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Flesherton Advance, 4 Apr 1945, p. 8

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Wednesday, April 4, 1945 i^n KLKSHERTON ADVANCE Another Hydro Rate Reduction For All Rural Consumers A further Rural rate reduction from 4c to 3^c per kilo- watt hour on the first block of energy used in any one month by Hydro Rural consumers, will go into effect on all bills rendered on or after May 1st, 1945. This Rural rate reduction will mean a saving of approx- imately $300,000 a year to Hydro Rural consumers. The New Uniform Rate Structure Will Be: 3V2C per kilowatt hour for first block of energy (formerly 4c.) 1-6|10 per kilowatt hour for the second block of energy. %c per kilowatt hour for all ackHtional energy. £ No service charge on Farm Service ... a ser- vice charge of 56c grots per month on Hamlet Service. The more Hydro you use the less it costs on the average per kilowatt hour. Increased use therefore brings lower costs. The important revisions in Rural rates, made effective in January 1944, have resulted in a greater use of energy, enabling the Commission to further reduce the cost of electricity to Hydro Rural consumers in Ontario. THE HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO ♦♦'^♦♦^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦JmJ'^^ T ? ? T t ? t T t. t t T T t Hiir Spring Values in Ladies' Ready-to- Wear IF YOU ARE BUYING SOMETHING NEW FOR SPRING, CE SURE TO VISIT HILL'S AND LOOK OVER THE ARRAY OF NEW SPRING COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, HATS THE POPULAR COAT FOR ALL OCCASIONS IN PLAIN CLOTH AND FANCY TWEED AND A.T-«50 MODERATELY PRICED LADIES' SUITS In tailored or dressmaker style; the very lat- est in material, styles, and shades, and moder- ately priced. SPRING DRESSES New, as gay as spring itself, lovely colorful frocks in silk jersey crepes and printed material:- MILLINERY aVcw Spring Hats! What a gorgeous dis- play of stylos ajul colors. Many numbers in Straws, Felts and Cloth creations. MEN'S SUITS You'll find real Top Value in our large dis- play in .Men's and Youths' Suits in twced.s and worsted, and in all popular shades for spring. ExccQJtional value $16.95 up MEN'S TOP COATS You'll naturally want a real good Spring Coat. We have a fine selection to choose from, in plain or fancy tweed and in all sizes. MEN'S ODD TROUSERS See our ranrge of fine pants and made of fine worsted an<l fancy tweeds. Extra value at $2.50, $7.50 Buy long trousers in a big range at fancy twee<ls; a wonderful assortment to choose from and priced at $1.65, $3.50 t t t t T t t T T t ? ? ? T T t T ADDITIONAL LOCALS Mr. Robt. McMaster of Onondaga wa.s a visitor in town Satunky. Mr. Fred Stuart of Bracebridge was a visitor in town Tuesday. Miss Ena Adams is visitiriK this week with relatives in Toronto. Miss Ruby Dunbar of Waterdown is spending this week visiting with friends in town. The Eugenia Red Cross will meet at the home of Mrs. C. Boyce on Wednesday, April 11. Mrs. W. S. Inkster has returned to town after spending the winter at Wareham. Miss Jean Loucks of Sudbury is spending her vacation with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Loucks. Mrs. Jos. Blackburn and Mrs. R. H. Henderson have returned to town after spending the winter in Sarnia and Toronto respectively. Mrs. W. J. Conn of 'Toronto and Mrs. 'Pred Hale of Feversham were first of the week visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kaittingr. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Neilson, Owen Sound, Mr. Jack Neilson and son. Burton, Proton Station, spent Friday with sister, Mrs. John McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hamilton and family spent Easter Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Benson at Corbet- ton. Donna Jean remained for a week's visit. STEPHEN'S CORNERS Misses Lillian Magee and Ann Lauder of Toronto and Mr. James Magee visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous. Mr. Robert Fenwick, who has sppnt the past few monthiS at Nobel returned home on Thursday. Mr. Redige Londry spent the week end with relatives In Toronto. Opl. lElla iFenwick ^of iRegina, Sask. is visiting her father at tre home of Mr. Roy Fenwick. Mr. and Mrs. John Lougiheed and children spent the week end with relatives at Clarcmont. The War Workers met at the home of Mrs. Jack Stephen on March 28, with nine ladies present. A card' of thanks for cigarettes received was read from Guy Pallister. It was' de- cided to add more names to the cig- arette fund. A motiofl Was passed to send fifteen dollars to the Red Cross. A euchre party and dance ^s planned to be held in Maxwell Hall on Aipril 11th. Mrs. Londry of- fered her home for the next meeting, to be on April 18th. Misses Ethel Fenwick, R.N., and MaJble^ Fenwick of Collingrwood, and Miss 'Isabel Reeckde of Thornbury, visited ove_r the week end with Mr. Roy Fenwick and family. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee and family. Mr. Bill Stephen retumedi from Toronto on Tuesday, after having received his discharge from the Roya» Canadian Air Force. Mother â€" "Now remeiniber, while I'm away, dear, that if y«u pet, drink, and smoke, men will call you fast." Sweet Young Thing â€" "Yes, indeed, just as fast as they can go to a tel- pphone." FINE SHIRFS â€" Men's 9ad Boys' A big assort nent "â- ^ choose from in coronet _nd white and a.l si2„s. MEN'S FELT HATS The best selection of Men's Hats we have ever shown, in grey, browns, blue and green. Priced at $1.95 to $6.«0 WORK BOOTS High quality Work Boots, sturdy, heavy and well built .shoe for hard wear; sizes 6 to 12. Prices $2.48 to $6.00 MEN'S FINE HOES One of the best range we have ever shown; in black or tan; sizo.s fi to 11 $2.75 to $8.00 WOMEN'S AND MISSES' SHOES In a big selection, some very smart styles; in black and tan, and nearly all lasts and sizes. MEN Watkins Dealers are making more money today than ever before. En- joy the security and benefits O'f af- filiation with the Oldest and Largest Company of its kind in the world. .\11 sales records were smashed in 11)44, generous bonuses were paid to all Watkins Dealers. Get into bus- iness for yourself on our capital in your home or adjacent locality. Suit- aible travel outfit required. Write now for further information to the J. R. Watkins Comipany, Dept. 0-F-l 2177 Masson Street, Montreal, Que. LARGE WATER PAILS reg. gBc. Special 59e During April and until furti >r â€"See "Hs Slor« FLOOR COVERING See our assortment of Fcltol and Congoleum in 2 or 3-yard widths; also big assortment of Rugs in nearly all sizes up to 12 x 15. CURTAINS Now Curtains and Curtain Material by the yard; some very smart colors to choose from. WALL PAPER Brighten up the home with neiw wall paper. Wonderful range to choose from. Priced at, per single roll 12</ic up b' doted a^ day Tkurtday. F. T. HILL k V.O., LiiiMcd T PHONE 7 MARKDALE, Ontario WE DELIVER J ^'^'â-ºâ™¦â™¦â™¦^♦♦<^K**>*K»*K*<* * *^*t*<^><**»<*<*<*<*<* ♦♦♦♦:♦♦♦♦:♦<♦♦♦ CREDIT AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS ROBERT HILL Lots 9 and 10, Con. 3, N.D.R., Os- prey Townshp (One and one-quarter miles north of Wareham) will sell by pubic auction on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11th at 1 o'clock p.m., the following : HOBSEiS â€" Brown Mare, 5 years old; Bay Mare, 5 years old; Brown Mare, 3 years old'; Brown Mare, 8 years , old; Black Mare, rising 2 years old. CAiTTLE â€" Grey Cow, 7 years old, due April IGth; Grey Cow, 10 years old, due April 14th; White Cow, 3 years old, milking; Hereford Cow, 3 yeai's old, milking; Grey Cow, 3 years old, milking; Spotted Cow, 3 years old, milking; 3 Heifers, ris- ing 2 years old; 2 steers, rising 2 years old; 7 calves, rising 1 year old. SIHIBEP and SWINE â€" 14 sheep, (hie May lOth; Brood Sow and 13 pig.s, 4 weeks old time of sale; Brood Sow and 8 pigs, 4 weeks old time of sale. IMPLEMENTS, ETC. â€" Massey- Harris Binder, 6^t. cut; Massey- Harris Mower, 6-ft. cut; Peter Ham- ilton Mower, 5-ft. cut; McCorraick Rake, 10-ft.; Scuflflcr; MasseyJIar- ris Hiay Loader; Massey -Harris Cul- tivator; Fleury Plow; Verity 2-fur- row plow; Riding Plow; Set Sleighs; Set Scales; Watgon; Wagon Box; Rack; Fanning Mill; Gas. Engine, IMi-'H.P.; Pig Crate; Set 12-Bull Harrows; Stoneboat; Massey^Iarris Drill, 13-disc, with Fertilator Attach- ment; Road Cart; Cutter; Roller; Cream Separator; Barrel Chum; Glass Cupi>oard; Nxunerous other Articles HAZINESS, LUMBER, ETC. â€" Set Heavy Harness; Set Plow Harn- ess; Set Driving Hamesa; 5 Collars; About S Tons of Hay; Quantity of Hardwood Plank; Quantity of Hard- wootl Lumber. TERMS OF SALE All sums of $10 and under, Cash; over that amount n months' crrdit will hr given on furnishing approved j int notes, acceptnble nt The Bank of Commerce. Dundnlk, and bonring int>rcst at the rate of fl'^r per nn- mini. C.r.O. V. nt'VrW. Auctioneer Local and Persooaij Miss Irene Martin is visiting with friends in Toronto this week. Mrs. R. Bentham spent Easter with her family in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart spent Easter in Toronto. Misses Arlene and Ethel Taylor of Toronto spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor. Mr. Henry Westcott, teacher near vVaterdown, is spending the Easter vacation with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Best of To- ronto spent Easter with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Best. Miss Laura Boyd of Toronto is spending the Easter vacation with her mother. Mr and Mrs. Harol Bates of Dun- das spent Easter with the latter's Bother, Mrs. J. J. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Aberdein and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Richards spent Sunday at Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Williams of Toronto were week end guests of the Watson families at Saugeen. Misses Hazel McKillop and Jean McCrackeni of Toronto were home for Easter. Mrs. Chas. Sensaibaugh and child- ren are spending this week with re- latives in Toronto. Mrs. Norman Scarrow and two children are visiting her sister in Durham this week. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence White of Waulbaushene spent the first of the week with Miss Tena Henderson. Miss Joyce Bentham of Toronto is visiting Easter week with her grand- mother, Mrs. R. Bentham. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Fawcett of Aldershot sipent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pedlar. Mrs. W. G. Trelford of Toronto and Fred Breen, Qanadian Armiy, visited on Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Richardson. Mrs. J. B O'Brien of Oakville was assisting in nursine her flfther. the late Mr. F. G. Karstedit, during the past week. Mrs. H. Wilson is spending a couple at weeks with her grand- daughter, Mrs. Lome Fawcett, at Aldershot. Misses Irene and Oly McDonald spent the hoTiday week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Dellbert Smith and Mr. and Mrs. R. Ivers of Toronto were week end guests with the for- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Smith. Mr. T. J. Stuart of Burks Falls was a recent visitor at The Advance office while he and Mrs. Stuart were visiting at Kimberley. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. MoCauley at- tended the wedding of their nephew, Sub-iLieut. Jack McCauley, which was held in Toronto on Tuesday of last week. Mr. J. C. McLachlan of Orillia was a welcome caller at this office Saturday night. He and Mrs. Mc- Lachlan and son, Neil, were visiting relatives at Priceville. Cpl. Stanley Westcott and LAC Earle Thurston, both of Toronto, and Pte. Bill Turvey of Hamilton spent the Easter week end at their par- ental homes. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ted McTavish and Miss Jean McTavish of Toronto and Miss Betty Henry of Cowans- ville, Que., snent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. G. A. McTavish. Mrs. A. Molitor, Joyce and Am- brose of Holstein are spending this week at the Caswell residence. Mr. Wm. Caswell is also here for Easter week, but is not enjoying very good health. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Parker for Easter were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ball and Linda, Miss Grace Parker of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Jared Lyons, Miss Margaret Lyons of Brampton, Mrs. Robt. Lvons of Dundalk and Mrs. Eva Hill of Markdale. Joe â€" "I'm going to bring my ^ a corsage to-night." Bill â€" "I suppose you know yo«p girl well enough to do that but I'n just going to brine mine flowers." Small Ads. FOR SALE â€" Quantity of potatoes. Mrs. Harold Best, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" 7 Young pigs. â€" John Gowanlock, R. R. 3 Proton Sta. FOR SALE â€" Velvet Barle- gnywit â€" from reg. seed; price $1.10 per bu.-^ohston Bros., Vandeleur. " FOR SALE â€" Spring wheat, good for seed. â€" ^Ben McKenzie, Ceylon, ^ phone 22 r 5. 43c2 _. FOR SALE â€" Quantity of small ^ seed peas. â€" Jim Murphy, Eugenia " phone Feversham 9r31. 43c2 ^ WANTED â€" Piano in good condition, * suitable for school. â€" Wm. J. ^ iHincks, Ceylon phone 22r3. ^_ FOR SALE â€" 4 Head young cattle^ --. R. A. Richardson, Lot 11, Con. 18, ^ Proton, phone Dundalfc 56r33. ^ AUCTION SALE STOCK. IMPLEMENTS, ETC. HARRY FUGG will sell by public auction at LOT 4, CON. 10, OSPRBY THURSDAY, APRIL 12 when the following will be offered : HORiSES â€" Grey Mare, 7 years old; Grey Mare, 6 eyars old; Bay Mare, 8 years old; Bay Mare, 6 yeivTs old; Black Mare, rising 2 years old; Black Colt, rising 2; These colts are matched. CATTLE â€" Durham Cow, 4 years old, milking; Durham Cow, 8 years old, fresh; Durham Cow, 10 years old, milking; Durham Cow, 6 years old; Hereford Cow, 6 ye«rs old; Hereford Cow, 9 years- old; Black Heifer, 2 years old; 2 Durham Heif- ers, 2 years old; Blue Heifer, 2 years old; (all heifers supposed to be in calf) ; 5 -Hereford and Durham Steers, rising 2; 2 Hereford and Durham Heifers, rising 2; 2 Year- ling Hereford Steers; Yeai-ling Hereford Heifer; 2 Young Calves; 7 Pigs, 3 months old; Brood Sow, due June 10; Good Dog. IMPLEMENTS, ETC. â€" McCorm- ack Binder, 6 foot cut; Frost and Wood Mower, 6 foot cut; M.-H. In- Throw Disc, 14 plate; Seed Drill; Hay Rake; Massey-Harris Cultiva- tor; 2 Sets Barrows; Hay Rack; Oliver Riding Plow, 2-furrow; Fleury Walking Plow; Sling Chain; Truck Wagon; Wagon Box; Massey- Harris Hay Leader; Set Sling Ropes; Fanning Mill; Wire Stretch- ers; 2 Sets Team Harness; Neck- yokes; Set Plow Harness; Wiffle- trees; 2 new Screen Doors; Box Stove; 1.001 Small Articles; S Kitchen Chairs; Anker-iHolth Cream Separator; 1986 Star Sedlan, good motor and 4 good tires. Positively no reserve; everything must be sold. Sale at 1 o'clock p.m. TERMS OF SALE All sums of 110.00 and under, Cash; over that amount 6 months' credit will be given by furnishing: joint note? sati.nfactory to The B.nnk of Toronto' at Feversham, bearincr fii^f int^prest. â€" GEO. K. nVVrVN. Vm-li'invr FOR SALE â€" Heavy mare, 7 years -» old; cook stove in fair conifition. ^ â€" Geo. W. Ros«, Maxwell, â-  ,j» FOR SALE â€" Sand cloth coat, vii* ^ 16, in good condition. May be seen. at The Advance oflfice. 42pS.. -<• FOR SALEâ€" Colt, 3-year-old, black well broken. â€" Wilbert Fisher, R. R. 1 Maxwell. WANTED â€" mink and fox iti.- Eogeoia, yhoiM FOR SALE â€" 2 H.P. Waterloo KM-*- oline engine, in good s-hape. â€" ^ Wallace Hamilton, Flesherton. ^ $700 BUYS MY HOUSE AND LOT* in Flesherton. â€" Robt. McMaster,. ^ Onondaga, Ont., phone »76ria, ^ Brantford. FOR RENT â€" Lot 26, on. 6, on which is situated a house and a. bam, 2% milea east of Flesherton. Apply to K. Betts, phone 8. FOR SALE â€" 2 Jersey Cows, botk 9 years old. one reg. due April 16, one purebred, milking. â€" Don Reiley, Priceville. FOR SALE â€" 10 Head 2-year-old. Durham - Hereford cattle; also a- number of bags of Katahdin pota- toes. â€" J. T. Parker, phone 32 r 2 Flesherton. 43pp2 FOR SALEâ€" 100 acres beside^ Highway, 2 miles west of good workable land, a few acres of bush. Sacrifice price. â€" Mrs. R. Stewart, Ceyoln. A- 1 -c FOR SALE â€" Choice Belgian mare, about 1600 lbs., 6 years old, price reasonable; will take cattle in ex- charge. â€" Robt. E. Parslow, RJL 3, Priceville. 42p« WAJSITED â€" Anyone who has 2 or 5 cows to let out on shares. I could take in a dozen or so young cattle for pasture, plenty of water. â€" Chas Pocock, phone 20r34 Fever- sham. 42cZ FOR SALEâ€" Pasture farm. Lots 134 and 135, 2 S.W., Artemesia, 120 acres, 2 never-failing streams, at back and front of farm; about 70 acres workable land, balance bush and swamp. â€" Geo. A. Thompson, R. R. 3. Markdale, phone (6r21). FARM FOR SALE 125 acres on Third Line of Arte- mesia, half mile east of Portlaw. Barn 50 by 55 stone foundation and cement stables, water in barn. House with stone basement, also cistern. Large drive shed, hen house about 20 by 40, drilled well at door, about 12 acres of hardwood bush, mostly maple. Saugeen River runs across back corner of property. Will sac- rifice for quick sale. Apply to W. J. Jamieson, 131 Perth Ave., Toronto 9, Ontario. BUSINESS CA^ DR. T.D.PARK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Graduate of Toronto Uni^-ersity Office: Kennedy Block Phone 77 Flesherton WALTER E. HARRIS Barrister and Solicitor Markdale, Ont. Walter E. Harris. J. Arkle Dunlop. Flesherton: Saturday afternoon. C J. BELLAMY Commissioner for Taldag AffidsTMs Clerk of the YllIaRe ef Plwh«rtea Issuer of MarrisEe LieMisea Converancing Wills, Mortgages and Dsads FLESHERTON, ONTARIO WM. KAITTING LICENSED AUCTIONBBB for the County of Grey Farm and Stock sales our mp - -'aUy. Term*: reasonable. Satisfaction is guaranteed. Dates arranged at Tlis Advance office or phone 4w.

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