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Flesherton Advance, 20 Jun 1945, p. 5

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.*• ^ * r * t rH£ FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, June 20, 1945 PORTLAW Pte. Clifford Taylor of Winnipeg is on an extended leave with his !ivife here. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Boyce are visit- ing a few diays with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Boyce near Markdale. Pte. Fred Shier of Camip Borden is arpending a furlough with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shier here. Mr. and Mrs. Petri and family of Toronto were week end visitors with Ifrs. Petri's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Blakey. The Fourth Line Red Cross Unit met at the home of Mrs. Stanley Patton on Thursday, June 14, when a quilt was com'pleted. Plans were made for a dance to be held in Fle- â- herton Fraternal Hall at the end of the month. A |5.00 donation was re- ceived from the Portlaw school, Junior Red Cross'; and f2.00 dona- tion from Mrs. Everette Blackburn. For these we say "Thanks". The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Herb Betts, on Thursday, June 28. Chief Petty Ofificer Des Jardines »nd Mrs. Des Jardines of Halifax, N.S., spent a week with the latter's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Pedlar. While here they visited in Owen Sound, CoUingwood and Berkeley. Miss Marjorie Pedlar visited re- cen+ly with her cousin, Mrs. Victor Young, Hatherton. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fisiher and D. A. visited recently with Mr. and Hrs. MarsihaH Menzies at Badjeros. Pte. R. D. Meldrum' of Camp Bor- den visited wtdh his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Meldrum. We are sorry to report Mrs. Sim^ mons very sick with the flu, but hoipe silje may feel better soon. Pte. and Mrsi. C. Taylor, and son, Elmer, Mr. Fred Taylor and Stanley apent Sunday with members of the iWiight family at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stevenson, Shel- borne. Mr. and Mrs. Frank .McArthur and kon^ Douglas of Collingwood spent .file week end with Mr. and Mrs. Hopips here. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Taylor of Fleaherton spent a day with their •on, Fred. Mrs. Neiff and son, D. A. of Sin^ liampton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Barl Croft recently. Mrs. E. Cameron spent the past week with her daughter, Mrs. Mc- Arthur in Durham. Mr. Leslie Chard has been bedfast the past week, suffering from Scia- tica. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence LontTry and daughters, spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fisher. Mrs. Art Wilson is a patient in Markdale hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Russell of Orangeville called on Mr. and Mrs. Les Chard on Sunday. EUGENIA STEPHEN'S CORNERS We extend our heartiest congratu- lations to Miss Mable Fenwick, who graduated as a full-fledged nurse from the G. and M. Hospital at Col- ling^vood on Thursday of last week. Those who attended the sraduation exercises from here were, Mr. Roy Fenwick and 'Hazel, Mrs. Jack Ste- phen, Mrs. Emerson Wright, Mrs. Lance Browridge,- Mrs. Coulter, Mrs. Fillister, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Morri- sr.n and family. Rev. and Mrs. 0. W. Holmes, Mrs. Joe Little and Donna, Mr. and Mrs_ Joe Poi*teous and Mr. and Mrs. Vern Wright and family. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Vern Wright and fam- ily attended the Wright reunion on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stevens of Shelbume. Miss Mable Fenwick is spending a vacation at her home home here. Miss Ethel Fenwick. R.N., visited on Monday at her home. STH J INE OSPREY Sunday visitors at the Somers home were, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Mar shall and Bobby of Toronto; Mrs. W. F. Orr of Orangeville; Mr. Mer- vin Somers of Brantford; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Somers and Marilyn of Ravenna and Messrs. Pete and Vin- cent Somers of Ravenna. A number off this ilne attended the annual Fall Fair picnic and conven- tion in Tara, Thursday last. Each year a shield is given to the Fair coming the farthest distance with the most representatives. Feverhsam representatives were lucky to bring tbe shield home this year. Messrs. Kendal and Kilboume Hawkens accomipanied Mr. and Mrs. Harry Courvoisier to Orillia Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ottewell visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Magee at Eugenia. A numiber from here attended the presentation in Feversham Friday evening for Allison Douerlas, who was recently married. Conratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hanley (nee Ruby S.ia'.v) recent newly-weds. Mr. H_ J. Hampton of Vancouver, B.C., visited last week with his niece. Mrs. Lome Tupling, Feversham. You, and many other motorists who are ineligible for new tires, will feel like doing just that if you neglect your tires ond have to put your car yp on blocks. Drive in today. Get the facts on our complete Goodyear tire conservation service. Have us repair your tires NOW. We can add many, many miles to their life^ liOOD#YEAK McTAVlSH 9l SONS Flesherlon, Cnt. On Sunday evening, June 17, Rev. and Mrs. Wallace (formerly of Scot- land) assisted Rev. Westcott in the service in the United Church here. Mrs. Wallace told the story of "The Good Samaritan" illustrating it by coloured pictures. Rev. Wallace gave an inspiring address, "The Challenge of the Cross". Together they ren- dered two pleasing sacred duSts. We were very pleased to hear Rev. and Mrs. Wallace and enjoyed their items very much. The Sunday School convention of Artemesia, MaiV-dale and Flesherton will be held in Eugenia United Church on Thursday afternoon and evening, June 28. Supper will be served by the Women's Association at 6.30. See bills for program, etc. Bill will be distributed in each Sun- day School. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baker and Miss Ella Baker of CoUingwood, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Baker and Gayle of Heathcote were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Baker. Mrs. Allan MacGregor is visiting with her sister, Mrs. W. Perkins in Ottawa. Sgt. Glen Pedlar of the Petawa- wa Army Training Camp and Mrs. Pedlar of Pembroke visited with the Pedlar and Magee families. Pte. Fred Boyce was home for a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mi-s. C. Boyce and sister, Jean. Mr. and Mrs. Ekiwin Purvis accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. Waterfield, Toronto, spent t^e week end of June 9th at the Purvis cottage near the Hydro Lake. Mr. T. Stewart of Toronto spent Saturday at his home here. Miss Lillian Magee of Toronto spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee and fam- ily. We extend our sympathy to the Humphrey family of Ceylon in their sad bereavement caused by the death on Monday of their mother, who has had ill health for some time. Joyce and Gayle (Jenoe, also Marie and Irene Phillips have gone to work at the Wasaya Lodges, Wasaga Beach for the summer months. Mr. John Magee of the village had a sale of household effects on Satur- day, June 16. Mr. Kaitting of Fle- sherton was the auctioneer. Mr. McCarthy and Miss Mary .McKee of Toronto are holidaying with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. McKee. Miss Mary Weber of Flesherton was a visitor in the village last week. Mts. Bentham of Flesherton visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Paul Sun- day evening. The W. A. of the United Church holds their June meeting at the home of Mrs. Norval Berts on Wed- nesday, pjn. of this week. On Monday evening a charivari party entertained Mr. and Mrs. EI- ward Campbell (newly-weds) for a while. Miss Georgina Smith of Toronto is holidaying with her sister, Mrs. Well Graham and other relatives. Mrs. Pinkerton and daughter, Mrs, Hass spent a few days in Toronto last week. NORTHERN MOTOR SERVICE Prompt rewinding service on electric motors of •!! kinds â€" Domestic and Commercial, Split â€" Two and Three Phase, High Speed and Low Speed Electric Drills. Workmanship Guaranteed. J. MIDDLETON 753 - 2iid Ave. E. OWEN SOUND Phone 782 "Dad," the boy asked, "what is a fiancee?'' Father â€" "A young lady who is engaged to be married." "Then what is a fiasco, dad?" "That's the fellow who is going to marrv her." White Shoes for Men, Women and Children, at ST. AffDBEW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PRICEVILLE William D. Halliwell, Minister SERVICE OP WORSHIP Sundays 11:00 ajn. Sunday School: 12:15 p.m "0 COME LET US WORSHIP" B ATES FOR OOTS DUNDALK Cream Service WE ARE ENDEAVORING TO GIVE YOU A CREAM SERVICE WHICH CANNOT BE EXCELLED ANYWHERE SELL OFF YOUR OLD HENS We find that we must have more time in handling the cream in order to avoid congest- ion on open nights, especially Saturday nights. We must stop testing cream at 10 p.m. on open nights in order to be able to pasteurize and cool We are taking the liberty of asking our patrons who want to deliver their cream on Open nights to co-operate with us and rry to deHver their cream earlier, as we must get our resting done before 10 p.m. Your co-operation would be appreciated. Cream deliveries exceed those of last year, and more and more cream patrons realize they are benefitting from the CENTS EXTRA paid for DELIVERED CREAM, the cream. SELL OFF YOUR OLD HENS Now that ^gg production is falling off, you will be wise to sell your hens and make room for your new flock. We are paying highest prices for Live and Dressed Poultry. i Flesherton Creamery & Produce Phone 66 Angus Avis, Manager Roast Beef on Sundays . . . THE SUNDAY ROAST â€" week- ends in the country â€" the old family jalopy â€" these things mean a pleasant way of life. These are some of the things every man overseas has been fighting for. They won't be his, unless all of us make sure, when our fighting man comes back, his dollar will be worth a dollar. To protea his dollar, we must rt'-ilize NOW the dangers of care- less, unnecessary buying. We must buy only what we need â€" vever buy two where one will do! We must rot Lvade rationing or price control, or deal in black markets. If we break the rules, our country â€"the country he fought for â€" v.iij Mart on that uncontrollable rocketing of prices known as inflation! Prices will rise. As prices go up, wages try to tag along . . . and never quite catch up. The value of money goes down. Soon your dollar will buy â€" perhaps only 30c worth of goods! And there is no limit to its dropâ€" look at Greece today ! The nation is plunged in poverty and depression. So let's all make sure our soldier's dollar â€" when he gets back â€" will buy a dollar's worth of goods ' We can't give back to him his lost years or his lost youth. But. if we keep up the fight against inflation, he can look forward to pleasant, satisfying living . . . the Canadian way of life. 'Vi.-r'fr/ ••' THF BREV^"'NG (NDT'STRV (ONTARIO' to reveal ihe danfter^ of inflation. Make this Pledge Today! I pledge myself to do my part ^n fighting inflation: By ebtsrvlna rationing and avoidinfl black markets in any shape or form. By rs>p*ctin9 aric* contrail and other ami-inllatioii measures, ami re- fraining from careless and unncces. sary buying. I will not buy two where one will do. nor will I buy » "new" where in "old" will do. By buying Victory Sondt ana War Savings Stamps, supporting tax- ation, and abiding by all such measures which will lower the cost of living and S THI^Wip help keep prices at a nornial leveL IRSWIK

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