oil of much value. Years ago the oil was used for making cyndles. Mace and nutmeg grow m the same tree which grows any%vhere ill the West Indies and Madagascar. There you find e.xtensive groves of nutmeg trees which grows to the age of nine years before bearing fruit. The nutmeg is the kernel. By the way, this tree attains the height of 60 feet and i« an evergree 1 1 has pointed leaves and pale yellow Ildwers which hang in drooping clus- ters lesemblin..- lilies of the valley. As the fruit ripens the fleshy part iKti/iiii'.s hard; finally splits open ut the top disclosing a bright scarlet membrane partly covering the nut. From this membrane comes the mace we like for our fruit cakes. Ciandmother used to buy the nut- ;m-g ;ind grate it on a small three inch cui-ved grater. Allspice, .so iiiiiiied hecause the mariner who dis- discovered it believed it could be uj-ed for other sipices, is grown in .Iamaic;i, where it fji-ows in wet, humid areas. Our familiar black pepper which is now so hard to obtain, is the pro- duct of a climbing shrub grown in the East Indies and other tropical climates. The plant bears a s-mall nu-en lieny about the size of a pea which turns red upon ripening. When tik. berries begin to change color. tniy are gathered, cleaned and dried ill the sun. As they become black they are sorted and sold as pepper- cms. Ground and sifted they form the real black pepiper used in tiav- ciinjr meats and pickles. Naw that you may â-  have read about apices, you may wish to make an aromatic cake or a different flav- ored batch of muffins. Here are some recipes: SPICE CAKE 1 cup thick sour cream '\ teaspoon soda 1 1 cup sugar 2 eggs ^ teaspoon salt :; teaspoons baking powder ''4 teaispoon cloves I'z teaspoons cinnamon '4 teaspoon nutmeg '•1 cup nubmeats, if desired 2 cup_s flour Stir "the soda into the cream until it foams, then add the sugar %nd beat well. Beat the eggs till light and add to the first mixture. Mix and sift the remaining dry ingred- ients and add them to the first mix- ture gradually, stirring and beating until the batter is smooth. This may be baked in a sheet or as individual cakes. Bake in a moderate oven (:s?5 dc;;recs 20 to 30 minutes. ^ BRAN COFEE CAKE 1 cnip pastry flour '4 teaspoon baking soda 2 teaspoons paking powder 2 cups bran or bran flakes / '•4 cuip seeded raisins 1 egg •'4 cup sweet milk 1-3 cup light molasses .3 tablespoons melted butter Sift together flour, salt, soda and t)aking powder. Add to hran and ra'sins. Beat egg well, add milk and molasses. Combine the two mixtures and add cooled, melted F. T. HILL & CO., Limited OFFERS i Exceptional Values in their January Clearance Sale Ladies' Winter Coats Reduced 25% Ladies' Dresses Reduced 25% .Reg •'Reg Men's Heavy Melton Windbreakek's $5.50. Sale Pice $5.69 S5.50 Sale Price $4.89 ' Men's Tweted and AH-wool Pants, Reduced 20% Boys' 3-Piecie Coat Sets ^^( Overcoat, Leggings, Cap) Reg. $10.75 and 3^11.95 Sale Price $8.49 All- Wool Plaid Remnants Regular .153.50. 54 in. wide ..•.. per yard $2.29 Ladies' Quilted Ski Jackets Regular S8.95 Sale Price f."" $6.95 Ladies' All-Wool Plaid Skirts Regular $5.95 Sale Price $4.49 jGiijls' Long Sleeve Spun iBlouseb Regular $1.95 and $3.25 $1.59 Girls* Plain Rayon Dresses Regular $3.95 Sale Price $1.29' .Girls' Wool Plaid Suits Regular $7.95 and $12.95 Vz Price R Girls' Cotton Plaid Dresses cgular $2.25 Sale Price $1.49 Ladies' and Children's Millinery Half Price Special Group of Ladies' Winter Coats $3.95 Men's' 1 -Buckle Cashmerette Overshoe^ Regular $2.00 per pair Sale Price $1.19 Ladies' 5-Eyelet and Misses 4-£yelet Rubbers $1.19 Pair Ladies' Rubbcf Goloshes Black and Brown, regular $1.59 Ladies' Velvet jookMhei â€" Small sizes. regular1>3'56 and $3.95 .,•• Ladies' Fur-Top Velvet Goloshes Dome fa.stening. re<?ular $4.75 ^ $3.89 Meh's Jumbo-Knit Sweater Coats Regular $10.75 $7.95 WALLPAPER SALE Regular up to 30c single roll w.. • 19c Regular from 35c to 60c single roll .:.. 25c Borders â-  '• 8 and 7c F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. Phone 7 Markdale 79c Pair Vz Price i *\ *|

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