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Flesherton Advance, 8 Mar 1944, p. 7

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CANADIAN HOUSEWIVES PLEASE NOTE I Army cooks are resourceful. Pte. Fred Howarth of Picton. Ont.. usei •n ordinary jackknife to carve a. few handy kitchen gadgets from dis- carded tin cans. Cooks learn to make their own ladles, scoops, large spoons, muddlers etc., from tin cans. They even make their own bake pans and large bake trays from the sides of empty petrol tins. Have You Heardl , A small boy came panting into a western Ifansas newspaper editor's office saying, "Boss, there's a man outside who says he hasn't had a Ibing to eat for ten days." The editor's face brightened. "Run back and find out liow he does it,'' he ordered, "and may- be -we can run this paper at least another week." Candidate: How did you like my speech on the agricultural problem? Farmer: It wasn't bad; but a day's rain would do a heap more good. â€" o â€" "â- When I applied for t job the manager had the nerve to ask if â- jy punctuation was good." "And what did you tell him." "I said I'd never been late for work in my life.' Comes a yam from the Ital- ian war zone about a group of British and American soldiers who were gazing at the molten lava in Mt. Vesuvius. "Looks hot as hell," remark- ed one of the 'Y'anks. "L say," piped out a British- •r, "you Americans have been everywhere !" "Johnson is so conceited." "Yes, on his last birthday he tent a telegram of congratula- tions to his mother!" THANKS, FRITZ I'ifth Army engineers, carrying out an airport near Nettuno, Italy, Jx>t a lot of unwitting help from ihc enemy. In the considerable JJemoiition work necessary, they Bsed hundreds of pounds of captured German explosives, like the artil- lery cordite charges shown above. BACKACHE? Look out for Trouble With Your KIDNEYS If your back aches or if you have disturbed sleep, burning or smarting, look out for trouble. This couditiou is a sure rign that your kidneys are not fully ridding your blood of poisonous adds and wastes. Wliea the kidneys slow up, wastes collect. Backache, dizzy spells, puffy cj'es and rheumatic pains may follow. Your kidneys need help â€" and there is a time-tried, proven way to help them known as GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. These Capsules contain care- fully measured quantities of that widely known diuretic called Dutch Drops. You will find their action fast and effective. Be sure you get GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules, the genuine and original Dutch Drops â€" packed in Canada. Get a 40c package from your druggist. S For Faster Relief of CHEST COLDS Muscular Aches & Pains Tired Burning Feet MASSAGE WELL WITH STAI NLCSS WHITE RUB PWICE aoe and SOc at ALL Onigglilm RECTAL SORENESS AND PILE TORTURE QUICKLY REUEVED It you ars troubUd with llchlns piles or rectal sorenosi, <lu not delay treatment and run the risk of leltlnu this condition become chronic. Any itching or soreness or painful paso- agfc ct stool Is Datura's warning and proper treatment should be secured at once. For this purpose got a pacKags or Hcm-Kpid from any druggist and use aa directed. This formula which Is used Intern.illy Is a •niiill, •asy to take tablot, will quickly relieve tlio Itchlns and soreness and Kid In healing the sora tender spots. Heni-Jtold Is pleasant to use, la hlt;hly recommended and It seems the height of folly for any one to risk It painful uni] chronic pile condition when such a fine remedy may bo had at such a amnll cost. if you try Hem- Hold and are not •nllrel.v picii.spd with the results, your tlruyjiisl will t:I.Tflt,v rotiiro your ninnov ;MIDDLE-AGE' WOMEN e^'d) HEED THIS ADVICEM If vou'rp cross, re»tlof.s. NERVOUSâ€" suJIrr hot tln.she.i, dt.vlnp«s--c«U'>pd by thin iwrlod In a womim'i life- try Lydlii E. Pluklium's VcucUxble Compound. Miicic i' prciauy for u'omcti. Hundreds nf ihou^ands re- mnrknblv helped. Follow Inbil rtirec- t.lou.5. Mnde In C'nn.idn. HOLD IT! Maybe he isn't a Jack of all trades, but Carl Cathey sure conies in handy when a jeep blows a tire at Camp Gordon Johnson, Fla. Cathey, former Oakland, Calif., physical culture expert, on limited Army service, acts as a human jack whrn eight GI's place the 2265-pound jeep on his feet. Winston Churchill Winston Churchill is an old Tory. He is an old Liberal. He is a rank imperialist. He is a fervent democrat. But mainly he is one of those met! '.vho cannot walk into the House of Commons, or any house or place, witiiont creat- ing somethninK of an electric stock, says The New York Times. He does not do this be- cause he is Prime Minister. He is Prime Minister because he can dc it. He is Prime Minister because he has made and projected an iniage of what the British people wish to be in thib war: there he stands and t ere they stand, in courage so sure that it need never plume itself; in faith as strong as the British earth from which it springs, in cheerfulness that passes smiling into the dark Val- ley; ill lioncst> of purpose; in loyalty lo even the most mis- understanding of frienils. SAFES I'roira-t your ll<)<IIv> iind (.'.tsil from KIHF: and TlillvVRJi. \V> hnvr u >U<- and type ur' Sate, or Cabinet, for any iiurpoiar. Vliilt an, ur ^trlle for prlren, etc. to Orpt. W. 1-lf! Front S(. K., TitruDts KiitiiiillHlied IWi.-t j.6<rJ.TAYLDR u mites TORONTO SAFE WORKS ros ^^i AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES MAKE AN'Y AUTOMOBILE OPER.VTE AS SMOOTHLY AS IN DAMPE.ST WEAT- HER. FEW CHEAP PARTS FROM OLD AUTOS GIVE CONTROLLED HUMIDITY TO ALL THE AIR ENTER- ING CARBURETOR. CHEAP I N S T A L L A T 1 O N COST GIVES PERMANENT SATIS- FACTION. SIMPLE COM- PLET'E PLANS POSTPAID BY RETURN MAIL FOR $1,011. ALSO MAKE MONEY INSTALLING FOR OTHERS. HURRY BEFORE DE.MAND MAKES REQUIRED P.'^RTS SCARCE IN YOUR LOC- ALITY. FLEN ENGINEER ING AND DESIGN, yo CHARLES ST. E.. TORONTO. U-VUV (_HICI\>> CHICKS APPROVED CHICKS BOME AVAll^VCl^E MARCH. .\1'I!IU Mixcii and Pullet.x. B. Rocks. 14c, 24c. N. Hamps. 13c. ^40. \V. Lcf- horns 1 3c. ;:«o. A breeder h.itch- •ry. hU bieedcra Government banded and blood tested. Way's Hatchery, Strntfoi-d. cjnt. 15 FREE CHICKS Buy t>l I'KHIOIl HI AUTV CHICItS •E.XTHA rHUlTlT" All from inspected approved or certified blood tested breeders. liarred Hock Price per 100 .Mi.xed 1X1 â- > Cockerels Pullets Day old 14.0(1 24.IIU t;.00 1 week old 17.011 i'.UO !>.00 3 weeks old 22.00 32.00 12.00 3 weeks old 2S.00 37. OU 15. UO To ull whn will buy clilck.s .iiul take immediate delivery. \A'e will give them 15 free chicks per 100. Send order with deposit. Will ship C.O.D. by Kxpress. Aek for our Price List for 20 other breeds. Wll,KItKI> T.Kl-KHVIir. 202.*! .Imhenf •itrrcl . Monlrriil I'.tl. LICHTIVS 11144 CHICK.* FIRST HATCH FEU. 1. PRICE LIST supplied. All birds for our i;i44 hatchinK' season have tho inter- esting O.R.S. ckjvornmetit Band. Culled and blood tested by Ue- porlment inspectdrs. XOI.OMO-V I.ICHTI mivertnn, U.H. 1. IMiune l)l«-34 HKLM'S .STAU'l'l'".!) CHICKS WHITE ClANT."^. ni.,^Vr'K i;iA.NT.<5, Austi'aU)rps. ttamul Rock.'^. Uliode Tslnnil Hods, Whilo l.egrhnrii.*^. The kind that pay. Uoyd lUlni, â- R.H. I. Walerloo. Ont. A-1 BA13Y CHICKS FROM BLOOD- Tcsled fl.>cks. Barred Rocks, larKe type White Lesrhorii.i, Barred Kock X White LeBiiorns. Sussex X New Hauipshlro. Red X Rock.". Write for price li.'it to A. H. Switzer Hatchery, Urnnlon. Ont. CA.VAni.W API'ROVKD CHICKS for lniiiiciii:ito delivery. I.eKliurns, Barred Rock. Xcu' Hampshire. Su.'isex ;ind H> brids. Write for 1944 i\Mtalo6ue and price list. MONKTON' POChTTlY KARIIS, Monktofi. Ontario. WE ARK (IK.VREn TO S.A.T1S!FY most demands. While hookiims continue heavy, we can Kive Im- mediate chick delivery, e.^'pecial- ly If second choice Is slveu. Most breed.**, 2 n eek IjeKhoni.i. Hr.'iy Halcliery. 130 John N.. H.-imilton. Onl. NO H.-VrCHERY IN THE WORLH Is more desirous of hclpinj? vitu to succeed in the chicken bus- tness than Top Xitti'h Chlckcries. Our stock Ih Government .\pprov- cd from blood-tested breeders. but that's only p.'irt of tht> Top Noti'h policy. Otir steadily in- crctisiiiM' bu.'^iness is evidence thai people who risk their time »nd money in the chicken bus- iness like Top Notch methods and Top Notch trentnieiit. Send for CHtaloKue. We can Kive prompt dftllver.v on most pure breeds and hybrid.s. Top Notch Chickeries. <?uel|)h. Ontario. IF KYKRVONK LIVED BY THE (loldei) Rule. â€" there would be no crime, no war. no poverty. Hero «t Fergus we try hard to prac- tice the eolden rule. Wo know It pays. Every hatch and every ahlpnieiit Kcts the kind of atten- tion a.s If we were Kroinjr to the chicks ourselves. Hecuise the demand for both chickiiis and ecus will break all records this year, we urKo you to kci the riirht alavt. We h.ive hatihes five da.\*« a Aveck from now- oti. AVe can Kive yon promiit drliver.\' on ni>n-se.ved. pullet or cockerel chlck.<* In all the most pi^pular breeds. C.'in also t'lke order.-i for rhoiisand.M of i-hicks for .\prll. Mny .and .lune delivery. .-Mso lay- Inn ind ready to Lay pullets for Immediate Jellveiy. Fn c calal- oRiie. Tweildle Chick Hatcheriu.s lamilcil. Kerens. Ontario. 1II«H IjrALlTY ItmOKOER H AT- chory Chicks, hlotid-tested. f1r- dlnary pries. Poptilar h.eeds. Nelson Hatchery, .Sh.ikespeare. Ont. liARRKO nOCKS ANP LAR<^F, Rnirlish White Leghorn.". All mal- tnps bloodlesled. bred to la.v and *xtra (lu.ality Ttocks mixed HVc. While I.^Kliorns mixed 12c. I'ul- lets itlc. Rock Cni-kerelc March Rr. Cochrane'^ Poultry Farm, Uitlft'clown. Ont. â- r«(ir l..*TI'T â€" 'fOO l.ATK SRXT SPRIN'C, nO.N'T LET TT Bii: s.aid "too late." Seii.l for our prii-e list «iul order yoiii hahv chick" now One dollar hook.i .volir order fioddfird Chick ll.itehcry. Prltrui- nia lleiblUi, Ont. si»ni:cE),KiGn white i.Euiioit.N liU;li IMV AIIILITT IIAUV CHICKS THIS STRAIN I.-? .\ PRACTICAL, proven esff-producint? type, with tweiuy-tlirco years of steady production hack of them. They will pay well for good keep and caro. riiis i.s certain, because they are doinw this on our own farm â€" one of Can.ada'3 largest ce'S'-pro- ducing f.n-ni.s. You sjet exactly the .samo breed, strain and jrrado ns we raise for ourselves. Poul- try manatjcmcnt handbook "High Pay Ability" sent FREE on re- quest. 'Jet our price list. W^o ad- vise early ordecs. â€" .SPRUCE- LEIGH l^VRM LIMITED. Box 35UB, Brnntford. Ontario. FLETCHER nUADLKY'.S FAMOU.S AUGiruUan Whilo Leghorn baby chicks, nearly us larji'e us Bur- red Hocks, will lay :! essa to their 1. extra largo e)JH:s. World's record layers at conteKt. Reduced from t-'o per ICO to $10.50. This will be 11 record yenr in chicks. Book early for delivery when wanted. Over 200 latu orders last yenr were roturneil. sold out. A 12.00 deposit will boolc your or- der. Delivery when wanted. Writi !i'.J Bank .St.. ijitawa. iii..tciviii':itiiii':!< KVKRBK-\U1N'.; HL.VCKBKRRIES. very hardy. Have been success- fully transplanted on Prairies â€" well packed in moss. Heavy crop- per fniir. lurgro, .sweet and in clusters. Order before April lOtli. 4 vines for Jl.uO Prepaid. A. Klein. .\)^;;>siz. B.c'. CORUWOOII COATUAC'I'tUI W.Wl'KU WANTEDâ€" CdUnWOOD CO.NTIIAC lor t^i cut and put on railway ears l,50ii cords of wood la Hali- burton County. Close to roads and rnilwn.\. J7.50 « cord. A. C. ConwH.c. 45 .Adelaide .St. Ea.-^t. Torontn, ' OI'KEK I'll l.\VE.\T(»US AiN OFFER TU EVERY INVENTOR LiBt of inventions and full i'nfor- matlon sent free. The K.arasay Co., Registered Patent Attornoyb, 273 Bank Street. O tt awa, Canada. UYEIMi A cli<:a.^i.\(> HAVE too A.NVTRlNti .\EEUb dyeing or cleaning'? WrItB to us tor information. We ar* clad to answer your uuestlons. Depart- ment H. Parker's Dye Worki Limited. 791 VnnKf .'^iieet. To- rent o. FETHEKSTONHAUiJH & CU.MPANV Patent -Solicitors. EatabllBhed ISilli; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Informutlon on re- 01ir.*tt Ktiti.s w A\ri:u HI(;HE*iT I'llICIO!) I'.VIIJ FOR ECUS. LIVE AND DRESi5ED poultry. Payments made prompt- ly. Easi.rn Kami Products Co., 423 .St. Paul East. Montreal. Que. ioi.i':) I'KKAi. i.:(ii (â- â€¢>ii':\'i' ELECTRIC .MtlTOK.-^. .SEW. L'.SEU, bought, sold, rehiillt: I) e I t », pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric Company Ltd., 2S2fi Dufferln St.. Tornillo. KIKIT HAi,.M BAi:.'UEEl(A KiKil BAL.\J destroys offensive odor Inslautly. 46c bottle tntawii agent. Denman Drug -Siore. niiawa. I'"I>K S VIdO ' KNlTTlNt), WE.Wl.VU WOOL yarn, two pl.v, white, blue, red, khaki, bl.i.-l!. srcon. brown. Sl.SlI per iioiind. Cuaianiecd. Ui;fund. .S. t^ooily- St. .lerome . <.iii.\ KAIIM Hi;i,l» WA.NTIOU EXPERIENCED MAHUIEO MAN, fruit farm, yearly employment. u.sual privllesos. State family, age. w.ases expected, references. H. J. M. Fiakc, R.R. 2. St. Cuthnrincs. F A R M E n, EXl'ERlKNCEIi. knowlediCH of beef cattle and sheep, married avall- Kble. Apply Yellow Rriav Farm, Mono Mills. KI.DKRL^'" M A.N OH ,><Ti;ONi; l.Ml for ucnt;ral farniiiui. near To- ronto. Koi.d milker. teamster, small liairv herd, ijo.xl lu>me. Ho\ .<; Na.-hville. KAIOIS FOK SALE BO ACKK.S TOBAl^'O LANO. HARN .ISx.-.U. .No house. $15110, $750, balance tei-m.s. *>2 ncr«'S cl:i.\' Inani. brick house, two barns, $3500. Terms. balance terms. 100 acres, urain farm, good build- hiBs. .?7.00n. Terms lo suit. Touri.»t Ciunp includliip Sts- tlon. .store. l>wclling iind " Cnti- Ins comiilolely oiiulppcl Xo. S Highway N"<\v Uodney .«i;,000.OO Cash, also Pi'rmit to operate. ."»a acr.^s tobacra hind. 7 acres bush, new C room house. T*'irue barn. }4.00rt. $2.nfti) cash, hnlance l.rms. ''HAHLES U. MAUTINl, P.orliicv, Out. Phone 40. :!.'> At'RES- EXCELLENT SOU, h(i acie.< plowid. 12 icnw wheat, bnlaiii'e In hav ind nasture; barn fif!\72 on wall, irood st.ablcR for .^0 head. Ii,\ *lro and wnt<xr in h:wn. litter carrier: slln. drive â- "beds, mill for nrlndinar feed, drilled well. Itrirk house, S-|ic. halli. full l)ii.«emont. furnace, lauartry. water •n tap, hydro and iviis. On 71 Highway to l^elnionl (Bor- den's) near Continuation school, •â- hiirebes 1? rtilles fnim l-.indiin and Sf. Thomas. TT. .T. Hartin-^. Bdmont, Ont, J7,5i)0. â€" 1 ACRE. 0-ROOM HOUSE, Buildings â€" 3.000 feet floor space. Hydro and Water In all build- ing:s. On Railway siding, Toron- to Twenty Miles. Ill health rea- son for sale. R. H. Kane. Rich- mond Hill. :00-ACHE FARM, GOOD LAND, ^ood buildings, 3 miles from Stratford, lot 42. con. 5. S. East- hope. Apply Philip Pc'.rie. R.R. 3, T.ivisiock. A\ RSrEUX LAXD ICO ACRES IN NOUTHER.N SA.SK- atchewari. all under good cultiva- tion, good mixed farming district, 3 miles from town with 5 ele- vators, on good highway: price J25 per acre, $18 per acre cash. balaiu'e arranged. Itox 101, 73 Adelaide W.. Toronto. HOME Kl.NUKIKiAHTUV MOTHERS! YOr .:aN AID THE early education of your pre- school child with our creative handwork displays now available for home ns well us .school use. They Include cut-outs, silhouettes, borders, window decorations, etc. â€" instructions for construction with coloured papers, crayons, etc. These are Inspired by tested educational ideas. Ten seasonal titles In the series â€" one for each monUi. eomplelo $o.5o. Single un- its 7r.c each. Oominlon Teachers Service. 23 Scott St.. Toronto. HOUSES 1-OH SALE REO. PAI.OM1N0 gCARTER HORS- ea and re^. Palomino Tennessee Walking horses of grand cham- pion blood lines. Stalllon.s from weanlinsr colts to serviceable »Kes: mares from weanling to brood tnares In foal to our out- .standing stallions: S Rood Pal- omino stock ln>rse.s of iiuarter breeding: .'i reg. Palomino geldings. real pleasure horses, very gentle, safe for ladies, chil- dren or inexperienced riders; several reg. Tenessee Walking show horses. Let me know your requirements. Send for our lat- est descriptive price list. AVorld's larsest breeders 'if Palomino horses. FISHER PALOMINO Soiiderton. Pa. HAIRnRK.>i<<ll«G SCHIIUL LB; A K N HAIRnHK.VSLNt; t'HB Robertson method. Information on request regarding claeses. Robertson's HalrdresslnB Acad- emv 1.17 Avenue Road. Toronto. llAIIt THE.Vl'MEXr GRAY HAIR mny he caused b^ Inok u( VITAMINS IF YOrn HAIR IS lAJSING ITS color it may bo you aro not getting enoush of certain vitamins. Cnless you are getting ado<|iiato amounts of these vit- amins your system may not bo able to assimilate the calcium and other minerals you need for healthy, colorful hair. If your hair has prematurely turned, or 1» beginning to turn gray, you should take the RA-NDOLJ'H SUPER B TABEETS to aid in building up the health. These tablets are prepared to a special formula ami are sold witli our booklet "Uiet, Hnlr. and Health", which shows how you may eat your way to vigorous health and beauty. Sold exclusively by tho HA.NOOLPH CO. S.VLES UEl'T., 25 Howard St., Toronto. Special introductory package $1.00. Send money with order and wo pay ileli\-ei"y charges. HA IK (;ouu.s WIGS, .TOl'l'ES, TK.VNSI-ORM- ations. Switches. Curls and all types of finest uuality Hair Ooods. Write for illustrated cat- «:.igue. Toronto Human Hair Supply Co.. 5-S Hathurst Street, Toroiilo. ii.\.\uwi(i'ri.\u I.11SCOVKR YOIR HIDDEN T.VL- ents. Cvimplete haiidwrilin.g an- alysis, $1. ITse ink. unruled paper. Send any fifty words to Cnrnlino Sims, I14C Burnaby Blvd., Toronto. I'ETS WAXTEIJ AVANTKD CANARIE.S, PCIM'IES. Persian Kittens, Pigeons, otht-r Pels, ."^ciid descriptions price to Seeds & Birds I'o.. i:;:lO ."^t. Calh- ei'iii,' W . Miinir,.al. Pim KHili Al'IM FINER "SNAPS" COST LESS PKO.MPT .M.-ML SEKVRE Some pictures can never be taken again. Oon't risk losing yours. Send your film rolls to Snapsho' Service for developing and priming. Canada's InrBost flniflhln.ur studio does the finest work at lower cost. Any SiiO Roll â€" or S Exposuics. DKVKLOPED AND PUINTKI) -.Til- "Your PI U'ca for such qtialiiy work are reeily economical," writes a cuslonivr at !"eterboro\igli Ont. "I am pacileiilarl.i fascinated by tho coloured pictures I apprcei.ile your lirompt â- iinl rclialiln service nnil in future will send nil my rolls to you." S MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 25c Size 4x(!" In Deauiif^il Easel Mounts Enlargements 4xii" on ivorv tinted mouiiis 7x11"' ;n Hold. Silver, Circas- sian \V â- limit or Black liibonv finish fmmes, JDc onch. It cnl.-irnemint eolouit.i. 7'.ic onch. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE i!o\ !:"! i',..~, i! r. , mil .1 A. r..|..i.i.- I'rint Voui N'MUie and Address Plainly on All Orders. 1.\!>ECT KJLLEn FIGHT THE W.-VRBLE FLY W.TH McVeety'3 Warble and Louse Killer. A dry powder, needs no water. Satisfaction gtiaranteed. Price per lb. sixty cents post- paid. Apply Norman McVeety. R.sioule. Ont. MAIL YOUR FILMS TO IMPERIAL FOR QU.\LiTV. service and satisfaction. 6 or S exposure films 25c: reprints 8 for 25c. Imperial Photo Service, Sta- tion J. Toronto. .MACHINEHV A.\U .ECTUIC MO'l'OltS ELECTRIC .MOTORS AU:^ SIZES 25 or 60 cycle â€" also sir compres- sors and machinery. E. Hoffman Machinery .Supply. ISl King St. East. Tnronttt. MKUIC.M E.\CE!iS .4C1U1TV FEKL TIRED. I^\ZV, HfN DOWN all tlie time, lack tnerg.v â€" this may be due to excess acidity. Ferniol tablets uuickly help re- lieve this condition. Fermol retru- Jates and makes you feel better. At all druggists or 2 months treatment $1.00 postpaid. Feitnol liistributors. London, Ont. DIXON'S RE.MEDYâ€" FOR NECRIT- is and Rhevmiatio Pains. Thous- ands -satisfied. Munro's Drug .Store. 335 Elgin. Ottawa, I'ost- pald $1.00. >tIlSEHV Si'l'lKK FREE â€" COLOREl.i .SLRSERY CataloBue. Full line of Ptuic Trees; Evergreens; Flower'ng; Shrubs; Perennials; Shade Trees; Roses; Brookdale-Klngsway, Nurseries. Bowmanvillc. Ontario. HIIIOl M Cl'IC l'AI> V HEAP THIS â€" EVERY SCFFEREH of Rhtumatic Pains or .Neuritis should t r y Dixon's Remedy. :Munro s Drug Store. 33i Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $l.l.('. ?>KEU COHV WE -VRE GROWERS .\ND -MAUK- eters of the famous Truck Load Ear Brand seed corn. Order early and save money. Belio River Griiln •'K Seed Compuny, Belle River. Out. «iKi:i)> I'oit ••AM-: THOROCtJHLV KECJJCANED OOV- ernmeiit graded Clever Seeds, Timothy and Cossack Alfalfa. Writ.' for pricis. .1. E. .Muir, i.'ey- loii. Ontario. P(Ul "i.VLli AMERICAN iREA.M SKFARATOK Sales and Service new and re- built machines. .American St.p- ar;iior â- '<nles . ('cdcvioh. Ont. STOA M KEI'.VIH. PARTS STCVE REPAIR PARTS WE CARRY A COMPLETE Ll.NE of stovo parts. Specify name and number and what needed. We also have reconditioned stoves, all make b. Eiui\iiries welcomed. Lakesliore Stove. 43a Quetn West, Ti>rinto. Sl'OVES STOVES $12.95 CLEARANCE NEWL^ RECONI.UTIO.NEU OLAK- amcod coai, wood cottage stoves. 4-lid, oven, $12.S6. Quebec cook stoves. $10.50; cast cook stoves, 6-lid. Jiy.oO; oiiamclleil warming; oven or reservoir, $6.00 extra. Late model rungo, enamelled, good country stove, coal or wood, largo tire box and oven, G largo lids, steel body, cuumel- led warming oven and rr3or\oir, special $311.50. Send money order. LakeslK>ro Stuic, 4:!:' ".^uceii West. Toronto. â- |'UA«.TI>IIS l<"OU SALE McCOU.MlCli. liKEUl.Nt! TH.VCTOR. flfticn thirty, new rings, wrist pins, radiator. Excellent tion, S500; 2 half-horse electric motors, 3 phase 220 volt each $25. in Al shape. Fred Robinson, Col b y vi lie. Out. _ _ TK.MATOES TOMATOES FROM SEED THIS YEAR ENJOY THE INCO.M- parable flavour of America's most perfectly formed tomato. Unexcelled interior solidi'y, vin- usual Slav, perfect synmietry of apiie.irance in the new Muster .^lalâ- globo Tomato ensures its wel- come in Canada. A 1044 seed in- tioduction by W. W. Hick * Sons Limlied, Lindsay, Ontario. Send 15c for .Special pk'.. or 2ic for U o!c. pkg:. to Dcpt, Vj . MI.Mi POEMS WANTEIi TO HE SIC'f Tt) .MLSIC Send poem for immediate con- .sidernlion. Five Slur .Mii.'ic Ma.^t- ers. jt4 Beucun Hldg., Hosion. .Mass, i'Ari;vvonM STOMACH .\.Nl> THHEAI.) WlRt.MS ofien aro the cause of Ill-health 111 Imuiitis all iigca. So one ini- muMo! Why not find out if this IS your trouble'; Inteiesting pur- licul.ivsâ€" Free! Writu Muivenevs U-,'niiMl.,Ts. SpecKilL^is p.r.oi'.j j. ' Mil ritAiMM;i«>' SI i'ri.ii:«* ANI.M.XL S\\|;K.-s: ,Sli.l cable, luck, swivel). F.)x $100: coytis $4. no dozen prepaid. CIreuIni's o.-| Iniliiin trapping methods, snares. Hues. «le. Hill lloffmiin, Russell. Mm.

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