4 Ur <laep into bnwcblal tdbsswIUi its tooth- ing medicinal vapors. tiMCllMt Md Incil suifieM â- » a goodt tvannlBg poultice. Warning, soothing reliefâ€" grand reliefâ€" comes when you rub good oldVidcsVapoRubon the throat, <:hest and back at bedtime. Its peneuating>8timuiating action Keeps on working for hours. In' vites restful sleep. And often by nioming most misery of the cold is gone. No wonder most mothers use VapoRub. a fla^%|#^ Tryittoni^tâ€" %#|d\9 home'proved Y VapoRUB Trots Mile In 1:58 After trotting a mile in 1:58 to **. set a new record for S-year-olds, qi Titaji Hanover, winner of this year's Hambletonian, would be ** justified in giving the horse laugh ^ to all competitors, but he is now so good that his only competition is a stop watch. â€" New York Sun. â- i FREE Roberts's Dictionary of Mbiing Terms 4- •w '-i -*• Thin well prepared mlnlnK dletlonary In booklet (orm la on Invalnable old to all In- vestors of mining; iliBTeB. It clnrlrle» mlnlngr terniB, expresaiona nnd technical phrnaea anti aliould be ex- tremely belpful to investora. We have a limited nnmber available and nil! be Kind to â- end one to you FREB. WHITB TO-DAY CLIVE-BOSE & CO. Inveatment Securitlea Snite 80, Toronto St., TORONTO, CANADA '1 * ♦ r w .CIlve-Roae and Co.. Smite 30, • Toronto St., Toronto, Canada. Pleaae aend me a free copy •t ROBKRTS'S DICTIONARY of MINING TERMS. f r •- -7 W-I-. EASE : MUSCUUR PAIN : THIS WAY- * J Instontine Tablet ; brings FAST REUiF! « V If you suffer from muscular aches or ^ pains, and have been relying on slow- a. acting, sometimes ineffective remedies to bring you a measure of relief, learn * all about the Instantine l-tabltt-uiay to • fast relief from simple pain. You see, fast-acting Instantine tablets * are a skillfulcombination of three proven *- medicinal ingredients, scientifically com- ♦ pounded to relieve pain promptly. » Qiances are you may b6 surprised at the « qpeed with which 1 Instontint tablet can ^ kring you tailcome relief 1 You can count on Instantine'a triple-action to work in * these ways to give you fast relief from • pain: ^ 1. Speedily ease pain. *' 2. Prolong relief from pain. 3. Reduce "depressed feeling." F Give mild, stimulating "lift." tlnstantine never pampers pain, but ^worlcs fast to bring needed comfort. Re- member Instantine, too, whenever you aauffer from headache or the discomfort of a cold or sort throat. You can get •Instantine at any drugstore. i4lantine * 12 Tablets 25f!-about 2i a dose • ra<iMfacfiral«n«ffraBStawbPdb HOTEL METROPOLE All Beautifully FnrniihMl With Ronhing Water. Rates: $1.50 ap NIAGARA FALLS OPPOSITE .>p C.N.R. STATION I* * I Rosin-soap rubber is the latest synthetic for auto tires. It is be- ing made in Louisville, Ky. BOILS PooWett of Mkc* ttlltv. P«in, bfing oui eoie», llaelt quickly, no kh, JSe, 35c, 50c. 11.00. MECCA OINTMENT OTTAWAJREPORTS Canada's oversea soldiers have swamped the Department of Agri- culture's plant protection branch with souvenir parcels containing a million flowering bulbs from west- ern Europe. The branch staff had to inspect them all for insects and plant diseases. Greatest congestion at any Canadian centre is in Ott- awa where more than 11,000 souv- enir parcels arrived n one week. However army reinforcements were called in to help open and wrap the packages and the s-ituation is now well in hand. * * « A mould of tlie penicillin family has been put to work to make a . Canadian blue cheese with a dis- tinctive flavor of its own which is said to rival any of its foreign-made predecessors. Four years of experiments at the Ontario Agriculture College at Guelph have produced this cheese similar to the imported Rocquefort. The first task was to produce from cow's milk a type of cheese as close as possible to tlie sheep's milk French product, and secondly to simulate the humidity and tem- perature of the Rocquefort caves. An ordinary loaf of white bread is the seed bed for developing the taste-making mould. When the plant has grown, it and the bread are ground into a fine powder which is sprinkled into the cheese curds. When the seven-inch cheeses are formed, each one is punched with 40 holes. These are filled with the mould and the green ;.Iant sends its tentacles through the rest of the cheese. As well is providing connoisseurs with a superior product, this new use for surplus milk will put many thousands of dollars into the hands of farmers. * * * Separate from the university itself which gives only courses in first and second year subjects, two new branches have been added to the Khaki University of Canadaâ€" the university extension branch and the vocational training branch. Thii academic rehabilitation system en- ables army students to take courses in the United Kingdom up to their repatriation date. British institutions have been wonderfully co-operative in placing students. The extension branch is using the facihties of such famed bodies as London, Oxfords, Cam- bridge, Edinburg and Belfast Un- iversities. Technical and vocational schoolsâ€" Khaki University uses London Country Council schools mainlyâ€" provide classes in art, architecture, handicrafts and virtu- ally very branch of science and trade. Private firms have made ar- rangements for army personnal to do work along the line in which they are interested. Some 200 Can- adian soldiers are availing them- selves of these opportunities. As all marks of army ranks are taken down the students at Khaki Coll- ege are on an even basis. * » » Airmen of one of the most un- usual air force units are now as- sembling at the R.C.A.F. repat- riation depot at Torquay, Eng- land. They are members of the Air Observation Post, and they wear Khaki uniforms with army should- er patches and air force caps. Three A. O. P. squadrons were formed last year to act as the "eyes of Canadian artillery units." Artillery officers were put into the air to spot enemy artillery and de- fences and direct Canadian fire where it would be most effective. It was felt that air force pilots lacked the needed artillery know- ledge and accordingly army men were trained as pilots. The squadrons' aircraft were the slow-flying, almost unarmed, two- seater Austers-called "flying jeeps" because they were so manoeuver- able. As a rule the cruising, photo- graphing A. O. P. craft met no opposition The German fighters didn't attack because they had trouble with the slow speed of the Auster and couldn't follow it down to tree level. And the artillery on the ground didn't fire for fear of revealing its position. FORBIDDEN CITY IS OPEN VMn wn wta^ nrao leMHstr If functional periodic disturbances make yon feel nervous, tired, restlessâ€" at such fimeaâ€" try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound to relieve sudi synip- tooM. Rnkham's Compound i^ one of the aMMt eflfectiTe medicines for this punoie. Ftoiknr labd directions. Buy toia;^ U. K. Jet Plane One of Fastest The walled-in Japanese Imperial Palace at Tokyo, for centuries the sacrosanct home of the "Son of Heaven," isn't so private now. A group of sight-seeing GI's is shovm heading into the grounds through one of the open gates. Through archway may be seen dome of the Jap Diet building. World Record The British liner Aquitania has achieved another world record for Britain by travelling 2,660,399 miles (4,185,258 kilometres) dur- ing her 31 years' service at sea. She has carried 1,000,000 troops te two wars. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS â€" I'ERRlTOniES STILL open. Sell }5 gasoline saver and super charger: 100% profit. B minutes to inatal. Write "Gas- oline Saver", Box B2, 73 Adelaide West. Toronto. SONG "WRITERS SONG POEMS WRITERS. RECOG- nlzed music . writer, wliose songs are published by leading- U.S.A. publishers, coast-to-coast, will â- write music to your poems. Free copies, now publishing: in Canada. Writ* Songmaster Studios, Sussex, N.B. BABY CHICKS FREE RANGE PULLETS PURE breeds and hybrid crosses 12 weeks old up to laying. Also Fall hatched day old chicks. Free ca- talogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcher- ies Limited, Fergus, Ontario. CATCH THE GOOD BROILER markets. We'll have a steady weekly supply available. Order now, also your fall and winter flhlcks. See you have a copy of our valuable Fall Service Bul- letin. Free. Bray Hatchery, IJO John N. Hamilton, Ontario. PULLETS ALL AGES FROM 12 weeks to 26 weeks. Pure breeds and hybrid crosses. Also day old chicks hatched to order for Fall delivery. Top Notch Chlckerles, Guelph, Ontario. BUSINESS AND PROPERTY IP YOU ARE THINIUNG OF SEL- llng your Business or Property, large or small and want good re- sults, consult this office, 30 years experience in selling all kinds of property, for further information write. George Lawton, 709 Quel- lette Ave., Windsor, Ont. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES '41 BUICK SEDAN WILL BE SOLD FOR Jl-OOl TO holder of lucky ticket at Picker- ing Rotary Fair, October 17. Send ' »1.00 for five tickets to Box 200, Pickering, Ont. "IT COULD BE YOURS" A BEAUTIFUL MODERN 6-HOOM Bungalow, now under construc- tion, or choice of $10,000 In Vic- tory Bonds, situated ut the corn- er of Lawrence Ave. and Scarlett Rd., In Weston. This beautiful home or the bonds will go to some lucky shareholder. It is not necessary for the winner to be present at the draw. I'ickets $1 each or 6 for $5. Mail your order for 1 or more tickets to Treas. Weston Lions Club, Toronto 15. Get yo\irs now. $1 FOR ROTARY HOUSE SHARE TICKET GIVKS YOU Op- portunity of owning this beau- tiful home or $4500 ca.'ih when lucky ticket is drn,wn. Proceeds for Crippled Children and Com- munity Service. Send today for one or more shares to Rotary Club, Box 428, Essex, Ontario. â- 41 PLYMOUTH CAR, E.KCBLLENT condition Including rul)bers. Send dollar for five draw tickets to J. Shcdden, Halowe'en Dr.iw Chair- man, Refinery Workor.s' Union, Port Colborne. Winner purchases car for one dollar. $7,000 optimisThome "may be yours" ALSO PARTICIPATE IN $50.00 monthly Bond draw. Other prizes. Details on receipt. Shares $1.00 each or 6 (or $5.00. Send for shares to St. Catharines Optimi.it Club, Box 445-H.. St. Catharines. Ontario. 1942 PONTIAC TORPEDO SEDAN WILL BE SOLD IK) HOLD- •r of winning ticket, to be drawn In Heapeler, Thanksgiving Day. Tickets 25c, S for $1.00. Proceeds Kinsmen Service Charities, Send tor tickets to Kinsmen Club, Box 438-C.Z., Hespeler, Ont. $10,000 HOME BUILT ANYWHERE IN CANADA to winner's specifications, or I10,t00 in cash will be awarded lucky winner. Also chance on flOO monthly draw. Winner is â- till «ltKlbl« for house draw. All Proceeds for children's welfare. Ickets $1 eaclvâ€" 12 for $10. Mall remittance to Sudbury Kiwnnis Cluk. Box II. Restore Singapore Plana for restoring Britaln'a great naval base at Singapora, which fell to the Japanese Febru- ary 16, 1942, are in operation, ac- â- cordlng to the Admiralty. The plans were begun immediately after the city's surrende^r. DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to as tor Information, We are glad to answer your cjuestions. Depart- ment H. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street. To- ronto. VARM MACHINERY FOR SALE 10-20 INTERNATIONAL TRACTOR rubber on front, 2 furrow Plow. Lloyd Alcock, Brussels, Ont. NEW BRIGGS & STRAITON AIR- cooled gasoline engines. Most up- to-date engine made. Low cost. Dealers orders Invited. Scope Sales Co., Box 852, Ottawa, Ont. "VIKING" CREAM SEPARATORS and repair parts are always available either at your local dealer or direct from Swedish Separator Co. Limited, 720 Notre- Dame West, Montreal 3, Que. FOR SALE QUANMTY OP LARGE WILLOW trees. Hanger Limb Company, 85 King Street West, Toronto, Ont. PIANOS, OUR SMALL NEW PIANOS will be available shortly. Beauti- ful In design and tone. Circular mailed promptly. Factory Mason and Rlsch Limited, 642 King Street West, Toronto. GENERAL SIORB ON HIGHWAY, Hamilton vicinity, nice home sur- roundings; $9,500 complete, $6,000 caah required; owner retiring. Ask Worthington, 21 Main E., Hamilton. MUSCOVY DUCKS, WHITE, drakes $3.00, ducks $2.00 F.O.B. Fanin Farm, P.O. Box 101, Alder- shot, Ont. 20,000 BREEDING EWES. 50,000 Feeder Lambs. Rambouiiiet â€" Merino Corridale Cross, Southern Sask. Wool Growers' Association, Maple Creek, Saskatchewan. G. S. Herringer, Secretary. PRODUCER-RETAIL DAIRY farm, modern equipment, 400 qts. dally, fine buildings, good loca- tion, profitable. Fruit, dairy and general farms. Grocer.v .:ind gen- eral store."'. Parkinson Real Es- tate, HaKersvIlIe,- Ont. FOR SALE l.N CARLO.Ml LOTS, good healthy range ewes, Ram- bouIllet-Corrledale Cross. John KImber, Tompkins, Sn.sU. HARDWARE BUSINESS; COUNTY town; good farm trade; Fixtures $750.; Stock (estimated $5,000.) at coat: land and building with living quarters for sale; rented premises carry land charscs. Owner giving up' retail business. Selling or l),uying consult us. The Canadian. Credit Men's Trust A.s- sociatioii Limited (Mr. Winton), 137 Wollln-Bto<J:,Stfeet West, To- ronto and Branches. GRIGGS FOXHOUND PUPS AND young dogs for sale, from import- ed and registered stock. Stans- bury Kennels. Bronte, Ontario. ANGORA HAH1S11' BHIOEDING Stock. Apply Monarch Angoras, Walter Shannon, 3 Uiynn Ave., Ajax. SURPLUS ARMY STORES Army Petrol Cans, capacity 'J Imp. gallons; with oairying handle and heavy bra-ss cap. Just the thing for carrying extra gasoline, water, anti- l^reeze or any litjuid. Price 79c each. Used Land Mine Boxes, 8i,i x S-Ti x 28" long. Price $1.39 each. Used Amnninition Boxes, 13 x 11 x 18" high, double hinged cover, 18 ga. steel. Two heavy carrying handles. Price $1.75 each. All-purpose metal containers, 17" high X 10% X 5'/4, with slip-on cover and canvas carrying str.ip. Price .79c each. 6' Folding Mess Tables, price $5.95 each. «• Folding Benches, $2.20 each. C.O.D. â€" I'ransportatlon charges ex- tra. Writ* The Alison Machinery Com- pany Limited, 208 Simcoe St., To- ronto iB, Ontario. UP TO DATE DRUG S'lVRB equipped with Soda Fountain Service and Souvenir Shop. Good buatness all year round. Reply to Pottraa Pharmacy. 210 Main St.. lAchute, Que., 4t miles from Montreal, BLBCl'RIC MOTORS. NEW, USBSD bought, sold, rebuilt; belts, pul- leys, brushes. Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd., 2.126 Dufferln St., To- rontOb The Vampire, Britain's new jet- propelled flBhtcr plane, can do well over 500 miles an hour in level flight, making it one of the fastest jet planes in the world, of- ficials reported last week. Although the plane still is on the Air Mii:istry's secret list. Uni- ted details just released disclosed that its operational ceiling was between 45,000 and 50,000 feet. Limited information about the De Haviland Hornet long range fighter also was released. Power- ed by two 2,070-horsepowcr Rolls- Royce Merlin engines, it has a top speed of more than 470 miles an hour and a range of more than 2,500 miles. Like the Mosquito light botnbei, which it resembles in general appearance, the Hornet has an allwool fuselage. Ninth And Biggest Victory Loan Drive And one of the ways of making a better world will be to Invest in Victory Bonds. That's another wartime feature that 1b still with us. We've supported previous loans with a will, and we're asked to put our shoulders to the wheel again . . . but this time with recon- struction as our goal. Our ninth, and biggest, Victory Loan ... to be launched Oct. 22 ... is for $1,500,000,000. Hon. J. L. Ilsley, Minister of Finance, notes that previous loans have aimed to cover the financial needs for only six months, but because victory has brought a reduction in Canada's war costs, the ninth loan will meet borrowings for a 12- month period. We've loaned to bring peace, and now let's loan to make that peace effective. We recommend: FORBES YELLOWKNIFE GOLD MINES, LTD. (No Personal Liability) Bid 40, Ask 45 circular on request Alliance Securities Telephone ELgin 4104-4105 Four Colborne Street, Toronto 1, Ont. FUR SALE ELECTRIC MOTORS REWOUND AND REPAIHED. Ex- pert workmanship. Moderate prices. Lloyd M. Bcttger. Monk- ton. Ontario. FARMS FOR SALE 75 ACRES FOR SALE, GOOD buildings, 2 miles to Barrle. 8 acres wheat, 12 acres clover, 35 acres ploughed. Plenty water; well fenced; hydro available. Possession Oct. 1; $2700 down. Apply Earl Barron, Barrle, Ont. VALUABLE FRUIT FARM, 8S acres of exceptionally well cul- tivated orchards. Including pears, peaches, cherries, plums, prunes, grapes and apples; attractive 10- room brick home, electricity, bath, hot and cold running water, beautiful surroundings; tenant house, barn, packing shed, 2 gar- ages, chicken pen; all In splendid repair; half mile from school on good road. Price $26,000; must sell. Owner living on farm. D. E. Llghtlc, RldgeviUe P.O., Welland vicinity. 10« ACRES FARM, RICH LOAM soil. New steel barn in 1937, near- ly new 8 roomed frame house. Hydro, running water In both house and barn, 8 acres bush, driving shed and hen coop, good fences, 25 acres hay and pasture, the rest ploughed, drilled well $8,000, at least $4,000 In cash, 10 miles from Guelph, 3 miles from Rockwood, 6 miles from Acton, 1 mile to school. Mrs. T. Halcovitch. R.R. <â- Rockwood, Ont. 200-ACRE FARM, TXIT 18, CON. 18. Ennlsklllen Township, one mile off No. 21 Highway. Eight-room brick house, full basement. Barn 40 ft. by 60 ft., finished off with cement mangers and steel stanch- ions, 12x40 concrete silo. Good machine shed and granary. Good clay loam, well tiled, 25 acres hardwood bush. Apply Walter Clark. Wyoming, Ontario. FARM, 200 ACHES, 2 >4 MILES from town, on highway, con- venient to school. Mrs. Arthur Rochon Wyjittawa, Ont. A BEAUTIFUL, WELL-IMPROVED 178 acres, one mile south of Til- bury, Ont., on Middle Road, Chas. Case, Blenheim, Ont. 285 ACRES FOR SALE, 12 MILES south of Haliburton, approximate- ly 100 acres good workable land, remainder pasture and hush, plenty of wood, limber for lum- ber nnd maple syrup bush, fair house and barn, well w.itered and fenced. Railway and river run through property. Hydro power available, 2 miles from station, general store, church, nnd school. Owner retiring. Price $3,500. Apply. Melville McKnight, Box 14, Halibiuion, Ont. HICLI' WANTED COUPLE FOR DAIRY FARM. SE- porate house phone, garden, milk, fuel and electricity furnished. Stage wages. .John Skeliy, R. R. 3. Prescott, Ontario. UNO OPERATORS AND FLOOR MEN WANTED COMPETENT LINO Ol'KK .\TORS and floor men wanted for news- paper printing office, permanent position, highest wages. Wilson Publishing Co., 73 Adelaide W.. apply nearest lilmployment and Selective Service Office. Order No. 1. MKDICAL IT'S 1MP0RT.\NT â€" EVERY ^W- ferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neu- ritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store. 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid. $1.00. STOMACH AND rHKBAIJ WOU.MS often are the cause of lll-heallh In humans, all ages. No one Im- mune! Why not find out If thlf la your trouble? Interesting par- ticulars â€" Free! Write Mulvency'5 Remedies. Speclnllsfs. Toronto 8 RAIJMEEKA F( M )T BALM OE stroys offensive odor Instantly 4Bc bottle, Ottawa agent. Honraivi;- DriiB Store 0|tnw» . '; GOOD ADVICE! EVERY SIJFKER- *r of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Mun- ro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin. Ott.i wa. Postpaid $1.00. HAlRURBiiSlNG LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy 137 Avenue Road Toronto. f â- MUSICAL iSSTRUIHENTS FRED A. BODDINGTON BUYS, sells, exchanges musical Instru- ments. Ill Church. Toronto 2. OPPORTUNITIES FOH WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity, Learu Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest sya- tam. Illustrated catalogue free. Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 168 BLOOR W.. TORONTO Branches: 44 King St. Hamilton ft 74 Rideau Street Ottawa. PHOTOGRAPHIC WINDSOR PHOTO FINISHERS give you better pictures. Try our gloss-tex finisK< and see the dif- ference; six and eight exposure rolls developed and printed 30c, reprints .03c each. Windsor Photo Finishers, Box 490, Wind- sor, Ont. PHOTO CHRISTMAS CARDS 12 FOR 69c Select your favourite negatives and send to us. We'll return 12 prints mounted on attractive, embossed greeting cards, with envelopes for mailing for 69c. 1'he most original greeting cards you can getâ€" the kind your friends will keep â€" cards that men on active service at home and overseas lilfe to get. .Order early. (2 Photographs on Calendars for 25c.) STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 120, Pomfnl Ternilnul A, Toronto "Your quality in colouring and de- veloping is excellent," writes a cus- tomer at Peterborough, Ont. "and your service ia prompt and guaran- teed. I am particularly fascinated with the coloured enlargements and Christmas cards. Your prices for such quality work are really econ- omical and I appreciate your prompt reliable service." Any Size Roil â€" 6 or 8 Exposures. DKVKLOPEIJ AND PRINTED SSc a M0UNTR:D BNIiARGHMiaNTS '.iSc Size 4" X 6" in Beautiful Easel Mounts You can have enlargements colour- ed by hand for a small additional charge. Frniiied EnliirKeiilcntH 4" x 0", on Ivory tint mounts, in frames 7" x 9". Burnished Gold or .Silver, Circassian Walnut or ]31ack Ebony finish 59c; If enlargement coloured 79c. Print your name and address plain- ly on all orders. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properl.v dcveiuoed and printed. 6 OR 8 EXPtJSURE ROLLS 26o REPRINTS 8 for 25c FINEST ENLARGING .SERVICE You may not get all the filni.-i you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your films to IMI>t<^RIAL PHOTO SERVICE .Station 1, Toronto rATF.NTS FETHERSTONHAUCH & CdMi'AXY Paleni Solicitors. Estahllshed 1890: H Kins West. Toronto. Booklet of liirormalion on re- OUPSt WANTED WANTED TO PURCHASE PUI>L- ets all ages and breeds. High prices paid Apply Box No. 51, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. HATCHING EGGS WANTED l-'OU 194C hatching season. Flocks cull- ed and bloodtcsted free of charge under Government Supervision. Guaranteed premium, plus halch- .. ability premium paid. For full delnlls, write Box 39, 73 Adelaide W . Toronto ^'â- â- - â- ' ISSUE 40â€" 194S *-.,