♦rv 7 > V » • VOL. 65; NO. 5 FLESHERTON. ONT., WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 1945 W. H. Thurston & Son, PuWMhen 2 P««tor Introduced At « St. John's United Church On Tuesday evening, July 3rd, Rev. Andrew Thomson, D.D., was formally introduced to the congrega- tions which compose the Flesherton circuit. Dr. Thomson is one of the many missionaries tennporarily ex- cluded from their fields in China be- cause of the Japanese occuipation, and is now being inducted for an in- definite term. The service was conducted by Rev. A. W. March, of Durham, and the sermon was given by Rev. A. D. Pen- man of Priceville. Mr. Melville Bu- chanan sang a solo and the choir rendered an anthem. At the close Dr. Thomson gave a short address. The evening was brought to a close by refreshments- served in the base- ment of the Church. IWas With Annan Chieif Petty Officer Stewart Pea- cock of Toronto was a visitor last week with his grandmother, Mrs. Wm. Lever, at the home of Mr. Fred Brown. Chief Petty Officer Peacock served with the Canadian Frigate Annan, when a German submarine was sunk by gunfire and depth charges. The submarine was located under water and was brought to the surface, disabled, by depth charges. Sixteen hits with 4-inch shells were registered an2 •2,880 rounds of Oer- likon fire were used. The Frigate closed to within 50 yards of the sub- marine and the final depth charges were landed, the submarine sinking, with some of the crew escaping and picked up by the Annan. Several decorations were awarded the crew of the Annan for their victory. Engagements The Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Arm- strong wish to announce the engage- ment of their daugnter, Rev. Alice Adelaide Armstrong, B_A., of Neth- erhill, Sask., to the Rev. Jerry Huff, B.A., of Herschel, Sask., the marr- iage to take place in, the Netherhill United Church early in July. Both are graduates of Queens University Kingston, Ont. The engagement is announced of Adeline Irene Martin, daughter of Mr. Fred Martin and the late Mrs. Martin, to George Field, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Field, the marriage to take place quietly early in July. The engagement of Elva Marie, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wiley, Markdale, to Russell Kearns Phillips, second eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Phillips, Flesh- erton, is announced by her parents, the marriage to take place in July. Card of Thanks We wish to express our apprecia- tion and thanks to our kind neigh- bors and friends who assisted us in every way in our recent bereave- ment in the loss of a loving mother, Mrs. Sarah Simmons, who passed away Friday, June 22, and also for the many beautiful /loral tributes â€" Wesley and Flossie Plantt. "A birthday rarely causes a woman to think of the past," ob- serves a writer. Only, of the present. LAMBS IN DRAIN PIPE Mr. (Herman IJarris, an Eigreraont farmer, is curious to know how lonj;.' a lamib can live wi^^hout food. He has one that was lost ten days in a fif- teen inch drain pipe and when found and released was able to stand and take staggering steps. It may have had a little water during that time through seepage of moisture, but had had no food. A second lamb died under the same circumstances. How the lambs crept into the culvert is a .mysrtery and their disappear- ance caused an unproductive search until Nature took a hand and let their whereabouts be known. â€" Mt. Forest Confederate. Baptist Church Notef ROCK MILLS SEEVICE CANCELL ROCK MILLS SERVICE CANCELLED There will be no afternoon service of Sunday School or church at Rock Mills this Sunday. Services are withdrawn to permit attendance at Feversham Youth Rally. Everyone is urged to hear Mr. E. Edington, John Richardson, trombonist, and the vocal and instrumental quartette from Paris, Ontario. CEDARSIDE Miss C. Hutchinson will be the speaker in the morning sei-vice this Sunday. Miss Hutehinson will have a message of g)ecial interest to all. Everyone is welcome. Eugenia Convention There was a fair attendance at the Sunday School Convention held in the church here on Thursday, June 28th. After an address of wel- come by the local superintendent Mr. Arthur Proctor, Rev. Mr. Mc- Nichol conducted the afternoon de- votional exercises. iRe^^. 'HiaHiwell gave an address on the Spirit of Es- cape, speaking of our daily prob- lems, the affects of our homes, schools and churches, also the effects of the pleasurable side of life, these are all taken into account in the spirit of escape. Rev. Mr. Bewell of Barrie, Prov. Rep. gave two fine dis- cussions. The first was on the Church and School co-operating and pointed out conditions in various schools and showed that co-opeartion would bring good results. His ad- dress on "Go Yj Into All the Week" was very instructive, showing that the church was the most essential part of a community. It was the v.inning power of God to establish His Kingdom and this we mist re- alize. Supper was served by the Women's Association in the churen basement. In the evening the wor- ship was conducted by Rev. Halli- well. Miss Inez Nichols of Markdale gave worthwihle discussion on hymns for Sunday School and de- monstration how to teach them. An address on Five Musts in Christian Education was given by Rev. Mr. Bewell, (1) Must try to do what is set before us, (2) Must be able to talk on our religions as freely as about our holidays, (3) Must have our work well prapared to teach classes, (4) Must know how to pray talk with God and feel fellowship with Him, (5) Decision is another must, wnich creates energy and gives us power, must lead young people to a decision. Young people's work needs imiportant directing. Mu- sical numbers, in afternoon and even- ing were supplied by Billie McMillan and Shirley Cairns. The Misses Mabel and Edith Betts rendered a sacred duet. Mr. Mes.senger was again elected President with -Irs. C. Martin as Vice President.. District Entrance Results 52 Blood Donors At Tliursday Clinic There was a serious reduction in the numiber of blood donors at the Flesherton clinic held on Thursday morning last, 52 presenting them- selves. This amount was just half the number at the last April clinic. Our boys will be in action in the Pacific and it is in their interests that a sufficiently large bank of plasma be established. Those donat- ing their blood are as follows: 2nd Donation â€" Pat Weber, J. Mc- Millan, Mrs. Jas. Sturrock, Beatrice Thistlethwaite, Velma Sewell. Nichol, Robt. Mclntyre, Mrs. F. R. Oliver, Mrs. G. Helmkay, Emerson 3rd Donation â€" Ross Stevens, Ken Wood, Stan Magee. 4th Donation â€" Gordon Long, J. \. Nichol, Mrs. G. McTavish, Jean Mather, Ada Why-qe, Mrs. Luther Mills. 5th Donation â€" Chas. Lee. George Boyd, Everette Blackburn, Stan Men- Plester; Maurice Russell; Muriel zies, Thos. Mather, Elwood Stevens, Shaw; Ruth Smith; Joyce Tucker; Wes Smith, Ernest Hai-vey, Ernest Jack Turvey; Wilma Williams. Russell, Jack English. | The following candidates will be 6th Donation â€" Keith Cairns, Vic ; granted standing on the "Farm FLESHEIRTON The following are the names of successful candidates at the En- trance Examination held in Flesher- ton Centre: Of a total of twenty five candi- dates five wore granted standing on the Principal's recommendation and nine on the "Fai-m Leave" plan. "Farm Leave" candidates will re- ceive certificates after thirteen weeks of farm service upon present- ing properly certified statement of their period of service signed by their respective employers. No cer- tificate will be issued to any candi- date who does not comply with this requirement. The minimum length of farm service period is thirteen weeks. (H) â€" Honours Irma Aberdein (H ) ; Robert Fal- coner; Clara Hiltz; Kenneth McKech- nie; Marybelle MacLachlan; Carman Leave" plan when thirteen weeks of farm service is properly certified: Glenn Cargoe; James Foster; Jean Leitch; .\nna M. McCormick; Nelson Carbert; Audrey Lyons; Kenneth Smart; Ruth Teeter. The Rotary Club prizes were won by the following candidates; First prize, $25.00, Patrick O'Neil, Markdale; Second Prize, $15.00, Mary Jean Thibaudeau, Barrhead School;, Third prize, $10.00, Betty Edwards, Zion School; Fourth prize, S5.00, John S. Black, Sep. S. S. No. 7, Glenelg. Additional Local Items Two boatloads of seed potatoes, to- talling 2UO.0OO bushels, arrived in France from Canada recently to help relieve the shortage there. Co-Op. Feeds Mixed At Flesherton Mill In future we intend to manufacture a full line of feeds according to the Co-Op. formula bearing that name. The Concentrates used in the manufacture of these feeds are blended by some of the best men in the feed business. We are pleased to announce that H. A. Mc- Cauley of Flesherton has agreed to mix the Co-Op. feeds for us. You can rest assured that we will do every- thing possible on our part to pu up a finished product that is equal to, if not better in every way, than any feeds we have sold in the past. 0. & A. CO-OPERATIVE Phone 70 FLESHERTON Wright, E. R. Russell, C. Loucks. 7th Donation â€" Telford Ferris, D. Meldrum, Mrs. Annie Sled. 8th Donation â€" C. J. Bellamy, Stewart Muir, Mrs. Reta Park. 9th Donation â€" Bob Phillips, W. R. Meads, Robt. Brown, David Brown Wm. Irwin, J. A. Gowanlock. Ken Hawkins, Reg Boyd, Elva Russell. Wallace Thompson. 10th Donation â€" F. J. Thurston. 11th Donation â€" Herb Corbett. . Mr. Geo. Jamieson of Tinimins is spending a few days with his mother. Mr. and Mi-s. Robt. Sharp of Osh- awa are spending this week With th'- latter's mother, Mrs. S. McMullen. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sewell and Veliya attended the McCullough re-union in Owen Sound on Dominion Day. Mr. E. D. Bentham and son, Dick, of Toronto spent the holiday week end with his mother, Mrs. R. Bonthanx. Mr. Will Sewell and son, Milford, and .VIr. C. Clarke of Blantyre and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sewell of Heath- cote were visitors last week with Mr. Jos. Sewell and family. Master Barry Scarrow had three teeth knocked out Tuesday evening at a ball game at Rock Mills, whan he was struck in the face from an accidentally thrown bat. His face was also severely cut. Flesherton Legion branch held a sptcial sports card Monciaj evening when three ball games were played between the South Line, Feversham and Toronto Line North, the former being declared winners. Bingo was played and dancing enjoyed to the musio of Murray Simmons orchestra. The evening was cold, but a splendid crowd was on hand and the Legion hoped that the net receipts would be near §130.00. Bom BROWN â€" On Saturday. June 30, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bro^vIl, a daughter. Betty June. CAIIINS â€" In Markdale Hospital, on June 2Sth, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cairns, -a son. THOMPSON â€" At Mrs. Nuhn's Nursing Home, Flesherton, Thurs.. June 28th, 1945. to Mr. -nd Mrs. Wallace Thompson, Flesherton, a daughter, Sandra Jean. WEATHERALLâ€" At Mrs. Nuhn's Nursing Home, Flesherton. on Wed., June 27, 1945, to Mr. and Mrs. Law- rence Weatherall of Proton, a son. Paul Laurie. Leave" plan when thirteen weeks of farm service is properly certified ^ Allan Betts; loan Betts; Dennis Campbell; Lawrence Dobson; Dan McTavish; Irene Porteoos; William Richardson; Ivan Russell; Don Smith. Entrance certificates will be mail- ed directly to successful candidates Candidates who failed to make a pass mark vnU receive a stat'ement of marks obtained. MARKDALE Eldon Atkinson; Shiela Banks; John S. Black (H); Clarenec Burrell; James Carbert (H); Maxine Chen-y; Doris Decker; Betty Edwards (H); Donald Johnston; Helen Loney (H); lola McAfee (H); George McDonald (H ) ; Alvin Mclnnis; Hugh Merr- iam (H); Patrick O'Neil (H); James Perkins (H); Manley Risk; Cather- ine Tebbutt; Mary Jean Thibaudeau (H); Stanley Trafford; Mabei Wood; Betty Young. The following candidates will be granted standing on the "Farm DUNDALK June Acheson; Doreen Agnew; Lois Batchelor; George Bradle^jfj Gwendolyn Campbell; Reta Courwi- sier (H); Margaret Demmans; Mti- vin Demmans (H); Joan Dufii Phronia Glass; Aubrey Gott; Doug- las Kennedy; Marjorie Maudes Yvonne Murcar; Lome Roach; Ear\ Stafford; Frank Stewart; IXilore.s Thompson; Merrill Thomipson; Lcrnai VanAlstine; Lyla Wiltshire; Rust^U Winters. The following candidates will be garnted standing on the "Farm Leave" plan when thirteen weeks aC farm service is properly certified: Lewis D. Benson; Helen Black; Allan Fraser; Wallace Haw; Will- iam Haw; Audrey Heard; William Irwin; Sheila Mc-A.ulay; Russell Mc- Vicar; Eleanor Redmond. FEVERSHAM Winnifred Hawes; Carl Hawton; Ella Hill; Betty Legate; Marie Lougheed; Jack McKee; Marguerite Menzies. Certificates will be isued to the following who were granted "Farm Leave" when they have complied with the regulations. Florence Adair; Ross Allison; Cal- vin Bannerman; Noreen Bristow; Blanche Broderick; Glen Hargrave; Verona Monaghan; Evel>-n Moore; Mae Mossop; Audrey Sayers. SINGHAMPTON Domiciled in Osprey Township. Alvin Moore; Beverley Young. FEVERSHAM CONTINU.\TION SCHOOL Results for Lower School students at Feversham Continuation ^School. Students obtained credit for the subjects listed. GRADE IX Marie Blakey, Eng., Lit., Eng. Comp.. Sc, Bus. Pr., C. Hist.. Geog.. Spel.. Art, H&PT, Ed.. Fr. Marion Eby, Eng.. Lit.. Eng. I Comp., Math.. Sc.. Bus. Pr.. C. His., Geo., Spel., Art., HfcPE, Fr. I Berniece Hollingshead, Eng., Lit.. I Eng. Comp., Math., Sc, Bus. Pr., C. I Hist.. Geog., Spel., Art, H&PE, Fr Card of Thanks I wish to thank friends for kind enquiries during the illness and death of my mother. â€"Mrs. John Oliver. SEND IN YOUR KENEWAL. CENTRAL LOCATION Our convenient location is readily accessible by the city's leading auto- mobile and street car thoroughfares. Bates and Maddocks FUNERAL CHAPEL 124 Avenue Rd. KI.4344 Eng. Hist.. Eng. Hist., Eng. Eng. Edna Mclntyre. Eng.. Lit., Comp.. Math., Sc. uBs. Pr.. C. Geog.. Spel.. Art. H&PE. Fr. Helen Parker, Eng., Lit., Contp.. Math.. Sc. Bus. Pr., C Geog.. Spel., Art. Hi&PE. Fr. Jean Wood. Eng.. Lit.. Contp.. Math.. Sc, Bus. Pr.. C. Hist., Geog.. Spel.. Art. H&PE. Fr. Nicholas Haley. Eng.. Lit., Eng. Connp.. Math., Sc. Bus. Pr.. C. Hist.. Geog.. Spel., Art, H&PE. Fr. Bob Legate, Eng.. Lit.. Comip.. Sc. Bus. Pr.. C. iHst., Spel.. .â- Vrt. H&PE, Fr. Burton Hale. Eng. Comp., Math., Bus. Pr., C. Hist., Spel., Art, H&PE, Fr. Bryce Benson. E^ng.. Lit., Comip.. Math.. Sc. Bus. Pr., C. Hist., Geog., Spel.. H&PE. Fr. Bill Chawford. Eng.. Lit., Conrp.. Math.. Sc. Bus. Pr., C. Geog., Spel., Art. H&PE, Fr. GRADE X Bill McKee, Eng., Lit., Com^p., Math., Sc. H&PE, Fr. Douglas Davidson, Eng., Lit, Comp., Math. (IX), Geog.. H&PE. â€" A. D. Rae, (Teacher). Eng, Eng. Hist., Eng. Eng. Flesherton Public School Hon. 75 per cent; Pass ©0 per cent; Recommend 50 per cent; S.C. Spec- ial Consideration. To Grade 8 â€" John Milligan, 72; Bob Stoddart, 61; Mark Wilson, 58; Earl McKechnie. 26 To Grade 7 â€" Muriel Sparlis, 83; Mary Jane McTavish, 82; Margot .\nne Goessel, 82; Gordon Morrison, 80; Elaine Cook, 79; Pat Stauffer, 77; Bob McCracken. 69; Eldon Faw- cett. 68; Ross Loucks. 62; Jim Stod- dart, 59; Garnet Hamilton. 48. To Grade 6 â€" Milford Loucks, 77; Joan Avis. 75; Ross Falconer. 74; Billy Aberdein, 72; Marion Pickles, 69; Bob Teeter, 62; Clifford Rich- ardson, 59. To Grade 5 â€" Beverley Cook. 79; Marjorie Richanlson. 78; Jack Banks, 78: Marie Stewart. 75; Roy Park, 67. To Grade 4 â€" Janet Betts. 84: Geraldine Best, 81; Ruth Fawcett. 77;. (The above three pupils have qualified by examination for Grade 5); Junior Henderson. 69; Ranald McMillan, 67; Edna McKechnie. 66: Ronnie Loucks, 60; Stanley McKech- nie, 39; Jack Doupe, ;}5. To Grade 3 â€" Lloyd Miller. 83; Shirley Aberdein. 82; Albert Genoe. 73: Harold Hamilton, 73; Donna J. Hamilton. 69; Jimmie Williams, 65; Raymond .Alexander, 60. To Grade 2 â€" Nadine Cook, 80; Colleen Morrison. 73; Evelyn Sensa- baugh. 72. By standing from Vandeleur school. To Grade 6 â€" Tom McGee. To Grade 4 â€" Jean McGee. To Grade 2 â€" Harvey McGee. Grade III to IV â€" Stewart, Joha (H); Wright, Stanley (H); Fen,-, wick, Dorothy (iH); Wright, Melville (P)- Grade II to HI â€" Wright. Shirley, (P); Pedlar. John (P). Grade I to II â€" Pedlar, Evelyn (H); Teeter. Velda (P)- (H) â€" passed with honours; (P") â€" passed; (R) â€" failed in one suib- ject, but recommended; F â€" failed. Nellie Conn, (Teacher). Card of Thanks To all our friends and neighbors we wish to express our sincere ap- preciation for the many acts of kind- ness shown the messages of sym- pathy and the beatuiful floral offer- ings at the time of our recent ber- eavement in the loss of our dear mother. â€" The MeMeekin Family. Feversham Public School Grade VIII â€" McKee, Jack (H); Legate. Betty; Hawton, Carl; passed on year's work. Almeda Tyler, re- sult published later. Grade VU to VUI â€" Davidson. Yvonne (H); Pedlar, Charles (H). Grade VI to VH â€" Courvoisier, Beth (H); Tyler Redge (P). Grade V to VI â€" Fenwick, Mar- ion (iH); Hannah, Warren (H); Davidson, Joan (P); Davidson, Ron- ald (R). Grade IV to V â€" Moore, Norris (P); Hudson, Paul (P): Stewart, Sadie (P); Teeter, Kenneth (R); Teeter, Gerald (F). Rock Mills School June Promotion Results Grade VIII â€" Entrance Granted. Ivan Betts, Allan Betts. Don Smith, Lawrence Dobson, Irene Porteous. Grade VII to VIII Total 1400. Hon. 1050. Pass 840. Myrtle Betts. llo- 2 (Hon.); Gordon Helmkay, 1121, (Hon.) Grade VI to VII â€" Bobby Betts, 11:M (Hon.): Goldie .Atkinson, 1045; Shirley Partridge. 954. Grade V to VI â€" Clayton Por- teous. 1093 (Hon.); Redge Dobson. 957; Leslie Porteous. 89S. Q,.^a,, IV _ Total 900. Hon. 676 Pas^ 540. Murray Betts, 786 (Hy, " Ken Smith, 724 (H); Jeanette Dob- *<,n, 720 (H); Florence Wilkmson, 695 (HI: Katiiieen Weatherall. 668; Loi^ Helmkay. 647; Ethel Betbs, 620. Grade II to HI - Total 700. Hon. 525. Pass 420. Bruce Benson, o04; Ivan Betts. 503; Bernice Weatherall (abs.). Grade Pr. to I â€" Total 600. Hon. 450. Pass 360. Patricia Dobson, 4S4 (H); Dorothy Wilkinson. 470 (H): Harvey Weathei-all (abs). Tlie numbers are totals. Number- on the roll. 26. .Average attendance, 33 9. Winners of prize for Bible Story Book. Srs.. Goldie Atkinson; Jrs., Murray Betts. Winners of prize for Current Events Book. Srs.. Myr- tle Betts; Jrs.. Ken Smith. â€"Mrs. Francis J. Seeley, (Teacher). 0. D. R. Public School Grade VII â€" Elma Hilta (H); June Meads (H). Grade HI â€" Class A â€" Earl Hiltz; Frances Watters (iH). Class B â€" Ted Dingwall; Dorothy Mac- Millan; Audrey Whyte (Hy CHass C â€" Emerson Hiltz; Milly MacMil- lan. Grade I â€" J«an MacMillan; Glenn Meads (tt). â€" C. E. Richardson, (Teacher).