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Flesherton Advance, 18 Apr 1945, p. 2

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RED STARS OVER NIAGARA VOICE OF THE PRESS HOW CARELESS! The fatal lapse at Rcmagen leaves Berlin acutely embarrassed, as well it niiKl't. Fancy, being caught with one's bridges up! â€" Strafford Beacon- Herald The striking photo above shows American-buirt P-G3 Kingcobra fighter planes, bearing the Red Army star, winging over the Canadian cataract at Niagara Falls to start their long flight to Russia. Pilots of the U. S. Air Transport Command fly them from Bell Aircraft's Niagara plant to Fairbanks, Alaska, where Red Army flyers take over and fly the planes across Siberia to Eastern Front bases, complet- ing a 10,000-mile ferry trip. JUST A BOASTER One of our neighbors professes to understand the income tax blank. His wife is worried about him. â€" Quebec Chronicle Telegraph. CHICKEN FEED It is often the complaint of cler- gymen that too tnany members of their congregations are on the ni- ckel standard. â€" Kitchener Record. Merchant Ships Carried Aircraft For Protection MAKE IT REALISTIC! It is quite possible the German Elite Guard will be compelled to rebuild the cities in foreign lands which they destroyed. And while they are doing it they should be compelled to exist on the rations they forced on the people of Ger- man-occupied countries during the war. â€" Chatham News Dni'inK the most critical period in the battle of the Atlantic i> number of British merchant sni"9 were eauipped with "postage stamp" landing decks enabling them to carr> thfir own aircraf protoction without sacrificing ca. go tonnage, the Admiralty dt* closed last week. The vessels, grain-type treigh' ers requiring a minimum amount of aleration, were forerunners ct the Navy's 'Woolworth carriers' now used for escorting oceun con- voys. They were operated by the merchant navy and carried flee air arm pilots. "In some cases the pilots Jart a flat space of only about 400 tet-i from which to take off and land the Admiralty announcement saia "Considering the alarming dedi movemor* frequently encountered in the Atlantic, this was nc smai. feat." Discharged Troops Up to the end of 1944, approxi mately 200,000 men and women have been discharged trom the armed services, in this proportion. Army, 165,000; Navy, 7,000; Ait Force, 28,000 Of these, 27,0OU were N.R.M.A, troops. Britain Needs Army of Farm Volunteers The British food situation ~u more serious than has yet bees generally recognized," a Ministry spokesman said, and the Agricm- turla Secretary, Mr. R. fa. Huo son, chose Easter time to appea; for volunteers to help in raislni; and harvesting the 1945 crops. Mr. Hudson is asking lor iOU 000 adults â€" more than twice the number responding last year - and lOi .000 children- over 1. yeard old to go to vclunteer camps o» ganizert to help farmers. WHY DO more people buy Maxwell House than any other brand of Coffee in the tvorld? This supedb blend contains extra* flavor Latin-American Coffees, selected from the finest the world produces^ WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING SPRAINS Pulled muscles and sprains are being robbed of their serious and painful features by treatments •which formerly were employed by those who were concerned with the care of Olymphic show that soldiers, who have been treated, are able to return to duty almost im- mediately and their injuries heal while they work, says The Saint â- John Telegraph-Jounral. The quick cure consists in apply- ing a spray of ethyl chloride to tht Injured area's surface and encour- aging immediate motion cf '.Si instead of wrapping it in a paster cast or adhesive tape and immobil- izing it. The chemical provides sur- face anaesthesia to the area, quickly relieves pain and enables the pa- tient to move the injured part. Supervised motion improves cir- culation and prevents stiffness and â- welling. While formerly used only on athletes, the treatment is giving good results in the army and it ii •xpected that after the war It will be used generally where painful sprains and strained muscles might be a handicap. Output of Sarnia Rubber Plant Up According to figured releas«r. last week, tha publicly-owned syn- thetic rubber plant In Sarnia lo February hit a new high In the production of synthetic rubber, with a total of 8,770,000 poundsâ€" approximately 116 percent of the designed capacity of the plant. An average of 315,000 pounds a day was produced In that record breaking month. This large out- put, maintained for a year b} Polymer Corporation would result In an annual production of about 105,000,000 pounds of synthetic rubber. Lest They Forget A member of the Britisli house of commons suggested last week that when peace comes a bombed- out section of Berlin be kept as a permanent reminder to the Ger- man people. Commercial fertilizers are made up of potash, phosphoric acid, and nitrogen. Look out for Trouble from Sluggish KIDNEYS Try the Original "Dvich Drops" It is poisonous waste that your kidneys should be filtering out of your blood that may cause backncho, dizzy epella, leg cramps, restless, ^eep-brokcn nlglits, and •niarting and burning. For relief use the remedy that has won the grateful thanks of thousands for many yearsâ€" GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. This effective diuretic and kidney stimu- lant ia the original and genuine Dutch Drops in carefully measured amounts in tasteless Capsules. It is one of the most favorably known remedies for relieving congested kidneys and irritated bladder. It works swiftly, helping the delicate filters of your kidneys to purify the blood. Be sure you get the original and genuine â€" racked in Canada. Insist on getting GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Cnpsules. 40c at your druggists. I HEAD COLD? Get quick relief! Just smear NOSTROLINE in each nostril. Breath- ing passages open right away. NOSTROLINE Boothes, lubricate*, disinfects, helps males and keep your nose healthy. Brings comfort swiftly. Convenient. Pleasant. For adults and children. 50câ€" all druggists. WILLIAMS , CAMPHORATED MUSTARD CREAM ,• r»Ni^j»-. Stimulates circulation and breaks up conjestkin, preventing compile*- tkxu of a ictioui nature befort It It too late. Allows « restful night br rapid recovery. niuiB uimutig asTiB oua fie I K n *« itini Do ycu suffer from MONTHLY NERVOUS TENSION with Hf wsalt, llrsd fasllggs? If functional periodic disturbances make ?ou feel nervous, tired, restless â€" at such imes â€" try Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vege- table Compound to relieve such symp- toms. Pinknam's Comijound is one of the most effective medicines for this purpose. Follow label directions. Buy today' $1.00 May Win This $10,000 Model Home For You Draw Will Be Made May 24th fl.00 A IHAMI BEACHES MODEL HOME 8366 QUEEN ST. K. TORONTO OVERLOOKING LAKE ONTARIO PurahaH On* or Mora Sharot To-Jay BBACHn BUBI.NBIS MIN'I ASSOCIATION TORONTO S. T*ut Murss WUI B* Msllil to \n rromfllr. PIMM Nat Inr Naiu utASlreu Plalnlr ItscmIi fw WW OharlllM. $1-00 K SHARE ACCOUNTANTS A AL'DITURS INCOME TAX RBPORTS COU- pleta Bookkeeping Services. Small or Large Businesses. Travel any- vrhere. Albert Brett * Co., S Wellington St. E„ Toronto. Ont BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ATTRACTIVE RESIDENTIAL PRO- perty. Kent County, sell or tx- rhangr* Drugr Buslneai. Summsr Resort or Buslneas Property, Box 22, 7» Adelaide W.. Toronto. DABY CHICKS • 1.00 BOOKS TOCR UROBR ORDER YOUR I94& CHICKS NOW. and not bt dliappolnted. All chlcke sr* from su°rsr.;£sd t*at- >td stock, and from 26 os. «kki or better. Barred Rocks mixed $1}.00 per 100. White LcKhorni mixed tll.OO per 1011 Barred Rock Pullet* tlk.OO per 100. whit* Leifhorn Pu'leta S22.00 per 100. white Rock* mixed tlS.OO per 100 white Roek Pullet* $24.00 per 100. We guarantee 100% live delivery, balance paid C.O.D. Maple City Hatchery. Chatham, Ontario. BRUNTON "Bred-to-Pay" CHICKS RHODE ISLAND REDS, WHITE Rocks, Barred Rocks, Golden Hampshlres, Government Approv- ed, Rloorttested. Illustrated Cat- alogue Free. Brunton Cedar Glen Farms Hatchery, 62 Wlnnett, Toronto (mention paper). 6000 BREEDERS ON ONE PLANT BOOK roun ints chicks now and get your chicks when you want thcni. Orders are puurlns In. Ureeder Hatcheries are always sold out carl.v. Don't take chances on ordinary chicks. Place your order NOW. Pure Bied Su.ssex. Larse Type I.eBhorna. Hu.ssex X New Hamps., Sussex X LeKhorna. Rock .\ I.eKhornn, Rock X New Hamps., Barred Rocks Send for large HhKitrated Catalogue and Price 1. 1st. Lakevlew Poultry Farm, Wein Bros.. Exeter. Ont. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN .success ami failure in the chick- en business very often depends on the chicks you start. Many poultrymen try to eliminate that hazard b.v choosing Top Notch <fOvernnu?nt Approved chicks from bioodleated breediT.s. Day old Chick Prices. Non-Sexod White Leghorns 11.95. Harred Itocks. New Hampahircsl 12. 9B. Assorted Light Breeds 10.05, As- sorted Heiivies 11.95. Pullets' White Leghorns 25.!1S. Barred Hocks ;;3.0.'). New Hampshires 24.95, Assorted Light 23.95. As- sorted Heavies 21.95. Also two week ofd started chicks at bar- gain prices. Write for catalogue and complete pricellst for many other breeds. Top Notch Chlck- eries, Guelph. Ontario. BROAIt nilEASTRD SUSSE.X COX THOUSANDS AVAILABLE WEEK- ly. If you ordiir at once. Uur Brni^d Breasted Suaaex cox bring top prices on the market. White skinned, long rounded breasts. Also New Hamp, cox with faat growth and fsatherlng. Suasex X Leghorna and Rock X Leghorns mak* good roaatera and grow fast up to 4-5 Iba. Tou can buy thea* for $4.00 per 100. Alao mix- ed heavy cox $(.00 p*r 100. All from our wsll-br*d, healthy, blood tested breadera. 6000 Breed- •rs on ONE plant. LakevUw Poultry Farm. WeIn Bros.. Exet»T. Ontario. 100 CHICKS FRHJ£ WITH EVERir ORDER OF,' 100 PUU let chicks, w» give 100 fr** chlcka (our choice). Leghorn pulUta $22.(lt per 100, barred Rock pul- lets 119 96 per 100. White Rock Pulleta $24.96 per 100. All chlcka aold backed by high egg pedigreed stock, $1.00 b6ok* your order, balance C.O.D.' Quaranteed 100% live delivery. Kent Hatchery. Chatham, Ontario. SPECIAL PULLET SALE STARTED BARRED ROCK PUL- lets, 1 week old 22c, 2 week* old H c*nt». Immediate dellvtry. 0»rleton Hatchery, Britannia Heights, Ont.irlo. POULTRY KEEPERS BE CERTAIN YOU VXTL OOOP healthy, vlgoroua chlcka. Buv chick* with breeding and llvablllty and you will b* certain of aucceaa Our Rreeder* are all Oovernmeni Inspected, banded and blood-tasted Write for descriptive catalogu* oi th* different breoda. and prices oi our Oovernment Approved chick' MONKTON POULTRY FARMS MoBktoa, OBlarl* BABY CHICKS DARK CORNISH GAME COCKER- ela, grand type, development, range raised. Choice Breeders. weights. 8 lbs. George Renbeit, 8112, lis Avenue. Edmonton. Alta. "OXFORD" B LIO CD-TESTED chicks, live, lay and pay. They are the results of nineteen year* of careful selection and breeding In O.B.S. They hav* to be good because we want the very best kind of chicks for our own flock*. Improved breeding. Big. vigorous and early maturing. We stress egg size and uniformity. Writ* for our free folden. Barred Rock*, White Leghorns, un-.sexed Chlcka. Pulleta snd Cockerels. The Oxford Farmers' Co-operative Produce Co., Ltd.. 4S4 Main St.. Woodstock. Ont. ASK ANT SUCCESSFUL POULTRT- man and he'll tell you the moat Important word In the chicken is llvablllty. Money, feed and labour spent on chicks that "can't take It" can never be regained. Tweddle Chicks can freatly reduce the hazard. For 9 years we have supplied the best liked breeds and excellent cross breeds and already this ye.'ir we have received dozens of intter.i telling us of the wonder- ful liv.ihliity of their Tweddle Chicks at 2 weeks and 4 weeks of age. It will pay you to think of llv.Thilltv when you order your 191.') rhlek.=. Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limit- ed. Fergus, Ontario. 2S FREE CHft^KS OUR FOUNDATION STOCK IS regl.stered snd pedigreed birds. NothlnE better In Csnada. Order now. Pric'es for mixed baby chirks, m.nle? and females: Bar- red Rocks, $12 00 per hundred: White Leahorns. $11.00: White Rocks. JlSnO: Brown Leghorns Pullet prices: Bsrred Rooks. 119 00: Whl»e Leghorn?' $22 00: While Rocks. 124.00: Drown l.eghnrns. $24.00 25 free rhicks. our choice, will he ctven for each '200 mixed rhicks order- ed nnil 2.1 free chicks for each 100 day nid pullets ordered Goddard Chirk Hntrhery. Brl- tf»nnln Tleiiihts finfnrin oRUEn voi'R nmcKS now AND YOU ARE GUARANTEED your cliicks for next spring when you w.inf them. Barred Rock mixed $12.00 per 100. white lee- horn? mixed $11.00 per 100. Bar- red RorU Pullets 119 00 per 100 white lecliorn pullets $22 00 per ion. Henvv Preed Ckis $0,00 per 100. Leghorn Ckl.« $2.00 per 100 All rhicks hntched from 2B o» egg.'' or better and from sperlnl ^ m.Tted flocks. Guaranteed 100", live delivery. $1.00 hooks vour order, halnnce C.O.D Rainbow Hntchery. Chatham. Ontario. WR HAVE 2 WEEK OLD LEG- horn iind He.ivy breed pullets for prompt Hhipment: dayolds In TjCg- horns, B.I).. I N.H., and L.S. x N.H. Also limited supply corker- els. .Suggest you get In touch with lis soon. Bray Hntchery, 130 .lohn St. N.. Hamilton, Ont. BLOOD-TE.STED HYintlD COCK- erels, April 4e, Leghorn Cocker- els Ic. Also white Leghorn and Hybrid Pulleta. Stormont Poultry J'':H>m. Finch, Ont. > â-  OVEINO AND CLEAN'tNG HAVE YOO ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for Information. We ar* glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H. Parker'* Dye Works Limited. 791 Yonge Street. To- ronto. lIAIRDRESSINa LEARN HAIRDRE.SSINQ THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding elasae*. Robertson's Halrdresstng Acad- emy. 137 Avenue Road. Toronto. FOR SAI.I3 ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW. USED, bought, sold, rebuilt: belt*, pul- leys, brushes. Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd., 2826 Duffarln St., To- ronto. STRAWBERRY PLANTS, ASPAR- agus, raspberries, peich tr«**, apple*, pears, plums, cherrltfa. grapes, currants, shrubs, hedging shade treea. wire tro* guards. Norfolk Nursery. SImco*. Ontario 60-ACRE FARM FIRST CLASS, up-to-date. Write for particulars. Bert Ilngndorn, Uurgessvlllo. Ont. HEAUTIFUL COMFORTERS MADE from your materials. Quilting $1.85 Your wool carded 26c lb.. washing 3c lb. Quick service. Vir- gin wool halts $1.16 lb. Wool CardliiK Machines $14.95 Spinning Wheel? H:i95 Ask for catalogue SIfton Wool I'rorinris. Box 123 Sirion Miinili>l>a. FOR SALE SAW MILL, .NEARLY NEW, CAPAC- ity upward one thousand per hour. Can be operated by two men or more. Designed and built by an experienced sawyer. For particu- lars, write or call Dan VaUleres, Mill Bridge, Ont. Do not call on Saturday. AT STUD, ATTRIDGE'S NIGHT- rider Black and Tan Coon hound, imported, six generation pedigree. His sir* stands at on* hundred dollars stud fee.'<. Studding thl* young dog at Twenty-five dollar*. Arthur Attrldge, Freeman, Ont, DRY CLEANING DELAVAL CLARI- fler for sale or swap for outboard motor. Box 98, Bracebrldge, Ont. BROWN CHESAPEAKE RETRIEV- er pups, snap at $20. D. A. Beech, Malakwa, B.C. CASE 40 HP TRACTOR WITH exten.'ilon rims $950, excellent condition. IS Inch plat* Chopper, $50.00. Abram Weber, R. 1, St. Jacobs, Ont. JERSEY'S, ALL AGES, QUEBEC'S leading show and producing herd, records, accredited. Gables Farm. Foster, Quebec. PUREBRED HEREFORD CATTLE, males and females. Lawrum Farms. Durham. Ont. FOR SALEâ€" CASE TRACTOR, 45 h.p.. cross-mounted engine. In real good condition, good for saw- mill or threshing outfit. Portable sawmill with all new timbers. All for $700. Will sell separate. V. Vanderllnden, R.R. 1, St. Wil- liam.':. Ont. sew CASH, 4 ACRES GOOD GAR- den land, five roomed frame house, water frontage, village Gorrie. Mrs. Sh.ind. Humber Dnv Ont. GARAGE .\ND SERVICE STATION garage equipment and stock and C-roomed house on No. 2 High- way. Oakes Garage. Anc.ister Ont. ^ LEFT-HAND, 3 SPEED, SAWMILL r,Trn,ii.'e and husk. Good condi- tion. $1.50. W. A. Cornell. Ko- nuiiia, Ont. I'OUI.TItY FARM, Jo .VCUES. 1,200 layer.s. Hydro, market garden liind. 20 miles from Toronto and Hunilton: goint,- concern: Im- modi.-ite po.'s.'ies.sion. Keith Cowles R.n. 2, Hornby, Ont. MACIIIXEHV DIESEL CRAWLER TRACTORS RD7 C.VTERPILLAR WITH 8 YARD Le Tourneau scr.iper: RD8 with 12 yard scraper: TD18 Inter- national with bulldozer (scraper opiionaO: TDIO with bulldozer: RDIO lnternation:il (47.5 HP) • Rn4 Caterpillar: RD4 with An- thony Higblift Bucket and Inter- changeable bulldozer blade . . LiRhting plants. 1500 watt, 82 or 1X5 volts. Send for folder . Diesel and Gasoline Engines 40 to 150 HP. Other equipment available. Wire, write or phone S. H. Leventhnl & Co.. Machinery Agents, Winnipeg. MRIIICAI, STOMACH AND IHRKAD WUUM.'^ often are the cause of Ill-health In humans, all ages. No one Im- mune! Why not find out If this la your troubleT Intcreating par- ticularsâ€"Free! Write Mulveney's Remedies. Specialists Toronto 8 DON'T WAITâ€" EVERY SUFFERER of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy Munro's Drug Store, 835 Elgin Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. CtJNSTIPATION. B I LI O U SNESS liver troul)Je, depressed headache quickly relieved with Fig-Lax tablets. Keep regular with Fig- Lax, 25c at Drugglats. BAIIMEEKA FOOT BAIJU DE- atroys offensive odor Instantly. 45c bottle. Ottawa agent Denma'n Drug Store, Ottawa. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED â€" EVERY sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Munro's Drug Store, 835 El- gln. Ottawa. Postpa i d $1.00. 1»IUSICAI. INSmiTMENTS FRED A BHDDINGTON BUYS sella, exohangea musical Instru- ments. Ill Church. Toronto 2. OPPOUTIINITIES l-on WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Oreat Opportunity, Learn Halrdressing Pleasant dignified profe.«slon. good wages, thousands successful. Marvel gradu:ite.s. America's greatest ay*- tem. Illustrated cntnlogue tree Write or call MARVEI HAinnRESSINQ SCHOOUS 358 BUiOlt W. TORONTO Branches 44 King St. Hnmllion * 74 RIdeau Street. Ottawa. •HOTOGRAI'HV TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed « OR « EXPOSURE ROLLS ISc REPRINTS 8 tor 25c FINEST ENLARG1N(; SERVICE You may not get all th* film* yoa want this year, but you can get all th* quality and aervlce you deair* by sending your films to IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICB Station J. Toronto TRY CANADA'S LARGEST PHOTO FINISHING STUDIO Get better pictures at. lowest coat. Don't take chance* with your film rolls. Y'ou can't take "snaps" over again. PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Any Size Roll â€" 6 or 8 Exposurea DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 15c A customer In Cape Breton aays, 1 have been sending films to you for 4 or 5 years. Would not send then anywhere else." SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style Album With Print* sizes 16-20-127 If 29c (4c extra) la sent with film rolL SPECIAL PRICES ON FRAMING AND COLORING Knlargementa 4 x 6" In beautiful •aael mounts. 8 for 25c. Framed on Ivory tinted mats, 7 x 9", In Gold. Silver. Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames. 59c each. If enl.nrKement colored. 79c each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129. Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Name and .\ddres3 Plainly on Orders. PIANOS ARE YOU INTERESTED IN THE new small Pianos? If so write us for latest descriptive circular. Factory Mason & RIsch Limited, 642 King St. West. Toronto. PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Establlshd 1890; 14 King West. Toronto. Booklet of Inform.ntion on re- quest. Sim RIIAN IMIOPEKTIES WANTED WITHIN 25 MII^S OF TORONTO, with or without acreage.! We have steady demand for proper- ties ranging up to $50,000 throuchout this area. R. F. HEAL & CO. tla Yoi i KO St.. Toronto AD. 3457 FARM MACHINERY "VIKING" CREAM SEPARATORS and repair parts are alwavs available either at your local dealer or direct from Swedish Separator Co. Limited, 720 Nolre- Dame West. Montreal 3 Q ue. wantf:d SUI'EUINTENDENT W.WTED FOR 20 bed Hospital in Palmerston, Ontario, liutles commence June lat. Apply to W. H. Burns, Palm- erston. Ont. NEW WRITERS NEEDED TO RE- wrlte ideas In newspapers, mag- aziTus iuui books. Splendid op- portunity to "break into" fascin- ating writing field. Full Inform- ation for self-addre.'»sed stamped return envelope. Factual Featur- es, yy Lee Ave.. Toronto 8. MEN AND WOMEN WANTED A SPECIAL APPEAL TO VETER- ans! Enjoy a business »ll your own. Sell Pamllex ProducN In your chosen territory and mak« money In your spare time. Begin n a small way and gro\v big. No limits to your earnings. Free de- tal s .and catalogue. Famllex, 1600 Delorimier. Montreal HELP WANTED CYLINDER PRESSMAN WANTED, one with some experience on make-ready. Steady position for a eady reliabl* man. (44-hour week). Apply nearest Employ- FI^LE-C ^''tMs'* ®*"''<=* Offlca. LXPERIENCED UNOTYPH OPER- Snr. *S? r""' """ wanted at w..i;< V®*?'' position. (44-hour r.?,f 'o .""l-y neareat EmploymaBl F"LEi^'lt^*'2720. '""'^ ^'=- FARM HELP WANTKD E.\RMER. SINGLE. REUABLB miili^S ^^^U '«'â- "'â-  Experlenca ?id 7^n ""Chine, tractor, prefer- Wr,, , ''f'i'*" monthly plus Pm. n '"""^'â- y- Apply V. Von wm/k '^'',?''''""'"' "'ehway No. «, Whitby. Ont Phone Whitby 850; ISSUE 16â€"1949 ^ â- ^ h % 'A i i ft • A * m ; Ii 4 1 ii 1 i ^ M : 1 Nf -A

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