s ife ®J)je /l^l)tt:U*n %jrtwm(^» - vol.. 64; NO. 25 FLESHERTON. ONT., WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 21, 1945 VV. H. Thurston & Son, Publisher^ J Engagements Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Loucks, Flesherton, wish to announce the engagement of their eldst daughter, Doris Irene to Archie John, eldest son of Mr. John Cunningham and the late Mrs. Cunningham o£ Owen Sound; the marriage to take place early in December. Married PRIDDLE â€" McKINNON â€" At the Manfee, Maxwell, on Saturday, Nov. 17, 1945, at 3 p.m., Mary Irene McKinnon, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John McKinnon, Mclntyre, to John Archibald Priddle, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Priddle, Dun- dalk. NO LETUP ON FARM Discharges from the armed forces at increased rates, labour released from war plants, the reconverfsion of war plants to peace time production and unrationed farm machinery are factors tending to ease the farm labour situation, states the Current Review of AgricuDtural Conditiiomls in Canada. The high levels of agri- cultural production achieved during the war years through the efforts of Canadian farmers with insuffi- cient labour and machinery have been phenonmenal. With sufficient labour and machinery, their efforts cannot be relaxed now that hostili- ties have ceased, says the Review. Food must be provided for the people of Europe until their own farm's are able to produce the neces- sities of life. Baptist Church Note» RETURN VISIT Capacity crowds at Rock Mills Anniversary services, some weeks ago asked for a return visit from those who participated in the days program. Mr. E. Edgington, speak- er, Miss Joyce Graham, soloist of CKPC, Brentford, and CKCY, Tor- onto, also the Scott trio all of Paris. will take part in all the semces this Sunday. FIRESIDE Another Cedarside Fireside will be held this Sunday at 8:00 p.m. The people from Paris listed above will be featured in the program. Don't miss this. B. Y. P. U. Cedarside B.Y.P.U. will meet at the home of Laurie and Ken Mc- Kechnie, Priceville, Friday, at 8:00 o'clock. Excellent attendance has been registered at all meetings so far. It is hoped this may continue. The sewice commission will be in charge of the evening's activities. During a wcrk period some Christ- mas decorations will be prepared by the members. Memorial Service Wa^ Held At Priceville (By Priceville Reporter) A Memorial Service was heda Sunday, after church service, around the Cenotaph, when a very large crowd was present. "0 God Our Help In Ageb Past" was sung. Prayer of invocation wa's given by Mr. L. W. Mould. S(plendid address- es were given by Hon. F. R. Oliver, Mr. Mould and Mr. Halliwell. Mr. W. G. Watson read the names of the fallen of the Firtt and Second Great World Wars. The flag was raised by Mrs. F. McKinnon and Mr. Robt. McConkey. The Last Fckt and Re- veille wais sounded by T. W. Cooper of Durham, followed by two minutes silence. Prayer of dedication and Remembrance was given by Mr. L. W. Mould. The certificates of val- our and a bouquet of flowers wafe presented by Lome Hiltz, Leroy Mead-., H. B. McLean, Heckie Mc- Lean, Andrew Hincks, Mrs. Neil McKinnon, Mrs. . Malcolm McLean, Mrs. Aldcorn, Mrs. Wm. Meadte, re- presentatives of the family of those who had fallen in the last Great War. ,'0 Valiant Hearts" was then Sung. The service was closed with The National AiUhem. Bom GILFiAY â€" At Mrs. Nuhn's Nurs- ing Home, Flesherton, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gilray, Euphrasia, on Saturday, Nov. 17, a daughter, Eliz- aibeth Jessie Anne. WELTON â€" At Mrs. Nuhn's Nur- sing Home, Flesherton, to Mr. and Mi^. G. R. Welton, Dundalk, on Sun- day, Nov. 18th, a son. RATION COUPON DUB DATES Food coupons now valid are sugar 46 to 67, butter 116 to 130, pre serves 38 to 57 and PI to P21, meat Ml to M12. Wywi â- Sf5&. utJ^::^.:. .^.^isi: !at*H sferting^ex Despite Mussolini's bragging of the reclamation of the Pontine marshes, Great Britain reclaimed more land in three years of war than Italy did in 13 years of peace under Facism. â- ^;ymi^: protectiioii â- mi; Future Events DANCE AT MAXWELL Dance in the Orange Hall, Max- well, Wednesday, Nov. 21. Music by Wigginis Orchestra from Berkeley. Dancing to commence at 9 o'clock. Admission: 35c. Lunch booth. ! BAZAAR IN FLESHERTON ' The W.A. bazaar will in the base- ment of the United Church, Satur- day, Nov. 24th', 2 p.m. Home made baking, fancy work, vegetables, and a fish pond. Becanse it is free of hannful wax and has sn ezceptionaUy high V.I., Peerless gives easier starting on cold mornings and extra protec- tion at mnnini temperatures. Change HOW to Peerless Motor OU at the sign of the big B-A. TH E BRITISH AMERICAN Ol L COMPANY LIMITED Make Recommendations At Springhill Forum Monday evening, a group of about 26 gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J?mes Allen to listen to the weekly flarm forum broadcast. The difscussion centered around the ques- ticin of a satisfactory agreement be- tween a fathbr and son, who remains on the fawn. It was decided that the written agreement should state that all business be done on a 50% basis including the original investment. The forum then discussed ways and means of getting all fanners out to register and vote on the Hog Mark- eting Scheme and decided to mak<= everybody responsible for getting a.<; large a majority in favour as dos- teible. The third question dealt with attendance at the township nomina- tion on Friday, Nov. 30. The forum goes en record on making a strong effort to get lepresentation on the council from the southern part of the township. The next meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Johnson. Lunch was served and the meeting adjoiurned. .VIeatless Day Restrictions Relaxed For Christmas and New Year's Meatles's day restrictions will bt Si;t aside for Chi-istmas and New Year's day, which will fall this year on regular meatless Tue'sdays. W Harold McPhillips. price's and sup- ply representative for the Western Ontario region of the Prices Board, said in making the annoucement that the amount of meat c;nsumed other than fowl on these two day â- was relatively so small that the an- noyance caused by the regulation being maintained wolild be greater than the smaller saving would warrant. G>mity Public Speaking Held At Flesherton The county public 'speaking and amateur concert, under the auspices of the Grey County Federated Youth, was held in, the high schiol, Flesher- ton, on Tuesday evening of this week, when there was a very goodly number of spectators. Gordon Hend- erson of Tara was awarded firtet place in the pubic speaking, his subject being "Possibilities of Rural Recrea- tion." Mr. Jim Kejidal of Clarksburg wen second place and Mis's Jean Irwin of Markdale was third. Mr. K. G. G-oheen, principal of Flesherton High School, made the awards. Miss Mabel Reekey and Miss Armstrong of Thornbury took first place in the amateur concert with a piano duet and Verna and Carl Ward were sec- ond with a duet. Addresses were given by Harvey Reekey, district director of Junior Farmers, and Elwood Lemon, presi- dent of the Grey County Federated Youth. Mr. Newton .A.shton, a sist- ant agricultural representative, also addressed the meeting. Parents 64 Years Married DEER HUNTERS ARE PLENTIFUL THIS WEEK The deer hunters in Grey County are having their chance this week and there are alxjut 12 hunters for every deer bagged up to Tuesday evening. Those from this district whom we know of having bagged their game are: Oscar Brown of .â- VrtemCsia, Ted Birnie of Caledon East, Wm. Rose of Nobleton, Snowden McLod of Flesh- erton, Jas. Tumey of Laurel, Earl Brady and another deer by one of the party with Jos. Watson, and Bruce Ismond of Georgetown. Five deer were started two and a half miles north of Flesherton early Monday morning in one place and three of these were 'shot and captured and an;'ther one wounded. The hunters followed it for some time in the morning but the trail was lost. That afternoon snow fell and the ground has been covered, but the trail of the deer was not recovered. E. J. Fisher has sold 44 license's for deer hunting and we understand that 70 were scld in Markdale and 84 in Dundalk. SOCIAL FOB NEWLYWEDS Died Mrs. Snowden McLeod and sen, Donald, visited la'st week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Birnie, wh; were observing their 64th wedding anniversary at their home at Caledon East. Mr. and Mrs. Birnie were recipients of a cable of congratulations from the King and Queen. St. John's W.M.S. A nation's he's* defense is the re- spect and gratitude of all its neigh- bors. Nomination Meeting VILLAGE OF FLESHERTON Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Electors of the Vil- lage of Flesherton will be hed in the Village Hall, Flesherton, on Friday, November 23rd, 1945, at the hour of | 8:00 o'clock p.m., to nominate Candi- I The regular meeting of the W.M. S. was held on Friday, Nov. 16, foi the election of officers for 1946. Tlu' meeting opened with hymn 148 and prayer by Mrs. Thompson. It wa.= decided to ask C.G.I.T. tc be re.pon- sible for the Christmas program on December 22. Dr. Thompson pre- sided over the election of officers, the report of the nominating com- mittee being read by Mrs. J. Stew- art. It was found to be satilsfactory and Mrs. R Fislier moved same be adopted as read. This was seconded by Dorothy ArnVstrong. Carried. Dr. Thomp. on then addressed the nieet- intv, expressing appreciation of the work being done by missionary so- cietie's, and calling to mind the great privilege of doing something l''-!f.J?5-i'L''.:°**'"',.°^ ^^^,^^,''fr those in foreign land.. Dr. COULTHARD â€" At Mt. Sanitar- ium, Hamilton, on Sunday, Nov. Ii8, 1943, Harry Coulthard, in his 74th year. Remains resting at Long's Funeral Home, at Feversham, ser- vice at 2:30 p.m. in Salvation Army Hall on Tue'sday, Nov. 20th. Inter- ment in Bethel Cemetery. (By Ceylon Reporter) Last Friday evening a pleasant so» cial hour was spent in Ceylon Public School in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Marshall, Mr, and Mrs, Clifl Rowbotham, who were recently mBT- ried. An address was read by Miss Frances Adams and Misses Nancy McWilliam and Muriel Shaw made the presentation of two lovely satia comforters in gold and green, als* uvo pyrex casseroles and bath tow- els. Alex and Clifford on behalf of Mrs. Mai-shall and Mrs. Rowbotham expressed their appi"eciation to Cey- lon and ccmmunity for the kindness and good wishes extended to them. The evening was spent in euchre, there being 11 tables of euchr« played. TALBOT â€" PEDLAK RUSSELL â€" PEDLAR Mrs. N. H. Durrant Passes COUNCILLORS, Public School TRUSTEES and TRUSTEES for the Flesherton Cemetery. If more than the required number are nominated and qualify according to law, a poll will be opened at the usual polling place on Monday, the third day of December, 1945, at 9:00 o'colck a.m.. and will remain open until 5 o'clock p.m., for the election of such Candidates. Dated this 1st day of November, 1945. â€" C. J. BELLAMY, Clerk- Nominaticn i...--ling TOWNSHIP OF .VRTEMESIA Notice, is hereby â- ;ivon that a meeting of the Electors of the Township of Artemesia will be held in the Town Hall, Flesherton. on Friday, November 23rd, 1945, at the hour of 1 o'clock p.m.. to nom- inate candidates for offices of REEVE and COUNCILLORS. If more than the i-equired number •:re nominated and qualify accord- ine to law. a poll be opened at the IV \\s) polling places on Monday, the ".vd day of December, 1945. at P o'clock a.m., and will remain open till 5 o'clock n.m., for the- election of ?\ich candidates. Dated this 12th day of November, 1946. â€" A, B, CHARD. Clerk. Thompson closed the meeting with prayer. The W.M.S. • Off icers for 1946 art as follows: Pre'sident â€" Mrs. Sled. 1st Vice Pres. â€" Mi's. Thompson... 2nd Vice Pres. â€" Mr.s. R. J. Fish- er. Treasurer â€" Mrs. Duncan. Secretary â€" Mrs. Cook, .-Assistant Sec. â€" Mrs, Henry. Christian Stew & Finance â€" Mrs. Phil'iips, .\s.ist. Christian Stew and Fin- .u-.c' â€" Mrs. McNichol. Friendship Sec. â€" Mrs. Moore. Supply Sec. â€" Mr.-. J. McDon.nUi Sec. Miss, Monthly â€" Mrs. Mc- Fadden. Sec. Ass.ciation Helpers â€" Mrs R. Fisher and Mrs. Inkster. Sec. Temp, and Christ Citz. â€" Mrs. R. J- Wil.on. Heralds â€" Japan. Mrs. McFad-i- en; Africa, Mrs. Inkster; Korja Mrs. J. Stewart; Trinidad, Mr's Moore; China. Mrs. Hutchison; Can ad<a, Mrs. E. Fiteher; India, Mrs. R Fi her. Florence Estelle Thurston, beloved wife of the lata N, H. Durrant, pass- ed away at her home at Mitchell, Ont., ;ti Thursday of last week, Nov. 15th, in her 61st year. She had been in ill health for the past year and a half, but following an operation in the Stratford ho'spital six weeks ago she remained belfast at her home. The funeral took place on Satur- day afternoon, Nov. 17th, with Rev. A. H, Johnston ctf Mitchell United Church conducting the service in the T. W. Heath Funeral Home, assi. ted by Rev. Cecil Fletcher of Toronto, a nephew of the decea'sed. "Unto The Hills," was played by Mrs. T. W. Heath and Rev. Johnst n read "Cross- ing The Bar." Interment was made in Woodland Cemetery, Mitchell. The pallbeai-ers were: Messrs. Wm. A double autumn wedding took place in the United Church parson- age, Maxwell, at two o'clock, Satur- day, Nov. 17th, when Marjorie Irene, second eldest daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Ja's. Pedlar of Portlaw, was united in the holy bonds of matri- mony to Earl Marshall, son of Mr. Wm. Talbot and the late Mrs. Tal- bot of Dundalk, and Elda Viola, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Pedlar, was united in marriage to John J. Orval, son of Mrt. Fxina Russell and the late Mr. Ernie Rus- sel of Rock mih. Rev. W. Holmes of Maxwell performed the ceremon- ies. The brides looked lovely, Marjoris wearing tui-quoise blue 'sheer and Elda powder blue sheer with corsag- es of Talisman roses. The grooms' gifts to their brides were to Marjorie a gold bracelet and to Elda a gold locket. A reception wa's held at the home of the brides' sister, Mrs. Stanley Patton, where the brides' mother re- ceived the guests in a black crepe ensemble, assi'sted by Mrs. Russell wearing a two-piece cocoa brown crepe. On the table was laid a lace cloth and a pink and white scheme was used in canopy effect over the brides' table with white taper? and silver holder's, and the two, three- tierred wedding cakes were orna- mented with pink rose buds. The buffet supper was served to Nicholls, Andrew Stewart, Amo's Thiol, Russell Gould, Cleve ^'^<^^<^^^\ ^^^ont thirty \",Zts]\nemhei^^ and Nelson Nichols. j inimediate families, and was served Among those from a distance who , ^^^ ^.^^ ^^^^^^ Lougheed and Miss attended^ the funeral^ were :^ Mr. and! ^;^j^^ ^.^^^^,^ assisted by thre« ^ """ ^'"" jaunts of the brides, Mrs. Robt. Hill, Mrs. Fred Plantt and Mrs. Harry Fisher. The young couples were recipients of many gifts. Following the reception the couple's left for a short honeymoon to Toronto and other points, Marj- orie's travelling dress being tomato MKNARD WS BLOOft ST 3^^-^a â€"_.».â€" CENTRAL LOCATION Our convenient location is readily accessible by the city's leading auto- mobile and street car thoroughfares. Bates and Maddocks FUNtRAL CHAPEL 124 Avenue Rd. Kl.4.344 The Late Fred McMuUen Funeral services for the late Fred McMuIlcn, who was accidentally shot while hunting hunting deer in north- ern Ontario, were held in Minden Anglican Church on Thursday, N?v. Sth, the services being conducted by Rev. Mr. Kerr of Haliburt -n, assfst- ed by Rev. Mr. Newel of F^nelon Falls. The pallbearer were: Mss^rs. R. Walker, Richard Milbum. Georee SchroedcT, Kenneth yi?Ewen. Stan- ley Perrington and Richard Le.^comb. j wife on T^iesday la«t, Mrs. Doug- Rnsides his wife and one son, las will le sadly misled by her Willis, Fred leavt's his mother. Mrs, friends in this vicinity. Sam McMuUen and six sistcrr, Mr"-, Mrs. Gertrude Lever and Mrs. Lawrensce MoCracken, Mrs. Edward Albert Stewart spent a day recent- Fpvri.5 of Flesherton. Mrs. Robert jy with friends at Wiarton. Sharp of Oshawa, Mr's. M. McMaster Messrs. Bert Sparks and Wilfred of Toront:<, Mrs. Frank Betts. Rock Lever returned home Friday from j Mills, and Mrs. Norman Huctwith. their hunting trip up north. ' Forest, Ont. His father passed away I ten years ago. Mrs. Wm. Campbell, >Pi' Mj^s. (Rev.) H. E, Welhvood and Rev Cecil Fletcher, Miss Dell Thurston. T.Tonto; Tpr. Earle Thurston, Camp Borden; LAC Jas, Thurston, Flesh- erton; Mr, and Mrs, F. J. Thurston. Flesherton; Mrs. R. W. Shaw. Lion's Head; Mr. A. S. Thurston and Ron- ald, Meaford; and Mr. and Mrs. H-irrv Stewart, Stratford, The late Mrs. Durrant was the eldest daughter of Mrs. W. H. Thurs- ton of Flesherton, at pre'sent at Me^i- f!^rd, and the late Mr. Thurston, was bnrn in Fle-hert.n 60 years ago last June. In October, 1915, she was un- ited in marriage to Nelson H. Dur- rant, who predeceased her by a yeai and a half. She leaves two daugh- ters, Dorothy, of Kitchener and N.S Helen R. Durrant, RCAF, of Winni- peg. She alfeo leaves her mother, twi sisters and two brothers, Myrtle (Mrs. R. W. Shaw) of Lions Head. Miss Dell Thurst-n, Toronto, k. S. Thurs.ton of Meaford and F. J. Thurston. Flefeherton, Tlie Inte Mr=. Durrant was very active in church work and was en. dowed with a rich alto voice, singing ii the local choir at various time's on her visits to her old home. The last occasd n on which she snnT in St. John's Chuix>h rhe rendei-ed "I shall not pass this way again." T'-^POVTO I.INE NORTH Sympathy is extended to Mr. Lionel Douglas in his recent sad bereavement, the passing of his rabbit wool and Elda's blush pinll â- vonl crepe. Guests attending were from Fev- eAham, Fort Erie and Dundalk. Card of Thanks Mi-s, Fred Tyler wishes to thank her kind friends for their many gifts, also for fruits, flowers, letters and cards with sincere thanks to alL Card of Thanks The femily of the late Fred Mc- MuUen wifeh to extend their sincere thanks and appreciation to relatirei and friends for their acts of kind- ness and me..feages of their sympathy extended during their sad bereave- ment Card of Thanks Mir. and Mrs, Chas. Stafford wiisb to express their aippreciation to the people c!f Ceylon and vicinity for tbe lovely gifts presented at the shower on Friday evening, to their daugh- ter, Eileen (Mrs. Clifford Row- botham). who wa.s recently married. Card of Thanks 1 wish to sincerely thank my rela- tives, friends and neighbors for thoughtful kindness, inquiries, visits and gifts of fruit and flo^vers, also letters and card^, while I spent seven The power of de trcution we now have in our h.nnds cnn on'y be con- trolled by Gcd in our hearts. Mr. and Mrs. David Harris of j weeks in Toronto General Hoaipltal Toronto visited the latter's grand- and since coming home, and to those mnther, Mi-s. T. Lever n Saturday. | who finished my harvest an<l carried Mrs. Roszell of Caledonia visistcd ut the grain threshipg. all of whicll !;V.-' wetk with Mr. and Mrs. .\lbert I appreciate very much indeed. Stewart. Jos. McKee.