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Flesherton Advance, 6 Sep 1944, p. 2

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AAACDONALD'S British Com CANADA'S FINESJ CIGARETTE TOBACCO> \ Canadian Weekly Newspapers Render Great Patriotic Service The weekly newspapers of Can- ada arc rendering a fine service in iMlplnfc to maintain morale on the fighting front and at home, lays the Globe and Mail. Perusal of town and village papers reveals 1 an Inspiring interest in the welfare \ of the armed forces. They are giv- 1 log leadership in every direction â€" clgarets, socks and sweaters for the â- len who fight on land, on sea, and in the air; bundles for Bri- tain, Jam for British children, com- forts for "bonibed-outers." Stead- By they support such worthy causes as the Kinsmen's Milk for Britain Fund, the Evening Tele- gram British War Victims' Fund, •nd the Queen's Canadian Fund. It would take columns to tell of the valuable work which the foral press of Canada has done to (timulate recruiting, to raise money lor comforts, to sell Victory bonds, •nd the like. They have kept up • sustained effort since the com- aacncement of the war. Many a lad fighting in Italy or France or sail- ing In the corvettes which guard <he precious argosies crossing the Atlantic could testify to the pleas- •r« he has been given by letters and parcels which might never kave been sent but for the prompt- ings of the weekly editors. Some of these editors fought in the Great War. They know what a letter from home means to a lad in a far country. Canada is indeed fortunate In possessing a weekly press which Is capable of rendering great pa- triotic service at such a time. Sign Says 'Dive* If Doodle Dallies One antiaircraft battery in South- ern England has a sign with this altitcrative advice: "If doodle dallies don't dawdle. Divel" "Doodle" is the British nick- name for the Germans robot- bombs. Capital invested in the United Slates motion picture Industry to- tals $2,061, .'lOO.OOO. SAFES rratect Tour IIOUKS and CASH r**m KIIIK find THIIISVBS. We kava a alw.t and type of Hafr, or Cablaet, (or anjr purpone. Vlait â- a, or wrlto for prtcea, etc. to Ocpt. W. 140 PronI Rl. E., Toronto Ratalillahed 18S5 ^.fiCJ.TAYLDR LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS HIYI SAR8E WHIRI'S YOUR MINARD'S SOLDIERS, iUB OUT TIRED ACHIt Headac ' Nothrngismoredepres- 'sine than headaches... Why suffer.'... Umbly's will give instant relief, ^y 'â-  lamEly's isgood for ear- C%. » •che,cooihache,painsin "ff^ -, 'back, stomach, bowels. Tku^f HEADACHE POWDERS i« HAY FEVER Attack ancezing, wheeling, (ore nooe sgrmptoma risht at their lource. Smear • Uttk NOSTROLINK in each noatrU. lUUcf ia inttant. Sneezing stop*. Brcathlng'aeaay. NOSTROLINB Miotlici, hitnicatca, diainfecta, pn>- tacto. Alto relieve* eye irritation. Vor adults and children. SOc at all dniggiata. laOSTROLINE A^ ctinoN, aiisfoi. inoianb It's Bargain Day In Desert Brides In the Sudan, in the heart of the "Dark Continent," as the up-to- date world likes to call it, the na- tives by thousands last month were holding a tribal dance and a feast of celebration, says the New York Times. The expulsion of the Axis from North Africa, the Sur- render of Italy and the other -vic- tories of the United Nations had nothing to do with the case. What prompted the joyful dem- onstration, we are tolti by an Ex- change Telepraph Agency dispatch, was the official announcement in Khartoum that the price of brides in the territory had been reduced to £6 for the first wife and £3 for the second. How Can /? By Anne Ashley Q. How can I resize an Ax- minster rug? A. Stretch the rug tight and tack face down on a floor, or some flat surface. Sprinkle with a solution made by soaking and dissolving % pound of flake glue in \i gallon of water. Let the rug dry at least one day. Care should be taken not to put on so much glue that it will show on the right side. Q. How can I remove starch from the iron? A. If the iron has bccon.e coat- ed with a film of starch, run it over a sheet of fine sandpaper and the iron will be perfectly smooth again. Q. How can I keep a cake from falling apart when cutting it? A. When baking two-layer cakes try placing the two bottoms toge- ther. The bottom will be crusty, and* the cake is not so likely to fall apart when it is cut. Q. How can I relieve indiges- tion? A. Nothing is better to relieve indigestion, or that full feeling after eating, than to chew a few springs of mint. Chew the mint thoroughh and swallow stems and all. It is nice to have a bed of mint growing in a corner of the yard. Q. How can I remove coffee stains? A. If cold borax water is put on coffee and chocolate stains it will remove them. Mildew can be re- moved from a garment by soaking the article in buttermilk. POTENT NECKLACE Decked out in a necklace of 30> mm. cannon shells, this tough- looking hombre is a Yugoslav Par- tisan fighter, one of a number now In Italy, studying airplane mec- hanics under RAF instructors. Lunch With Queen On 'Initiative' Task Recently two British Army air- borne sergeants were ordered to go to a country house and obtain the signature of the owner. The owner was out, but a woman's voice invited them in to lunch. They had lunch an<' left after- wards with a note which rea^l: "This is to certify, that Sergeants â€" and â€" came here to obtain the signature of â€" . Unfortun- ately he was out." The note was signed by Queen Mary. The order given to the two sergeants was an "initiative task" given to British Army personnel to test their resourcefulness and initative in carrying out unusual orders. The men receive no sug- gestions on how to arrive at their destinations â€" they are merely told the time limits for their jobs. GREETINGS FOR LIBERATORS French lasaies, joyful over their liberation from Nail rule, greet Allied troops entering Paris with hugs and kisses. The bojs just grin and boar it CHINA-BOUND As personal representative of President Roosevelt, WPB chair- man Donald M. Nelson, above, wUl go to China to confer irith Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek on military and economic prob- lems. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. If one has unintentionally done something discourteous towards another person, would it be cor- rect to say "excuse me"? 2. If an usher ir at the entrance of the aisle when a woman and her escort are entering a theatre, which one should be first to fol- low the usher? 8. What would be a good method for indicating to the waiter that you have finished a course? 4. What would be a good way to cultivate taste in the choice of words and the phrasing of expres- sions, in order to become a good conversationist? 6. Is it permissible to refuse some certain dish at ;. luncheon? 8. If a man is writing a friendly letter to some woman acquaintance or friend, what would be an ap- propriate closing? ANSWERS 1. No; not if one desires to ask another's pardon. "Excuse me" should be used only when one is asking permission to leave the room, or go somewhere. S. The usher goes first, then the woman, and last her escort. If there is no usher, the man should go first. 3. Place the knife on the plate, blade In, alongside the fork. 4. The best method of acquiring a pleasing vo- cabulary is the reading of good boo'ks of established literary stand- ing. 5. No; as a luncheon usually consist of just a few dishes, it would not be considerate to refuse any. It can be done occasionally at a large dinner where there is a great variety of dishes. 6. "Faith- fully yours," or, "Sincerely yours." Formerly Useless Cattails Go To War Cattails, which grow by the thou- sands in marshlands, once were looked upon as decorative but use- less plants. Now, however, they are doing their part in the war. The floss has been found to be more buoyant than kapok and 90 per cent as warm as wool. It is used as filling for cushions of Army ordnance amphibious jeeps, and can serve as life preservers. BEWARE OFi Whan w*iin troublr ii luillcatcd. vtilldrrn rfilly nceir MuImmu'v'.s Mothot'a Friend. Wlim children »re croii, llttlr.<is â€" Molhcr'i , Friend mar br just whiH iher need. Mulvenry'a Mother*!. Friend hi* nelnrd thousands o( Can.-.dian children and for over % tenera- tlin Canadian mothers hitve dc- •rndrd on this blmllr herbal remedy. Mother's Friend keens children reaular. Is loolhlna. Is effrcl've. Ask voor dnicKl^t. 7 WORMS ^YOUWOMENWHOSUFFERFROM^ HOT FLASHES If you suffer from hot flashes, weak, nervous Irritable feelings, are a bit blue at tlmea â€" due to the func- tional "middle-age" period peculiar to womenâ€" try Lydla E. rinkham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such STmptoms. It helja nature! Follow lalxl directions. Worth trying! tnULPINKIIAM'ScnrSili Dr. Chase*s Nerve Food The Vifamin Bi Tonic Contains Vitamin Bi and Essential Food Minerals E.xtensively a'setlfor headache, loss of sleep, nervous indigestion, irritability, anaemia, chronic fatigue, and exliaustion of the nervous system. 60 pills, 60 cts. Economy size. 180 pills, $1.50, Have You Heard*^ Selectee: "They can't make me fight." Draft Board Chairman: "May- be not, but they can take you where the fighting is, and you can use your own judgment." â€" o â€" Stout Lady (to little boy): "Can yon tell me if I can get through this gate to the park?" Little Boy: "I guess so. A load of hay just went through." â€" o â€" "I'm sorry that I haven't s nickel," said the lady as she hand- ed the car conductor a ten dollar bill. "Don't worry, lady, you're go- ing to have 199 of 'em in a couple of minutes. ACCOUJfTAKTS * AUDITORS COMPLETE MONTHLY SERVICE, •mall businesses our specialty. All Government reports prepared. Brett & Company, 8 Wellington Bast, Toronto. 'â-  ALUMINUM ORANITE UTENSILS REPAIRED flulckly and smoothly with plastic cement. Mend-Holes guaranteed fireproof or money refunded. Price 2Bc postpaid. Interesting spare time agent's proposition. Address Mend-Holes, 462 Notrs Dame East, Montreal. . BABY CHICKS FREE RANGE PULLETS SIXTEEN weeks of age to laylns.^ Barred Rocks, White Leghorns, New Hampshires. Hybrids. Free Cat- alogue.! Tweddie Chick Hatch- eries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. PULLETS BARRED ROCKS, NEW Hampshfres, White Leghorns and other breeds 16 weeks up to lay- ing. Free catalogue. Top Notch Chickerles. Guelph, Ontario. PROMPT DELIVERY ON LAYING pullets â€" and limited quantity of day-old chicks available. Fill In the gaps in your flocks â€" send your order In now. Weekly hatches hereafter â€" order at least month ahead. Get your copy of the Fall Service Bulletin, ready shortly. Bray Hatchery, 130 John BU North, Hamilton, Ont DYBIHG * CLEANING HAVE tUU AN y THING NEKUS drelns or cleanlngr Write to us for Information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- msnt a, Parker's Dye Works Umltad, 7S1 YoDge Street To- roDto. EDUCATIONAL ATTEND BUSINESS COLLEGE this Fall, Insist on Gregg Short- band, taught In over 18,000 schools, choice of highly-paid stenographers, secretaries and reporters. "Graduate sooner with Gregg." FUR SALE rOR SALEâ€" COMPLETE CREAM- •ry, package 60 gal. pasteurizing plant Including cooling pump and *H h.p. boiler, all In good con- dition. Write for particulars to 3. P. Cybulskle. Barry's Bay, Ont. 8LIPIT HARNESS DRESSING â€" Finest leather and harness pre- servative. Slipit also has many boueshold uses 25c up at most grocery, hardware and chain â- tores. A product of Lloyds Lab- oratories. Toronto. BLECTHIC MOTORS. NEW. USBD. bought, sold, rebuilt; belts, SuUeys, brushes. Allen Electric ompany Ltd., 2826 Dufferln 6L, Toronto. DANDY WHITE FLEMISH GIANTS, 2 to 4 months }3.00 each: 4 to £ »4.0O each. Goldfleld Rabbltry, Bo.\ 20 7, Gcruldton, Ont. NEW AND I'SED CAR AND TRUCK parts. Riverside Auto Parts, 516 Queen E., Toronto, 2. HEGISTERED JERSEY' BULL. With papers. Eighteen months old. Well bred. Apply to Herb- ert Whalls, Fingal, Ont. "VIKING" CREAM SEPARATORS and repair parts are always available either at your local dealer or direct from Swedish Separator Co. Limited, 720 Notre Dame W est, Montreal. Que. MANITOBA HEREFORD BREED- ers' Association Sale of 100 reg- istered polled and horned Here- fords at auction, October 17th, Provincial K.xhibitlon Fair Grounds, Brnndon, Manitoba. For catalogue write J. R. Bell, Live Stook Coinmi.fsioner, Legislative Buildings. Winnipeg, Manitoba. 100 ACRES HEAVY CLAY, MARI- posii town.shlp on county nxad. 6 miles from Llnd.siiv, good buildings, fences, water, hvdro aviiil.'ible. Ooidoii Rodman, Little Hrjtnin, Out. FARM FOR SALE '.VHM IMtOIII CK EA.STEUN LIVESTOCK FEEDERS can ubiain o.-iiionrt lots of bariov and outs for feed purposes under I'laii C. of the Wheat Hoard. Can Intruduoc you to Western ven- dor.s of feed grains. I'resciit prices, barley 65o, oats 62c de- livered Fort William. Also pos- sibly few iiu.s O.A.C 21 Matting barley. EHt.nbll.ilied over 30 years Address Fredrick Ind, Liovd- mln.'iter. Sask. KOII SAl.t: QUILT SAMPLES HIGH GRADE SUITINGS ABOUT 6x9 makes everlasting (juilts 80 sample.M JI.45 postage Included. We also have half yard REM- NANTS for boys' knee pants from all color Worsteds, sizes outlined on material 95c each, postage Included. Louis Rice, S«l Spadlna Avenue, Toronto. PROFITABLE WELL ESTABUSH- ed flour mill (export and domes- tic), with gasoline, wood dealer and hauling business In con- nection, for sale on account of Ill-health, with residence of i rooms. Located in splendid Mani- toba town. Yearly turnover of »»tl,0O0. Price »9,000 with |5.- IMIO cash. Write owner. Box 146. 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. 16,000â€"100 ACRES, ALL TILL. able, Durham county on 7A High- way, 65 miles Northeast Toronto. Excellent soli, buildings, water; Immediats possession: sacrifice, death reason selling. Apply own- er, Mrs. Amelia Marlow, Nestle- ton, Ont. F.4.RM HELP W.WTED MARRIED COUPLE TO TAKE full charge of small Poultry and mixed farm. 30 mileH from To- ronto. J. K. Crawford. 10 King E., Toronto. HAIRDIiES!>IN'«> AMBITIOUS GIRLS and MIDDLE AGE women, learn hairdressitiB at Can- ada's finest and largest schooln. Refined, dignified work. Splendid pay. Write or call for free liter- ature. Marvel Hairdressing Schools. 358 Bloor Street, Toronto. Brancliea 44 King Street, Hamilton, and 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. LEARN HAinDIiE.S.-^I.Na THE Robertson method. liiform.;;;on on request regarding ch.sses. Robertson's Hairdres.-iing A- ;id- HELP WANTED COOK GENERA!* $30.00 TO $60 monthly, references. Apply to Mrs. W. H. Comstock. 189 King St. E.. Brockville. Ont:i.-io. MEUICAI. STOMACH AND THREAD WOr.MS often are the cause of ill-hCTiIth In humans, all ages. No one im- mune! Why not find out if tliis Is your trouble? Interesting tieulars â€" Free! Write Mulvcney's Remedies, Specialists, Toror.-.; 3. BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM destroys offensive odor in*iiantly. 45c bottle. Ottawa agent, Der.:nan Drug Store, Ottawa. WANTEDâ€" EVERY SUFFEUEr. OP Rheumatic Pains or Neuritii to try Dixon's Remedy.'8 Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ot: iwa. Postpaid 11.00. STOMACH SUFFERERS L.ET DR. McLEOD'.S yLCCESSJFUi; scientific remedy Stomachic, c'.car up your stomach trouble. Iik3 It has for so many others. One user stated: For years. I wa.s troubled with gnawing pain below breast- bone. It caused gas utid bloating. I tried many remedies, but my only relief was soda, and that for short time only. After nieaU it didn't bother me tor few hours, then. if I ate something. it stopped, coming again after some time. The pain bothered me worst at night. After taking three 'oot- tles of Dr. McLeod's ."Stomachic, I was free from pain. I kept on im- proving, and have now been well for several years enjoying my meals without medicine. Stom- achic is useful In overeoinins gas, bloating, sour stomach, pain after eating, and is especially helpful for night Indigestion, tl.25 post- paid. Drug store or write McLsod's Stomachic Co. 160 Huron St., Toronto. NEURITIC PAINS? Here's how to relieve that pain . . . take Fermol Rheumatic Arthritic Pain Tablets. At your druggist'.? or send Jl.CO today and receive one's supply postpaid. Fermol Distr!bt£- tors, Box 712, London. Ont. FRUIT JUICES: THE PRLVCirAL Ingredients In Dixon's Remedy, for Rheumatic Pains. Neuritis. Sold oMiy Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid ?1.00. MKDICAL LOOK TEN YEARS YOUNGER BY getting rid of those ugly wrink- le."!, large pores, saggy skin. Grattun's Wrinkle Lotion is the finest face astringent! on the market, fully guaranteed. Order a bottle today, $1.00 po.stpald. J. L. Ulce Agency. Box 191, Kit- chener, Ontario. .'IIOTOCR.^I'riV TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTIOPT i'our films properly oeveloped and printed « OR 8 EXI't>.Si:RE ROLLS CJc REPRINTS « for l'5c FINEST E\I..\Rt!IN« SEltVICE Vou niuy not get all the films vou want tlii.s yo:ir, but you get'all the quality and service vou desire by sending your films to iMriiKiAi. I'lmiu si:i(vi(-B station .1 Toronlo. PATKXT.X FETHKltSTON'H.U-GH & COMP^Xy â- fc'in'''" , â-  '^','!^'''"rs. Established 1890; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information o' re- quest. MIKKf 600 VEAULlNi; KWES ( KamboKoet Merino anil •(,'oiredale cro.sM 'or Immediate delivery. lil.OOn ,=. and Jn n^'m,"',:- "';' ^reeding ewes and 40.000 Feeder Lambs for deJiverv; after September 1st. Soii;;v-rn Saskatchewan Woolgrowers vs- Boclation, .Maple Creek, Sask.-h- ewan. G. S. Herringer. Seei â- -wy. .<>T.\MI'S BEAUTIFUL BRITISH COU^NES. ?nno"o""'** ^^ "^«"'»- S- BreHj.ier, 1002 Somerset St.. Ottawa WANTED WAN-TED TO BUY, HUSH LANDS "'â- .. jr*"" containing hush lands. I^'^?"'?. "". <^"' '"rnlluro lumber. Writ* Bogdon & Gross. Furniture Co. Ltd., Walkerton, Ont

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